About Michael E.
Exopolitics - What is it? |
Research Studies |
Research Study #1 |
The Need for Exopolitics: Implications of
Extraterrestrial Conspiracy Theories for Policy Makers and
Global... |
Research Study #2 |
An Exopolitical Perspective on the Preemptive
War against Iraq |
Research Study #2
- Version en
Español |
Una Perspectiva Exopolitica en La Guerra
Preventiva Contra Irak |
Research Study #3 |
America's Triumph & Europe's Angst
The Secret Race to Control Iraq's Extraterrestrial Heritage |
Research Study #3
- Version en
Español |
La Carrera Secreta Para Controlar La
Herencia Extraterrestre De Irak |
Research Study #4 |
Responding to Extraterrestrial Infiltration - Embedded in Military,
Intelligence and Government Departments |
Research Study #5 |
Political Management of The Extraterrestrial
Presence -
The Challenge to Democracy and Liberty in America |
Research Study #6 |
Foundations for Globally Managing Extraterrestrials Affairs
The Legacy of The Nazi
Germany-Extrater... |
Research Study #7 |
The Failure of Power
Politics as a Strategic Response to the Extraterrestrial Presence Developing... |
Research Study #8 |
Eisenhower's 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials
Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact?
Research Study #9 |
Spin and Extraterrestrial Disclosure - Shaping Public Opinion for
"First Contact" With Extraterr... |
Research Study #10 |
Using Space Weapons Against
Extraterrestrial Civilizations |
Research Study #11 |
- “Divine
Strake” vs. ‘Divine Strike'
- Did
Extraterrestrials Deter the Pentagon from a Preemptive Nuclear
War... |
Research Study #12 |
False Flag Operations, 9-11 and The Exopolitical Perspective |
Research Study #13 |
Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Exposes Secret
Bilderberg Gold Treaty and Funding of Extraterrestrial Projects |
Research Study #14 |
China U.S. Trade Imbalance - Bad Policy or
Payback for CIA Use of Stolen WWII Gold? |
Exopolitical Reports |
Exopolitics Report
#1 |
Dulce Report
Exopolitics Report
#2 |
A Report
on The Motivations and Activities of Extraterrestrial Races
- A Typology of the most Significant...
Exopol. Report
- Version en
Español |
Un Informe Sobre los Motivos y Actividades
de Razas Extraterrestres
- Una Tipología de Las Más...
Exopolitics Report
#3 |
The Black Budget Report
- An Investigation Into the CIA's 'Black Budget' and The Second
Manhattan Project
Exopolitical Comments |
Comment #1 |
Columbia a High Profile Victim of Proxy
Clandestine Government War?
Comment #2 |
St George and Saddam's Secret Treasure
Comment #3 |
fake Comet flyby?
Comment #4 |
The 'Eye of Horus' -
A Celestial Warning Against War in Iraq?
Comment #5 |
Secret Race to Control Iraq's Extraterrestrial Heritage
Comment #6 |
Preserving Human Sovereignty
and Independence In Responding to Extraterrestrial Intervention
Comment #7 |
A Message to Humanity
A Genuine
Communication from an Extraterrestrial Race?
Comment #8 |
Extraterrestrial Intervention
- Collapse of the ‘Berlin Wall'
or ‘Conquest of the Americas'?
Comment #9 |
The Race for First
Comment #10 |
Was the
United States
'Code Orange' Alert & HAARP Activation Caused by a
Possible First Contact Event?
Comment #12 |
Dr. Dan Burisch
Project Lotus and Disclosure of the Extraterrestrial
Comment #15 |
Significance of Iranian Flying Saucer Reports for The US
Military Occupation in Iraq
Comment #17 |
What Did
President Eisenhower Secretly Know
that led to him supporting a
Revision of the Pledge....
Comment #18 |
Hawking, Black Holes and Alex Collier
Comment #19 |
The U.S.
Presidential Election and Extraterrestrial Disclosure
Comment #20 |
Neo-Conservative Shake Up of the CIA
and Implications
for Extraterrestrial Disclosure |
Comment #22 |
Hall, The Tall Whites and Richard Boylan |
Comment #23 |
with Charles Hall - Motivations of
the Tall White Extraterrestrials and their Exopolitical
Signific... |
Comment #24 |
Exopolitics and the Methodological Bias of Ufology
Comment #25 |
- ‘Tall
White' Extraterrestrials,
Technology Transfer and Resource
Extraction from Earth |
Comment #26 |
Alternative 3 and 'Global Consciousness':
Identifying a New Strategic
Factor for Responding to Extrate... |
Comment #27 |
Teleportation Physics Study
- An
Analysis of its Exopolitical Implications |
Comment #28 |
Science and Faith Based Approaches to UFO
Comment #29 |
Project Beta - The Story of Paul Bennewitz,
Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth |
Comment #30 |
Asking the Right Questions in UFO
Research and Exopolitics
Comment #31 |
Bob Lazar, Element 115, Massive Stars and
Heavy Metals
Comment #32 |
Whistleblowers, National Security
Unauthorized Disclosure of ETV/EBE Classified Projects |
Comment #33 |
Exopolitical Implications of French/Dutch
rejection of the European
Union Constitution |
Comment #34 |
Covert Use of Exotic Weapons, Intelligence
Leaks and Eschatology |
Comment #35 |
An Interview With Clifford Stone - The EBE
Guidebook |
Comment #36 |
Further Investigations of Charles Hall and
Tall Whites at Nellis Air Force Base |
Comment #37 |
The Dan Burisch Affidavit and
