by Robert Hastings
June 19, 2011
TheUFOChronicles Website

Robert Pastings
On October 23, 2010, F.E. Warren Air
Force Base, in Cheyenne, Wyoming, temporarily lost the ability to
communicate with 50 of its Minuteman III nuclear missiles.
The five Missile Alert Facilities
responsible for launching those ICBMs in time of war - Alpha through
Echo, comprising the 319th Missile Squadron - would have been unable
to do so during the period of the disruption.
This dramatic story was leaked to Mark Ambinder, a
contributing editor at The Atlantic, which published it three days
later.1 The Air Force then quickly acknowledged the
problem, saying that a back-up system could have launched the
missiles and claiming that the breakdown had lasted a mere 59
However, the latter statement was untrue, according to two missile
technicians stationed at F.E. Warren, who say that the
communications problem, while intermittent, actually persisted over
several hours.

Significantly, these same individuals report multiple sightings by
“numerous [Air Force] teams” of an enormous cigar-shaped craft
maneuvering high above the missile field on the day of the
disruption, as well as the following day.
The huge UFO was described
as appearing similar to a World War I German Zeppelin, but had no
passenger gondola or advertising on its hull, as would a commercial
The confidential Air Force sources further report that the commander
of their squadron has sternly warned its members not to talk to
journalists or researchers about,
“the things they may or may not
have seen” in the sky near the missiles in recent months and have
threatened severe penalties for anyone violating security.
Consequently, these persons must remain
anonymous at this time.
The disquieting information was provided to me last December, via a
retired missile maintenance technician with contacts at F.E.
Warren. Two other retired USAF sources have verified, more
generally, receiving reports from their contacts of further UFO
activity within the base’s 9,600-square-mile missile field in the
fall of 2010.
These revelations were not at all surprising. Over the past seven
months I have received several, independent reports from law
enforcement personnel and civilians relating to UFO incidents
occurring in the region between September 2010 and April 2011.
If the mysterious cigar-shaped object repeatedly sighted on October
23-24 was somehow involved with the 50-missile launch system
disruption, it wouldn’t be the first time that a UFO interfered with
the functionality of nuclear missiles, according to several U.S. Air
Force veterans who have courageously gone public with their own,
still-classified close encounters at various ICBM bases during the
Cold War era.
On September 27, 2010, less than a month before the incident at F.E.
Warren, six of those individuals participated in my UFO-Nukes
Connection press conference in Washington D.C. and described UFO
activity at F.E. Warren’s missile sites - as well as those located
near Malmstrom AFB, Montana and Walker AFB, New Mexico - in the
1960s and ‘70s.
Another participant, a former deputy base commander,
discussed his own 1980 sighting of a disc-shaped object that hovered
near a nuclear bomb storage depot and apparently directed laser-like
beams of light down onto it.
The press conference received tremendous media coverage, resulting
in thousands of online and print articles as well as broadcast news
stories worldwide.
CNN streamed the event live and a video of it may
be viewed below:
That high-profile gathering of credible
sources, co-sponsored by former USAF nuclear missile launch officer
Robert Salas, was the result of decades of research.
Over the past
38 years, I have interviewed more than 120 former or retired U.S.
military personnel who report intermittent but ongoing UFO
incursions at nuclear weapons sites including missile launch
facilities, strategic bomber bases, weapons storage areas, and bomb
test ranges in Nevada and the Pacific during the Cold War era.
A Brief
History of UFO Activity at Nuclear Weapons Sites
Reports of UFO activity at nuclear weapons facilities is old news -
really old news - for those who know the facts.
Captain Edward Ruppelt, the first chief of the Air Force’s UFO investigations
Project Blue Book, spoke about such cases during a June 1952
interview with LOOK magazine.2
A fuller examination of the “ominous
correlation” between UFO sightings and nukes-related sites appeared
in Ruppelt’s 1956 book, The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects,
published after he had resigned from the Air Force.
