Alien Harvest - Evidence of Grey Origins and Reasons for
Human Abduction
Biomechanical Messiahs
- The Nigel Kerner Interview
Español |
Canalizando a los Grises
Channeling the Grays
Eisenhower's Meetings with
Extraterrestrials are Only the Tip of the Iceberg
ET Civilizations - Germane through
Lyssa Royal
Italiano |
Gli Alieni Grigi e La Mietitura
delle Anime - La Cospirazione per Interferire
Geneticamente con l'Umanità
Grays and Reptilians May be
Grays - The Race of Greys Called
the DOW
- from 'Typology of Extraterrestrial Races' according to
Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of
Souls - The Conspiracy to Genetically Tamper with
Grey Aliens'
Collective Mind
- from 'Blue Planet Project - Alien Technical Research
Español |
Guerreros Estelares - Los Hopis y Los Grises
International Officials Met With
ETs in November 2009?
Español |
Las Reuniones de
Eisenhower con Extraterrestres son sólo la Punta del
Español |
Los Extraterrestres Grises y la
Cosecha de Almas - Conspiración para Manipular
Genéticamente a la Humanidad
Español |
Los "Grises" - Historia,
Organización y Eventos relacionados con las Razas en
Español |
Los Grises -
de los Cassiopaeans
Español |
Los Zetas-Grises
Majestic-12 - The Ultimate Secret
On a UFO, Grey ETs Merged my Son's
Soul Into His Body in My Womb
- New Zeland UFO Expert
Project SERPO
- Main File
Star Warriors - The Hopis and The Greys
Andreasson Affair
The EBE - from
'The Day After Roswell"
The Grey Agenda
- from LFA Vol 3 No.1
The Greys
The Greys and The Earth Agenda - A 1995 Lecture
- from "The
Andromedan Compendium"
The Greys - extracted from 'Matrix
The Short and Tall Grays
Starchild Project
- Main File
The Zeta Reticuli Incident
The Zetas-Greys
UFODC-Obama Adviser Says
Documented UFO/ET Landings on U.S. Capitol "Could
Destabilize Society"
U.S. Military Is Liaising With
Extraterrestrial Life According to Independent Sources
Italiano |
Visioni del Futuro - L'Uomo Sim
Visions of the Future - Sim Card
Zeta Reticuli Revelations
Español |
Zeta Retículi -
Transformación y Despertar
- de "El Prisma de Lira"
Zeta Reticuli - Transformation and Awakening
- from "The Prism from Lyra"
Zeta Reticuli Update
Additional Information |
Air Force One and The Alien
- A Video Interview With Bill Holden
Aleister Crowley's Lam & the
Little Grey Men
Alien Abduction
- An UFO Experience
Alien Mind - A Primer
- The Verdants
Alien Mind - The Thought and Behavior of
Area 51 Microbiologist Dr. Dan
- Main File
British Author Links Racism to
Manipulative Extraterrestrial Genetic Interference
Español |
Como Opera el Control Mental en la
Abducción y en tu Vida
Discerning Alien Disinformation
Español |
Discriminando Desinformación
Eisenhower's 1954 Meeting With
- Main File
El Lam de Aleister Crowley y Los
Hombrecitos Grises
- Una Semejanza Impresionante
Español |
El Paradigma de Los Essassani
Español |
El Sistema Estelar Zeta Reticuli
Español |
Experiencia de 'Contacto Extraterrestre' del Director de
una Compañía de Computación Quántica
Experts Claim there are 'Three Hostile Alien Species
visiting Earth'
Fairies and
Grey Aliens Bite The Dust
Hybrids and Their Creation
International Officials Met With
ETs in November 2009?
Español |
Agenda de Los Controladores
- Gnosticismo, Arcontes-Grises
Español |
La Raza de Los Grises Llamada Los
Leaked Photos of Roswell Aliens and Craft?
