Dear Fellow Chemtrail/Geoengineering Activists,
I am writing to share what I have
learned, as well as express my concerns, after attending the
"Our Common Future Under
Climate Change" in Paris, France last week.
This meeting was the precursor to a
global climate agreement and global government which, if allowed
to form, will essentially become a carbon dictatorship whereby
every aspect of our lives will be controlled by the
corporate/governmental complex.
The planned signing of this global
climate agreement is scheduled to occur this coming December in
Paris. Upon further reflection on this past meeting, it is now
clear that there is a direct correlation between geoengineering
and the climate change agendas. I now believe this to be the
most important time and focus of our activism.
What is clear to many of us who
attended this meeting is that we are now facing a planned agenda
for the largest transfer of monetary and political power in the
history of our civilization.
As a matter of fact, many of us who
attended the meeting as activists jokingly called the meeting
"Our Communist Future Under
Climate Change" due to the many profound political
objectives discussed.
This covert and oppressive agenda is all
being perpetuated in the context of arresting global climate
change, which is clearly caused to a great degree by geoengineering but blamed almost entirely on anthropogenic CO2
As I will discuss in this letter, the following
statement is very important and key to our efforts in getting geoengineering stopped.
It is also critical in terminating
the planned fiscal and political takeover that was outlined in
the Paris meetings:
The IPCC Climate Model is flawed
and fraudulent due to the fact that the geoengineering
practices that have been ongoing for over 60 years have not
been included in the model.
The stated purpose of the geoengineering programs is to
"change the climate and
manipulate the weather", therefore, there can be no
accurate, definitive statement made that the planet is
warming, cooling or in the midst of climate change due to
To make such a statement allows for the continuation of
the destructive geoengineering programs, the deception
surrounding them and the further misleading of the public.
Supporting the global warming/climate change agenda has no
benefit whatsoever to our efforts in getting geoengineering
stopped and also leads us into supporting the legalization
of geoengineering, as well as the worldwide transfer of
wealth and power into the hands of the global elite.

through the eyes of the IPCC
During the conference, myself and
other geoengineering activists had the opportunity to ask
several of the world's top climate scientists if any of the
ongoing weather modification and other geoengineering programs
have been included in any climate models.
The answer from all
who we asked was,
"No, geoengineering has not been included."
also had the opportunity to interview some of the world's
leading scientists who admitted on camera that the climate
models are flawed due to these and other missing components.
question we must ask, then, is how can mandates, taxes and other
fiscal/political changes be justified without a consensus on
climate change, especially when the basic models are missing
perhaps the largest component of our changing climate, geoengineering?
These and other interviews from the meeting will
be included in my next film (trailer below):
Because carbon is a primary element
and CO2 is a integral component of life on our planet, all of us
have a carbon footprint that can be measured, analyzed and
controlled. Consequently, CO2 has become the target compound/gas
that will be mandated for reduction, taxed and used to implement
Agenda 21 and other global government
A common theme at the meeting was that
a global problem requires a
global solution.
That global solution is global
government mandates, taxes and other forms of legislation (as
well as various methods of implementation) that are alluded to
in this letter.
As outlined at the meeting,
government and scientific goals include the reduction of the
planet's temperature by two degrees.
The stated means by which
to do this is to reduce,
the CO2 usage every individual on
the planet
the carbon footprint of each nation
They (governments and corporations, scientific research and
academia) are planning on doing this by implementing dramatic
changes in the personal lives of individuals which most likely
will include the monitoring of people via smart meters, using
black boxes in cars and by other means.
Some of those will
measure and limit people's CO2 usage, as well as take aggressive
measures against people who go over their daily limits.
If we support this agenda, a very
likely example of a future scenario is the case of leaving a
light on accidentally in our home and being monetarily fined
because it constitutes a violation of a mandate that forbids us
to have lights on during certain periods or for specified
lengths of time during the day.
Other examples of mandates are
occurring in those states that currently tax people based on the
mileage that they drive. This legislated policy is currently
being carried out in
certain states such as Oregon
and could, if effective, be implemented worldwide.
Also, because smart meters have the
ability to monitor the appliances that are used in our homes and
businesses, it is likely that we will be forced to upgrade our
vacuum cleaners and dishwashers, dryers and wash machines as
well as other appliances to newer models that are deemed by this
agenda to be appropriately "green."
If this agreement is passed,
they (corporations) will have a means to control specifically
what we do in our own homes, including the shutting down of our
power, if and when we exceed the allotted amount of energy.
planned "carbon control dictatorship" is essentially a
carbon control matrix that will invade
every aspect of our lives, even determining what products we use
and how we use them.

