Aches to Quakes
- Sensitives Who Predict Earthquakes Suffer Pain and
Español |
Aclaración de la Agencia Espacial Turca sobre
el Terremoto del 6 de Febrero |
A Global Extinction Event
Are Any of These Earthquakes Being
Caused by Scalar Weapons?
Asia Tsunami Was not Provoked by a
"Normal" Earthquake
Español |
Cambios en la Rotación de la
Tierra Incrementarán Sismos de Alta Magnitud en el 2018
- Según Científicos...
Chilean Earthquake Made Volcanoes
Chile Earthquake Might Have
Shortened Earth's Day, but How?
Chile's Earthquake Moved South
America Several Feet Westward
- Pacific Narrows - Atlantic Widens
Español |
Comienza La Evacuación de La Isla
Más Pequeña de Las Canarias Después de Que Un 'Enjambre'
Theorists' believe a U.S. Weather Weapon caused the 2023
Turkey Earthquakes - The HAARP |
Creating Waves, Destroying Lives -
Ancient Tsunamis that Left their Mark
Español |
Crece la
Interrogante sobre el Sismo en Turquía y Siria |
Did a 3800-year-old Mw ~9.5
Earthquake trigger Major Social Disruption in the
Atacama Desert?
Did a Neutron Star Explosion From
Across The Milky Way Galaxy Cause The Asian Tsunami?
Did New York Orchestrate The Asian
Earthquake Inducing
Electromagnetic Weapons Used at Kobe?
Earthquake Forecast - 4 California
Faults are Ready to Rupture
Earthquake Frequency and Magnitude
Are On The Rise Globally
Earthquakes and Life
Earthquakes and Tsunamis - Causes
and Information
Earthquakes - Natural or Man-Made?
- Virginia Department of Mines Minerals and Energy
Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Changes
in Our Sun
Earthquakes, Volcanoes and
Underground Lightning Discharges
Earth 'Wobbled' before two Major
Español |
El Crimen de Guerra Más Grande de
La Historia
- Fosa Abisal de Sumatra - Tsunami en Asia
Electric Earthquakes
Español |
El Gran Terremoto Que Podría Venir
- Ciudad de México
Español |
Terremoto de Chile Desplazó Varios Centímetros Hacia el
Oeste a America del Sur
Español |
El Terremoto en China ha Sido
Producido por Tecnología HAARP
Español |
El Terremoto en Nepal Alteró la
Atmósfera de la Tierra - Afirma la NASA
Español |
Erupciones y Terremotos en Octubre
Eruptions & Earthquakes in October
Evacuation of Smallest Canary
Island Begins After Earthquake 'Swarm' Sparks Fears of
Volcanic Eruption
Evidence That Denver and D.C.
Quakes Caused by "Nukes"
Español |
Extrañas Anomalías con El
Terremoto de Virginia
Fears of 'The Big One' as Seven Major
Earthquakes Strike Pacific Region in Just 96 Hours
The Japan Earthquake Shortened Earth's Day
Huge Tear on Ring of Fire
could Lead to Catastrophic Earthquakes and Tsunamis
- "Hyperdimensional"
Sumatra Earthquake -
How Was It Precisely
Predicted ... in Advance?
Italiano |
Il Terremoto in Nepal ha Alterato
l'Atmosfera della Terra - Lo Afferma la NASA
Indonesian Earthquake and Tsunami
Caused by a Stellar Explosion 45,000 Light Years Away?
The Massive Puerto Rico Trench Awakening?
La Tierra Tiembla
Español |
Los Tsunamis y el Diluvio
Massive 1994 Bolivian Earthquake
reveals Mountains 660 kilometers Below our Feet
Megaquakes Caused Volcanoes to
Sink - Research Finds
Español |
Megaterremoto Chileno dejó Atacama
desierta por 1.000 años
Español |
Megaterremoto y Tsunami hace 3.800
años - Cazadores-recolectores de Chile en el interior
durante 1.000 años
Mysterious Extreme Deep
Earthquakes Phenomenon Persists
Español |
Nace un Nuevo Volcán tras una
Colosal Erupción Submarina
Nature Blowing Its Top and Bottom
Megaquake Looking For a Weak Spot?
