A Giant Ice Crack is Forcing the
Evacuation of the Halley Antarctic Research Station
A Look at
the Polar Mystery
Español |
Ángeles Caídos y Encerrados en la Antártica - El Libro
de Enoc ¿Alienígenas?
Español |
Animales y Plantas Desconocidas
podrían ocultarse en Cuevas Profundas de la Antártida
Antarctica - A Nazi Base?
- An Excerpt from 'Alien Agenda'
Antarctica and Imprisoned Fallen
Angels from the Book of Enoch
Antarctica Holds the Secrets to
Mankind's Past and Future
Antarctica is Colder, Icier today
than at any time in 5,000 Years
Antarctica Mysteries
Antarctica posts 'Coldest Winter'
since Records Began - Warming Shock...
Antarctica reveals Ancient Secrets
as Researchers Explore 120,000-year-old Hidden
Underwater World
Antarctica's Biggest Mysteries
- Secrets of A Frozen World
Antarctica's Mysterious Mountains
Preserved by Ice
Antarctica's Secret History -
Extraterrestrial Colony Created Elite Bloodline Rulers
Antarctica's Sleeping Ice Giant
could Wake Soon
Antarctic Demolition is Underway
Antarctic Ice Sheet is an
'Awakened Giant'
Antarctic Ice Shelf Area has Grown
by 5305 Km2 from 2009-2019 - New Study
Antarctic Ice Shelf Set to
Collapse Due to 'Warming'
Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery
surprises Scientists - Media Silent...
Antarctic Temperatures Disagree
With Climate Model Predictions
Antarctic Water World Uncovered
Español |
Antártica revela Antiguos Secretos
- Investigadores Exploran Mundo Escondido de 120,000
Años de...
Español |
Antártida - La Frontera
Desconocida entre Utopía y Distopía
Español |
Bosque Prehistórico Descubierto en
la Antarctica - Existió Mucho Antes que los Dinosaurios
Vagasen por...
Britain's Secret War in Antarctica
Leaders' go to Antarctica to Surrender to
Extraterrestrials and Earth Alliance
Check Your facts CNN - Human
Emissions aren't Driving 'Doomsday Glacier' Decline
China gives 'Dark Fleet Antarctica
Bases' to Earth Alliance to build Space Fleets
Español |
Científicos descubren accidentalmente Nuevas Especies Animales
en la Antártida
Español |
Científicos descubren un Antiguo Paisaje
en una zona de la Tierra "Menos conocida que la Superficie de
Español |
'Torpedean' los Misterios Ocultos de la Antarctica
- ¿Pirámides y
Bases Nazis para Ovnis?
Español |
Ciudad Arco Iris - Colonia Marciana en la Antártida
Español |
Descubren Extrañas Anomalías que sobresalen del hielo de la
Español |
Descubren un Antiguo Paisaje bajo los Hielos de la Antártida
Español |
Descubren un "Oasis de Vida" bajo Plataforma de Hielo "Ekström"
de la Antártida
Español |
Detectan Bajo el Hielo Antártico Neutrinos de Alta Energía
Procedentes del Espacio
Did the Global Elite Meet in
U.S. Navy Battle UFOs Protecting Nazi Antarctic Sanctuary in
Satellite Photographs now prove Existence of Humans on
Antarctica... 6000 Years Ago?
Eastern Antarctica's Ice Growth - The Story You Haven't Heard
Español |
El Cañón Más Grande del Mundo
Podría estar Oculto bajo la Capa de Hielo de la
Español |
Es la Actividad Volcánica la que está Calentando la Capa de
Hielo de la Antártica
Evidence of 90-million-year-old
Rainforest Uncovered beneath Antarctic Ice
Explorers discover Huge 'Lost'
Cave with 3 floors and giant hall in Antarctica
Español |
- ¿Existe
un Mundo Desconocido tras los Muros de Hielo de la
First Release of Fully Translated
Russian Antarctic Documentary
Frozen Kingdom - The Lost
World Under Antarctica's Ice
Giant Landforms as Tall as the
Eiffel Tower Discovered beneath Antarctica Ice Sheet
World' of Marine Life discovered in Antarctic 'River'
under Ice
Never-Before-Seen Lake Spotted Hiding under Antarctic Ice
Huge Pyramid Like
Structure Discovered in Antarctica?
