by Red Collie
CropCircleConnector Website
From: Dr Michael Salla
Date: 12/22/07 15:27:21
Subject: [prepare4contact] Re: Hopi Prophecy and Comet
Holmes, "Blue Kachina"
Thank you Wynderer for posting the information below. I
do want to emphasize the importance that as a community
that we begin to collectively focus our intentions on
bringing about desired outcomes.
The Blue Kachina/Comet Holmes phenomenon archetypally
represents an expansion of consciousness. I have been
experiencing something similar over the last few weeks
in terms of a non-local consciousness which has taken me
by surprise. So I believe there is substance to
arguments that Comet Holmes is the Blue Kachina and does
indeed herald a new dawn of heightened consciousness and
abilities. This is made more plausible by crop circles
made in 2005 depicting the expansion of Comet Holmes.
I recommend reading the
below article on the crop circles and the Blue
Kachina/Comet Holmes.
Now I want to draw everyone’s attention to what the
Hopi’s say follows the Blue Kachina:
“Not far behind the
twins will come the Purifier The Red Katchina, who
will bring the Day of Purification.”
Normally, I avoid getting
into negative prophecies of impending Earth Changes but
I can’t but help note that the recent NASA/JPL statement
about an asteroid possibly impacting Mars is a veiled
warning about what lies ahead.
I think the Asteroid
impact story is the way insiders will communicate to
others paying attention to what is really happening in
our solar system.
So I urge all to participate in this Sunday’s
meditation, and to think of new initiatives to follow it
so we can hone our collective ability to focus our
intent on desired outcomes.
Michael Salla |
In a previous article on this website,
we noted how the recent outburst of Comet Holmes on October 25, 2007
was seemingly shown in certain crop pictures from the summer of
2005, as was its conjunction with a bright star Mirfak in Perseus on
November 21, 2007.
Here we will extend and confirm that earlier analysis, so as to
place its logical and scientific conclusions beyond any reasonable
doubt. Thus, we will provide many more simple visual comparisons
between crop pictures from 2005, and actual images of Comet Holmes
from 2007. Also, we will explain how the perihelion (closest
approach to the Sun) of Comet Holmes on May 4, 2007, as well as its
gradual loss of intensity after mid-November 2007, were also shown
in English crop pictures from two years ago.
Table 1. Three significant dates for
Comet Holmes in 2007 were predicted accurately by crop pictures in
date |
event |
Crop location |
Crop date
May 4, 2007
(closest approach to the
Sun) |
Bluebell Hill |
August 12, 2005 |
October 25, 2007 |
outburst in
Perseus |
Waden Hill |
July 16, 2005 |
November 21,
2007 |
conjunction with
Mirfak |
Wayland’s Smithy |
August 9, 2005 |
and speculations prior to 2007
Why wasn't all of this noted sooner?
In fact, some of us who do
serious crop-circle research had become fully aware, back in the
summer of 2005, that something important and astronomical had just
been predicted for two years later in 2007. For example, the
journalist Jaime Maussan said in an annual DVD summary of 2005 crop
"These are dates. Something is going
to happen then!"
to obtain a copy of that important prior documentation).
Also, we eventually figured out that the
near-future date of some
unexpected astronomical event would be
November 21, 2007 plus or minus two days. But we still
didn't know exactly what would happen then, and we never expected a
comet to explode! There was clearly going to be an astronomical
event of some kind, because pictures of "explosions in space" had
been shown in the fields, especially at Lane End Down on July 10,
2005. But a comet?
Only in retrospect, therefore, have we been able to interpret many
of those "future predictive" crop pictures in their proper
astrophysical context. It was our fault, not theirs. Sufficient data
were provided to understand everything in advance, but we did not
pay enough attention. In particular, almost all of the professional
scientists on our little planet refused to consider the subject in
its entirety.
That is at least partly because, as
Thomas Kuhn once noted:
"Scientists take great pains to
defend the assumption that they already know what the world is
like. To that end, normal science will often suppress novelties
which could undermine its current foundations. Research is
therefore not about discovering the unknown, but rather a
strenuous and devoted attempt to force nature into the
conceptual boxes supplied by professional educators."
If you are a new reader, and do not yet
know anything factual or reliable concerning this phenomenon, you
might wish to start with a brief introductory set of questions and
answers on
For photographs of Comet Holmes, see
www.spaceweather.com/comets/gallery_holmes.html or
Comet Holmes
outburst or
exploded unexpectedly on October 24-25, 2007
Two months ago on October 24-25, 2007, an obscure comet known as
"17P Holmes" suddenly outburst or exploded between the orbits of
Mars and Jupiter. Astronomers still have no good idea why that
happened, because most comets outburst when they approach the heat
of the Sun.
In any case, many of us who are familiar
with the crop-messaging phenomenon saw immediately that newly-taken
photographs of that comet matched a famous crop picture that had
appeared at Garsington near Oxford two years earlier on July 15,

