by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
March 02, 2010
NaturalNews Website
Spanish version
The Disease Mongering Engine, which I invented a couple of years ago
and posted on NaturalNews, was initially created as a joke to
demonstrate the ridiculousness of the fictitious diseases that are
constantly created by the psychiatric industry.
This hilarious online
disease generator allows you to
instantly create your own fictitious diseases and disorders such as:
Repetitive Dysmorphic Nose
Picking Disorder With Itching (RDNPDWI)
Oppositional Disorganized
Speaking Disorder With Indigestion (ODSDWI)
Chronic Bipolar Anticipation
Dysfunction With Smelly Feet (CBADWSF)
... and so on.
Here's the bizarre part:
All of a sudden, the new psychiatric
diagnostic manual (DSM-V) appears to have adopted as medical fact
many of the disorders that were created by the Disease Mongering
This new manual, for example, now says that
spending a lot of time
thinking about sex is a disorder. (That immediately paints every
teenage boy as "diseased.")
Another new disease is "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" (ODD), which
includes anyone who disagrees with authority. All those who are
skeptical about the safety of vaccines, for example, are about to be
diagnosed with ODD.
Now, people who are antisocial aren't merely antisocial. They're
suffering from "Antisocial Personality Disorder" and require
pharmacological treatment. So the prick neighbor isn't merely a
prick anymore; he's a "sufferer" of a "disorder" who needs
Children are no longer unhappy or throwing a temper tantrum, they
are suffering from "Temper Dysregulation Disorder with Dysphoria."
(I'm not making this up...)
Are you cracking up yet?
If George Carlin were still alive today,
he'd go berserk over this... Carlin, of course, would have been
diagnosed with countless psychiatric disorders just for being
different in his own genius way.
Federal law
protects jackasses
The examples of ridiculous disorders seems endless.
But here's the real kicker in all this:
Thanks to federal laws that were designed to protect people who are
physically disabled, people who now "suffer" from these fictitious
disorders are now protected under federal law. So the antisocial
prick jackass working at your office can't be fired now because he's
actually suffering from a diagnosed "mental disorder" and he's being
"treated" by psychiatrists.
As columnist George Will described it in a
Washington Post
"If every character blemish or
emotional turbulence is a 'disorder' akin to a physical
disability, legal accommodations are mandatory. Under federal
law, 'disabilities' include any 'mental impairment that
substantially limits one or more major life activities'; 'mental
impairments' include 'emotional or mental illness.' So there
might be a legal entitlement to be a jerk."
There might even be legal protections
for people who are sexual predators.
So the creepy pervert at the
office who feels you up in the snack room can't be fired either -
he's only suffering from "Hypersexual Disorder", a new disorder now
defined as a "mental illness" by the psychiatric manual which
describes it, in part, as:
"A great deal of time is consumed by
sexual fantasies and urges and by planning for and engaging in
sexual behavior." (Well gee, there goes half the population...)
Let's make all
the children "normal"
There's another danger in all this psych-tagging of human behavior:
What about all the creative, genius children who operate far beyond
the intellectual norms of regular, average kids?
As George Will explains:
"Childhood eccentricities, sometimes
inextricable from creativity, might be labeled 'disorders' to be
'cured.' If 7-year-old Mozart tried composing his concertos
today, he might be diagnosed with attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder and medicated into barren normality."
Based on the new DSM-V, children who
don't fit in as dumbed-down, average kids will be flagged as
diseased and could be cognitively castrated by whatever psychiatric
drugs are necessary to bring them down to the level of all the other
Why have exceptional children when they
can fit in better as "average!"
It's all just
pure disease mongering
The point in all this is that psychiatry has gone completely loony.
Now even the mainstream media is seeing the stupidity in naming
every human emotion or eccentricity a "disorder."
When the Wall Street Journal and the
Washington Post (among other mainstream papers) start questioning
the validity of modern psychiatry, you know a line has been crossed.
As the Wall Street Journal
reported just yesterday,
"Patients who seek psychiatric help
today for mood disorders stand a good chance of being diagnosed
with a disease that doesn't exist and treated with a medication
little more effective than a placebo."
Three years ago, such a sentence only
would have appeared on websites like NaturalNews, but now these
words are appearing in the mainstream media. Amazing.
It just goes to show you that psychiatry has now lost credibility
with even the mainstream media that has long support the industry's
disease mongering schemes. Psychiatry's greatest achievement over
the last decade appears to have been destroying its own integrity,
much to the benefit of the world population which would be far
better off without psychiatry.
That's my opinion, at least. Or maybe I'm just suffering from
Oppositional Defiance Disorder like everyone else who thinks for
More Information exposing the fraud of
the psychiatric industry at
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights.
The Marketing of Madness
December 08, 2009
YouTube Website
This is the definitive
documentary on the psychiatric drugging industry.
Here is the real story of the
high income partnership between psychiatry and drug
companies that has created an $80 billion psychotropic drug
profit centre. But appearances are deceiving. How valid are
psychiatrists diagnoses and how safe are their drugs?
Digging deep beneath the
corporate veneer,
this documentary exposes the
truth behind the slick marketing schemes and scientific
deceit that conceal dangerous and often deadly sales