It is a giant free trade secret deal between the U.S., Canada, and 10 countries in the Asia-Pacific region that's been under negotiation for nearly a decade now.

It is expected to eliminate tariffs on goods and services, tear down a host of non-tariff barriers and harmonize all sorts of regulations to enhance

Transnational Corporate Power.

Now been rebranded as the

Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).  

Es un gigantesco acuerdo secreto de libre comercio entre los EE.UU., Canadá y 10 países de la región Asia-Pacífico que ha sido objeto de negociaciones durante casi una década.

Se espera eliminar aranceles sobre bienes y servicios, derribar una serie de barreras no arancelarias y armonizar todo tipo de regulaciones para

incrementar el Poder de Las Corporaciones Transnacionales.

Ahora ha sido rebautizado como

Acuerdo Integral y Progresista de Asociación Transpacífica (CPTPP).





 -  ACTA 2.0 - The Trans-Pacific Partnership



 -  Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico Tendrá Que Esperar Hasta el 2014


 -  Acuerdo Secreto de la Asociación Trans-Pacífico (TPP)


 -  Acuerdo Transpacífico (TPP) - Un Arma de Doble Filo


 -  As Secret Trade Talks Reveal Cracks, Demonstrators Aim Death Blows at TPP


 -  Australian Opposition Calls for TPP Text to Be Made Public


 -  China se Frota las Manos con la Muerte del TPP


 -  Con el TPP, Obama Expande el Moderno Comercio de Esclavos


 -  Con il TPP, Obama espande il Moderno Commercio degli Schiavi


 -  El Acuerdo Transpacífico (TPP) da Derecho a Empresas a Demandar a los Países Latinoamericanos


 -  El Fundador de Wikileaks Julian Assange Revela las Intenciones Reales detrás del Acuerdo TPP


 -  El Poder Transnacional y los Nuevos TLCs


 -  El TPP - Nuevo Tablero Mundial


 -  El TPP Restringe la Adopción de Excepciones y Limitaciones


 -  El TPP y las Medidas Tecnológicas de Protección


 -  'Flush The TPP - The Trans-Pacific Partnership!' - Protesters Scale Trade Building in Protest of Secretive...


 -  Here's How Much Corporations Paid U.S. Senators to Fast-Track the TPP Bill

 -  How the Free Trade Agenda Is Knocking Down America


 - "It's About Letting Giant Corporations Rig the Rules" - Warren Skewers on TPP


 -  Julian Assange on TPP - 'Mostly Not About Trade, Regulates Internet'


 -  Los Mega Acuerdos Comerciales y sus Amenazas para America Latina


 -  Los Oscuros Planes de La Comisión Trilateral - TPP, Monsanto, Rockefeller, Brzezinski


 -  Mainstream Media Silent on Dangerous Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)


 -  Obama Administration Pushing a Secretive Trade Agreement - Leaked Trade Doc Shows Obama Wants...


 -  Obama-Backed TPP Expands Corporate Lawsuits Against Nations for Lost Profits


 -  Obama Impulsa una Serie de Tratados Secretos que Cambiarán el Mundo


 -  Obama's Corporate Agenda Delayed as TPP Misses Deadline


 -  Obama's Pacific Trade Deal TPP 'Worst Ever' Attack on Public Health - Leaked Draft Shows


 -  Obama to attend TPP Summit, hold Talks with Xi and Turnbull during next APEC in Lima, Peru


 -  Pacific Trade Deal Needs More WikiLeaking


 -  People Pressure is Making Fast Tracking the TPP Politically Toxic


 -  Perú Negocia Acuerdo que Facilita a Transnacionales Millonarias Indemnizaciones - Investigación de...


 -  Planeta Tierra S.A. - El Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico Pone los Intereses Comerciales por Encima...


