In August 2006, I made the following prediction on the Edge AM radio
broadcast. I stated we are close to a worldwide stock market
collapse followed by an Arab-backed Russian military invasion of the
U.S. and U.K.
The global stock market collapse has now
occurred, and it is time to ask yourself this question: Why are
masses of Russian and Polish immigrants being let into the U.K? If a
Russian invasion were being planned, would there be less resistance
if the population were mixed together? We were told years ago that
the U.K. and U.S. would become training grounds for Russian Special
Forces, such as Spetsnaz (Russian Special Purpose Regiments)
working together with private security firms such as
I’ve nothing against the Russian KGB/FSB, as I’m friends with ex-KGB
agents such as John Symons.
Most of these guys are just puppets
because again we have a group of 33rd degree and above masons
working together and controlling the Russian, American, and British
governments. These people are now playing out a “Four Horsemen of
the Apocalypse” scenario. This will cause religious uproar amongst
Christian, Muslim, etc. fundamentalists. This is all planned to do
just that, of course.
The four stages, or horsemen, of the
New World Order are as follows (and
it all begins with the global stock market collapse):
Worldwide stock market breakdown
- First major attack on the world’s population
Arab-backed Russian invasion of
U.S. and U.K. - World War 3
Large scale bio-warfare attack
on world’s population - “Return of the Plague” situation
Topped off by a false flag Alien
invasion with Illuminati and ETs working together - Possibly
staged over 2012 Olympic games in London while eyes of the
world focused on the event
On September 8th 2006, I received this
email from X3 (33rd degree of Zion/Illuminati member):
Dear James
The Committee of the Majority (MAJIC) have elected out of the
Illuminati (top 300, 33rd degree masons). Now putting final
plans in place for fake Armageddon scenario.
Watch Iran and Pakistan. Plan is for theater of war to break out
in the Middle East- IE Armageddon.
Meanwhile Lord
Jacob Rothschild and his
lodge, through
the BIS are attacking the U.S.
financial system. The plan as I understand it is a simultaneous
financial attack, then a war with Russia through Iran and
Israel, then a bird avian virus attack throughout the
USA. The microchips of course are in the inoculants manufactured
in Switzerland by Rockefellers company.
If the Lightworkers turn up (Author’s note - Pleiadians), which
is expected,
Project Bluebeam will be
initiated - Fake ET invasion.
Yours in service
On the 24th September, I received this
email from Lincoln confirming above intel:
How are you? I am exhausted. I just came back from a four day
trip to Poland. Lots of crazy stuff going on there. They had a
crash there two weeks ago. I was part of the research team that
had to visit for intel/archive purposes. Seems the technology
gets better and better because we recorded several new updated
and brand new items that will be going for back-engineering.
Should be interesting.
Be aware that this American economic problem is all planned out.
Poland is key right now. Keep an eye on Pakistan. Ezekiel
chapters 38 and 39 might be interesting. He saw through
looking glass as well you know.
Talk to you soon!!
While staying in Scotland recently, I
received the following information from the people I stayed with who
are in the “Network.” A certain individual there was told to ring a
special number and received the following recorded message. It
basically stated that in the event of an unprecedented national
emergency in the UK, it would be very unwise to flee from a major
city, such as London, and head towards rural areas, such as Devon
and Cornwall.
The reason being that plans are being formulated by Special Forces
to herd masses of people into these areas during a time of panic -
the reason being to trap the masses in these areas by sealing off
the Tamar Bridge for SF sweep-up operations. The intelligence
operative who recorded this message says the sweep-up operation will
be the rounding up of huge numbers of civilians in martial law.
British Troops will refuse to carry out these orders but
mind-controlled Spatsnaz and
Wackenhut forces will not. If this
happens, most of the British troops will be overseas, as the puppet
masters will strategically place their military chess pieces in the
correct locations.
The Draco and Sirian
Anunnaki pull the ultimate strings
here, and they hope to sit back and see us reduce our numbers
drastically for a more compliant planetary takeover when their
military forces return en-masse in
Looking for Help
The following emails are from
individuals involved in the areas mentioned in Agent Buried Alive.
Bear in mind that I receive literally hundreds of these types of
communications from all over the world from ex-special forces,
ex-government people, scientists, etc. I talk to many over the phone
and meet many face to face.
Most of them are just decent, honest
people looking for answers.
I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I try and help them as
much as I can. The best form of help seems to come from providing
them proof of these issues. Many of them doubt their own sanity
after what they have experienced.
I received the following email on August
17th 2008:
Mr. Casbolt,
I am writing you hoping that you might understand what has
happened to me. I was told by a friend about your site, so I
dropped by and as very intrigued, but then troubled. I never
thought that my government (US) would be involved in the things
you speak of. But the more time that goes by I have learned
better. I guess I should start at the beginning.
In August 1984 I enlisted in the US Air Force as a Security
Specialist. They put me in delayed entry, but during this wait I
was indoctrinated in military drill and command, procedures, and
marksmanship. I had signed on for 6 years, so I was told I would
be given the rank of E-3 immediately after graduation.
But once I arrived at Lackland AFB
things got strange. I was singled out the first day for testing.
I was given blood tests, vision test, and a hearing test. During
the hearing test, for what I thought took only 15 minutes, when
I checked the time when it was over 3 hours had passed. The next
day I had blood in both eyes and started vomiting
Nobody else was subjected to these
test. We had all been tested before we arrived. So why was I
tested again? When I went to the medical center I was given a
pill bottle which contained belladonna alkaloid. This was to
help with my symptoms they say. Within the month I was
discharged for stress. When I got home I began a series of
security jobs for Pinkerton and Wackenhut that I acquired
through the state job service administration. I was approached
by a supervisor asking me to enroll in a school called Executive
Security International in Aspen Colorado.
That is when my headaches began and
I started having memory lapses. I trained as a
bodyguard/security specialist there, where I was told by
instructor Jack McGeorge that to be a good bodyguard, you
need to be a better assassin. I laughed this off, and went on
about my studies. Since then I have had memory loss, loss of
time, and unable to explain where I have been for periods of
time. This cost me my first marriage, but so far my second
marriage is holding up. About ten years ago I ended up with a
back injury I could not explain. I just woke and it was there. I
often awake with unexplained injuries. (Buckshot in my legs
being the most drastic.)
