For Video CLICK above image...

Read "Second Thoughts about Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis"




All viruses, doesn't exist...!


Because no one has ever

 isolated a virus...





 -  AIDS - Man-Made - Main File



 - "All Claims about Viruses as Pathogens are False"


 -  Anthrax - More Deadly Than Reported


 -  Antibiotic Resistance Threats in The United States - 2013


 -  Armas Biológicas Étnicas - Una Amenaza Real


 -  Artificial Spike Proteins and the End of Human Health


 -  Así es Como Inventan un Virus - Un Engaño Asombroso


 -  Bacteria in the Body are Your Friends, Not Enemies - Don't Fight Them, Manage Them


 -  Big Agriculture Creating New Generation of Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs


 - "Bill Gates is Largest Funder of trying to find 'Viruses in Caves' and bring them to Big Cities" - Rand Paul


 -  Bioterrorism - Main File



 -  Body of Evidence Suggests New U.S. Biological Warfront Opening


 -  CDC Finally Admits the Age of Antibiotics is Finished as Super-Bacteria Take Over


 -  Cities and Counties Nationwide Begin Mass Aerial Sprayings of Toxic 'Anti-West Nile Virus' Pesticides


 -  Como Dominarán el Mundo con un Virus



 -  Cosa è successo alla "Influenza di Stagione?" - L'Influenza è stata Riclassificata come Coronavirus...


 -  Crear Laboratorios Biológicos con Fines Militares - Plan de Estados Unidos en la Amazonía


 -  Credo Mutwa in Plea to Save Africa from Illuminati Genocide


 -  Deadly Flu Spreads Across Ukraine


 -  Dear Dallas: No One Ever Proved West Nile Disease Exists!


 -  Descubren Miles de Nuevos Virus en el Océano


 -  Did The Alternative Media Force U.S. Government to Block Deadly Bird Flu Study?

 -  Drug-Defying Germs From India Speed Post-Antibiotic Era


 -  El Coronavirus y el 'Factor Miedo'... - Main File


 -  El "Mito del Contagio" por el Dr. Tom Cowan y Sally Fallon Morell - Reseña del Libro


 -  El Tratamiento Contra las Superbacterias que la URSS Preservó y Occidente ha Preferido "Olvidar"


 - "En Boconó se Enfrenta la Guerra Bacteriológica" - Entrevista a Sirio Quintero


 -  Endogenous Viruses


 -  Engineered Viruses Created in Government Labs Validate Mass Vaccinations


 - ¿Erradicada la Gripe Común en el 'Año del Coronavirus'?


 - ¿Es la Virología una Pseudociencia?


 -  Estados Unidos usa América Latina para Desarrollar Armas Bacteriológicas


 -  Fear Mongering on Bird Flu - Deaths Overstated More Than 238,866 Times The Reality


 -  Forensic Evidence Emerges That European E.Coli Superbug Was Bioengineered to Produce Human...


 -  Genetically Engineered Viruses are Next Generation of Warfare


 -  Has Baxter International Released a Biological Weapon?


 -  Hepatitis C - Disease Hoax, Disease Game


 -  Il Sistema di Antroposofia di Rudolf Steiner ha un Unico Criterio sull Nesso tra G5 e i Virus


 -  Incremento de Prevalencia de ETS en medio de Preocupaciones sobre Creciente Resistencia a Antibióticos


 -  Influenza - Virus H1N1 - Unintentional Contamination or Bioterrorism? - Main File


 -  Inventing Viruses - A Staggering Hoax



 -  Is a Virus a Living Creature?


 -  Is Virology a Pseudoscience?


 -  Killer Vaccines - Main File


 -  Laboratorios Biológicos de Estados Unidos - ¿Una Nueva Era de Control Mundial?


