by Robert C. Brand
September 2003
TheMilleniumGroup Website
Many people have reported seeing
unidentified flying objects as far back as BC times. And from BC
times to the present the various governments in the world have said
it is all our imagination. But the fact remains that they are seen
everywhere and we might wonder what they are doing here. The fact
that they have been here for thousands of years and show no sign of
leaving would indicate that they have some sort of business
relationship with earth.
Which means that they must have people
on earth helping them in whatever their endeavor happens to be. If
so, Who Are They?

Stupas, are symbolic religious
"sanctuaries" of the Buddhists world-cosmos. Design-wise they are
much like flying saucers seen around the world. They were rounded
mounds of earth covered with stone, much like a slightly elongated
melon cut in half and placed on the ground, only they were of
tremendous size. Sometimes a small square structure was placed on
top of the dome.
Coming out of the top of the dome or the
small square structure was generally a tapered steeple, sometimes
resembling a stack of slightly smaller dinner plates, one on top of
the other, finally coming almost to a point and sometimes with the
circular plates spaced apart and attached on a tapered stick. The
bottom section below the steeple is always designed to be open to
the atmosphere. Usually the conical spire on top, or the dome
itself, was covered with gold (probably for radiation shielding).
This identical design, sometimes without the tapered spiral on top,
also appears in early mythology in Africa, which states the first
gods to arrived on earth in
cloud crafts had compartments inside in which they stored the food
and water supplied to them by the people on the earth. Anybody who
has seen any photographs of UFOs will recognize the structure
immediately as a type of UFO that has supposedly been photographed
both in the United States and Europe.
Early records worldwide tell us that,
like the Egyptian god king civilization, the tax on the people was
one third for the gods (aliens), one third for the priests (the
political organization in power who operated the political structure
of the government) and one third for the people.
Many stupas were constructed in India up to about 150 AD, the end of
the reign of the third Buddha King, Kanishka, the greatest of the
Kushana kings. During this later period opulently carved stone gates
and railings were placed around the stupa sanctuaries which can be
seen today on some of the few remaining (see
Joseph Campbell for
detailed information).
The inside of these gates and railings were carved in symbols
representing the world as being empty, without being (sumyan). On
the outside we find
winged lions, representing the coming doomsday
(as well as representing a trip to the underworld), or the battle
between the gods
earth demons shouldering heavy clubs guarding the
Sun Wheel of the Cosmic Law of the Universe
flowering vines and
lianas (thunderbolts) pouring from the mouths and navels of
mythological monsters
conchs, masks and vases (weapons) emitting
lotuses and fruit-and-jewel bearing plants, from which
animals or birds spring (disease)
tortoises, monkeys, elephants
and rabbits representing the big battles between the gods and the
demons which destroys the earth
Most interesting, the carving on the outside of the gates and the
stupas shows the lotus-goddess in all sorts of scenes with the
lotus, and many, many children, mostly naked, representing the
sinless and pure ones, the children, being taken away by the goddess
of children in the "sanctuary of the world-cosmos".
The happiness expressed in the scenes
would indicate that the people believed the children were on the way
to paradise or the promised land, while the children's view of the
inside of the gates and railings told them that they were leaving an
empty world without being.
It recalls a present-day scene at your local airport, where you are
saying goodbye to your children, never to be seen again.
History, as opposed to myth and legend, tells us that in a single
night around 200BC Ashoka "built" 84,000 stupas, of which only about
six survived. Quite impossible. Aside from the almost physical
impossibility of a construction program such as this, to say nothing
of scheduling all work done at night, the stupas were said to be
covered with gold.
It is highly unlikely that even Ashoka
had that much readily available gold to play with. More than likely
84,000 flying "sanctuaries of the world-cosmos" arrived from who
knows where to pick up some passengers for a trip to paradise where
the foreigners would be their servants. Possibly that paradise was
Central and South America. As we mentioned earlier, the Indians of
the Americas did not come from the Far East via Alaska according to
blood type investigations and almost all the earlier histories of
the Americas state that the people arrived by aircraft of some sort.
In the Americas (as well as other parts
of the world) there are many ancient stories worldwide of how
strangers suddenly appeared from nowhere and conquered the existing
people by force. Present-day historians have failed to explain where
the strangers came from, as there is no record of them being in the
area before they subdued the local people by force. A present day
example could be Cuban troops in Angola or US troops in Iraq.
