



 -  A Complete Natural Pharmacy in Your Backyard


 -  Adult Stem Cell Therapy is enjoying Widespread Success around the World - But if the FDA gets its way...


 -  Aging Stopped in Humans - 'First of its Kind' Clinical Trial TAU Co-Study


 -  Agua de Mar - Un Plasma Marino al Alcance de Todos


 -  Agua Oxigenada - Mil y Una Utilidades


 -  Agua Oxigenada y Sus Múltiples Usos - Los Beneficios del Peróxido de Hidrógeno


 -  A Healthy Way to Food - Main File


 -  Al Contrario de los Antidepresivos, la Psilocibina trata la Depresión haciendo al Cerebro Más Responsivo a...


 -  Algunas Plantas y Hierbas que Curan las Infecciones Respiratorias y Sedan los Pulmones


 -  Alternativas Naturales sin Efectos Secundarios, para el Ibuprofeno y Otros Antiinflamatorios No-Esteroides


 -  Alternative Medicine "Danger" for Children


 -  Amazing Healing Powers of Aloe Vera


 -  Antioxidant Vitamins May Cut Mortality Risk - EPIC Data


 -  Assimilare e Distruggere - Fondazione Rockefeller: "Sfruttamento e soppressione della Medicina Naturale"


 -  Assimilate and Destroy - The Rockefeller Foundation's role in 'Exploiting then suppressing Natural Medicine'


 -  Bacteria from Bees Possible Alternative to Antibiotics



 -  Bacteriophage Therapy - The Amazing Cure for MRSA Being Ignored by Mainstream Medicine


 -  Beware of New Plan to Censor Health Websites


 -  Beneficios del Dandelión o 'Diente de León' sobre la Toxicidad de la Proteína Spike o espiga de la inyección...


 -  Beneficios para la Salud del Romero - Cultivando tu Propia Medicina


 -  Biodisponibilidad de los Elementos y Agua de Mar - Sal de Mar vs. Agua de Mar


 -  Bipolar Rates Soar Despite Heavy Use of Psychiatric Drugs - Natural Alternatives May Prove More Effective


 -  Bioelectromagnetic Medicine - The Book


 -  BIRM - Una Promesa de Vida con Plantas Amazónicas


 -  Build Your Own Complete Non-Invasive Anti-Viral System - Towards Healthcare Emancipation


 -  Café de Cannabis Creciendo en Popularidad - Los Consumidores son mas Concientes de sus Pro...

 -  Calcium Signaling - Deciphering the Calcium-NFAT Pathway


 -  Cannabinoides - La Cura Secreta Asistente en La Sanación de Varias Enfermedades Crónicas - Main File

 -  Cannabinoids - The Secret Cure to Help Heal Many Chronic Diseases - Main File


 -  Cientos de Productos de Hierbas Medicinales a Ser Prohibidas en La Unión Europea a Principios de 2011


 -  Cómo la OMS aprendió a Amar la Medicina Tradicional China


 -  Constantly Tired? Here are 10 Herbs to Increase Energy, Vitality and Adaptability


 -  Corporate Food Checkmated - The Natural News Food Lab


 - ¿Cuáles son los Antibióticos Naturales Más Eficaces? - ¿Cómo son Mejor Utilizados?


 -  Curaciones con el Dietético Beginol - Casos Clínicos donde Todo Tipo de Medicina ha Fracasado


 -  Deficiencia de Vitamina B12 - Un Iniciador para la Depresión y la Ansiedad


 -  Descubrimientos del Dr. Hamer - Nueva Medicina Germánica - Main File


 -  Dosages and Treatments for Coronavirus Infections


 -  Do You Know that 80% of Chronic Degenerative Diseases Originate in The Mouth?


 -  Eastern vs. Western Medicine - Infographic

 -  Effectiveness of Stevia Rebaudiana Whole Leaf Extract against the Various Morphological forms of Borrelia


 -  Eight 'Antibiotics' our Ancestors Used Instead of Pharmaceutical Pills


 -  El Fin de las Endodoncias - Un Paso Más Cerca


 -  El Ganadero Desobediente - Agua de Mar y MMS


 -  El Gobierno Español Declara la Guerra a Formas Naturales de Medicina


 -  El Hidrógeno - Combustible, Alimento y Medicina de la Vida


 - 'Ellos No Quieren que Sepas Tratamientos Virales básicos' - El Agua es el Tratamiento Más Básico


 -  El Mito de Las Medicinas


 -  El Mito de Las Medicinas Alternativas


 -  El Oficio de Curar con Plantas - Cuando la Medicina no viene en Pastillas


 -  El Secreto de la Inmunidad y Como Desentoxicar Cada Uno de Sus Sistemas


 -  El Tratamiento Contra las Superbacterias que la URSS Preservó y Occidente ha Preferido "Olvidar"


 -  El Yodo - Una Medicina Universal


 -  Energy and Health - Main File


 -  Envejecimiento detenido en Humanos - 'Primer co-estudio de su Clase' del Ensayo Clínico TAU


 - ¿Es Este el Origen de la Medicina Alternativa en la Actualidad?


