Christian-Reincarnation Website
Helpers in the
astral world would come to the living body together with
the entity who wanted to go to Earth, with their special
knowledge they
could detach the Silver Cord and connect in its place
the Silver Cord of the entity who was the Gardener of
the Earth coming to the Earth.
The host would then
become the vehicle of the Gardener of the Earth, and the
astral body of the host would go away to the astral
world just as he would do in the case of a person who
had died.
This is called transmigration, the migration of
one entity into the body of another.
extracted from pag.
69 of
As It
Was |
“Walk-in” is a phenomenon, which apparently isn't known to all who
all who are interested in the reincarnation (transmigration) question.
When a person was clinically dead and often quite unexpectedly woke
up to life, a soul exchange can have occurred. This has nothing to
do with “possession”. The soul that earlier “inhabited” the body has
left and for a moment the body really was dead.
However, as long as the body can still
be reanimated, another soul can take it over, almost like a
new driver takes over a used car.
In the case of possession there
would be (at least and also in most cases) two souls
present. The one is the soul belonging to the body from the
beginning and the other a foreign soul, which tries to live
through the body.
In the case of a “walk-in”,
there is only one soul, but a different one than before.
It seems that the new soul in most cases
doesn’t take over the body without agreement by the other soul.
The soul that was there earlier and is
now leaving the body, will then say something like:
“You can have it, if you want. I
don’t need it anymore.”
It can, of course, not be excluded that
the earlier soul is no more there and cannot be asked.
The phenomenon is rare and then usually the person after waking up
from being “clinically dead” doesn’t understand himself.
“How could I live like I did before?
Now my interests are totally different! I will never live like
that again!”
The person after the incident often has
spiritual interests and wants to live accordingly.
Health conditions can improve rapidly,
because there are no more the same psychosomatic causes for health
problems in the unconscious self as there may have been before.
The often striking positive change in the personality could, of
course, merely result from having had an out-of-body experience in
the near-death state - even though the person has no conscious
memory of it - in which he had enlightening insights in another
world and about life. A case of a remarkable personality change
after being unconscious will not always indicate that the person is
a “walk-in”.
The environment will not understand this change. If the person is
married, the marriage may break up - since, after all, the souls who
once married are no more together, but only the bodies. It could, of
course, also happen that the marriage becomes better.
The “walk-in” isn’t conscious about what has happened, since he
lives, thinks and remembers from what is stored in the brain, and
there all the life before the near-death incident is stored as a
memory. What has to do with the soul belongs to the unconscious
self, which in this case is a new one. A soul exchange may be
discovered in a regression, but such cases are very rare indeed in
regression sessions.
It has been claimed that often (but not always) the new soul has a
specific task and could use the opportunity for a short-cut. It
could save itself from first spending 20 years or more being born
and growing up, but it could instead quickly take up its task.
It would, therefore, in such cases be a
more developed soul that took over.
Rare cases of
children who remember past lives
In the investigations by
Ian Stevenson and others there are
just a few cases in which it is found that the person - who the
child claims to have been - died after the birth of the child.
As far as I know, the child in such
cases went through a serious disease condition or had an accident,
with a period of unconsciousness, before it began to speak about
having been someone else. This has been explained as “possession”.
According to what I have written above,
the explanation “walk-in” may, however, be less far fetched! In such
a case the child will really have died in the sense that its earlier
soul left.
Then another soul took over the body,
the one of the “past life”.
So what is
Let us return to the case of “possession” in order to clarify some
misunderstanding, which may occur.
Since medieval times one makes a
difference between “circumsession” (in Latin circumsessio)
and true “possession” (in Latin possessio). True possession
seems to be very rare. In such a case the other soul wants the body
for itself and tries to drive the soul away, which really belongs to
it, or a negative entity wants to control and manipulate the person.
However, if a foreign soul is present,
it is usually a case of “circumsession”.
That other soul is confused after its
death and doesn’t dare to go to what is called the light world.
It may in its ignorance fear that it would then become definitely
dead, or that it may be sent to a hell (which doesn’t
really exist). It, therefore, seeks refuge at another body, which
already has its soul, but without intention to take it over. This
will have certain influences on the “host”.
In rare cases the “host” may have more
than one foreign soul.
Are regression
experiences not always influences from other souls?
Some opponents to the reincarnation idea, especially if they adhere
the Church dogma, want to claim
that what people experience in regressions would be “whispered” to
them by foreign souls or entities.
Since roughly estimated 90 % of those
who seek to have a regression experience also really have it (the
success rate will, however, depend upon the method used), this would
mean that 90 % of the people would be “possessed” or “circumsessed”!
(And in that case most probably the critics, too…).
In this way the claim is taken ad
absurdum and becomes self-contradictive.
What does this
mean for astrology?
An in itself interesting question is, if the birth chart for the
body is still valid for a “walk-in”, or should it be recalculated to
the moment of waking up from the incident?
I would rather suppose the latter…