by JB Bardot
September 05, 2012
NaturalNews Website
JB Bardot is
trained in herbal medicine and homeopathy, and has a
post graduate degree in holistic nutrition.
Bardot cares for
both people and animals, using alternative approaches to
health care and lifestyle.
She writes about
wellness, green living, alternative medicine, holistic
nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and naturopathic medicine.
Read her on Twitter
at jbbardot23 https://twitter.com/#!/jbbardot23 |
In my article
The 5 best natural antibiotics and anti-virals
that destroy superbugs and just about everything else,
I discuss some of the best natural substances for treating
MRSA and
other antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Natural News recently reported frightening information regarding the
development of new,
antibiotic-resistant strains of MRSA
and flesh-eating bacteria appearing in hospitals around the country.
These findings indicate that even the
last-stand antibiotic Vancomycin is no longer effective against the
ravages of these deadly infections.
In addition to my five previous recommended remedies, here are five
more powerful natural treatments that protect against MRSA,
flesh-eating bacteria, and other superbugs.
First, a two-fold
approach to prevention
There are two methods of prevention for
using natural medicines to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
One of the best ways to lower
susceptibility is to strengthen your system by eating alkaline foods
like fresh fruits and vegetables. The most effective way to obtain
medicinal benefits from your food is through
juicing. If you're
scheduled for elective surgery, start juicing immediately to
strengthen your immune system beforehand by creating an alkaline
environment where no bacteria, fungus or virus can survive.
Additionally, use
colloidal silver prophylactically
to protect yourself before a hospital stay.
Start taking it daily in small doses as
soon as you find out when you'll be admitted. If you end up in the
hospital in an emergency situation, start taking colloidal silver as
soon as possible; and in both cases, continue it through the
duration of your stay, and for at least two weeks thereafter.
Fighting anti-biotic
resistant MRSA and superbug infections
If you contract
MRSA or a
bacteria use one or more of the following natural treatments; or
combine them with those mentioned in my other article.
Pascalite is a type of
bentonite clay found only in the mountains of Wyoming. It
possesses remarkable healing powers. When used topically,
it's known for its ability to draw infections from wounds in
a matter of hours or days, bringing about total recovery.
Turmeric has been used in
Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for thousands of years to
treat a wide range of infections. It's antibacterial and
anti-inflammatory properties have been found to be highly
effective in the treatment of bacterial infections and can
be used internally and topically for MRSA and
other skin lesions.
Both turmeric and Pascalite should be made into a paste or
combined with each other by mixing them with water and
applying directly to the skin lesion. Keep moist by covering
with plastic wrap or warm compresses. Reapply as needed.
Additionally, you can mix either or both powders with Manuka
honey for a potent remedy to treat MRSA and
flesh-eating bacteria.
Oil of Oregano is an
essential oil and best known for its ability to kill
bacteria, controlling staph infections like MRSA. It has
antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-viral,
anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, and pain relieving
Science Daily reported in 2001 on the results of
a Georgetown University research study stating that the
germ-killing properties of oregano oil were found as
effective as most antibiotics - including vancomycin - for
treatment of antibiotic-resistant
superbugs such as E. coli, Salmonella, MRSA and
flesh-eating bacteria.
Tea tree oil is a potent
antibacterial, essential oil that has been shown effective
in killing antibiotic-resistant MRSA on the skin.
Therapeutic-grade tea tree oil must be used undiluted for
this purpose. The highest quality oils are very mild, making
it an excellent treatment even on open wounds.
Olive leaf extract has
been used for centuries to fight bacterial infections and is
currently being used to treat MRSA infections in some
European hospitals. It contains an active compound that
provides immune system support at the same time as it fights
antibiotic-resistant infections.