Some astronomers believe that Comet
Holmes was in rapid spin prior to outburst. That may explain a
series of "internal spirals" shown in the small crop picture above
on left (four different crop pictures appeared at Garsington on that
day, all related to Comet Holmes in one way or another).
comet-like outbursts
appeared in crop pictures from Italy or North Dakota
The modern crop-picture phenomenon seems to be centered on Avebury in
southern England, but is certainly not limited to that particular
For example, sometimes authentic crop
pictures will appear in Germany or Holland. In this case, two other
2005 "exploding comet" pictures appeared in Italy or North Dakota
"Comet Holmes will
expand to become as large as a full Moon"
One of the most artistically-elegant crop pictures from the summer
of 2005 appeared at Cuxham on June 28, 2005. No one at the time knew
what it meant, yet in retrospect we can see that it was meant to
show how large Comet Holmes would become after it exploded: as big
as a full Moon!
It reached half the size of a full Moon
by November 1, 2007 just one week after outburst:

Later by December 6, 2007, it had become
slightly bigger than a full Moon as seen from Earth:

"Comet Holmes will
slowly grow a tail"
Two weeks after outburst, Comet Holmes gradually grew a two-pronged
That event seems to have been shown
schematically at Aldbourne on July 24, 2005.

A second crop picture which appeared at
Aldbourne on the same day showed the "magnetic
field lines which surround a charged triangle".
Were the crop artists try to
teach us something about the physical mechanism of how
comets grow tails?
Might the two-pronged tail of
Comet Holmes be due to some magnetic field structure that we
cannot see?
Later in Scotland on August 14, 2005, we
were shown the slightly whimsical picture of a "comet in circular
orbit", with its curly tail always pointing away from a central Sun:

The orbit of Comet Holmes is not as
elliptical as that of many other comets, and in fact is almost
circular as shown below.
"Its cometary
nucleus will appear to be divided into two parts"
As of the date when this is being written, Comet Holmes has not yet
split into two parts, but its high-resolution Hubble image of
November 4, 2007 certainly suggests the possibility:

A two-part nucleus for Comet Holmes was
likewise shown at Garsington on July 15, 2005, and at Shalbourne on
August 7, 2005.
"Its isophotes
(lines of constant intensity) will evolve slowly over time"
That crop picture from Shalbourne on August 7, 2005 also showed, in
addition to a two-part structure for Comet Holmes, a series of
concentric rings which were apparently meant to represent
lines of constant intensity or "isophotes"

But then one would have to be a true
cometary aficionado to know that!
An overlaid
spiral from that 2005 "outburst" picture
showed the 2007 cometary path in days
Now let us look at some detailed sky images of Comet Holmes, in
order to compare its time-dependent evolution during late 2007 with
dated predictions made in three separate crop pictures from the
summer of 2005.
That comet first exploded or outburst
unexpectedly on October 24-25, 2007 as shown in the upper part of
the figure below:

Then it traveled across the sky through
the constellation Perseus (as seen from Earth), until it reached or
conjuncted with a bright star called Mirfak on November 19-21, 2007,
as shown in the lower part of the figure above.
"An extraordinary sight will be
visible in the sky tonight, as a giant comet passes in front of
a star. Comet Holmes has put on a spectacular display over the
past three weeks. Tonight it is expected to shine even brighter
as it passes in front of Mirfak, the brightest star in Perseus."
Now if we look again at that 2005
"outburst" picture which appeared at Garsington on July 15, 2005, we
can see that it contained an "overlaid spiral" in addition to
ordinary fallen crop within its largest circle.
Individual data points from that spiral
are marked with yellow squares on the left-hand side of the figure

Next, by studying that spiral from above
(as shown on the right-hand side), we can assign a calendar date in
"days" to each data point or yellow square.
One may begin rather simply in the
centre with "October 25" (when Comet Holmes exploded), then continue
down, around and up until a neighboring circle ("the star Mirfak")
is reached on a day-count of "November 21". At other dates past
November 21, that spiral begins to fade, as will be discussed
further below.
Another "overlaid spiral" appeared at Avebury on July 27, 2005.
There it was used to
symbolize a 19-year cycle of our Moon.
Other crop
pictures from 2005
gave those same dates of cometary outburst or conjunction using
In order to teach us about Comet Holmes two years in advance, those
crop artists sent us, not only simple visual images that anyone can
understand, but also certain astronomical or mathematical codes that
only a professional scientist can easily understand. They did so,
presumably, to establish their credibility among certain members of
the scientific profession on modern Earth.
Two of those coded pictures are shown below. They appeared at Waden
Hill on July 16, 2005 or Wayland's Smithy on August 9, 2005.
Both were discussed in a previous
article on this website, so they will only be mentioned briefly

A personal account of
the discovery of Waden Hill by Rod Bearcloud
leaves essentially zero possibility that it could have been made by
local human fakers.
"How beautiful in the mind's eye
is truth, and how ugly is a lie."
John Locke
Essay on Human Understanding,
Waden Hill showed
an astronomical code for outburst on October 24-25, 2007
Waden Hill of July 16, 2005 showed three "V" shaped symbols inside
of a big outer circle, which was divided into 24 parts so as to
symbolize "24 hours of astronomical Right Ascension". Each of those
"V" shaped symbols, known as semi-square in astronomy or astrology,
meant that one pair of naked-eye astronomical objects would lie at
45 degrees to one another in Earth's sky (for example Mars and
Jupiter, or Venus and Saturn).
Three "V" shaped symbols therefore meant
that three pairs of naked-eye
astronomical objects would lie at 45 degrees
to one another in Earth's sky.
Would such a rare triple alignment of planets or the Sun happen on a
calendar date two years later, when that comet was pre-destined to
outburst or explode? This is a rather difficult problem to address,
and it can only be solved using
an astronomical almanac as say from
Jodrell Bank. The outburst date is now known to be October 24-25,
2007; and yes, three pairs of naked-eye objects did align themselves
in Earth's sky at 45 degree angles on that day!
Another crop picture from Garsington on
July 15, 2005 further asserted that the cometary outburst date of
October 24, 2007 would be a Sun-Mercury conjunction, as was again
the case
Smithy showed a
mathematical-calendar code for conjunction on November 21, 2007
Wayland's Smithy of August 9, 2005 showed two binary-hexadecimal
dates in the context of
an ancient Sun-Venus, 52-year calendar.
As shown in the picture above, "1-1-1-0" in base-2 translates to the
number "14" in base-16 by means of the sum "8 + 4 + 2 + 0", while
"1-1-0-1" in base-2 translates to "13" in base-16 by means of "8 + 4
+ 0 +1". Each of those base-16 numbers "14-5-11" or "13-10-7" may
then be switched into base-10 to yield decimal fractions of 0.85327
or 0.89722.
Each decimal fraction may then be read in the context of a 52-year
Mayan calendar that
began on April 10, 1961 and will end on March
28, 2013. Both of those start-end dates are Sun-Venus
conjunctions, and were specified symbolically by the crop artists in
many pictures from 1997 to 2007. Wayland's Smithy also showed "20
Mayan days" around its big outer circle, in order to confirm which
calendar its two dates might refer to.
In the context of such a calendar, one finds for "13-10-7" or
0.85327 a modern Julian-Gregorian date of "August 9, 2005", which
was just the date when that crop picture appeared. Problem solved!
More importantly, one finds for "14-5-11" or 0.89722 a modern date
of "November 21, 2007", which was the date
when Comet Holmes conjuncted with Mirfak in
Perseus two years later.
And so that is how we knew that something important and astronomical
would happen in November of 2007, although we never guessed that it
would be an exploding comet. It was always going to be an
astronomical explosion of some kind, because a spherical body had
been shown
exploding in space (along its six
Euler axes x, y, z) with stars all around it.
Who might be
sending us these crop pictures?
Two culturally specific
The use of an ancient Sun-Venus calendar at Wayland's Smithy (and
elsewhere) seems quite culturally specific, since our knowledge of
that calendar comes mainly from the Venus Table of the Dresden Codex
Could the British megalith builders,
from whom these crop pictures apparently come, have taught that
calendar to native people in central or southern America thousands
of years ago? A second culturally-specific clue as to the mysterious
origins of these pictures might be the "Jester's Hat" symbolism of
Mayan kings (see
www.cropcircleconnector.com/anasazi/time2007e.html or
Comet Holmes
began to fade in intensity after mid-November 2007
After it reached maximum brightness around November 2, 2007 and
conjuncted with Mirfak on November 21, 2007, Comet Holmes slowly
began to fade as shown in the figure below:

"This comet is in super outburst,
having brightened by many magnitudes on the night of October 24.
It is in Perseus moving slowly. As of December 1 it is fading,
but still of magnitude 3. Due to the energetic nature of the
outburst, the primary coma is expanding at a rate of 1.4' per
day. That has been its main feature to see using a telescope or
binoculars, but is fading as the light spreads over a greater
The overlaid spiral of crop from
Garsington on July 15, 2005 likewise began to fade after its
assigned date of "November 21, 2007", and had faded almost
completely by "December 8, 2007":

Did human fakers make
these particular crop pictures,
which seemingly predict the future?
Sometimes even experts at crop-circle messaging may be fooled by the
best of human fakers, into believing that "fake" crop pictures are
paranormal or "real". But does anyone really believe that local
human fakers could have made all of the amazing crop pictures shown
above, which seemingly predict the future?
When we look at those crop pictures in
closer detail, the construction task facing any human faker with
boards and rope seems daunting:

Indeed, there has never been any mention
of the word "comet" on a leading faker's website
www.circlemakers.org. That group accepts money to create corporate
logos in fields worldwide, and hence is a commercial rather than a
scientific venture. By contrast, the true crop artists have shown a
deep interest in cometary astronomy since at
least 1994.
Finally, could any human faker have made another remarkable crop
picture from 2005, as will be discussed below? It was artistically
unattractive, but carried a deep astronomical message that could not
have easily been deduced before Comet Holmes outburst a few weeks
Comet Holmes
reached perihelion on May 4, 2007,
five months before it outburst or exploded
Most comets follow elliptical orbits around our Sun, and so may come
close to the Sun at certain times, or proceed far from the Sun at
other times. The point in its orbit where any comet comes closest to
the Sun is known as "perihelion", whereas the point in its orbit
where any comet proceeds furthest from the Sun is known as
The slightly elliptical orbit of comet
17P Holmes is shown by a thin white line in the figure below:

It last reached perihelion (closest
point to the Sun) on May 4, 2007, which was five months before it
outburst or exploded. At that time, it was almost invisible to most
telescopes on Earth because of its extreme dimness. No one even
cared about it, except for a few comet enthusiasts.
The four inner planets of our solar
system (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) each occupied a precise
location in space relative to Comet Holmes on that day (see above).
Now somewhat remarkably, a almost exact copy of the schematic
picture just shown, for Comet Holmes at perihelion on May 4, 2007,
appeared in a field at Bluebell Hill in Kent two years earlier on
August 12, 2005:

At the time when that 2005 crop picture
appeared, no one knew what it meant, nor
did not impress anyone with its artistic merit.
Most enthusiasts favored an earlier crop picture from the same area
that had appeared on June 19, 2005.
It was called the "Bluebell Spinner",
and was possibly symbolic of Comet Holmes in rapid spin before
Could Bluebell Hill of August
12, 2005 have been a human-made fake?
Some people thought so at the
time; but can we always tell "fake from real" simply by
looking at some perceived neatness of the crop?
What if a relatively "messy"
crop picture (made from dry brittle plant stems) contains
some deep intellectual content, that no ordinary human faker
could possibly conceive of?
Conjunctions with
Hamal on June 25,
2007 then Mirfak on November 21, 2007
In order to address that question more thoroughly, let us next
examine several other aspects of the same crop picture: namely its
two outermost circles, and also the precise location of Earth's Moon
as shown there. At first, I thought that those two outer circles
might represent "asteroids". But
after studying asteroid orbits on the websites
NEO or
JPL Small-Body Database Browser, I
found that most major asteroids such as Ceres lie further beyond the
orbit of Mars than the two outer circles as shown.
Hence it became more likely that those two outer circles were
intended to represent "other orbital locations of Comet Holmes", at
dates later than May 4, 2007.
With that idea in mind, I used the NEO
or JPL websites to generate orbital diagrams for Comet Holmes at
many later dates, and thereby found good matches to a date of June
25, 2007 for the lower circle, or November 21, 2007 for the upper
(to an accuracy of plus of minus five days):