Extraterrestrial Disclosure |
Comment #38 |
Former Canadian Defense Minister
Speaks Out on Extraterrestrial Visitors & Government Secrecy |
Comment #39 |
Philip Corso and Paul Hellyer:
Initiating Public Debate Over the Weaponization of Space &
Targeting... |
Comment #41 |
Richard Doty and Project Serpo - "Public
Acclimation" or "Deception Program"? |
Comment #42 |
Exopolitical Implications of a
Preemptive Nuclear War in Iran |
Comment #43 |
Public Statement Concerning Eric Julien's
Prediction of
Comet 73P Schwassman-Wachman... |
Comment #45 |
The "Day of Destiny" & the Indefinite
Delay of 'Divine Strake' |
Comment #46 |
Israel's Preemptive Nuclear Strike Against
Iran - An Exopolitical Perspective |
Comment #47 |
Exopolitics and the Human Genome Project |
Comment #48 |
Scientist Proposes Telepathic
Communications in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence |
Comment #50 |
Extraterrestrial False Flag Operation to
Begin in August, 2007? |
Comment #51 |
Did the USA/USSR Fly a Secret Joint
Mission to the Moon in 1976 to Investigate Crashed
Extraterrestrial... |
Comment #52 |
60th Anniversary of the Roswell Crash
- Exopolitical Significance of the Walter Haut Affidavit |
Comment #53 |
Developing a Typology of Extraterrestrial
Activities and Motivations
- The Physics of Extraterrestrial... |
Comment #54 |
The Illuminati versus Chinese Secret
Societies -
Exopolitical Implications of a Covert Global Depopulation... |
Com. #54
- Version en
Español |
Los Illuminati Contra Las Sociedades
Secretas Chinas - Implicaciones Exopolíticas de
Una Política de... |
Comment #55 |
Will The Cassini Space Probe Be Used As A
Nuclear Trigger To Ignite Saturn
And Terraform Its Moons for... |
Comment #56 |
Extraterrestrials, Stargate Technology and
Dan Burisch -
Public Disclosure or Disinformation? |
Com. #56
- Version en
Español |
Extraterrestres, Tecnología de Portales
Estelares y Dan Burisch
- ¿Revelación Publica o Desinformación? |
Comment #57 |
Will the U.S. Attack Iran Before September
- Are CIA Front Companies Investing $4.5 Billion to Profit... |
Comment #58 |
Was a Covert Attempt to Bomb Iran with
Nuclear Weapons foiled by a Military Leak?
- An Exopolitical... |
Comment #59 |
Photographic Analysis Confirms that Space
Shuttle Columbia was Destroyed by a Plasma Beam Weapon |
Comment #61 |
Is David Rockefeller About to Approve the
Release of Suppressed Technologies for Interstellar Space Travel? |
Comment #62 |
Exopolitics - Discipline of Choice for
Public Policy Issues Concerning Extraterrestrial Life |
Comment #63 |
Asteroid Rendezvous With Mars - The Second
Sun and Red Kachina |
Com. #63 - Version en
Español |
Encuentro de Un Asteroide con Marte
- El Segundo Sol y La Kachina Roja |
Comment #64 |
Is Partial Official Disclosure of UFOs as
Classified Antigravity Vehicles Inevitable?
- Growing Media Interest... |
Comment #65 |
Source at U.N. Tells of Secret UFO Meeting
February 12, 2008 |
Comment #66 |
Confirmation & Update on Secret United
Nations Meeting Discussing UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life |
Comment #67 |
French Expert Publicly Emerges to Confirm
Secret United Nations Meeting on UFO's |
Comment #68 |
Secret UN Meetings Discussing UFOs Chaired
by President of The General Assembly |
Comment #69 |
Clarifications on Sources Revealing UN
Secret Meetings on UFO's & Extraterrestrial Life |
Comment #70 |
Anonymous Source Revealing Secret United
Nations Meeting on ETs/UFOs Becomes More Credible |
Comment #71 |
The Return of The "Sky People", Secret
Military Agreements & Using Positive Intention for
Extraterrestrial... |
Comment #72 |
Declaration for Citizen Contact Councils
- A Response to Richard Boylan |
Comment #73 |
Further Secret UN Meetings on
UFOs/Extraterrestrial Life are Occurring According to Credible
Military... |
Comment #74 |
FAA Release of Radar Data Signals a New
'Openness Policy' on UFOs |
Comment #75 |
Was the Secret Service Overruled in the
Release of FAA Radar Data on the Stephenville UFO? |
Comment #76 |
Retired NASA Space Craft Operator Witnessed Extraterrestrial in
Space Shuttle Mission |
Comment #77 |
Artistic Recreation of Extraterrestrial
Visiting Space Shuttle Released by Former Space Craft Operator |
Comment #78 |
UFOs, Sovereignty and Politics |
Comment #79 |
Zero Sunspots - Global Consciousness,
Solar Activity and 2012 |
Comment #80 |
Secret United Nations Meetings on Extraterrestrial Life
- Threats Used to Prevent Diplomatic Leaks |
Comment #81 |
India's First Moon Mission and The
Re-Discovery of Extraterrestrial Artifacts
- A Dialogue with R.C. Hoagland |
Comment #82 |
An Exopolitics Christmas Message
- President-Elect Obama and Change We Can Believe In! |
Comment #83 |
Misperceptions and Fables About
Exopolitics |
Comment #87 |
United Nations to Appoint Official
For First Contact With Extraterrestrial Life
Comment #88 |
Mystery Behind Initial Report of
UN Liaison for Extraterrestrial First Contact
Comment #89 |
Retired NORAD Officer Accurately
Predicts UFO Appearances Over Major Cities
Comment #90 |
Is FAA Covering-Up Flight Delays
Due to New York UFO Sighting?
