by David Gutierrez
August 14, 2008
NaturalNews Website
Physicists at Arizona State University say they have developed a
method to calculate the exact frequency that it would take to shake
a virus to death, according to an article published in the journal
Physical Review Letters.
Researchers have discovered that when viruses are bombarded with
laser pulses of the right frequency, they shake apart. This arises
from an inherent characteristic of all objects called a "resonant
frequency," which is the frequency at which an object naturally
Resonant frequencies are the key to stringed instruments, in which a
string of a certain material, thickness and length has a resonant
frequency that produces a specific musical note. But resonant
frequencies can also cause objects to shake so uncontrollably that
their stability is undermined, as when a wind shook the Tacoma
Narrows Bridge at its resonant frequency in 1940, causing it to
Because the shell of a single virus can contain millions of atoms,
it is difficult to calculate a given virus' resonant frequency
except by trial and error. But in the current study, researchers
successfully calculated the resonant frequency of a simple satellite
tobacco necrosis virus.
The next step for the researchers is to
determine if the same technique will work for other, more complex
Although practical applications are probably a long way off,
vibrational antiviral treatments have a number of benefits over
chemical approaches. First of all, while many antiviral drugs are
very harsh on the body and have dangerous or debilitating side
effects, the frequencies used to disrupt the viruses should have no
effect on human or even bacterial cells, which are much larger and
consequently have significantly lower resonant frequencies.
In addition, because a resonant frequency is an inherent
characteristic of a virus' makeup, researchers say it is unlikely
that resistance to it could develop.
Among the obstacles toward creating vibrational antiviral therapy
is the fact that lasers have trouble penetrating the skin.
Researchers have suggested that
ultrasound could be used instead, or perhaps a dialysis-type
machine that cycles of blood out of the body, irradiates it, then
cycles it back in.
The Life of Rife - Did He Discover a Cure for
From an article
written by Barry Lynes
author of "The
Cancer Cure that Worked"
EnergyWellnessRife Website
In the latter half of the 1990s decade, the orthodox medical system
imploded. New forms of healing suddenly were chosen by huge segments
of the American people while drug medicine, surgery and endless high
technology diagnostics were increasingly rejected.
From this amazing shift to blood cleansing, herbal cures,
acupuncture, energy body stimulation, and active physical and mental
participation of the patient in the healing process came the revival
of various lost or suppressed discoveries from other times.
Among the most outstanding was one based
on the discoveries of Royal R. Rife, the lost genius of
San Diego.
Rife was a brilliant scientist, born in the late 1800's. After
studying at Johns Hopkins, Rife developed bioelectric medicine
technology that is still commonly used today in the fields of
optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics and
aviation. He received 14 major awards and honors and was given an
honorary Doctorate by the University of Heidelberg for his work.
In the 1930's Rife invented a super microscope that used light in a
revolutionary design. It enabled him to see a virus-size microbe,
invisible to the naked eye, that could not even be seen with an
electron microscope.
More important, unlike electron microscopes,
the microbe remained alive. He found that every micro-organism has a
"mortal oscillatory rate" – a point at which it will shatter or
break apart when bombarded by sound waves, like an intense musical
note that shatters a glass.
He discovered the microbe that caused, or at minimum was deeply
involved with cancer!
Once the frequency for the cancer-linked
microbe was identified, it was a simple step to test his
world-shaking discovery on mice, and then move to clinical treatment
of supposedly "terminal" cancer patients.
In 1934 Rife and a team of doctors and scientists from leading
medical research facilities cured 16 out of 16 cancer patients using
the Frequency Machine. Over the next four years the
instruments and methods were refined. Some of North America's most
brilliant cancer researchers visited Rife's laboratory and became
involved in a secret research committee at U.S.C.
Clinical proof of successful and painless cures from cancer and
other microbe-caused diseases increased as clinics in Los Angeles
and San Diego slowly documented cases. Additional laboratory
verification came from research institutions in San Francisco,
Chicago, New Jersey and Montreal.
By the late 1930s, ENERGY MEDICINE
doctors, using a variety of different electronic approaches, grew in
numbers and had formed national associations.
However, the threat to orthodox medicine was too great. Without any
consideration for their Hippocratic Oaths or the well being
of people, medical officials and societies mounted a furious
counterattack against Rife's monumental discovery before the
American public could be informed of it. Doctors who were using
Rife's instruments to treat cancer and other diseases were
threatened with losing their licenses and being thrown into jail.
Most meekly surrendered.
An energy medicine laboratory complex,
which was in the process of verifying Rife's discoveries, was
mysteriously burned, while the owner was in California visiting
Rife was hauled into court, prevented from leaving for England where
leading scientists were prepared to establish an independent testing
facility to substantiate the great discovery, and distribute his
unique instruments worldwide. All medical journals were censored and
one of the greatest scientific and medical discoveries of the 20th
century was ruthlessly shoved into a dungeon of history.
In the late 1980s an evolutionary shift slowly began to unfold
throughout the world.
Bio-energetic - "subtle energy"
interactions of the human body - became a serious research area in
leading universities, private medical research facilities and
government agencies (NASA). A grassroots interest in
alternative medicine simultaneously erupted to confront drug
medicine practitioners with their failures and expense.
From the information whirlwind, spurred by the Internet and
"information democracy" a new interest has emerged in Royal R. Rife's extraordinary cures, lost 60 years ago. Just over the horizon
lies the awakening of mainstream America and possibly the delivery
of Rife's lost discoveries, to be integrated into a
strikingly different, 21st century healing model, enabling natural,
painless, inexpensive methods of curing many diseases.
Dr. Milbank Johnson of the University of Southern California
organizes a clinical trial consisting of 16 persons with cancer
diagnosed as "terminal"...
Royal Raymond Rife - 1888 - 1971
Rife Chronology
This is the historical record of Rife's discovery and where it is
MAY 16, 1888 - Royal Raymond Rife
is born in Elkhorn, Nebraska
1910-1920 - Settles in San Diego,
1920-1929 - Conducts research in
microscopes, microbiology and "energy medicine."
NOVEMBER 3, 1929 - Rife's
stunning accomplishments are first brought public in an
article in the San Diego Union paper. Readers learn that,
"Rife... is evolving a new
method that will do away with chemicals... The
possibilities of this process once it is perfected, he
believes, are boundless. Medical men... may in this one
step find an end to much of human suffering. This is Rife's
great aim."
JUNE 1931 - The nationally
distributed magazine Popular Science describes Rife's
accomplishments and the new world he has opened to the
American people.
In the article doctors and lab
workers report,
"We were in the
laboratory of R.R. Rife at San Diego, Calif. He is a
pioneer in the art of making motion pictures of the
microscopically small. Now doctors may sit and watch
bacteria in their native surroundings on a motion
picture screen. Rife has devised a magnetic compass
so delicate that it can be used to study the
electricity and magnetism in living germs. He
suggests that if the electrical make-up of certain
dangerous germs is learned, it may someday be
possible to destroy them in the human body by
applying small doses of electricity."
NOVEMBER 1931 - Dr. Milbank
Johnson, professor of medicine at the University of
Southern California in Los Angeles, travels to San Diego to
"check out" this genius Royal R. Rife. Dr. Johnson is
accompanied by three other prominent Los Angeles area
doctors. They are astounded by what they find. They
immediately send a Western Union telegram to Dr. Arthur
Kendall of Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois,
one of the leading bacteriologists in America. He wires back
that he will be on a train heading to the American West
Coast within a day or so!
MID-NOVEMBER 1931 - The historic
"doctor's gathering" occurs in Pasadena, California.
Forty-four of the nation's most respected medical
authorities honor Rife with a banquet billed as "The End to
All Diseases."
NOVEMBER 22, 1931 - The Los
Angeles Times reports,
DECEMBER 1931 - The official
journal of the state medical associations of California,
Nevada and Utah report on the discoveries and historic
significance of Rife's and Kendall's breakthrough project.
JULY 5-7, 1932 - Rife, Kendall
and Dr. Edward C. Rosenow of the Mayo Clinic, the
most prestigious research and treatment hospital in America,
meet in Chicago to verify the results of the Pasadena,
California experiments. The successful results are soon
reported in a staff paper circulated within the Mayo Clinic
and then in Science magazine (August 26, 1932), the
most prestigious scientific journal in America.
NOVEMBER 1931 - Rife isolates in
his remarkable microscope a virus-size, dwarf bacteria that
is the cause of many, if not all, cancers.
SUMMER OF 1934 - Dr. Milbank
Johnson of the University of Southern California organizes a
clinical trial consisting of 16 persons with cancer
diagnosed as "terminal." The clinic is located in La Jolla,
California, just north of San Diego. Within a few months
time, all 16 patients are diagnosed as "cured."
1935-1938 - Clinics are opened in
San Diego, Los Angeles and Pasadena, California. Phenomenal
results are reported. A Special Medical Research
Committee is organized at the University of Southern
California in Los Angeles to oversee and manage Rife's "energy medicine" research and clinical success
with a
variety of disease conditions, not just cancer.