Antarctica's McMurdo Base on Danger?
- Last News
Is the 4th Reich's Dark Fleet
abandoning Antarctica?
It is Volcanic Activity that is
Heating-Up Antarctica's Ice Sheet - Says NASA
Español |
Kayona - ¿Existen los restos de
una "Avanzada Ciudad" bajo el hielo de la Antártida?
Español |
La Antártida registra la
Temperatura Más Baja jamás observada
Español |
Antártica se Está Derritiendo
Español |
La Antártica - Un Lugar
Inexplorado... y Cuna de Extraños Misterios
Español |
La Antártica y los Ángeles Caídos
Prisioneros del Libro de Enoc
Italiano |
L'Antartide rivela Antichi Segreti
- I Ricercatori Esplorano un Mondo Sottomarino Nascosto
da 120.000 anni
Español |
La Comunidad Científica se
Organiza ante los Rápidos Cambios en las Regiones
Lakes Beneath The Ice Sheet
- The Occurrence, Analysis, and Future Exploration of
Lake Vostok and...
Español |
Las 'Huellas de la Selva Tropical'
en la Antártida apuntan a un Mundo Prehistórico más
Español |
- 'Líderes
de la Cábala' van a la Antarctica para Rendirse a los
Extraterrestres y a la Alianza de la Tierra
Español |
Los Alemanes en La Antártica
Mars, Remote Vision and Antarctica -
Following the Dots |
Massive Sea Ice Growth in Antarctic portends New Ice Age
Measuring Ice Mass from Space... - Satellite Data shows
Antarctica continues Adding It
Español |
Mientras el Hielo se Derrite, los "Secretos Ocultos" de la
Antártida salen a la Luz
Scientists Confirm Volcanoes Rapidly Melting Antarctica
Mysterious Mountains Hidden Beneath Antarctic Ice Revealed
Of Fossils and Structures and Tire Tracks... in Antarctica
Operation High-Jump
- Main File
Papers find Antarctic Ice is More
Stable than Thought
Plastic Pollution in the Antarctic
Worse than Expected
Prehistoric Forest Discovered on
Antarctica - It Existed Long Before Dinosaurs Roamed the
Researchers discover Massive Caves
beneath Antarctica where 'Secret Life' may Thrive
Scientists Discover Undersea Volcano Off Antarctica
Scientists Drilled into
the Antarctic Ice Sheet - Here's what they Found
Secrecy and Mysteries
Challenge the Official History of Antarctica
Español |
- ¿Se
reunió la Élite Global en la Antarctica?
Source of Antarctica's Eerie
'Bleeding Glacier' Found
South Pole Update
Stunning Photos Show Huge
Crack in Antarctic Ice Shelf
Success! - Russian Team Breaches
Buried Antarctic Lake
Taking The Plunge
- Space Robot Headed For Test in Antarctic Lake
Español |
- Teoria de La Tierra Hueca
- Main File
The Antarctic
Survival Myth
The Antarctic Wilkins Ice Shelf
- Media Recycles Photos and Storylines From Previous
The German Grasping at The Antarctic
The Great Antarctic Expedition
- Operation Highjump
- The
Hollow Earth Theory
- Main File
The Hunt for Life below Antarctic
The 'New Berlin' Base
- Nazis In The Antarctic
War Expands - Heavy Action In Antarctic Ocean
UFO War in Antarctica - Fact or
Uncovering the Truth through
'Remote Viewing' - Nazis and Reptilians in Antarctica
Underneath Antarctica's Sea Ice
lies a Lost Geography that features 138 Underwater
Español |
Un Gigantesco Cráter en
la Antártida revela que la Región es más Vulnerable de
lo que se Pensaba
USAF Colonel leaks Coordinates of
'Ancient Antarctic Ruins'
What's Under Antarctica?
