A Drug Provided for Every Disorder
- Big Pharma-Psychiatry Collusion
Afghanistan Massacre by U.S.
Sergeant Reveals Epidemic of Psychiatric Drugging of
Español |
Algunas Nuevas 'Enfermedades
Mentales' en El Manual-5 de Diagnóstico y Estadísticas
de Desórdenes...
Español |
- ¿Algún
Problemas Esperando a Morir? - ¡Tome una Droga
America's Leading Psychiatrist
Convicts Himself of Crimes Against Humanity
America's Mental Illness Epidemic - It Turns Out That The
Drugs are The Problem
Benzodiazepine Use and Hepatitis C Seroconversion in a Cohort of
Persons who Inject Drugs
Bipolar Rates Soar Despite Heavy
Use of Psychiatric Drugs
- Natural Alternatives May Prove More Effective
Español |
De Cómo un Colapso Nervioso Puede
Conducir a un Tratamiento que Destruye su Cerebro
Dissent Into Madness - The
Weaponization of Psychology
Does Mental Illness Truly Exist as Western Medicine has
Us Believing?
Don't Let Your Child See A
Psychiatrist, Ever
Drug Corporations Want To Create More Lifetime Customers
- ADHD and Criminals
Drugging The Children
Wars - The Siren Call of Prescription Privilege
Español |
DSM-5 - La Guía Útil para Un 'Mundo
Deutsch |
DSM - „Bibel der Psychiatrie“
verantwortlich für Übermedikation der Bevölkerung
- The 'Psychiatric Bible' Responsible for Over
Medicating The Population
Español |
El Diagnostico Psiquiátrico y sus
Vínculos con la Vigilancia Masiva
Español |
El Nuevo "Manual" Psiquiátrico
- Desorden Hipersexual, Autismo, Adicción
Español |
El Peligro de las Aplicaciones de Medicina Preventiva
First Magic Mushroom Depression Trial Hits Stumbling
Having Trouble Waiting to Die? - Take a Pharmaceutical
Come The Toxic Psychiatrists -
How A Nervous Breakdown Can Lead
to Treatment That Destroys Your Brain
Inside The Battle to Define Mental
Español |
Investigación basada en
Infografías Muestran lo que nos Están Haciendo los
Fármacos Psiquiátricos
Español |
Investigadores Farmacéuticos Están
Trabajando en Una Droga Para Borrar Los Recuerdos
Español |
La Locura Inducida por los
Español |
La Psiquiatría - Es Borrar al
Individuo Único
Español |
Las Farmacéuticas - ¿Cómplices de
que Aumenten los Trastornos Mentales?
Español |
Los Desórdenes Mentales No Existen
Magnetic Therapy Could Mean The
End of Dangerous Antidepressants
Manufacturing Madness -
The Pseudoscience of Modern Psychiatry
Español |
Medicamentos Psiquiátricos Causan
más Muertes que la Heroína
y la Cocaína - Informa un Estudio
Medicated in The Cockpit
- FAA Says Pilots on Psych Drugs Can Fly Commercial
Mental Disorders Do Not Exist
Mental Health Disorders Mean
High-Profit Business for Prescription Drug Cartel
More Evidence Psychiatry is A Fake
Newest Edition of Psychiatric
Diagnostic Manual to Unleash Wave of Over-Medication
New Psychiatric Disorders Flag
Normal Human Behaviors As "Diseases"
Español |
Nuevos Trastornos Psiquiátricos
Etiquetan Comportamientos Humanos Normales Como
Obscene Psychiatrists Compete for
Gold Bullion and Bragging Rights for Diagnosing Mental
Illness in 60...
