



 -  20 Cosas que el 'Golpe del Covid' revela sobre la Humanidad


 -  20 Things the 'Covid Coup' reveals about Humanity


 -  A Brain Implant Victim Speaks Out - Branded by the Thought Police


 -  A Brief Exploration of COVID-Induced Mass Psychosis


 -  Alice in Wonderland


 -  Armas de Distracción Masiva - Medios de Comunicación, Publicidad y Programación Social


 -  A State of Never-Ending Crisis - The Government is Fomenting Mass Hysteria


 -  Blue Beam - The Uncovert Project - Main File


 -  Brain Zapping


 -  Científicos de Control Mental Afirman Poder Apagar la Conciencia


 -  Cinco Principales Influencias Culturales que están Controlando tu Mente Subconsciente


 -  Cinque Principali Influenze Culturali che stanno Controllando la tua Mente Inconscia


 -  CNN Director admitting that his Network is "Propaganda"


 -  Cognitive Warfare and the Tyranny of Digital Transformation


 - "Cognitive Warfare" - Stop the World Competition for "Control of Human Brains"


 -  Come le Masse sono state Ipnotizzate col 'Culto del Covid'


 -  Common Senses - Coronavirus and Mind Control


 -  Cómo puede Eliminar Comandos Saboteadores del Cerebro


 -  Confessions of An FBI 'X-File' Agent


 -  Constructing Rich False Memories of Committing Crime


 -  Constructing The Mind Controlled State - DK Ultra


 -  Control del Culto Musical - Guerra a la Conciencia de la Fundación Rockefeller a través Imposición de A=440 Hz


 -  Controllo Mentale che Usa Onde Sonore? - Chiediamo a uno Scienziato come funziona


 -  Control Mental a Través de La Dominación Emocional - De Cómo Todos Estamos Siendo Manipulados por...


 -  Control Mental a Través de la Tele - Patente US 6506148 B2


 -  Control Mental Electromagnético - Informe Especial


 -  Covert Operations of The U.S. National Security Agency


 -  Covid-19 was a 'Mass Mind Control Operation' - Pandemic Used to Inflict Psychological Terror on World


 -  Cuidado con El Neuromarketing - Programación Subliminal


 -  'Deep State' Neuroscientists Believe they can Turn Off Free Will


 -  Diez Métodos de Control Mental



 -  Dissent Into Madness - The Weaponization of Psychology


 -  Dutch State Secretary admits 5G will be Used for 'Crowd Control'


 -  El Control Mental Basado en El Trauma


 -  El Control Mental NO es una 'Teoría de la Conspiración'


 -  Electromagnetic Mind Control - Special Report


 -  El HAARP Produce 'Anestesia Electromagnética' o Control Mental


 -  El Mayor Truco de Todos


 -  El Nuevo Control Mental - La Internet


 -  El "Pecado" es un Esquema de Mercadeo Inventado


 -  El por qué estás Usando una Máscara - El Ritual Pagano de Transformación


 -  El Procesamiento Alquímico de la Humanidad mediante el Psicodrama Público - Entrevista con M.A. Hoffman


 -  EMR - Electromagnetic Radiation Weapons - As Powerful As The Atomic Bomb


 -  En la Guerra por Controlar la Humanidad, los Pensamientos y Emociones son el Campo de Batalla - R.Malone


 -  Entrevista Por Preston Nichols - Control Mental


 -  Ese Oscuro Día en que Tus Sueños dejen de Ser Tuyos


 -  Esos Ataques Sónicos se están Esparciendo - Pero la Verdadera Pregunta es


 -  Esta es la Razón por la que Millones todavía Creen en las Absurdas Mentiras de COVID


 -  Este Inquietante Documental en Netflix exhibe 'El Lado Oscuro' de Facebook, Twitter y otras Redes Sociales


 -  Expertos Revelan Técnicas Utilizadas por los Medios de Comunicación para Lavarnos el Cerebro y...