These symbolic religious sanctuary designs are found on top of most
churches, showing the steeple sitting on a structure that allows the
surrounding air to be underneath it. UFO crafts use the air pressure
underneath, with a vacuum on the topside, (as well as electron
ejection) for propulsion. People who claim to have seen a UFO on the
ground usually tell of three legs underneath the UFO with the craft
sitting on top of the legs. This allows the atmospheric pressure of
14.7 pounds per square inch to push the craft forward with a
tremendous force. A ten by ten foot bottom (14,400 square inches)
would give 211,680 pounds of theoretical thrust.
The basic stupa religious sanctuaries were designed very early on
(BC era). They became the standard design for most churches around
the world, be they Buddhist, Protestant, Christian, Catholic, Islam,
Judaism (?) etc. churches. That it encompasses most churches
everywhere would indicate that almost all churches are really
subsidiaries of the one god of old, the Sun God, found world wide in
the ancient past.
The UFOs we sometimes see are driven by
aliens (who probably look like the people on earth as the Bible
says, be kind to strangers, they might be angels) and are part of a
governing system set up by the aliens to rule the earth much like
the British East Indies Company did in India. In all probability it
was these aliens that first colonized and peopled the world.
A craft such as the UFOs we see, if flown by the aliens, would push
back the possible history of the universe to a time preceding the
"Big Bang", or infinity in the past. The big bang is a theory
accepted by many astronomers whereby the universe had an instant of
creation with a vast fireball explosion fifteen or twenty billion
years ago.
This explosion is thought to have been
caused by a gravitational pull of all the matter in the universe
into one place, or ball, where it then exploded throwing the
material back out into the empty universe to form anew the stars and
planets. However, a craft such as is mentioned above could have
flown away from the gravitational pull resulting in "people and
knowledge surviving" the destruction of the universe to begin again
the establishing of new civilizations as the planets reformed.
The propulsion unit of the small UFOs will work equally well on an
object the size of the moon, or earth, or larger and can be designed
to be any shape desired.
Astronomers tell us that many millions of stars like our sun are
millions of years older than our sun. This would indicate that if
these stars had planetary systems like our Solar system (most
scientists agree that this could be true), on an evolutionary time
scale a civilization existing on one of these planets could be
millions of years ahead of us, technologically speaking. We are now
sending artificially constructed crafts into outer space. What will
we be sending into space only one million years from today?
Some of the anomalies we find in the heavens today seem to resemble
artificially-constructed spacecraft, as the following descriptions
by astronomers will attest:
Novae -- small object
ejecting material
Supernovae -- small
object ejecting larger amounts of material
Nebula -- the material
ejected from a nova of small angular size
Flare star -- a localized
disturbance on a "small part of a star" acting like a
miniature novae
Planetary nebulae --
ejection of an appreciable amount of material from star of
small size
X-ray sources -- sources
of radiation, many too small to be identified
Pulsar -- pulsating radio
stars emitting extremely regular pulses coming from a region
at most a few hundred kilometers in diameter
Quasar -- unusually large
amounts of variable radio energy associated with a nuclear
jet and traveling at speeds approaching the speed of light
with variable visible light far more luminous than the
brightest elliptical galaxies
Seyfert galaxies --
unusual galaxies with a small nucleus (resembling quasars)
which is bright compared with the rest of the galaxy and
with some identified as strong x-ray sources
N-Galaxies -- bright and
compact nuclei with large red shifts (indicates high
Narkarian galaxies --
bright nucleus with indications of ionized gas
BL Lacertae objects --
radio sources identified as extreme versions of quasars and
N-galaxies with rapid variations of intensity at all wave
lengths with strong polarization (indicating magnetic field)
Extra-galactic radio sources
-- radiate up to one million times more energy at radio
wavelengths than the Galaxy does with irregular variations
within a few months observed in many compact sources
It is possible that these anomalies in
the heavens are examples of ions reacting to an electrostatic point
charge (artificially-constructed alien space craft) and that Pulsars
could be a result of controlled expulsion of ions from a craft for
purposes of acceleration and de-acceleration.
The fuel to operate these crafts is probably radioactive sodium
twenty-two. The Ramayana of India says that the
ancient airships
(owned by wealthy people) were self-propelled by a yellowish-white
liquid. Sodium is silvery in color, burns with a yellow flame and
reacts with the moisture and carbon dioxide of the air to form a
white powder, which remind us of the strange white streaks found on
the moon.