MAY 6, 1938 AND MAY 11, 1938
- The San Diego Evening Tribune reports that Rife's "energy
medicine" has successfully destroyed the microbes associated
with cancer and other diseases.
The newspaper articles are
cautious but optimistic, but the original article declares,
"The discovery promised
fulfillment of man's age-old hope for a specific
destroyer of all his infectious diseases...
Organisms from tuberculosis, cancer... Typhoid...
Were among many which the scientist reported are
killed by the waves... Rife commented, '...we can
say that these waves or the ray has the power of
devitalizing disease organisms.'"
1938-1939 - The San Diego
Medical Society reacts furiously to the newspaper
article describing Rife's profound discoveries. Doctors
using Rife's "energy instruments" are visited and informed
to stop healing their patients with Rife's method or face
loss of the medical licenses and jail.
MARCH 1939 - The leading
laboratory for electronic or energy medicine in America,
located in New Jersey across the river from New York City,
is "mysteriously" destroyed by fire at 3 A.M. while its
director is in San Diego visiting Rife.
MAY-JUNE 1939 - An electronics
engineer who assisted Rife during a critical phase of Rife's
research sells out to the American Medical Association.
The engineer initiates a courtroom battle for control of the
new healing method. Rife is stopped just before leaving for
England where scientists and doctors are prepared to honor
him and his new healing technology, followed by worldwide
distribution of his microscopes and energy instruments.
JUNE 1939 - Rife's associates
beat back the engineer's attempt to grab the Rife
discoveries on behalf of the American Medical Association.
However, Rife has begun to drink during the severe pressure
of the trial. He and his associates are virtually bankrupt
when the trial is over.
SEPTEMBER 1939 - World War II
erupts when Nazi Germany invades Poland. The world is
plunged into war until 1945.
1940 - Arthur Yale, M.D.
reports at the California State Homeopathic Medical Society
that he has achieved stunning cures of terminal cancer
patients using Rife's "energy instruments" and thus
destroying the microbe associated with cancer.
1944 - Dr. Milbank Johnson,
head of the Special Medical Research Committee of the
University of Southern California, mysteriously dies.
Shortly thereafter, all the files relating to Rife "vanish."
1945-1950 - Rife hits hard
financial times as he is "locked out" of medical-scientific
worlds previously open to him.
1950-1960 - Rife begins to
develop anew his "energy instruments" with new associates.
These are primarily with engineering backgrounds however. No
men with scientific or medical credentials dare to assist
Rife. However, over 90 instruments are distributed for
research and self experimentation.
1960 - Medical authorities invade Rife's lab. Energy instruments are smashed and confiscated.
Rife goes into hiding in Mexico while his associates are put
on trial. Medical documentation is not allowed to be
introduced at their trial. Rife's associates are sentenced
to long jail terms.
AUGUST 1971 - Rife dies in San
Diego, California at the age of 83.
APRIL 1987 -
Cancer Cure That Worked - The Rife Report is
published. It sparks an interest in Rife's long-suppressed
inventions, discoveries and "energy medicine" healing
1990-2000 - A stunning grassroots
movement centered on Rife's lost science erupts across
America and then spreads into other countries. Reports of
amazing cancer cures based on Rife-related therapy begins
circulating. Rife becomes a focus of serious scientific,
medical and engineering exchanges on the world wide web as
the internet catalyzes an information-communication
2000-2001 - Elected members of
Congress begin asking hard questions of FDA and NCI
officials regarding Rife and other alternative cancer
The Cure for Cancer Was Covered Up
Treatment Suppressed Since 1930s
by Barry Lynes
The Planet
Rife Website
It has been a secret for many years - more than 50 years in fact.
It is a secret that is a shame of the
medical profession and another example of complacent press, another
example of a scientific conspiracy that resembles more a medieval
guild protecting its financial interests than a profession
dedicated to public service, and another example of a political
system afraid to promote the public good when it clashed with
powerful elites.
This story also demonstrates how apathetic, asleep, cowardly and
unwilling so many individuals, especially the self-righteous "new
agers," actually are when given the opportunity to take real
initiatives which could rectify monstrous wrongs.
The secret is the cancer cure.
Before detailing this fundamental wrong, it is important to
emphasize what 50 years of covering up a cancer cure has meant in
terms of suffering. Almost every family in America has been touched
by the horror of lingering deaths by cancer. Those who haven't been
directly affected have known neighbors and friends who have been the
victims of both the disease and the arrogant scientists, government
bureaucrats and financial elites who are responsible.
Children have been among the many
millions who have not only been abandoned to cancer's excruciating
pain and protracted terror, but to existing, stupid, torturous,
experimental procedures which don't work. In a word, the American
medical and political "establishment" are guilty of gross
Our nation is premised upon democratic procedures, checks and
balances, competition, and the correction of abuses through open
discussion which lead to institutional change. In the matter of this
50 year old cancer cure, all of the above have not worked. The
cancer cure was suppressed. Agencies, both public and private, were
not responsive.
The cost in human lives and wasted
resources has been staggering. A Vietnam War, the countless annual
deaths in automobile accidents, or' the lives prematurely ended
because of inferior nutrition caused by poverty together cannot
match the number who have died horribly because America's culture
could not expose and then break the vested interests which
perpetrated this crime.
And if Colorado Governor Lamm's figures
are correct, one-third of Americans now living will die of cancer in
the future.
Americans team of committed scientist,
and to promote the needed public education. So perhaps finally - if
enough of us insist on it - America's institutional ability to
correct this outrage can be demonstrated. But don't hold your
breath. Without a major, on-going, public commitment and a national
authority to oversee the effort and report regularly on the progress
being. made, it is unlikely that swift, significant remedies will
In another article in this issue (The Timid Press, Page 1),
syndicated columnist Mary McGrory's acceptance speech upon
receiving the Lovejoy journalism award is reported. In that talk,
Ms. McGrory advocated that readers read their papers "with the idea
of doing something."
In a similar vein, the article on the
changing weather and the scientific cover up involved, science
philosopher Paul Feyerabend is quoted when he calls for "duly
elected committees of laymen" to judge the efforts and
recommendations of scientists.
Certainly, if anything deserves both the individual reader's
commitment as well as participation in oversight committees, it is
the investigation into this cancer cure and the development of
procedures to bring this cancer cure into practical use as fast as
This story is somewhat technical, but the complicated scientific
details will be omitted in order that you, the reader, can grasp the
essentials. The specifics can be checked elsewhere and it is hoped
that enough of you --including experts capable of initiating action
will do so. A mobilization is required, for not only cancer. but
AIDS and many other diseases threatening us are potentially capable
of being eradicated if we, the people of the United States, get off
our collective asses.
In the 1920s a scientist-inventor named
Royal Raymond Rife
invented a new kind of microscope. In an article New Age Journal
March produced little from New readers), the story of Rife's
cancer cure was detailed.
Since then, Rife has been nominated for
the "Alternative Nobel Prize" which is annually awarded in Europe as
a protest to the more established, less risk taking Swedish honor.
Yet, little notice of Rife and his miraculous discovery has
infiltrated the establishment m consciousness.
Rife's microscope was a stunning advance. Unlike the electron
microscope, Rife's microscope made it possible to study "living"
bacteria, viruses, and so forth. An electron microscope kills its
specimens. Rife's remarkable breakthrough used a new approach to
bend light. As a result, Rife was able to prove that bacteria could
change their form. In effect, they could become cancer causing
Rife then implanted his cancer-causing bacteria into rats. Tumors
subsequently developed. From here, Rife made the startling discovery
that the bacteria could change into a completely different form if
the "medium on which they were living" was slightly altered. In
other words, Rife's cancer causing substance was, in some forms and
in association with some environments within the body, deadly. But
in other forms and in other environments, benign. His cancer causing
substance could be changed back and forth from one to the other. The
implications of this discovery are obvious.
Cancer cells might be transformed to
healthy cells again!
Rife then began beaming different frequencies of light on these
microorganisms. Up until the early 1950s, Rife perfected this
As Christopher Bird reported in
the New Age article,
"many lethal those of tuberculosis,
typhoid, leprosy... appeared to disintegrate or 'bIow up' in the
field of his microscope." This "death ray" was applied to
cancers in rats.
It worked!
The next step was humans. The result?
Here is Rife's report:
"The first clinical work on cancer
was completed under the supervision of Milbank Johnson, M.D.,
which was setup under a special medical research committee of
the University of Southern California.
Sixteen cases were
treated at the clinic for many types of malignancy. After three
months, fourteen of these so-called hopeless cases were signed
off as clinically cured by a staff of medical doctors and
Alvin G. Foord, M. D., pathologist for the group.
Throughout the 1930's, Rife and associates continued their work.