 -  Experts Reveal Techniques Used by the Media to Brainwash and Control Us


 -  Exposing the Occult Corona-Initiation Ritual


 -  FaceBook and the Electroencephalography Dictionary

 -  FaceBook is Working on a Smartphone that Can Read Thoughts


 -  FaceBook y el Diccionario de Electroencefalografía


 -  Five Experiments and Syndromes to Account for 'Mass COVID Trance Behavior'


 -  Fritz Springmeier Interview - on The Illuminati and Mind Control Slavery


 -  From the Christian Cross to Mobile Phone Towers - A Brief History of Mind Control


 - 'Gaslighting' - La Psicología de Moldear la Realidad del Otro


 - 'Guerrilla Ontology' - Robert Anton Wilson


 -  Guide to Defeating Mind Control Systems - The Gear You NEED!


 -  Habla Una Víctima de Implante Cerebral - Marcado por la 'Policía del Pensamiento'


 -  How Can You Remove Sabotaging Commands From The Brain


 -  How Real Mind Control Works


 -  How the Masses were Hypnotized into the 'COVID Cult'


 -  Information Overload is a Weapon of Control


 -  It is now Infinitely Easier to 'Control a Billion People' than it is to 'Kill a Billion People'


 -  Jugando a Ser Esclavos


 -  La Fabricación de una Psicosis Masiva - ¿Puede la Cordura volver a un Mundo Loco?


 -  La Idiotización de la Sociedad como Estrategia de Dominación


 -  La Industria Mortal de La Psiquiatría - Main File


 -  La Patente "US 6506148 B2" - ¿Control Mental por medio del Televisor?


 -  La Secretaria de Estado de Holanda admite que el 5G será Utilizado para 'Control de Multitudes'


 -  La Secta Covidiana


 -  La Sobrecarga de Información es un Arma de Control


 -  Major Electromagnetic Mind Control Projects


 -  Menticide - Don't Fall Victim to Mind Control Technologies and Techniques


 -  Métodos Genéticos y Ópticos de Control


 -  Microwave Detection - Remote Mind Control Technology


 -  Microwave Harassment And Mind-Control Experimentation



 -  Microwave Mind Control - UK Intelligence Forces And Microwave Mind Control


 -  Mind Control and Citizen's Brain


 -  Mind Control in The XXI Century


 -  Mind Control - It's All Around You!


 -  Mind Control or Controlling Your Mind - Which one do you Choose?


 -  Mind Control Patents


 -  Mind Control Scientists Claim Ability to Turn Off Consciousness


 -  Mind Control Theories and Techniques Used by Mass Media


 -  Mind Control - The Ultimate Brave New World


 -  Mind Control - The Ultimate Terror


 -  Mind Control Through Emotional Domination - How We're All Being Manipulated by the "Crisis of the NOW"


 -  Mind Control using Sound Waves? - We ask a Scientist how it works...


 -  Mind-Control Via Religion - extracted from 'Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict and Creation'


 -  MindWars


 -  MK-Ultra - The Monarch Project - Main File


 -  Montauk Mind Control Victim Interview


 - ¡Mucho Más que Una Máscara!


 -  Musical Cult Control - The Rockefeller Foundation's War on Consciousness through the Imposition of...


 -  Nazi Mind Control


 -  Neuroscience, Obama's BRAIN Project, and Military Mind Control


 -  Neurocientíficos del 'Estado Profundo' creen que Pueden Desactivar el Libre Albedrío


 -  Non-Lethal Weapons - "Psychotronics" and "Silent Sound" - Main File


 -  Obama Crea una Ley para "Controlar Mentalmente a la Población"


 -  Our Brainwashed Covid Youth


 -  People and Places - COINTELPRO, Remote Viewing, Mind Control


 -  People can Be Convinced they Committed a Crime that Never Happened


 -  Prophet Yahweh, Electronic Mind Control and Public Deception


 -  Project Mannequin and James Casbolt - Main File


 - ¿Qué es la "Psicosis de Formación Masiva"?