Comment #91 |
UFOs Predicted Over Moscow and
London in January 2011
Comment #92 |
Assange Arrest Impacts on
Impending Release of Classified UFO Cables
Comment #93 |
Scientists Endorse Study of
Societal Consequences of Extraterrestrial Life
Exopolitical Comment #94 |
World Business Leaders to Discuss
UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life
Exopolitical Comment #95 |
Do Moscow UFOs Fulfill NORAD
Officer Predictions?
Exopolitical Comment #97 |
World Business Leaders Told Flying
Saucers Are Real and Extraterrestrials Exist
Exopolitical Comment #99 |
Assange Reveals Significance of
Wikileaks UFO Cables
Exopolitical Comment #100 |
Is Historic Meeting of 260 U.S.
Ambassadors Related to UFOs and ET Life?
Exopolitical Comment #101 |
Is The Jerusalem UFO Video Proof
That Extraterrestrials Are Visiting Earth?
Exopolitical Comment #102 |
Will Osama's Death Lead to New Contrived Global Threat
Like... Extraterrestrial Life?
Exopolitical Comment #103 |
Will Comet Elenin Cause Major
Earthquakes As It Approaches Earth?
Exopolitical Comment #104 |
The Event' and Comet Elenin
Exopolitical Comment #105 |
Is Comet Elenin an Incoming
Spacecraft Heralding a New Age?
Exopolitical Comment #106 |
Hiding The Truth About Human
Looking Extraterrestrials
- UFOlogy's Grand Deception
Exopolitical Comment #107 |
Scientific Study Adopts
Unrealistic Stance on Extraterrestrial Contact
Exopolitical Comment #108 |
Alex Jones on Arab Spring &
Globalism - An Exopolitics
Exopolitical Comment #109 |
Did Comet Elenin Disintegrate or
Reveal an Artificial Energy Shield?
Exopol. Com. #109 - Version en
Español |
- ¿Se
Desintegró El Cometa Elenin o Reveló Un Escudo
Artificial De Energía?
Exopolitical Comment #110 |
Hidden Hand Dialogue Reveals
Extraterrestrial Factor in Illuminati Control of Earth
Exopol. Com.#110 - Version en
Español |
Diálogo con Mano Oculta Revela
Factor Extraterrestre en El Control Illuminati de La
Exopolitical Comment #111 |
Kepler Confirms First Exoplanet in Habitable Region - The Exopolitical Impact
Exopolitical Comment #112 |
Was A Cloaked UFO Mothership Just
Revealed Near Mercury?
Exopolitical Comment #114 |
Basiago - Life on Mars Whistleblower or Crackpot?
Exopol. Com. #114 - Version en
Español |
Basiago - ¿Alertador de Vida en Marte o Chiflado?
Exopolitical Comment #116 |
Our Reptilian Overlords
- A Day With David Icke
Exopol. Com. #116 - Version en
Español |
Nuestros Soberanos Reptiloides
- Un Día con David Icke
Exopolitical Comment #117 |
Pentagon Plans for Alien Invasion
Exist According to Military Professor
Exopolitical Comment #118 |
1976 Life on Mars Controversy Resurrected in New
Scientific Report
Exopolitical Comment #119 |
Battleship - Is An
Extraterrestrial Invasion Possible?
Exopolitical Comment #120 |
The Dark Side of Corporations in
Space -
SpaceX Docks With ISS
Exopolitical Comment #121 |
in Black III - Hiding the Truth in Plain Sight
Exopolitical Comment #122 |
Bilderberg Group Mystery -
International Banking and Otherworldly Interests
Exopolitical Comment #123 |
- Are Humanity's Creators Set to Return and Destroy Us?
Exopolitical Comment #124 |
Global Elite Belief in
Extraterrestrial Creator Gods - Alex Jones Has A
Exopolitical Comment #125 |
Is A False Flag UFO Alien Invasion
Planned for London Olympics?
Exopolitics Journal
Papers |
Exopolitics Journal
(Oct 1, 2005) |
- The History of Exopolitics - Evolving
Political Approaches to UFOs & the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis
Exopolitics Journal
(1:1 - October 2005) |
- Twenty Two Years of Covert Service in
Elite UFO Crash Retrieval Teams
- Exclusive Interview with Serg... |
Exopolitics Journal
(1:2 - January 2006) |
- Colonel Philip Corso and His Critics
Crossing the
Rubicon between Objective Criticism and Debunking |
Exopolitics Journal
(1:3 - April 2006) |
- Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean, Nato's
Secret UFO Assessment and Setting the Record Straight |
Exopolitics Journal
(1:4 - October 2006) |
- Extraterrestrials Among Us |
Exopolitics Journal
(2:1 - April 2007) |
- How the U.S. Government Suppressed the
World's First Civilian Spacecraft Industry |
Exopolitics Journal
(2:2 - July 2007) |
- The Covert World of UFO Crash Retrievals
- An Overview of Personnel Management in Majestic-12 Group...
Exopolitics Journal
(2:3 - January 2008) |
- Galactic
Exposing the Covert Counter-Intelligence Program against
Exopolitics Journal
(2:4 - July 2008) |
- Exopolitics
- Discipline of Choice for Public Policy Issues Concerning
Extraterrestrial Life
Exopolitics Journal
(3:1 - January 2009) |
- Are
‘Celestials' Assisting Humanity in Relations With
Extraterrestrial Life?