Parental Alienation - Disorder or
Pharmaceutical Induced Madness
Pharma Researchers Working On Drug
to Erase Your Memories
Predictive Medicine Apps in Development to Judge Mental
Italiano |
Psichiatri e Prostitute - 5 Tristi
Español |
Psiquiatras - Ingenieros del
Control Mental
Español |
Psiquiatras y Prostitutas - 5
Tristes Similitudes
Psst, Kid, Want Drugs? - I'm a
and Prostitutes - 5 Sad Similarities
Psychiatrists Drugging Children
for "Social Justice"
Psychiatrist Wants All Unruly Kids
Labeled as Having Mental Disorders
Psychiatry - A Whole Branch of
Science Turns Out to Be Fake
Psychiatry - Erase the Unique
Psychiatry Goes Insane
- Every Human Emotion Now Classified as A Mental
Disorder in New Psychiatric...
Psychiatry's Billing Bible
- The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM)
Research Based Infographics Show
what Psychiatric Pharmaceuticals are Really Doing to Us
Deutsch |
Revolte der Therapeuten gegen die
„Bibel der Psychiatrie“
- Gesundheits - Professionelle sagen, Neue...
Seven Reasons America's Mental
Health Industry Is a Threat to Our Sanity
Some New "Mental Illnesses" in The
Study exposes Frightening Facts
about Anti-Depressant Drugs and Pharmaceutical Companies
Español |
Supervivientes de la Psiquiatría
SWAT Attacks Home School Mom for
Refusing to Force Antipsychotic Drugs Child
Taking Apart Psychiatry - Fraud-Kings of the Mind
- Exploding the Myth of "Good Science"
Ten-Point Model for A Mental Health System That Works
The Dark Truth of the "Mental
Health" Industry - The State of Psychiatry Address
The 'Deep State'
Oligarchs/Plutocrats want to Keep America Drugged
The Devious Matrix Called
The Hidden Side of Psychiatry
- by Gary Null
The Impact of
Benzodiazepine Use on Mortality Among Polysubstance Users in
Vancouver, Canada
The Liar's Liar - Who is Dr. Allen
The Lying Liars Who Lie About Psychiatry
The New Psych Manual
- Hypersexual Disorder, Autism, Addiction
The Psychiatric Wolves Attack More Innocent Children
The Psycho-Pharma Front Groups
Revolt Against Psychiatry's Bible
- Mental Health Professionals Say New Diagnoses Will
The Real Reason Why Those on
Psyche Drugs Are Committing Suicide and Homicide
Secret at The Bottom of Psychiatry's Rabbit Hole
Two Soldiers Prescribed 54 Drugs -
Military Mental Health "Treatment" Becomes
Understanding the Root Cause of Depression so We Can
Deal With It
U.S. Soldiers Dangerously
Over-Medicated With Antipsychotic Drugs
Whistleblower Exposes Evidence
That Anti-Depressants Cannot Be Metabolized
Will We Ever Wake-Up to The Deadly Risks of
Would You Take A Pill to Forget
Bad Memories?
Additional Information |
Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers'
(NPDS) - 27th Annual Report
Español |
Aceite de Coco y el Alzheimer
- Previniendo y Revirtiendo la Enfermedad del Alzheimer
After Surviving War in Iraq, U.S.
Troops Now Being Killed by Big Pharma
A Journey Through The Madness
- The Psychopath Test
Ancient Shamanic View of Mental
Español |
Antigua Visión Chamánica de la Salud Mental |
Breaking the Spell - MindSpace,
Trance Warfare, and Neuro Linguistic Programming
Calcium-Permeable AMPA Receptor
Dynamics Mediate Fear Memory Erasure
Christmas - The Most Depressing
Time of The Year in the Most Depressed Nation on The
Planet |
Chronology of Psychotropic Drug
Español |
Corre para Salvar tu Vida - Mi
Escape del Establecimiento Médico Moderno
Drug Regulatory Warnings
Español |
EE.UU. aprueba Ley para
Implantar Microchips a las Personas con "Problemas
Español |
Experimentos Médicos en Seres
Humanos en Los Estados Unidos - Impactante Historia de
La Medicina...
Italiano |
Gli Psicobiotici - Sono i Batteri nel
Nostro Cervello?
How Non-Industrial Cultures view Mental
Human Medical Experimentation in
The United States
- The Shocking True History of Modern Medicine and...
