channeled readings by Steve Rother
April 12, 2011
PreventDisease Website
Spanish version
Just take a moment right now and feel your heart.
The rate of your heart not only
determines the need for blood throughout your body, but it is also
sending out your unique signature and unique vibration out into the
The time or distance in between your creations and manifestations is
almost gone. This is new for humans because it was a safety margin
which no longer exists. It was possible in the past for you to have
negative thoughts without creating them in your world all the time,
and that was partly because of your own advancement and the
collective reasoning. That is gone. You will manifest at will and
almost instantly.
Something has taking place now that has never taken place on this
planet before. Over the next 3 to 5 years, your unique
vibrational pattern is changing and evolving to shift you from one
dimension to the next along with the planet.
Every person, much like a personality, much like a body, much like a
snowflake, every one is needed for the creation of home, each human
carrying one piece of the puzzle and the puzzle pieces are all very
unique and very critical to the overall puzzle which you are now
assembling on the new planet.
Earth is adapting for this move and the energetics of the planet are
going to continue their movement.
At least two other
major earthquakes are coming to
make this adjustment final. It's pretty easy to see the different
places on planet Earth where they will occur because most of your
activity and most of this portal is around the Pacific plate
which is where all of the activity and
the ring of fire exists.
most recent earthquake along with
the one in Chile has changed the Earth's tilt and wobble. Earth is
not only spinning on its axis, but it's also spinning on an
elliptical orbit around the sun. On top of that, it is on a wobbling
orbit which changed for the first time after the Chilean quake.
All these earthquakes are happening right now as part of the
adjustment necessary to make space for the new human. All of you
knew it was coming and you've have been talking about it for many
years. It's not something to worry something... it's something to
We know that it's very difficult when tragedy strikes. We know it's
difficult even for those of you who are not involved in the tragedy
to watch it and see it happening because you want to do so much from
the larger perspective. This was a gift that was given by those
people who lost their homes, by those people that died, by those
people that have gone through this entire life-changing experience.
It was a ticket for the rest of the
world to start a new vibrational signature, a new
wobble in the
rotation of planet Earth.
Everything that exists on this side of the veil is in motion.
Energy does not exist if it stops moving. You are all energy. In
fact everything that you perceive is energy and only exists in your
world because that energy is moving and each movement has its own
unique vibrational signature.
Earth's new
wobble is basically changing
dimension because that wobble is what goes out and interacts with
the universal energy and creates the illusion of the physical
planet. This is how the whole process began. The whole idea was a
plot by God created into a hologram which you have now grown
to planet Earth and are now every part of it.
Now you will begin to see humanity changing just as rapidly as the
Earth. It is easy to turn on your news and watch the changes that
are going on, but it is not quite so easy for you to look in the
mirror and see those changes happening within you, but
we tell you they are you and you are sending out a unique signature
that you've never sent out before.
Sometimes you need to create something totally different that you
didn't expect and by doing so, you are adjusting to your own
magnetics and your own new energy. Open your mouth and share your
words with those around you, tell them about your fears, tell them
about your anxiety or the difficulties you're having adjusting to
this energy.
Your planet will soon find new healers from Earth and other
galaxies. They will show up on a regular basis from this point
forward. You must understand that you have been here on Earth time
after time, many times struggling not being able to be heard, not
being able to get your message out because people were not high
enough in their vibration to even listen to it.
Now you will begin to realize how many
of you are actually healers.
All of
Earth's changes, tsunami's,
earthquakes and volcanic activity are a result of the planet
changing and evolving to the next level and none of this is new to
you. You've been watching it happen over the previous seven years.
Many of you will be repositioned during this year in some way. Some
of you found your jobs closing and others had suddenly been moved
from their location.
Some of you thought you had to be in a
different place and suddenly without planning or thinking at all,
you're repositioning to get you into a location which will serve the
highest potential for what is to come next into the dimension.
A lot of people are resisting and some of you think you did
something wrong.
None of you are wrong and all of you are
exactly where you need to be. You are seeing the birth pains of
mother Earth getting more intense. The birth process has begun
and she is in labor right now. This is what you are witnessing. It
is the evolution of what you call the ring of fire and the ring of
fire is on fire... there is no doubt about it.
When a woman is in labour, that intense burning and stinging
sensation as the baby crowns is called "the ring of fire".
Well the earth is experiencing its own
birth pain.
The ring of fire and all the energy
that came from the Pacific Ocean on earth provided the carbon
dioxide needed to make your life on this planet successful. Now it
is adapting to release a new energy to open up new portals to make a
new planet.
Many challenges await and you must refrain from judging yourselves
during this time of transition because it greatly side tracks all
the energy that is there for you to move from one level to the next.
If you doubt yourself and judge yourself
during this transition, the process will be more difficult. The
outside world is changing just as fast as you are changing and you
are altering biological mechanisms just as quickly.
Embrace it and know that you have collectively called for this
change, and together you will all rise to the occasion as new
humans and a new world.