Exopolitics Journal
(3:1 - January 2009)
- Español |
Los Celestiales Ayudando a La Humanidad en Relación con La Vida
Exopolitics Journal
(3:2/3:3 - July 2009/July2010) |
- President
Kennedy's Deadly Confrontation With The CIA & MJ-12 over ET/UFO
Exopolitics Journal
(4:1 - March 2012) |
How Celestials Are Helping
Humanity Prepare for Extraterrestrial Contact and World
Peace - An Exopolitic...
Exopolitics Journal
(4:23 - December 2013) |
The Role of Citizen Diplomacy with Extraterrestrial
Civilizations - Track
Two Galactic Diplomacy
Exopolitic Alerts |
Exopolitics Alert #
1 |
Will a Missing Nuke be used in a Simulated
Terrorist Attack?
- Dick Cheney & Vigilant Shield
Other Salla's
Sections - Reports |
40 Years as a Diplomat in a United
Nations 'Secret Space Program'
55th Anniversary of Eisenhower Nuclear
Diplomacy With ET?
Español |
- ¿Acaba
la Federación Galáctica de lanzar su 'Directiva Principal'?
A Conversation with Thor Han Eredyon - Elena Danaan and Michael
Conversation with Thor Han Eredyon - Part One - On Colonization
of Pleiades and Earth Liberation
A Conversation with Thor Han Eredyon -
Part Two - On Earth Alliance taking Control of our Solar System
Español |
Alertador Afirma que Sirvió 17 Años en Base Militar Secreta de
Alex Collier - Andromeda Contactee
- Video Interview
Alex Collier on the Andromeda
Council and Human Liberation
A Message from the Galactic
Federation of Worlds on the Israel-Iran Conflict
Ancient Hawaiian Healing and UFO
Alien Abductions
- 'Ancient
Nuclear Wars' on Mars and Earth's 'Star Trek Future'
Ancient Space Arks activate with
Arrival of Intergalactic Confederation Fleet
A New Dawn - A Conversation with Dr.
Michael Salla
Another Project Serpo Story in American
Antarctica and Imprisoned Fallen
Angels from the Book of Enoch
Antarctica's Secret History -
Extraterrestrial Colony Created Elite Bloodline Rulers
Español |
Antiguas Arcas Espaciales se
activan con la llegada de la Flota de la Confederación
Español |
- ¿Anunciará
pronto La NASA el Descubrimiento de Fósiles Marcianos
por El Explorador Curiosity? |
An Unfolding Saga of Villains, Scape
- The B-52 Incident
Apollo 11 Photo Reveals Base on Far Side of
Missions Ended because Extraterrestrials Prevented U.S. Navy
Bases on Moon
Area 51 is Now Official - Where are The Alien
Aliens Guarding President Obama? |
Are Nuclear Arms Reductions Linked
to Russia's Pyramid UFO?
Are suppressed Healing Technologies being Mass Produced on the Moon
for Public Release?
Balancing Advanced Technologies of ETs
With Universal Wisdom of Celestials
Biblical Prophecy and the
Antichrist - The New World Order and King Charles
- Briefing Obama on UFOs and
Extraterrestrial Life
Briefing Richard Hoagland on U.N. UFO
British Ministry of Defense Closes
UFO Desk
- Impact on Extraterrestrial Disclosure
Buried Ukraine Space Ark in
Kherson activates so Russia takes Over
Leaders' go to Antarctica to Surrender to
Extraterrestrials and Earth Alliance
Cheney Assassination Unit Claim
Boosts Truth Commission Prospects
Cheney Taken Inside S-4 to View Flying
Saucers & EBE Bodies
China gives 'Dark Fleet Antarctica
Bases' to Earth Alliance to build Space Fleets
China Lands Rover on The Moon
- Will it Find Precious Metals or Aliens?
China's Payoff For Hiding Free
Energy Technology Is Real Cause for U.S. Unemployment
Hearing on UFO Disclosure - Will The U.S. Congress Act?
Español |
Civilización Védica, Vida Extraterrestre y
Clifford Stone, 57 ET Civilizations and ETs Walking Among Us
Contact with Council of Nine and
24 ET Seeder Races
Controversy over Israeli Scientist
claims of U.S. Alien Agreement and Galactic Federation
Cost of
Electric Grid Failure From 2012 Solar Storms Avoidable
Español |
Crece Evidencia que Erupción
Volcánica en Hawai fue Causada por Empresa Geotérmica
Crop Circle Reveals Comet ISON Was
a Spacecraft and July 2014 is an ET Event
Crop Circles and Solar Storms
Lands on Mars - A Step Forward or Backward in Finding Life? |
Cyber-Spies or Solar Storms - The Real Threat to US
Electrical Grid
Dan Sherman and Project Preserve Destiny
Dark Fleet, Earth, Moon and Mars
Briefings - SSP Alliance Updates Resume
Demonization of Extraterrestrials
Detecting Extraterrestrial Cities
on Exoplanets Becomes Possible
Did Apollo 17 Find a Stargate on The Moon?
Armstrong and Aldrin Receive Death Threats to Keep Moon Secrets? |
Did a UFO Dock with International
Space Station for Alien Astronaut Meeting?
Did Bezos, Branson and Musk
secretly Travel to Jupiter for Negotiations with the
Galactic Federation?
Did Extraterrestrials from Venus
Make Contact in 1952?