 -  Essentials of Natural Chelation


 -  Esta es la Vitamina que Frena el Deterioro Cognitivo - Una experta de Harvard


 -  Este Científico Enseña a Hacer tus Propios Medicamentos - Y Minar así el Poder de las Farmacéuticas


 -  Este Mineral es El Primer Iniciador en La Reacción de Nuestro Sistema Inmune a La Curación


 -  Este Sistema Secreto en su Cuerpo es la Clave para Vivir sin Dolor


 -  Estudios Descubren que Beber Agua Conduce a La Pérdida de Peso y Aumento del Rendimiento Mental

 -  Flax Oil as A True Aid - Lecture November 1959 at Zurich Conference Centre


 -  Four of the Most Common Coughs and the Plants that Treat Them


 -  Four Solutions for Preserving Brain Health and Preventing Alzheimer’s


 -  Herbal Antibiotic Alternatives


 -  Hotter Bodies Better at Fighting Disease


 -  How Nebulized Peroxide helps against Respiratory Infections


 -  How the Obesity Epidemic Got Started, and How We Can End It


 -  How the WHO learnt to Love Traditional Chinese Medicine


 -  How to Naturally Deter Insects with Herbs Instead of Chemicals


 -  Hundreds of Herbal Products to Be Outlawed Across EU in Early 2011


 -  Hydrogen for Health - Your Health and Comfort on Autopilot


 -  Hydrogen History


 -  Hydrogen the Fuel, Food and Medicine of Life


 -  Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Improves Autism


 -  In the Gut's 'Second Brain' - Key Agents of Health Emerge


 -  Introduction to Water Based Medicine


 -  Iodine a Natural Medicine - Nascent Iodine vs. Iodoral, Lugols, Detoxified Iodine, and Heritage


 -  Jungle Fungus Eats Plastic and Beats Cancer


 -  Kalanchoe - Planta Antitumoral



 -  La Agricultura del Carbono - ¿"Genial" para los Gigantes Agroquímicos y los inversores como Bill Gates, pero...


 -  La Ciencia Sagrada


 -  La Derrota del Cancer - Main File



 -  La Energia y La Salud - Main File



 -  La Esencia de La Enfermedad


 -  La Magia de las Plantas Sagradas Latinoamericanas gana espacio entre la Ciencia Occidental


 -  La Magnetogenética - Una Técnica para Activar Neuronas a Control Remoto


 -  La Revolución Agrícola de Rusia que Puede Salvar al Mundo


 -  La Rivoluzione Agricola della Russia che Può Salvare il Mondo


 -  Las Armas Invisibles contra Superbacterias que la URSS desarrolló Gracias a Descubrimiento Centenario


 -  Las Fantásticas Propiedades Terapéuticas del Agua


 -  La Terapia de Oxígeno Hiperbárico Mejora el Autismo



 -  La Terapia que Ayuda a Revertir más de 100 Enfermedades - Oxigenoterapia Hiperbárica


 -  La Vacuna Cubana contra el Cáncer Pulmonar que Cuesta $1


 -  La Verdad Acerca de Las Vitaminas en Los Suplementos Nutricionales


 -  La Verdad Detrás de Los Remedios 'Naturales' para El Resfriado


 -  Lo que la Mayoría de los Médicos no Comprende sobre el Hierro y la Deficiencia de Cobre


 -  Los Aceites Esenciales Podrían ser los Nuevos Antibióticos


 -  Medicine Beyond - Biology and Healing in a World of Unseen Structures - Special Introductory Version


 -  Medicine Beyond - La Biologia e la Guarigione nel Mondo delle Strutture Nascoste - Ver. Introduttiva Speciale


 -  Microbiome - Our Microbes and Viruses - Main File



 -  Milagroso Suplemento Mineral - Main File



 -  Mineral Deficiencies/Radiation Resistance



 -  Miracle Mineral Supplement - Main File



 -  'Miracle Tree' Substance Produces Clean Drinking Water Inexpensively and Sustainably


 -  MSM and DMSO - Organic Sulphur as a Versatile Healer


 -  MSM y DMSO - Azufre Orgánico como un Versátil Sanador


 -  Nano Medicine - Treatments for Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria


 -  Natural Alternatives to Ibuprofen and NSAIDs with No Side Effects


 -  Natural Medicine for The Times


 -  Natural Options to Try Before Taking Antibiotics


 -  Natural Treatment of Immunodeficiency Disorders


 -  New Alzheimer's Treatment Fully Restores Memory Function


 -  New Study finds Inflammation is Cause of Almost Every Disease - Here's What You Can Do About It


 -  New U.S. Patents Could Signal the End of Pesticides and GMOs


 -  Non Vogliono farvi Sapere i Trattamenti Basilari per Virus - L'Acqua è il Trattamento più Basilare


 -  Now Russia Makes an Organic Revolution


 -  Nuevo Estudio Encuentra que la Inflamación es la Causa de casi toda Enfermedad  - ¿Que Hacer por Esto?


 -  Ocean Medicine - The Miracle of Brown Seaweed Extract


 -  Our Antibiotics Have Stopped Working - Drug Companies don't Care Enough to Fix It


 -  Pain Control - 5 Natural Pain Relievers



 -  Phage Therapy Gets Revitalized


 -  Pineapple Enzyme Superior to Chemotherapy in Treating Cancer - Research


 -  Plant from Amazon Serves as Natural Painkiller Alternative


 -  Psycho-Acoustic Medicine - The Science of Sound in Producing Serotonin, Neurotransmitters and Health


 -  Radical Innovators are Trying to Transform Health Care


 -  Researchers Declare Alternative Therapies Dangerous to Children Based on Scant Evidence - Junk...


 -  Rosemary - Boost Your Memory With this Nutritional Powerhouse and Super Antioxidant


 -  Rosemary Health Benefits - Growing Your Own Medicine


 -  Scientists Developed 'Magnetic Nanoparticles' that can Remotely Modulate Neural Circuits


 -  Scientists Discover that Bacteria Have a Collective Memory


 -  Secrets of Ancient Chinese Medicinal Herb Revealed by Scientists


 -  Serrapeptase - The Miracle Enzyme that No One Seems to Know About


 -  Seven Conditions Masquerading as 'Dementia'


 -  Several Plants and Herbs that Can Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections and Even Repair...


