by Michael Salla, Ph.D.
Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner
December 9, 2009
Examiner Website
A mysterious spiral of light has appeared in northern Norway one day
before President Obama arrives to give his Nobel Peace Prize
acceptance speech in Oslo.
The spiral has baffled experts who do not
believe it is related to the Aurora Borealis. Speculation that it is
a rocket launched by the Russian Northern Fleet has been denied by
Russian authorities.
Similarly the Norwegian military has claimed no
knowledge of any rocket launches in the area. There has been
speculation that it may be some exotic weapon system, the opening of
a space-time portal, or even UFO activity. Obama’s arrival in Norway
on December 10 to give his acceptance speech only adds to the
mysterious appearance of the lights.
Is it a pure coincidence or is
it in some way related to Obama’s upcoming speech?
The object appeared on the morning of December 9 and has been
photographed and filmed by thousands of Norwegians over a wide area
ranging from Finnmark in the country’s north to Trondelang in the
south. It is a giant spiral of green-blue light that appears
directed towards a mountain. According to observers, a giant light
spiral appeared and within seconds covered the entire sky.
green-blue beam of light then shot out from its center.
Here is how Totto Eriksen, from Tromso, in northern Norway
described it.
I was driving my daughter to school when this light spun and
exploded in the sky. We saw it from the Inner Harbour in Tromso. It
looked like a rocket that spun around and around - and then went
diagonally across the heavens.
It looked like the moon was coming
over the mountain - but then turned into something totally
different. People just stopped and stared on the pier - it was like
something from a Hollywood movie.
The entire event lasted between two-three minutes before
disappearing. Norway’s leading meteorologists are baffled, with most
concluding it is some kind of rocket launch that went awry.
Jorgen Roed Odegaard, Norway's most celebrated astronomer, said:
This was seen over an exceptionally large area of the country - in
all of north Norway and the Trondelag. My first thought was that it
was a fireball meteor - but it lasted far too long. It may have been
a missile from Russia - but I can't guarantee that is the answer. I
rang the Air Traffic Control tower in Tromse. They said it was over
in two minutes.
To me, that is far too long for this to be an
astronomical phenomenon. This spiral shape is unique. It is
definitely not a variation of the aurora borealis - northern lights.
Obama’s December 10 Nobel Prize acceptance speech is expected to
focus on international cooperation on the removal of nuclear weapons
and promoting diplomatic solutions to global problems.
Coming nine
days after Obama’s announcement of a 30,000 troop surge for
Afghanistan, it is expected that he will show his commitment to
international diplomacy and cooperation. He may use the opportunity
to launch a bold international initiative to achieve this end.
The appearance of the enormous light spiral in northern Norway may
be a sheer coincidence and unrelated to his upcoming speech in Oslo.
Alternatively, the mysterious spiral of light may be a sign from an
unknown intelligence that Obama’s acceptance speech may be a
catalyst for major global changes that lie ahead.
With much
speculation that the Obama administration is poised to make some
kind of
announcement concerning extraterrestrial life soon, the
light may be sign for him to boldly go where no U.S. President has
gone before.
Russia Today coverage of Norwegian Light
Norway Light Spiral
Missile Failure Caused by UFO/ET
by Michael Salla, Ph.D.
Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner
December 10, 2009
Examiner Website
After first denying any missile test in
the White Sea region where mysterious spiral lights could be seen
over much of Norway on December 9, Russia one day later announced an
embarrassing failure of a new intercontinental ballistic nuclear
Russia’s Bulava missile spun out of control during the
third stage of a test launch. While Russia did not claim the spiral
light was caused by the missile, the announcement nevertheless led
to claims that the mystery has been solved. Most analysts
confidently proclaimed that the light spiral was caused by the
failed rocket launch.
The fact that it occurred one day before
President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech where he
discussed the abolition of nuclear weapons is viewed as sheer
coincidence. However, was the failed missile launch a mere
There have been a number of occasions where nuclear
missile tests have failed due to UFO intervention.
Did an
extraterrestrial intelligence cause the failure of the Russian
rocket in order to generate a spiral of light knowing that it would
capture world wide attention during President Obama’s Norway trip?
Did extraterrestrials do so knowing full well that Obama would
discuss the abolition of nuclear weapons during his Nobel Peace
Prize acceptance speech?
On December 10, the Russian Defense Ministry announced a failed
launch of its Bulava intercontinental missile by the Dmitry Donskoi
nuclear submarine.
Defense Ministry spokesperson described what
happened after the launch by the submarine that was submerged in the
White Sea at the time:
“It has been established... that the
missile's first two stages worked as normal, but there was a
technical malfunction at the next, third, stage of the trajectory."
This is how
Phil Plait, creator of the
Bad Astronomy website,
described how an out of control rocket could have caused the spiral
Whatever it is being lit up (exhaust, or a leaking payload?) would
appear to expand in a spiral like water from a spinning
sprinkler-head. The spiral itself is not spinning any more than water
from the sprinkler is; that’s an illusion of motion… [A]fter a few
moments, a black disk appears to expand in the center of the white
spiral, as seen in this picture…
That’s exactly what I would expect
if whatever is being ejected by the rocket ran out; the arms of the
spiral would expand away from the center, leaving black emptiness in
the middle.