Did International Space Station
film UFO Armada Coming to Earth?
Did President Kennedy Meet
Did the Galactic Federation just
Release its 'Prime Directive'?
Did the
USSR destroy a Secret U.S. Moon Base in 1977?
U.S. Navy Battle UFOs Protecting Nazi Antarctic Sanctuary in
- "Disclosure
Informers" -
Disclosures of New Majestic Document
Does Curiosity Rover Photo Reveal
Buildings on Mars?
Does Exopolitics Make The Scientific Study
of UFOs a Dead End?
Does new Webb photo of Jupiter
show a Mothership over a Thousand Miles Long?
Does Webb Space Telescope image of
Jupiter show rock debris where 'Giant ET Motherships'
are parked?
Do we Need 'Space Force' to protect us
from Space Pirates?
Dr. Dan Burisch and Dr. Michael E. Salla
Dr. Michael Salla Comments on 'Mt. Adams
Statement - 2012 & A Golden Age'
Dulce Underground UFO Base
Conference Ends
Earth Alliance Meetings on
Ganymede with Intergalactic Confederation - Update
Earth Alliance Mission to Ganymede
to greet ET visitors and Inaugurate a Star Trek Future
Español |
Eisenhower Amenazó con Invadir el Área 51
- Audiencia de Ex-Congresistas de Estados Unidos
Eisenhower Threatened to Invade Area 51 - Former
U.S. Congress Members Hear
Español |
El Campo Magnético y El Colapso de
La Red Electrica - La Nueva Energía es
Electrical Power Grid to Be Blasted by 2012 Solar Storms
Español |
El Nuevo Sol y La Kachina Roja
Elon Musk just made Secret Space
Program Disclosure Inevitable
Español |
El Phoenix Ruso,
Esperanza o Ilusión - Una Perspectiva Exopolítica
Español |
El Vaticano está Preparando
Declaración sobre la Vida Extraterrestre
of Mayan Calendar, UFO Fleets and The CIA
Español |
- ¿Estallará
una Guerra Religiosa La Declaración del Vaticano de Un
Salvador Alienígena?
Español |
- ¿Está
Siendo Saboteada la Confirmación de Kavanaugh para
retrasar los Juicios Militares del Estado Profundo?
ET Disclosure being Planned Now at
an Underground Blue Ridge Mountains Complex
Evidence Grows that Hawaii
Volcanic Eruption Caused by Puna Geothermal Venture
Evidence of Ancient
Extraterrestrial Invasions found in Holy Bible and
Historical Texts
Excerpts from "Exopolitics" - A Book by Dr Michael Salla
Exposure of US Navy Source on UFO
U.N. Discussions Omits Retired Navy Scientist Testimony
Español |
- ¿Extraterrestres
de Venus hicieron Contacto en 1952?
Extraterrestrial Contact and the
Galactic Federation - Interview with Elena Danaan
Extraterrestrial Contact as A Prelude to Universal
Extraterrestrial Fossils Found in
Meteorite According to Scientific Team
Among Us According to MIB Documentary - Russian
Prime Minister Not Joking
Extraterrestrial Technology and Edgar
Rothschild Fouche
Flag Event in Syria - The Third Force and Exopolitics
Español |
del Calendario Maya, Flotillas de OVNIs y la CIA
Former Extraterrestrial Exposure Law
Proves Extraterrestrials Live Among Us
Español |
Foto del Astromóvil 'Curiosity' Revela
Edificios en Marte |
French Contactee confirms
Intergalactic Confederation is 'Seeding Human Worlds'
Galactic Diplomacy
- Main File
Galactic Federation attacks on
Corporate Satellites and Mars Exodus - Update
Galactic Federation is Helping
Humanity build a 'Starfleet for Planetary Defense'
Galactic Freedom Day to Expose Secret
Agreements with Extraterrestrial Groups
Galactic History According to Alex
Collier and The Andromedans
Galileo Project's search for ET Techno
Signatures and Advanced Aliens
Español |
Ganancias de China Por Esconder Tecnología
de Energía Libre Es Verdadera Causa del Desempleo en...
Global Elite taken to Guantanamo
GITMO by U.S. Special Forces - Full Disclosure
Global Revolution and SSP/ET
Disclosure - What's Coming in 2023...
Google Earth Reveals Strange Antarctic Entrances
- Evidence of Secret UFO Bases?
Government Tried to Ruin the Best Young
Science Minds
Gravity Waves Detection Supports
Whistleblower Claims of Secret Development of
Antigravity Spacecraft
Has 'Extraterrestrial
Manipulation' ended making Possible 1000 Years of Human
Has U.S. Space Command received
Advanced Tech from Galactic Federation?
Have 'Tall Gray Alien Leaders'
just been Captured by the Galactic Federation?
Español |
- ¿Hay
Alienígenas Cuidando al Presidente Obama?
Hiding The Truth in Plain Sight - Hollywood's Coverage of
Extraterrestrial Visitation
Español |
Historia Galáctica según Alex Collier y
Los Andromedanos
Interview Reveals Government Secrets Learned from
History of RAND
Corporation and Secret Space Programs
How Celestials Assist Humanity With
Extraterrestrial Life
Huge Cylindrical UFO Captured by Mars Curiosity Rover
Human Cloning about to be
Unleashed upon the World
Hysteria Drives 'UFO Gatekeepers'
Debunking Exopolitics Pioneers
Ike and Extraterrestrials - President
Eisenhower at Holloman AFB?