 -  La Peste Negra modificó nuestros Genes y nuestro Sistema Inmune


 -  La Peste Nera ha modificato i nostri Geni e il nostro Sistema Immune


 -  La Planta que Detiene las Bacterias Resistentes a los Antibióticos


 -  Las Armas Invisibles contra Superbacterias que la URSS desarrolló Gracias a Descubrimiento Centenario


 - "Lockstep" - Written 10 years ago Chronicles how to Bring the World Down with a Pandemic


 -  Los Virólogos que Afirman que hay "Virus Patógenos" son Estafadores Científicos


 -  Los Virus se Comportan de manera 'Altruista' para Evitar el Sistema Inmunitario


 -  Los Virus son Sensibles al pH


 -  Malone sobre la Investigación de Armas Biológicas en Estados Unidos - ¿Somos los Buenos o los Malos?


 -  Maryland Killer Superbugs - Treating Antibiotic Resistant Infections


 -  Más Sobre Guerra Genética - Laboratorios Secretos el Pentágono en Georgia


 -  MICOPLASMA - EL Vínculo Patógeno en las Enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso


 -  MYCOPLASMA - The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases


 -  Mysterious Disappearance of Flu in San Diego prompted call for 'Audit of COVID Records'


 -  Nano Medicine - Treatments for Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria


 -  Natural Options to Try Before Taking Antibiotics


 -  New MRSA Superbug Strain Found in UK Milk Supply


 -  Our Antibiotics Have Stopped Working - Drug Companies don't Care Enough to Fix It


 -  Pánico Por la Gripe Aviar - Elegido Políticamente en el Momento Perfecto para Cometer "Iatrogenocidio"...


 -  Phage Therapy Gets Revitalized


 -  Propuesta de Modelo para la Cura del Cáncer y el SIDA


 -  Quarantine in the Ancient World


 -  RNA Viruses are Being Exposed as 'Man-Made' and Vaccines are the Carriers Spreading Disease without...


 -  Rudolf Steiner's System of Anthroposophy has a Unique Take on the Connection between 5G and Viruses


 -  Rusia reveló cómo los Experimentos Biológico-Militares de EE.UU. prepararon el Covid-19

 -  Scenarios for The Future of Technology and International Development


 -  Scientists Brace for Media Storm Around Controversial Flu Studies

 -  Second Thoughts about Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis - by Robert O. Young


 -  SIDA - Hecho Por El Hombre - Main File


 -  Social Evolution of Innate Immunity Evasion in a Virus

 -  Special Virus Cancer Program - Travails of a Biological Moonshot


 -  STD Prevalence Skyrockets amid Concerns over Growing Antibiotic-Resistance


 -  Superbacteria E. Coli - Producida con Bioingeniería Para Causar Estragos en La Población


 -  Superbacterias Asesinas en Maryland - Infecciones Resistentes a Los Tratamientos con Antibióticos


 -  The Avian Flu Fright - Politically Timed for Global "Iatrogenocide"


 -  The Bush Administration's Secret Biowarfare Agenda


 -  The CIA and The West Nile Virus


 -  The "Contagion Myth" by Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell - Book Review


 -  The Contagion Myth - Why Viruses (including "Coronavirus") are NOT the Cause of Disease


 -  The Coronavirus and the 'Fear Factor'... - Main File



 -  The End of All Disease - Can Disease Be Cured Electronically?


 -  The Investigations of Leonard G. Horowitz - Main File


 -  The Medical Genius of Royal Raymond Rife


 -  The Plant that Stops Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria


 -  Three Things you Should Know about the "Stupid Virus"


 -  U.S. Government Urges Scientists to Censor Findings on New Strain of Bird Flu


 -  Vaccine Inventor and Genetic Engineer Jokes About Depopulation and Biological Warfare


 -  Vacunas Que Matan - Main File



 -  Viruses are pH Sensitive


 -  Virus Genéticamente Diseñados son Armas de Guerra de Próxima Generación


 -  What happened to "Flu Season?" - In the age of COVID, "The Flu" has been Reclassified as Coronavirus...


 -  Why Viruses happen Annually and how Viruses Dissolve


Additional Information


 -  Accelerated Biodegradation of Veterinary Antibiotics in Agricultural Soil  - Following Long-Term Exposure...