Strange spiral: Residents in northern Norway were
left stunned after the lightshow, which almost
looked computer-generated, appeared in the skies
above them |
Curious: A blue-green beam of light was reported to
have come shooting out the centre of the spiral
bizarre spiral looks almost computer-generated in
the dark skies over Norway yesterday |
Confusion: The Norwegian Meteorological Institute
was flooded with calls after the light storm
So that’s my hypothesis. A rocket got out of control,
perhaps losing a stabilizer, and started to spiral.
The two spirals,
different in shape, size, and color, indicate something happened in
the middle of all this (the rocket second stage fired while still
spinning, or something else started leaking out), changing the
rocket’s direction.
Then, when the fuel or whatever ran out, the
white spiral began to disappear from the inside out as the material
expanded in space.
Here’s a video simulation that graphically describes what apparently
happened during the failed rocket launch.
Norway Cloud Spiral
Simulation of possible explanation
With the Russian announcement and greater detailed study of the
light spiral, many articles have emerged
ridiculing theories
proposing an extraterrestrial factor. It has been simply assumed
that the failure was due to the poor track record of the Bulava
missile which after all had failed six out of 12 previous tests.
dismissals of extraterrestrial involvement, however, do not explore
an alternative explanation.
Did an
extraterrestrial intelligence
deliberately cause the Russian nuclear missile failure in order to
create the resulting light spiral knowing the global impact it would
have on the day of Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech?
Furthermore did extraterrestrials do so in order to highlight and
even endorse the nuclear disarmament that was a critical component
of Obama’s acceptance speech?
Here is what
Obama had to say
about nuclear weapons in Oslo:
The world may no longer shudder at the prospect of war between two
nuclear superpowers, but proliferation may increase the risk of
catastrophe. Terrorism has long been a tactic, but modern technology
allows a few small men with outsized rage to murder innocents on a
horrific scale....
One urgent example is the effort to prevent the
spread of nuclear weapons, and to seek a world without them. In the
middle of the last century, nations agreed to be bound by a treaty
whose bargain is clear: All will have access to peaceful nuclear
power; those without nuclear weapons will forsake them; and those
with nuclear weapons will work towards disarmament.
I am committed
to upholding this treaty. It is a centerpiece of my foreign policy.
And I'm working with President Medvedev to reduce America and
Russia's nuclear stockpiles....
Those who seek peace cannot stand
idly by as nations arm themselves for nuclear war.
There have been a number of occasions where UFOs have deliberately
interfered with nuclear missile launches to cause their failure.
incident occurred at Big Sur California in 1964. Professor Robert
Jacobs then served as a Lieutenant with the U.S. Air Force and was
stationed at Vandenberg Air Force base. He was responsible for
filming the test of an Atlas missile.
described the incident as
[W]e were testing ballistic missiles that were to deliver nuclear
weapons on target... my duty [was] to supervise the instrumentation
photography of every missile that went down in that western test
range... and into the frame came something else. It flew into the
frame and shot a beam of light at the warhead.
Now remember, all
this stuff is flying at several thousand miles an hour. So this
thing [UFO] fires a beam of light at the warhead, hits it and then
it [the UFO] moves to the other side and fires another beam of
light, then moves again and fires another beam of light, then goes
down and fires another beam of light, and then flies out the way it
came in. And the warhead tumbles out of space.
The object, the
points of light that we saw, the warhead and so forth, were
traveling through subspace about 60 miles straight up. And they were
going somewhere in the neighborhood of 11,000 to 14,000 miles an
hour when this UFO caught up to them, flew in, flew around them, and
flew back out.
Jacobs testimony has been confirmed by another Air Force officer who
was present at the debriefing where Jacobs was commanded to silence.
Other military whistleblowers have emerged to describe a number of
UFO/extraterrestrial interventions that have caused nuclear missile
failures during flight. Colonel Ross Dedrickson (ret.) served with
the US Air Force and Atomic Energy Commission.
He claimed:
After retiring from the Air Force I joined the Boeing company and
was responsible for accounting for all of the nuclear fleet of
Minuteman missiles. In this incident they actually photographed the
UFO following the missile as it climbed into space and, shining a
beam on it, neutralized the missile.
I also learned of a number of
incidents which happened, a couple of nuclear weapons sent into
space were destroyed by the extraterrestrials…. the idea of any
explosion in space by any Earth government was not acceptable to the
extraterrestrials, and that has been demonstrated over and over.
Other military witnesses have emerged explaining how nuclear missile
facilities have been interfered with by UFOs, and this has been
covered up on national security grounds.
In conclusion, Russia’s admission that a nuclear missile test has
failed at the same time as the mysterious light spiral appeared over
Norway has satisfied most analysts over what happened. The link to
extraterrestrials and to Obama’s speech has been consequently
dismissed out of hand, and even ridiculed.
However, most analysts
are simply not aware of prior occasions where nuclear missiles have
failed due to UFO/extraterrestrial intervention. Nor has any
consideration been given to a possible link to Obama’s speech where
he explicitly called for nuclear disarmament.
Given the past history
of extraterrestrial intervention, it is very possible that the
mysterious light spiral over Norway was deliberately caused by
extraterrestrials that interfered with Russia’s testing of its
newest nuclear missile.
The goal was twofold: