Information October 2023

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 -  5G Remote Kill Vector - Activates Graphene Oxide injected into the Body


 -  A 1991 Document describes what Constitutes the New World Order - All Nations will be given "Quotas for Popul...


 -  A False Pandemic and the Imposition of a False Vaccine - A Criminal Plan of World Depopulation - Viganò


 -  Africa's Frankenfoods - Why Is the Gates Foundation Helping Monsanto Push Genetically Modified Food?

 -  Agenda to Depopulate the Planet through COVID Vaccination - Revealed by Gov. Reports and Pfizer Documents


 -  A History Timeline of Population Control



 -  AIDS - Man-Made - Main File



 -  Alerta a la Humanidad - Las Vacunas Covid-19 son Armas de Destrucción Masiva y podrían Acabar con la Raza...


 -  A Meeting Between Investigative Researcher and Well Placed Military Source


 -  America's most Secret Intelligence Agency DEAGEL forecasts Depopulation of the World from COVID-19...


 -  A "Peaceful Culling" is Underway - A Reminder


 -  Apocalyptic Propaganda - Royal Society Think Tank Releases 'People and The Planet'


 -  Armas Biológicas Étnicas - Una Amenaza Real


 -  Armas No-Letales - "Psicotronicos" y "Sonido Silencioso" - Main File


 -  Armas Silenciosas - La Epidemia de Gripe Porcina - ¿Realidad o Delirio?


 -  Así Pretenden Reducir la Población Mundial


 -  Atomic Power and The Use of Depleted Uranium (DU) Weapons - Main File


 -  Atrocità Commesse dai Governi contro i loro Cittadini


 -  Atrocities Committed by Governments against their Citizens


 -  A War is Against Your Immune System


 -  Big Government Conspiracy Theories Become Reality - Fluoride, Cancer, Chemicals and More


 -  Big-Pharma Industry - The Healthcare Rip-Off - Main File


 -  Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation


 -  Bill Gates Dice Que Las Vacunas Pueden Ayudar a Reducir La Población Mundial


 -  Bill Gates-Funded Experiment to Spray Atmosphere With Sulphur Particles


 -  Bill Gates Insider blows whistle on Coming 'Wave' of 'Unprecedented Deaths' among Vaxxed


 -  Bill Gates (Microsoft) Admite en TED La Necesidad de Eliminar Población


 -  Bill Gates Says Vaccines Can Help Reduce World Population


 -  Chemtrails and Geoengineering - Main File



 -  Chemtrails - An Updated Look at Aerosol Toxins



 -  Científico Aboga por la Eliminación del 90% de la Humanidad Mediante el Ébola - Noticia del año 2006


 -  Coming Food Crisis Play into Global Elite’s Demand for Population Stabilization


 -  Como nos Dejamos Asesinar por el Nuevo Orden Mundial (NWO)


 - ¿Conspiración Alimentaria?


 -  Contagio - Despoblación por Plaga


 -  Contagion - Depopulation by Plague


 - "Cooperation" in Triggering "Depopulation" and a "Fractured World" - Prelude to the 2023 WEF Davos Meetings


 -  Covid-19 and Anthony Fauci - Main File


 -  Covid-19 was a 'Mass Mind Control Operation' - Pandemic Used to Inflict Psychological Terror on World


 -  Covid-19 was the 34th Terrorist Attack involving Biological Agents from 1970 to 2020


 -  Covid Failed to do 'the Job' - Bill Gates is making a Second Run at Culling the Population


 -  Cuatro Factores de los que Poco se Habla y que Amenazan a la Humanidad


 -  Cuatro Mil Millones de 'Comelones Inútiles' serán Sacrificados para 2050 - John Coleman, publicado en 1993


 -  Cut World Population and Redistribute Resources - Expert Urges


 -  Declaration of a Planetary Emergency to begin "The Long Term Reduction of Global Population"


 -  Depleted Uranium Contamination - A Crime Against Humanity


 -  Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine


 -  Depopulation by Food While Making Profit


 -  Depopulation of A Planet - Thinning Out The Useless Eaters - An Unspoken NWO Agenda

 -  Depopulation Secrets - International System to Commit Genocide


 -  Despoblación y Vacunas de ARNm


 -  Does One-Third of The Human Race Have to Die to Have a Sustainable Earth?


 -  Double Plot To Depopulate The World? - A Thought...


 -  Dr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer's Depopulation Agenda - Evidenced by its Own Documents


 -  ‏Ebola - Global Pandemic or Global Hoax? - Main File


 -  Ébola - ¿Pandemia Global o Engaño Global? - Main File


 -  Ebola Virus - The Global Elite’s Bio-Weapon Scheme for 90 Percent Depopulation


 -  Eco-Genocide - 11,000 Scientists sign order Demanding Globalists Eliminate Billions of Humans from Earth


 -  Eco-Genocidio - 11,000 Científicos Exigen a Globalistas Eliminar Miles de Millones de Humanos del Planeta


 -  El Clima - Nueva Arma de Destrucción Masiva - Su Manipulación Con Fines Militares


 -  El Engaño del Zika - Las 5 Cosas que Pasarán a Continuación


 -  El Envenenamiento de La Humanidad - Tipos de Sangre, Deficiencia de Cobre, Teoría de la Evolución y...


 -  El "Evento de Nivel de Extinción" del Covid-19


 -  El Futuro es Ahora - El Plan que publicó la NASA en el 2001 para Atacar a toda la Población en el 2025


 -  El Fin de La Humanidad Como la Conocemos - Según Documento Filtrado de La NASA 2013


 - ¿El Fin de La Industria de La Carne? - ¿La Mutilación de Animales Explicada?


 -  El 'Gran Reinicio' al Descubierto - Schwab, Gates y el Siniestro Complot del FEM y la OMS para Despoblar el...


 -  El 'Gran Reinicio Distópico' y la Lucha - Reducción de la Población y la Esperanza para los Hijos de los Hombres


 -  El Instrumento Del Hambre y El Control de La Población - Bunge & Born Hirsch, Cartel Global de Los...


 -  Elite is Planning Genocide of Two-Thirds of The World Population - Kevin Trudeau Personally Spoke with...


 -  Elite's Depopulation Agenda is Now Irrefutable


 -  El Lobby Farmacéutico Industrial - La Gran Estafa de La Salud - Main File


 -  El Vaticano y Los Planes de Despoblación Mundial


 -  EndGame - JuegoFinal - Main File


 -  Engaño Global Desenredándose Rápidamente - Documentos del HHS admiten que CDC Nunca Aisló "Virus...


 - ¿Es Así como Piensan Reducir la Población Mundial?



 - ¿Es el 'Control de la Población' la próxima "Teoría Conspirativa" que se hará Realidad...?


 - ¿Estamos Siendo Preparados para una Despoblación Masiva?


 -  Ethnic Specific Weapons


 -  Evidence of The Use of Pandemic Flu to Depopulate U.S.A. - Bioterrorism


 -  Evil WEF Leader caught planning 'Mass Extinction Event' to Inner Circle


 -  Ex-Russian Intel Officer exposes 'Coronavirus Depopulation Agenda'


 -  Famine - Behold The Black Rider of Goldman Sachs and The Pale Rider of Apocalypse


 -  Food Crisis A Conspiracy? - Silent Tsunami



 -  Former Bill Gates Vaccine Scientist predicts sharp Population Decline - "Up to 30-40% in highly vaccinated


 -  Four Billion "Useless Eaters" to be Culled by 2050 - John Coleman, published 1993


 -  From 7 Billion People to 500 Million People - The Sick Population Control Agenda of The Global Elite


 -  Fukushima Tectonic Nuclear Warfare Monitored by World Partners - Leuren Moret


 -  Gates-Funded Experiment to Spray Atmosphere With Sulphur Particles


 -  Gene Drive Technology - What Species should we make Extinct Today? - Why are B. Gates and Military involved?


 -  Global Depopulation, Eugenics Agenda and HIV


 -  Globalist War Against Humanity Shifts into High Gear - Cars, Cash, Literature and Independent News all...


 -  Have Scientists Found an Easier Way to Depopulate the Planet?


 -  Here's how HAARP creates and modifies Extreme Weather as a Weapon of Mass Destruction


 -  How Exopolitics Can Offer Avenues to Resolve Population Reduction and Other Eco-Conundrums

 -  Human Population Reduction is Not a Quick Fix for Environmental Problems


 -  Humans aren't Overpopulated - We're Aging and Shrinking


 -  Il Vaticano e i Piani di Spopolamento Mondiale


 -  Industry "Weapons" for Earth's Depopulation - Main File


 -  Influenza - Virus H1N1 - Unintentional Contamination or Bioterrorism? - Main File


 -  Killing the Biosphere to Fast-track Human Extinction


 -  Killing us Softly - Glyphosate Herbicide or Genocide?


 -  Kissinger and Depopulation


 -  Kissinger - The Genesis of U.S. Government Population Control


 -  La Bomba de Tiempo Demográfica es Un Mito


 -  La Despoblación de Un Planeta - Reduciendo la Cantidad de Comelones Inútiles - Una Agenda No Hablada...


 -  La Esterilización con Vacunas de Niños Escolares Mexicanos en 1974 - Elites Quieren Eliminar a los Mas...


 -  La Guerra Genética - El Nuevo Escenario de Confrontación de Estados Unidos


 -  La Historia del Movimiento Secreto de Despoblación de La Tierra


 -  La impactante Verdad sobre la Agenda de Despoblación Global


 -  La Influenza H1N1 - La Gripe Que Traen los “Cerdos” - Esto es Lo Único Que Está Claro


 -  La Insana-Mortal Industria de Los Alimentos - Main File


 -  La Mitad de la Población Mundial perecerá en los Próximos 20 años - ¿Una Profecía? - Reprint de info del 2012


 -  La OMS Utilizará Vacunas Contra La Polio Para Despoblar Naciones Subdesarrolladas


 -  Las Previsiones apuntan a que la Población Mundial Disminuirá por Primera Vez en Siglos


 -  La Vacuna Covid-19 - ¿Tiene como Objetivo la Inmunidad o la Despoblación?


 -  Limits to Growth - A Report to The Club of Rome


 -  Limits to Growth' Warnings still True - Gloomy 1970s Predictions about Earth's Fate still hold True


 -  Los Globalistas están Admitiendo abiertamente 'Su Agenda de Control de la Población' - Y es una Mala Señal...


 -  Los Globalistas han entrado en la Fase de Eliminación del Great Reset - ¿Recuerdas el Pronóstico de Deagle?


 -  Los Planes de Nuestros Gobernantes para Exterminar a la Humanidad Sobrante


 -  Los Rothschild admiten el Fracaso del 'Gobierno Ambiental, Social y Corporativo' (ESG)


 -  Los Siete Objetivos para Reducir la Población mediante Leyes


 -  Mad Science "SCoPEx" - Extinction Scheme to Block the Sun

 -  Mass Depopulation on Its Way - The Secret Team's Management of The World


 -  Más Sobre Guerra Genética - Laboratorios Secretos el Pentágono en Georgia


 -  Matando Gente Lentamente Usando Alimentos Tóxicos, Agua Tóxica y Vacunas Tóxicas


 -  MD Whistleblower leaking Plans for 'Staged Viral Release' triggering United Nations 'Takeover and Depopulation'


 -  Mercados Alimentarios - Arma de Destrucción Masiva


 -  Named Names of the Covid-19 Bioweapon Genocidal Killers


 -  Next Generation Bioweapons - Genetic Engineering and Biological Warfare


 -  Nombran a los Criminales Genocidas detrás del Arma Biológica Covid-19


 -  Non-Lethal Weapons - "Psychotronics" and "Silent Sound" - Main File


 -  Nutzlose Esser - Eine verabscheuungswürdige Idee


 -  Overt Solicitation of Humans


 -  Paul Ehrlich's 'Population Bomb' has been Officially Defused


 -  Planetary Regime - The Globalists' Blueprint in Their Own Words


 -  Plan para Sustituir a la Humanidad con Colonia de Marte con ADN de Élite - Dice Infante de Marina


 -  Plan to Replace Humanity with Mars Elite DNA Colony - says Marine Corps


 -  Poisoning of Mankind - Blood Types, Copper Deficiency, Evolution Theory & Illuminati


 - "Population Bomb" - Paul Ehrlich blathers on about the "End of Civilization"


 -  Population Control - from 'The Police State Road Map' by Michael Nield


 -  Population "Control" - New World Order Style


 -  'Population Control Quotes' Show the Elites are Quite Eager to Reduce the Number of People on the Planet


 -  Population Control - The Order of the Skull & Bones, the Eugenic Societies and Population Control Org.


 -  Post Encierro Covid-19 - La Jugada de Rockefeller


 -  Post Lockdown - The Rockefeller Game Plan


 -  Profitable Depopulation Plot Links JP Morgan-Chase and Goldman Sachs To Vaccination Contaminations...


 -  Public Extermination Project


 -  Quaternary Weapon System activated before each 'Coronavirus Cluster Explosion'


 - ¿Quien Está Librando La Guerra Contra Terra?


 - "Reducir la Población Mundial" - Reunión Secreta en 2009 del Club de Multimillonarios 'Good Club'


 -  Remove 6 Billion People and Introduce New World Order - Says Vatican Speaker


 -  Royal Society Believes Depopulation Will Save The Environment


 -  SARS and Chemtrails - Disease Outbreaks Used as Tests for a Future Engineered Epidemic, the...


 -  Scienza Folle "SCoPEx" - Schema di Estinzione per Bloccare il Sole


 -  Secret Billionaire Club Seeks Population Control


 -  SIDA - Hecho Por El Hombre - Main File


 -  Soft Killing People Using Toxic Food, Toxic Water and Toxic Vaccines


 - "Shrink the World's Population" - Secret 2009 Meeting of Billionaires "Good Club"


 -  Stanford Anti-Organic Study Plays into United Nations Codex Alimentarious Outline for Global Depopulation


 -  'Sustainable' is code for Genocide


 -  The A.I. and the Creation of a Massive Class of Useless People and what should be done with them - Y.N. Harari


 -  The Carlyle Group - Main File


 -  The Club of Rome - Main File


 -  The Coming Pandemic - Expect All Protective Systems to Fail


 -  The Covid-19 Endgame - Global Governance, "Digital Tyranny" and the Depopulation Agenda


 -  The Coviv-19 'Extinction Level Event'


 -  The Depopulation Bomb


 -  The 'Dystopic Great Reset' and the Fight Back - Population Reduction and Hope for the Children of Men


 -  The Elite's Flawed Depopulation Agenda is Quickly Morphing into Genocide


 -  The End of Mankind as We Know it - According to NASA’s Future Warfare Document 2013


 -  The Evils of Big Pharma Exposed


 -  The Globalists are Openly Admitting to 'Their Population Control Agenda' - And that's a Bad Sign


 -  The Global Hoax is rapidly Unraveling - HHS Documents admit the CDC has Never Isolated any "Covid-19 Virus"


 -  The Great Reset Exposed - Schwab, Gates, and the Sinister WEF and WHO Plot to Depopulate the World


 -  The History of The Secret Depopulation Movement


 -  The Illuminati Agenda for The Coming New Order - The PROMIS of DAYLIGHT And The ORACLE 8i


 -  The Last Circle - Chapter 15


 -  The Limits to Growth is deeply Flawed - Yet Advocates used it to claim Societies need to be Completely Controlled...


 -  The Medical Cartel - Too Big to Fail, Too Evil to Expose


 -  The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth - An Environmental Impact Overview


 -  THE PLAN - Massive Depopulation Report Written in 1998

 -  The Plan to Depopulate 95 Percent of the World - Agenda 21 - by Shoshi Herscu


 -  The Plot to Control and Reduce the Population


 -  The Population Bomb



 -  The Population Control Agenda



 -  The Population Reduction Agenda For Dummies


 -  The Population Time-Bomb is a Myth


 -  There Never Was a "Population Bomb"


 -  The Scam of The Zika Virus


 -  The Shocking Truth about the Global Depopulation Agenda


 -  The Smoking Gun of AIDS - A 1971 Flowchart


 -  The Stealth Genocide Program - Review - Death In The Air


 -  The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction - "Owning the Weather" for Military Use


 -  The Unhealthy-Deadly Foods' Industry - Main File


 -  The WEF declares Dramatic Population Collapse is 'Good for the Planet'


 -  Top Scientist Advocates Mass Culling 90% Of Human Population


 -  Un "Abbattimento Pacifico" è in Corso - Un Promemoria


 -  Un "Asesinato Pacífico" está en Camino - Un Recordatorio


 -  Useless Eaters - A Repugnant Idea


 -  Usted es Un Conejillo de Indias



 -  Vaccine Inventor and Genetic Engineer Jokes About Depopulation and Biological Warfare


 -  Vatican Speaker and California Governor in Push for Massive Depopulation


 -  Viruses - An Instrument in World Depopulation - Main File


 -  Virus Zika - ¿Otra Estafa Gigantesca?


 -  Water as A Weapon



 -  Weather Warfare - Main File



 -  WEF's "Net Zero" Goals could kill 4+ Billion People


 -  We Need to 'Cull' the Surplus Population - Prince Philip, in his Own Words


 -  Who is Responsible for the World Food Shortage


 -  Who is Waging the War on Terra?


 -  WHO Murdered Africa? - The Creation of the AIDS Virus by the World Health Organization


 -  WHO Will Use Polio Vaccines to Depopulate Underdeveloped Nations


 -  Why Pharmaceuticals Might Be Called Weapons of Mass Prescription


 -  Why the Rothschilds are Implicated in the 'Covid-19 Hoax'


 -  World Depopulation is Top NSA Agenda - Club of Rome


 -  World Economic Forum believes People are "Useless Eaters" - Views their "Brains and Bodies" as product...

 -  World War III - Depopulation, Nuclear War vs. "Bio War


 -  You Are a Guinea Pig


 -  Zika - The CDC is the Medical CIA


 -  Zika - ¿Una Herramienta para Reducir la Población?


Additional Information


 -  About Credo Mutwa - Main File


 -  Aclaraciones Sobre el 'Codex Alimentarius' y La Directiva Sobre Medicina Herbal Tradicional


 -  Against Nature - The Television Program



 -  Agenda 21 and Earth Charter - Main File



 -  Agenda 21 y La Carta de La Tierra - Main File


 -  All Three Presidents who Declined the Covid Vaccine are now Dead


 -  Análisis de 'Semillas de Destrucción - La Agenda Oculta de Manipulación Genética'


 -  Analysis of The Occult Symbols Found on The Bank of America Murals


 -  Annually 46 Million Abortions Worldwide - Catholic Church



 -  Artificial Womb Research rapidly advances as Birth Rates and Fertility dramatically Decline


 -  Aspartame - Un Dulce y Mortal Engaño - Main File



 -  Atmospheric 'Phenomena'? - Main File


 -  Benjamin Fulford on Jeff Rense - Depopulation of Asia  - Hours 1, 2 & 3 Interview Transcript


 -  BlackRock CEO says 'Xenophobic' Countries with Shrinking Populations may be the 'Big Winners' in AI-Driven...


 -  Breakthrough Documentary "House of Numbers" Challenges Conventional Thinking on HIV-AIDS

 -  Can a Collapse of Global Civilization Be Avoided?


 -  Canada’s Women Will Disappear in The Year 4400 - Statistics Show


 -  Chemtrails - Are You Seeing This Too?


 -  Child Sacrifices in London


 -  Climate Changes - Main File


 -  Codex Alimentarius Commission - A Threat to Humankind


 -  Codex Alimentarius Commission - Report of The Thirtieth Session - Rome, 2-7 July 2007 - Official Report


 -  Collapsing Cities - The First Wave of World’s Collapsing Cities


 -  Cosmic Aggressors of Humanity and Their Murderous Attacks


 -  Death by Doctoring - Cancer Treatment



 -  Del Control de Natalidad al Genocidio



 -  Denver International Airport and its Murals - Main File



 -  Dialectics, Rockefellers, and Population Control


 -  DNA and Mitochondrial Time Bombs



 -  Dr. "Doom" Pianka Speaks - First Transcript from the Speech that Started It All


 -  Earth Cooling Dramatically


 -  Easter Island shows Why Humanity will be Extinct within 100 Years


 -  El Fluor y la Fluorificacion - Otro Asesino Disfrazado de Terapia Saludable? - Main File


 -  El Lado Oscuro de la Ecografía Prenatal


 -  El Pacto Secreto Reptiliano



 -  Empty Half the Earth of its Humans - Drive them into Smart Cities


 -  Everything is a Lie - The Deliberate Intent to Deceive People is at An All Time High


 -  Everything to Know about the 5G Rollout - Wi-Fi Depopulation Agenda


 -  Experimentos Médicos en Seres Humanos en Los Estados Unidos - Impactante Historia de La Medicina...

 -  Fertility, mortality, migration, and population scenarios for 195 countries and territories from 2017 to 2100


 -  Galileo and Cassini Space Probes Makers of... The Lucifer Project - Main File


 -  Gates Foundation Funds Surveillance of Anti-Vaccine Groups


 -  Genetically Engineered Organisms - Foods and Others - Main File


 -  Global Great Depression and Population Reduction by 2030 - MIT and The Club of Rome Prophecy


 - ‘Global Warming' is Killing Us - And It's Designed To



 -  Guatemalan Sexually Transmitted Disease Medical Experiments - Were Just One Crime in A Long History...


 -  HAARP Being Used to Create Floods to Destroy World’s Food Supply


 -  Hand-Made Humans May Hold The Key to 'Saving The World'


 -  'Henry Deacon' - A Livermore Physicist


 -  Hijacking of the World's Food System - Seeds of Destruction


 -  Human Engineering and Climate Change


 -  Human Experiments - Nonconsensual Medical Experiments on Human Beings


 -  Human Medical Experimentation in The United States - The Shocking True History of Modern Medicine...


 - "I Am Legend" and The Depopulation Agenda



 -  I.G. Farben - The International Farben Cartel - Main File


 -  In Africa, DDT Makes A Comeback To Save Lives


 -  Incrementalism - Breaking Free From World Powers Who Gradually Destroy Our Health


 -  Inmigración - Muchos Mitos y Escasa Realidad


 -  International Citizens 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal


 -  Is Homo Capensis - the Big Brain Conehead - Earth's High Cabal and Covert Controller?


 -  Israel Planning 'Ethnic' Bomb as Saddam Caves In



 -  Klaus Schwab says 'We Must Force Humanity into Collaboration'

Español  -  La Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas - Main File

 -  Laboratorios Experimentales - Los Hornos Crematorios de "Población Sobrante"


 -  La Carta de La Tierra y La Nueva Era


 -  La Commissione del Codex Alimentarius - Una Minaccia per l'Umanità


 -  La Elite Tiene un Gran Temor de La Muerte


 -  La Esterilización de La Población Mediante el Agua Ya Está Sucediendo


 -  La Estrategia de la Despoblación


 -  La Guerra Global contra los Niños


 -  La Nueva Muerte Verde


 -  La "Peste Blanca" del Siglo XXI - Plan de Recetar hasta la Muerte


 -  Los Seres Humanos 'Hechos Manualmente' Pueden Ser la Clave Para Salvar Al Mundo

 -  Macroeconomic Evidence suggests that Asylum Seekers are Not a "Burden" for Western European Countries

 -  Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW-3?


 -  Medical Authorities Attack Natural Medicine in Cyprus!


 -  ‏Meeting Doctor Doom


 -  Microsoft Buys Eugenics Technology From Merck - Becomes Drug Development Partner With Top Global...


 -  Obama Science Advisor Called For “Planetary Regime” To Enforce Totalitarian Population Control Measures

 -  People and The Planet



 -  Population Bomb - Half The World's Population is Below Replacement Fertility Rate


 -  Potassium Deficiency Scam Kills and Maims Millions


 -  Proyecto La Tierra Miniatura - Miniature Earth Project


 - ¿'Quien' o 'Que Cosa' Está Matando a Las Abejas? - Main File


 -  Robotics Revolution to Replace Most Human Workers in Three Generations - Labor Class to Be...


 -  Rockefeller Admite 'El Gol de La Elite es Controlar La Población Mundial Con Microchips'


 -  Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal of Microchipped Population


 -  Seeds of Destruction  - A Review of 'Seeds of Destruction - The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation' by...


 -  Shocking Truth About AIDS Exposed on World AIDS Day With "House of Numbers" Un-Cut Footage


 -  Statistics of Missing Children and Adults in California (1995 - 1999)


 -  Sustainable Development - A Global Agenda Structured On Population Control


 -  Technocrats Prepare to Meet a 'Never-Ending Parade of Biological Threats'


 -  The Ambitions of Bill and Melinda Gates - Controlling Population and Public Education


 -  The Ascendancy of The Scientific Dictatorship


 -  The Bush Administration Pushed Toxic Food as Plot to Boost Pharmaceutical Dividends


 -  The Church of Malthus - Haters of Humanity


 -  The Diabolical History of The Society of Jesus - from Chapters 49 & 50 of 'Vatican Assassins'


 -  The Elite Have a Great Fear of Death


 -  The Flight From Marriage


 -  The Georgia Guidestones - Main File


 -  The Global War on Children


 -  The GMO Population Cull… Getting Away With Murder


 -  The 'Holy Grail' of Population Manipulation and Control


 -  The Invisible Third World War


 -  The Lucifer Project - Galileo and Cassini Space Probes makers of...  - Main File


 -  The Mass Media as Human Pesticide


 -  The Mass Poisoning of Humanity - An Exploration of Human Stupidity

 -  The Next 40 Years - Transition Strategies to The Virtuous Green Path  - North/South/East/Global


 -  The Plan to Divide and Conquer America at The New Madrid Fault - And How We Can Remain Free of...


 -  The Report From Iron Mountain - Main File


 -  The Scientific Background of The Nazi "Race Purification" Program - US & German Eugenics Ethnic...


 -  The Secret Covenant - A Member of the Illuminati Tells All?


 -  The Technological Revolution and The Future of Freedom


 -  The Terraforming of Planet Earth - The Planned Annihilation of Humankind

   -  The United Nations 2030 Agenda - Main File

 -  The WHO and Big Pharma - Building a Permanent Pandemic Market


 -  To Combat Malaria, We Need DDT! - Interview with Donald R. Roberts


 -  Todo Es Una Mentira - El Intento Deliberado Para Engañar a Las Personas Está en Su Punto Más Alto

 -  Towards a Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World - Renewing Transatlantic Partnership

 -  Transformation is Feasible - How to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals within Planetary Boundaries


 -  Tsunamis and Earthquakes - Main File


 -  Tutti e tre i Presidenti che "Hanno rifiutato il Vaccino Covid" adesso sono Morti


 -  Tutto Quello che c'è da Sapere sul Lancio della 5G - L'Agenda Wi-Fi per la Depopolazione


 -  United Nations Asks How Many People Could Live on Planet Earth


 -  Vaccination - Vatican's Medical Inquisition Revealed at Last! - Vaccination Came From the Vatican via...


 -  Wall Street Czars Depopulating the World



 -  WEF boasts Billions of Humans will soon be Replaced with AI Hybrids


 -  What the World Needs Now Is DDT


 -  'Who' or 'What' is Killing The Bees? - Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD - Main File


 -  Will The Cassini Space Robe Be Used As A Nuclear Trigger To Ignite Saturn And Terraform Its Moons...


 -  Would Our Government Really Start a War to Try to Stimulate the Economy?


Eugenics - La Eugenesia


 -  1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of 'The Nuremberg Code' - Covid-19


 -  After-Birth Abortion - Eugenicists Say Babies are a Parasitic Burden on Society


 -  Artificial Spike Proteins and the End of Human Health


 -  A Small Pandemic to allow 'One World Government'


 -  Author of 'The Limits to Growth' promotes the Genocide of 86% of the World's Population - The Club of Rome


 -  Bill Gates - Eugenicist Extraordinaire



 -  Bill Gates' Web of Dark Money and Influence


 -  Bioethics and the New Eugenics


 -  Bioética y la Nueva Eugenesia


 -  Cómo Pacientes de COVID Murieron por Fines de Lucro - Los Hospitales


 -  Covid - Bioética, Eugenesia y Paneles de la Muerte - Una Advertencia...


 -  Covid Mandates - Tyranny of the Modelers


 -  Deconstructing Bill Gates' Agenda


 -  De la Bioética a la Eugenesia


 -  Desarrolladores de la 'Vacuna Oxford-AstraZeneca' vinculados al Movimiento Eugenésico del Reino Unido


 -  Developers of 'Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine' tied to UK Eugenics Movement


 -  Eugenesia, Despoblación y la Mentalidad de la Élite


 -  Eugenesia - El Sostén de la Psicopática Mentalidad de la Élite


 -  Eugenicists Use DNA and Genetic Research to Push Depopulation Agenda


 -  Eugenics Alert - Oncologists Now Pushing Toxic Chemotherapy for Pregnant Women


 -  Eugenics and Population Control - How The 85 Richest see The 3.5 Billion Poorest


 -  Eugenics and The Nazis - The California Connection



 -  Eugenics - Buttress of the Psychopathic Elite Mindset


 -  Eugenics, Depopulation and The Elite Mindset


 -  Eugenics - Evidence of the Invasive Alien Mind


 -  Eugenics in The Twenty-First Century - Future Human Evolution


 -  Forced Sterilizations in Peru - Paid for by U.S. Taxpayers


 -  Genetic Engineering, Eugenics and The Ideology of The Rich - Social Control in The 21st Century


 -  Global Depopulation, Eugenics Agenda and HIV


 -  Globalists aim to "Peacefully" Depopulate Six Billion People from the Planet


 -  How COVID Patients Died for Profit - Hospitals


 -  How Many People Must Die to 'Fix the Planet'?


 -  Il Web di Bill Gates del Dark Money e dell'Egemonia


 -  Ingeniería Social y Eugenesia



 -  Kissinger, Eugenics and Depopulation



 -  Las Alarmantes Tasas de Mortalidad de las Vacunas de ARNm justifican una Acción Urgente


 -  Las Naciones Unidas y los Orígenes de "El Gran Reinicio"


 -  La Verdadera Razón por la que Google y YouTube Censuran la Verdad sobre las Vacunas


 -  Médico Confirma el Primer Nacimiento de Bebés Modificados Genéticamente con ADN de Tres Adultos


 -  Muchísimos Estudios confirman que las Vacunas-Covid son Peligrosas


 -  Perché i Globalisti e i Governi sono così alla Disperata Ricerca di Tassi di Vaccinazione del 100%?


 -  Population Control Brainwashing is A “Smash Hit” - Crypto-Eugenic Media Group


 -  Population Control - The Order of the Skull & Bones, the Eugenic Societies and Population Control Org.

 -  Practical Ethics - by Peter Singer


 -  Practitioners of The Eugenics Super-Religion - Are The Instigators for Much of The World’s Problems...


 -  Prince Charles Openly Endorses New Draconian Population Study


 -  Rothschilds pianificò il Covid-19 nel 2015 - Ufficio Brevetti degli Stati Uniti...


 -  Rothschilds planned Covid-19 in 2015 - U.S. Patent Office...


 -  SARS-CoV-2 is a 'Targeted Eugenics Bioweapon'


 -  The Covid-19 Vaccine - Is the Goal Immunity or Depopulation?


 -  The Ethics of Transhumanism and The Return of Eugenics


 -  The Eugenicist's Playbook - Politicized Science is Making a Comeback in the 'Age of COVID-19'


 -  The "Killer Covid Vaccine" Worldwide - 7.9 Billion People


 -  The New Environmentalist Eugenics - Al Gore’s Green Genocide


 -  The Role of Hospitals, Covid Injections and 5G in Genocide Depopulation


 -  The United Nations and the Origins of "The Great Reset"

 -  Transhumanism - The New Face of Eugenics



 -  Un Medico Conferma la Prima Nascita di Neonati Modificati Geneticamente con il DNA di Tre Adulti

 -  WHO-Sponsored Genocides - A History of Eugenics in the United States


 -  Why are Globalists and Governments so Desperate for 100% Vaccination Rates?


 -  Why the "New World Order" is Impossible to Implement without 'Creating Mass Chaos'


 -  'Your Government is Lying to You in a way that Could Lead to your Death' - Says former Pfizer Vice President


 -  Agenda 2030 - Cambio Climático y Control de la Población según Francesc Colet

 -  Eugenics and the Awakening of Sleeping Monsters

 -  Eugenics - From "END GAME" Official Movie


 -  Jeffrey Epstein - Bill Gates Relationship


 -  La Relación de Jeffrey Epstein y Bill Gates

 -  Meet Bill Gates

 -  Population Control - The Eugenics Connection



Global 2000 Program


 -  Global 2000 - Depopulation Program


 -  Global 2000 Revisited



 -  London's Food Weapon Slams Kissinger's NSSM 200 Hit List of 13 Nations, and Others the World Over


 -  National Security Memo 200 - (NSSM 200) - Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security...


 -  National Security Study Memorandum 200 - (NSSM 200) - (alternative version)

 -  The Global 2000 Report to The President - Entering The 21st Century - Volume One

 -  The Global 2000 Report to The President - The Technical Report - Volume Two

 -  The Global 2000 Report to The President - The Government's "Global Model" - Volume Three


 -  The Plan 2000 - ARMAGEDDON





 -  About That Overpopulation Problem - Forget About It, Underpopulation Is The Future


 -  Acerca de Ese Problema de La Sobrepoblación - Olvídese de Eso - La Baja Población es El Futuro


 -  Agenda 21 - The Plan to Depopulate 95% of the World by 2030


 -  Billionaire Club in Bid to Curb Overpopulation


 -  Deagel 2025 Forecast Population by Country


 -  Deagel 2025 Updated - by Craig Paardekooper


 -  El Coronavirus y el 'Factor Miedo'... - Main File


 -  El Final del Sexo


 -  El Mito de la Sobrepoblación - Constantemente nos dicen que 'Somos Demasiados'... ¿Pero es verdad


 -  Forced Abortions and Mass Sterilization Needed to 'Save' the Planet - says John Holdren, Obama's...


 -  Gates and Kissinger - On Same Path to Population Control


 -  Gates e Kissinger - Lo stesso Cammino per il Controllo della Popolazione


 -  Il Mito della Sovrappopolazione - Ci dicono costantemente che "Siamo in Troppi"… Ma è Vero?


 -  Il Problema della Sovrappopolazione - Dimenticatevi - Il Futuro è La Minor Densità della Popolazione


 -  La Fine del Sesso


 -  'Overpopulation' Fears are a Hoax - Here's Why Higher Populations are Actually a Good Thing


 -  Overpopulation - The Making of A Myth


 -  The Coronavirus and the 'Fear Factor'...  - Main File


 -  The End of Sex


 -  The Myth of Overpopulation - We're constantly told there are 'Too Many of Us'... But is this True?


 -  The Myth of Planetary Overpopulation


 -  The Overpopulation Myth


 -  What is Causing the Blood Clots from "Died Suddenly?"


 -  Overpopulation - The Making of a Myth





 -  Armas Silenciosas Para Guerras Secretas - Un Manual Introductorio de Programación


 -  Armas Silenciosas Para Guerras Tranquilas - autor desconocido

 -  A UNA Environment and Development Conference (1991) - Initiative for ECO-92 Earth Charter

 -  Brave New World - by Aldous Huxley


 -  Brave New World Revisited - by Aldous Huxley


 -  Chemtrails - Rastros Mortales en El Cielo  - La Verdadera Causa de Las Epidemias - por Amitié Nenki

 -  Death by Medicine - by Gary Null, Carolyn Dean, Martin Feldman, Debora Rasio, Dorothy Smith

 -  Ecoscience - by John Holdren - LARGE FILE


 -  Emerging Viruses - AIDS and Ebola - Nature Accident or Intentional? - by Leonard G. Horowitz

 -  How to Stop your Doctor Killing You - by Vernon Coleman

 -  Murder by Injection - The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America - by Eustace Mullins

 -  Seeds of Destruction - The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation


 -  Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars - unknown author


 -  Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries - True Stories of Suppression... - by Jonathan Eisen


 -  The First Global Revolution - A Report by The Council of The Club... - by A. King and B. Schneider

 -  The Impact of Science on Society - by Bertrand Russell


 -  The Population Bomb - by Paul Ehrlich


 -  The Population Bomb Revisited - by Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich




 -  A Call for Removal of The Depopulationists


 - ¿Adónde se fueron los Hombres Fuertes? - El Ataque al Macho Alfa y el Auge del Macho Beta...

 -  Aftermath - Zero Population


 -  Agenda 21 - The Depopulation Agenda for A New World Order


 -  Agenda "Esoterica" - Esoteric Agenda



 -  Alex Jones Expone Programa de Esterilización Global



 -  Alimentos - El Secreto Más Grande Es Expuesto - English, Subtitulos Español


 -  Área 51 - La Llamada Frenética


 -  Are Spike Proteins being Released onto Cities? - Dr. Lee Merritt

 -  Chemtrails, Depopulation, and Weather Control/Warfare - Michael Murphy


 -  Cimática - La Continuation de Agenda Esotérica


 -  Codex Alimentarius - Lecture by Ian R. Crane


 -  Elite Undeniably Engaged in Poisoning The Masses - Slow Kill Holocaust


 -  El Objetivo Final del Nuevo Orden Mundial - Entrevista a Aaron Russo


 -  Entrevista a Rashid Buttar - Covid-19 y el Engaño a Nivel Mundial

 -  Eugenics - From "END GAME" Official Movie


 -  Food - The Ultimate Secret Exposed


 -  Geoengineering - A Planet in Crisis - The Most Important Topic For 2013

 -  George Green on Depopulation and The Pleiadians


 -  Granada Forum Lecture - Dr. Bill Deagle


 -  Historic Interview with Aaron Russo, Fighting Cancer and the New World Order

 -  If there Really is a 'Pandemic', then How Come...?

 -  International Citizens 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal


 -  Interview with Rashid Buttar - Covid-19 and Global Deceit

 -  Kymatica - The Sequel to Esoteric Agenda


 -  Last News From Bill Deagle - Phone Interview


 -  Life After People



 -  Médico Italiano Roberto Petrella advierte a la Población: Covid-19


 -  Mercados Alimentarios - Arma de Destrucción Masiva: 1, 2, 3



 -  Nosotros Los Esclavos


 -  Nutricide - Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs


 -  Obsolete - Mini Documentary (2016)


 -  Obsoletos - El Ser Humano podría Ser Innecesario en un Futuro Dominado por Robots

 -  Reflections And Warnings - An Interview With Aaron Russo - Subtitulado en Español

 -  The Next Outbreak? - We're Not Ready - Bill Gates at TED - Pandemic 'Predicted' in 2015, today's Covid-19?

 -  The Strecker Memorandum


 -  The Ultimate CHEMTRUTH - Chemtrails, Morgellons Disease, and Global Depopulation - Subtitulado Español

 -  The Vindication - Rose/Icke 6

 -  This Could Have Been Done With The Money Spent on Iraq War!!

 -  Through The Eyes Of A Slave


 -  WARNING ALERT - New NWO Mass Depopulation Agenda

 -  Warning to The World


 -  What The NWO Doesn't Want You to Know About - Kevin Trudeau on Alex Jones TV

 -  Why are They Lying to Us? - The Myth of Overpopulation explained in 60 Seconds

 -  World Leaders sign WEF Treaty introducing 'Age of Death' Laws in West


Related Reports


 -  A Ponerological Profile - Henry Kissinger - Main File


 -  Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Story of the Committee of 300 - Main File


 -  Control Mental - Main File


 -  Earth Changes - Main File


 -  Global Reset - Great Reset - Main File


 -  La Teoria de Gaia - Main File


 -  Monsanto - A Multinational Factory of Death - Main File



 -  Plastic - The Garbage of the World - Main File


 -  Technocracy - Main File


 -  The Coronavirus and the 'Fear Factor'... - Main File


 -  The Defeat of Cancer - La Derrota del Cancer - Main File


 -  The New World Order - Main File


 -  The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - Main File



 -  The Ultimate Delusion - The United Nations - Main File



 -  Transhumanism - Main File


 -  Vaccine Dangers and Vested Interests


 -  Vaccines and Covid-19 - Gene Therapy - Main File


 -  Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates - Main File


Return to Temas / Main Files


Return to Germany's ET Contacts?



Return to Ponerology - The Science of Evil



Return to Globalization - The Octopus of The New World Order