Anders Bruun Laursen
December 4, 2009
Euromed Website
United Nations:
“Environment Should
Compete with Religion,
So That We can
Shape People and Countries” |
The UN's Environmental Program (UNEP)
is very ambitious. It wants the environmental movement to be
vying with religion to set our standards and values. A
heretofore secret document shows the UNEP will command
governments on climate issues to include all social
conditions, and milk governments for money.
The UNEP is engaged in a
gigantic mission work, starting with green- and brainwashing
children through 30,000 organizations worldwide - using the
same methods as the British government's
Futerra. At a
meeting in Paris on 4th and 5 Sept. UNEP took the oath of
the media to run environmentalist propaganda until the
Copenhagen Conference and beyond, while the whole UN
apparatus is mobilized in an unprecedented campaign of
climate lies for a political agreement in Copenhagen.
Included are curves from Lord Monckton's report on
Climategate scandal. These demonstrate that while NASA GISS' own figures in 1999 showed a global cooling, which
continues till this day, James Hansen of the GISS has
engineered this on to global warming. This is the real,
anthropogenic climate change!
The whole climate movement is a religion worshipping a
"living" Mother Earth", Gaia of the ancient Greeks, with an
Ark of Hope/the Covenant with ritual equipment, Earth
prayers, magical formulas, and hymns to Gaia.
The Earth Charter is called the
"10 commandments of our time" by Moses of our time,
Michael Gorbachev, and transgression of the commandments
is sin, for which our incredible politicians buy indulgences
for our money in the Earth's poorest countries for a
non-existent CO2 debt!.
There are corrupt high
priests who have made the Doomsday threat the core of
the cult. And there's a whole world to blindly follow
and worship this green-painted red monster.
(Revelation 13).

Christmas is approaching, the time of
reflection for Christians. And this year for worshippers of the New
Age Gaia climate religion, too, strongly associated with
the UN's Agenda 21.
While Al Gore is the unreflected
preacher of that that religion, there are hidden prophets like the
Club of Rome, and Edmund de Rothschild,
Michael Gorbachev of the
Green Cross, Steve Rockefeller and
Maurice Strong, the latter 3 the
authors of the Earth Charter.
But these smart fellows have transferred
their profitable climate religion to the UN.
"Fully 91% of coordinating authors
of the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report were WCRP scientists, and
thus had the support of UNESCO behind them.”
Copenhagen Spokesman Calls for “Creation
of Vision” through Works of Fiction at UNESCO Conference
One branch of the UN is the UN
Environmental Program (UNEP).
It was established in 1972 and has
strategy 2010-2013 for green-washing and brainwashing the world
under the cover of the climate religion.
The UNEP's
mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy
consensus by keeping the global environment under review and
bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the
international community for action.
The Governing Council is the primary
developer of policy Gaia-new-american-guidelines for UN
environmental programs and plays a diplomatic role in promoting
cooperation between UN member states on environmental issues.
A secret document has emerged: Mark
Halle's Report, “The
UNEP That We Want”, from the UNEP Meeting 17 Sept. 2007:
“The environment
should compete with religion as the only compelling, value-based
narrative available to humanity. It is already happening in the
field of climate change.”
British court of Justice states:
is a religion!"

Indeed, Environmentalism is a religion, a worshipping of Gaia, cf.
James Lovelock Gaia hypothesis:
“It may be that one role we play is
as the senses and nervous system for Gaia. The earth is a living
system and we are part of it.”
The Independent 16 Jan 2006:
“My Gaia theory sees the Earth
behaving as if it were alive. We have given Gaia a fever and
soon her condition will worsen to a state like a coma.”

The “holy”
Ark of
Hope containing Earth prayers, Earth prayer masks, and the Earth
10 Commandments
of our time, as our day's Moses, Michael Gorbachev says.
The Ark symbolizes
the Ark of the Gaia covenant.
As in most religions,
fast and meat ascetiscism are being preached.
There are self-appointed, omniscient,
Ark of hope-fundamentalist fraudsters as High Priests for Gaia - like
James Hansen - seeing politicians as heretics buying
indulgences in the Earth's poorest countries for a fancied CO2-debt.
Even if Hansen has
3 times been caught
red-handed (incl. the next graph) tampering temperatures he is
outraged at the
Climategate scandal! In climate religion it is
necessary to lie - but impermissible to be exposed under any
circumstances. That is why they have bought the media.
The central element of the cult is the
Judgment Day threat.
They have hymns to Gaia and prayers to Gaia:
"…Holy goddess, you honor them ever
flowing spirit. Farewell Mother of the gods, bride of heaven…"
Hansen's global raw 1999 temperatures and (left)
the same
temperatures processed/manipulated 2008.
As you see, a
global cooling since the 1930s (right) up to the year 2000 has
elegantly been changed
into a global
warming since the 1930s
The UN Copenhagen Climate Change
Conference will start in less than a week - on 7 Dec. The UN is
increasingly aggressive: A recent inspection of the official
the Deal Web site showed that 417521 as of 1 Dec people had signed
up for the petition to have this deal.
The man behind this deal is
Janos Pasztor, Ban Ki-moons climate adviser. Pasztor is the recently
appointed Director of the UN's Environment Management Group (EMG),
whose secretariat is provided by the United Nations Environment
Program (UNEP) in Geneva.
Fortunately the prospect of “Sealing the
Deal” are bad, many countries being unwilling to pay greedy LDCs the
700 bn dollars they are demanding. Even the payment of the 100 bn
dollars offered by the EU has split the EU countries.
Climategate scandal may even have diminished the contributors'
confidence in the climate deceit. On the other hand the climate
policy is an intentional fraud based on a deliberate lie. But the
present minimal prospect of the result is a big frustration to UN
boss, Ban Ki-Moon who is incessantly lobbying the rich countries to
make a communist agreement to send more and more of their wealth to
the peoples of the world who produce nothing but ever more children.
Of course under the cloak of “CO2–debt” which
we owe the poor countries which produce none of the
harmless CO2 at all.
Here is from Lord
Monckton's report on the Climategate Scandal:
Fox News 19 Nov. 2009
An intense lobbying effort led by U.N.
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in favor of the treaty is still
pushing full steam ahead, under the campaign slogan "Seal the Deal!
Power green growth. Protect the planet" - a major effort at the
international manipulation of public opinion.

Since 2001 the combined RSS (Remote sensing
Systems at Santa Rosa)
and UAH (University of Alabama Huntington)
show clear global cooling
- converted by the IPCC to
global warming.
Lord Monckton's report.
The UN fishes children in order to have their parents into its nets
The New York Post
30 Nov. 2009
Children were the targets of a book
co-written by the producer of Al Gore's star-making vehicle, "An
Inconvenient Truth" with at least 11 heavy errors according to
British court.
Producer Laurie David told Publisher's Weekly that
she wrote the kids' book, "Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming,"
"kids also are the Number 1 influence on their parents, so
if you want to reach the parents, go to the kids."
So: My daughter
came home from school recently with a song on her lips. Out came
this chilling refrain: "...You can hear the warning - GLOBAL
We learned that:
All the kids had been coerced
into singing "The Warming Song," at a concert for parents.
Further song lyrics scolded selfish adults for polluting our planet
and causing a warming scourge that would, in no short order, kill
all the polar bears and threaten the birds and bees.
The UNEP has
gigantic program to proselytize children - with over 30.000
organizations worldwide.
The UNEP is ambitious , feels it is being neglected, gets too
small funds and wants to set the UNs policy on climate and society.
Her are the means: UNEP has a large natural constituency and this
constituency needs to be harnessed to the UNEP mission without
appearing to make an end-run around the member governments. This
includes finding the right way to interact with, and draw the best
from, the university and student community, and think tanks.
It must
make a habit of challenging unsustainable behavior and practice,
wherever it is found, These initiatives also represent a means to
reach corporate CEOs. The UNEP will reach out Governments, other
United Nations entities, international institutions, multilateral
environmental agreement secretariats, civil society.
Comment: So, the mission of the UNEP is to bypass governments
promoting its revolutionary subversive work.