when we examine the path through space of
Comet Holmes, we find that it came very close in Earth's
sky to a bright star called Hamal in Aries on June 25, 2007. Later
it came very close in Earth's sky to another bright star called
Mirfak in Perseus on November 21, 2007.
That latter date was also coded in
hexadecimal as "14-5-11" at Wayland's Smithy, just a few days before
on August 9, 2005.
Table 2
Three orbital locations of Comet Holmes
as shown two years earlier in an English crop picture
Astronomical date |
Astronomical event |
Crop location |
Crop date
May 4, 2007
perihelion (closest
approach to Sun) |
Bluebell Hill |
August 12, 2005 |
June 25, 2007 |
conjunction with
Hamal |
Bluebell Hill
August 12, 2005 |
November 21, 2007 |
conjunction with
Mirfak |
Bluebell Hill |
August 12, 2005 |
Relative distances from the Sun of those three outer circles are
also approximately correct in astrophysical terms:
Table 3
Relative distances from the Sun of Comet
Holmes versus Mars orbit in Bluebell Hill of August 12, 2005
Astronomical date |
Astronomical event |
Crop picture |
May 4, 2007
perihelion (closest
approach to Sun) |
1.64 |
1.49 |
June 25, 2007 |
conjunction with
Hamal |
1.49 |
1.50 |
November 21, 2007 |
conjunction with
Mirfak |
1.78 |
1.74 |
Those crop artists often portray successive locations of some
astronomical object along a single time-dependent orbital track, as
shown for Comet Holmes above. For example, Jack Sullivan and Andy
Thomas found that Mars was portrayed in five successive orbital
locations over the years 1995-2003, on the upcoming dates of
Sun-Venus conjunctions (see
Planetary, lunar or stellar conjunctions in Earth's sky have always
been a major subject of English crop pictures, ever since the
earliest days of Wiltshire 1990-1993, when people imagined that
"aliens were talking to them in the fields".
Instead, we were just
being shown ancient astronomical diagrams indicative of planetary
conjunction or opposition: say
between Jupiter and Venus, or Venus and the
The phase of
Earth's Moon as
shown at Bluebell Hill was also correct for a near-future date of
May 4-5, 2007
Now let us ask whether the spatial location of Earth's Moon was
portrayed correctly at Bluebell Hill in 2005, for a near-future date
of May 4, 2007? In order to locate "Earth's Moon" in that crop
picture, look for a small circle to the lower right of "planet
Earth" in either figure above. The Moon was drawn there as being
aligned at 45 degrees (three days) past full on May 2, 2007, and
moving in the direction of Mars.
In fact, the true phase of Earth's Moon was three days past full on
May 5, 2007, and it was moving in the direction of Mars as seen from
Earth. Both the Moon and Mars shared similar values of Right
Ascension on May 10, 2007 just six days later. Thus to an accuracy
of one day, the Moon was indeed portrayed accurately at Bluebell
Hill, for a near-future date when Comet Holmes would reach
perihelion on May 4, 2007 (and five months before it exploded, when
no one cared about it).
A friend who does UFO research told me recently, "Well, if you can
figure it out, then someone else could have figured it out too. I am
still not convinced that crop circles are made by anyone except
humans with rope and boards!" A fair enough criticism, and it may
have been true to some extent in the past.
But now in late 2007, following the outburst of Comet Holmes, we
have finally been able to understand a series of intricately
designed crop pictures from two years ago in the summer of 2005.
Today in 2007, "someone else" could indeed go out and make
approximate copies of those pictures in English fields, whether
commissioned by the BBC, the Daily Mail, National Geographic, or
various other media organizations which seem to spend a lot of time
debunking this phenomenon, rather than telling the truth about it.
But two years ago in 2005, nobody could
have done so, because Comet Holmes was not important yet; and that
is the bottom line.
physical evidence
now exists for crop circle reality as well as for astronomical
future prediction
To conclude, four stunning crop pictures from the summer of
2005 - namely Garsington, Waden Hill, Wayland's Smithy and Bluebell
Hill - have now provided overwhelming physical evidence to finally
establish the paranormal reality of crop pictures, as well as their
ability to predict the future in astronomical terms at least. As a
long-term professional scientist, I have found that the people most
skeptical of this strange phenomenon are the ones who know least
about it. Anyone can be a skeptic if they refuse to study the
evidence! That is not some philosophy to be admired, but just plain
A few misguided people have argued that "being a scientist means
being a skeptic" They often quote from Thomas Huxley who wrote: “The
improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to acknowledge
authority as such. For him, skepticism is the highest of duties:
blind faith the one unpardonable sin.” Usually they quote his second
sentence, but not his first.
What Thomas Huxley wrote in 1866 is
still true today!
Every major authority on Earth keeps
telling us that modern crop pictures were made originally in the
early 1990's by two old English gentlemen after they left the pub,
or more recently by professional landscape artists who take money
from corporations to print their logos in the fields. Unlike such
"authorities", those of us have studied the facts carefully for many
years remain skeptical, that any of those so-called authorities (who
know little to nothing about the subject) could be telling us the
truth. The one great unpardonable sin, in terms of scientific
integrity, would be to place blind faith in anything they have to
Before sending this essay to Mark and Stuart, I showed its figures
to half a dozen other open-minded scientists here.