I have also been treated for
depression and post traumatic stress. I asked the Doctor why I
have PTSS and he says that I am suppressing something traumatic.
I think he is full of shit. Have any ideas what is going on?
What can I do? Am I just crazy?
On 10th September, I received this email
from journalist Ken Adachi over at the educateyourself.org
Hi James,
I posted your chapters - The Story of James Casbolt & Project
Mannequin (Sep. 8, 2008)
I'll get your audio and post that on
my site as well. I downloaded your 4 videos posted at YouTube
from Oct 2007. Very well done. I'll post them as well. Tell me
the name of the conference that you were speaking at.
I'm also sending you this e-mail I received from a man in
London. It seems he was programmed as a child to remote view. He
mentions Greenham Common. Notice the
synchronicity. I received
his e-mail on Sep 5, but I only posted your chapters on Sep 8.
If you feel you could add something that might assist him,
please send it to me and I'll forward it to him. Do you want me
to publish your e-mail address with your chapters? If so, which
I'm interested in the Andy Pero contact. Let me know what you
Best Regards,
12-Year-Old Covertly Trained to Remote
View at Special "School" in London
(Sept. 10, 2008)
Subject: child remote viewers in south west London
From: Martin I Morris
Date: Fri, September 5, 2008
To: Editor
Dear Sir,
My partner recently directed me to your site in the hope it may
help me. In the early 1980s, I lived in London. I was not very
academic, more of a disobedient day dreamer. I don't know why
this was. I came from a normal, stable family. Apart from
suffering mild epilepsy, I was normal. As I wasn't doing well at
school, I was sent to a (centre) in Clapham Old Town London.
Here things really started to go crazy for me.
I suffered a lot of
déjà-vu, and while watching TV, or reading
the papers, I could always see another take on what I was being
told or reading. The "school", as it was known, only had a
handful of students attending, and did not follow the regular
curriculum. It was very informal and loose. Once a week, we were
taken on days out for "field trips", but we never saw any
fields. It was always in large, strange buildings, often in
Greenwich East London, the Thames Barrier and next to Hampton
Now my problem is my memories from these places are quite
bizarre. And now I'm beginning to doubt them myself. These were
the days before the PC and TV plasma screens etc, but I swear
they had them there. I think we were being used to do things
remotely on these screens.
I could swear there was a large humming noise. Everything was
made of metal; and cable like I've never seen: millions of thin
cables. Is any of
this possible?
Here I met another kid my age ( I was 12 at the time). His name
was Tim. We got on well and spoke often. He told me we were in
the school because of our teeth! He claimed that our teeth were
implanted with something to control and follow us. 'Crazy' I
thought at the time.
Amongst other things he told me, were that we should never eat
cheap meat! We were being sprayed with little creatures from
aero planes and that a handful of "companies" would one day rule
the world over!
Bear in mind, we were 12 years old. I thought he was plain mad.
He spoke of tiny machines that we could not see by eye, living
on us and relaying information back to "they" he used to say.
Tim was always treated with kid gloves on these days out. There
was always two little brown men (perfectly human, just
incredibly small) helping him to do work.
As I said, my memories are very strange, but I remember us being
tested on lights and puzzles. I can not remember what this
testing was about, but it was not normal surely. Then I noticed
something that was very, very frightening. Three other kids and
this Tim had fits, epileptic fits. No parents were called and no
doctors; just a couple of Indian nurses who did not speak
English I think. It was then I realised that we all had
something in common. This is the most confusing period of my
What I'm about to say may make you dismiss my letter, but please
don't. It's only the memories of a child, and may not make
sense, BUT I think I've been underneath Greenham Common in an
Army camp; I'm sure I have. So sure, it freaks me to just think
about it.
After two years at this school, I was sent back to mainstream
I went on to grow up (I'm now 41) and I keep thinking of the
things I was told. A couple of years later, B.S.E [Bovine
Spongiform Encephalitis ~ Mad Cow's Disease] = "cheap meat"?
"Sprayed by planes" =
Poison in the water to stop us breeding =
fluoride, estrogen; to name but
a few I've noticed over the years.
Now the part that really scares me is last year. I had traveled
to India to have some cheap dental work done while on holiday. I
needed a copy of my dental records and I nearly fainted when I
read the first ever dental treatment I had was in 1978: a root
canal filling in a 7 year old child? Done
by a NHS [National Health Service] traveling
dentist who visited our remote school. Is this possible? My
parents were always proud how I had such good teeth. This was
never mentioned to me, ever.
When something happens on the news, I seem to know so much about
it and I wonder how? The new ID cards and chips are coming just
like Tim said. The water is poisonous. God knows what's coming
out those chemtrails!!
So please tell me what you think. To myself, I sound like a
loony, but I know what I was told and what I've done. So it's
not all lies. What can it be?
You seem very well informed on such subjects. Can you point me
in the right direction? It's very strange to sit here and see
things unfolding and I'm thinking at the time: 'oh my God, I
knew that'. But how? It's only just coming out [in the news].
How could I'd have known?
Yours Sincerely,
Hello xxxxxxxxxxxxx
You were trained in
Remote Viewing and Remote
Influencing as part of a covert government mind control
operation, likely Project Mannequin, a top secret NSA program in
Britain that was only recently exposed (2007) by James
Casbolt. There are many British children (surely thousands,
but very likely tens of thousands) who have been subjected to
this training, so you shouldn't feel you are facing this alone.
You were subjected to mind control in order to keep the memories
of your training and other experiences at the "school" hidden
from your conscious mind.
After a period of 20 to 30 years, however, fragmentary memories
of the programming events begin to leak back into the conscious
mind and the person starts having inexplicable flashback
memories of weird and strange events; at least that's the way it
happens to a lot of victims of mind control.