Ruppelt wrote,
“UFOs were seen more frequently around areas vital to the defense of
the United States. The Los Alamos-Albuquerque area, Oak Ridge, and
White Sands Proving Ground rated high.” 3
Each of these locations was directly or indirectly involved in
America’s nuclear weapons program: Los Alamos Laboratory conducted
theoretical research and designed the bombs.
In Albuquerque, Sandia
Laboratory engineered those weapons, which were often transported to
Manzano Base, an underground storage facility.
At Kirtland
Air Force Base, located just west of Manzano, the nukes were loaded
onto strategic bombers and cargo aircraft and flown to test ranges
in Nevada and the Marshall Islands, as well as to military bases
throughout the continental U.S. and Alaska.
Meanwhile, at the Oak Ridge facility, in Tennessee, reactors
feverishly produced weapons-grade uranium and plutonium for an
ever-expanding nuclear arsenal. (Oak Ridge had also played an
essential role in the World War II-era Manhattan Project, by
providing the uranium for the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.)
declassified FBI and Air Force memoranda, and other reliable
reports, note no fewer than 14 separate UFO sightings at Oak Ridge
during the period from October 12 to December 20, 1950. The tally
was based on reports provided by various governmental security
officers at the installation, as well as military pilots and radar
At the third UFO sighting hot-spot mentioned by Ruppelt, White Sands
Proving Ground in southern New Mexico, the military was engaged in
ongoing tests of the captured Nazi V-2 rockets which would
eventually evolve into highly accurate, intercontinental delivery
systems for U.S. nuclear warheads (as well as the boosters NASA
would use to take its first steps into space).
Elsewhere in the book, Ruppelt discussed UFO incursions at two other
plutonium-production facilities, the Hanford site in Washington
State and the Savannah River plant in South Carolina.
A small cross-section of declassified FBI documents reporting on
sighting incidents at the Los Alamos and Sandia nuclear weapons labs
in New Mexico may be found at:

The UFOs-Nukes
Connection Press Conference.
Witness Affidavits and Declassified Documents
Perhaps not surprisingly, when ICBMs
began to be deployed in the early 1960s, UFO sightings also began to
occur at launch-related sites and missile warhead storage
The link above also contains a few declassified U.S. Air
Force documents regarding some of those incidents at Minot AFB,
North Dakota, in 1966, and Malmstrom AFB, Montana, in 1975.
More to the point, F.E. Warren AFB itself experienced an hours-long
UFO incident on August 1, 1965, involving as many as six objects
“stacked vertically” above various missile sites, according to a
Project Blue Book memorandum later published by the group’s civilian
scientific consultant, Dr. J. Allen Hynek.
I have interviewed two former ICBM launch officers, Jay Earnshaw and
Richard Tashner, who were on duty during that event - at different
underground Launch Control Capsules - who confirm the sightings.
Earnshaw said that the aerial objects were,
“oblong or, from the
correct perspective, disc-like.”
He added,
“We got reports from our
security people that there were objects in the sky stacked up, one
on top of the other, just hovering there. The Russians sure didn’t
have the capability to do that!
So that leaves only one other
possibility. I am one who believes that we are not the only ones in
the Universe and, well, I think someone might have been interested
in what we were doing at our [nuclear missile] sites.
I wasn’t one
of the witnesses to these events, because I was underground in the
capsule, but my second-hand information from the security people up
above was that the objects were really there.” 5
The October
2010 Event
Upon learning of the October 23, 2010 missile
communications-disruption incident at F.E. Warren, I immediately
wondered if the official Air Force explanation - a simple computer
glitch had caused the problem - were actually true.
Given my
research findings relating to similar, large-scale missile
malfunctions at other USAF bases over the years, the thought that
something more esoteric had been involved was unavoidable.
But I did not, of course, want to jump to conclusions.
When I first
heard the news, I merely smiled and said to myself,
“Okay, Robert,
you need to check that out as soon as possible.”
Unfortunately, due
to college lecture circuit commitments, including a presentation at
Oxford University in England, it was early December before I could
begin to investigate the possibility of a UFO involvement in the
events of October 23rd.
However - although a definitive, documented link with the
communications disruption remains elusive - it can now be said that
a UFO presence was indeed observed by several persons working in the
F.E. Warren missile field on that date, as well as the following
I will elaborate on the intriguing reports from Air Force
missile personnel after I have first placed them into context.