All were in agreement that such
future-predictive crop pictures are "real" and speak for themselves,
although there remained some dispute as to their possible origins.
- Summary of messages from the crop artists in 2005 (in plain
Author's note: these comments are necessarily subjective, yet
several of my friends thought that it would be important to append a
brief summary, since some people can understand pictures more easily
than words, and vice-versa.
One week ago on July 9 at Silbury, we showed you the picture of a
NASA space probe as it impacted onto the surface of Comet Tempel.
Then on the next day at Lane End Down, we showed you the picture of
another comet which will explode unexpectedly two years from now. We
drew many "faint stars" around that "exploding comet" in the field,
so that you will be able to confirm later that we knew exactly where
in Earth's sky the comet would explode.
Today on July 15 at Garsington, we showed you four more crop
pictures. The first was meant to tell how rapidly that comet will be
spinning prior to outburst. The second was meant to tell how that
comet will expand when it does outburst. The third was meant to tell
how that comet will show a bipartite structure after it outbursts.
The fourth was meant to tell when that astronomical event will
happen. It will be on a day when Mercury enters into conjunction
(i.e. direct alignment) with the Sun as seen from Earth. Yet Mercury
orbits the Sun four times in any year, so tomorrow we will provide
an even more direct date.
At Waden Hill, we will show 24 hours of astronomical Right Ascension
around the outside of a big circle. Then on the inside of that
circle, will show three overlapping "V" symbols as used in
astronomy. Each "V" means that two planets happen to be aligned in
Earth's sky at 45 degrees to one another. Since we will show three
"V" symbols, that means that six planets will be aligned in pairs of
45 degrees on a near-future date when that comet will explode. Later
you will find that the explosion date of October 24-25, 2007 was
foretold by our crop picture exactly. Near the end of July at
Collingbourne, Ridgeway, Aldebourne and Shalbourne, we will show
four more pictures of that comet after it explodes.
Then on August 9 at Wayland's Smithy, we will provide the precise
date of a second important event, which will happen several weeks
after that comet explodes: namely the day when it will conjunct
(i.e. come very close in Earth's sky to) a bright star called Mirfak.
This time we will show a big circle with "20 Mayan days" around its
outside. That will tell you to read the dates given there using a
traditional Mayan calendar, which is based on astronomical motions
of Venus and the Sun. It is a calendar that we use here in ancient
England. We taught it to the Olmecs in central America on one of our
overseas missions there, and they will eventually pass it on to the
Two dates will be provided inside of that circle, using a universal
kind of mathematics in base-2 and base-16. One date "13-10-7" will
match the day when that crop picture appears (August 9, 2005), to
provide an internal check on your calculations. The other date
"14-5-11" will match a day over two years later, when that newly
exploded comet will conjunct a bright star Mirfak in Perseus
(November 21, 2007).
Finally at Bluebell Hill on August 12, 2005, we will show you a
picture or our inner solar system for the near-future date of May 4,
2007, which is when Comet Holmes will reach perihelion (i.e. closest
approach to the Sun). The location of Comet Holmes on that day will
be indicated clearly by a large outer circle drawn just past the
orbit of Mars, with another thin circle drawn around it for
emphasis. Two other orbital locations of Comet Holmes for June 25,
2007 or November 21, 2007 will also be shown, because on those days
it will pass by two bright stars known as Hamal and Mirfak (as seen
from Earth).
Now Comet Holmes will not explode until October 25, 2007! How could
we possibly show you a picture of Comet Holmes two years earlier on
August 12, 2005, and also show its precise location in space on May
4, 2007 (five months before it exploded), unless we can see into
your future?
Your greatest modern physicist Einstein
"The distinction between past,
present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Do you believe him now?
We have gone to all of this trouble, so that you will know that we
really can see into your modern future on Earth, using our advanced
space time physics. You do not yet possess such technology, but most
of your leading physicists including Thorne, Hawking, Visser and
Kaku believe is possible. All through the summer of 2006, we will
show you many different schematic pictures of wormholes, Roman rings
or closed time-like curves, to confirm that we know what we are
talking about. We call them "conduits" through space or time.
Later in the summer of 2007, only a few months before that comet
explodes, we will show another series of pictures to help you
understand our Sun-Venus calendar.
One of those pictures will be recorded on
camera as forming instantly at 3 AM one night, with no
one in the field below.
What else do we have to do?
The level of scientific proof that we
have provided seems unequivocal. If we wrote simple messages to you
in modern English (not our native language), people would pay even
less attention.
Why are we doing all of this?
It is because the most likely future of
humans on 21st-century Earth appears very problematic, or
specifically "much pain but still time" (see
Yet some of those unfavorable timelines can still be changed, if
other unexpected astronomical events (yet to happen) are perceived
correctly in advance.
Our messages concerning Comet Holmes
were intended to establish credibility, for other messages that
you will receive soon.