In your case, you remembered your
conversations with Tim from the start, so the things he
forewarned you about are now becoming more apparent to you and
it all seems less 'crazy'. It's natural to doubt yourself since
no one told you or asked you if you wanted to be part of this
"program". You were chosen as the result of an "aptitude test"
that you likely received either before or after being sent to
the "school" in Clapham Old Town London.
The fact that you said you were not very academic, but rather a
disobedient "daydreamer" tells me that the right side of your
brain is more developed than the left side. Therefore, you are
more right-brained, or more "intuitive", which means you have
above-average psychic ability--and that's what the government
was looking for - kids with psychic ability.
You were trained to remote view and remote influence from a
distance, so that ability still bleeds through into your
conscious, everyday life. Because of your training, your
subconscious mind instantly becomes aware of the events you are
seeing on the TV news or might read about in the newspaper.
That's why you are having the apparent "de-jar-vu" experiences.
The info is bleeding through from your subconscious mind into
your conscious mind.
It's possible you were trained to be a "sleeper" and are not
being actively used as a remote viewer. It's also possible that
you are being covertly used, but you are unaware of it. The
epilepsy, and the epileptic fits that you saw Tim and the others
have, may somehow be part of this deal, but I have no idea
what's going on in that regard.
James Casbolt will likely know more of your situation
than I, so I'll forward your e-mail to him and perhaps he can
add more to the story.
You should not be frightened by this information, but rather
embrace it and determine to undo this programming and discover
what really happened to you. You have talent as a Remote Viewer
and need to learn how to access that talent on your own and use
it for the benefit of mankind, rather than serve the dark
masters of the New World Order.
Tim Rifat is in Brighton
and has a great deal of expertise in this arena. He may be able
to help you.
Tell me more if you care to expand on your story. The more you
attempt to dig, the more memories will come to the surface. You
should keep a spiral bound notebook and write things down as
they come to you.
On the 15th August, I received the
following email:
Hi James,
I believe I have something to share here. As of lately I’ve been
researching all this covert mind control, and for myself have
been trying to put my odd puzzle together.
When I was a kid 4-5, I have a memory of my farther taking me
somewhere underground where a lot of other kids were doing
puzzles, people in lab coats. He told me it was a company party
for the Eaton Corporation in the Cleveland, Ohio area. But I
remember all the kids on a spinning wheel and we were hanging on
to the center, and it spun really fast and all the kids got
thrown into brick walls we were all badly hurt, I clearly
remember this, yet over the years I have asked my farther about
this and he doesn’t remember.
My mother insisted he stop taking me
to Masonic meetings for I was getting molested there and one
time I was hospitalized due to an injury to my fanny. My farther
seems fascinated researching his genealogy family tree all
relating to Scotland, Whales, Vanderbilt’s’, and American
Indians, and my mother is pure Irish, and he is always watching
shows about the Nazi’s, and when he goes o the dentist he never
allows pain killers.
I remember one time his dentist told
me it was rather odd how he endured the pain for he was sure it
should of caused great pain, makes me wonder as he was in the
military as well. In Catholic School I always had to go into a
mobile lab out in the parking lot where they made me do psychic
testing, they constantly drilled me if I could remember
extensive numbers in a series. I always remember walking into
them but only have a few memories inside.
When I went to public school in 6th grade for some reason my
class only, had to wear headphones and told to listen to a
particular radio station with walkmans. In Quantico, VA I recall
several times wondering where 2-3 days went. And one time I
remember Naval Intelligence in my room tearing the room apart. I
asked what are you doing and they kept telling me to go back to
sleep; although I didn’t. Later my roommate was trying to fix
the rattling vent and found bugs in the air vents. Only 200
people in Quantico went to Desert Storm I was one of them. The
camp was designed like the 3 rings of Atlantis.
The Commandant of the Marine Corps
for some reason always invited me into the center and into his
personal quarters to call my farther. Why me I thought. I
remember on one occasion when they picked 12 of us to go out in
the middle of the dessert. That was the only time the Iraq tanks
crossed the border and it was exactly where we were. I remember
them congratulating us, but I was unsure for what reason.
Then I got transferred to GTMO, Cuba. My Gunny had me meet 3 CIA
members, and then I seem to have lost 3 days. When I scuba dove
there my friends tanks would be empty and mine would still have
90% air in it. They all put their gauges on my tank to find it
Then at discharge process my final medical stated I had hearing
problems, odd I thought my hearing was tip top. They medevaced
me from GTMO to Norfolk, VA and put me in a sound booth with all
these fast cyclic frequencies and lights flashing. Then they
told me my hearing was fine and I could continue checking out of
the corps. Silent Subliminal I wonder.
Then when I got out I checked into Ohio State U and this one guy
kept following me around while I was looking for apartments
insisting to move into his house because we were both Marines
(he worked at
Wackenhut). He had like over 50
assault rifles and put them into my room. I told him chicks are
going to think I’m crazy with all these guns so he threw a sheet
over them. Then he moved to Chicago.
Then instantly some other marine
gets a job where I work and begs to move in and places all these
assault guns in my room. On one occasion I had this girl over
and my handler lets say, asked her to ride on the back of his
cbr-900, they got a ¼ mile down the road they said the back tire
was thrown to the left and they came back all banged up, he
looked me in the eyes ad said don’t ever do that again, I looked
back and said touché. On one occasion I ripped his leg out of
socket and twisted it up real bad. I guarantee to this day every
step he remembers me.
One day he yelled at me and then got
in his jeep and drove off then it lost control and flipped over
and was totaled. He feared me although he stuck around and
insisted we create a security company Called Shadow (kind of
dark I thought) (with a CIA agent who bragged about drug running
in Chicago) that guarded an underground tunnel network in
Columbus, Ohio near Trabue road; Marble Cliffs Aggregate Quarry
which was partially federal land. It was purchased by a company
in Australia who brought in their own security company.
On one occasion I overheard that the
abandoned building west of the Columbus Courthouse has a CIA
center underneath. I just always thought weird. But a year later
I had an experience in a lab room where they were trying to give
me a shot in a lab, I kicked the nurse away threw 2 guards down
and ran out of this same abandoned building, all this security
chased me I hoped to the top of this huge fence ran out to a
public parking lot; saw a car alarm light blinking so I punched
out the window to create a disturbance for my escape.
