by Angelika Sareighn
Spanish version
November 24, 2007
ExopoliticsYahooGroup Website
Many of us have been
awaiting you dearest to shine and ignite
For the paths are in order and the positions are set.
By destiny humankind on Earth sheds its sequestered
mortal coil
To become once again complete & eternal, divinely made &
And divinely unleashed, with full knowingness restored,
Onto our world of form, energy, spirit and ascending
Now has come that passage to completion, to triumph and
victory –
Over those great tides of deception that fill minds
With mock misery and hungers. The great illusionist,
sharp mistress
Maya, has nearly drowned Man in her turbulent waters,
But now must become still or be mercilessly undone.
Universal forms and forces are in splendid,
transformative motion,
As Maya’s cycle completes with the new birth of another.
Beacon of blueness, saturate and emanate as the cosmic
Supporting shunned truth and banishing false witness to
life, love & purpose.
Bestow now upon all new vibrations pure and keen,
While amplifying those celestial songs of our nature
that refine away norms,
As the commencement has come and history beckons new
All will eventually awaken, who stay, to become the new
Of truth, justice and equality. Let once again
brotherhood reign upon Earth
With sovereignty henceforth restored to its peoples.
Unobvious shackles,
Distaining expressions of excellence must tremble and
As new feelings of strength, invite rightly, integrity
Christ consciousness is restored as the summit to
Whereby, all live and prosper by a new set of values
that are spiritual -
Which replace human sorrows with heartfelt knowledge of
Such scale and scope of this passage is not measurable,
nor meaningful,
To elitists who condescend and against people pervert
But fear not and worry never that such as these can
With technologies of corruption so weak and feeble by
To those who lovingly send artifact comets to enliven
mass consciousness,
Restoring freedom and balance as the penetrating
numbness just fades.
All will blossom with health as diverse forms of
communications mature
And humans seek inter-species dialogue that lead to
great harmony.
Cosmic integration is enhanced and ensured by the
passing ‘blue sun’,
Thus assisted are our deepest aspirations that stem from
soul self.
Gentle hand of divine tiding is inviting all home to
As spiritual self-knowledge ushers in joyous planetary
And a new galactic day employs all graduates gainfully
and with honors.
This ‘Soul Poem’ about Comet Holmes is
meant to activate subtle energy connections for people to their
galactic and cosmic nature. Overseeing this process is the Christ
vibration, which is realigning everything on our planet, including
each of us to become more honest and authentic expressions of our
Please take the time to feel and
contemplate the message. It is written in poetic verse form because
more information and energy can be conveyed in this type of layered
style than ordinary prose.
Michael Salla, Director of the
Exopolitics Institute and Founder
of the “Prepare for Contact” Yahoo Forum, has initiated a global
meditation (open to anyone to participate from their own home) on
Sunday, Dec. 2, at 8:00 p.m., to focus group consciousness upon
Comet Holmes and to connect with its energy and information. For
those who decide to participate, I would invite reading, “Tidings of
the Blue Celestial” before commencing meditation.
It will strengthen and energize all
positive connections to Comet Holmes and its transformative
The integration of our multidimensional selves is at hand. Many are
asking what this means in practical terms. First clarity and
understanding of what is taking place, and its scope, is necessary
to best strengthen people and prepare them for the choices ahead.
The Hopi Elders talk of two worlds, two Earths, the old one that is
our current home and the new one that appears at the proper time
(the Comet Holmes connection). The new world is an evolutionary
step, a home for those who are called to it because it represents
the manifestation of a world that embodies peace, love and harmony
(Christ-Self awareness).
But the new world must be chosen within
each of us first. We must shed the old ‘other’ choices bravely and
without wavering in order to transform ourselves. This is how we
first chose the new Earth if this is indeed our goal, and then the
process continues to anchor us deeper and deeper into our choice
until it is realized.
Contradictions are everywhere at this juncture for most people and
across the globe. This discordance comes from within and creates the
world that is experienced.
How many times have you chosen
to be ‘who you are not’?
How many times have you ignored
your heart and spirit for the comfort of the known or
because of other’s expectations of you?
Who do you still blame for
messing up your life or for victimizing you?
How much do you take
responsibility for the fact that you are the creator of your
own experience?
Your soul has a destiny for you,
are you connected to it?
Most people turn from destiny and chose
the lesser, fate, out of fear, apathy, sorrow and a lack of belief
in themselves. The old world is set up seemingly to make people
fail, and has traditionally extinguished those bright and shining
souls who remained connected to a greater truth of all expression.
People following the spiritual paths have known for some time that
self-healing is important and that self-integration is necessary.
But most have not known when the buzzer would go off and the
intensity of everything would increase without measure.
That arrival has come!
For those who have been working steadily for years to take
responsibility for their own lives, delving fearlessly into inner
dark corners and understanding co-creation and the connectedness of
all life, this time is probably only somewhat challenging.
These people only have to complete those
internal rebalancing projects left on the back self. Yet consider
the public masses that have stayed asleep right up until the end and
are only now awakening because of the rising energies that promote
expanded consciousness.
Many people who are gentle spirits who never quite fit into the
brutal world and who retreated into self-exploration to understand
why they felt different to start with are now needed to step forward
and visibly be themselves. Everyone in fact is being called to be
themselves, but their honest and true selves, not just what the
personality has become accustomed to and controls. A good indication
of the true self being pushed aside is those dreams still held in
the heart that has been abandoned.
Now the energies are making it
impossible for us to stay disconnected from those pieces inside that
are meant to come out.
When did you stop believing in yourself enough to abandon a
heartfelt desire or dream?