 -  A Framework for Human Microbiome Research


 -  A History of Rife's Instruments and Frequencies - Updated June 04, 2008


 -  Amazing AntiViral, AntiBacterial Properties of Olive Leaf Extract - 'Superbugs' Becoming a Real Problem


 -  Ancient Retroviruses Emerged Half a Billion Years Ago


 -  Bacteria Survive in NASA's Clean Rooms by Eating Cleaning Products


 -  Biologists Discover Electric Bacteria that Eat Pure Electrons rather than Sugar - Redefining the Tenacity...


 -  Biologists Find 'Surprising' Number of Unknown Viruses in Sewage


 -  Biomagnetismo Médico


 -  Biomagnetismo Medico - In Italiano


 -  Bioterrorism - WHO and What is The Threat?


 -  Bird Flu Research Rattles Bioterrorism Field


 -  Brain Displays an Intrinsic Mechanism for Fighting Infection


 -  Cancer Is an Infection Caused by Tuberculosis-Type Bacteria


 -  Cancer Still a Mystery to Medical Science


 -  CDC and CIA - A Close and Sick Relationship


 -  Chemtrails Explained - Putting the Pieces Together


 -  Chemtrails Explicados - Poniendo Las Piezas Juntas


 -  Chlorovirus ATCV-1 is part of the Human Oropharyngeal Virome and is associated with Changes in...


 -  Come due Malattie Mortali hanno fatto Capitolare l'Età del Bronzo

 -  Communication Between Viruses Guides Lysis-Lysogeny Decisions


 -  Cómo dos Enfermedades Mortales colapsaron la Edad del Bronce

 -  Conserved and Host-specific Features of Influenza Virion Architecture


 -  'Contagion' or How Disaster Movies "Educate" The Masses


 -  ‏Could A Superbug Be The New H1N1?


 -  Cynthia - Peligrosa Bacteria Sintética Carnívora Descontrolada


 -  Dengue Fever Outbreak Leads Back to CIA & Army Experiments


 -  Depopulation of A Planet - Thinning Out The Useless Eaters - An Unspoken NWO Agenda


 -  Descubrimientos del Dr. Hamer - Nueva Medicina Germánica - Main File

 -  Design and Synthesis of a Minimal Bacterial Genome


 -  DNA has gone Digital - What could possibly Go Wrong?


 -  Doctors Are More Harmful Than Germs - Book Review by Dr. Harvey Bigelsen M.D


 -  Dr. "Doom" Pianka Speaks - First Transcript from the Speech that Started It All


 -  Drug-Resistant Superbug Found in U.S. and Canada

 -  Ecological Speciation of Bacteriophage Lambda in Allopatry and Sympatry


 -  EE.UU. sienta las Bases para un Estado Policial Médico


 -  El ADN se ha Vuelto Digital - ¿Qué Podría posiblemente Salir Mal?


 -  El ADN Transmite Electromagnéticamente Información al Agua - Luc Montagnier


 -  El Biomagnetismo y La Salud


 -  El Cerebro Despliega un Mecanismo Intrínseco para Luchar Infecciones


 -  El Mito de las Vacunas - Sus Peligros y Consecuencias


 -  El 'Nuevo Cuento' de la OMS - Gripe Aviar en Humanos...


 -  El Viroma Humano Normal - Estudio encuentra Virus del VIH, la Hepatitis y otros que están Presentes en Todos


 -  El Virus del Papiloma Humano es Herencia del Cruce con Neandertales y Denisovanos - Según un Estudio


 - ¿Estamos al Borde de Una Gran Epidemia?


 -  Estas son las 10 Principales Causas de Muerte en el Mundo


 -  Fatal Fungi - Some are Tasty others are a Nuisance


 -  Giant Viruses Rewrite History of Life on Earth



 -  H1N1 Swine Flu "National Emergency" Warning!



 -  Hallan una Gran Cantidad de Virus Gigantes en el lugar Más Profundo del Planeta


 -  Hemos Llegado a "El Fin de Los Antibióticos... Punto" - Dice el Director Asociado en los Centros para...