Now my Marine roommate moves away and changes his name, becomes
unreachable, and the CIA dude goes back to Chicago and this is
when things get really weird.
It seems as if my programming was surfacing, when some new
friends stole some things from my house. I found out they did it
through the grapevine. Apparently everywhere they were, so as I.
They’d be driving around and there I was Mile after mile just
standing there. They thought no way so they called my house to
leave a message, I was home. Their lights would flicker on and
off the TV too. They all tried moved away, although I threw
their cars off the road and caused severe injury to them all. I
began flying through my TV set and looking into people’s living
rooms trough their TV. Twice someone drove by me and gave me a
dirty look and I blew their car engine-up, once it was an
undercover cop.
I have witnesses both times; my
friends knew I did it. Every time I came into my friend’s house
their lights would flicker and blow up. When the priests were
beginning to be caught molesting the boys I was driving by a
josephinum priest college in Columbus and thought what an evil
group and instantly an entire wing became engulfed in flames.
One neighbor gave me a dirty look and I ripped their front door
off and launched it across their driveway with my mind, and his
wife ran inside to hide their evil looks. Nobody liked those
annoying neighbors.
The 2003 blackout from Cleveland to
Trenton, New Jersey, I was at exactly the town where the
blackout stopped, or began, I do not understand that one. The
other day this person gave me a dirty look and their feet
sweeped up and they were launched10 feet away. I didn’t mean to
do it I just got pissed off at the look I was given. Instant
karma is bliss they know exactly what is being done unto them.
I’m really a peaceful guy if you ask anyone who has gotten to
know me. Just from mind controlled people we have a lot of anger
built up. Just like a Druid, Apparently Jesus’ favorite folk,
very spiritual and very fierce. Beautiful blood to have.
Four times I healed a dead animal. One time 5 young girls were
crying holding a squirrel hit by a car. I said how long has it
been dead they said 20 minutes. I told the one girl to touch it
right between the eyes and I quickly sent prana to the
squirrel and it instantly leaped up jumped off the shoulders and
climbed a 100 foot oak. Hopefully I gave that girl belief she
can resurrect. My cousin had only one month to live from cancer.
I heard of this, so I sent her prana and the doctors said
it was completely gone days later. It seems I was trained in the
subtle energies, which can be used for offence and defense, good
or bad.
I still get all these calls where hey ask if Jacob is there or
is j there and all these weird clicks and pops and tones are
playing in the background. I don’t even answer the phone
But sadly, recently I was flown to a job In Ithaca, NY and just
requested to leave and I jumped on a greyhound and went to
Rochester, NY for a few days, then flew home. Now that I look
back it was very weird that I did that. I’ve actually found a
few other marines I worked with and they can’t remember entire
year’s maybe small fragments if that.
While living in Corpus Christi, near the SPID I was walking at
night then all of a sudden kind of lost my balance and felt
tingly all over, I looked up and no more than 200 yards up was a
triangular craft with lights in the corners. Did I miss time and
was beamed back down? I’m not sure if I lost time, I never wear
a watch, I just keep track of the days.
For some reason I always been interested in books on hypnosis
and psychology, I wonder why. At the age of 17, I already
acquired and read all the college textbooks for a psychology
degree, and maybe 100 more.
This is most of all I’ve been able to piece together so far. I
have tried to open up more memories by inducing lucid dreaming.
When I first began this I began having dreams of being molested
as a young boy as I journeyed to know how it all began. One time
I felt the perspective of being the older man who was molesting
me to understand just how could anybody do that. These memories
haunt me. So much of my mind is closed s of lately I only dream
forward towards my best desires.
I imagine a better future where most
of the population quickly joins in harmony and our great minds
together as battery ran in series raises the frequency to the
fourth dimension. To inform is good. This requires energy.
Energy best spent would be “fourth dimension worldwide holiday”.
Imagine all of humanities power aimed at our ultimate goal. To
have this day on a Tuesday would be pure. Tuesday for
togetherness. Too much conflict of energies on Sunday.
Lets all play hooky on Tuesday whatta ya say! Screw the dollar
for the day. Companies can’t fire everyone. If we try to make it
official, that will take beyond 2012 - the pole shift
where too many beautiful souls will lose the opportunity to
shift. They will have to be born again spending many years
adjusting to their new blood memories and fleshy coordination.
Even if you survive the pole shift chances are you’ll be
starving, filthy, everywhere you go it will smell like ass and
dead bodies. Then for sure you’ll be micro chipped, let’s not
take that road. Sounds Wacky doesn’t it. Look what my power has
done. It will work.
Lets’ organize and pick a day, whatta ya say. Lets do it quickly
though! How about before the USA elections. For some reason I
feel much bad coming, Bush may find a way to stay in
presidency till the end.
Tuesday- Worldwide 4th Dimension Focus Day
The following photographs clearly show
paranormal electro-magnetic phenomenon being generated around
some of my friends and me.
Much of this comes from the
spiritual/telepathic connection to higher dimensions of vibration
and extra-terrestrial life forms:

Regarding the last picture, the
Pleiadian have given me specific directives not to disclose the
details of my walk-in situation until I have permission at a
later date.
According to them, I am being prepared
for a mission at a time when their spacecraft are seen by hundreds
of thousands of people in broad daylight, such as the mass sightings
at Fatima in Portugal and Mexico.
They say at this time I will travel to many different countries
around the world and speak in front of large crowds. The various
radio shows I have appeared on such as Coast to Coast AM are just a
precursor to this, I am told. I’ve taken steps to put these people
in the emails in touch with each other. There is now a loose network
coming together that is breaking out of various mind control and
behavior modification programs.
With the backing of factions in the UK
and US government that support us, this freedom movement goes under
the official title of PROJECT MICHAEL.
We are currently seeking more suitable headquarters and corporate
funding. I will restate my message to any and all members of the
intelligence community, military, and industrial apparatus who wish
to get on board (all identities will remain confidential):
“A true slave is the man who cannot
speak his mind.”