Quake May Have Made Earth Wobble
Quake Shifts Islands
- Nicobar and
Simeulue farther out to sea
Researchers find a better 'Power
Law' that Predicts Earthquakes, Blood Vessels, Bank
Rocks That Crackle and Sparkle and
Glow -
Strange Pre-Earthquake Phenomena
Español |
Rusia se Prepara para
Posible Catástrofe Sísmica
- Advierte que América está en
Peor Peligro
Satellite Images Tsunami Sumatra
Secretary of Defense Reveals
Earthquake and Volcano Weapons
Español |
Senadora Rumana declara que
Estados Unidos Provocó el Sismo en Turquía y Siria
Shaking Earth
Sleeping Giant Super Volcano -
TOBA Just NW Of Sumatra
South Korea's Most-destructive
Quake probably Triggered by Geothermal Plant
Strange Anomalies With The
Virginia Earthquake
Sumatra Continuing Seismic Noise
Danger Continues
Swarm of Quakes Have Experts
Synthetic Earthquakes
- Diplomacy By Other Means
Español |
Terremotos - ¿Naturales o
Hechos por el Hombre?
Español |
Terremotos, Volcanes y Descargas
Subterráneas de Relámpagos
Español |
Terremotos y Tsunamis - Causas e
2011 Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami
- Main File
The Coming Galactic Superwave
The Coming Global Superstorm
The Ring of Fire Is Roaring To
Life and There Will Be Earthquakes of Historic
Importance on The West...
The Unholy Trinity of Geoengineering Superpowers
Tsunamis and The Flood
Tsunami-Quake Danger For SW
Español |
Un Evento de Extinción Global
Español |
Un Gran Desgarre en el
Anillo de Fuego podría conducir a Catastróficos
Terremotos y Tsunamis
Why is One-Third of U.S. at High
Risk for Earthquakes?
Additional Information |
257 Earthquakes Over Magnitude 5
in 9 Days - What are We Not Being Told about this Energy
Español |
Alineamientos Astronómicos Como
Causa de Terremotos de Magnitud ~6+
Andromeda Council Sonic Beam
Destroys Reptilian Base
- Magnitude 5.0 Gulf of Aden Quake
An Unexplained 'Seismic' Event
'Rang' across the Earth in November
Español |
Armas de Energía para inducir Terremotos,
Deslizamientos de Tierra, Volcanes en Erupción
Español |
Armas de Rayos Sónicos del Consejo
de Andrómeda Destruye Base Reptiliana
- Temblor de Magnitud 5.0...
Astronomical Alignments as The
Cause of ~M6+ Seismicity
Bizarre Glowing Cloud Phenomenon
And Earthquakes
Español |
Bomba Tsunami
- Devastador Secreto de Guerra en Nueva Zelandia
Español |
Cambio de Polos y Terremotos Hoy
en Día
Current Status of
Seismo-Electromagnetics for Short-Term Earthquake
Earthquakes - Extract
Documentation for the 2014 Update
of the United States National Seismic Hazard Maps
Uptick in Mysterious "Booms" Foretell Mega-Quake?
Earthquake Causes
- From Lunar to Looney
Earthquake Triggering and
Large-Scale Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide
Español |
El Océano Atlántico se está
Energy Weapons for Inducing Earthquakes,
Landslides and Erupting Volcanoes
Frequently Asked Questions About
HAARP, Earthquakes, and Hurricanes
Here Comes Comet Elenin
High-Power ELF Radiation Generated
by Modulated HF Heating of The Ionosphere Can Cause
Huge Earthquake in Bolivia reveals
Vast Underground Mountain Range bigger than anything on
Earth's Surface
Ley Line Corks...
- A Theory
Lower Edge of Locked Main
Himalayan Thrust Unzipped by the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake
Map of All Volcanoes of the World
Massive Earthquake Fears Rise
After Mysterious Object Moves Nearer to Earth
More Evidence Quake No Coincidence
- Earthquake Destroyed China's Largest Military Armory,
Says Source
Operation Popeye - Weather
Modification as a Weapon of War
Italiano |
Parti Giganti del Manto
Terrestre si Stanno Rompendo e Creano Movimenti della
Terra nel Sud Est degli USA
Polar Shift and Earthquakes Today
Español |
- ¿Porqué
Aumentan las Erupciones Volcánicas y los Terremotos por
todo el Mundo?
