1993 from AboveTopSecret Website recovered through WayBackMachine Website
Electrogravitic (antigravity) technology, under development in U.S. Air Force black R&D programs since late 1954, may now have been put to practical use in the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber to provide an exotic auxiliary mode of propulsion.
This inference is based on the recent disclosure that the B-2 charges both its wing leading edge and jet exhaust stream to a high voltage.
Positive ions emitted from its wing leading edge would produce a positively charged parabolic ion sheath ahead of the craft while negative ions injected into it's exhaust stream would set up a trailing negative space charge with a potential difference in excess of 15 million volts. According to electrogravitic research carried out by physicist T. Townsend Brown, such a differential space charge would set up an artificial gravity field that would induce a reactionless force on the aircraft in the direction of the positive pole.
An electrogravitic drive of this sort
could allow the B-2 to function with over-unity propulsion
efficiency when cruising at supersonic velocities.
On March 9, 1992, "Aviation Week and
Space Technology" magazine made a surprising disclosure that the B-2
electrostatically charges its exhaust stream and the leading edges
of its wing-like body. Those familiar with the
electrogravitics research of American physicist T. Townsend Brown
will quickly realize that this is tantamount to stating that the B-2
is able to function as an antigravity aircraft.
Two of these individuals said that their
civil rights had been blatantly abused (in the name of security)
either to keep them quiet or to prevent them from leaving the
tightly controlled black R&D community.
He specially built a capacitor which utilized a heavy, high charge-accumulating (high K-factor) dielectric material between its plates and found that when charges with between 70,000 to 300,000 volts, it would move in the direction of its positive pole. When oriented with its positive side up, it would proceed to lose about 1 percent of it's weight.
He attributed this motion to an electrostatically-induced gravity field acting between the capacitor's oppositely charged plates. By 1958, he had succeeded in developing a 15 inch diameter model saucer that could lift over 110% of its weight!
Brown's experiments had launched a new field of investigation which came to be known as electrogravitics, the technology of controlling gravity through the use of high-voltage electric charge.
When energized with 150,000 volts, the
discs sped around the 50 foot diameter course so fast that the
subject was immediately classified. "Interavia" magazine later
reported that the discs would attain speeds of several hundred miles
per hour when charged with several hundred thousand volts.
Brown's research indicated that, like
the charged plates of his capacitors, these ion clouds induced a
gravitational force directed in the minus to plus direction. As the
disc moved forward in the response to its self generated gravity
field, it would carry with it its positive and negative ion clouds
and their associated electrogravity gradient. Consequently, the
discs would ride their advancing gravity wave much like surfers ride
an ocean wave.
He did not offer a theory to explain this nonconventional electrogravitic phenomenon; except to say that it was predicted neither by general relativity nor by modern theories of electromagnetism. However, recent advances in theoretical physics provide a rather straightforward explanation of the principle.
According to the novel physics of subquantum kinetics, gravity potential can adopt two polarities, instead of one.
Not only can a gravity field exist in the form of a matter attracting gravity potential well, as standard physics teaches, but it can also exist in the form of a matter repelling gravity potential hill. Moreover, it predicts that these gravity polarities should be directly matched with electrical polarity; positively charged particles such as protons generating gravity wells and negatively charged particles such as electrons generating gravity hills.
(Thus contrary to conventional theory,
the electron produces a MATTER-REPELLING gravity field. Electrical
neutral matter remains gravitationally attractive because of the
proton's G-well marginally dominates the electron's G-hill.)
In Rose's terminology, the craft would
find itself on the incline of a gravitational "hill". Since gravity
force is known to increase in accordance with the steepness of such
a gravity potential slope, increased voltage would induce an
increasingly strong gravity force on the disc and would act in the
direction of the positive ion cloud. The disc would behave as if it
was being tugged by a very strong gravitational field emanating from
an invisible planet sized mass positioned beyond its positive pole.
The 1956 intelligence study entitled "Electrogravitics Systems: An Explanation of Electrostatic Motion, Dynamic Counterbary and Barycentric Control", prepared by the private aviation intelligence firm, Aviation Studies International Ltd., indicates that as early as November 1954 the Air Force had begun plans to fund research that would accomplish Project Winterhaven's objectives.
The study, originally classified "Confidential", mentions the name of more than ten major aircraft companies which were actively involved in the electrogravitics research in an attempt to duplicate or extend Brown's seminal work. Additional information is to be found in another aviation intelligence report entitled "The Gravitics Situation".
Since that time much of the work in
electro-antigravity has proceeded in Air Force
black projects on a
relatively large scale.
They said that they expected that the resulting electrical potential would ionize air molecules upwind of the aircraft and that the resulting repulsive electrical forces would condition the airstream so as to lower drag, reduce heating, and soften the supersonic boom.
(Although the author of that article
speculated that Northrop might be negatively charging the aircraft's
leading edge, the sonic barrier effects can also be accomplished
with a positive charge, as Brown originally suggested.)
Brown states:
Also in his 1952 paper on Brown's Saucers, Dr. Rose stated:
Interestingly, in 1981, the Pentagon contracted the Northrup Corporation to work on the highly classified B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber.
Northrup's past experience in airframe electrostatics must have been a key factor contributing to its winning of this contract, for "Aviation Week" reported that the B-2 uses "electrostatic field-generating techniques" in its wing leading edges to help it minimize aerodynamic turbulence and thereby reduce its radar cross section.
The same article mentions that the B-2 also
charges its jet engine exhaust stream which has the effect of
rapidly cooling its exhaust and thereby remarkably reducing its
thermal signature.
With a positively charged wing
leading edge and a negatively charged exhaust stream, the B-2 would
function essentially as an electrogravitic aircraft. Just as in
Townsend Brown's flying discs, the positive and negative ion clouds
would produce a locally altered gravity field that would cause the
B-2 to feel a forward-directed gravitic force.
The negatively ionized exhaust is then discharged through a number of nozzles at the rear of the craft. As the minus charges leave the craft in this manner, an increasingly greater potential difference develops between the jet engine body and the negatively charged exhaust cloud behind the craft. By electrically insulating the engines and conveying their positive charges forward to a wire running along the vehicle's leading edge, the required positively charged ion cloud is built up at the front of the vehicle.
A metallic surface of wire grid
positioned near the exhaust stream exit collects some of the
high-voltage electrons and this recycled power is used to run the
exhaust ionizers. Brown estimated that such a generator could
produce potentials as high as 15 million volts across his craft.
They were especially hesitant to discuss these projects, noting that they are "very black".
One of them commented,
Apparently what he meant is that this aircraft control and propulsion technology is based on physics principles that go beyond what is currently known and understood by most academic physicists.
Indeed, by all normal standards, electrogravitics is a very exotic propulsion science.