 -  Hidden Killers - Human Fungal Infections


 -  How Microbes Defend and Define Us



 -  How to use Your Immune System to Stay Healthy



 - "I Am Legend" and The Depopulation Agenda


 -  Is HIV a Virus-Like Form of Acid-Fast Tuberculosis-Yype Bacteria?


 -  Iodine a Natural Medicine - Nascent Iodine vs. Iodoral, Lugols, Detoxified Iodine, and Heritage


 -  Jim Humble - La Historia Detrás del Milagroso Suplemento Mineral


 -  Jim Humble - The Story Behind Miracle Mineral Supplement


 -  La Despoblación de Un Planeta - Reduciendo la Cantidad de Comelones Inútiles - Una Agenda No...


 -  La Nueva Amenaza de "Pandemia" de la que todos Hablan - ¿Debería Preocuparse?


 -  Las Bacterias Sobreviven en Salas Blancas de la NASA consumiendo Productos de Limpieza


 -  La Venida de Apolo - Dios de la Luz y dios de la Peste


 -  Mammals Made by Viruses

 -  Marine Origin of Retroviruses in the Early Paleozoic Era


 -  Medizinischer Biomagnetismus


 -  ‏Meeting Doctor Doom


 -  Meet the Electric Life Forms that Live on Pure Energy


 -  Meet the Trillions of Viruses that Make-Up your Virome


 -  Microbes Manipulate Your Mind



 -  Milagroso Suplemento Mineral - Main File



 -  Miracle Mineral Supplement - Main File



 -  More Research Shows That Bacteria are Beneficial, Not Harmful


 -  Nanotech Viruses In Food



 -  Next Generation Bioweapons - Genetic Engineering and Biological Warfare


 -  Normal Human Virome - 2017 Study finds HIV, Hepatitis and many other Viruses present in People

 -  Palaeoproteomic Evidence Identifies Archaic Hominins Associated with the Châtelperronian at the Grotte...


 -  Porqué Todo lo que has Aprendido sobre los Virus es ERRADO


 -  Profound Implications of the Virome for Human Health and Autoimmunity

 -  Raw Sewage Harbors Diverse Viral Populations


 -  Scientists Discover Virus That Kills All Grades of Breast Cancer 'Within Seven Days'


 -  Scientists Engineer Bioterror Fears


 -  Scientists found Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in Space


 -  Scientists Weaponize Deadly Bird Flu, Consider Releasing Results Necessary to Create Bioweapon


 -  Scientists Witness Birth of New Species in the Lab


 -  Seeing the Beautiful Intelligence of Microbes


 -  Some Reasons Human Beings May Not Be Mammals


 -  Sorprenden a Virus Comunicándose Entre Sí


 -  The CIA's Role in the Anthrax Mailings - Could Our Spies be Agents for Military-Industrial Sabotage...

 -  The Darker Bioweapons Future


 -  The End of All Disease - Can Disease Be Cured Electronically?


 -  The Killing of Science - Spread Elimination of Scientists Worldwide - Main File


 -  The Knowledge - Biotechnology's Advances


 -  The Secret, Social Lives of Bacteria - Exclusive Interview With Bonnie Bassler


 -  The Specter of Biological Weapons


 -  Todo Acerca de la Plata Coloidal - El Antibiótico Natural que La Industria Farmacéutica Siempre ha Ocultado


 -  Top Scientist Advocates Mass Culling 90% Of Human Population

 -  Transmission Between Archaic and Modern Human Ancestors During Evolution of Oncogenic Human...


 -  Treatment of Influenza and Other Diseases - Iodine Dosages


 -  Un Análisis Científico del Par Biomagnético


 -  Unholy Grail - The Quest for Genetic Weapons


 -  Vibrational Medicine - Scientists Kill Viruses by Blasting Them With Resonant Frequencies


 -  We've Reached "The End of Antibiotics... Period" - Says associate director at Centers for Disease Control


 -  Why Everything you Learned about Viruses is WRONG


 -  Why We May Need Viruses More than Vaccines



 -  Yodo, una Medicina Natural


 -  Your Immune System Has a Memory


Plagues - Pandemics / Plagas - Pandemias


 -  All-cause Mortality during Covid-19 - No Plague, but 'Likely Mass Homicide' by Government Response

 -  An Integrated Sensor System for The Detection of Bio-Threats - From Pandemics to Emerging Diseases...