In 1940, Arthur W. Yale, M.D. reported that Rife's discoveries
were an entirely new theory of the origin and cause of cancer,
and the treatment and results have been so unique and
unbelievable" that we' may be able to "eliminate the second
largest cause of deaths in the United States."
But it was not to be!
There were powerful doctors whose careers were based on the theory
that bacteria could not change its form. Rife's discovery threatened
their status and their own research. (It was like the invention of
the automobile for a horse-drawn carriage driver.)
One of these "authorities" was Dr. Thomas Rivers of the
Rockefeller Institute. Another
was Harvard microbiologist Dr. Hans Zinsser. The cancer
cure was killed by the powerful.
One of Rife's supporters, Dr. Edward C. Rosenow, a pioneer
bacteriologist, sadly commented at the end of his life,
"They simply won't listen."
Others have followed Rife and have
confirmed different aspects of his theory, but since they are few in
number and are promoting a cause contrary to the medical
establishment's approved philosophy, they are not supported.
publishing their findings is difficult if not impossible because of
the dominant medical orthodoxy which has reigned since the 1930s!
Christopher Bird's 1976' New Age Journal article contained a,
summation of the political cover-up as perceived by the Lee
Foundation of Nutritional Research in Milwaukee.
According to Bird, the Lee
"maintains that Rife, his microscope
and his life work were tabooed by leaders in the U.S. medical
profession and that any medical doctor who made use of his
practical discoveries was stripped of his privileges as a member
of the local medical society."
The Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) still bans treatments similar to those of Rife.
And how many millions of dollars are annually "invested" in the
establishment's preferred quackery and torturous gimmicks?
Those interested in pursuing this matter, which as a first step
means forming a national committee of scientists, administrators,
"can-do-types" and laymen to monitor and correct this crime are
encouraged to contact The Planet. Perhaps citizen action is
not entirely dead in this country yet.
Or have we truly lost our nerve, our fighting spirit, and our 1776
contempt for aristocracy assuming dictatorial rights over our bodies
and minds?
by Daniel Haley
From the forthcoming book "Politics in Healing"
TheBritTeam Website
"What Became of the Rife Technology?"
is the finest summary of the Rife story I've ever read It is
concise, clear, focused.
I heartily endorse it.
Barry Lynes author of "The
Cancer Cure That Worked: The Rife Report".
What Became of
the Rife Technology?
In 1976, the late Christopher Bird published an article in East West
Magazine entitled "What Became of the Rife Microscope?"
What indeed? And what became of the Rife
Ray Tube as well?
In San Diego in the 1920's and 30's Royal Raymond Rife built several
light microscopes capable of seeing viruses and bacteria in their
live state with magnification said to be 60,000 times. The best
light microscopes of that time - or today - could magnify around
2,500 times, not enough to see virus-size microbes, or bacteria
because the nature of its process kills the specimen.
Thomas Jefferson defined genius as the
infinite capacity for taking pains. In this respect and others, Rife
was certainly a genius, first as an intuitive researcher and also as
a creator of superb technological instruments, some of which have
not seen their equal since his time. Rife set a goal of finding out
if there was a virus capable of causing cancer.
After completing his microscope, he
spent most of the 1920's in this pursuit. Working with cancerous
tissue confirmed by lab analysis to be malignant, Rife found what he
deemed to be the guilty microbe and injected it into mice. When they
then developed cancer; he removed their cancerous tumors and in them
once again found the same microbe.
In the late 19th century, German
researcher Dr. Robert Koch (apparently no relation to Dr. William
Koch) established a procedure for determining the cause of a
disease; recovering a suspect microbe from a sick animal, injecting
it into a test animal, and then, if that animal develops the same
disease, recovering the same microbe from the second animal.
had fulfilled the Koch postulates. Rife named the cancer microbe the
Bacillus X, or BX virus, since under his microscope (observing it
alive), he could see it change from a bacteria, or bacillus, to a
virus-size microbe.
Rife asked himself if this live organism
producing a purplish red color, and therefore a frequency, could be
killed by another frequency which would resonate with the vibratory
rate of the microbe. Rife thus created a ray tube which broadcast
various frequencies. When it was finally ready, he would sit in
front of his microscope tuned to the BX microbe for hours on end,
tuning the dial of his frequency device, going through one frequency
after another.
Finally one day when he reached a
certain frequency, he saw the light of the BX microbe glow brighter
and then go out, after which it disintegrated. He painstakingly
repeated the process and always saw the same results.
Then he placed the BX microbe in test
mice and, after they had developed cancer, exposed them to the
frequency he had discovered. There was no contact between the
animals and the ray tube; they were simply in its presence a few
feet away. He repeated the process numerous times to double-check
his research. In this way, Rife determined what he called the
Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR) for the cancer microbe.
During the summer of 1934, 16 terminal
cancer patients sat a few feet away from Rife's Ray Tube for three
minutes every third day.
After 90 days, 15 were declared fully
recovered by attending physicians and in another month, the other
ones as well. In a nutshell, that is the essence of the Rife story -
a microscope that could see virus-size microbes, which the best
electron microscopes cannot see in their live state, and a
frequency-emitting ray tube capable of killing the microbe which
caused human cancer, thus enabling cancer patients to recover.
This story fired up Christopher Bird to
write his 1976 article five years after Rife died at age 83, a
forgotten man, The article revived some interest in Rife's work but
was largely ignored. Then Bird showed the article to independent
scholar/journalist Barry Lynes, who urged Bird to write a
book on Rife.
Bird, researching for his "Secrets of
the Soil", told Barry,
"I don't have time-why don't you
write it?"
The result was Lynes' comprehensive "The
Cancer Cure That Worked", which triggered a Rife revival.
Then came "The Royal Rife Report" by
Borderland Sciences and later "The Rife Way" by the late Dallas
researcher Mark Simpson.
An article by Dr. R. E. Seidel and
Elizabeth Winter entitled "The New Microscopes", published in the
February 1944 "Journal of the Franklin Institute" and later
reprinted in the Smithsonian annual report, contains a great deal of
information on how the Rife microscope worked and about research
done with it.
After reviewing available materials on Rife, one has
the same feeling as when reading about Dr. Koch: something lost,
something wonderful.
The tragic story of Royal Raymond Rife started with his birth in
1888 in Elkhorn, Nebraska, but little is known about his very early
life. At some point, perhaps 1906, he settled in San Diego, where he
lived the rest of his life.
"The Rife Way" contains a picture of
Royal Rife (called Roy by his friends), as a dapper young man in his
early 20's "on the concert stage playing the mellophone, French
horn, and cello".
Rife met a Chinese American girl,
Mamie Quinn, and married her in 1912, settling down in a house
near the mansion of the Bridges family, who had made carriages until
they went out of style. Mrs. Bridges had money of her own as a
sister of Henry Timken, an Ohio magnate in ball bearings. During a
period when Rife served as the Timken's chauffeur, Mrs. Bridges
became fascinated by Rife's dreams of high technology and set him up
a lab above their garage.
When Rife was not researching, he shared
the Timken's hobby of racing fast cars and fast boats. Rife's skills
as a chef were much appreciated, and he was a good musician. It was
said of Rife that he was a quiet man, but when he talked, he was
Encouraging Rife's idea of building a super microscope, Mrs.
Bridges funded a two-year sabbatical for him in Germany. Taking
Mamie, Rife spent a couple of years in Germany, may have studied at
Heidelberg University, and spent some time at the Zeiss Corp.
Learning what he needed, he returned to
San Diego and completed his first microscope in the early 1920's. In
time, word of his endeavors began to get out.
Over the course of the
next 20 or so years, Rife's tracks begin to get a lot clearer from
the 10-15 newspaper articles that appeared in San Diego newspapers
about the young genius Royal Rife and his amazing microscope.
An article in the May 6, 1938 San Diego
"Evening Tribune": gave a retrospect of Rife's early years:
"The San Diego man, who is hailed by
many as a veritable genius, has experimented with important
studies, inventions and discoveries in an unbelievably wide and
varied array of subjects.
These fields of pursuit range from
ballistics and racing car construction to optics and many
equally profound sciences. And in 1920 he was investigating the
possibilities of electrical treatment of diseases.
"It was then that he noticed these individualistic differences
in the chemical constituents of disease organisms and saw the
indication of electrical characteristics, observed electrical
polarities in the organisms.
"Random speculation on the observation suddenly stirred in his
mind a startling, astonishing thought: "What would happen if I
subjected these organisms to different electrical frequencies?"
he wondered.
It may have been an article in the July
1931 issue of "Popular Science" which brought Rife to the attention
of one of the most prominent medical researchers of the time, Dr.
Arthur Isaac Kendall. Kendall was head of the Department of
Bacteriology and Director of Medical Research at Northwestern
University Medical School in Chicago.
In 1904, Kendall had been director of
the Panama Canal Commission's Hygienic Laboratory, which
evolved into the National Institutes of Health in1930.