When did you allow the collective thought
form that life is a struggle to prevail instead of believing, as you
did as a child, that anything is possible?
Even that you can fly,
especially when you believe in yourself in any undertaking. This is
what stands before most people now, nose to nose, to be
acknowledged, understood and chosen instead of cast aside. It is
never too late and the belief that it is does not belong to the soul
self, only the easily intimidated little self.
So the shadow selves, representing all those things we really are
not at all, can no longer be re-chosen in the rising frequencies
without much discomfort and chaos.
Why? Because we are entering into
a new energy plane that is representative of the union between the
conscious and subconscious minds. This new frequency bandwidth
completely supports an integrated self and not a self at odds with
This is the gift – UNIFICATION &
HARMONY. It is the beginning of the end of discord!
And the good news is that because of the galactic and cosmic
energies, this will happen to everyone on the planet that stays (but
at very different rates of speed). What will be easy for a few will
be a difficult and labored birth for many others. People who paid
attention and initiated their integration early will most likely
become the first teachers to help others deal with the path ahead.
Those who refuse this new plane of existence (free will prevails)
and chose to continue on a course that maintains the old known world
of sorrows will find that their actions and thoughts will anchor
them deeper and deeper into the chosen until it is realized.
worlds are indeed fully created in the end.
Suggested Exercise:
If you find your life difficult and you do not
feel that you are creating what your heart really desires, or if you
feel that you have worked hard and made little progress, then it is
time to reset. You probably are very adept at choosing what you do
NOT want and this is the problem – you are literally using your
strength against yourself.
Like a bad habit, you need to break from this routine. Gratitude is
the best tool to end the old pattern and to empower a new way of
Every day spend 30 minutes thinking of those things you are most
grateful for in your life and as you think of them, close your eyes
and ‘feel’ the gratitude you have in your heart. This exercise will
work well IF you work through any obstacles that pull your attention
away from feeling within yourself.
Feelings and emotions are how we
communicate with our souls, and the more you feel this positive
connection, the more you attract and strengthen it.
(Only chose those things you genuinely
are grateful for because you cannot fool your own heart.)
Please understand that just because Comet Holmes is broadcasting
helping and healing frequencies that reconnect humanity back to its
divine nature and Christed expressions, does NOT mean that everyone
becomes Ascended Masters just by being present.
"Consciousness cannot evolve
G.I. Gurdjieff
What it does mean is that Comet Holmes
is setting up a field for our success: the energy signatures of
Christ consciousness are guiding the new world being created and
humanity’s integrative process.
In other words, by frequencies which
are the actual expression of harmony, balance, love and
connectedness. The more a person integrates these energies in
her/his life as a creator of them, the more they anchor in the
fourth dimension and new world. Rich levels of integration of the
conscious and subconscious minds take place in these energies
because everyone is forced to face their shadow side to a large
Full integration of the conscious and subconscious minds, mastery
(non-technological) as a creator over energy and matter and the
spiritual realization and self-identification with divine nature
represent the hallmarks of Christ consciousness realized by an
individual. Only a very few will at first achieve this upon our
world in this cycle, but some will, and they become the new
foundation for all of the new reality. Enlightened leaders will rise
who represent the very best of humankind, and leaders will come to
be chosen by popular consent for their wisdom and compassion as well
as intellectual excellence.
Not everyone will choose the lofty goal of embodying Christ
consciousness. The new world can maintain a Christ vibration (be a
world of literal peace, harmony, balance and love) without all of
its citizens obtaining Christhood themselves. Yet all upon the new
world will have chosen these qualities as sovereign in their lives
and would therefore reflect these qualities themselves to different
degrees of refinement.
This process does not happen overnight, it is gradual and will take
Yet relatively speaking, a revolution in evolution is
happening seemingly overnight.
This section is written especially for those people who are
starseeds or wanderers.
These will inevitably be people who have
never felt the Earth to be their real home, and who often have
highly developed intuitive gifts, a strong aversion to violence, a
love of nature and animals, and visions, dreams or remembrances of
worlds of great achievement, harmony and beauty.
Sometime wonderful is happening now with great acceleration for
those who are ready to embrace it – the full integration of our
earthly, galactic and cosmic selves. This is perfection in the
making. For those who know that the Earth is not their home and have
felt the pangs of separation, the wound is easily healed now. It is
not yet time to go elsewhere, but integration of the
multidimensional self does mean that the awful sense of separation
that brings painful and sometimes numbing longing can be washed
right away.
And once the false separation is cleansed, the sense of being in
many places at once can be refreshingly grounding for a star-seed or
The yearning is to know (not merely intellectually) and
feel that what was once yours is always yours and within the power
of your consciousness to hold. Time - and the length a lifetime - no
longer press in on the heart as too long. Your mission here can
blossom to become lighter and more of an incredible gift and
adventure; where being yourself becomes your greatest skill and
Multidimensional Integration Exercise:
One way to do this is to
meditate on Comet Holmes. The energy that is being emitted is made
to order for this precise process of reconnection for all starseeds
or wanderers (in fact for anyone, but this group will put these
energies to work first).
Visualize being in the center of the blue
energy of the comet and feel its frequencies interact with you. Take
your time with this step to experience other densities that feel
familiar and gladden your heart. Then ask your higher self to
realign your galactic and cosmic awareness to optimize your
multidimensional expression on Earth.

Comet Holmes on 5
December 2007
Ask to be shown your galactic
nature and to experience it in body.
Ask to be shown your cosmic
abilities and to experience these in everyday life.
I recommend that people trust what feels right and leave behind the
rest. And the more you trust yourself, the better you get at being
trustworthy. Thank you for taking the time to read this information.
– Angelika Sareighn Whitecliff