The Civilian
In addition to the military reports I have received, there is also
persuasive testimony from a number of civilian witnesses relating to
ongoing UFO activity within F.E. Warren’s huge missile field, which
sprawls across the tri-state convergence of southeast Wyoming,
southwest Nebraska and northeast Colorado.
Between late September
2010 and early April 2011, there have been credible reports of
cigar, cylinder, spherical and triangular-shaped objects maneuvering
near and even hovering low over various missile silos in Banner,
Kimball, Cheyenne and Morrill Counties in Nebraska.
Other sightings
occurred in Laramie County, Wyoming, north and east of the city of
Some of those accounts were forwarded to me by law enforcement
personnel who I had first contacted in early November; others
resulted from media coverage of my four-day visit to the region a
month later, during which I gave interviews to two local newspapers
and one radio station, asking sighting witnesses to contact me at my
email address, ufohastings@aol.com.
During those interviews, I deliberately did not mention some of the
specifics in the reports already in my possession so as to minimize
the potential for false leads from hoaxers, who might try to weave
various already-published details into their own fictional tales, in
an effort to make them conform to the earlier witness testimony.
In any case, among the reports that came in over a several-week
period are the following.
Witness A, who lives on the east side of
Sidney, Nebraska, emailed me on December 16th and wrote:
I can't be sure of the date but it
was in late September or early October. It was little chilly
out. I had taken a blanket and gone out and sat on my patio. I
do this occasionally in the evenings before going to bed and
just sit and look at the stars...It was a partly cloudy evening
and there was a full moon. That was why I had gone out, because
the moon was so big and yellow and very bright in the eastern
I sat outside for a little while, and I'm pretty sure I dozed
off for a few minutes. When I opened my eyes, I looked above me
and there was an object floating very slowly over me. It was
quite a ways up but still under the clouds that were out.
The object was mostly black with some silver in it. I’ve been
combing the Internet to see if I could find an object like it
but, so far, no luck...I sat there and watched it glide by,
going north to south, and then it went into some clouds. There
was absolutely no noise from it and no lights. I think the only
reason I could see it was because the moon as so bright.
I sat and watched for a bit and then it came from the south,
going north, very slowly but further east of me. Again I watched
it until it disappeared in the darkness. I sat there for a
little bit, searching the sky for it, but didn't see anything
until I heard some birds squawk and fly out of the tree. I
looked above me and back behind me and it was going over again,
from north to south.
That is when I got freaked out and went in
the house and locked my doors. I went out several other times
before it got to cold this fall but never saw anything like it
again. Thank heavens.
I told some of the people I work with
about it. I think they thought I was a nut.
The town of Sidney is literally
surrounded by missile silos, with those belonging to Hotel and India
Flights located east of town, where the witness saw the object
moving in a grid search-like pattern, north-to-south,
south-to-north, and then north-to-south again.
After receiving her email, I spoke with her by phone and asked for a
drawing of the UFO.
Instead, she sent me a small model of the squat
cylinder and later wrote,
“Glad you got my model. Very crude but it
at least gives you an idea of what type of craft I saw. If what I
sent had been a [professionally-done] model it would have been
shorter. The craft I saw was not as, for lack of a better word,
Another individual, Witness B, emailed me on December 23rd and
I'm not real sure what I saw, but I
live north of Potter, Nebraska. This is about 18 miles from
Kimball, to the east. This morning, when I let my two dogs out
at 6:25 a.m., I noticed a bright star in the sky.
Then I
realized it was overcast and there were no stars out. I walked
off my front porch and that's when I realized it was something
else. It was stationary and cylinder shaped with one bright oval
light, or maybe more, over the top. It disappeared before my
eyes. I live between two missile silos and this thing was to the
southeast of where I live, right about where there is a silo, or
I should say, it could see the silo real well.
I haven't called
the sheriff yet [because] I am afraid they will think I'm crazy,
but I probably will, just to see if anyone else saw something. I
try to keep an open mind about things but I never thought I
would see something like this.