 -  Similar to Morphine - The Best Natural Painkiller that Grows in Your Backyard


 -  Six Crucial Things to Watch Out For When Buying Vitamins and Supplements


 -  Sodium Bicarbonate Treatments - Main File


 -  Some Plants and Herbs that Heal Respiratory Infections and Soothe the Lungs


 -  Spanish Government Declares War on Natural Forms of Medicine


 -  Studies Find that Drinking Water Leads to Weight Loss and Mental Boost


 -  Study finds Stevia Kills Lyme Disease Pathogen Better than Antibiotics


 -  Study says 28,187 Plant Species used as Medicines throughout the World


 -  Sweden Recycling 99 Percent of Garbage, Edging Closer to Zero-Waste

 -  Systematics, Biogeography and Host Plant Associations of The Pseudomyrmex Viduus Group Triplaris Ants


 -  Ten Medicinal Herbs that might Live in your Backyard


 -  The Cuban Lung Cancer Vaccine that Cost $1


 -  The Defeat of Cancer - Main File


 -  The Essence of Disease


 -  The Five Best Anti-Viral Products to Beat Influenza, Swine Flu, Bird Flu and SARS


 -  The Healing Properties of Marine Plasma


 -  The Health of Trees and The Natural World is Closely Linked to Our Own State of Health


 -  The Importance of B-12 Supplements in A Raw Food Diet


 -  The New Science - Magnetism and Plasmatronics Will Change Everything We Know About Health and Our...


 -  The Number One Cause of Health and The Number One Cause of Disease

 -  The Relationship Between Trees and Human Health


 -  The Sacred Science - 8 People with Illnesses Go to the Amazon Jungle to Get Better


 -  The Secret of Immunity and How to Detox Each of Your Systems


 -  The Top 15 Lies You're Being Told about Health and Mainstream Medicine


 -  The Truth About Vitamins in Nutritional Supplements


 -  The Truth Behind Natural Cold "Remedies"


 -  The Upside-down Privilege Narrative in Alternative Health


 -  The World According to Hydrogen


 -  'They Don't Want You to Know' basic Viral Treatments - Water is the Most Basic Treatment


 -  This Mineral is The Initial Trigger in The Healing Response of Our Immune System


 -  Trashing the 'Eight Glasses of Water a Day' Recommendation


 -  Tratamiento Natural para Trastornos de Inmunodeficiencia


 -  Tree and Human Health May Be Linked


 -  Try Nature's Flu Shot Instead of a Toxic Jab - 9 Ways to Keep your Immune System Strong


 -  Try The Best Natural Sweeteners


 -  Un Sano Camino a Los Alimentos - Main File


 -  Uña de Gato - Beneficios, Usos y Propiedades Medicinales


 -  Usando el Oxígeno para Recuperar y Erradicar todas las Enfermedades


 -  Using Oxygen to Recover and Wipe Out All Disease - Suppressed Therapy in the U.S.


 -  Varias Plantas Medicinales Dignas de Espacio en su Jardín


 -  Veneno de Una Hormiga Para Curar La Artritis


 -  Vitamin B-12 Deficiency - A Trigger for Depression and Anxiety?


 -  Vitamin B-12 Warning - Avoid Cyanocobalamin, Take Only Methylcobalamin


 -  Vitamin K2 - A New Hope for Osteoarthritis Relief


 -  Vitamin K Deficiency Symptoms - 5 Signs of Low Vitamin K Levels

 -  Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation and Cancer, Cardiovascular, and All-Cause Mortality

 -  What Are the Most Effective Natural Antibiotics? - And How are they Best Used?

 -  When Antibiotics Don't Work, Use Nature's Bounty to Kill Deadly Superbugs Like MRSA and Flesh-Eating...

 -  Why Natural Medicine is Not "Alternative"


 -  Yodo, una Medicina Natural


 -  Your Immune System Has a Memory


 -  YouTube amplía su Censura hacia Terapias Alternativas como "Formas de Desinformación Médica"


Additional Information


 -  18 der Wirkungsvollsten Pflanzen von Mutter Natur


 -  18 of Nature’s Most Powerful Medicinal Plants


 -  21st Century Inquisition - Codex Alimentarius


 -  Adverse Events Associated With The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Children

 -  A Framework for Human Microbiome Research



 -  Amazing Brain-Boosting Properties of Two Phytonutrients Found in Common Fruits - Resveratrol and...

 -  An Orally Active Amazonian Plant Extract (BIRM) Inhibits Prostate Cancer Growth and Metastasis


 -  Another Government Lie? - The Overwhelming Evidence that Tobacco does NOT Cause Cancer


 -  A Panacea Known as Urine Therapy - Main File


 -  Association between Water Consumption and Body Weight Outcomes - A Systematic Review


 -  A Summary of Forbidden Cures


 -  At Least 28,187 Plant Species are Currently Recorded as being of Medicinal Use


 -  Big Pharma Scores Big Win - Medicinal Herbs Will Disappear in EU


 -  Biourban - Tecnología 100% Mexicana para Purificar el Aire con Microalgas


 -  Bolivia to Expel Coca-Cola in Wake of 2012 Mayan 'Apocalypse' - 'End of Capitalism'


 -  Can Ocean Farms Actually Be More Sustainable Than Even The Most Environmentally Sensitive...


 -  Censored Health Secrets - An Exclusive Interview With Pioneering Physician Dr. Jonathan Wright


 -  Chemical Used in Teflon and Non-Stick Cookware Linked to Heart Disease


 -  Choosing Healthy Foods Now Called a "Mental Disorder"

 -  Collective Motion of Bacteria in Two Dimensions


 -  Del Ibuprofeno al Paracetamol - ¿Qué Son y cómo Actúan y cuáles son sus Efectos Indeseados?

 -  Dendrimer-RNA Nanoparticles Generate Protective Immunity Against Lethal Ebola, H1N1 influenza, and...

 -  Effects of Menopause on Autoimmune Diseases


 -  Effects of 'Schedule I' Drug Laws on Neuroscience Research and Treatment Innovation


 -  El Arte de No Enfermarse


 -  El Estado Natural del Cuerpo es la Salud y no la Enfermedad como Nos han Hecho Creer


 -  El Problema Medio-ambiental del Papel Higiénico - Y qué Utilizar en Su Lugar


 -  El Sudor Puede Realmente Combatir La Infección y La Enfermedad


 -  Engineers Design Programmable RNA Vaccines - Tests in Mice Show they Work Against Ebola, Influenza...


