by Susanne Posel
July 16, 2012
OccupyCorporatism Website

Officials at the
San Onofre nuclear power plant in California have
admitted that conditions at the plant are worse than they
Daniel Hirsch, a nuclear expert at the University of California,
Santa Cruz, commented:
“This reveals a far greater problem than has
been previously disclosed, and raises serious questions about
whether it is safe to restart either unit.”
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has downplayed concerns that
prompted an investigation earlier this year when one reactor was
Published findings show that more than 3,400 steam generator
tubes in the new steam generators at San Onofre have undergone some
sort of damage - as well as about 1,800 in Unit 3 and 1,600 in Unit
Those tubes are instrumental in keeping the site’s 65 foot tall,
1.3 million pound generators up and running.
The aging facility, now more than a quarter of a century old, is in
multiple stages of deterioration, yet it has not been scheduled for
shut down. This endangers the populations living in the surrounding
More than half of America’s nuclear power plants are suffering from
wear and tear from aging, according to the Nuclear Energy Institute
(NRC). They point out that these facilities were intended to be used
for 40 years, and they are now being pushed past the 60 year mark.
Now it has been
concluded through research that 75% of the US
nuclear power plants are leaking massive amounts of radioactive
substance into local groundwater by way of corroded piping.
has actually lowered their official standards to accommodate the
reactors that are working below acceptable levels. Tritium, a
dangerous carcinogen, is responsible for boosting cancer incidents.
The US government’s response to this is to raise the acceptable
exposure levels for the nation.
Propaganda keeps the nuclear programs in the US running passed their
time under the guise of cheap power with no greenhouse gas
emissions. Yet, nuclear only accounts for 20% of the US allocation
of electrical power.
The 23 reactors that are beginning to give warning signs that they
will fail in the near future are of the same Mark 1 design of those
at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. General Electric (GE)
is responsible for the Mark 1.
GE claims that the Mark 1, originated
in 1972 is a safe design.
“Critics say its containment box is too
small and its walls are too thin. They also say the waste storage
pools, situated several stories above the ground over the main
reactor and outside a key containment vessel, are vulnerable to
terrorist attack or meltdown.”
While we are dealing with the devastation produced by the Fukushima
disaster, and waiting to see how the effects will unfold across the
globe, there has been a beta-test into the long-lasting effects of
radiation that is 25 years in the making.
Scientists, documentary
films and authors have been speaking about this subject for decades.
In 1986, the Soviet Union’s
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant melted
down, resulting in toxic contamination of the entire area, mass
evacuations and cordoned off zones deemed un-inhabitable for humans.
Yet researchers like Robert Baker, director of the
Natural Sciences
Research Laboratory have gone back to the radioactive city of Pripyat where abandoned buildings and neighboring villages are
showing tremendous signs of rewilding.
The 20-mile exclusion zone is still off-limits to humans, however
all species of plants, insects and animals have repopulated the
areas and made a new home where there are no humans allowed. Even
some species that were supposed to be extinct have re-established
themselves without signs of mutation from the radioactivity.
In fact, none of the animals, plants or insects living in the
exclusion zone in Chernobyl shows signs of radioactive mutation.
Texas Tech scientists were baffled at their findings. They expected
to see a radioactive waste-land where no life could sustain; and
they discovered the antithesis. Where the world’s biggest ecological
disaster had been declared was a growing natural habitat where deer
grazed in lush green pastures, wolves openly stalked their prey and
life was thriving despite the Geiger-counter readings showing
dangerous levels of radioactivity present.
Baker remarked:
“The countryside is beautiful. The animals and
plants are in greater numbers now than if the reactor had not gone
down. The ecosystem is as it was before humans started living out
there - except for the radiation. It seems as though normal human
activities associated with agrarian society are more destructive
than the world’s worst nuclear meltdown.”
Ron Chesser of Texas Tech’s Radiation Studies, had full access to
the exclusion zone where he estimated nearly 13,230 pounds of
radioactive material containing about 150 different isotopes was
released into the air from the reactor, which burned for 10 days.
While Chernobyl is cordoned off from human habitation, the
high-concentration “dead-zones” are flourishing exponentially.
Chesser commented that:
“One thing that’s very important to
understand about Chernobyl, because it really affects people’s
preconceived ideas, is that proximity to the reactor has very
little to do with how much radiation dose an organism is
You can come to the reactor from the east and
actually not experience a huge change in the radiation
However, if you approach it from the west as you
start to cross the first plume of nuclear fuel was released, and
then you’ll see a very dramatic increase in radiation
Mainstream media plays off radiation as having assisted the
environment in returning to its natural state by removing human
Ann Coulter stated that the government studies from
scientists say that,
“radiation in excess of what the government
tells you is good for you.”
Nuclear power, which was once the global Elite’s first choice in
energy production because of its massive financial yields, is now
being traded in for renewable energy sources as the UN unveiled
their imitative toward renewable energy strategies at the Earth
Summit on Sustainable Development last month.
By 2030, with the pledge of more than $50 billion from private
corporations and governments, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
commented that:
“This initiative is already mobilizing significant
action from all sectors of society. Working together, we can provide
solutions that drive economic growth, expand equity and reduce the
risks of climate change.”
The global Elite want to transform all sectors of society by
reworking the energy systems to ensure ecological and sustainable
concerns are forefront.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
has partnered with the
UN during the World Future Energy Summit
earlier this year to devise the “Sustainable Energy for All
This collaboration of governments, business, the intergovernmental
system, as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have agreed
that preserving nature while achieving energy needs in a drastically
reduced consumptive world is a goal worth fighting for.
Their focus is reducing house-hold and community energy use and
incorporating eco-friendly systems that regulate energy consumption
for agriculture, educating the masses on energy conservation and
restricting energy allocations to small businesses.
The IUCN is also interested in changing the current use of energy
supplies that directly impact biodiversity. By switching to
alternative, cleaner sources of energy, they hope to reduce energy
consumption by half in the year 2030.
Nuclear power plants are unsustainable, according to the IUCN. They
are working toward eliminating the dependence of European countries
on nuclear power and replacing them with renewable sources beginning
in 2014.
Could it be that the global Elite are moving away from nuclear
power? As they push their environmental agendas for a more
sustainable planet, biodiversity and Agenda 21, this evolution makes
sense. By observing Chernobyl today, it is clear that the dramatic
assumptions scientists had regarding radioactivity and the
environment are incorrect.
Although the toxicity remains evident
that this area is inhabitable for humans, it seems to have no
long-term negative effect on the land or wildlife.
Even though radiation poisoning is devastation unto its own, it
clears the way for initiatives like
the Wildlands Project. They
seek to set aside more than 50% of the North American continent as
“wildland preserves” for the cultivation of biodiversity.
They will create “reserve networks” made up of:
Cores created from existing
national parks and forests
Buffer zones from usurped
private lands to provide protection of the cores
Corridors of public/private
lands along rivers and animal migratory routes
The cores would be approximately 25
acres and be prohibited from human use. Deep Ecology is the
philosophical guideline that:
All life has equal value
Humans are immoral because their
existence derives from resource consumption
Human populations must be
Western civilization is not
Changes must be implemented now
to save the planet
Chernobyl could be considered a wildland
preserve. It is deemed un-inhabitable for humans and it is
sustaining biodiversity without the negative effects of man.
It may be quite possible that
the global Elite may be willing to
allow current nuclear plants to continue to deteriorate and become
hazardous because they provide the means by which conservation lands
could be established.
By using their globalist think-tank
universities and controlled arsenal of scientists, the radioactive
effects could be amplified in the public’s perception, simply as a
ruse to keep humans off the land. If this scheme were successful,
eventually there could be massive areas of land deemed
un-inhabitable for humans across the globe simply by allowing a
nuclear disaster to occur.
Certainly, as with Chernobyl, nature would reclaim the land and
begin to flourish as if nothing had happened. It has taken a mere 25
years for the environment to return to normal - minus the
radioactive levels still measured in high doses.
The animals,
plants, insects and other life are not mutated by this fact.
it is meant to just keep out the humans...