Sometime in 1931, Dr. Kendall asked his friend Dr. Milbank
Johnson in Los Angeles to investigate what he had heard about
Royal Rife and his microscope.
Dr. Johnson was medical director of the
Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co., former president of the Los
Angeles Medical Association, a member of the board of directors of
the Los Angeles County Pasadena Hospital, on of the founders of the
American Automobile Association, well connected and politically
In November 1931, Dr. Johnson arranged a
meeting with Royal Rife and took three other doctors with him, one
of who was Dr. Alvin Ford, head of pathology at Pasadena Hospital
and later president of the American Association of pathologists.
On November 9 Johnson wrote Rife:
"I want to say that we all spent one
of the most instructive and interesting afternoons of our lives
in your laboratory…I wired Dr. Kendall on what we had seen and
our opinion of it and this morning I received the following
telegram: 'Expect to start for California Saturday'''.
Dr. Johnson added "He should arrive
in Pasadena November 17, so be sure and have your microscope in
perfect condition for the Big Chief when he arrives. I will
bring him down to San Diego in my car".
When Kendall arrived, he brought along
his "K medium: in which, he reported, he was able to detach dwarf
bacteria from normal size bacteria. At the time, these
disease-causing microbes were called "filterable viruses".
This claim was considered impossible at
the time by many prominent researchers.
Working with Rife, Dr.
Kendall placed a typhoid germ in his "K microscope'', they could
clearly see tiny microbes glowing with a turquoise blue light as
they escaped from the larger bacteria. Rife and Kendall thus proved
that bacteria contained smaller pathogens that could be seen under
Royal Rife's microscope.
Wasting no time, on November 20 Dr.
Milbank Johnson invited 30 of the most prestigious medical figures
in southern California to a banquet in honor of Rife and Kendall at
"Belbank", his mansion in Pasadena. In a opulent setting, Rife's and
Kendall's discoveries were announced and discussed.
On November 22, the "Los Angles Times"
"Scientific discoveries of the
greatest magnitude, including a discussion of the world's most
powerful microscope recently perfected after 14 years of effort
by Dr. Royal R. Rife of San Diego, were described Friday evening
to members of the medical profession, bacteriologists and
pathologists at a dinner given by Dr. Milbank Johnson in honor
of Dr. Rife and Dr. A. I Kendall."
"The strongest microscope now in use can magnify between 2,000
and 2,500 times. Dr. Rife, by an ingenious arrangement of lenses
applying an entirely new optical principle and by introducing
double quartz prisms and powerful illuminating lights, has
devised a - 5 - microscope with a lowest magnification of 5,000
times and a maximum working magnification of 17,000 times."
"The new microscope, scientists predict, will prove a
development of the first magnitude. Frankly dubious about the
perfection of a microscope which appears to transcend the limits
set by optic science. Dr. Johnson's guests expressed themselves
as delighted with the visual demonstration and heartily accorded
both Dr. Rife and Dr. Kendall a foremost place in the world's
rank of scientists."
Rife and Kendall wrote up a report on
their research "Observations on Bacillus Typhosus in its Filtrable
State" which was published in the December 1931 issue of "California
and Western Medicine", the official publication of the California,
Nevada, and Utah medical societies.
The discovery was also reported in
"Science" magazine on December 1, 1931, and in the "Science News
Letter" on December 12, 1931 in an article entitled "Filtrable Germ
Forms Seen with New Super Microscope".
On December 27, 1931, the "Los Angles Times" reported that Rife had
demonstrated his microscope at a meeting of scientists and that,
"Dr. Rife has developed an
instrument that may revolutionize laboratory methods and enable
bacteriologists, like Dr. Kendall, to identify the germs that
produce about 50 diseases whose causes are unknown."
In the next step in Rife's growing
recognition, Henry Timken, the Ohio industrialist, brought him to
the attention of Dr. Edward Rosenow, a senior researcher at
the Mayo Clinic.
In July 1932, at Dr. Kendall's
invitation, a three-day series of experiments were carried out in
his Chicago lab by him, Dr. Rosenow, and Royal Rife, who brought his
microscope. Working with two other microscopes as well as Rife's,
the three reconfirmed what Rife and Kendall had already published
and studied some viruses of special interest to Dr. Rosenow.
Rosenow published the results in the
July 23, 1932 "Proceedings of the Staff Meetings of the Mayo Clinic"
and also in an August 26, 1932 article in "Science" magazine
entitled "Observations with the Rife Microscope of Filter-Passing
Forms of Micro-Organisms."
A bacteria in its normal state is too large to pass through the tiny
pores of ceramic filter, but a virus-size "dwarf bacteria" can. So
the orthodox view holds that if something can pass a filter, i.e., "filterable", it cannot be a bacteria but must be some smaller form.
The title Rife and Kendall's report was a contradiction in terms for
those who accepted as fact that a bacillus cannot be "filtered".
Thus some of the outstanding authorities
of the time didn't believe Kendall and Rosenow. Strangely, when Dr.
Kendall announced his findings at a major scientific meeting in July
1932, he neglected to mention that his observations had been seen
and could only be seen through a new and very special microscope to
which he had access.
This omission left him open to attack,
and his critics did not hesitate to do so.
As Barry Lynes
observes, had Kendall made clear how he arrived at his findings, the
JAMA article the following month might have focused on the marvelous
new microscope rather than on the dispute between Kendall and his
These happened to be the most distinguished bacteriologists
of the time, Dr. Rivers of the Rockefeller Foundation and Dr.
Zinsser of Harvard. The critics having set the tone, Dr. Rosenow
received the same treatment as Kendall - disbelief, even derision -
even though he referred to the Rife microscope.
This put a damper on the forward
momentum of Rife's acceptance.
For lack of a shoe a horse was lost, for
lack of a horse a battle was lost…In retrospect, Dr. Kendall's
failure to announce the Rife microscope simultaneously with his
findings at that conference may have had just that significance; had
he done so. Probably Drs. Rivers and Zinsser would have left no
stone unturned until they too could do research with a Rife
microscope (Kendall had one), and things might have turned out very
In the 19th century Louis Pasteur had
pronounced the germ theory – that an external germ was responsible
for each disease. His rival. Antoine Bechamp, taught instead that
the environment inside the body causes certain normally harmless
microorganisms to change forms, after which they become harmful land
cause disease.
The concept that germs and microbes
could change forms is called pleomorphism. In the insect
world we see this in the change from caterpillar to cocoon to
butterfly. Insects aren't microorganisms, to be sure, but the
illustration demonstrates the concept. Pasteur's concept that germs
do not change form is called monomorphism and is still the
accepted view in bacteriology.
In reality, it would appear that they were both right to some
extent. Certainly children at school "catch bugs" that are going
around; according to Pasteur, that would be the only way one could
catch something, i.e.; from an outside source.
Almost everyone knows that can't be
true, having come down with a cold. There's no question that certain
specific microbes cause certain specific diseases but that doesn't
prevent them from changing forms – like the butterfly, or evolving
within the inner environment of a person's body if it turns toxic.
One summer during college, I worked in Yosemite Park and climbed
Half Dome.
Although in good health, I was not in
shape for mountain climbing and was exhausted by the time I got to
the top, although not so much that I will ever forget the
spectacular view. I cannot remember ever having been so tired as
when I finally got to bed that night. The next morning I was off to
the infirmary with a 104-degree fever.
No illness had been going
around Yosemite; nobody had flues or colds. It seemed that
exhaustion had so weakened my immune system that something which
normally had been held in check was able to take over and put me in
bed for a couple of days.
Considering pleomorphism, it
might be that exhaustion produced specific chemicals, which changed
the environment within my body and caused something that had not
harmed me before to change into something that did. Or in Dr. Koch's
terms, a toxin (produced as a result of the change in the body's
environment) had momentarily broken down my oxidation system.
Under his microscope, Rife was clearly
seeing bacteria changing forms. Growing microorganisms with Dr.
Kendall's K-medium, Rife, Kendall and Rosenow all saw a "filtrable"
form (hence the titles of their reports) produced from various
bacteria, indicating pleomorphism. Even in the 1990's this
view is not accepted by orthodox scientists; Dr. Robert Gallo,
co-discoverer of the HIV virus, said that "pleomorphism is
Gallo doesn't have access to a Rife
microscope, so he cannot see for himself anymore than could
Kendall's and Rosenow's critics in the 1930's.
Solid evidence of pleomorphism
has been published since Rife's time by the New York Academy of
Sciences on October 30, 1970, in reporting the work of Dr. Virginia
Livingston-Wheeler, Dr. Eleanor Alexander-Jackson, Dr. Irene Diller,
and Dr. Florence Seibert.
In 1932, Royal Rife was not focusing on
the pleomorphism argument that had engaged Kendall and Rosenow but
on cancer, and after Kendall's visit, he was now armed with the K
After 20,000 tries, he told a friend, he
at last succeeded in isolating what he called the "BX virus" (which
today might be called a dwarf bacteria or microbe) and establishing
it as capable of - 7 - causing cancer, as noted earlier.
He also found a bacterial form of the
microbe and wrote in 1953,
"this BX 'virus' can be readily
changed into different forms of its life cycle by the media upon
which it is grown", observing that a variation of as little as
two parts per million in the media was sufficient to trigger the
Rife's next step was to seek the
frequency to kill the BX microbe.
Barry Lynes quotes a long-time
friend of Rife, who wrote in 1958:
"I've seen Roy in that doggone seat
without moving, watching the changes in the frequency, watching
when the time would come when the virus in the slide would be
destroyed. Twenty-four hours was nothing for him. Forty-eight
hours. He had done it many times. Sit there without moving. He
wouldn't touch anything except a little water. His nerves were
just like cold steel. He never moved. His hands never quivered."
"I've seen the cancer virus. I've
seen the poliovirus. I've seen the TB virus. Here was a man
showing people, showing doctors, these viruses of many different
kinds of diseases, especially those three deadly ones – TB,
polio, and cancer."
"Time and time again since that time
some of these medical men had made the proud discovery that they
had isolated one of the viruses of polio. Why, that was one of
the most ridiculous things in the world. Thirty-five years ago
(1933) Roy Rife showed them these things."
Closely following Rife's progress during
1932 and 1933, the years of the breakthrough in cancer, Dr. Milbank
Johnson kept in touch with Dr. Kendall and promoted Rife's work with
other researchers.
Although his first letter in 1931 was
addressed to Mr. Royal Rife, from 1933 on Johnson's letters were
addressed to Dr. Royal Rife, later calling him Roy. There is a
report that Rife received an honorary degree from the University of
Heidelberg for work in photomicroscopy. It is known that in
the middle 1930's the University of Southern California (USC)
scheduled the award of honorary degree to Rife, writing him a letter
asking certain questions.
Dr. Johnson wrote Rife urging him to
respond to USC; Dr. Kendall wrote that he would attend the ceremony.
Not much of a writer, Rife apparently never answered the letter and
the offer was withdrawn.
In the spring of 1934, Dr. Johnson asked Rife to meet him in La
Jolla (just north of San Diego) to discuss setting up a cancer
clinic for humans. Rife agreed since, as he wrote in 1953, he had
conducted successful tests,
"over 400 times with experimental
animals before any attempt was made to use this frequency on
human cases of carcinoma and sarcoma."
For the clinic, Johnson rented the large
home of the recently deceased Ellen Scripps. (She and her brother
founded the Scripps newspaper chain and she virtually created the
town of La Jolla. Where her home stood – the site of the 1934-cancer
clinic – is now the site of the La Jolla Art Museum.)
Dr. Johnson persuaded Dr. Kendall to
come for part of the summer. At the end of three months in the
summer of 1934, the results, as mentioned, were 15 cures out of 16
terminal cases of cancers of various types, as reported by Rife in
1953. Barry Lynes found evidence that the other one was cured
by the fourth month. We have descriptions of two of the cases.
Dr. Kendall described Tom Knight,
"tumor was on the cheek where it
could be seen, watched, and measured from the start to the
finish, and this I have done".
A year later, Dr. Johnson wrote a letter
to two San Diego doctors,
"to introduce Mr.Thomas Knight. He
was the one who had the carcinoma over the malar bone of his
left cheek that we treated at the La Jolla clinic last year".
Dr. James Couche, a San Diego
doctor who became a colleague of Rife as a result of the 1934
clinic, wrote 22 years later about a case he saw there:
got the strength to drive to El
Centro'. 'Oh yes', said he. 'I have, but I'll have a man to "the
one that impressed me the most was a man who staggered onto a
table just on the last end of cancer; he was a bag of bones. As
he lay on the table, Dr. Rife and Dr. Johnson said 'just feel
than man's stomach'.
So I put my hand on the cavity where
his stomach was underneath and it was just a cavity, almost,
because he was so thin; his backbone and his belly were just
about touching each other."
"I put my hand on his stomach which
was just one solid mass, just about what I could cover with my
hand….it was absolutely solid! And I thought to myself well,
nothing can be done for that. However, they gave him a treatment
with the Rife frequencies and in the course of time over a
period of six weeks to two months, to my astonishment, he
completely recovered.
He got so well that he asked
permission to go to El Centro as he had a farm there and he
wanted to see about his stock. Dr. Rife said 'Now you haven't
drive me there.' As a matter of fact, the patient drove his own
car there and when he got down to El Centro he had a sick cow
and he stayed up all night with it.
The next day he drove back without
any rest whatsoever – so you can imagine how he had recovered. I
finally bought one of those frequency instruments and
established it in my office."
A year later, Dr. Johnson wrote in a
letter that "the clinic was opened and run by me to satisfy me
personally that the Rife Ray would destroy pathogenic organisms
in vivo as well as in vitro. The latter we had repeatedly
demonstrated in the laboratory. I had to have this information
conclusively positive before I could recommend to my friends to
get behind the work…
I intended to finance it through to
the end."
Upon the conclusion of the Clinic, Dr.
Johnson formed a Special Medical Research Committee at the USC to
supervise the Rife research and eventually to announce it.
of cautious medical professionals, the Committee balked at early
release of the Clinic's amazing results, preferring instead to
gather more data.
To this end, in 1953, Milbank Johnson
arranged for Dr. O. Cameron Gruner of McGill University,
Montreal, to spend May and June with Royal Rife. Dr. Gruner's
significance is that he was a renowned researcher in blood and had
obtained a fungus organism from the blood of 92% of cancer patients
he had examined.
Rife took Gruner's fungus, placed it in
Dr. Kendall's K medium, and then filtered from that culture Rife's
BX virus.
Barry Lynes reports:
" In 1937, Dr. Milbank Johnson wrote
a letter describing what Gruner and Royal Rife had discovered in
May-June 1935: 'Dr. Gruner was present at all the experiments
and we agreed-I think beyond a doubt – that our BX and the
organism which he obtained from the blood, although in a
different form from our BX, are one and the same organism. It
looks, therefore, as if we know how to produce at will, by means
of the appropriate culture, any one of the three forms desired".
(Rife had found a third and later a fourth form of the
Dr. Gruner's findings, then, would
suggest that a simple blood test would indicate the presence of an
organism capable of causing cancer if the blood's environment
The contemporary Gaston Naessens of Quebec has
discovered another version of such a test. In November 1935, Dr.
Johnson decided to set up a second Clinic using an advanced version
of the Frequency Instrument with modifications suggested by Rife's
new assistant, an engineer introduced by Johnson named Philip
Johnson closed the Clinic in the spring
of 1936 to wait for another improved version of the frequency
Earlier in the year, Rife had trained
Dr. Walker, assistant to Dr. Meyer of the Hooper Foundation in San
Walker wrote in October:
"The copy of the results of the test
on typhoid organisms would appear to establish conclusively its
efficacy to kill these organisms in the tissues. If the Ray
should prove equally efficient in killing other pathogenic
micro-organisms, it would be the greatest discovery in the
history of therapeutic medicine."
Meanwhile, Royal Rife built a newer,
smaller microscope.
With his "Universal" microscope,
completed in 1933, having cost over $30,000, the new one was
intended to be able to sell for around $1,000, so that many more
people could be involved in the research. With a magnification of
10,000 to 15,000 times, the new 'scope was still far better than any
other light microscope.
In July 1936, Rife moved into a new lab, the lab of his dreams,
built with funds supplied by Henry Timken. In September 1936, Dr.
James Couche opened a clinic, having acquired his own Ray Tube
Frequency Instrument.
Writing in 1956, Dr. Couche stated:
"I saw some very remarkable things
resulting from (the Frequency Instrument) in the course of over
twenty years.
"I had a Mexican boy, nine years of age, who had osteomyelitis
of the leg. He was treated at the Mercy Hospital by his
attending doctors. They scraped the bone every week. It was
agonizing to the child because they never gave him anything;
they just poked in there and cleaned him out and the terror of
that boy was awful.
He wore a splint and was on
crutches. His family brought him to the office. He was terrified
that I would poke him as the other doctors had done. I reassured
him and demonstrated the instrument on my own hand to show him
that it would not hurt. With the bandage and the splint still on
he was given a treatment. In less than two weeks of treatment
the wound was completely healed and he took off his splints and
threw them away.
He is a great big powerful man now and has
never had any comeback of his osteomyelitis. He was
completely cured. There were many cases such as this."
An interesting case, which John Crane
reported in 1956 from Dr. Couche's 1936 clinical cases, was a Mrs.
Tobish who was suffering from senile cataract.
After six exposures
to the frequencies for carcinoma and streptothrix, her vision
returned to normal. In September 1936, Dr. Johnson opened his third
clinic, which he continued until May 1937.