In 27 Years 3 Million Die from Prescription Drug Use
Italiano |
I Quattro Tipi di Pazzia che
vengono dagli Dei
Español |
La Verdad Oculta tras "El
Nuevo Modelo de Terrorismo" |
Español |
Lo que Un Chamán Ve en un Hospital
Español |
Los Cuatro Tipos de Locura que
Vienen de los Dioses
Español |
Los Hongos con Psilocibina
Promueven el Crecimiento de Nuevas Células Cerebrales
- Incluso Pueden...
NIH Panel Foolishly Insists
Alzheimer's Can't Be Prevented, ...Are They Demented?
Pharmageddon - Prescription Drugs
are Killing America's Youth
Español |
Psicópatas y
- Una "Rama" de La Ponerología
- Main File
Psilocybin Mushrooms Promote
Growth of New Brain Cells
- Can Even Cure PTSD and Depression
Psychobiotics - A Novel class of
Psychobiotics - Bacteria for Your
Psychopaths and
- A Ponerological "Branch"
- Main File
Español |
- ¿Quién
está realmente Enfermo Mentalmente?
Español |
Rompiendo el Hechizo - Espacio
Mental, Armas de Trance y Programación Neuro Lingüística
Run for Your Life - My Flight from
The Modern Medical Establishment
Schizophrenia is Likely a Side
Effect of our Brain's Complex Evolution
Sick Brains in Teens - Is There A
Root Cause?
- The Dangers of Psychiatric Drugging of Children
Side Effects of Common Psychiatric
Drugs -
Online Database - CCHR - EXTERNAL
The Shamanic View of Mental
The Untold Story of Psychotropic
- Drugging Children for Profit
United Nations Tackles Mental
- Supervise World Sanity Via 'People's Charter for
Mental Health?'
What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital |
Who is Really Mentally Ill? |
Books-Treatises |
Español |
Hablando Claro - Una introducción
a los Fármacos Psiquiátricos
- por Joanna Moncrieff
ADHD a Fictitious Disease Says the
Creator of The Ailment
ADHD Fraud and The Chemical
Holocaust Against a Generation of Children
- Live With Dr. Fred Baughman
Attention Deficit
Disorder and Ascension
Español |
El Despreciable Truco que Usan los
Psiquiatras para Asegurar $ 8,000 Millones a la
Industria del TDAH
Español |
El Fraude del TDAH
- Trastorno de Déficit de Atención Hiperactividad -
Holocausto Químico Contra Una...
Italiano |
Famoso Psicologo di
Harvard afferma che l'ADHD è quasi tutta una Frode
Español |
Los Psicólogos Piensan
que Quienes sufren de ADHD y ADD podrían ser Niños
Psychologists Think that ADHD and ADD Sufferers Might
Actually Be Indigo Children
Español |
Renombrado Psicólogo de
Harvard Dice que el TDAH es en Gran Parte un Fraude
Renowned Harvard
Psychologist Says ADHD is Largely a Fraud
The Chemical Holocaust Against a
Generation of Children
- ADHD Fraud
The Despicable Trick Psychiatrists
Use to Ensure $8B ADHD Industry
Español |
Trastorno por Déficit de Atención y La
Multimedia |
de Ser Alimento - El Cerebro Reptiliano
Generation RX
La Psiquiatria - Industria de La
Making A Killing
- The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging
Marketing of Madness
Pharmaburger - Food Investigations
Psychiatry - An Industry of Death
Psychiatry - Making a Killing
The Drugging of Our Children
- SSRI Drug Dangers - Gary Null
The Inconvenient Truth About Drugs - Professor David Nutt
The Marketing of Madness - The
Truth About Psychotropic Drugs
The Medicated Child
- Good Medicine or Uncontrolled Experiment?
The Sanity of 'Madness'
Related Reports |
States Experiences -
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Big-Pharma Industry
- The Healthcare Rip-Off
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Mind Control
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The Elite's Drug Management
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The Psychic Universe
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