 -  Anthony Fauci and the 'Spanish Flu Epidemic' in 2008


 -  Bill Gates planea un "Nuevo Contagio Catastrófico"


 -  Bill Gates plans for New "Catastrophic Contagion"


 -  China insta a EE.UU. a revelar Detalles sobre Laboratorios Biológicos en Ucrania - Los virus que Almacenan y...


 -  Come le Pandemie Cambiano la Storia


 -  Cómo Crear una Falsa Pandemia


 -  Cómo las Pandemias Cambian la Historia


 -  Cómo las Pandemias del 'Pasado y Presente' alimentan el Auge de las Mega Corporaciones


 -  Contagio - Despoblación por Plaga


 -  Contagion - Depopulation by Plague


 -  ‏Controversial U.S. Scientist Creates Deadly New Flu Strain for Pandemic Research


 -  Coronavirus hit East Asia 20,000 years Ago


 -  Covid-19 was the 34th Terrorist Attack involving Biological Agents from 1970 to 2020


 -  ‏Ebola - Global Pandemic or Global Hoax? - Main File


 -  Ébola - ¿Pandemia Global o Engaño Global- Main File


 -  El Foro de Davos 2024 incluye "Preparación para la Enfermedad X" con presencia de Tedros Ghebreyesus


 -  El Plan para Diez Años de Enfermedades Infecciosas


 -  Fake Pandemic Re-Run - Similarities between '1976 Swine Flu' and '2020 COVID'


 -  Grandmothers in their 90s and 100s are 'Beating Back the Virus' - They Share an Important Advice

 -  How Bill Gates and Partners used their Clout to Control the Global Covid Response - With little Oversight


 -  How does 'COVID-19' compare to the 'Spanish Flu'?


 -  How Pandemics Change History


 -  How Pandemics 'Past and Present' fuel the Rise of Mega-Corporations


 -  How to Create a False Pandemic


 -  La Gente No Muere por Covid


 -  La Peste Antonina


 -  La Peste di Atene


 -  La Plaga Antonina


 -  Las Plagas de Justiniano - de "Los Dioses del Eden"


 -  Officials Warn of Weaponized H5N1 Bird Flu Pandemic Amid Debate


 - 'Pandemic and Erosion of Freedoms' have been Decades in the Making - A Timeline


 -  Philanthropath Bill Gates has just 'Planned his Next Pandemic' - "Catastrophic Contagion"

 -  Predominant Role of Bacterial Pneumonia as a Cause of Death in Pandemic Influenza -  Implications for...


 -  Questa Pandemia Non é Solo una "Crisi" - È un Regalo…!


 -  Scientists on Pandemics - 'Nature is Sending Us a Message'


 -  Se aproxima una Campaña de Miedo para la 'Tripledemia' - Advertencia


 -  Technocrats Prepare to Meet a 'Never-Ending Parade of Biological Threats'


 -  Ten Plagues that are Now Hitting our Planet Simultaneously


 -  The Antonine Plague


 -  The Coming Pandemic - Expect All Protective Systems to Fail


 -  The Pandemic Virus is Not Only Lab-Created... it Is PATENTED! - VERITY And ORACLE - The PROMIS...


 -  The Plague as Myth of the Modern World

 -  The Plague - by Albert Camus


 -  The Plague of Athens


 -  The Plagues of Justinian - from "The Gods Of Eden"


 -  This Pandemic is Not Just a 'Crisis' - It's a Gift...!

 -  Virus Mania - How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics


 -  When The World Plague Was Stopped by A Digital Artist


 Face Masks - Mascarillas:


 -  Face Masks pose Serious Risks to the Healthy


 -  Las Máscaras Faciales No pueden Detener el COVID-19 - Ingeniería Social Ilegal e Insalubre


 -  Las Mascarillas representan Serios Riesgos para las Personas Sanas


 -  Le Mascherine comportano seri Rischi per le Persone Sane


 -  Liga contra el 'Uso Obligatorio' de Mascarillas por la Gripe Española - En 1919 se creó en San Francisco


 Monkeypox - Viruela del Mono:


 -  After Covid, Monkeypox - The Same Circus again...?