On June 1, he wrote to Dr. Joseph
Heitger, an eye specialist in Louisville, Kentucky (to whom he
had sent Royal Rife, whose eyes were suffering from too many hours
at the microscope):
"Our special effort this past winter
has been working on cataracts…The application of the Rife Ray as
we have used it does, in the great majority of cases, restore
the visual function of the eye, that is the portion of visual
disturbance due to opacities in the lens.
How it does it and why it does it I
do not know, but the above statement is an absolute fact
supported now by many cases. How I wish we could get together
and go over this work. I believe it will result in epochal
changes in the profession's handling of cataract cases."
In 1937, Rife agreed to the formation of
Beam Ray, a company set up to manufacture the frequency instruments.
Ben Cullen. Rife's old friend since 1913, became president; Philip
Hoyland, the engineer, and Dr. Couche were also involved.
Barry Lynes reports that,
"Fourteen Frequency Instruments were
built by Beam Ray. Two went to England, a third to Dr. Richard
Hamer, and a fourth to Dr. Arthur Yale. Two more went to Arizona
doctors and the remaining eight went to southern California
Ben Cullen later reminisced about Dr.
Richard Hamer's results:
"Hamer ran an average of 40 cases a
day through his place…Hamer was very well known on the Pacific
coast…His case histories were absolutely wonderful.
We would go in there and see rectal
cancers…He cleaned them up completely…People…that had developed
cancers, he'd find they had syphilis or gonorrhea. By golly he'd
clean those up completely. Not a doggone taint of it in the
blood stream at all. Clinically cured."
In 1937 the Special Medical Research
Committee came to a decision that in retrospect could not have been
more unwise.
Queried by Montreal doctors as to why the results of
the 1934 Clinic had not been released, Dr. Johnson replied:
"Our Committee has decided that the
etiology of cancer must first be established before we publish
anything concerning the possible treatment. We are therefore
going to let the Rife Ray rest until this most important work is
To help establish the etiology (origin,
how it develops), Dr. Johnson put a lot of effort into attempting to
arrange for Dr. Gruner of McGill to return and spend a year working
with Rife.
Because he was internationally known for
his research with blood, it was thought that his prestige, added to
that of Kendall and Rosenow, would help win acceptance once an
announcement was made. Johnson sought a grant to fund Gruner's year
with Rife from the International Cancer Research foundation in
However, the Foundation's staff was full
of skepticism and pre-conditions, and no grant was ever made.
Recalling Dr. Johnson's statement in 1935 that he "intended to
finance (the Rife work) through to the end", on might wonder why he
did not finance Dr. Gruner's visit himself when it was clear there
would be no grant.
Barry Lynes' research discovered that between the
famous dinner in 1931 and 1944, Dr. Johnson sold Belbank, moved to a
smaller house, sold that, moved to a yet smaller, and sold that,
moving to an even smaller house.
All of them, Lynes noted, were fine
houses, but not as grand as Belbank. It is largely forgotten, Lynes
points out, that there was a second stock market crash in 1937, not
as severe as that of 1929, but enough to stall recovery from the
Great Depression until the Second World War. It may be that Dr.
Johnson suffered financial reverses, causing him to reduce his scale
of living and making it difficult to carry through on his original
plan to finance Rife's work "through to the end".
As Barry Lynes puts it "Funny how men
often think they have forever". A power in the CMA (California
Medical Association) by virtue of having been head of the Los
Angeles Medical Association, it seemed unlikely that there might be
anything in the CMA/AMA situation that Dr. Milbank Johnson
could not handle.
But clouds were gathering that would upset Dr. Johnson's and Royal
Rife's plans.
Ben Cullen describes what
happened, as quoted by Barry Lynes in "The Cancer Cure That Worked":
"Among Dr. Hamer's cases was this
old man from Chicago. He had a malignancy all around his face
and neck.
It was a gory mass. Just terrible…
It had taken over all around his face. It had taken off one
eyelid at the bottom of the eye. It had taken off the bottom of
the lower lobe of the ear and had also gone into the cheek area,
nose, and chin. He was a sight to behold."
"But in six months, all that was left was a little black spot on
the side of his face and the condition of that was such that it
was about to fall off. Now that man was 82 years of age. I never
saw anything like it. The delight of having a lovely clean skin
again, just like a baby's skin."
"Well he went back to Chicago. Naturally, he couldn't keep still
and Dr. Morris Fishbein heard about it. Fishbein called him in
and the old man was kind of reticent about telling him. So
Fishbein wined and dined him and finally learned about his
cancer treatment by Dr. Hamer in the San Diego clinic."
"Well soon a man from Los Angeles came down. He had several
meetings with us. Finally he took us out to dinner and broached
the subject about buying Beam Ray. Well we wouldn't do it. The
renown was spreading and we weren't even advertising. But of
course, what did it, was the case histories of Dr. Hamer.
He said this was the most wonderful
development of the age."
Unable to buy Beam Ray, another
tactic was devised.
Ben Cullen said that a partner in the
company was bribed. Philip Hoyland had helped Rife with
certain electronic improvements and apparently was the only one
beside Rife who knew the frequencies, which were kept as a closely
guarded secret.
Deeming himself to be more valuable to
the company than the others, he demanded more shares, which had been
distributed equally among the partners. When he was refused, he
cooked up a suit against Beam Ray claiming that he'd discovered the
frequencies, apparently hoping to seize control of the company and
then cut a deal with the Los Angeles man.
Because the Los Angeles law firm he
employed was more high-priced than his partners believed Hoyland
could afford, they presumed it had been paid for by the man they
assumed to be Fishbein's representative.
Hoyland's lawsuit went to trial on June 12, 1939 and Beam Ray won.
In giving judgment in favor of the
company, Judge Edward Kelly stated of Hoyland,
"I am not convinced of his blameless
character…I am denying the plaintiff has clean hands".
It is unlikely that in 1939 Beam Ray was
rolling in money.
They had built 14 instruments and their hope for
fame and fortune was linked to eventual widespread approval and
acceptance by the medical profession, the long-range campaign Dr.
Milbank Johnson was managing.
How lucrative Beam Ray could have been
can be judged by the rapidity with which hospitals everywhere
installed expensive radiation equipment from the 1930's to the
present day. By 1939, however, big money had not yet happened for
Beam Ray. Ben Cullen had used his own money to set up the company,
and by the end of the trial, he was broke.
The biggest problem was that the market
had disappeared. During and after the trial, the San Diego Medical
Society warned all the doctors who had been involved with the Rife
Ray that if they continued using it, they could lose their licenses.
Dr. Hamer returned his instrument, which was rented. Dr. Couche
stuck it out, did not lose his license, and continued using his
machine - 12 - until the 1950's. With no market, Beam Ray
disintegrated. Ben Cullen lost his house and had to take a job.
Before the trial, Rife was planning to leave for England in mid-May
to take a microscope to Dr. B. Winter Gonin, who had ordered
it and two Frequency Instruments. Gonin and his associates planned
to distribute the microscope worldwide. One week before Rife's
departure, he was subpoenaed for the Hoyland trial.
Of the material available to us about Royal Rife, one gets the
impression of a gentle genius, both a gentleman and a gentle man.
Ben Cullen, who had known him from the
inception of his ideas on cancer through their implementation,
described him in 1958 in this way:
"In my estimation, Roy was one of
the most gentle, genteel, self-effacing, moral men I ever met.
Not once in all those years I was going over there to the lab,
and that was approximately 30 years, did I ever hear him say one
word out of place".
A religious man, an accomplished
musician, obviously a superb researcher, Roy Rife's pictures show
the face of a gentle and brilliant man but not that of a fighter.
Not like one-time coal miner Harry Hoxsey, whose pictures show
someone who could take it and dish it out, who almost relished a
The main casualty of the trial was not Beam Ray but Royal Rife.
Barry Lynes describes what happened at the trial:
"Hoyland's lawyer tore into Rife in
a way he had never before experienced. His nerves gave".
Lynes quotes Ben Cullen:
"Rife was called in to testify two
or three times… Rife had never been in court and he just became
a nervous idiot… in that he couldn't stand it and he did his
best to keep calm, his hands shaking like a leaf.
He had started smoking pretty
heavily and inhaling which he didn't use to do before. Anyway,
he took to drinking pretty heavily because the doctor couldn't
find anything to stop his nervousness without forcing him into a
drug addict."
The pressure had pushed Royal Rife into
alcoholism. Ben Cullen recalled:
"afterwards, during his clear
moments when he wasn't under the influence of liquor, he would
endeavor to progress but every doggone day at a certain time he
would go and get a little nip out of his car and that was the
end of it".
Ben Cullen's statement is the only known
evidence linking Dr. Morris Fishbein and the disaster that befell
Beam Ray and the Rife technology.
Some sources say that Fishbein knew
about Royal Rife all the time from Dr. Kendall, a thoroughly
establishment man there in Chicago. While Fishbein may have heard
vaguely about Rife's microscope from Dr. Kendall, it would appear
that it was the case of the cured 82-year-old, which caused him to
focus on Rife's technology.
Did Fishbein precipitate the attempt to
buy out Beam Ray and then, when that failed, Hoyland's lawsuit?
The most important question, however, is
who caused the San Diego Medical Society suddenly to come down hard
on the Rife doctors, whose work could hardly have been unknown to
them. Dr. Fishbein had already been warning in the JAMA against
electronic medicine in the 30's. Did the San Diego Medical Society
finally, in 1939, tet around to following Fishbein's advice-or were
they pushed?
With Dr. Milbank Johnson's clear delight
in the Rife technology and all he had done to encourage it, he must
have been horrified at what happened.
Given his changes of
residences and the indication that his financial situation may have
changed, it may be that he was no longer in a position to exert as
much influence as before, and to stave off the disaster. We will
probably never know the answers to these questions.
Dr. Johnson conducted no further clinics and in 1942 sent his
Frequency Instrument to Dr. Gruner in Montreal, hoping the latter
would make use of it to provide corroboration of Rife's great work.
However, Gruner at McGill, in an atmosphere of academic orthodoxy,
feared to use the device and gave it to a friend who dismantled it
for spare parts. It may well have been Johnson's hope to seize a
later opportunity to restore the momentum behind Rife's research,
and to announce the results of the 1934 and subsequent Clinics.
If he had survived until after Harry
Hoxsey so thoroughly embarrassed Morris Fishbein that the AMA
removed him in 1948, Johnson might have found a way to reverse
suppression of the Rife technology. But he did not survive until
In 1944, Dr. Milbank Johnson entered the
hospital for a routine tonsillectomy and did not come out. He was 73
by then and it may have been that his death was from natural causes,
precipitated by the stress of the operation. That ended the first
chapter in Rife's work, during which he achieved his greatest
breakthroughs, worked with some of the top medical figures of his
day, and nearly saw his technology accepted as standard for the
medical profession, Milbank Johnson's goal.
This was the period during which, Rife
told the San Diego "Evening Tribune" in an article printed May 6,
"the mortal oscillatory rates for
many organisms have been found and recorded. The Ray can be
tuned to a germ's recorded frequency and turned upon that
organism with the assurance that the organism will be killed".
Little is known of Royal Rife during the
World War II years.
There was a period from 1946 until 1950 when he
virtually disappeared, apparently part of it being an attempt to "dry out" from the alcoholism.
In 1949, Dr. James Couche made a trip to Montreal to visit Dr.
Upon his return, he gave an interview to the
"San Diego
Union" which appeared in its edition of July 31, 1949:
"Gruner told Dr. Couche that he was
satisfied that Dr. Rife's large microscope had revealed a virus.
He said further that the work he did with Rife at his Point Loma
laboratory and follow-up researches at McGill University, had
confirmed that tumor growths positively could be produced by the
virus discovered in San Diego."
"In San Diego yesterday…Dr. Rife
said…"I discovered that the viru-organism gets in the blood of
the victim at one stage of the growth."
"Dr. Couche said…that if cancer is a blood disease it is carried
to all parts of the body in the blood stream and surgery would
be of little use…It will surely be a great honor for that
patient San Diego investigator, Dr. Rife, if his virus turns out
to be the entity chiefly responsible for causing this dread
Rife's comment combined with Dr.
Couche's statement would be of significance to those who have
undergone surgery to remove tumors only to have cancer materialize
somewhere else.
In 1950 Rife advertised for a tool and die maker and John Crane
answered the ad. Crane had the needed skills, was a good machinist,
and had some knowledge of electronics, so Rife hired him. Fascinated
by Rife's story, Crane urged him to build more Frequency
Instruments. In addition to - 14 - helping him with these, Crane
urged him to write, and several of Rife's few writings are from this
In 1954, Crane contacted the National Cancer Institute (NCI)
concerning the Rife therapeutic instruments.
Barry Lynes writes:
"The Committee on Cancer Diagnosis
and Therapy of the National Research Council 'evaluated' the
Rife discovery. They concluded it couldn't work. No effort was
made to contact Rife, Gruner, Couche, or others who had
witnessed actual cures (Couche was still curing cancer patients
at that time).
No physical inspection of the
instruments was attempted. Electronic healing was thus
bureaucratically determined to be impossible. (In 1972,NCI
Director Dr. Carl G. Baker used the superficial 1954 evaluation
to dismiss Rife's work when asked for information by Congressman
Bob Wilson of San Diego."
In November 1956, Rife was the featured
speaker at the November meeting of the San Diego section of the
Instrument Society of America.
The flyer states that,
"on display for their first public
showing will be on of the new 'Frequency Instruments' and a
17,000 power optical microscope developed by Dr. Rife".
Rife's speech was on 'Optics in
Industry and Medicine', and he was identified as Director of
Research of Life Labs Inc., which was Crane's creation."
Crane engaged a John Marsh as a sort of
traveling salesman for the instruments he and Rife were building.
One day in 1957 while visiting his parents in Dayton, Ohio, Marsh
came down with a bad sore throat and sought out Dr. Robert Stafford,
the family doctor.
Having known John since infancy, Dr.
Stafford asked him what he was doing.
"I'm doing something that will put
you out of business", John replied.
"Well, then I want to hear all about
it", the genial Stafford replied. Marsh told him about the Rife
Frequency Instrument, adding "If you ever have a terminal cancer
patient, let me know and I'll bring you a machine".
A few years ago, a friend in Ohio told
me that there was a doctor in Dayton who had worked with a Rife
device for five years. With the encouragement of former Congressman
Berkley Bedell for whom I was doing some research at the time, I was
soon on my way to Dayton.
There's nothing like talking with
someone who's been there to drive home the reality of what we lost
with the disappearance of the Rife technology, I realized after
talking to Dr. Stafford. Over lunch at the Country Club where he had
invited my friend and me, Stafford told us the above story and about
his experiences with the Rife device.
Perhaps six months after his
conversation with John Marsh, one of his patients, Mrs. Byess, age
82, was nearing death from cancer, so he called Marsh.
In 1957, Rife
and Crane had finished a new generation device but there were few
takers and they were anxious to find reputable doctors who would
work with them, Marsh told Stafford "I'll drive across the country
and bring you a machine." He arrived at night, Dr. Stafford
recalled, too late to go to the hospital.
They talked and Marsh told him about the
background and accomplishments of the wonderful Rife Ray Tube
Frequency Instrument.
"From what you tell me, John", said
Dr. Stafford, "this machine of yours will do virtually anything.
Well, here's a test case for you. Here's our old dog Skip. We
have to lift him up onto the couch and lift him into the car.
But we can't put him to sleep; he's one of the family. Do you
think your machine will do anything for Skip?"
They gave Skip three treatments in all,
one every three days, Dr. Stafford reminisced, and after that Skip
could jump onto the couch and jump into the car, and lived another
five years.
"If anybody had told me that story",
Stafford laughed, "I'd never have believed it. I'd have said
'hogwash!' But I saw it happen to my dog."
Later, he said, his nurse's dog had a
cancerous tumor and it too disappeared after Ray Tube treatments.
The day after Skip's first treatment, Stafford and Marsh took the
Ray Tube to the hospital to treat Mrs. Byess.
Delivery of the frequencies from the
early 1930's had always been done through a large bulb, or tube,
filled with helium or argon gas. Following instructions sent by
Crane, they rigged up an apparatus to pass the bulb slowly up and
down the length of Mrs. Byess' body, suspended about two feet above.
Treatment was every other day for 3-5 minutes. At that point, her
life expectancy would have been about 2-3 weeks; she was bleeding
extensively and was clearly nearing the end.
Over the course of the next two weeks, to Dr. Stafford's amazement,
Mrs. Byess began to recover.
The bleeding stopped, she began to feel
better, enough to complain about the food, got out of bed, walked
around, and began to make plans to go home. Despite her remarkable
recovery, that didn't happen. Hearing that a friend was on the next
floor, she climbed a flight of stairs, missed a step, fell and broke
her hip, and was dead in a week.
Dr. Stafford secured her husband's
permission for an autopsy, which was done by Dr. Zipp, the Dayton
The results: no cancer.
The lady in the next bed was also dying of cancer; seeing Mrs. Byess'
recovery, she asked if she too might be treated. Dr. Stafford
pointed out that she was not his patient but if it was okay with her
doctor, it was okay with him.
Dr. Robert Stafford was one of the most respected doctors in Dayton.
At that time (1958) Chief of Staff of Good Samaritan Hospital and
former head of the count medical society, Stafford was solidly
mainstream and anything but far-out. The other doctor quickly gave
his permission and treatment began on the second patient.
To everyone's amazement, she too quickly
recovered in about two weeks and actually went home, but died about
a month later. Dr. Stafford again secured permission for an autopsy,
also performed by Dr. Zipp. He again reported no sign of cancer and
that the woman had died of complications caused by radiation
These results made him a believer, Dr. Stafford told us. John Marsh was happy to leave the
machine with him and drove back to California. Stafford was several
more dramatic results.
One involved his 4-year-old son, who,
"threw one of those fevers that kids
will do, right in the middle of the night before Mrs. Stafford
and I were to leave for a convention. I was preparing to cancel
our trip but my sister, who had come to take care of the boy,
said 'why don't you try the blue light?'
That was how we referred to the
device, since the Ray Tube glowed blue. She sat beside the
glowing bulb with the boy in her lap for an hour. After a half
hour, he quieted down and in an hour the fever was gone and he
was fine."
Another time, Dr. Stafford told us, he
had been out shoveling ice and snow on a cold drizzly day.
"I should have known better", he
said, since that whole week I'd been tending patients with the
flu. Suddenly I began to start feeling sick and getting sicker
by the minute. I can't go to the office, I thought, but I must;
I'm on duty and my partners have the day off.
Well, I considered why not try the
blue light, which we usually kept at the house at that time. So
I sat in front of it, began to feel better, and after about 45
minutes I was no longer coming down with the flu and went to the
office as planned."
Engaging Dr. Zipp's cooperation, the two
carried out a series of tests with mice, implanting tumors, treating
the mice with the Ray Tube, and seeing tumors disappear.
Dr. Stafford told us another story that is remarkable and puzzling.
"You know how Dayton winters are
cold and clammy. I was always cold in winter and regularly wore
long underwear to keep warm. But after I'd used the blue light
for a few months, I was never cold again!"
We all agreed that if that device were
still available it would sell well up north, even as we wondered
what could be the mechanism which would produce such a fortuitous
He had use of the machine for five years, Dr. Stafford told
us. During that time, the California health authorities cracked down
on John Crane and John Marsh for practicing medicine without a
license, and both spent three years in jail.
Upon his release, Marsh called Stafford
and asked for his machine back.
"It's yours", Dr. Stafford told him,
"so John came and got it and that was the end of my experience
with the Rife Frequency Instrument".
During the time it was with him, a few
of his colleagues gently questioned his use of it but nobody ever
made any trouble.
Crane's and Marsh's problems started when
authorities sent an undercover agent to buy a machine one day in
1960 after Crane unknowingly had been taped making medical claims
for the instrument. As Crane took a check in payment, he was
arrested, the check was snatched back from him, and his machines
were seized.
Crane and Marsh brought witnesses to the trial who attested to
having been cured by the machines. One case was especially
interesting, indicating that the 1950's instruments had the same
ability to dissolve cataracts as their 1930's predecessors.
As Harry Lynes reports it:
"During the trial, James Hannibal,
age 76, testified. Blind in one eye, he'd been treated by the
Frequency Instrument. After several applications, his cataract
disappeared, just as cataracts had disappeared in many of Dr.
Milbank Johnson's patients during his 1935-37 clinics."
Royal Rife prepared a deposition in
behalf of John Crane, which was not accepted at the trial.
Other witnesses at Crane's trial, Barry
Lynes reports,
"testified to the curing of chronic
bladder irritation and the elimination of a throat lump one-half
the size of an egg.
Also cured were fungus growths on
hands, fissures in the anus, pyorrhea, arthritis, ulcerated
colon, varicose veins, prostate troubles, tumorous growths over
eyes, colitis, pains in the back, and heart attacks.
One man testified that for 17 years
he had a growth the size of an egg on his spine. After
treatment, it had disappeared."
It was all to no avail.
Crane and Marsh
were convicted and sent to jail. Concerned about being subpoenaed
again, Royal Rife spent the time of the trial and a few months more
in Tijuana, Mexico, returning in poor health. Around the time of
these troubles, someone broke into Rife's lab, set a fire, and
destroyed much of his equipment. The concrete building did not burn
but gone were the irreplaceable movies Rife had made of various
viruses and of their destruction by the Ray.
Until his imprisonment, John crane was a bold and enterprising man,
but upon his release from prison, he was no longer the same.
The lab
was destroyed, Rife was failing, and Crane was understandably
bitter. The second, but lesser, Rife chapter was over. As a footnote
to the story, Dr. Arthur Kendall, who'd played such an important
part in the 1930's, retired in 1942; he too was cut out to be a
researcher, not a fighter.
After buying a ranch in Mexico, he lost
it and was living with his son-in-law in La Jolla in 1958, according
to Ben Cullen.
Barry Lynes reports that he died in1959
– close to the Scripps Ranch where he had observed the 1934 Clinic,
and close to Royal Rife. One wonders if they got together to talk
about better times, but there is no record that they ever met again.
Rife's wife Mamie was still alive in 1955 but died before he did. In
1971, Rife quietly passed away, an ill old man, at the age of 82.
John Crane deserves credit for having salvaged many to Rife's files
from total oblivion, and for getting Rife to put on paper a record
of his achievements. Chris Bird did his usual superb job when he
reopened the story.
But Barry Lynes deserves even more credit for
having tracked down the fading pieces of an almost forgotten story
before nearly everyone connected with it had passed away. I have
relied heavily on his "The Cancer Cure That Worked" and his helpful
advice in the preparation of this chapter.
Where did the Rife microscope and Frequency Instruments go? Probably
some are in the hands of the FDA. A few original ones are in private
hands, but are not in commercial use, i.e., in treatment for pay. As
for the microscopes, shortly after the 1944 Franklin Institute
article by Seidel and Winter appeared, a lab technician stole a
vital part from the Universal microscope, rending it inoperable.
still exists and has been partially restored.
One microscope, apparently the one
bought by Dr. Gonin in England, was in the Wellcome Museum in
London, but it is said that parts have been removed from that as
well. In other words, there is no place where serious researchers
can go and view living organisms which, as noted, cannot be seen
under an electron microscope, and test the effects on them of a Rife
Frequency Instrument. This capability has not existed since the
destruction of the Rife lab.
Could we recreate the Rife technology if there were a focused effort
to do so?
Steve Ross, Director of the World
Research Foundation and very knowledgeable about Rife, states that
to his certain knowledge the Eronom microscope in Germany, invented
by Kurt Olbrich, can see viruses in their live state. As for the
frequency devices, BK frequency generators are readily available and
it is likely that the beam tube through which Rife broadcast his Ray
could be reproduced.
So it is possible that with an Ergonom
microscope, a frequency generator, and a beam tube, the
bacteriological research opened by Rife with Kendall, Rosenow, and
Gruner could be restarted and move forward again.
Since Rife's time numerous researchers, such as those mentioned
earlier whose work was published by the New York Academy of Sciences
and more recently Dr. Alan Cantwell, have found microorganisms which
they have observed to be capable of causing cancer. Thus obtaining a
BX microbe or its equivalent should not be difficult. There remains
the matter of the frequencies.
Lists of them are around, but are they
really the ones Rife found?
Conceivably, with contemporary
computerization and automatic focusing capabilities, it might be
possible to test various frequencies without the nccd to spend 24 or
48 hours at the microscope, as Rife did. It would be a lot of work,
but the conceivable results would justify the investment.
addition to its potential for impacting the cancer epidemic, the
Rife Beam Ray would probably put and end to the growing epidemic of
tuberculosis. It would have been a lot simpler if our society had
taken advantage of the discoveries of the genius Royal Raymond Rife
and his discoveries when we had him around.
At the moment, the Rife technology is as lost as Atlantis, but could
it be found again?
Barry Lynes' book contains a letter written in 1953 by a naval
officer who had commanded a unit of doctors and bacteriologists, who
had known Rife for many years.
It is, as Lynes suggests, "a fitting
epitaph to the Rife tragedy".
"I have been privileged in having
known you and having heard from your own lips the story of your
work. You gave me a glimpse of science of the year 2000. But
often I'm a little sad when I realize that men must struggle so
hard to get what you tried to give them, and I am even more sad
when I see so many problems for which you alone have the
answers. When I see pictures taken with the electron microscope,
I have to laugh, because I remember better pictures showing more
detail which were hung in the hallway of your laboratory.
When I read 'research' reports on
genetics, evolution, or any of the fields of microbiology I have
to laugh, because years ago the scientists were offered the
answer and they refused the gift! The combination of your mind,
your will, and your energy is so rare as to skip entire
generations. The world has great need for your work.
"Perhaps the world will
someday rediscover one of the greatest gifts on which it has
ever turned its back. Someday we may develop equipment similar
to the Rife Ray machine. By then the AMA will be forced to
accept its use for the elimination of disease organisms. Man
will live a healthier, happier and longer life."
"If we reach that millennium in my life, I will have one unhappy
memory-that the man most deserving to have his name linked for
all time with human happiness will have been all but forgotten
because his life's work was lost in a struggle with the AMA and
the 'accepted' scientists of his day rather than made available
through a new approach.
And when it is rediscovered, the Rife
Ray will be given a new name."
Something lost. Something wonderful...