by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
December 30, 2010
NaturalNews Website
Spanish version
The global effort to outlaw herbs, vitamins and supplements is well
under way, and in just four months, hundreds of herbal products will
be criminalized in the UK and across the EU.
It's all part of an EU directive passed
in 2004 which erects "disproportionate" barriers against herbal
remedies by requiring them to be "licensed" before they can be sold.
It's called the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive
Directive 2004/24/EC.
The licensing requirements, however, were intentionally designed to
make sure that virtually no herbs could ever meet them. It costs
from $125,000 to $180,000 to license a single herb with the EU, and
since herbs cannot be patented and don't have the monopolistic
pricing found in pharmaceuticals, there's simply not enough profit
margin in most herbs to justify such huge expenditures from any one
But that's sort of the point.
Governments of the world have been
conspiring with
the pharmaceutical industry for
decades to destroy the competition by outlawing nutritional
supplements, herbal remedies and many other forms of natural
They really
are coming for your natural medicine
Some people in the USA are still skeptical that this could ever
happen in the "land of the free," yet it's happening in Europe right
now, and the U.S. is probably not far behind.
In just four months, health food stores
in the UK will be stripped bare of these suddenly "illegal" herbs,
and the many millions of people who have come to depend on them as a
safe, natural and non-invasive form of medicine will be forced to
pharmaceuticals instead of herbs.
And that's also the point. By driving these products off the
shelves, governments know they will simultaneously herd people into
doctors' offices where they will be prescribed medications that
benefit the wealthy corporations that keep politicians in office (in
every western nation).
It may also drive people to acquire herbs from sources that have
poor quality controls.
As Dr Rob Verkerk of the
Alliance For Natural Health
said in an
Independent article,
"Thousands of people across Europe
rely on herbal medicines to improve their quality of life. They
don't take them because they are sick - they take them to keep
If these medicines are taken off the
market, people will try and find them elsewhere, such as from
the internet, where there is a genuine risk they will get low
quality products, that either don't work or are adulterated."
You must beg the King
for permission
MHRA (UK Medicines and Healthcare
Products Regulatory Agency) has received 166 applications for herbal
product licensing and has granted 78 so far.
Do you see how this works? Now you must
be "granted" a license in order to exercise your Natural Law right
to engage in the free commerce of Mother Nature's plants. Big
Government has stolen from European citizens their natural rights
and is now condemning many of them to suffering or even death as a
That's how governments always work in the end: They expand their
power at the expense of your freedom.
The centralize control over your life
while maximizing the profits of the powerful corporations that keep
them in business. You're watching it happen right now across Europe,
and if we don't put a stop to this, it will soon happen in the
United States as well.
It's already under way, in fact, with
the FDA's outlawing of
scientifically-validated free speech about nutritional supplements.
There's also a war under way on raw
milk, and need I even mention the decades-long war being waged
against medical marijuana?
Which herbs
are under threat of being banned
Here are some of the hundreds of herbs that are about to be banned
across Europe:
... and hundreds more, especially
Traditional Chinese Medicine formulas.
Sign the
Efforts are under way in Europe to try to reverse this highly
destructive directive. You can sign this petition at:
Also, the European office of the
Alliance for Natural Health is working diligently to attempt to
protect health freedom for EU citizens:
They could really use your support right now if you're considering
an end-of-year donation of some kind. Health freedom is worth
defending, and as we're seeing right now, if we don't take a stand
against this, we will all lose our access to natural remedies,
vitamins, supplements and perhaps even naturopathic medicine.
There really is a global conspiracy to force you to take
pharmaceuticals and surrender your body to conventional medicine.
Governments around the world absolutely
do not want you to have free choice about how to treat your own
health, because "choice" implies that you, like literally billions
of other people across the planet, might not choose to poison
yourself with conventional medicine's deadly drugs.
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