Back to Contents
When I first went public last year about my experiences with an
investigative journalist, I mentioned the fact that I had witnessed
small Zetan Greys around my bed on
more than one occasion as a child.
At these times I would hear a roaring
sound in my head that sounded like water, and I would feel as I was
extremely heavy and being crushed. After these sensations, I would
feel like I was floating upwards. I spoke to
Preston Nichols about these
experiences, and he told me these were common physical symptoms for
people during abductions.
When my father went to prison in Spain just after I was born, my
mother and I moved around the world traveling and living in
countries such as Canada, Australia, Spain and other places.
However, the clearest memories of these close encounters were in my
bedroom at my house in Recreation road, Tilehurst in Berkshire as a
Events like this also occurred in my
teenage years in this house, and I would often see geometrical
symbols in my third eye late at night. I would perform ways of
breathing like holding my breath and accelerating and slowing down
my breathing. When I did this I would see these symbols in a
‘ladder’ formation with one symbol on top of the other, and I would
draw them on paper.
I would then get up, and show these
diagrams to my mother and step father, trying to explain to them
that as my breathing became more and more controlled the ladder
would grow higher with symbols.
Years later, my mother would become a Buddhist, and I once attended
a meeting with her at a Tibetan Buddhist centre called ‘Rigpa’ in
London in my twenties and saw to my surprise there was a symbol in
this place, which I think was called the 8 auspicious signs with
geometrical and other symbols one on top of the other.
This was almost identical to the
‘ladder’ I had drawn in Berkshire when I was ten years old. I later
learned that these breathing techniques I was doing at the time were
a form of Prana/breathing yoga, and I did not know anything about
yoga and Buddhism when I was ten.
A couple of years before this, I had written a poem called "The Boy
Who Went Into Time" about a story of me finding some kind of hole in
the street outside my house, which allowed me to travel into a
different world where I met non-human creatures who were my friends.
This land was being ruled by an evil being called The Executioner,
and these creatures needed leadership to help defeat him. In the
story we gathered weapons and went to his castle where we defeated
The Executioner.
I find this the title of this poem
interesting, as according to scientist Steven Hawkings, the
fourth dimension (the one next to our third dimension) IS time and
can be assessed by wormholes/jumpgates.
In my Project Mannequin de-programming efforts, I have
discovered that I have gone through a major extra-terrestrial
followed within days by a military/NSA abduction every five years of
my life since I was born - 5-10-15-20-25-30 years old, which I will
talk about more later in the book. On my 30th birthday last
December, I got a very bad flu, and it is very rare for me to get
I had a high temperature and very
disoriented. I spent time alone in my flat in St. Ives and recalled
seeing strange, short beautiful creatures with blue skin and symbols
on their foreheads of geometrical shapes in my flat.
Regarding witnessing other non-human beings or "night visitors" in
my bedroom, I cannot remember any events happening in my late teens
and early twenties. However, starting in the year 2000, these night
visitations started to happen again with seven close encounter
experiences that I remember very clearly.
These have taken place from 2000 up
until a few weeks ago.
1st recent encounter - 2001 - St Ives,
I woke up paralyzed in the early hours of the morning with a tall
being in my bedroom over 6 feet tall. This being appeared to be a
tall Grey or reptilian, and I could see wing-like appendages on its
It is hard to describe in great detail,
as it seemed to be cloaked with some kind of thermo tic/invisibility
camouflage and kept disappearing out of sight and reappearing. I
felt a tremendous weight on my chest, and I remembered the feeling
from when this happened to me as a child. I was fully wide-awake but
could not talk or move a muscle (years later I learnt how to brake
these paralyses when these events happened).
I was shouting in my mind “Get the xxxx
off me.” The weight was increasing on my chest, and the being had
fully disappeared by this time. Because of this, I could not tell
where the entity was standing at this point.
A voice in my head then said to me,
“Try to relax and visualize pink
light coming from your hands and going out in front of you.”
I did this, saw pink light come out of
me, and the weight on top of me lifted slightly.
When this happened, I managed to turn
over onto my front and once again a huge weight pushed my face into
the pillow. I visualized this pink light coming out of my back, and
the weight completely lifted off me and the paralyzed disappeared.
I then saw a flash of movement next to
my window, which was closed. I looked out into the night to see a
large figure with dark figure with wings flying away. The next day,
this green ray of light appeared in my bedroom and stayed in the
room for a couple of minutes before disappearing. This could have
been the positive energy that helped me break the paralysis, or it
could have been something else.
I have since discovered that particle
beam and
phychotronic mind control
technology used by the MIEC and NSA used for abductions and other
things causes green streaks to appear in the air. The green streaks
are caused by air reaction with the particle beam.
Without a doubt, long range phychotronic mind control technology
has been used on me at night to activate sleep altars, which wake up
the moment I go to sleep. The moment I go, these altars kick in, and
I wake in a altered state of consciousness, get dressed, and go and
meet the handlers of Project Mannequin where various programming and
other things take place.
I go home, get undressed, get back into
bed, and my front everyday altar/personality thinks I have slept all
night, but I wake up feeling exhausted. This has happened on more
than one occasion over the years. A photograph can be found on my
website of a holographic face that materialized in my front room,
which I talked about in
chapter 3. This can be found in the
personal photo section along with other photographic proof.
This happened within a couple of weeks
of the incident with the being in the bedroom and the green ray of
This being said, it was from the Pleiades star system in the
telepathic messages it transmitted to me. I was instructed to get
the camera ready, and when it appeared, I went into a kind of trance
and started to write down the information I was receiving. Among the
messages was an urgent message that I was a walk-in from the
Pleiades called Michael, who just came into this body, and James
had decided to leave and stay in the “Cities of Light” in the
Pleiades star sector.
I was told that Michael had come to this
planet from a Pleiadian starship orbiting this planet and was one of
the “Early Arrivals” to help lead a mission in a galactic battle. I
was to “carry a message of truth” and had to understand who I am to
“ground my Starbody in this physical body,” which finally happened
at the beginning of 2005.