Italiano |
Incontri Segreti vicino a Giove
decidono il Futuro del nostro Sistema Solare?
Insiders Reveal Secrets of Underground
Military and Corporate Bases with Futuristic Technologies
Interview on Kevin Smith Show Regarding
United Nations UFO Meeting
Interview with The Leading
Exponent of Exopolitics, Dr. Michael Salla
In the Midst of Global Pain our
'Star Trek Future' is being Birthed
Irish New Energy Device Offers
Solution for UN Climate Talks
Is 2010 the Year of Discovery For
Extraterrestrial Life?
Is Alien UFO False Flag Event on
The Way?
Is an Ancient Space Ark at Lake
Vostok heating up Antarctica?
Is Comet ISON Accompanied by UFOs?
Is Kavanaugh Confirmation being
Sabotaged to delay Military Trials of Deep State?
Is Mars in the midst of a
'Planetary Liberation War'
Israel seeks Preemptive Nuclear Strike
Against Iran -
An Exopolitical Perspective on Peace in the...
Is Russia Preparing For
Extraterrestrial Disclosure?
That a Crashed UFO on Mars?
Is That
a Lizard on Mars - Why is NASA Silent? |
Is the 4th Reich's Dark Fleet
abandoning Antarctica?
Is the U.S. Congress Investigating
Alien Bases on The Moon?
- 'Joint
U.S. China Mission' to Giant ET Space Ark under Atlantic
- 'Jupiter
Meetings' with the Galactic Federation of Worlds -
Kennedy's Last Stand - Roots of JFK
Assassination Lie in What He Saw in 1945
Kettler Defends Alien UFO War Claims
- Truth Teller or Disinformation Asset?
Español |
La Alianza de La Tierra -
Divulgación Total y la Inminente Revolución Mundial
Español |
La Antártica y los Ángeles Caídos
Prisioneros del Libro de Enoc
Español |
La Élite Global está siendo
llevada al Centro de Detención de Guantánamo por Fuerzas
Especiales USA
Español |
La Guerra Temporal de "El Estado
Profundo" de QAnon y sus Implicaciones Galácticas
Exopolitics and ETs in India
Messages by Michael Salla
Latest on UFO United Nations Meetings
- Open Letter to Michael Salla
Leaked Document Recommends False Flag Alien Invasion to save
Clinton Campaign
Español |
- 'Líderes
de la Cábala' van a la Antarctica para Rendirse a los
Extraterrestres y a la Alianza de la Tierra
Magnetic Field and Electric Grid
- The New Energy Imperative
Mars, Remote Vision and Antarctica -
Following the Dots |
Español |
Michael Salla comenta sobre Declaración del
Monte Adams - 2012 y una Edad de Oro
Español |
Misión de la 'Alianza de la
Tierra' a Ganímedes para Saludar a Visitantes ET e
Inaugurar un Futuro Star Trek
Mission to Ganymede - Interview with U.S. Army
Mission to Mars - Disinformation to Hide Secret Mining of Red Planet
More Evidence of Life on Mars?
Scientists Confirm Volcanoes Rapidly Melting Antarctica
Mysterious Light Appears Over
Norway Before Obama Peace Prize Speech
NASA and Library of Congress
Prepare for Discovery of ET and Alien 'Baptism'
Caught Deleting UFO Photos from Its Website
NASA Confirms 768 New Exoplanets Making Extraterrestrial
Life More Likely
NASA Image Reveals Secret Base on Mars |
NASA Scientist Claims Conclusive
Proof of Extraterrestrial Life
Navy Insiders corroborate Secret
Antarctic Space Fleet and Mission to Oumuamua
Navy Officer Faces Arrest if He
Doesn't Disavow Secret United Nations Talks on UFOs
vs. Ciakahrr - Is a Galactic War Brewing? |
Scientific Study Claims Extraterrestrial Fossil Found in
Sri Lanka Meteor
New Study Claims ET Life Can Exist
Inside Planets with Inhospitable Surfaces
Norway Light Spiral - Missile
Failure Caused by UFO/ET Intervention?
Obama Administration to Clash With
Corporations Over UFO Files
Obama and The Hero's Journey
Obama Release of
UFO Files Will Prepare Humanity For 2012 Solar Waves
Obama's Black Budget And Federal
Deficit Problems
Obama's Choice of CIA Director Signals
Renewed Effort to Disclose CIA X-Files
Español |
Ocultando La Verdad a Plena Vista
- Encubrimiento de Hollywood de Visita Extraterrestre
Official Disclosure of
Extraterrestrial Life is Imminent
Español |
Orden Ejecutiva de Trump tiene como
Objetivo al 'Estado Profundo' y Abre la Puerta a completa
Paper on 'Nuclear Fusion Reactor
for Hybrid Spacecraft' published in Prestigious Journal
Italiano |
Personale Privilegiato Rivela i
Segreti delle Basi Militari e Private Sotterranee con
Tecnologie Futuristiche
Pope Francis to Announce
Extraterrestrial "Savior" According to New Book
Pravda Hides Link Between Kremlin
UFO Pyramid and Norway Light Spiral
Presidential Directive Opens Door
For Release of Antigravity Technology
President Kennedy's UFO Quest led to
his Assassination and a Deep State Coup
Princeton University Astrobiology Certificate Explores
Potential for Extraterrestrial Life
Prophet Yahweh, Electronic Mind Control and Public Deception
Proposed Truth Commission and 9/11
Español |
QAnon es la Inteligencia Militar
de EE.UU. que reclutó a Trump para Presidente y Evitar
un Golpe de Estado
QAnon is U.S. Military
Intelligence that recruited Trump for President to
prevent a Coup D'etat |
QAnon on How Ending Iran Peace
Deal thwarts Deep State Plans for Nuclear False Flag
Attack |
Español |
QAnon sobre cómo Finalizando el
Acuerdo de Paz con Irán se frustran los Planes del
Estado Profundo de... |
QAnon Unmasks Britain as State
Actor that Interfered in U.S. 2016 Presidential Election
Heating of Neptune linked to activating Space Arks
Reagan Records and Space Command
Antigravity Fleet
Reagan's Extraterrestrial Fixation
- Will Records Reveal UFO Briefing?