If the white streaks are sodium
carbonate resulting from sodium reacting with moisture and carbon
dioxide it could be the remains of a positive ion control propulsion
system utilized to place the moon in orbit around our earth. In
ancient India it is said the fuel of the flying machines used by the
wealthy was mercury but in actuality it was probably mercury used
for radiation shielding and which would eventually it into turn into
In the Bible story about Babylon and the temple-tower reaching to
the sky, it would appear that the aliens took a dim view of people
on earth promoting a one-world political philosophy. In the words of
God, "If they are able to accomplish all of this when they have just
begun to exploit their linguistic and political unity, just think
what they will do later."
(Possibly the temple-tower of Babylon
was a stone tower with a pointed top designed -like the Washington
monument- to prevent the cloud crafts ‚UFOs of the aliens from
In the early days of the aliens, we find the political setup best
described by the early Egyptian government in which the god-king
(alien) was the undisputed boss, and the people were controlled
basically by fear. But as time went on and the population of the
world increased and spread, the aliens (who had more important
things to do) would be hard put to maintain the political control
desired, and if it ever got away from them they would find they had
the entire world united against them.
Whether this had anything to do with it or not, we don't know for
sure, but it is a fact that most of today's organized religions
became dominant over the world in a rather short span of time. And
from that time on, there has been almost no chance of achieving
world political unity. During a rather short period of time before
and just after the year 1 (BC-AD) we find the formation of Judaism,
Zoroastrianism, Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.
If we include Hinduism, which at this
time began to systematize its vast traditional lore, including
taking over the caste system when the sacrificial aspect was down
played, we find a large percentage of today's world population
covered under these banners.
In faraway Peru, Alan Lapiner reports that the Paracas era dates
until about 100 BC, when it gave way to the Nazca tradition under
pressure of new religious concepts. In Japan during this period, we
find the newly established clans, which suddenly superseded the
political organizations of the tribes. Each clan had a specialized
hereditary function such as agriculture, metalworking, etc. In India
about 600 BC, the Gautama Buddha and the Jains were preaching new
religions, and the Harivamsa manuscript clearly affirms that
profound changes took place in Indian religious thought about 400
During this same period we find that Alexander the Great all but
destroyed Zoroastrianism. Whatever the reason for the change, we do
know that it was highly successful and appeared to be a result of an
official policy change by the aliens, just as we have changes in
official policy in governments around the world today. And the new
policy could be aptly described as the concentration of all energies
on the conservation of established (and separated) values rather
than on progress or experiment. Possibly significant, this was also
the period (500 BC) when the Aramaic "speaking language" became the
language of administration in the Middle East.
If the world churches are really controlled by the aliens what is
their mission? The I CHING probably says this best where we find:
"Let religion rule in the minds of
men" which helps to keep law and order in the world.
It would also thus appear that the
churches of the world are really
Secret Societies operated by the
aliens with their secret agenda being to rule over the minds of men.
There are many secret societies in the world operated by the aliens
and they compete for political control of their governments. Some
better known ones in the United States are the
Freemasons, Elks, and
the Illuminati and it is a fact that all members of all secret
societies believe that their "god" (the Sun God ) is a law higher
then that of the constitution (another way of saying that their
actions are approved by the divine will of god) and that all members
are only to be judge by this 'higher law' as well as judge, in the
case of judges, by this same 'higher law'.
Also of interest, secret society members
are not allowed to testify against fellow members. All secret
societies have their do-good cover, such as the hospitals run by the
Freemasons. Usually the penalty for a member who discloses the
secrets of a secret society is death.
In his book of Exodus Moses went up to the mountain and
disappeared into Yahweh's cloud for forty days. When he didn't
return the people asked Aaron to make them "gods to lead them".
Aaron then collected up all the golden earrings from the slaves,
sons and daughters and, melting the gold, molded and tooled it into
the form of a calf-idol to represent the gods.
Yahweh had
made a covenant where the Jews "shall be to me a kingdom of priest
and a holy nation" and a covenant of the law that was sealed by oxen
blood, half poured on the altar and half poured on the people. Aaron
then built an altar before the calf-idol which was followed by a
feast to the lord including a wild party followed by sexual
immorality (symbolizes everything is permissible in the pursuit of
the goals of the Sun God.