I was told by this being in my dining
room that I was living on James’ memories and I must understand
this. I was also told that Michael was James’ “twin soul,” and we
were “braided” souls who had contracted to swap locations or
“vectors” in the galaxy prior to this physical bodies conception.
The actual exchange of location vectors happened just before the
events of the first recent encounter when I was self harming and
suicidal in 2001.
After the exchange happened, my pupils
changed sizes with my right pupil becoming larger than my left one,
as well as other physical and mental changes like increases in my IQ
I recently came across a great book
Earth Angels by Doreen
Virtue PHD that explains the walk-in/walk-out process very
“Usually the souls spend a lot of
time discussing their possible soul exchange. They make trail
runs, where the walk-in soul test-drives the new body and the
walk-out soul experiences being free of the body. Both parties
must be in full agreement before the final process is made. This
is similar to the process of a sex-change operation.
Since the walk-in procedure cannot
be cancelled (unless prior arrangements are made), both parties
have to make sure that they truly want the exchange to occur. If
the decision is made to go ahead, then an 'intersection episode'
is set. This means that the walk-out soul engages in a suicide
attempt, an accident, surgery, or an out of body experience
“When the new soul awakens, there’s
usually no memory of the walk-in process. An amnesia effect
occurs when a spirit travels from
the fourth dimension of the
spirit world ( where time isn’t measured ) and lands in the
third dimension of Earthly time and life (end).”
2nd recent encounter - August 2003 - Wiltshire
Whilst staying at a house in Wiltshire, I woke up in the middle of
the night with an Albino
Anunnaki type male standing at the
end of my bed. He was around 6’3 inches tall with an athletic build
and long blond/white hair down to his shoulders.
He was grinning at me but not saying
anything. I was just laying there trying to work out if I was still
dreaming or not, and when I realized I was wide awake, and he was
still standing there, he started to move. These entities seem to
have some kind of interactive telepathic contact with me in these
events and start to behave differently according to my awareness of
the situation and fear levels.
When I realized I was not dreaming, the Anunnaki male started to
stretch his neck upwards like a cobra, ‘winding’ it from left to
right as his neck elongated like some kind of strange yoga
technique. As his neck was stretching, it started to become
unnaturally long and thin, which was terrifying to witness at the
time. Just at that moment he shape-shifted/morphed into a large and
reptilian humanoid, which was even
taller but no wings this time.
I shouted “ahhhhh” in terror and jumped
out of bed towards this being to attack him.
This may sound unbelievable, but I just
did it without thinking. When I was just about to make contact with
him, he moved his hand as if to press something around his waist
area and disappeared. A contact in the intelligence community told
me after this that the Draco reptilians keep teleportation devices
around their wrists and on their belts.
It is also interesting to note that
Barry King told me there is a huge MIEC underground complex
below Salisbury plain in Wiltshire.
3rd recent encounter- Early part of
2006 - Carbis Bay- Cornwall
I was staying the night at my
girlfriend’s house, and I woke up with a winged reptilian being
floating on the ceiling.
This was one of the more nasty attacks,
as this entity swooped down with its face close to my face and then
disappeared. I was wide-awake and shouted “ahhhhhh” again in terror
and kicked out extremely fast approximately 6 six times.
My girlfriend woke up, and I had to
sleep with the TV on all night.
4th recent encounter - November 2006 -
St Ives, Cornwall
I got out of bed late one
night and went to the back door of my flat to look out of the window
on the door.
When I did I saw 2 small greys about the
size of small children walking towards me. It seems I switch altars
when I see extra-terrestrial life-forms or during military/NSA
abductions and my PSI abilities come to the fore.
I said out loud in an authoritarian
“In the name of the I am that I am
(The EHEIEH Hebrew power word) I raise high frequency source
I sensed I had to be quick about this as
very soon the Zetan Greys would get closer and put freeze stare
paralysis on me. When I said these words, I naturally raised my
hands and shot green rays of light out of my hands and through the
window at the Greys!
I hit the one closest to me who then jumped sideways off his feet
and through the next door neighbors, closed the window, and
disappeared. I shot a second burst of green light from my palms at
the one behind, and this being disappeared, as well. When these
events happen, I just go back to bed and lay there with my heart
beating fast for a few minutes and then go back to sleep. I tell
people whom I trust about these things the next day.
I just come out with it and say,
“There were 2 Greys in my back alley
last night and shot green rays out of hands and made them
What else am I meant to say? These
things are facts!
I have some kind of seal around my forehead area inside my skull,
which is probably an implanted microchip. I remember various medical
procedures being performed on me where implants have been put into
different parts of my body over the years but more about this later.
The chip in my skull is positioned in front of my pineal gland and
gives off a scalar energy field that wraps around this gland and
blocks my PSI/scalar abilities in everyday life.
This energy field deactivates when I
feel myself to be in great danger or experience intense fear. The
NSA handlers of Project Mannequin have probably designed the chip to
do this, and they also switch the scalar block off when I am being
used on a black op.
I was a national security secret as child because of my abilities
form these encounters to create, harness, and control
electro-magnetic energy. These NSA doctors placed these blocks
inside me as they did not want me walking around with thee powers in
everyday life. This past of the intelligence community resorted to
drastic measures to keep me from realizing my true power and
Well I’ve got a message to people like
Mr. Whitemore, Dr. Perchowski, Mr. Samms and Mr. Hodge, all your
games are unraveling as I open my ‘eye’ and there is nothing you can
do about it. The NSA doctors who dealt with me personally switched
my PSI blocks off when I was with them in various military
facilities around the country to use me for their agendas.
They used me for such things as,
Telepath and remote influencer-
for contact with various ET races both on and off planet and
also telepathic contact and influencing of other operatives
of Project Mannequin and various other targeted individuals
around the world. I gave telepathic instructions to other
operatives in various countries including Britain to perform
certain tasks.
The telepathic signal was
carried on radio waves, bounced off satellite and integrated
directly into their cranial implants. I have a digital link
known as RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring ) that links my
cranial implant to the various NSA computer mainframes
around the world. The main digital link is with the Beast
computer at the Pine Gap facility in Australia.