- Recovering
Stolen Seeds from a Tree of Life and Activation of a
Sleeping Giant in Iraq
Viewing 'Ceres Super Soldiers' and Mars Insectoid War
Remote Viewing confirms Ashtar
Command Base hidden in Jupiter's Clouds
Remote Viewing ET Manipulation in
Russia Ukraine War
Viewing the Galactic Federation of Worlds
Viewing U.S. Presidential Meetings with Extraterrestrials
and Secret Agreements
Renewable Energies Are Lifeline
for Electric Grid Collapse During Severe Solar Storms
Español |
Reuniones de la Alianza de la
Tierra en Ganímedes con la Confederación Intergaláctica
- Actualización
Español |
- 'Reuniones
en Júpiter' con la Federación Galáctica de Mundos -
Español |
Revelaciones del Programa
Espacial Secreto y Eventos Alienígenas de Falsa Bandera
Español |
- ¿Revelará
el Estado Profundo la civilización Antártica enterrada
para 'distraer' de las Detenciones de Masa...
Rulers of the Earth - Secrets of The Sons
of God
Russian Military Intervention in
Ukraine and Exopolitics
Russian Prime Minister Claims
Extraterrestrials Live Among Us
Español |
Se Activa el Arca Espacial
enterrada en Kherson Ucrania por lo que Rusia se hace
Secret Meetings near Jupiter
decide the Future of our Solar System?
Secret Space Program
Disclosures and False Flag Alien Invasion-Events
Secret Space Programs
Battle over Antarctic Skies During Global Elite Exodus |
Secret Underground War reaches its
'Final Countdown'
Secret U.S. Alien Agreements may
be Valid Under International Law |
SETI Pioneer Fails to Debunk Crop
Circles as ET Messages
Siemens implicated in 'Tracking
Forced Labor and Slaves' in Space
Skywatching at Sattva Sanctuary
- the 2006 ECETI
Conference & Galactic Peace Sanctuaries
Slave Colony on Mars Claim goes Mainstream |
Solar Flash or 'Micronova Event'
and Pole Shifts
Source Reveals Secret UFO Meeting
at U.N.
SpaceX to Create Mars Colony of 80,000 -
Antigravity Technology Would Enable Vision Before End of
Decade |
Statement of Aspirations and Code of
Conduct for Extraterrestrials Interacting with Earth
Steve Fossett and The Fourth
Strategic Approaches to Dealing with ETs Extracting
Earth Resources
Telepathic Message from The Cosmic
Mile Spacecraft and 60 Mile Highway Discovered in 1968 Moon Photo?
Testimony of CIA Assassin Recruited From
Navy SEALs Goes Online With Documents
The 100 year of 'UFO ET Cover Up' - Timeline
of Events, People and Organizations
The Ancient Draco vs. Negumak
Conflict - Its Impact on Earth Joining the Galactic
Federation |
The B-52 Incident - An Unfolding Saga of
Villains, Scapegoats and Heroes
The Book of Enoch, Celestials and
The Day of Julien's Destiny
The Earth Alliance - Full
Disclosure and the Coming Global Revolution
The Exopolitical Factor
- Is There a Disturbing Hidden Agenda in Global Events?
The Great White Brotherhood in The
Andes and Lake Titicaca
- Extraterrestrial Guides
The Neoconservative Agenda to Sacrifice
the Fifth Fleet
– The New Pearl Harbor
The New Sun and the Red Kachina
The Nuclear Missile Attack on
Hawaii - A Secret Space Program?
The 'QAnon' Deep State Temporal
War and its Galactic Implications
The Real Starfleet Academy for Diplomatic Training for ET
The Royal Quarters of the Anunnaki on the Nibiru Ship
The Russian Phoenix - Hope or Illusion - An Exopolitical
The Small Cadre of Elites of Planet Earth
Timing Extraterrestrial Disclosure
Trump and 'Q' on the Invisible
Enemy - The Extraterrestrial Factor
Trump Executive Order targets Deep
State and Opens Door to Full Disclosure
Español |
y 'Q' sobre el Enemigo Invisible - El Factor Extraterrestre |
Truth Amnesty - A Higher Calling
Truth Commission Petition Gives Mandate
for UFO Disclosure
Years as a 'Cyborg Supersoldier' on Mars and Kuiper Belt |
UFO Hacker Wins Battle Against
U.S. Government - Gary McKinnon
UFO War in Antarctica - Fact or
Español |
Conversación con Thor Han Eredyon - Sobre la Colonización de las
Pléyades y la Liberación de la Tierra
Uncovering the Truth through
'Remote Viewing' - Nazis and Reptilians in Antarctica
United Nations Panel Discusses
Extraterrestrial War And Peace
Español |
Un Nuevo Amanecer - Una
Conversación con Michael Salla
USAF Colonel leaks Coordinates of
'Ancient Antarctic Ruins'
U.S. Alien Treaties Exist
According to "Veterans Today" Senior Editor
Congress and Pentagon briefed that 'UFOs are Not Made on
this Earth'
U.S. Congress Discusses
Extraterrestrial Life
U.S. Military Is Liaising With
Extraterrestrial Life According to Independent Sources
U.S. Navy Plan Preparing for
Extraterrestrials Among Us Secretly Developed in 1998
U.S. to Create Exopolitics
Department to Run Alien Affairs According to Insiders
Vatican Prepares for
Extraterrestrial Disclosure
Vatican Preparing Statement on
Extraterrestrial Life
Vedic Civilization, Extraterrestrial Life
and Celestials
Veteran China Astronomer Claims UFOs Are
Extraterrestrial Space Craft
Español |
Visualizando Remotamente a la
Federación Galáctica de Mundos
Was a Nuclear Missile Attack on
Hawaii thwarted by a Secret Space Program?
