by Clifford E. Carnicom
Posted on Behalf of the Submitters
April 17, 2008
Carnicom Website
During the past month (March 2008),
two individuals have submitted a series of photographs to me that
depict unusual airborne forms.
To my knowledge, neither of these
individuals is in contact with the other. The photographs are stated
to be original. In both cases, the photos shown here are reported to
have taken place in the midst of heavy aerosol operations over the
respective geographic regions.
The photos in both cases show unusual ring-shaped or disc-like
objects. The photos in one case are quite clear and remarkable. The
fact that the second set was even captured is also fortunate.
A statement from the photographer in
each case will follow the images that have been submitted. These
photographs raise several questions about at least some aspects of
the aerosol operations and they appear to defy any
conventional perception of aircraft.
The accompanying "emission trail" with
the ring like structure of the first set is especially curious.
My appreciation is extended to both of
the individuals that have offered their images to the public in the
quest to further understand the nature of the aerosol operations

Magnified Section of
Ring Like Structure
in conjunction with "emissions" of an aerosol operation.

Second Image of Ring Like Structure (highly magnified)
in conjunction with "emissions" of an aerosol operation.

Above photo (1 of 2) reduced in scale to show greater perspective on

Above photo (2 of 2) reduced in scale to show greater perspective on
Statement by the observer:
"I saw this chemtrail forming to the
west of Vail, Colorado on March 7, 2008 at 5:23PM. As I zoomed
in full with a 70 to 300 lens on my D200 Nikon, there appeared
to be no plane in front of the chemtrail - like it was forming
out of thin air.
After shooting several shots, there
was another plane-less chemtrail rising to the west just before
sunset. It was spooky. When I downloaded the pictures, there was
a halo shape at the front of the chemtrails in some of the
images and absolutely nothing visible in others.
The Air Force has had stealth aircraft that are invisible to
radar for quite some time. Apparently they now also have
aircraft that are invisible to cameras as well. Why would
stealth aircraft be flying missions over our country?
I became chemtrails aware during my investigation into
the true story of the 911 attacks.
But it did not hit home until November 18, 2007 when I
documented the first saturation mission over Vail. That Sunday
started mostly sunny. Then one jet flew over high and fast and
left a huge expanding plume.
It was followed by jets flying from
all points of the compass. Inside of three hours, the sky was
covered in a gray soup of converging chemtrails. The sun was
partially blocked out. Then the planes vanished and not one was
seen the rest of the day.
After documenting a saturation
mission over Crested Butte (Colorado) on December 13, 2007 where
the sun was completely blocked out in three hours - there was no
doubt left that something sinister was being perpetrated by the
Air Force in Colorado.
I've watched jets leaving no contrail at all fly towards a cloud
and turn on the chemtrail upon entering the cloud and exit the
cloud leaving none. I've photographed jets at similar altitude
leaving no visible exhaust trails flying near jets leaving huge
chemtrails. The next day after saturation missions, I've seen a
return to normal jet traffic and normal vanishing contrails.
The denial from people that say
this is all normal don't remember what is was like in the
west before the late 90s. The deep blue sky without a cloud that
lasted three weeks straight on a regular basis during summers
never happens now. When I flew across the country last time, I
didn't see the ground once from Denver to Boston.
The clouds looked weird and
fibrous; unnatural. I have images that show clouds of green,
purple and rust colors. That simply can't be water or you would
see the rainbow colors. After 25 years in Colorado, I have no
memory of the chemical colors I now see regularly in clouds. I
also have no memory of the strange chemical halos around the
I certainly have no memory of planes
leaving trails in a grid that block out the sun in three hours.
The time lapses I have of this are indisputable evidence to me.
Most people I show my evidence to think I have a point that
something is terribly wrong with these pictures. Other people
roll their eyes and think of me as a paranoid delusionist.
I see that as a huge obstacle to stopping this madness.
People simply don't want to
believe the truth that the government of the United
States would do anything to harm them.
You can show them the documents
released through the freedom of information act about the
mind control experiments, the
intentional infection of black men with venereal disease, lining
up soldiers in front of a nuclear blast wave and they still
believe this same government wouldn't pollute the Earth for all
time to gain a military advantage. I'm not sure how to reach
these people.
Preaching to the quire will get us
no where. What will convince these people? Perhaps nothing will
until they get
Morgellons disease."

Second anomalous
disk-ring like structure reported in combination with heavy aerosol
Separate geographic region and time from first set.

Reduced scale on second disk-ring like structure reported in
association with heavy aerosol operations over area.
Statement from photographer is to follow.

Second photograph by second photographer presented for informational
purposes only.
Disk object barely visible.
Please see text description below (arrow added by CEC for
Statement by the observer:
As discussed please find attached
the two photos of the unidentified flying disc I captured.
The first one attached is much clearer and was taken on Sunday
March 23, 2008. It was observed out of peripheral vision,
and barely captured it although it was on a straight horizontal
flight path but fast, faster than the aircrafts in the airspace
at the time precise time!!! without the UV filtering sunglasses
I normally wear but didn’t that day.
It was smack dab in the middle of
the airspace precisely during the time of heavy activity via the
daily observed same aviation assault team [assault team
described here:
The second photo was taken TODAY [Apr 14 2008 Ed. Note-CEC], is
the same unidentified flying disc, but today’s story is quite
different. I was wearing my UV filtering sunglasses and caught
the beginning erratic activity out of the peripheral vision once
again as we were filming all the heavy activity of the daily
observed same aviation assault time and out of the corner of my
eye I caught an erratic movement, then in a split second going
straight VERTICAL and FAST, as soon as I dropped my UV filtering
Sunglasses it vanished right were it was as I had my glasses on,
flipped my glasses back on and it caught in the same airspace
region precisely where I couldn’t see it seconds before [light
reflection? light bending?], anyway, this disc did a figure 8,
went left and went right, banked left 90 degrees and then shot
straight up vertical into the cloud cover ahead.
This all happened in split seconds,
and with a wing and a prayer I just flicked on auto and took the
shot because the disc was rising straight vertical so fast I
thought it would be gone before the shutter could capture it.
You will notice that the disc on the second photo almost out of
the frame, top of the photo, on its vertical straight rise,
whereas on the 1st photo, it was on a horizontal flight path,
course I didn’t think to track it on the first photo, like I was
able to track and observe it the second time. This thing looked
exactly like it was remote controlled as fast it did a figure 8
then went left ,right and vertical.
By the way, the same aircraft were
in the same airspace both times, what I call the worker bees.
All in all, I have now observed this
disc 4 times, and at all times directly in the middle of heavy
aerial activity
The photographs are stated to
have been taken in North Carolina.
An assessment is provided by the
second photographer that the craft is NOT likely from "other
planets", but may be,
discharge unit
atmospheric testing
surveillance eye
combination of all the
above and more to toss into the puzzle."