by PF Louis
December 01, 2012
NaturalNews Website
Recognition of gluten sensitivity and the consequence of
Celiac Disease if that sensitivity
is ignored is not so easy to determine early.
Medical tests fail often enough, turning
up negative while people who are gluten intolerant continue to
suffer a plethora of symptoms. Those people are often told it's all
in their heads after testing shows up negative.
But traditional gluten intolerance blood
testing looks for only one of six polypeptides in wheat,
There are five others:
wheat germ agglutinin
omega gliadin
Any one or a combination of these five
can cause anyone to have reactions to wheat.
Symptoms alone can be attributed to several other issues. Even
gluten intolerant or Celiac Disease sufferers will manifest a
variety of different symptoms. It's rather complex.
This article will list six common symptoms and then advise on how to
make sure you are or are not glucose intolerant after spotting
symptoms that are all too familiar to you. Sometimes these symptoms
appear right after meals and don't last long.
In other cases, the symptoms can last
for weeks or even chronically, which then often leads to a diagnoses
of an autoimmune disease instead of gluten intolerance.
Six common
symptoms of gluten intolerance
Obviously, there are
gastrointestinal (GI), stomach, and digestive problems.
These can include one or some of the following: Gas,
bloating, queasiness, abdominal cramping, constipation,
diarrhea, or an alternating combination of both -
IBS (Irritable Bowel
Headaches and/or migraines.
Fibromyalgia is not a
disease, it's a syndrome. Getting a medical diagnoses is
bogus. You don't need to be told you have muscular and
connecting tissue aches and pains. That's what fibromyalgia
means. Fibro= Connective Tissue; Myo= Muscle; Algia= Pain.
Thus fibromyalgia.
Emotional issues involving
chronic irritability and sudden, irrational mood shifts.
Neurological issues, including
dizziness, difficulty balancing, and peripheral neuropathy
affecting nerves outside the central nervous system and
resulting in pain, weakness, tingling or numbness in the
Fatigue, whether chronic or
almost after every meal. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
is, like fibromyalgia, a syndrome, not a disease. If that's
what you're diagnosed with, it means your doctor can't
locate the cause of your fatigue.
Yes, all of these symptoms are common to
other health issues and diseases. That's why symptoms alone as a
diagnoses is perplexing.
How to make a
final decision
First, list every single symptom that nags you, whether sporadic or
Don't make assumptions, like my back problems are from
sitting too much. Just list them without trying to explain them
Then, go on a gluten-free diet for 60 days. If you feel you can't,
that may already indicate you're addicted to gluten.
We are often
addicted to things we're allergic to.
That gluten-free diet would not include,
sorghum grains,
...are gluten-free. So is rice.
Packaged foods have different ways of sneaking in gluten. Read those
labels carefully. Here's a reference site and source for all foods
(http://www.celiac.com/). This can be simplified by ignoring
processed foods, sauces, and salad dressings and preparing meals
from bulk items.
After the 60-day period, go over your notes and see how many of your
symptoms remain. If they are mostly gone, you might decide to stick
with your gluten free diet. If you're uncertain, go back to your
former diet to see if those symptoms come back with a vengeance.
After a six month gluten-free period, it may be possible to
gradually incorporate some of the foods you've abandoned without