Atmospheric CO2 from 1860-2000.
Alan Siddons and Professor
Joe D'Aleo, Chief Meteorologist at WSI Corporation
in Billerica,
Massachusetts, both writing in “Climate Realists.”
Human CO2
emissions (blue line) are only responsible for
1% of the quite small
quantity of CO2 in the atmosphere.
CO2 is still on the rise, as always preceded
by global warming (does
not cause warming) - due to
liberation from the oceans after the
“Little Ice Age”.
Fox News 30 Nov.2009
Some of the world's top environmental
bureaucrats put together a paper after an unpublicized day-long
session in Switzerland on 17 Sept. 2007.
The ambitious paper, entitled "The
UNEP That We Want” by Mark Halle,
was the product of a select group of 20 top environmental
bureaucrats and thinkers, including UNEP's current No. 2 official,
Angela Cropper.
The document was later delivered to UNEP Executive
Director Achim Steiner (below image). Other participants included Janos Pasztor.

Another important attendee was John Scanlon, listed on UNEP's
website as principal advisor to UNEP's Steiner.
Among other things,
Scanlon is credited in his UNEP biography with being the leader in
developing UNEP's new medium-term strategy, "Environment for
Development," covering the period from 2010 to 2013.
Those ideas are being espoused at a highly charged time. Both
environmentalists and the entire United Nations, led by
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, are fervently pressuring governments
around the world to sign a legally binding and more global successor
to the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas suppression, which expires
in 2012.
At the moment, that deal appears likely to be delayed, at
least until next spring, as some wealthy countries, including the
U.S., balk at the high cost and potentially crippling economic
impact of targets to reduce carbon emissions into the earth's
atmosphere, even though President
Barack Obama supports an ambitious
Copenhagen deal.
Among other things, both documents (incl. the 2010-13
document) argue for:
a "new and central position for
environmentalism in the world's thinking," environment to move from
often being considered as a marginal issue at the intergovernmental
and national levels to the centre of political and economic
decision-making," says the medium-term plan.
UNEP's executive Director, Achim Steiner
(above image)
merge environmental issues with economics as the central
priority. "We require an Environmental Bretton Woods for the 21st
Century," The linkages between environmental sustainability and the
new environmental rules, regulations and standards, with stronger
authority to command national governments. The Mark Halle paper
calls it a series of "ambitious yet incremental adjustments" to
international environmental governance. Seal-thedeal-34. an extensive propagandizing role for UNEP to
"children and youth".

reaching more powerful sectors of government as well as business
appeal to the more powerful [government] ministers responsible for
economic policy; UNEP's message is not for environment ministers —
the already converted… It must aim higher."
seek influence as the world's guiding arbiter of a new
measurement of human development.
According to Halle, however, in an e-mail exchange with
Fox News,
there are signs that the hugely ambitious role he and his
fellow-thinkers sketched for UNEP as religion's main competitor are
"beginning to happen."