I know you were in our area a
couple of weeks ago and I'm not real sure why I'm emailing you,
but just thought I needed to tell someone.
The witness later told me that the
missile silo nearest to the hovering UFO was - and that she had
noticed out-of-the-ordinary Air Force activity at the site during
the days following her sighting.
She also sent me a drawing of the
object, depicting a cigar-shaped craft with an uninterrupted strip
of illumination down one side, hovering at a 45-degree angle to the
Some months later, the witness agreed to be interviewed for an
article about the many sightings in the region, to appear in The
Western Nebraska Observer.6
The editor, Patrick Cossel, wrote,
witness] says that she tends to have an open mind about things and,
although she has tried to convince herself otherwise, can’t identify
the object as anything but alien.”
Regarding the instantaneous disappearance of the UFO, she commented,
“All I can say is I hope they are friendly. If they have the
technology to move like that, we don’t stand a chance.”
A third email to me, from Witness C, dated December 17, 2010, reads:
Mr. Hastings, I read your article in
the Scottsbluff paper this morning. I found it quite
interesting. Around 2001-2002, as I was driving home, I turned
off 25th and onto Box Butte. I saw brightly colored lights that
seemed to be just sitting in one position. The object seemed to
be oval in shape. Also had little windows around it.
When I
stopped the car it vanished. I told my family what I saw and
they all told me I was crazy...
[On] October 30th of this year, a friend of mine and I were on
our way home from Scottsbluff, late at night around 10:30 or so.
She was driving [and] we were on [Route] 385 heading north to
Alliance, where we live. I saw some brightly colored lights. At
first I thought it was an airplane but I thought if it was, it
was flying way too low. These lights hovered in the same spot
for awhile.
My friend asked me what was wrong. I said I just saw
some bright lights I thought was an airplane, but it couldn't
have been because it wasn't moving. She said, oh it was probably
the telephone tower. The next day I went back out that way and
there were no towers there in that spot. I never told anyone
what I saw. I knew they would laugh at me and call me crazy.
know what I saw both times. I really think I saw UFO's. After
reading your article I am more convinced than ever.
This witness subsequently told me,
“The [second] object was dome
shaped. The top was dark. [As for] the lights, the one on the
top was white and the other one, on the bottom, was red.”
She also estimated that she had been 15
miles south of Alliance at the time of the sighting, or
approximately 25 miles northeast of some of the missile silos
assigned to Charlie Flight.
Another person, Witness D, said his sighting occurred on February
19, 2011, at approximately 3-3:30 a.m., as he was driving northeast
of Gurley, Nebraska. When he approached the intersection of Cheyenne
County Roads 54 and 129, and was looking southeast, he saw something
in the field, about 150-200 yards distant. He put on his bright
lights and saw a metallic cylinder standing vertically.
It was
pointed on one end, making it “rocket-looking”, and had blue and
yellowish lights that reflected off the body of the object.
The witness said,
“The field was perfectly flat and had nothing in
it but [wheat] stubble. Something was moving around out there, but I
couldn’t really tell what that was. It was like somebody moved in
front of the blue light at one point, causing it flicker for a
second. That kept occurring, like someone was moving back and forth
in front of the light. I didn’t really want to stop to check it out
The witness said that the Missile Alert Facility H-1, which controls
all ten of the Hotel Flight ICBMs, was “not far” from the object. (I
estimate less than 2 miles, based on my missile field map.)
He had driven past that spot hours earlier in daylight, on the way
to Denver, and had seen nothing unusual. The following day he again
drove past the site, but saw only an empty field.
The witness also said that one night in the fall of 2010, at around
3-4 a.m., he had been driving north on Route 385, near Huntsman,
Nebraska, when he saw an object moving around the sky in “weird
patterns” near the deactivated Sioux Army Depot. Among other
maneuvers, the UFO shot across the sky at high speed, instantly
stopped in mid-air, and then shot back the opposite direction.
witness was unnerved by the spectacle and kept driving.
All of these witnesses either spoke of their reluctance to discuss
their sightings with others for fear of being thought of as
deranged, or were met with disbelief when they did so. For these
reasons, none of them has given me permission to use their names in
this article.