Was a Space Based Weapons Platform
Used Against Hawaii bound Ballistic Missile?
Earth's 'Secret Occult Ruler' eliminated in U.S. led
takedown of Global Deep State?
Was Trump Missile Attack Part of a
Secret Plan to End Syria Conflict and Prevent War with
Iran? |
Weaponizing Space
to the Future
Were Facebook and Social Media
Blackouts due to Capture of Tall Gray Aliens?
'Starlink Satellites' destroyed to prevent Emergence of
Quantum Communications?
Were 'Starlink Satellites' shot
down by the Deep State?
- 'We
Will Never Let You Down' - Book Review
Whistleblower Claims he Served 17 Years at Secret Mars Military
Base |
Whistleblower Reveals Multiple Secret Space Programs
Concerned about New Alien Visitors
Whistleblower Reveals Serving for
3 Years on Secret Space Fleet
White House Petition Asks for New
Roswell UFO Crash Investigation
WikiLeaks Reveals USAF
General involved in UFO and Secret Space Program
Will Deep State disclose Buried
Antarctic Civilization to 'distract' from Looming Mass
Will Deep State launch 'False Flag
Alien Invasion' after exhausting Global Control Cards?
NASA Soon Announce Discovery of Martian Fossils by
Curiosity Rover?
NSA leak Bring Disclosure of Alien Life without Official
Will Obama-China Meeting Usher in
World Government and Alien Disclosure?
Will Vatican Declaration of An Alien Savior Spark a
Religious War?
World Religions Unite as Prelude
to Extraterrestrial Disclosure
World Renowned Physicist
Challenged Over Free Energy Machines
Additional Information |
Español |
Andrew D. Basiago le Responde a Michael
Andrew D. Basiago Responds to Michael
Español |
Cumbre Europea de Exopolitica 2009
Español |
Eisenhower y los Alienígenas - Los
Orígenes de la Exopolítica
New Videos Reveal Celestials Helping
Humanity With Extraterrestrial Technology
The Artemis Accords
Multimedia |
Anunnaki Mining Operations and
Advanced Stone Technologies in Southern Africa
Comparing Earth and Pleiadian
Scientific Knowledge of Crystals for Energy, Propulsion
and Healing
Corroborating Eyewitness Testimony of Space Slavery on Ceres and
Dr. Michael Salla - Tsunami and E.T.
Drone Mystery deepens with
accusations of Government Cover-Up
Empire Strikes Back - AARO puts UFO Disclosure on Hold
ETs Among Us
- Michael E. Salla Interviewed on May 01, 2007
Exopolitics - New Discipline For A New
Paradigm - January 23, 2007
News September 2023 - U.S. Congress-Pentagon fight over UFO
Disclosure, ET Revelations on Maui
Exopolitics Radio with Dr. Michael Salla
- March 31, 2007
- Audio
Extraterrestrial Civilizations,
Emerald Tablets, Ancient Guardians, the Gog and Magog
Forbidden Archeology - Did
Extraterrestrials Genetically Create Humans over 100s of
Millions of Yrs?
Global Reset and Reptilian Overlords -
Rise of the Resistance and Full Disclosure
History of the Extraterrestrial
Agenda and the Coming Global Revolution
How Anunnaki history influenced
the Bible and what it means Today
Mission to Ganymede - Interview with U.S. Army
Modern Evidence of Giants and
Extraterrestrials in Ancient History - Its Relevance
Return of Enki - ETs Preventing Nuclear
War and Restoring Adamic DNA
Shocking Evidence of Earth-Based
Reptilians and Alien Technologies Revealed...!
The Anunnaki, Maui and UFO Disclosure
Initiatives - Update with Elena Danaan
The Science, Spirituality, and Politics of
Extraterrestrial Civilizations
UK Disclosure, Insider Lawsuits,
Emergency Total Eclipse News, plus Ancient Giant Awakens
Uruguay joins 'Artemis Accords' -
The 36th Country to Sign! UFO Disclosures shake Germany!
U.S. Army Soldier 'Blows Whistle'
on Secret Missions to Ganymede and the Moon
U.S. Congress and Pentagon fight
over UFO Disclosure, Fleet of Mexico UFOs and ET
Revelations on Maui Fire
Vatican Suppression of Inner Earth
Reports |
About Michael Sokolov
- Main File
- Main File
First Contact and The Ederman Message
Neil Freer and The Alien Question
- Main File
Serpo and The Ebens Nestingwave
Star Wars or Star Dreams?
Statement of Aspirations and Code of
for Extraterrestrials Interacting with Earth
The Research of Alfred Lambremont
- Main File