 -  Propiedad Intelectual en el Tratado Transpacífico - Más Costos que Beneficios


 -  Respuesta al TPP - Rusia Propone un Nuevo Bloque Económico Euroasiático


 -  Right and Left Agree - TPP is About Corporate Control


 -  Secret Corporate Government Merger - Known as the TPP - is Finally Dead


 -  Secret TPP Deal Would Void Democracy - Corporations Will Have the Right to Sue National Governments


 -  Secret TPP Negotiations Resume in Salt Lake City


 -  Secret TPP Text Unveiled - It's Worse than We Thought


 -  Secret Trade Agreements Threaten to Undo Our Last Shreds of Food Safety - The TPP


 -  Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) - Environment Chapter


 -  Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) - Intellectual Property Rights Chapter


 -  Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) - Investment Chapter


 - "Sentence First, Verdict Afterwards" - The Alice in Wonderland World of Fast-tracked Secret Trade...


 -  Stop the Toxic TPP - Trans-Pacific Partnership Supports GMOs, Denies Your Right to Know


 -  The Dangers of Tran-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and How It Could Affect You


 -  The Full Text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)


 -  The Integration of Trade Agreements into the United Nations '2030 Agenda'


 -  The Three Industries that Love the TPP - Hollywood, Big Pharma and Wall Street


 -  The TPP is Dead - What Happens Next?



 -  The TPP is Right Where We Want It - Going Nowhere...



 -  The TPP - Obama's Secret Treaty Would Be the Most Important Step Toward a One World Economic...


 -  The TPP, the Trilateral Commission, Brzezinski, Monsanto, Rockefeller


 -  The TPP, TTIP and the UN's 2030 Agenda are Secretly Designed as Precursors to a One World Corporate...


 -  The TPP was all but 'Dead' - Now DC Think Tanks are quietly Urging Biden to Bring it Back - Corporate Greed


 -  The Trade Deal Scam - TPP and EU-US Free Trade Agreement


 -  The Trans-Pacific Partnership



 -  The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) is Part of Obama's "Pivot to Asia"


 -  The Trans-Pacific Partnership Clause Everyone Should Oppose


 -  The Trans-Pacific Partnership - Enforcement for United Nations '2030 Agenda'


 -  The Trans-Pacific Partnership is Dead - Schumer tells Labor Leaders


 -  The Trans-Pacific Partnership Means GMOs in Your Food


 -  The Trans-Pacific Partnership - Permanently Locking-In the Obama Agenda for 40 Percent of the Global...


 -  The Trans-Pacific Partnership's "Global Economic Coup" - Secret Negotiations Behind Closed Doors


 -  The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Why it’s Nothing but A Corporate Takeover


 -  The Trans-Pacific Partnership Would Destroy our National Sovereignty


 -  The TTIP and TPP Trade Deals - Enough of the Secrecy


 -  TPP Investment Map - New Privileges for 30,000 Companies?



 -  TPP is Toxic Political Poison that Politicians Should Avoid - Spread the Word


 -  TPP Is Treason - WAKE UP! Globalization Goes for Checkmate


 -  TPP - Más Sanciones Criminales y más Sobrecarga del Sistema Judicial


 -  TPP 'Misinformation' from Opposition is Ruining our Efforts - Says Australian Trade Minister


 -  TPP Negotiations Stalled by Significant Gaps


 -  TPP - Sacrificing the Environment for Corporate Interests


 -  TPP Treaty - Intellectual Property Rights


 -  TPP - Un nuevo Piso Mínimo de Protección de Derechos de Autor para un 40% de la Economía Mundial


 -  TPP y los ISP - Contra la Libre Expresión y la Privacidad, en Nombre del Copyright


 -  Trading Away Our Digital Rights - More Nations Join TPP as The Next Round of Negotiations Approach


 -  Trans-Pacific Partnership and Monsanto


 -  Trans-Pacific Partnership - Corporate Power-Tool of The 1% - Neoliberal Overload


 -  Trans Pacific Partnership Is "Corporatist Power Grab" - Bloomberg


 -  Trans Pacific Partnership Might Include International Ban on GMO Labeling


 -  Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations Come to Screeching Halt


 -  Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks Going On in Ottawa - July 2014


 -  Trump Desmonta los Grandes Acuerdos Comerciales con EE.UU.

 -  Trump Foiled Soros' Master Plan TPP to Impose New World Order


 -  What Is The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)?


 -  What You Need to Know About a Worldwide Corporate Power Grab of Enormous Proportions - The Trans...


 -  Where In The World are The TPP Negotiators?



 -  Why Do a Majority of Americans Oppose Fast-tracking the TPP?