 - ¿Está Aumentando el Poder de Curarnos a Nosotros Mismos?


 -  Estas Pequeñas Criaturas Podrían Ser Responsables de su Artritis


 -  European Consumer Lobby Group BEUC Exposed - Supported by Currency Speculator George Soros...


 -  Flawed Medical Research May Be Ruining Your Health and Your Life

 -  Functional Profiling of the Gut-Microbiome in Disease-Associated Inflammation


 -  Ganan Las Farmacéuticas - Hierbas Medicinales Desaparecerán en La UE


 -  Gut Bacteria Linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis



 -  Has Drug-Driven Medicine Become A Form of Human Sacrifice?


 -  Herbal Medicines Banned in Europe as EU Directive Comes Into Force

 -  How Gut Microbes Shape Human Behavior


 -  How Your State of Mind is Affecting Your Well-Being

 -  Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy increases Telomere Length and Decreases Immunosenescence in Isolated Blood...

 -  Increasing Placebo Responses over Time in U.S. Clinical Trials of Neuropathic Pain


 -  Investigación Confirma Que la Sudoración Desintoxica de Metales Peligrosos y Productos Petroquímicos


 -  Is the Power to Heal Ourselves Increasing?


 -  La Ciencia Dice que La Luz Solar Podría Reducir la Tasa de Muertes Debido a Todas las Causas


 -  La Ciencia Médica Farmacéutica Oficial Va Contra La Naturaleza


 -  La Importancia de la Melatonina


 -  La Maquinaria de Enfermedades - El Porqué Los Fármacos Lo Mantienen a Usted Enfermo


 -  Las Curaciones Perdidas


 -  Las Lenguas Indígenas encierran Conocimientos Clave para la Ciencia


 -  La Sombra de La Ignorancia



 -  L'Importanza della Melatonina


 -  Longer Life Expectancy? Are We Paying The Price For Longer Lives?


 -  Los Potentes Nutrientes Antivirales Son Críticos Para La Prevención de La Enfermedad y La Longevidad


 -  Low Salt Diet Does Not Reduce Heart Disease - Study Finds


 -  Mainstream Medical Pharmaceutical 'Science' Goes Against Nature


 -  Maneras Fáciles y Naturales Para Elevar Los Niveles Bajos de Serotonina


 -  Medicina Mitocondrial


 -  Millions of Micro Doses from One Pill - More Effective but Safer than Conventional Medicines


 -  Mitochondrial Medicine



 -  More Research Shows That Bacteria are Beneficial, Not Harmful

 -  Mortality and Morbidity Trends - Is There Compression of Morbidity


 -  Most Cancer Research is Largely a Fraud - Says One of the Most Important Scientists in the World


 -  Necesitamos Agricultura Regenerativa, no Geoingeniería


 -  New Marijuana Ruling Shows The Age of Deception on The Most Medicinal Plant in The World is Coming...


 -  New Study Reports Ginger Effective for Muscle Pain Relief


 -  Nuevo Reglamento de la Marihuana - La Era del Engaño sobre la Planta Más Medicinal del Mundo Está...

 -  Optimism, Cynical Hostility, and Incident Coronary Heart Disease and Mortality in the Women’s Health...

 -  Pilot Study of Psilocybin Treatment for Anxiety in Patients with Advanced-Stage Cancer


 -  Placebo Fraud Rocks The Very Foundation of Modern Medical Science - Thousands of Clinical Trials...


 -  Placebo - The Foundation Upon Which Medicine Rests Has No Standard


 -  Plasma Marino Programado - Ibiza y Formentera Agua de Mar


 -  Potent Antiviral Nutrients Are Critical to Disease Prevention and Longevity


 -  Pure Water - The Quality of The Water Determines The Quality of The Life it Gives


 -  Reduzca el Estrés y la Ansiedad con Aceites Esenciales

 -  Remotely Controlled Chemomagnetic Modulation of Targeted Neural Circuits


 -  Research Confirms Sweating Detoxifies Dangerous Metals and Petrochemicals

 -  Response of Single Bacterial Cells to Stress gives Rise to Complex History Dependence at the Population...

 -  Reversal of Cognitive Decline - A Novel Therapeutic Program

 -  Scanning Ultrasound Removes Amyloid-β and Restores Memory in an Alzheimer's Disease Mouse Model


 -  Science says Sunlight Could Reduce Death Rate from All Causes


 -  Scientists Studied What Psychedelics Do to the Brain, and It's Not what You've Been Told


 -  Secretos de La Salud Censurados - Entrevista Exclusiva con el  Medico Pionero Dr. Jonathan Wright


 -  Slow, Steady and Easy Breathing


 -  Subjective Thirst Moderates Changes in Speed of Responding Associated with Water Consumption


 -  Sweating Can Actually Fight Off Infection and Illness - Researchers Find


 -  The Body's Natural State is Health, Not Diseased as We've Been Led to Believe


 -  The Chemnitz Program - Outlaw The "Business With Disease"


 -  The Disease Machine - Why Drug Makers Keep You Sick


 -  The Lost Cures


  - The Nutrition Secret Behind 'The Secret'



 -  The Palliative Machine - Medical Monopoly Under the Corporation-State


 -  The Placebo Effect - The Triumph of Mind over Body


 -  The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases - OneMinute Cure


 -  These Little Creatures Might Be Responsible for Your Arthritis


 -  The Suppression of Alternative Medical Therapies - from 'Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries'


 -  Todo lo que tienes que Saber sobre el Síndrome de Intestino Irritable


 -  Una Panacea Llamada Orinoterapia - Main File


 -  Una Ricerca Conferma che La Sudorazione Disintossica da Metalli Pericolosi e da Prodotti Petrolchimici


 -  Un Cuerpo Sano y lo suficientemente Alcalinizado no debería Enfermarse al estar en Contacto con el Sol


 -  Unification Theory of Medicine


 -  Utilizing The Power of The Breath


 -  Ways to Cleanse the Body from Chemtrails, GMOS, Flouridated Water, and other Environmental Toxins


 -  We Need Regenerative Farming, Not Geoengineering

 -  Why are Autoimmune Diseases on the Rise?