Other remote influencing as a telepath involved electronic
sabotage of military hardware and vehicles using enhanced
brainwaves and also "bringing people down," which was
technologically assisted brainwaves focused at targets to
cause extreme nausea, strokes, heart attacks and other
Telepathic contact and remote
influencing was mostly done by me in the Tripseat (MAP
program) on Level 4 of the AL/499 and other facilities. A
photo of the targeted individual would be projected onto the
middle screen in front of the seat. As most NSA targets are
implanted their location can be traced on the planet can be
traced 24 hours a day by satellite.
The location of the target would
be put on the screen, and I would be instructed by my
handler to focus my vector intension to that location and
individual. A vector intension is similar to coordinates on
a map. Brain wave tones would be played through headphones I
was wearing, and then an image of the Kabbala Tree of life
would be projected onto the screen. A geo-metrical shape
would appear in the circle in the top and then start to
With my awareness focused on the shape, I would feel like I
was being absorbed into the screen, and then an electrical
shock from the seat would project my awareness through the
circle at a tremendous speed, and I would see areas of land
rushing past me as if I was flying. I would then find
"myself" at the location of the vector intension and see the
targeted individual.
This was a fully interactive
experience, and I was totally conscious. If the target got
on a bus I was able travel though the side wall on the bus
and hover above them. I then focused my awareness to their
chest or other parts of their bodies such as their throat,
and they would start to have a panic attack or heart attack.
As I was in a dissociated state, I would feel nothing for
their suffering. I would like to say that this is an
especially cowardly way to kill, but I was not in control of
my own actions and was being used as a kind of living
I think that my panic attacks in
later years were in a large part due to this energy that I
had directed bouncing back on me. What goes around comes
Remote viewing both on and
off planet. I remember remote viewing locations of military
conflict and various underground facilities around the world
after being given a vector intention by my handler on where
to focus my concentration.
In remote viewing and
influencing the handlers of the project are able to view and
record what the remote viewer is seeing on a screen because
of the RNM digital link implant. I also remote viewed
another planet for the project and I remembered traveling
through some kind of wormhole extremely fast, and then I was
positioned in the outer atmosphere of a dark planet. Most of
the land mass was underwater, but there appeared to be 3
main areas of land with a large 'city of light' on each one.
Again remote viewing would
mostly be done by me on the Tripseat and the electro-shock
would be used to facilitate projection of my consciousness
out of my body. Electro-shock and currents would often be
used by the handlers to control the direction and speed of
my ‘third-eye’ vision, and I basically be used as a manned
probe. I was heavily involved in the NSA remote viewing and
influencing projects during the mid part of 1994. This was
in a facility connected underground to the AL/499 called the
CLC-1. The CLC-1 is located underneath Westminster in London
with access points at an underground garage in Park Lane.
These PSI project is a
sub-project of Mannequin called The Tomorrow People
program. I was also involved in remote viewing and other PSI
projects at the AL/499 in the 90’s and possibly in the 80’s.
However, I cannot recall clearly what exactly happened to me
in the 80’s regarding being in underground bases at this
In 1994, I was living in St Ives
but taking regular trips to London, Reading, Liverpool and
Brighton. I would go on a weekend trip to London and Reading
at this time and not remember exactly what I had done during
this time. I would then come home to Cornwall and walk along
the street with my friends, have a panic attack and throw up
in the road. They would get extremely concerned about me and
say “what the hell is wrong with you?” and I honestly didn’t
know at the time because I was under so much hypnotic mind
The panic attacks stopped me
from functioning in normal life, and I had to drop out of
college. Local doctors did not have a clue what was wrong
with me and just gave me various drug cocktails of
tranquillizers and anti-depressants, which made me worse.
Deep inside I knew something was very wrong, and I was
Use as a Mentat, or
living computer to store vast amounts off information from
the MAP/Tripseat program, which was then passed onto other
NSA operatives at other underground facilities around the
country. Through trauma and being electroshocked on the
tripseat I could remember in photographic detail highly
classified information that was shown to me on the screen.
This information was known as by
the NSA as Mind-Files and was stored in compartmentalized
altars, which would be accessed by intelligence officers in
the civilian community and at military bases. I was used
heavily as a Mentat in the 90’s when I was traveling
from city to city at such places as London, Reading,
Brighton, Liverpool and many other cities and towns. I had
many friends in these places and would travel from one city
to another for years. I was trained and conditioned by the
NSA to be completely focused on one task at a time and my
awareness was like tip of a knife or a laser beam.
When I was in my everyday life,
I would become interested in various things, such as martial
arts and guns, tanks and military hardware in magazines such
as Combat and Survival and just spend most of my waking
hours immersed in the subjects. I would eat, sleep and drink
these things until I knew almost everything that could be
learned about them. Project Mannequin has a life plan for
each participant, and I would say most of the behavior was
programmed and much of it still is.
De-programming is a life-long
task, and I still have a very one-track way of thinking
where it is difficult for me to focus on more than one task
or subject. However, with effort and help, and I am learning
to live more of a balanced life.
For use out in the civilian
communities as a drug runner moving large amounts of drugs
to illegally fund covert projects. This was known as the
Carrier Pigeon program, which I became involved in 1995,
again mainly around the areas of London and Reading.
This bounced back on me again as
I became addicted to drugs in later years and fought a long
hard battle with that. I am happy to say that I’m clean and
sober today.
The intelligence community has
an army of mind-controlled agents doing this for them and
the global drug trade controlled by the intelligence
community will be discussed later in the book.
I was trained in advanced breathing,
concentration and posture control, which was seemed to be based
around the arts of Yoga and Tai chi but with technological help,
such as small flashing boxes, connected to my belt, which seemed to
give of some kind of pulse vibration and also staring into screens
with spinning geometrical shapes on them.
I was also used to do things I have only
vague memories of, which I will not talk about publicly until I am
more clear about them.
These NSA doctors would then switch the
implant in front of my pineal gland on again when I was out in the
civilian community in my front altar or everyday personality. The
PSI manipulation levels as a child were also accomplished the old
fashioned way by intense trauma and torture as well as using
technological hardware. I will talk more about my visits to the
AL/499 base in Berkshire as a child in the next chapter.