 - ¿Quieres Saber Porque la Gente se Comporta como un Rebaño? - El Experimento Solomon Asch


 -  Religious Mind-Control Cults


 -  Religious Trauma - 23 Dark Signs and How to Heal


 -  Remote Behavioral Influence Technology Evidence


 -  Remote Mind Control - Reach Out and Touch Someone



 -  Revelando el Ritual Oculto de la 'Iniciación del Corona'


 -  Secret DARPA Mind Control Project Revealed - Leaked Document


 -  Sentidos Comunes - Control Mental y Coronavirus


 -  Seven Future Methods of Mind Control


 -  Seven Ways our Children are Being Brainwashed


 -  Shocking Menace of Satellite Surveillance


 -  Signs and Symbols Rule Your Mind


 -  'Sin' is a Made-Up Religious Marketing Scheme


 -  La Sobrecarga de Información es un Arma de Control


 -  Signs and Symbols Rule Your Mind


 -  Some Major Mind-Control Programming Sites - with Explanations of their Programming


 -  Technocratic Elite Domination via Mind Control and Mass Surveillance - Brzezinski called it 45 Years Ago


 -  Técnicas de Control Para Implantar El Consumismo Masivo


 -  Tecnologia Para El Control De Las Mentes


 -  The Covidian Cult


 -  The Deadly Industry of Psychiatry - Main File


 -  The Five Main Cultural Influences Controlling your Subconscious Mind


 -  The Idiot Box - How TV is Turning Us All into Zombies


 -  The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis - Can Sanity Return to an Insane World?


 -  The Many Goals of Mind Control - Interim Report


 -  The Massively Manipulative Marketing Meme


 -  The more 'You think You Know'? - Maddening Covid-19 Flip-Flops keep Population Scared, Obedient and Ignorant


 -  The New Mental Battlefield - 'Beam Me Up, Spock'


 -  The New Millennium and The Mind-Control Crisis


 -  The New Mind Control - The Internet


 -  The Original Pioneers of Mind Control on 'Why You Must Protect Your Mental Sovereignty Now'


 -  The Tools the Elites Use to Manipulate People


 -  Those Sonic Attacks are Spreading - But the Real Question Is


 -  Total Individual Control Technology - Insider Exposes How You and Your DNA are Being Targeted


 -  Una Larga Conspiración - La Creación de La Tiranía Tecnocrática


 -  Un Estudio Demuestra como se Implantan Recuerdos Falsos de Crímenes en Personas Inocentes


 - "Vivimos Hiperconectados y eso permite que Controlen nuestra Mente"


 -  Volete Sapere Perché la Gente si Comporta come un Gregge?


 -  Weapons of Mass Distraction - The Media, Advertising and Social Programming


 -  Who Created Facebook to be the Ultimate Surveillance Tool?


 -  Why you're Wearing a Mask - The Pagan Ritual of Transformation


Additional Information



 -  1984 Versus 2025 - Top Secret Government Agenda for Global Enslavement Plan


 -  5G Telecomm Radiation is the Perfect Tool to Mass Modify Human Brain Waves


 -  Abstruse Sovereignty


 -  A Current US Program of Involuntary Human Experimentation


 -  Algo Maligno Viene Hacia Acá


 -  An Accumulator Model for Spontaneous Neural Activity prior to Self-initiated Movement


 -  An Operational Analysis for Air Force 2025  - An Application of Value-Focused Thinking to Future Air and...