Chicago Sun Times reports on We Are Change
Chicago confrontation
Halle pointed to UNEP's espousal this year of
a so-called Green Economy Initiative, a proposal to radically
redesign the global economy and transfer trillions of dollars in
investment to the world's poorest developing countries, but one that
is couched in terms of providing new green jobs.
The Green Economy Initiative is also called the
Global Green New
Deal. The fact that Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
is only occasionally associated with UNEP is a scandal and a
Comment: Indeed remarkable, since
the IPCC was established
by the UNEP in 1988.
Fox News - Manipulating the media
19 Nov. 2009
Another key part of the strategy is to draw international news media
much more deeply into the cause.
Case in point: a meeting in Paris
on Sept. 4 and 5, organized by the United Nations Economic and
Social Council (ECOSOC) and entitled "The First International
Conference on Broadcast Media and Climate Change."
Nearly 300 people representing more than 100 broadcasting
organizations and broadcasting unions attended the gathering.
At the
meeting's end, and with Copenhagen only three months away, the group
issued a statement declaring that,
"dedicated collaboration among
broadcast media to share and disseminate climate change information
that incorporates both global and local perspectives would encourage
individuals and policy makers to undertake timely action."
But the most curious statement coming
out of the mouth of
a UN communications person:
“Probably the majority of the world does not read news at all. They
don’t look at news as to change, to get their information or to
change their behavior. If climate change is about behavioral
change, ultimately which I believe it is, then from a media
perspective you must, you must look at it in a way that it’s not
just about news.
It’s about creating an imagination, and a vision,
of what a climate change world- or a successfully avoided climate
change world- will look like. That will come through film, it will
come through soap operas, it will come through reality TV, it will
come through novels.”
Eric Hall- chief PR-man at the
United Nations.
Comment: i.e. Using applied
psychology to convert mankind to the climate religion is -
Futerra's strategy!!

Here is a
long list of participating organizations,
mostly from LDC countries - but also from,
the BBC
Die Deutsche Welle
The European Broadcasting Union
France 3 and 5 France
The International Association of Broadcasting
Japan Broadcasting Corp.
the OECD
UNESCO (overrepresented)
France International
Thomson Reuters
The Tokyo Broadcasting
TV5 Monde
The World Bank
Al Gore and Climategate? Well, he has bodyguards to remove any one
asking inconvenient questions - at least 4 persons.
And then he
rushed away to his gas thirsty Mercedes!
We have just seen how the the main purveyors of temperatures to the
IPCC, present ones (James Hansen GISS) and future projections (the
CRU, University of East Anglia), have been exposed as fraudsters. ie.
Nobel Prize winner, IPCC, has received this prize on a big lie. So
has Al Gore, of course.
And it means that the UN Climate Conference
in Copenhagen is a scientific hoax.
But as the above shows this is indifferent. That conference is not
about climate - for they know very well that there is no climate
crisis. It is about world government, as Lord Monckton of Brenchley
says (below video).
The above Swiss paper is no surprise, considering the
communist sympathies expressed by Ban Ki-moon.
This is part of the
communist Agenda 21 as previously described on this blog.
Mark what Mark Halle writes: The UNEP is to seek influence as the
world's guiding arbiter of a new measurement of human development.
These scoundrels have taken the role of playing a god - or rather
the Devil - thinking they can make their miserable mendacious
climate ideology the equivalent of christianity. They think they are
entitled to bypass governments and make themselves the arbiters of
our development!
But why just climate as their tool?
Here is from
The Creature From
Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin, 1994:
“It may now be possible to create a world
government in all nations will be disarmed and
disciplined by a world army, a condition which we will call peace."
In this case, what could be a substitute for war?
One source is the
1966 secret Hudson Institute study commissioned by Defense Secretary
Robert McNamara (later World Bank chief), entitled
Report From Iron
Mountain. This study cold-bloodedly discusses various means by which
government might control the populace and perpetuate itself in power
in the absence of war (UN peace).
Here, explains Griffin, is the origin of the stratagem to promote
ecological doom as the new enemy that threatens the entire world.
The threat need not be real, provided the masses can be convinced it
is real. Credibility is the key, not reality.
The barrage of
propaganda has had a phenomenal result. Politicians are now being
elected on nothing but "concern for the environment and a promise to
clamp down on nasty industries," with no one caring about the damage
done to the economy or our freedoms.
In the same spirit
Alexander King, Club of Rome, First Global
“In searching for a new enemy to
unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of
global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit
the bill... The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” i.e. the
climate lie is sheer
New World Order ideology.