Duncan O'Finioan told me over
the phone that he had started to regain his erased memories from
Project Talent when he was rear-ended by another car when
driving. It is interesting to note that people start to get their
memories back in these projects after a walk-in experience and one
of the ways the Intersection episode happens is during an accident.
I know that myself,
Dan Burish, 1N, 5J, Barry King
and most of the other people I know in black projects are
so I have to wonder if Duncan is, as well.
He had badly damaged his back and had been given an MRI scan at the
hospital. When head the scan the electro-magnetic energy from the
implant in Duncan’s brain had not meshed with electro-magnetic
energy of the MRI machine. Because of this the chip in Duncan had
shorted out and the MRI machine caught on fire!
Duncan said on one his interviews, he
was laying on the table screaming as hundreds of screens came
rushing into his mind’s eye.
On each screen was a memory that had
been erased by the US intelligence community. The nurses rushed in
when the MRI machine caught fire and from this event Duncan started
to make sense of his life.
Leir and his associates were aided by
the use of a fluroscan, which allowed them to view the small
metallic object during the procedure.
5th recent encounter- May 2007- St
Ives, Cornwall
After visiting the RAF
Portreath military base with 3S (we just parked up outside in our
car and looked at the front gates), I woke up and a man with blond
hair that looked like a Pleiadian was kneeling next to me
beside my bed.
He seemed to be talking to me, but I
don’t remember what he said or what happened after this.
3S was staying in my front room that night and it is very rare for
me to have friends stay at my flat. However the last friend who
stayed before 3S, woke up with some kind of scoop mark on his bicep
in the morning. It looked like a small piece of flesh had been
removed, and we believe a DNA sample was taken from him.
My friend's name was Jan, and later that
day his mother received a rare phone call from his uncle saying he
was worried about Jan, as he had a terrible dream the night before
where Jan had turned into some kind of vampire!
6th recent encounter - June 2007 - St
Ives, Cornwall
I woke up and small Zetan Grey type was standing in the corner of my
bedroom very close to my bed.
I thought I was dreaming, as usual, but
as I realized I was awake, I jumped across the bed away from the
being and it disappeared.
7th recent encounter - 10th August 2007
- St Ives, Cornwall
After sending The Eye of Horus chapter to my publisher, that
night I stayed at my mother’s house in her spare room. I still could
sleep in a house by myself, and my girlfriend had gone to stay with
friends in Coventry. I woke up that night with a tall Rigelian Grey
type was standing at the end of the bed and then proceeded walk
across the room towards the door.
When I realized I was awake, I shouted,
“ahhhhh,” as usual, tried to stretch
my legs out to kick it and shouted “leave me alone.”
I am starting to become very
desensitized to these events now, and I am endeavoring to lose my
fear of these night visitors.
There are some highly spiritually
evolved and compassionate reptilians from the Pleiades star
sector, as well as other places, and to be fair, this being did
not hurt me or try to attack me in any way.
8th recent encounter- 18th September
2007, St Ives, Cornwall
This encounter with a
non-human was different from the others as it was a kind of fully
interactive vision rather than occurring in this time and space.
I was in my flat that night when I
experienced this vision. It was very real to me, and I could see,
touch, smell and hear as clearly as I am sitting here now. I found
myself standing next to a house in the countryside with a tree and
stream by the house.
I saw movement in one of the branches of
the tree out of the corner of my eye and looked up and saw what I
thought at first was a large bird. On closer examination, I saw that
it was man with large wings connected to his back and long
hair. He was bare chested and was perched on the branch like a bird
with his body squatted down and perfectly balanced. He looked back
at me for a few seconds and then changed the position of his body to
take on a pose I have from Yoga, called the tree pose.
He then flew off the branch like a bird and came to land on the
ground in front of the tree. He stood there for a moment and then
and then beckoned me over with his hand. I walked up to him and got
a very strong sense of goodness and strength from him. When I was
stood opposite him I noticed his huge wings were the same as an
eagles and dark red in color.
His hair was down to his shoulders and
was the same color as his wings. He had these things connected to
his body that went over his shoulders and down his chest. They
looked like long thin gemstones and some were white in color and
other black in color. He was bare-chested but had some kind of
trousers or pants on with bare feet and appeared to be in his late
thirties or early forties.
As we stood there regarding each other for a moment, he said to me,
“this tree belongs to you, and I was
hoping I could use it for a while.”
I did not understand this cryptic
statement and did not know what to say.
He then told me he was once human. My
reaction to this was to try to understand this in earthly terms, and
I replied that he must have been used in Project Mannequin and been
His next statement was that,
“Mannequin is trying to create a
God-Race of beings that are modeled after him. These beings have
half-human and animal DNA,” he said.
I believe the fact that this being was
on the tree when I first saw him has something to do with evolving
DNA and the Kabbala. I asked if I could touch his wings and he gave
me permission.
They were very beautiful and silky to
the touch and almost identical to an eagles as mentioned before. I
then ran my hands along the long gems connected to his shoulders and
chest, which felt like polished quartz crystals. He then showed me
more visions in my mind’s eye at other locations. I saw a human
woman who was older than this winged man. She had blond hair and was
very beautiful.
He told me this was his mother and
seemed to communicate to this woman telepathically in my vision by
telling her I “was very interesting.”
He showed me visions of him flying in
the sky like a bird and landing in trees. As awesome as this being
was, the experience seemed very normal to me. He then told me my
daughter’s psychic abilities were increasing, and he mentioned
something about my mother trying to understand the truth. After this
we talked about a man called Wesley Peden.
Wes was a NSA assassin who has been
set-up on fake charges and is now in prison.
He is a human/animal/alien hybrid, and I
am friends with his wife. Wesley’s role in this must be very
important, and I feel it will be revealed to me in the future. There
will be more information about this man later in the book. From my
understanding, I believe interactive contact was with some kind of
extra-terrestrial or extra-dimensional that have been called angels
in ancient times.
With the descriptions of the Draco in
this book, what if people describing angels and devils in the past
were these same beings involved in some kind of ancient war with
each other?
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