 -  Apocalypse Programming and "Knowing" the End of Days


 -  Are Your Thoughts Your Own? - Mass Mind Control Through Network Television


 -  Best Mind Control Documentary Excerpts



 -  Biochip Implants - Main File



 -  Cell Phones - Microwave Radiation - Main File


 -  Cuando la Tecnología te Conoce Mejor de lo que te Conoces a ti Mismo


 -  Cults & Mind Control



 -  DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency



 -  Digital TV - Mind Control by The Sound of Silence


 -  DK Ultra - Constructing The Mind Controlled State


 -  Do You Believe in Government Mind Control?


 -  Electronic Harassment Effects - The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology


 -  El Fluor y la Fluorificacion - Otro Asesino Disfrazado de Terapia Saludable? - Main File


 -  El Misterio de La "Valla de Frecuencia"


 -  El Peligro de las Aplicaciones de Medicina Preventiva


 -  Espionaje Mental - La Ciencia de Robar Secretos de tu Cerebro Sin que te Enteres


 -  Extraterrestrial Technology, the Black Budget, and International Politics


 -  HAARP's Covert Agendas - The Big Picture



 -  Hackeando el Cerebro Humano - Investigadores Demuestran la Extracción de Información Confidencial...


 -  Hacking The Human Brain - Researchers Demonstrate Extraction of Sensitive Data Via Brain-Computer...


 -  Hacking The Human Brain - The Next Domain of Warfare


 -  Hacking the Mind - Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology


 -  Happiness, Entertainment Media and the Sub-Conscious Mind


 -  Hounds of Heaven - Biting The Brainwave Burglars



 -  How The Newtown Massacre in U.S. Became a Mind-Control Television Event


 -  Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy

 -  Internally Generated Preactivation of Single Neurons in Human Medial Frontal Cortex Predicts Volition


 -  Is a Mass Psychosis the Greatest Threat to Humanity?


 -  Kundalini Tales - An Interview With Richard Sauder


 -  La Felicidad, los Medios Multimedia de Entretenimiento y la Mente Subconsciente


 -  Las 5 Industrias como Herramientas de la Propaganda


 -  Las Armas de La Guerra Silenciosa de Ayer y de Hoy - Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS)


 - 'Las No-Libertades' Normales


 -  Media Head Games Exposed! - CNN Caught Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming to Influence Syrian...

 -  Media's Use of Propaganda to Persuade People's Attitude, Beliefs and Behaviors


 -  Mind Control With Silent Sounds and Super Computers


 -  Neural Antecedents of Self-initiated Actions in Secondary Motor Cortex


 -  Non-Lethality - John B. Alexander, The Pentagon's Penguin - Psychic Warfare and Non-Lethal Weapons

 -  Nonlethal Weapons and Capabilities - 2004 Council on Foreign Relations Report

 -  Non-Lethal Technologies - Progress and Prospects - 1999 Council on Foreign Relations Report


 -  Normal Unfreedoms

 -  Not a Slippery Slope or Sudden Subversion - German Medicine and National Socialism in 1933


 -  On The Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in The Light of Mind Invasive Technology


 -  Operación de Conquista de las Mentes


 -  Orion Technology and Other Secret Projects



 -  Perché Non Scoppia Una Rivoluzione



 -  Porqué No Estalla Una Revolución



 -  Predictive Medicine Apps in Development to Judge Mental Health


 -  Project L.U.C.I.D.



 -  Propaganda Televisiva y la Cultura del Control Mental


 -  Psiquiatras - Ingenieros del Control Mental



 -  Repatriation of Nazi Scientists/Technologies and continuing Nazi Sponsored Human Projects


 -  Riders on The Storm


 -  Roswell Revisited or Shades of The X-Files!



 -  Scalar Electromagnetics Technology - Main File


 -  Searching For the Illuminati Deep Within The Bowels Of The Vatican


 -  Sensitivity International - Network for World Control


 -  Sinister Forces - Audio Interview With Peter Levenda


 -  Six Media Giants Control 90% of what 'You Read, Watch, Hear


 -  Sixteen Signs That People Are Becoming Stupider



 -  Skepticism Vs. The "Art" of Debunking



 -  Some Aspects of Anti Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons


 -  Statistics of Missing Children and Adults in California (1995 - 1999)


 -  Stop Exploiting the Indigo Children



 -  Stop Misleading the Children, Mr. Jennings



 -  Surprising Numbers of Teens Refuse to Use Social Media


 -  Telepathy and The Technology of Mind Control


 -  The 1950s Secret Discovery of the Code of the Brain - U.S. and Soviet Scientists Have Developed the...