 -  Why Most Published Research Findings Are False


 -  World's Largest Carbon Capture Plant Set to Fight Greenhouse Gasses


 -  World's Largest Carbon-Capture Plant to Open Soon


 -  You Really Can Protect Yourself Against Electromagnetic Radiation - It's True and Here's How


Aspirin - Aspirina


 -  Aspirin's forgotten Anticancer Function


 -  Este 'Dúo' mata más Células Cancerosas que los Medicamentos de Quimioterapia


 -  Las Bondades de la Aspirina en Dosis Bajas


 -  Le Qualità della Aspirina a Basse Dosi


 -  Los Muchos olvidados Beneficios de la Aspirina para la Salud


 -  The many Forgotten Health Benefits of Aspirin

 -  Vitamin C and Aspirin's forgotten Anticancer Function




 -  Agua Magnetizada - Articulo del Dr. J. Amat


 -  Biomagnetismo Médico


 -  Biomagnetismo Medico - In Italiano


 -  Cientificos Koreanos Exitosamente Matan el Cáncer con Imanes - ¿Irán Pronto a Ser Censurados?


 -  Efecto del Agua Tratada Magnéticamente Sobre los Procesos Biológicos


 -  El Agua Alcalina


 -  El Agua Magnetizada - Un Nuevo Modelo de Tratamiento en Las Ciencias Médicas


 -  El Biomagnetismo y La Salud


 -  Hiperinflamación Por Acidosis en Casi Todas Las Enfermedades y Su Corrección


 -  Imanterapia - Cómo Sanarse Naturalmente


 -  Korean Scientists Successfully Kill Cancer With Magnets - Soon Censored?


 -  Magnetic Therapy Could Mean The End of Dangerous Antidepressants


 -  Magnetic Yeast May Harness Nature's Magnetic Capabilities

 -  Magnetoterapia - Quantic Medical Discovery


 -  Medizinischer Biomagnetismus


 -  New Findings Tell of Magnetic Fields Effect on Humans


 -  PH del Agua Alcalina


 -  Que Hace El Agua en Nuestro Cuerpo


 - ¿Sabias Que en El Año 1931 un Científico Recibió el Premio Nobel por Descubrir La Causa Primaria del...


 -  Un Análisis Científico del Par Biomagnético


 -  Water, Alkalinity & pH



Cholesterol - Colesterol


 -  'Bad' Cholesterol Not As Bad as People Think - Shows Texas A&M Study


 -  Bad News for the Pharma Cartel - Statin Profits Collapsing - The Cholesterol Bubble has Burst


 -  Esto le Ayuda a Mejorar la Salud de su Corazón Naturalmente y Sin Medicamentos - El Colesterol

 -  High Cholesterol may Protect Against Infections and Atherosclerosis

 -  How Statistical Deception Created the Appearance that Statins are Safe and Effective in Primary and...

 -  Hypoascorbemia Induces Atherosclerosis and Vascular Deposition of Lipoprotein(a) in Transgenic Mice


 -  It's Time to Retire Cholesterol Testing - There's No Such Thing as Bad Cholesterol

 -  Lack of Association Between Cholesterol and Coronary Heart Disease Mortality and Morbidity and all-cause...


 -  Las Personas con Altos Niveles de 'Colesterol Malo' Viven Más que Aquellas con Bajos Niveles...


 -  Le Persone con Livelli Alti di Colesterolo Cattivo Vivono più a Lungo di quelle con Livelli Bassi


 -  People with High Levels of 'Bad Cholesterol' Actually Live Longer than Those with Low Levels - Debunking...


 -  Poniendo un Mito a Descansar - No Hay Tal Cosa como 'Colesterol Malo'


 -  Putting The Myth to Rest - There Is No Such Thing as 'Bad Cholesterol


 -  Scientific Papers Prove that People with High So-Called "Bad" LDL Cholesterol Live the Longest


 -  The Obsessed Culture of Lowering Cholesterol May Actually Be Causing Cancer


 -  There Is No Such Thing As Bad Cholesterol



 -  Women With High Cholesterol Live Longer, Have Fewer Heart Attacks and Strokes




 -  In Africa, DDT Makes a Comeback to Save Lives


 -  To Combat Malaria, We Need DDT! - Interview with Donald R. Roberts


 -  What The World Needs Now Is DDT



Environmental and Health Destroyers - Destructores de La Salud y El Medio Ambiente


 -  Aspartame - A Sweet and Deadly Deception - Main File


 -  Big-Pharma Industry - The Healthcare Rip-Off - Main File



 -  Cancer and Sugar



 -  Chemotherapy



 -  De Cómo el Cáncer se Alimenta de Azúcar - Y Otras Grandes Razones para Evitar los Dulces Refinados


 -  El Cáncer y El Azúcar


 -  El Lobby Farmacéutico Industrial - La Gran Estafa de La Salud - Main File


 -  Estos Productos se Consideran Inofensivos - En realidad Dañan su ADN y su Microbioma Intestinal


 -  FDA Deliberately Deceiving Americans Over Arsenic in Rice, Chicken and Other Foods - Contamination...