Moses, on orders from Yahweh, who is aware of what is happening,
returns during the festive ceremony and breaks into pieces the two
stone tablets of the Ten Commandments (moral law, the do-good cover,
is secondary), melts the gold calf-idol in the fire (slays the
sacred bull) and mixes the ground up gold with water which the
people drank (sacramental meal representing reward of riches).
Aaron then advises Moses that the people
involved in the ceremony were wicked people (recruits for Knights
Templars, Egyptian priests, secret societies, etc.) and that when
the gold was placed into the fire a calf-idol came out all by itself
(reborn). Moses orders all the participants of the ceremony who are
on Yahweh's team to join him (become full members) and all the
Levite (name derived from the artificial monster weapon Leviathan)
priests joined him.
Moses then orders them to go throughout
the community and kill (warrior-priests) their brothers, companion
and neighbor (the loyalty and secrecy sacrifice of members
renouncing family and friends) that they did -- right after Aaron
had made the victims naked, or ready to be processed by the aliens.
Yahweh then had made two more stone tablets of the Ten Commandments
to be presented by Moses to the Jews (the do-good cover of the
secret society) after which he sent a great plague (corpses for the
gods) among the Jews. Interestingly, the Talmud (Hebrew, to learn),
a code of Jewish civil and canonical law which is sometimes said to
include magical secrets is a compilation of Hebrew oral tradition
which is believed to be the oral law (or real law) delivered by God
to Moses at the same time he received the written law.
Strange things are happening in our skies and it apparently started
around two or three years ago. And not just our skies but the skies
around the other planets in our solar system as well. This all began
with the sudden "disappearance" of
the moons of Mars that so far
seem to still be missing. People are still looking at Mars when they
have the chance but so far nobody is willing to say (and show
pictures) that the two moons have returned or are still there.
Now, the non-government (government will
not talk about it) astronomers have gone back over past government
photos as well as photos taken by amateurs and found what appears to
be maybe a hundred or so strange objects that are all, like moons of
Mars, about 3 miles in size. They move around showing that they are
not something in orbit and a number of them are hovering (and moving
as if directed by occupants of the craft) over the United States and
the Gulf of Mexico but not in a permanent orbit.
The strange objects have also been
viewed by the new observatory in Arizona built (in a hurry) by
Vatican. Some photos show indications of these strange flying
objects being fired at with weapon from earth as well as battling
among themselves. Mythologies around the world state this would
happen just before the world is destroyed.
The secret societies are the backbone of the operation of the aliens
on earth. The members running the secret societies (not the members
of the do-good cover who do not know anything about how some members
are "invited" into various branches of the secret society for an
unknown agenda) are in charge of various duties on earth and are
paid handsomely for their services. However, once in they can never
resign or leave, as they know too much about the hidden agenda.
The services performed include
delivering foodstuff and materials, including finished manufactured
products, to be shipped off the face of the earth. It is a worldwide
operation and must have the cooperation of government to fulfill
their duties. It is the aliens that say who on earth gets the
"business" and make all the money meaning that they must be
efficient or the business orders will go to others secret societies. It would also seem that
the aliens need human bodies, both alive
and dead, and as such cause wars and order wars to be instigated to
fill their needs.
For the aliens to operate on the large scale needed requires the
active help of governments worldwide. The active secret societies
members working for the aliens' worldwide number about one percent
of the population of the world. (Total secret society membership
consists of approximately two to maybe three percent of the
population of the world).
Only the top approved membership (and on a need to know basis) of
secret societies know the meaning and ramifications of the UFO
symbolic religious sanctuary dome design open to the atmosphere on
the bottom. As such, when we find
this design on the American
capital building in Washington D.C. and most of the State capital
buildings (about 40 of them) we can logically assume that the
political structure in the States has been under the influence and
control of the aliens in one form or another since the Republic was
first founded.
This symbolic religious sanctuary dome
design can also be found on government capital buildings in many
foreign countries. This same design can also be found on some
Masonic Temples and University buildings as well as slightly altered
designs on a few large castles, large homes, grand hotels, etc.
Secret Societies have been protected by governments worldwide over
the years. England in the past has declared all secret societies
illegal except for the Freemasons. Germany once declared all secret
societies illegal except for the Illuminati. In the past in the
United States there have been political battles over which secret
society would have control of the government.
In Russia, there are indications that
secret societies played a major part in the formation of the new
communist government after World War I.