 -  The 2006 Government Mind Control Debate



 -  The Basis of Mass Mind Control



 -  The Controllers - A New Hypothesis of Alien Abductions



 -  The ESP of Espionage


 -  The First Earth Battalion - Dare to Think the Unthinkable, Ideas and Ideals for Soldiers Everywhere


 -  The "Frequency Fence-Mystery"



 -  The Greenbaum Speach


 -  The Hidden Side of Psychiatry - by Gary Null


 -  The Hideous BAM in Obama - Map Your Brain for 'Your Own Good'


 -  The Invisible Third World War


 -  The Perils of Obedience


 -  The Point of No Return in Vetoing Self-Initiated Movements

 -  The Soldier As A System


 -  The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology Capable of Some Electronic Harassment Effects


 -  The Two Towers of Mind Control - Jachim and Boaz


 -  This Is Your Brain on Neuroscience - Brain Activity Map - BAM


 -  Timeline of Important Dates in The History of Electromagnetic Technology and Mind Control


 -  TV Digital - El Control de La Mente Por El Sonido del Silencio


 -  TV Propaganda and The Mind Control Culture


 -  UFOs And New Frontiers - Connecting With The Larger Reality


 -  United Nations Tackles Mental Disorders - Supervise World Sanity Via 'People's Charter for Mental Health?'


 -  U.S. Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights


 -  Wonder Weapons - The Pentagon's Quest For Nonlethal Arms Is Amazing - But Is It Smart?


Manipulation - Manipulación


 -  Cómo Facebook se convirtió en un Cómplice de la Censura y de las Agencias de Inteligencia de EE.UU.


 -  Dos Técnicas de Manipulación de Masas que No Debes Olvidar


 -  Facebook's War on Cognitive Liberty


 - ¿Ha Muerto la Libertad? - Control Mental, Manipulación de las Masas y Esclavitud Moderna


 -  How Global Mind Manipulation Works - Explained by Dr. Michael Nehls, author of "The Indoctrinated Brain"


 -  La "Ciencia" de la Manipulación - Investigadores elaboran Mensajes de Culpa y Vergüenza - Vacunas


 -  La Manipulación de las Masas


 -  La Manipulación Social - Nueva Esclavitud del Hombre


 -  La Tecnología para Engaño Holográfico Masivo y Manipulación Psicológica ha Existido por Décadas


 -  Manipulations and Mind Games - The Secret Battle to Control How We Think

 -  Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors - US 6506148 B2


 -  Psychological Manipulation - Controlling the Minds of the Population to Change their Behavior


 -  The Technology for Mass Holographic Deception and Psychological Manipulation has Existed for Decades


 -  Torn Jeans and "The Great Reset" - A History of Mind Manipulation


 -  Una Noticia Irrelevante que Desvela una Poderosa Técnica de Manipulación


 -  We think 'This Dystopia' is Normal - Like People in Abusive Relationships think it's Normal





 -  Las Diez Estrategias de Manipulación Mediática - "Nos Conocen mejor que Nosotros"...