 -  Fluor and Fluoridation - Other Healthy Care Disguised Murderer - Main File


 -  Genetically Engineered Organisms - Foods and Others - Main File


 -  Giving Up Meat won't Save the Planet and Cows are not Killing the Climate


 -  How Cancer Feeds on Sugar - And Other Big Reasons to Avoid Refined Sweets


 -  Il Cancro e Lo Zucchero



 -  Il Lato Oscuro della Farina Raffinata


 -  Industry "Weapons" for Earth's Depopulation - Main File


 -  Inside The McDonald’s McRib



 -  Killer Vaccines - Main File


 -  La FDA Deliberadamente Engaña a Estadounidenses Sobre Arsénico en Arroz, Pollo y Otros Alimentos


 -  La Industria de Alimentos lo ha Planeado Muy Bien - Las Dietas Altas en Azúcar Refinado y Aceites...

Español  -  La Insana-Mortal Industria de Los Alimentos - Main File

 -  'Matando de Hambre' al Cáncer Quitando un solo alimento - El Azúcar Refinada

 -  Milk Intake and Risk of Mortality and Fractures in Women and Men - Cohort Studies


 -  Monsanto - A Multinational Factory of Death - Main File


 -  Nine Foods You Should Never Eat Again


 -  Nueve Alimentos que Usted No Debería Jamás Volver a Comer


 -  Review Finds Diet Soda to Be Health Destroyer


 -  'Root Cause' - The Health Effects of the Root Canal

 -  Splenda Alters Gut Microflora and Increases Intestinal P-Glycoprotein and Cytochrome P-450 in Male Rats


 -  Splenda’s Many Secrets - Gut Flora Destruction and Side Effects


 -  Starving Cancer to Death by Removing one Food - Refined Sugar


 -  Ten Food Label Entries That Should Send You Running



 -  The Alarming Truth About Supermarket Meat



 -  The Food Industry has Planned It Well - Diets High in Refined Sugar and Processed Oils Cause The Brain...


 -  The Hidden Dangers of Root Canals You Don’t Know About


 -  The Shocking Ingredients In Beer


 -  The Unhealthy-Deadly Foods' Industry - Main File


 -  We Know About Caffeine in Energy Drinks Like 'Monster,' but What About The Other Ingredients?


 -  Whether Labeled Organic, Non-GMO or Conventional, here Are 12 Reasons to Avoid Any Kind of Soy


 -  Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates - Main File


Essential Oils - Aceites Esenciales


 -  Aceite Esencial del Árbol de Té - Beneficios, Usos y Efectos Secundarios


 -  Essential Oils Might Be the New Antibiotics


 -  Reduce Stress and Anxiety with Essential Oils


 -  Tea Tree Essential Oil - Benefits, Uses and Side Effects


 -  The Vaccine Industry's Biggest Threat? - The Science of Wild Oregano Oil and the Diseases it Can Kill


 -  Top Reasons to Start using Frankincense Oil


Grains - Granos:


 -  Are You Still Eating Wheat, One of the Worst Carbs for Your Health?


 -  Come il tuo Pane ti sta Uccidendo


 -  Common Signs You Might Have Gluten Sensitivity and Not Know It


 -  Cómo Tu Pan Puede Estar Matándote


 -  Discovery of Another Major Problem with Modern Bread


 -  Doctor Says Modern Wheat a "Perfect, Chronic Poison"


 -  Foods Identified as 'Whole Grain' Not Always Healthy


 -  Genetic Modified Wheat May Permanently Alter Human Genome and Spark Early Death


 -  Gluten Confirmed to Cause Serious Weight Gain, or 'Wheat Belly' - Scientific Research


 -  Heritage Grains - The Solution to Modern Wheat


 -  How Wheat Literally Decimates Your Health

 -  Identifying Whole Grain Foods - A Comparison of Different Approaches for Selecting More Healthful Whole...


 -  Incidence of Gluten Sensitivity Skyrocketing in The U.S. - Are GMOs to Blame?


 -  Is Eating Wheat at the Root of Your Depression?



 -  Many Ways Gluten and Wheat Can Damage Your Health


 -  Modern Wheat Really isn't Wheat at All


 -  New GMO Wheat May 'Silence' Vital Human Genes - Scientists Say

 -  Opening Pandora's Bread Box - The Critical Role of Wheat Lectin in Human Disease


 -  Rice, Potato, and Tomato May Be as Inflammatory as Wheat


 -  Say Goodbye to Gluten - Over 200 Clinically Confirmed Reasons to Avoid Wheat


 -  The Dangerous Truth About Grains


 -  The Dark Side of Wheat


 -  The Dietary Intake of Wheat and other Cereal Grains and Their Role in Inflammation


 -  The Future of Grain - Einkorn, Teff and Quinoa



 -  This is Your Body (and Brain) on Gluten


 -  What Is Wrong With Grains



 -  Wheat - 200 Clinically Confirmed Reasons Not to Eat It


 -  Wheat Toxicity - Is Whole Wheat A Cardiovascular Disease-Promoting Food?


Hemp - Cáñamo


 -  Cinco Formas en Las Que El Cáñamo Cambiará Nuestro Mundo


 -  El Sistema Endocannabinoide y su Importante Rol en la Salud Humana


 -  Everything Petroleum Does, Hemp Does Better


 -  Five Ways Hemp Will Change Our World


 -  Got Hemp Milk? - The Benefits of Hemp Milk


 -  'Hempcrete' could Change the Way we Build Everything


 -  How Hemp Oil Cures Cancer and Why No One Knows


 -  Los Beneficios de la Leche de Cáñamo


 - ¿Para qué es Utilizado el Cáñamo? - Nutrición, Beneficios e Historia


 -  Perché è Illegale la Marihuana? - Le Vere Ragioni Sono Peggiori di Quanto Pensate


 -  Pioneering Grandma Building Tiny Sustainable Homes Out of Hemp


 - ¿Porqué es Ilegal la Marihuana? - Las Verdaderas Razones son Peores de lo que Usted Piensa


 - ¿Porqué ha sido Prohibida la Marihuana? - Las Razones Reales son Peores de lo que Piensas...

