by Bob Unruh
December 15, 2013
WND Website

Scientists claim
'climate change' is really
a giant wealth redistribution
It’s been a bad week for global
Cairo saw its
first snow in 100 years. Oregon, like several other states,
reached its
coldest temperature in 40 years. Chicago saw its
coldest days ever, and - as if to add finality to
the trend - Antarctica reached the
coldest temperature ever recorded anywhere on earth.
But no matter how cold it gets,
global-warming adherents insist it’s all part and parcel of what
they believe to be abnormal and soon-to-be-catastrophic warming
of the planet’s surface due to man’s reckless introduction of
"greenhouse gases" into the atmosphere.
Ironically, just a few years ago,
believers in anthropogenic (man-caused) global warming - since
renamed "climate change" - claimed cold weather and snow would
soon be just a memory.
"Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past,"
announced the headline in Britain’s newspaper the Independent at
the turn of the millennium. The report quoted David Viner,
senior research scientist at the Climatic Research Unit of the
University of East Anglia, long considered an authoritative
resource for global warming research, as saying snow would soon
be "a very rare and exciting event" in Britain.
"Children just aren’t going to know
what snow is," he said.
However, the authoritative
reputation of East Anglia was seriously downgraded in 2009 when
leaked emails proved researchers there were engaged in a major
scheme to manipulate and suppress evidence against global
warming, misconduct London’s
Telegraph newspaper called "the worst scientific
scandal of our generation."
Fast-forward to last year when much
the opposite prediction was being trumpeted by the
London Daily Mail Online, which headlined "Britain faces coldest
winter for 100 years as Big Freeze follows floods with wind
so strong it blows water upwards."
That report, which included many
references to "torrential rain," "freezing winter" and "blizzards," quoted local officials saying they wanted to avoid
"a repeat of two years ago, when a lack of gritters and
snowploughs caused roads and transport networks to grind to a
The rhetoric and predictions of
global warming acolytes have been every bit as confusing in the
United States, with former vice president and carbon-credit
entrepreneur Al Gore telling an audience in a 2009 speech that
"the entire north polar ice cap during some of the summer months
could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven
years." And of course his 2006 documentary "An Inconvenient
Truth" famously predicted increasing temperatures would cause
earth’s oceans to rise by 20 feet, a claim many scientists say
is utterly without rational basis.
It’s been a bad week for global
Cairo saw its
first snow in 100 years. Oregon, like several other states,
reached its
coldest temperature in 40 years. Chicago saw its
coldest days ever, and - as if to add finality to
the trend - Antarctica reached the
coldest temperature ever recorded anywhere on earth.
But no matter how cold it gets,
global-warming adherents insist it’s all part and parcel of what
they believe to be abnormal and soon-to-be-catastrophic warming
of the planet’s surface due to man’s reckless introduction of
"greenhouse gases" into the atmosphere.
Ironically, just a few years ago,
believers in anthropogenic (man-caused) global warming - since
renamed "climate change" - claimed cold weather and snow would
soon be just a memory.
"Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past,"
announced the headline in Britain’s newspaper the Independent at
the turn of the millennium. The report quoted David Viner,
senior research scientist at the Climatic Research Unit of the
University of East Anglia, long considered an authoritative
resource for global warming research, as saying snow would soon
be "a very rare and exciting event" in Britain.
"Children just aren’t going to know
what snow is," he said.
However, the authoritative
reputation of East Anglia was seriously downgraded in 2009 when
leaked emails proved researchers there were engaged in a major
scheme to manipulate and suppress evidence against global
warming, misconduct London’s
Telegraph newspaper called "the worst scientific
scandal of our generation."
Fast-forward to last year when much
the opposite prediction was being trumpeted by the
London Daily Mail Online, which headlined "Britain faces coldest
winter for 100 years as Big Freeze follows floods with wind
so strong it blows water upwards."
That report, which included many
references to "torrential rain," "freezing winter" and "blizzards," quoted local officials saying they wanted to avoid
"a repeat of two years ago, when a lack of gritters and
snowploughs caused roads and transport networks to grind to a
The rhetoric and predictions of
global warming acolytes have been every bit as confusing in the
United States, with former vice president and carbon-credit
entrepreneur Al Gore telling an audience in a 2009 speech that
"the entire north polar ice cap during some of the summer months
could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven
years." And of course his 2006 documentary "An Inconvenient
Truth" famously predicted increasing temperatures would cause
earth’s oceans to rise by 20 feet, a claim many scientists say
is utterly without rational basis.
It’s been a bad week for global warming.
Cairo saw its
first snow in 100 years.
Oregon, like several other states, reached its
coldest temperature in 40 years.
Chicago saw its
coldest days ever,
and - as if to add finality to the trend - Antarctica reached the
coldest temperature ever recorded anywhere on
But no matter how cold it gets, global-warming adherents insist it’s
all part and parcel of what they believe to be abnormal and
soon-to-be-catastrophic warming of the planet’s surface due to man’s
reckless introduction of "greenhouse gases" into the atmosphere.
Ironically, just a few years ago, believers in anthropogenic
(man-caused) global warming - since renamed "climate change" - claimed cold weather and snow would soon be just a memory.
"Snowfalls are now just a thing of
the past,"
announced the headline in Britain’s newspaper the Independent at the
turn of the millennium.
The report quoted David Viner, senior
research scientist at the Climatic Research Unit of the University
of East Anglia, long considered an authoritative resource for global
warming research, as saying snow would soon be "a very rare and
exciting event" in Britain.
"Children just aren’t going to know
what snow is," he said.
However, the authoritative reputation of East Anglia
was seriously downgraded in 2009 when leaked emails proved
researchers there were engaged in a major scheme to manipulate and
suppress evidence against global warming, misconduct London’s
Telegraph newspaper called "the
worst scientific scandal of our generation."
Fast-forward to last year when much the opposite
prediction was being trumpeted by the London Daily Mail Online,
"Britain faces coldest winter for 100 years
as Big Freeze follows floods with wind so strong it blows water
That report, which included many references to "torrential rain," "freezing winter" and
"blizzards," quoted local officials saying
they wanted to avoid,
"a repeat of two years ago, when a lack of gritters and snowploughs
caused roads and transport networks to grind to a halt."
The rhetoric and predictions of global warming acolytes have been
every bit as confusing in the United States, with former vice
president and carbon-credit entrepreneur
Al Gore telling an audience
in a 2009 speech that,
"the entire north polar ice cap
during some of the summer months could be completely ice-free
within the next five to seven years."
And of course his 2006 documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" famously predicted increasing temperatures would cause
earth’s oceans to rise by 20 feet, a claim many scientists say is
utterly without rational basis.
How such predictions square with current weather reality - multiple
reports of the coldest weather in a generation - is unclear.
The earth has not warmed for the last 15 years.
now-widely-known truth was confirmed in September in a leaked
report, the result of six years’ work by the U.N.’s
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, touted as the
world authority on climate change and its supposed causes.
Indeed, researchers were so flummoxed at the utter
lack of evidence supporting anthropogenic global warming that, as
London Daily Mail
reported, the,
"world’s top climate scientists were told to
‘cover up’ the fact that the earth’s temperature hasn’t risen
for the last 15 years."
In light of all this,
Why are so many still so alarmed over global
And more consequentially, why is the
Obama administration
still frantically promoting the idea that global warming is an
imminent threat?
Last week, for example, the Obama administration was lobbying for
the notion that global warming is endangering the earth, even as a
massive snowstorm was moving across the nation.
Frontpage Mag,
columnist Daniel Greenfield headlined his report:
"Obama’s global warming task force met as
snowstorm shut down federal government."

"Ah, but it’s not global warming anymore," Greenfield wrote.
"After a few too many snowstorms,
the Warmists learned their lesson. Now it’s climate change. And
it’s responsible for all the weather. If weather happens… then
climate change caused it."
In a recent CNN panel debate, global warming critic
Marc Morano of
Climate Depot
responded to a question suggesting that current record cold
temperatures are a harbinger of "climate change."
"So, record cold is now evidence of man-made global warming?" he
said. "What evidence would disprove climate change? It
seems like no matter the weather, everything that happens,
proves it."
Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, responded that,
"top climate scientists in the world, thousands… are as confident
that climate change is as real as they are that cigarettes make
people sick."
Brune added, dismissively, that global warming is "settled science."
asks well-known scientist Art Robinson, who spearheaded
The Petition Project
which to date has gathered the signatures of 31,487 scientists who
agree that there is,
"no convincing scientific evidence that human
release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is
causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic
heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s
"Moreover, there is substantial
scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon
dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the
natural plan and animal environments of the Earth."

They demonize
capitalism and freedom… and it’s working!
Read Brian Sussman’s new
How the Left’s Green Agenda Will Dismantle America"
Among the scientists signing the petition are 9,029 who hold
doctorate degrees in their field of study.
"We urge the United States government to reject the global warming
agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December 1997, and any
other similar proposals," the petition continues.
"The proposed limits on greenhouse
gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science
and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind."
Robinson, who has a Ph.D. in chemistry from Cal Tech, where he
served on the faculty, co-founded the Linus Pauling Institute with
Nobel-recipient Linus Pauling, where he was president and research
professor. He later founded the Oregon Institute of Science and
He told WND, very simply, that weather does change over time and
that the global system goes through cycles, some slightly warmer and
some slightly cooler than others.
Right now it’s cool.
On Friday, while it was snowing in
Cairo for the first time in a century,
Jerusalem received up to 20
Robinson also told WND it’s interesting to be living in a period
when carbon dioxide is rising, yet temperatures are flat or going
"We just have to get used to fluctuations," he said.
"Earth does go through cycles."
What, then, is behind the widespread obsession - with so little
evidence - with global warming, and the resulting desire to
implement massive new governmental policies?
The answer, says
Robinson, is not complicated:
"Power and money."
Power is obtained through laws and rules created in response to
supposed global warming that limit what people can do with their own
lives and property.
Through carbon credits and "green" energy
projects, which have made Al Gore enormously wealthy, massive
amounts of money change hands.
Just weeks ago,
the United Nations
World Bank lobbied for
spending $600 billion to $800 billion a
on "sustainable energy" to replace oil and gas.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and World Bank President
Jim Yong
Kim declared a massive infusion of cash is necessary in the face of
a "rising global thermostat."
They implied the money would have to
come from the world’s developed economies.

WND columnist
Christopher Monckton,
who advised the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on
issues including global warming, a year ago was in Qatar at a
conference on climate change and claimed that the strategies
proposed to "solve" global warming constitute the real "menace" to
"It was at once clear that the sole purpose of the climate scam, as
the U.N. saw it, was to serve as a Trojan horse allowing it to
achieve its long-held ambition of destroying national sovereignty
and transferring all real political power to itself," he said.
"If America stands firm for just a few more years, until it becomes
obvious to all that the mad scientists were more concerned with
grants than with truth, we may yet prevent the world government that
Mr. Ban [Ki-moon] longs for," he said.
In other words, global warming - "climate change"
- is really all
about redistribution of wealth and power, according to critics like
Monckton and Robinson.
The U.S. has already given tens of millions of dollars to the United
Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, but global
warming took a severe blow a few years ago when the East Anglia
dubbed "Climategate," developed.
Examination of hacked emails from Phil Jones, head of the Norwich,
England-based Climatic Research Unit, and others there revealed
schemes to manipulate data and squelch skeptics.
Among the emails hacked from East Anglia and posted online was one
that identified the researchers’ "problem":
"The fact is that we can’t account
for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that
we can’t.
The CERES data published in the
August (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society) 09
supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but
the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate."
Other scandals to plague global warming advocates include:
which British officials are investigating whether East
Anglia scientists refused to follow that nation’s
freedom-of-information law about their work.
which dozens of weather-monitoring stations in rural China
apparently have disappeared, leading to higher temperature
averages, since city levels frequently are warmer.
In which an Indian climate official admitted in January that
he falsely claimed Himalayan glaciers would melt away by
2035 to prod governments into action.
Many others,
One organization that focuses on debunking fraudulent
or unsupported global warming claims,
The Climate Depot,
notes that in 1974, the National Center for Atmospheric Research in
the U.S. was alarmed over "dramatic climate anomalies."
But back then, it blamed the seemingly ominous
"climate change" on growing Arctic ice and called global cooling
the "new norm."