Two local law enforcement professionals who also had UFO sightings,
independently, are equally reluctant to publicly identify themselves
when discussing their experiences. The first saw several bright,
white lights “dancing” around in the sky a few miles northeast of
the town of Kimball on the evening of January 23, 2011, at around
6:45 p.m., and said that they were definitely not aircraft.
the lights moved as a group, their positions varied relative to one
another, suggesting that they were not attached to a single
aircraft. No noise was heard.
I interviewed the second individual, a deputy sheriff, on March 29,
He told me:
[On March 19, 2011,] around 2150
hours, while I was crossing Interstate 80 on County Line Road,
heading south, I observed [a vehicle with] blue and red rotating
lights traveling westbound on the Interstate.
A [Nebraska] state
policeman was following them. I heard on the radio that the Air
Force was doing an emergency transport back to their base. We
asked for details but they wouldn’t tell us any more than that.
[A minute or two later] I was about a mile south of I-80 when I
observed a green light traveling close to the horizon and
parallel to it. The light was moving at a high rate of speed and
lacked a tail, which is what caught my attention. I have seen
numerous shooting stars at night on my patrols around the county
but this was much larger than a shooting star and moving much
faster than one.
The color of green was similar to that of an
airport tower light. The light appeared to my southwest, around
Heading 260 West-Southwest, and was traveling to around Heading
245 Southwest of my location, where I lost it behind the bluff.
The light was only visible for around 1 to 1.5 seconds...
[About 5-10 minutes later] I received a text from my fiancée
saying that when she was coming home from Pine Bluffs,
[Wyoming,] the lights at the missile silo north of their place
were turning on and off...The drive-time from Highway 30 to
Echo-2 is about five minutes. When she went by the silo, the
lights were off and remained off.
She said she observed nobody
working around the silo and thought it was weird. The silo was
about due east of me and the green light was southwest of me. I
asked her about what time she saw [the silo lights going on and
off] and she said it was around 2150 hours.
[During the time I
observed it,] the light didn’t travel near the Echo-2 silo.
At one point during our conversation,
the deputy remarked upon the close-timing of the three events - the
emergency transport back to F.E. Warren, the sighting of the green
aerial object, and the flashing security lights at the missile silo.
However, he and I agreed that no real evidence existed, at least for
the moment, to link them.
(I later asked a retired USAF missile maintenance technician about
the flashing lights and whether or not such an occurrence was
unusual. He responded by saying that on occasion, when a maintenance
team was having difficulty finding a remotely-located silo at night,
the flight’s launch officers would turn the silo’s lights on and
off, to help direct the team to it. But this person could not
explain why the lights at Echo-2 would have gone off and stayed off,
as described by the deputy’s fiancée, since that would have violated
site-security protocols.)
Other witnesses living in or near F.E. Warren’s missile field -
persons not interviewed by me - also reported seeing UFOs in the
fall of 2010.
At least four of them independently wrote to the
National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) and described their
experiences, including this unidentified individual in Greeley,
Colorado, which is approximately 40 miles southwest of Oscar and
November Flights:
[On] Saturday October 16th, about 6 p.m., my daughter came in
yelling for me to come outside [because] there was a UFO. I went
outside and sure enough there was an object in the sky. It looked
metallic [but] it was a little too far to see any definition...
unidentified object stayed in one place, no noise was heard and it
did not move at all. I went inside to get my binoculars to get a
closer look. Unfortunately, I was unable to locate the object. But I
could still see it without the binoculars...[Then] the object was no
where in sight and I could see most of the sky...
It was starting to turn dark right after it left so I went into my
house. Well, after making a few phone calls to tell people what I
had seen, I went back outside (about 20 minutes after the object
left) to see if there was a light or anything else. The unidentified
object was definitely gone. However, I did notice planes coming at a
high speed from the south, which is the same direction that Buckley
Air Force Base is located.
There were about 10 of them and they flew
directly to the location where the unidentified object was. After
the planes flew over I noticed that about 5 of them were circling
the exact area that the unidentified object was. They soon left the
area, and there was no more action that night...
[During] the year
that I have lived in Greeley there has never been an airplane [that
flew] directly over our apartments and definitely not 10 planes at
high speed.7
This incident - which occurred one week before the missile
communications disruption incident at F.E. Warren - is similar to
the sighting that sparked my interest in interviewing civilian
witnesses in the tri-state region where the base’s ICBMs are
On December 10, 2010, I received an email from Kimball
County (Nebraska) Sheriff Harry Gillway, informing me that a person
known to him had sighted and photographed a UFO being pursued by a
jet, around 11:30 p.m. on November 28th.
Shortly thereafter, I drove
from my home in New Mexico to Nebraska to interview the witness, who
must remain anonymous.
This individual reported seeing a light-configuration in the western
sky that suggested an unlit, triangular or boomerang-shaped craft
moving at high speed, but totally silently, from north to south. As
he watched, the object released colorful bursts of light, like
fireworks, and then performed an S-maneuver before continuing on its
straight-line flight path.
A minute or so later, a military jet also
appeared from the north and pursued the UFO. The aircraft - possibly
an F-16 - was in afterburner-mode and a long, conical-shaped flame
could be seen extending behind it. The jet was so close and so loud
that the ground shook. The witness used his cell phone camera to try
to photograph the UFO but all that can be seen are the multicolored
lights it released, which appear as streamers, probably due to the
long exposure time.
A second photo shows the large, smoky exhaust
plume left by the jet, which nearly fills the image frame.
This sighting occurred northwest of Bushnell, Nebraska, and I
estimate that the UFO’s flight path took it over or near Delta
Flight missile silos D-8, D-10 and D-11 during the brief period it
was visible to the witness.
An Air Force-issued map of the ICBM
sites in the area suggests that the object had also passed over many
other silos, assuming that it held to its generally north-to-south
The Military
Sightings on October 23-24, 2010
The sightings by the U.S. Air Force witnesses are even more
intriguing, due to their having occurred on the day of the
well-publicized missile communications problem, and the following
Those familiar with my published work know that I have always
identified my ex-military contacts by name, if I am given permission
to do so, and that the number of anonymous sources cited in my book
UFOs and Nukes is very small indeed.
The difference here is that
those who have provided information about the UFO sightings in F.E.
Warren’s missile field on the day of the communications disruption are still
in the Air Force and subject to possibly severe repercussions should
their identities become known.
Consequently, although I possess very detailed information about the
communications disruption incident - including its duration, down to
the minute, and the exact sequence of events involved - I will not
be able to elaborate here. Similarly, I can not be specific about
the locations of the multiple UFO sightings that have been reported
to me, for fear of inadvertently identifying my sources.
So, for the moment, I will say only this:
On October 23-24, 2010,
one or more “huge” cigar-shaped objects were observed by active duty
Air Force personnel in the field. The actual number of UFOs is
uncertain because it is not known whether a single object was
observed more than once - at different, widely-separated locations
as it maneuvered above the missile field - or whether multiple
objects of the same size and configuration were involved over the
two-day period of the sightings.
In any case, in addition to those active duty USAF observers, a
retired missile maintenance technician - someone I have relied on in
the past due to his accurate, informed testimony - happened to be
driving through Cheyenne, Wyoming on the morning of October 23rd and
reports seeing one of these unidentified aerial objects himself.
described the situation this way:
“I saw a huge dirigible east of
Cheyenne on the morning of the 23rd. I saw Goodyear blimps in
Meridian and Torrington, Wyoming, later that same morning. I have no
idea what the other thing was, only that it was huge, and shaped
like a cigar. I thought someone had resurrected an old Zeppelin and
was touring the country. I didn't think anything of it when I saw
it, only wished I had my camera with me.”
When I asked him to elaborate, he responded,
“I left Ft. Collins
[Colorado] at approximately 0800, so I would have been in West
Cheyenne around 0830 or so... The airship - or whatever I saw - was
east-northeast of I-80, at least 10 miles away. I've seen Goodyear
blimps in person, [directly] overhead, and they are ‘blimp’ shaped.