Español |
- ¿Preámbulo
del Desastre? - Científicos Explican qué se Esconde
Detrás de los Terremotos Lentos
Español |
HAARP y EISCAT - ¿Capaces de Generar Terremotos como el de
Scientists find Huge Mountains
deep Below Earth's Surface
Secret OSS (Forerunner of the CIA)
Plans to Trigger Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Japan
Seismicity in The Oil Field
- In some regions, hydrocarbon production can induce
seismic activity
Sharp Increase in Central Oklahoma
Seismicity 2009-2014 Induced by Massive Wastewater
Español |
SOS Apocalipsis Petrolero
- "Amor y Gratitud" Para Salvar Nuestros Océanos -
Técnica Masaru Emoto
Subsea Volcanic Eruption Underway
Near El Hierro
- Canary Islands
Español |
Temores de Masivos Terremotos
Surgen Luego de Que Un Misterioso Objeto se Acerca a La
The Evolving Interaction of
Low-Frequency Earthquakes During Transient Slip
Many Signs that The Ring of Fire is Waking Up as We Head
Into 2013
The South Atlantic Anomaly
The Supervolcano that may
have Killed off Europe's Neanderthals is Stirring Again
Español |
Trozos Gigantes del Manto
Terrestre están Rompiéndose Causando Temblores a través
Sudeste de USA
Tsunami Bomb Weapon Reported in
New Zealand's Top Newspaper
- "UFO"
sightings and Energy Weapons of Mass Destruction
Español |
Varias Señales Que El Anillo de
Fuego Está Despertando al Dirigirnos Hacia el 2013
Español |
Web Bots, Fractales y El Próximo
Gran Terremoto
Web Bots, Fractals and The Next
Mega Quake
Western Bankers Threatened Japan With HAARP
Eco-Destruction a Year Before China Quakes
Will Comet Elenin Cause Major
Earthquakes As It Approaches Earth?
New Madrid Fault Zone |
California - Earthquakes
Español |
El Plan Para Dividir y Conquistar
Los Estados Unidos en La Falla de Nueva Madrid
of New Madrid Seismic Zone Earthquakes on Central USA
Is The New Madrid Mega Quake Being
Español |
La Poco Conocida Tubería-Bomba de
Nueva Madrid
The Little Known New Madrid
Pipeline Bomb
The Plan to Divide and Conquer
America at The New Madrid Fault
- And How We Can Remain Free from...
The 2010 Haiti's
Earthquake |
A Haiti Disaster Relief Scenario
Was Envisaged by The US Military One Day Before The
Bush/Clinton Crime Family Members
to Be Executed as A Result of Haiti Attack
Defense Launches Online System to
Coordinate Haiti Relief Efforts
Desperate Bush-Nazis Attack Haiti
With Tesla Earthquake Machine
Español |
Haiti - Demonios Tocando Arpas En
Guerras Silenciosas
Español |
- ¿Han
los Estados Unidos Provocado el Terremoto en Haití?
- ¿Ensayo Militar de Tipo Sísmico de La U.S...
Español |
Proyecto HAARP, Haití y el
Armamento Sísmico de Estados Unidos
Español |
Reflexiones Sobre El Terremoto de
Haití -
La Clave de Profundidad del Terremoto de Haití
Russia Says US 'Weapon' Caused
Haiti Quake
US Quake Test Goes “Horribly Wrong”
- Leaves 500,000 Dead In Haiti
Was Hugo Chavez Right
about HAARP and the Haiti Earthquake? - Is Weather Even
Natural Anymore?
World Trembles As US Prepares New
Quake Test
Multimedia: |
Did The U.S. Government Plan The
Earthquake in Haiti?
Haiti Earthquake and The HAARP
Induction Magnetometer
Multimedia |
10 Things You Didn't Know About
50 Meters Tsunami Wave Frightens Villagers Off South
Africa Coast...
Earth is In Fact Growing
- Conspiracy of Science
Earthquake - Risk to the Central U.S.
Mega-Tsunami - La Palma
- El Relato de Una Historia Anunciada
Origin of
Perspectives on Ocean Science - Earthquake History Along
the San Andreas Fault
Project BlueBeam
The Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
The Rim of Fire
The Ring of Fire
Tsunami -
Weather Warfare
- Program 'That's Impossible' History Channel
Links |
Movimientos Sísmicos en el Mundo - Mapa
del Día
Tsunami Warning Center - Pacific
Tsunami Warning Center - West Coast &
Reports |
Asteroids, Comets and Meteorites
- Main File
Information on Earthquakes and
Magnetic Poles Changes
Main File
Planetophysical Function Of Vacuum
Planetophysical State of The Earth
and Life