Español |
Essassani |
Español |
Los Ingenieros de la Línea de Tiempo de
Montauk -
Alemanes Crearon una Grieta Espacio/Temporal en 1931 |
Lyssa Royal and Galactic
- Main File
Español |
Mente Alienígena - Un Detonador
- Los Verdants
Main File
Official Within MJ-12 UFO-Secrecy
Management Group
Philip Corso and The Roswell Incident
- Main File
Español |
Posesión y Depredación - Alienígenas, Predadores, Clones
y Reptiles
- El Enigma de Los Parásitos ETs
Possession and Predation - Aliens,
Flyers, Clones, and Reptilians - The Enigma of
Extraterrestrial Parasites
Español |
Roraima - El Mundo Perdido
Español |
Tercer Alertador Confirma La
Participación de Obama en Programa de 'La Sala de Salto'
de La CIA a Prin...
The Aliens Responsible For
Fluoride Being Forced Upon Us
- Greys' Anatomy
The Controllers Agenda
- Gnosticism, Archons/Greys
The Essassani
The Great UFO Coverup Is Falling
Apart -
We Are Definitely Not Alone!
The Greys, Rigel and Procyon
- A Tentative Taxonomy of Extra-Terrestrial Humanoids
The Last Letter from Dr. Dan B.C.
The Montauk Time-Line Engineers?
- Germans Created a Time/Space Rift in 1931
Files - Greys, Nazis,
Underground Bases, and the New World Order
The Paradigm of The Essassani
The Race of Greys Called the DOW
The Universe According to Kerner
- Short Greys, Robots, Gods and Eugenism
The Zeta Reticuli Star System
Third Whistle Blower Confirms
Obama's Participation in CIA Jump Room Program of Early
UFOs, Aliens, and The Question of Contact - A Report
U.S. Military Is Liaising With
Extraterrestrial Life According to Independent Sources
Washington DC Is Portal for
Negative Grey ETs
- Must Invite
Positive ETs
Zeta1 and Zeta2 Reticuli - A Puzzling Solar-Type
Twin System
Books-Treatises |
2012 - The Return of Quetzalcoatl
- by Daniel Pinchbeck
Alien Interview
- Personal Notes and Interview Transcriptions by M. O'Donnell MacElroy - by L.R. Spencer
Captured - The Betty and
Barney Hill UFO Experience
- by Staton T. Friedman and Kathleen Marden
Español |
Prisma De Lira
- Una Exploración De La Herencia Galáctica del Ser
Humano - por Lyssa Royal y K.Priest
Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of
Souls - The Conspiracy to Genetically Tamper
With Humanity - by N.Kerner
Español |
La Amenaza Extraterrestre
- por Salvador Freixedo
Español |
La Amenaza - Revelando La Agenda
Secreta de Los Alienígenas
- por David Jacobs
Portuguese |
O Prisma de Lira - Uma Exploração da
Herança Galáctica Humana - Lyssa Royal - Keith Priest
STAR KIDS - The Emerging Cosmic Generation
by Richard J. Boylan
KRLL Papers
The Mission of The One Star
- Transforming Planet Earth to Planet Star -
by Alloya. N. Huckfield
The Prism of Lyra - An Exploration of Human
Galactic Heritage -
by Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest
The Threat - Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda
- by David M. Jacobs
Visitors From Within - Extraterrestrial
Encounters and Species Evolution -
by Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest
WARNING - The Alien Agenda
by Art Greenfield
Multimedia |
Autopsy -
Roswell UFO Crash - Original Footage
Dead Alien Found in UFO Hotspot in Russia
UFO Area 51 - The Alien Interview
Related Reports |
Branton a.k.a. Bruce Alan DeWalton
- Main File
Charles Hall and The Tall Whites
- Main File
Dulce Base
- Main File
Los Hacedores de Alas - The
- Main File
Synthetic Life - Robotoids,
Parasites and Artificial Humans
- Main File
The Archons - Los Arcontes
- Main File
The Astral Plane
- Main File
The Lam
- Main File
The Metal Library and The Cueva de
Los Tayos
- Main File
The Occult Reptilian Saga
- Main File
The Watchers-Nephilim
- Main File
White (Solar) Brotherhood
- Main File