 -  Taming THC - Potential Cannabis Synergy and Phytocannabinoidterpenoid Entourage Effects

 -  The Emperor Wears No Clothes - HEMP Bible - by Jack Herer


 -  The Feds Don't Care About Pot Smokers - They Just Keep HEMP Illegal in Order to Maintain the Power...


 -  Todo lo Que Hace El Petróleo, El Cáñamo Lo Hace Mejor


 -  What is Hemp Used For? - Nutrition, Benefits and History


 -  Why has Marijuana Been Outlawed? - The Real Reasons are Worse than You Think...


 -  Why is Marijuana Outlawed? - The Real Reasons are Worse than You Think


Immune System - Sistema Inmunológico


 -  Attacking Ourselves - Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against Us


 -  A War is Against Your Immune System


 -  HIV Vaccine - Experiment to Re-engineer The Human Immune System


 -  How 'Covid-19 Vaccine' can Destroy your Immune System


 -  How to use Your Immune System to Stay Healthy



 -  Immune Systems Go Haywire when mice are fed Fast Food, causing an "Explosion" of Inflammation


 -  Key Feature of Immune System Survived In Humans and Other Primates For 60 Million Years


 -  La Peste Negra modificó nuestros Genes y nuestro Sistema Inmune


 -  La Peste Nera ha modificato i nostri Geni e il nostro Sistema Immune


 -  Los Científicos Descubren Vasos Sanguíneos que Conectan al Sistema Inmunológico y el Cerebro


 -  Probiotics Found to Help Your Gut's Immune System


 -  New Study Shows How Daily Probiotics Can Change The Immune System


 -  Scientists Discover Vessels that Connect the Immune System and Brain


 -  The More you Vax, the Weaker your Immune System Becomes


 -  The Silent Defender - A Case for Natural Immunity


 -  The way Food is Changing Us Internally


 -  Top 10 Foods For a Healthy Immune Response


 -  Tu Sistema Inmune Tiene una Memoria


 -  Vaccines Lower Immunity


 -  Vaccines Reduce Natural Immunity


 -  Your Immune System Has a Memory


Magnesium - Cloruro de Magnesio


 -  Cloruro de Magnesio - Una Experiencia Personal



 -  El Milagro del Magnesio



 -  Magnesium and Radiation Protection



 -  Magnesium OnLine Library - External Link


 -  New Study Confirms Magnesium Needed by Most Patients


 -  Stress, Magnesium and Disease


 -  The Miracle of Magnesium


 -  Un Nuovo Studio Conferma La Necessità di Magnesio nella Maggior Parte dei Pazienti


 -  Virtudes Curativas del Magnesio





 -  Bacteria in the Body are Your Friends, Not Enemies - Don't Fight Them, Manage Them

 -  Brain Structure and Response to Emotional Stimuli as related to Gut Microbial profiles in Healthy Women


 -  Gli Psicobiotici - Sono i Batteri nel Nostro Cervello?


 -  Groundbreaking Study Shows how Gut Bacteria can Ameliorate Autism-Like Symptoms

 -  Gut Flora in Health and Disease


 -  Health Basics - What Are Probiotics?


 -  La Flora Intestinal afecta a los Pensamientos y las Emociones


 -  Maryland Killer Superbugs - Treating Antibiotic Resistant Infections

 -  Oral Delivery of a Probiotic Induced Changes at the Nasal Mucosa of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis Subjects


 -  New Study Shows How Daily Probiotics Can Change The Immune System


 -  Prebiotics, Probiotics and Antibiotics - What You Need to Know for Good Health


 -  Probiotics and Prebiotics Influence Neuropsychological Conditions - Six Surprising Facts About Microbes...

 -  Probiotics - by Dr. Rath Health Foundation


 -  Probiotics Destroy Toxic Chemicals in Our Gut for Us


 -  Probiotics Found to Help Your Gut's Immune System


 -  Probiotics Help Offset Some of The Negative Effects of Antibiotics


 -  Probiotics Once Again Shown to Reduce Cancer Risk


 -  Probiotics Shown to Alleviate Anxiety

 -  Psychobiotics - A Novel class of Psychotropic


 -  Psychobiotics - Bacteria for Your Brain?


 -  Qué Son los Probióticos - Algo que Todos Deben Saber


 -  Simplifying Probiotics - A Path to Improving Your Gut Health


 -  Superbacterias Asesinas en Maryland - Infecciones Resistentes a Los Tratamientos con Antibióticos


 -  The Importance of Probiotics After Antibiotics


 -  The Power of Probiotics


 -  Using Probiotics to Protect Honey Bees against fatal Disease


 -  What are Probiotics - Something Everyone Needs to Know


 -  Why Over 400 Species of Bacteria in Your Belly Right Now May Be the Key to Health or Disease


 -  Why Probiotics are Essential if You are Taking Antibiotics


Silver - Plata


 -  Colloidal Silver Cures MRSA Infections, Purifies Water, Destroys Candida and Fights The Flu - In Spite of...


 -  La Plata Aumenta Eficacia de Antibióticos


 -  La Plata Coloidal Cura Infecciones del SARM, Purifica el Agua, Destruye la Cándida y Combate la Gripe


 -  Los Variados Usos Médicos de la Plata a Través de la Historia


 -  Silver Hydrosol "Nanotechnology" Attacked - NanoScam Earns Mega-Profits - Environmental Groups...


 -  The Many Medical Uses of Silver Throughout History


 -  Todo Acerca de la Plata Coloidal - El Antibiótico Natural que La Industria Farmacéutica Siempre ha Ocultado


Vitamin D



 -  Agentes del Gob. USA allanan Laboratorio para Apoderarse de Avanzado Tratamiento contra el Cáncer...