- Quake Waves Give First Look
West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Is The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Growing or
What is Happening at The South
Why are World Leaders Visiting
- Steve Quayle
Why World Powers are
Fighting Over this Sliver of Antarctic Ocean
Additional Information |
Absence of 21st century warming on
Antarctic Peninsula consistent with natural variability
A Description of Rainbow City -
From The Hefferlin Manuscript
Admiral Byrd's 1939 Antarctic And the
Mysterious Snow Cruiser
An ancient river landscape
preserved beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
- by Stewart Jamieson, Neil Ross, et.al.
New Map of the Universe - Painted with Cosmic Neutrinos...
A New Volcanic Province - An
inventory of Subglacial Volcanoes in West Antarctica
An Extensive Subglacial Lake and Canyon
System in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica
Antarctica is Growing, Not
Shrinking - NASA Shock Study
Antarctic Ice is Growing, Not
Melting Away
Antarctic Sea Ice hit 35-year Record High
Antarctic Sea Ice hits New Record
High -
2.1 Million Square Miles More than is Usual for Time of
Arctic Ice Coverage is Up
Substantially - So Media Ignores It
Español |
Ártico en el Punto de Mira - ¿Por
qué son tan Atractivas las Regiones Polares?
Aryan UFOs and Antarctic Bases
Borderscape Antarctica - The
uncanny Geographical Imaginaries of Terra Australis
- by
Joanne Yao
Can Natural Variability Explain
Observed Antarctic Sea Ice Trends? - New Modeling
Evidence from CMIP5
in Antarctic ice shelf area from 2009 to 2019
Climate Changed |
Death Chain -
Antarctic HAARP Activation |
Deep Groundwater and Potential
Subsurface Habitats Beneath an Antarctic Dry Valley
Delayed Southern Hemisphere
Climate Change Induced by Stratospheric Ozone Recovery,
as Projected...
Despite the Lies, the Spin, and
the Propaganda, Antarctic Sea Ice is Growing
Does a Giant Crater Lie Beneath
The Antarctic Ice?
- Signs of An Ancient Impact Could Help to Explain a...
Dramatic Cooling and recent Ice
Shelf Advance over Antarctic Peninsula
Español |
El Secreto de Tiamat - Parte
Español |
En el Océano Profundo las
Bacterias pueden utilizar la Energía del Azufre para
fijar CO2
Español |
Estructura y Ubicación de los 'Puntos de Gestión y
Coordinación' de SC por el Mundo - La Antártida
of an Active Volcanic Heat Source beneath the Pine Island Glacier
Evidence for elevated and
spatially variable geothermal flux beneath the West
Antarctic Ice Sheet
Evidence of Plant and Animal Communities at
Exposed and Subglacial (Cave) Geothermal sites in Antarctica
Español |
Extraña y Antigua Roca Espacial Antártica revela un Misterio
de la Vida |
Extreme Antarctic Cold of Late
Winter 2023
Foundations for Globally Managing
Extraterrestrial Affairs
- The Legacy of The Nazi Germany-Extraterr...
Galactic-Bursts Signatures in
- 10Be Spectra Reveal Cosmogenesis of Climate
Google Earth Primordial
Google Earth Reveals Strange Antarctic Entrances
- Evidence of Secret UFO Bases?
Antarctic Ice Sheets May Have Sparked Ice Age
Español |
Hiperbórea y La Búsqueda de La
Iluminación Mística
Hitler's Antarctic Base - The Myth
and the Reality
does Life Happen when there's barely Any Light?
Hyperborea and the Quest for
Mystical Enlightenment
In 20 Years Solar
Activity is Predicted to Fall to 60% Leading to a
Massive Drop in Temperature
Influence of a West Antarctic
mantle plume on Ice Sheet Basal Conditions
Español |
La Tierra
Español |
La Tierra Hueca - Misterios Sin Resolver
- Marielalero
Location and Size of The Polar
Lost World Frozen 14million Years
Ago Found in Antarctica
Gains of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Exceed Losses
Produced by Wind-Albedo Interaction Stored in an East Antarctic Ice
Microplastics in the Antarctic
Marine System - An Emerging Area of Research
Modeling the Impact of Wind
Intensification on Antarctic Sea Ice Volume
Español |
Mundo Perdido
Congelado Hace 14 Millones de Años… Encontrado en La
Mysterious Mountains Hidden
Beneath Antarctic Ice Revealed
Mystery of Polynya in Antarctica -
What's Causing this Strange Phenomenon?