 -  Tavistock - The Science of Mass Manipulation



Metaverse and Virtual Reality - Metaverso y Realidad Virtual


 -  A "Virtual Reality" - The Holographic Universe


 -  Blending Reality - The WEF calls for 'Creation of Metaverse Identity' in latest push for Digital Dystopia


 -  Headset Reality - The Simulation


 -  Matrix - Main File


 -  Metaverse - Augmented Reality Pioneer warns 'It could make Reality Disappear'


 -  Mezclando la Realidad - FEM pide 'Creación de una Identidad Metaversa' en empuje a la Distopía Digital

 -  Snow Crash - by Neal Stephenson


 -  Svali 1st Series  - The Illuminati - How the Cult Programs People


 -  The Continued Unraveling of Mark Zuckerberg's 'Malicious Metaverse'


 -  The WEF's Metaverse Utopia


 -  WEF - Living in Metaverse will be 'More Meaningful to us than our Physical Lives'


 -  Why we should Reject Mark Zuckerberg's Dehumanizing Vision of a "Metaverse"


 -  Zuckerberg warns that AI Companies 'Trying to Create God'... but he will "Save Us"...



 -  Zuckerberg's Virtual Reality Photo - Our Future in the Matrix


Psychological Operations (Psy-Op) - Operaciones Psicológicas


 -  America's Secret Cerebral Campaign - Psychological and Informational Operations


 -  An Army of Big Biotech Companies is using Psych Tactics to 'Create Vaccine Demand'


 -  Bible Scholar Claims Christianity Invented as Part of Ancient Roman Psy-ops Campaign


 -  Breaking the Spell - MindSpace, Trance Warfare, and Neuro Linguistic Programming


 -  Brussels Bombing Psyop a Victory for the Ruling Elite and Global Police State


 - "Chemtrails" Exposed - Global Geoengineering PsyOps Documented


 -  CNN and Psy-Ops


 -  El Coronavirus y el 'Factor Miedo'... - Main File


 -  Everything is a Psy-Op


 -  Evidence Points to Bitcoin being an NSA-engineered Psyop to roll out One-World Digital Currency

 -  From PSYOP to MindWar - The Psychology of Victory


 -  Guerra de Cuarta Generación


 -  Is the Coronavirus Scare a 'Psychological Operation'?


 -  Las Psi-Ops y como Detectarlas


 - 'Mass Formation Psychosis' admittedly used by Governments as 'Tool of Population Control'


 - 'Mass Formation' - The Applied Science of Social Engineering


 -  Masters of Deceit - The Government's Propaganda of Fear, Mind Control and Brain Warfare


 -  Military Use of Silent Sound - Mind Control Weapons


 -  NGOs are the 'Deep State's Trojan Horses'


 -  Operaciones Psicológicas de Guerra - PSYOP


 -  Operaciones Psicológicas Utilizadas Diariamente para Manipularnos


 -  Predictive Software "Validates" WikiLeaks Psy-Op Attack on Syria


 -  Psychological Operations/Warfare - PSYOP


 -  PSYOPs Used Daily to Manipulate You - Covert Hypnosis, Mind Control Techniques - Wake Up and Protect...


 -  Reality is A Psyop


 -  Rompiendo el Hechizo - Espacio Mental, Armas de Trance y Programación Neuro Lingüística


 -  Shadow Armies are Waging an Invisible War on Us All


 -  Shadowgate Banned Film - How We're Being Controlled


 -  The Coronavirus and the 'Fear Factor'...  - Main File


 -  The Effects of 'Pulsed Microwaves' and 'Extra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves' on Human Brains?


 -  The Evolution of Psychological Manipulation in Democratic Societies

 -  The Handbook of 5GW - by Daniel Abbott


 -  Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare




 -  How the "Greater Good" is Used as a 'Tool of Social Control'


Books and Manuals



 -  Cómo Mentir con Estadísticas - por Darrell Huff


 -  Deeper Insights into The Illuminati Formula - by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler


 -  El Dominio Mental - La Geopolítica de la Mente - por Pedro Baños

 -  Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds - by Charles Mackay

 -  Guide to Trance-Formation - How to Harness the Power of Hypnosis to Ignite Effortless and Lasting Change