 -  'Altas dosis de Vitamina D' puede tratar Enfermedades Incurables - Expertos


 -  Cambios Importantes en el Tratamiento del COVID-19 que Salvarán Vidas - Vitaminas C y D


 -  Cómo la Prueba de Desempeño de la Vitamina D podría ayudarle a Optimizar su Salud


 -  El Factor de la Vitamina D - Evidencia de la Relación Inversa de Exposición al Sol y Causas de Mortalidad


 -  El Más Novedoso Lavado de Cerebro Sobre La Vitamina D


 -  Epidemic Influenza and Vitamin D


 -  Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity - by Joseph Mercola


 -  GcMAF for the Treatment of Cancer, Autism, Inflammation, Viral and Bacterial Disease


 -  Gripe Epidémica y Vitamina D



 -  Health Tips from the 'Godfather' of Vitamin D Research


 - 'High Dose of Vitamin D' may treat Incurable Diseases - Experts


 -  Il Fattore Vitamina D - Evidenze della Relazione Inversa tra l’Esposizione al Sole e le Cause della Mortalità


 -  Irritable Bowel Syndrome - New Studies suggest Vitamin D deficiency may be Key Factor


 -  Key Feature of Immune System Survived In Humans and Other Primates For 60 Million Years


 -  La Insólita Razón por la que no nos recomiendan esta Eficaz Vitamina para tratar el COVID


 -  La Vitamina D es más Efectiva que la 'Inyección' de COVID-19


 -  La Vitamina D es Mejor que los Fármacos para Tratar el Cáncer


 -  Mushrooms Can Be an Effective Source of Vitamin D - Study


 -  Need Vitamin D? Try Mushrooms


 -  Newest Vitamin D Brainwash


 -  New Vitamin D Recommendations Promote Nutritional Deficiency to Protect Cancer Industry


 - ¿Se Exageran los Riesgos de Toxicidad por Vitamina D?


 -  Se Ha Probado Que La Vitamina D es Mucho Mejor Para La Prevención de Infecciones de Gripe


 - ¿Se le Dificulta Conciliar un Sueño Profundo? - Podría tratarse de esta Insuficiencia


 -  Cómo la Prueba de Desempeño de la Vitamina D podría ayudarle a Optimizar su Salud


 -  The Healing Power of Sunlight and Vitamin D - An Exclusive Interview With Dr. Michael Holick


 -  The Vitamin D Factor - Evidence of Inverse Relationship between Sun Exposure and All-Cause Mortality

 -  The Vitamin D Solution - A 3-Step Strategy to Cure Our Most Common Health Problems - by Michael Holick


 -  UK Non-Profits End Era of Sunlight Ignorance and Vitamin D Denial


 -  Una 'Elevata Dose di Vitamina D' può trattare Malattie Incurabili - Esperti


 -  U.S. Govt. Agents Raided Research Facility to Seize a Breakthrough Cancer Treatment called GcMAF


 -  Vitamin D Better Than Pharmaceuticals at Treating Cancer


 -  Vitamin D Deficiency Alters Lung Growth and Decreases Lung Function


 -  Vitamin D Proven Far Better Than Vaccines at Preventing Influenza Infections




 -  BioElectromagnetic and Subtle Energy Medicine - by Paul J. Rosch

 -  Chlorella and Spirulina - Superfoods for Optimum Health - by Mike Adams

 -  Cu-RE Your Fatigue - The Root Cause and How to Fix It on Your Own - by Morley M. Robbins


 -  Depuración Corporal - por Néstor Palmetti


 -  El Código Curativo - por Alex Loyd y Ben Johnson


 -  El Estudio de China - Efectos Asombrosos en La Dieta, La Perdida de Peso y La Salud a... - por C.Campbell


 -  El Milagroso Suplemento Mineral del Siglo 21 - por Jim V. Humble

 -  Hydrogen Medicine - Combining Oxygen with Hydrogen and CO² - by Mark Sircus

 -  Hydrogen, Molecular Biology and Medicine - by Xuejun Sun, Shigeo Ohta, Atsunori Nakao


 -  Il Fungo Sacro e la Croce - da John Marco Allegro


 -  La Nueva Medicina - por Germán Alberti


 -  Left In The Dark - by Graham Gynn and Tony Wright

 -  Merck's Manual of the Materia Medica - 1899

 -  Mycelium Running - How Mushrooms Can Save The World - by Paul Stamets

 -  Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About - by Kevin Trudeau

 -  The Hypoxia-Hyperoxia Paradox - by Amir Hadanny and Shai Efrati

 -  The Miracle Mineral Supplement of The 21st Century - by Jim V. Humble


 -  The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross - by John M. Allegro

 -  The Vitamin D Solution - A 3-Step Strategy to Cure Our Most Common Health Problems - by Michael Holick


 -  The War Between Orthodox Medicine and Alternative Medicine - by R. Webster Kehr

 -  This is your Brain in Food - by Uma Naidoo

 -  Towards Healthcare Emancipation - by Edgar Capilitan Enero

 -  Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox - How a Little Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life - by K. Rheaume-Bleue

 -  What Really Makes You Ill? - Why Everything you thought... - by Dawn Lester and David Parker

 -  World Without Cancer - The Story of Vitamin B17 - by G. Edward Griffin




 -  Dirt! The Movie


 -  El Secreto de La Curación


 -  Is the World Ready for a Medical Mushroom Mystery Tour? - Paul Stamets at TEDMED 2011

 -  La Curación de Todas las Enfermedades y el Fin de las Farmacéuticas

 -  Lo Que Intentan Ocultarnos - Cómo Curar cualquier Enfermedad

 -  Medical Cannabis and Its Impact on Human Health - A Cannabis Documentary

 -  Nutrition - What The Mainstream Schools Miss and Don't Teach - Food Matters

 -  Reversing The Irreversible


 -  Six Ways Mushrooms Can Save The World - Paul Stamets

 -  The Beautiful Truth - Creating A Better World - Suppressed Cures For Cancer

 -  The Indoor Generation


 -  The Sacred Science

 -  What if Cannabis Cured Cancer?


 -  What Your Doctor Never Told You



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 -  'Who' or 'What' is Killing The Bees? - Main File