[However] what I saw was very long and I don't remember seeing any
structures under it. It didn't appear shiny, but dull and gray...I
would guess it was 7:1, or seven [units] long to one [unit] wide, or
so it looked. It was tapered on both ends and very big.
It was not
short and squat like normal blimps. It appeared to be moving
northerly and was over the buttes east of town.”
He continued,
“Now, I've driven all over America and have never
spotted three blimps in one day. I talked to the gas station
attendant in Torrington and he said the Goodyear blimp [had been]
flying over the area for the past several days - along with another
‘Hindenburg’ - his quote, not mine.”
A few days later, my retired Air Force source emailed me again.
Referring to reports he had just
received from USAF personnel who had been working in the missile
field during and following the October 23rd missile-communications
disruption, he wrote,
“Everyone was talking about the
‘huge blimp’ seen by numerous teams all weekend long. Nobody
thought it was a Goodyear blimp, which had been seen on local
TV. I think I saw the same thing. I swear it was a WWI German
Zeppelin, but again it was at least 10-20 miles away and high
Behind-the-Scenes Crack-Down by the Air Force?
In the midst of my inquiry into the civilian sightings within the
portion of the F.E. Warren missile field located in western
Nebraska, I wrote to well-known UFO Disclosure activist and Freedom
of Information Act specialist Larry W. Bryant and asked whether he
would be willing to file FOIA requests for any documents relating to
the current situation at the base.
He did just that, sending letters
to the missile wing commander and other Air Force personnel.
But then Bryant went even further, posting a public notice (below)
in a Cheyenne-targeted, online-ads service, asking for
whistle-blowers with knowledge of the UFO incidents to come forward.
That action may have resulted in the higher-ups at F.E. Warren
responding forcefully - assuming that they were aware of the posted
ad - because, a few weeks later, my retired Air Force missile
maintenance source emailed me yet again and wrote:
[I am getting reports from one of my contacts at F.E. Warren] that
the Air Force is taking a dim view of [personnel] making reports [to
outsiders] of UFOs or other strange, unproven anomalies. Anyone
caught on-the-record, or off-the-record, is now punishable under the
‘John Walker Law.’ He said several of his peers have been questioned
Another [contact], who is at Minot AFB, reported that Global Strike
Command has issued a new policy about making such reports and
promised to persecute/prosecute anyone talking about these
incidents. [He] told me everyone was briefed during this month’s
Commander's Call, that under no circumstances will anyone speak to
the press or other ‘investigators’ about strange anomalies that they
may or may not have seen.
He says they are making threats against the entire missile
maintenance complex, force-wide, after reports surfaced on the
Internet about UFOs and missiles. Global Strike Commanders are upset
and it will take a long time for the fire to go away.
I think [by
posting that appeal for whistle-blowers] your friend threw gasoline
on the blaze that was already consuming the missile force.
Whatever the initial reason for the crack-down - whether it was due
to the massive publicity generated by my September 2010 UFO-Nukes
Connection press conference, or something else - Bryant’s
provocative challenge to military insiders reads:
Blow the Whistle on Any and All UFO
At F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming!
On or about Oct. 23, 2010, the Minuteman missile complex at F.E.
Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming, experienced a system-wide [sic]
communications failure reminiscent of the UFO-related one that
occurred in 1967 at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana...
Indeed, the 2010 incident apparently
coincided with a reported UFO encounter not far from Warren,
according to witnesses now emerging from their silence. If the
reported UFO managed to interfere with the
missile-communications hardware/software, that disruption should
be investigated by one or more congressional committees charged
with overseeing our military's readiness to cope with any other
current or future such events. Therefore, your whistleblower
evidence confirming the Warren incident would find a welcome
home amongst the staffs of those committees.
You may join this pro-disclosure process by contacting me as
follows: Larry W. Bryant, 3518 Martha Custis Drive, Alexandria,
VA 22302; phone: 703-931-3341; e-mail: overtci@cavtel.net.
NOTE: If the Warren incident
does occupy the category of UFO-related incursions at various U.