 -  La Manipulacion de Candy Jones - por Donald Bain


 -  Mind Control in The United States - by Steven Jacobson


 -  Neurotechnology in National Security and Defense - by James Giordano

 -  Operation Mind Control - by Walter Bowart

 -  Project Superman - A "Victim" of The Illuminati's Super-Race Projects... - by M. Andrew Pero

 -  PTSD - Time to Heal - by Cathy O'Brien

 -  The Crowd - A Study of the Popular Mind - by Gustav Le Bon

 -  The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

 -  The Handbook of 5GW - by Daniel Abbott


 -  The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave - by Springmeier-Wheeler

 -  The Indoctrinated Brain - by Michael Nehls


 -  The Manchurian Candidate - The CIA and Mind Control - by John Marks


 -  The Music of Time - Excerpts - by Preston B. Nichols


 -  The New Inquisitions - Heretic-Hunting and the Intellectual Origins of Modern Totalitarianism - by Arthur Versluis

 -  The Rape of the Mind - The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing - by Joost Meerloo

 -  The Scientist - A Metaphysical Autobiography - by John C. Lilly

 -  Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism - A Study of "Brainwashing" in China - by Robert Jay Lifton


 -  Trance-Formation of America - by Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips




 -  Architects of Control - Michael Tsarion


 -  Beyond Treason



 -  Cómo 'Nos dejamos Manipular' por las Redes Sociales


 -  Covid-19 was a 'Mass Mind Control Operation' - Pandemic Used to Inflict Psychological Terror on World


 -  El Futuro de La Humanidad - Arquitectos del Control



 -  El Ultimo Guerrero - Robert Duncan O'Finioan


 -  Ex-Believers' Stories - How to Spot a Cult


 -  Human Resources - Social Engineering In The 20th Century

 -  Human Version 2.0 - Neuroscience Experiments



 -  La Doctrina del Shock



 -  La Psiquiatria - Industria de La Muerte


 -  Mind Control - ABC NEWS SPECIAL, 1979


 -  Mind Control - America's Secret War - The History Channel

 -  Mind Programming, Brainwashing and Mass Hypnosis - David Icke

 -  Mission Mind Control


 -  Predictive Programming - Theory and Practice with Alan Watt


 -  Programación Predictiva - Alan Watt - English-Español


 -  Religion and Politics - Jesus Camp



 -  Religión y Política - Campamento Jesus


 -  Rule from The Shadows - The Psychology of Power

 -  Shadowplay - Part 1 - 9/11 Puppetmasters


 -  Subliminal Mind Control - The Giveaway - Derren Brown


 -  Targeted Individuals


 -  Tavistock - Lavado de Cerebro de Masa - Documental

 -  The Brain - A Secret History


 -  The Dumbest People Ever - The Zombification of the Planet

 -  The Psychosis of Mind Control of the Many by the Very Few

 -  The Puppet Masters


 -  Trance-Formation - Exposing The Meme That Enslaves Society


 -  Vernon Coleman - Esto no Podría posiblemente Suceder - ¿Verdad?

 -  Vernon Coleman - This Couldn't Possibly Happen - Could it?


Related Reports


 -  Brainwave Frequency Listing


 -  Brotherhoods and Secret Societies - Main File



 -  Computer Simulation - MAIN FILE


 -  Consciousness and Sociopolitics - Main File


 -  Conspiracy Theories - Main File


 -  Depopulation of Planet Earth - Main File


 -  Fuerzas del Universo - Main File


 -  Holographics - Main File


 -  Psychotronics - Main File


 -  Revelations From Ex-Illuminati - Satanism and Mind Control... - Main File


 -  Tavistock Institute - Main File


 -  The Council of Nine - Main File


 -  The Deadly Industry of Psychiatry - Main File


 -  The Global Elite - Main File


 -  The Global Media Control - Main File


 -  The Human Brain - Main File


 -  The Montauk Project - Main File


 -  Vision Remota - Remote Viewing - Main File