A Major Component of Agenda 21
plan to bring a 'world government' to local municipalities (via
Agenda 21) by way of sanctions, legal actions and other
aggressive measures.
What is also concerning about this
agenda is the discussion as to how to bring this global
corporate/government agenda to local governments. The term used
in many of the meetings was "sustainability",
which sounds good.
However, it is also the key term used to sell
and soften the
dictatorial and oppressive United Nations'
initiative known as Agenda 21.
This overarching agenda
has clear objectives and specific goals which include the forced
transfer of private lands and usurpation of property rights. Agenda 21 also imposes the same demanding global governance
objectives on local municipalities.
Because of the impossibility
of getting voluntary compliance at the local level, taking
aggressive action toward counties and municipalities who do not
conform/comply were discussed at the meeting, including the
implementation of various sanctions against non-compliant
I was also informed during one of
the implementation sessions that some foreign governments are
now suing local municipalities who have refused to sign on to
these burdensome global mandates.
Another strategy discussed is
using a global monetary fund (to be established through a
massive carbon taxation regime) in order to essentially bribe
developing nations with grant money to sign on to this
heavy-handed agenda.
As discussed in many sessions, the use of
sanctions and grants are very effective tools in bringing about
'successful' negotiations and implementing these severe
measures. This is especially the case for those developing
nations who, according to speakers at the meeting, are less
likely to sign on unless given financial incentives and/or
subjected to economic sanctions.
Basically, we are entering an
era where governments and municipalities will most likely will
be forced to either accept payouts or face punishments for
Because the climate models are so profoundly flawed, the climate
agenda is fraudulent.
If we do not address this rapidly
unfolding agenda immediately, the world will soon experience the
greatest transfer of financial and political power in the
history of our civilization.
This transformation will create
massive losses and unprecedented damages to the majority of
people around the world.
The formation of global government
according to these agreements will most likely include the
legalization of geoengineering, elimination of the right to
initiate lawsuits by removing the legal standing within the
respective jurisdictions (national, state, county, city).
will also subject the whole carbon management and taxation
regime to an international tribunal for adjudication purposes.

According to information which has
been released through documents related to both
the TPP
(Trans-Pacific Partnership) and
the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade
and Investment Partnership), this upcoming global carbon control
regime via world government will be controlled by those
corporate interests that benefit from these and other damaging
Because the opposition (those who are implementing
this global climate change legislation) is taking legal and
legislative initiatives, it's incumbent upon those of us who are
aware of the environmental ravages of geoengineering to
vigorously oppose these steps with countervailing legal and
legislative action(s).
I will soon be drafting a letter to send
to our political leaders and will also continue to move forward
with our class action lawsuit.
Any attorney who is sympathetic
this cause is invited to support our legal team in any that
works for them.
The time is now to demand an end to
all climate meetings, agreements, mandates, as well as all other
attempts to form an autocratic global government.
The future of
humanity and fate of the planet will be determined by the
outcomes associated with their
NWO agenda, especially to the
extent that Agenda 21 is permitted to be implemented
both locally and globally.
I would like to thank all of my
supporters who made my attendance at the meeting a reality, as
well as thank all the other activists who attended and who
brought the crucial issue of geoengineering into the discussion
with great dexterity. Again, the importance of us all addressing
this highest priority issue cannot be overstated.
Thank you for your time; your past,
present and future activism; and for bringing this important
message to your respective audiences.
As always,
looking up!"
Michael J. Murphy
Director/Producer of "What in The World are They
Spraying On Us?"
and "Why
in The World are They Spraying?"