S. nuclear-weapons storage areas (as described in researcher
Robert Hastings's 2008 book UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary
Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites), then your submitted
testimony and/or documentary evidence about this and any other
such cases would heighten the congressional value of Hastings’
pivotal exposé (see www.ufohastings.com). 8
While, to my knowledge, no Air Force
sources have yet contacted Bryant following the publication of this
plea, UFO activity around F.E. Warren AFB has nevertheless continued
well into 2011.
One of my civilian law enforcement contacts sent me
an email on April 6th, in which he spoke of his unofficial
approaches to various USAF teams working in the part of the missile
field located within his jurisdiction:
“I've tested the waters about [the] sightings with everyone in the
Air Force and all give a slight chuckle, then clam up. Just last
week, I threw out a line to an alert crew and one airman stated,
yeah, we've seen them,’ then quickly caught himself and said, ‘We
can't talk about it.’
I didn't push it because I'm near sure it
would be reported back [to his squadron commander] by the
In Conclusion
To summarize, based on numerous credible reports by Air Force
personnel and civilians, it appears that ongoing UFO incursions near
F.E. Warren’s missile sites occurred intermittently between
September 2010 and April 2011 - perhaps even more recently.
Importantly, according to reliable military eyewitness testimony,
one or more enormous, cigar-shaped craft were apparently observed,
on several occasions at different locations, during the weekend of
October 23-24 - the period of the major missile-communications
disruption and its immediate aftermath.
I emphasize that the aforementioned confidential sources at the base
have not said that the UFO(s) sighted actually caused the
disruption, and it must be noted that the Air Force’s Global Strike
Command has now officially attributed the problem to an
improperly-replaced circuit card in a weapons-system processor.
Nevertheless, the intermittent presence of at least one unidentified
aerial object during the hours-long - not minutes-long - crisis was
definitely noted and remarked upon by “numerous” technical teams
working in the base’s missile field.
In the context of the notarized statements from some of the USAF
veterans who participated in my September 27, 2010 press conference
- alleging that UFOs caused the two, large-scale missile
malfunctions at Malmstrom AFB, Montana, in March 1967 - a link
between the recent, 50-missile communications disruption at F.E.
Warren, and the UFO reported by the teams addressing the problem,
can not be ruled out.
Assuming that such a link exists, it may be years or decades before
documented evidence is available to confirm it. The Freedom of
Information Act has been only marginally successful in declassifying
records related to these highly-sensitive, national security-related
In any case, ongoing UFO activity in F.E. Warren AFB’s missile field
in recent months - confirmed by both Air Force personnel and
civilians - has now been established beyond a reasonable doubt.
Similar, prolonged incursions occurred there in 1964-67, 1975-76,
and 1993-94, according to the testimony of my former/retired USAF
sources and/or a small number of declassified documents.
My 600-page book, UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at
Nuclear Weapons Sites, which is available only at my website, www.ufohastings.com, summarizes my extensive research findings.
In conclusion, the current situation at F.E. Warren is only the
latest chapter in the decades-long UFO-Nukes Connection saga. Its
well-documented history - revealed in declassified U.S. Air Force,
FBI and CIA files, as well as military eyewitness testimony -
extends back to December 1948. In the wake of this article, new
official denials from the Pentagon are perhaps predictable. And, of
course, the debunkers will howl.
Nevertheless, sooner or later, the
amazing story of UFOs and Nukes will break wide open.
What we need now is a courageous
government whistleblower to come forward with the facts - about the
incidents at F.E. Warren and elsewhere - and some daring journalists
willing to treat the tale seriously and write about it.
50 Nuclear Missiles (ICBMs)
Experience Mystery Disruption
Moskin, Robert. LOOK, “Hunt
For The Flying Saucer”, July 1, 1952, p. 40
Ruppelt, Edward J. The Report
on Unidentified Flying Objects, Ace Books, Inc., 1956, p.
The Oak Ridge Sightings
Hastings, Robert L.
UFOs and Nukes:
Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites,
Authorhouse, Inc., 2008, pp. 218-19
Reports of UFO sightings
continue in the area
National UFO Reporting Center
- Sighting Report
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