 -  Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange reveals Real Intentions Behind the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)


 -  With TPP 'At Heart' of Obama Agenda, Critics Debunk Trade Talking Points

  Additional Information  

 -  Acuerdo Transatlántico - ¡Peligro para Europa!


 -  Agravada una Crisis Humanitaria en América Central


 -  Algunas Razones por las que Debe Preocuparte el TTIP


 - "Antes Pedíamos que EE.UU. se Fuera de Vietnam - Era Más Fácil que Explicar el TTIP" - dice S. George


 -  Crunch Time for the Global Corporatocracy



 -  Diez Grandes Corporaciones Culpables de Asesinato


 -  Eleven Governments are Meeting in Peru to Figure Out How They Can Control The Internet


 -  El Sueño de Monsanto del Acuerdo de Comercio TTIP - Cientos de Miles Cierran Berlín para Protestar...


 -  Exacerbated a Humanitarian Crisis in Central America

 -  Intellectual Property Chapter of Trans Pacific Partnership


 -  Is Europe About to Lose the Fight Against GMO's?


 -  Is it U.S. vs. China in Trade Pacts?


 -  La Organización de Cooperación de Shanghái Encabeza la Gran Transformación de Eurasia


 -  México Anuncia Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífica de 11 Países


 -  Monsanto's Dream Trade Deal - Hundreds of Thousands Shut Down Berlin to Protest 'Trojan Horse


 -  Monsanto, The TPP, and Global Food Dominance



 -  NAFTA on Steroids



 -  New World Order Blueprint Leaked - The Trans-Pacific Partnership


 - "No hay que Cambiar el Tratado con EE.UU. - Hay que Librarnos de él Porque es Peligrosísimo" - S. George


 -  Obama and Froman Use Ukraine to Push U.S.-EU Merger


 -  Obama Presses "North American Union" with Mexico and Canada


 -  Obama to Expand Modern-Day Slave Trade with TPP


 -  Rule by The Corporations - The TTIP, The Corporate Empowerment Act


 -  Secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership  Talks Re-Commence in Lima, Peru - They Can Shut Us Out, But...


 -  Ten Corporations that Got Away with Murder

 -  The Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations and Issues for Congress

 -  TPP - Advanced Investment Chapter Working Document for all 12 Nations - January 20, 2015

 -  TPP - Advanced Intellectual Property Chapter for All 12 Nations with Negotiating Positions

 -  TPP - Country Positions Spreadsheet - 6 November 2013

 -  TPP - Intellectual Property Rights Chapter - Consolidated Text - October 5, 2015

 -  TPP State of Play after Salt Lake City 19-24 November 2013 Round of Negotiations

 -  TPP - Report from Chairs of Environment Chapter for all 12 nations - January 15, 2014


 - ¿Una Negociación Caricaturesca? - Lo que No te han Contado del TLCAN


 -  USA uses TPP-like Trade-Court to Kill Massive Indian Solar Project


 -  White House Lies to E.U. about U.S. Gas Supply


  TISA - Trade-in-Services Agreement  

 -  TISA - An International "Trade in Services Agreement"?


 -  TISA, TTIP and TPP = Corporate Hegemony and Global Economic Warfare


 -  TPP is Dead, but it's About to Be Replaced by Something Much Worse - TISA


 -  Breaking '08 Pledge, Leaked Trade Doc Shows Obama Wants to Help Corporations Avoid Regulations


 -  El TPP y el Lobby Farmacéutico Industrial - Entrevista a Peter Maybarduk


 -  Las Papas Decimos NO al TPP

 -  Obama-Backed Trans-Pacific Partnership Expands Corporate Lawsuits Against Nations for Lost Profits

 -  The TPP and Big Pharma - Interview to Peter Maybarduk

 -  The TPP in 2 Minutes and Why it's the Worst Trade Deal you've Never Heard Of

 -  The TPP - Where Are the Negotiators?


 -  TPP Hands the Keys to Corporate Foreign Powers


 -  TPP - The Dirtiest Trade Deal You've Never Heard Of

  Related Reports  

 -  The End of The Internet... As We Know It? - Main File



 -  The New World Order - Main File



 -  The North America Union - Main File