 -  De la Varicela al Mpox - La OMS y mejor No Llamar a las Cosas por su Nombre...


 -  La OMS admite que la Viruela del Mono es un 'Efecto Secundario' de la 'Vacuna' Covid


 -  La Simulazione Profetica del Monkeypox


 -  Monkeypox - "Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me"


 -  Monkeypox Infection - To Fear or Not to Fear?


 -  Monkeypox - Technocracy's next wave of 'Crimes Against Humanity'


 -  Monkeypox Update - There has been a Significant Development


 -  Monkeypox Virus - Facts vs. Fear


 -  Revisiting the last time "Tedros the Terrorist" declared Mpox an International Health Emergency


 -  The Prophetic Monkeypox Simulation


 -  The WHO admits Monkeypox is 'Side Effect' of Covid 'Vaccine'


 -  WHO declares Monkeypox a "Global Threat"... Or something...


 -  World Health Organization Fails Miserably at Pandemic Response



 -  The Truth about Monkeypox


 -  Viruela del Mono - Efecto de Vacuna COVID-19 y 5G




 -  Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes "Isolation" of SARS-Cov-2 - He does 'Step-by-step' Analysis of a Typical Claim of...


 -  Ebola, Swine Flu, Zika, SARS - The Anatomy of a False Flag Disease


 -  Evidencia Contundente de que el 'SARS-CoV-2' fue Creado por el Hombre


 -  SARS - A Great Global SCAM


 -  SARS and Chemtrails - Disease Outbreaks Used as Tests for a Future Engineered Epidemic, the...


 -  SARS-CoV-2 is a 'Targeted Eugenics Bioweapon'

 -  SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2


 -  Statement on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Isolation - SOVI


 -  The Corrupt Billionaire Agenda - "SARS-CoV-2 Virus is Nothing but a Seasonal Flu" - C.M. Viganò and S. Bannon


 -  The Five Best Anti-Viral Products to Beat Influenza, Swine Flu, Bird Flu and SARS


 -  Yes, SARS-CoV-2 is a Real Virus - Mercola





 -  COVID-19 al Descubierto


Viruses' Cosmic Origin



 -  Cometa Elenin - ¿Portento de Qué?


 -  Comets and Contagion - Evolution and Diseases From Space


 -  Cosmic Connection - Comet's Wars, Pestilences and Disasters

 -  Galactic Encounters, Apollo Objects and Atlantis - A Catastrophical Scenario for Discontinuities in Human...


 -  La Muerte Negra - de "Los Dioses del Eden"


 -  Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets - Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls


 -  Meteor New Light on The Black Death - The Viral and Cosmic Connection


 -  The Black Death - from "The Gods Of Eden"


 -  The Golden Age, Psychopathy and The Sixth Extinction


 -  Viruses, ET and the 'Octopus from Space' - The Return of Panspermia


 -  Witches, Comets and Planetary Cataclysms





 -  Chomsky Desveló sin Saberlo, la Verdad sobre la Actual Crisis del ZIKA... en 1993


 -  El Engaño del ZIKA Desenmarañado - Toda la Campaña Atemorizadora fue Fabricada


 -  El Engaño del Zika - Las 5 Cosas que Pasarán a Continuación


 -  How does Zika Virus Shrink a Baby's Brain and other FAQs


 - "It's Not the Zika Virus" - Doctors Expose Monsanto Linked Pesticide as Cause of Birth Defects

 -  Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Prenatal Residential Proximity to Agricultural Pesticides


 -  Pope Doubles Down - Pushes Zika Virus and Birth Control Psyop as Necessary "Lesser Evil


 -  The Scam of The Zika Virus


 -  Virus Zika - ¿Otra Estafa Gigantesca?


 -  Who Owns the Zika Virus? - The Rockefeller Foundation


 -  Zika Doomsday Hoax Unravels - Entire Scare Campaign was Manufactured


 -  Zika Fraud Leads to Toxic Mosquito Spraying and Autism - Bombshell


 -  Zika - Just Another Fear Campaign - Different Virus and Back to the Mosquito


 -  Zika Outbreak Epicenter in Same Area where GM Mosquitoes were Released in 2015


 -  Zika - The CDC is the Medical CIA


 -  Zika - ¿Una Herramienta para Reducir la Población?




 -  Zika Psyop to Justify Releasing Millions of Bill Gates' GM Mosquitoes in Florida


Book- Treatises


 -  Adiós a la Virología - por Dr. Mark Bailey

 -  A Farewell to Virology - by Dr. Mark Bailey

  Ebola and Marburg Viruses - by Tara C. Smith and Hilary Babcock


 -  El Milagroso Suplemento Mineral del Siglo 21 - por Jim V. Humble


 -  El Mito del Contagio - por T.Cowan, S.Morell


 -  Emerging Viruses - AIDS and Ebola - Nature Accident or Intentional? - by Leonard G. Horowitz

 -  How to Stop your Doctor Killing You - by Vernon Coleman

 -  Microorganisms and Bioterrorism - by Burt Anderson, Herman Friedman and Mauro Bendinelli

 -  Snake Oil - How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World - by Michael P. Senger

 -  The Contagion Myth - Why Viruses (including Coronavirus) are Not the Cause of Disease - by T.Cowan, S.Morell

 -  The Miracle Mineral Supplement of The 21st Century - by Jim V. Humble

 -  Virus Mania - How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics - by T. Engelbrecht and C. Kohnlein

 -  What Really Makes You Ill? - Why Everything you thought... - by Dawn Lester and David Parker




 -  Anthrax War


 -  Contagio - Un Mito a Comprender


 -  Desmontando la Teoría del Contagio


 - "El Antídoto Universal - Agua Amarilla" - Documental

 -  Emergency - Avian Flu


 -  Emerging Viruses - Dr. Len Horowitz


 -  How Bacteria Talk - Bonnie Bassler


 -  Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria


 -  In Lies We Trust - The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism

 -  Judy Mikovits - 'Plandemic' and Vaccines


 -  Judy Mikovits - 'Plandêmicos' e Vacinas


 -  Judy Mikovits - 'Plandemic' y las Vacunas


 -  La Lucha Contra Bacterias y Virus - Una Lucha Autodestructiva


 -  La Utilización de Los Virus



 -  Los Virus - Nano Formas



 - "No podemos Esterilizar el Universo" - Los Virus nuestro Vecinos y "Compañeros"...

 -  The Next Outbreak? - We're Not Ready - Bill Gates at TED - Pandemic 'Predicted' in 2015, today's Covid-19?

 - "The Universal Antidote - Yellow Water" - Documental

 - "Viruses Don't Exist" Dr. Robert Young explained - Nanotech inside People is a Weapon

 -  Virus - The Biggest Fraud Against Humanity - Dr. Robert O. Young

 - "We Can't Sanitize The Universe" - Viruses, our Neighbors and "Companions"...


Related Reports



 -  A Healthier Medical and Environmental Industry - Main File


 -  Antibiotics - Main File


 -  Aspartame - Un Dulce y Mortal Engaño - Main File


 -  Chemtrails - Main File



 -  El Fluor y la Fluorificacion - Otro Asesino Disfrazado de Terapia Saludable - Main File


 -  EndGame - JuegoFinal - Main File



 -  Genetically Engineered Organisms - Foods and Others - Main File


 -  Killer Vaccines - Vacunas Que Matan - Main File



 -  Microbiome - Our Microbes and Viruses - Main File



 -  Origin of Life and Man - Main File



 -  The Beverages' Industry - Bottled Water, Sodas and Sickness - Main File


 -  The Unhealthy-Deadly Foods' Industry - Main File



 -  The WHO - World 'Health' Organization - Main File