Navy Insiders corroborate Secret
Antarctic Space Fleet and Mission to Oumuamua
Physical Processes in Subglacial
Lake Whillans, West Antarctica - Inferences from
Sediment Cores
Polar Evidence - Images
Polar Sea Ice and the Climate
Catastrophe Narrative
Record Antarctic Sea Ice Chills
Climate-Change Projections
Researchers Predict that a "Mini
Ice Age" is Coming Very Soon
Español |
- ¿Revelará
el Estado Profundo la civilización Antártica enterrada
para 'distraer' de las Detenciones de Masa...
Richness, growth, and persistence
of Life under an Antarctic Ice Shelf
Español |
Rusia Transporta el "Arca de
Gabriel" que estaba Debajo de la Gran Mezquita de La
Meca a la Antártida
Russia Begins Transport of Saudi
Arabia's Mysterious "Ark of Gabriel" to Antarctica
Scientists confirm Slight Global
Warming Greening the Antarctic Peninsula with New Life
Scientists discover Stardust in
Antarctic Snow
Secret Space Programs
Battle over Antarctic Skies During Global Elite Exodus |
Español |
Se Encuentran Pirámides en El Ártico y La Antarctica
Temperate Rainforests near the
South Pole during Peak Cretaceous Warmth
The Antarctica and Piri Reis Map
The Antarctic Shangri-La - from 'Reich of The
Black Sun'
The Cosmic Conspiracy - Secrets of The Universe
The Final Secret of The Holy Lance
- Exploring The Antarctic Reich
The Hammer and the Pendulum
- from Chapter 51 of 'Fingerprints of The Gods'
The Omega File
- by Branton
Unbelievable Events in Antarctica
What Global Warming? - Global
Cooling is Already Here...!
Will Deep State disclose Buried
Antarctic Civilization to 'distract' from Looming Mass
Will the ZR-1 Discover a Polar
Antarctica Maps |
Antarctica -
Detailed Map
Antarctica Map 1
Antarctica Map
Continent of
Egyptian Map of Antarctica
Neu-Schwabenland Map
Oronteus Finaeus Map shows
Antarctica Ice Free!
Icebergs |
Years of Large Antarctic Calving Events - Insights from Extreme
Value Theory
Amazing Pictures of Color Striped
Icebergs in Antarctic
Holocene retreat of the George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula
Español |
Encuentran Sorprendentes Criaturas
Marinas debajo de un Gigantesco Iceberg que se
desprendió en la Antártida
Español |
Icebergs, Gin-tonics y Cambio
Italiano |
Ritrovano Sorprendenti Creature
Marine sotto un Gigantesco Iceberg che si è staccato
Study Debunks Media's Iceberg
Alarmism - Antarctic calving 'Statistically
Huge Iceberg Spotted
Lake Vostok |
A Large Deep Freshwater Lake
Beneath The Ice of Central East Antarctica
Español |
Científicos Rusos Descubren Una
Nueva Bacteria en El Lago Subglacial Vostok
Is an Ancient Space Ark at Lake
Vostok heating up Antarctica?
Lake Vostok - A Curiosity or a
Focus for Interdisciplinary Study?
Microorganisms in The Accreted Ice
of Lake Vostok
Team Finally Drills into Biggest
Antarctic Subglacial Lake
- Russians Celebrate Vostok Victory
The Very Strange Case of The NSA
and Lake Vostok in Antarctica
Vostok's Microbes Elusive in First
Measurements of Surface Water - Antarctica
Vostok - The Lake of Shadows
Multimedia: |
El Lago Vostok - El Último
Misterio de La Humanidad
The Lost World of Lake Vostok
Ozone Layer - Capa
de Ozono |
Antarctic Ozone Hole grows, but
not by much
Español |
El Enigmático e Impredecible
Agujero de Ozono
Español |
Ozono y los CFC
- Crónica de Una Infamia
Emergence of Healing in the
Antarctic Ozone Layer
Español |
Capa de Ozono
Ozone Layer Collapse - A Former
NASA Contract Engineer Warns of Planetary Omnicide
Scientists Observe First
Signs of Healing in the Antarctic Ozone Layer
Español |
Se Cerró el Agujero de la Capa de
Ozono del Ártico - No es gracias al Coronavirus Covid-19
Ozone Layer Recovery Lie and Climate Engineering Denial -
Both are Breaking Down...
South Pole Unusual Investigation Hardware -
IceCube |
New Map of the Universe - Painted with Cosmic Neutrinos...
Italiano |
Antica Astronave Aliena in
Español |
- ¿Antigua
Nave Alienígena en la Antártida?
CBC-NEWS McGill - South Pole
Telescope Connection
Evidence for High-Energy
Extraterrestrial Neutrinos at the IceCube Detector
Evidence for High-Energy
Extraterrestrial Neutrinos at the IceCube Detector
- M.G. Aartsen
et al.
First Planet X-Nibiru Images
Leaked by An Anonymous South Pole Telescope (SPT)
Giant 'IceCube' Could Take Snaps
of Earth's Core
IceCube Neutrino Observatory
- AMANDA Project
Is the 'Great Neutrino Puzzle'
pointing to Multiple Missing Particles?
Multimessenger Observations of a
Flaring Blazar coincident with High-Energy Neutrino
Español |
Nuevo Avance para Resolver el Misterio de los Rayos
Project IceCube in Antarctica
- Strange Cosmic Ray Hotspots Stalk Southern Skies
Español |
Proyecto 'Cubo de Hielo' en
- Extraños Puntos de
Rayos Cósmicos Acechan Los Cielos del Sur
The South Pole Telescope
- A White Paper for the Dark Energy Task Force
South Pole Telescope - Big Science
South Pole Telescope (SPT) -
America's New Planet X Tracker
The Antarctica 'IceCube'
- Wisconsin Research Journal
Books-Treatises |
Base "New Berlin"
- Ein Erlebnisbericht über Eine Alienbasis
Germany's Antarctic Claim
- Secret Nazi Polar Expeditions
- by Christof
Español |
Lo Más Íntimo de la Tierra - La
Historia que No te Contaron
- por Fernando Baena
The True Origin of The Flying
- Greatest Geographical Discovery... by
Adm. Byrd - by R. Bernard
Multimedia |
 Español |
Antarctica Videos
Antarktis Invasion - Secret War in
The Antarctica
A UFO War in Antarctica? - An Untold Story
Español |
Hallan Dos Sorprendentes Formas de
Vida Bajo el Hielo de La Antártica
Hollow Earth Theory 3D
Is Mysterious South Polar Heating
Electrical? - Donald Scott
Last of The Continents
Large Scale Construction In
Nazi UFOs - Secrets of the Third
Reich II - Nazi Base Antarctica -
Russian Documental
New NASA South
Pole Telescope Images of Nibiru Planet X 2012
Nibiru-Planet X Photos Taken
January 2008
- Study Findings
Secrets of The 3rd Reich - Secret Nazi Research in
Alien Technology
Secrets of The Third Reich II -
Nazi Bases in Antarctica
- Russian UFO Documental May 2006
The Massive Asteroid Impact that
separated Australia and Antarctica
The Real Secrets Buried in
- Mini Documentary
The Secret Land -
1947 Byrd Antarctic
Operation Highjump
The Untold UFO War in Antarctica
Third Reich - Operation UFO
- Nazi Base In Antarctica
Related Reports |
Climate Changes
- Main File
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide - Dióxido de
- Main File
Global Cooling
- Main File
Global Militarism
- Main File
Global Warming - An Official
- Main File
The Piri Reis' Map
- Main File
The Saga of Flying Objects
- Main File
The Vril Society
- Main File