by James E. Finn
January 14, 2001
BigJim Website
The Eye of God
Voynich manuscript which dates from the Middle Ages
is encoded in an obscure language that has long baffled
linguists. Scholars had failed to crack its code. But
now, one researcher, Jim Finn, has been successful at
cracking its linguistic code. The few pages he has
deciphered appear to be referring to a cyclical
terrestrial cataclysm brought about by a celestial
mentioned in
Earth Under Fire, our
Galaxy's nuclear bulge would appear as a giant punishing
luminous eye in the heavens during a Galactic core
explosion. Ancient Egyptian myth describes mankind being
punished by the Eye of Atum-Re (the Creator).
In another myth it is the celestial Eye of Horus
that brings destruction. Now Finn appears to have
discovered the same metaphor appearing in a Middle Age
The pages
of this manuscript are adorned with drawings, and
curiously, one of these (see below) looks very
much like a spiral arm map of the Milky Way, as seen
looking down onto the Galactic plane from above. A
Middle Age map of the Milky Way? |

The Voynich Manuscript is most likely part of an end times document
given to mankind by Aliens,
UFO's, in medieval times
Update Notice
Due to the fact that the ONLY COMPLAINT I have had about this
work (from outside people reading for the first time) is the Star
People connection (which, unfortunately for you, IS a historical
part of the END TIMES destruction story, like it or not), I offer a
second, more down to earth, choice for the appearance of pertinent
sections of the VMS.
All of the End Times data I have looked at to-date, shows, it is
possible that humans have had this information hidden away for
millennia. The last release of this End Times info was a complete
failure, because, it simply was THE WRONG TIME to release it to
The people that released the info believed the End was coming. Hence
the release. But, it was NOT the End. Hence, sometime within the
following couple of centuries, the group I call The Elders, and
Borges calls the People of the Secret, disbanded or were killed.
After 1000 AD, there seems to be a great "need" to find this lost
information concerning the End of the World. Hence there was a quest
by "certain people" to find this information.
A story was slowly composed concerning this "quest." The path of
information transfer follows the hidden meanings of the names behind
the characters of Uther Pen Dragon, Igraine, Merlin, and, finally
Arthur. A symbol was chosen and a "link character" called
Joseph of Arimathea brings us back to "Pauline" origins. The "Graal Cup"
symbol had NOTHING to do with the actual thing sought. But, in
typical hidden rhetoric, its NAME served the purpose. The story WE
know is the Quest for the Holy Graal. The meaning of the core
information, hidden in story form (as usual), was the Quest for the
information concerning The End Times. The Graal cup symbolized "the
information." And, to answer the Graal question: Who does one serve
with the Graal? One serves HUMANITY.
So, for all of you that are having such a hard time swallowing Star
People intervention in human affairs, because you continue to view
history WITHOUT the archetypal information, I offer a second "more
down to earth," possibility.
Of course, the "UFOs in paintings" issue, as well as what I have
found in
Nostradmus' work, still needs to be dealt with.
Something happened during Medieval times. For some as of yet
unexplained reason, UFO activity had to have been as common as it is
Artists were adding, it seems, UFOs in their paintings.

And what is this on a 1688 French coin??
When I see paintings like this, and I add to it what I am about to
share with you, it will broaden the idea of UFO sightings during the
Middle Ages, to UFO contact during the Middle ages. The person or
person's who were responsible for writing the document we will talk
about knew TOO MUCH for their time period. So much in fact, that it
is not ridiculous to come right out and say that the information
they received was given to them, in one way or another, by
there exists an extremely old and as-yet-undeciphered manuscript
that has been dubbed the Voynich Manuscript, after its (re)discoverer,
Wilfred Voynich. Dates surrounding the manuscript's writing float
around the 1400 to 1600s AD. (My translation method indicates that
ONE word used in the Manuscript -thus far- does not allow, what I
call, the End Times sections, to be dated before 1600.) There also
exist tons of verified and speculative information about this
manuscript on the web, as well as pictures of the pages. Rather than
take up space here rewriting information that you can look up for
yourself, I will put links at the bottom of this page so you can
track down what you want to see on the web.
This manuscript was written in an alphabet that was designed to hide
its information. The alphabet was itself seemingly cracked by a
group known simply as the Voynich Group. This group is a collection of
scholars and a few secret societies members that have been working on
this for years. In the words of one of their members,
"The small
manuscript was written in a code, before which even the best
cryptologists and linguists of the world have had to surrender so

When I came across this manuscript, I thought the alphabet looked
familiar. I have a book in my library on ancient hidden alphabets,
but even though there were similarities to some of the letters, the
Voynich alphabet itself wasn't there. I finally set up my computer
with the transcripts of the manuscript into what the group calls
(European Voynich Alphabet, which I need to touch on at the end of
this), which is the Latin letter breakdown of the Voynich alphabet
by Rene Zanbergen and Gabriel Landini and their Voynich True Type
font, and just stared at the text.
As I looked through the text, my
eyes kept falling on one particular Voynich word, AIN. Ain is Hebrew
for the "eye". I knew what was written around this word wasn't
Hebrew, but I kept coming back to it in my mind. What was happening
was I saw something and then logically dismissed it. Which was
exactly what the author wanted to happen. If you got beyond his
alphabet, there had to be more methods of encoding, of hiding this
mysterious text. Besides AIN for instance, there also existed
variants of this word like AIIN and AIIIN. That in itself caused a
great deal of confusion. There were also variants of the AIN word,
like DAIN and OKAIIN.
One thing the Voynich Group talks about continually is that they
believe this manuscript is encoded. Great lengths have been taken to
find the code and decipher the words. After having looked over page
one of this manuscript, I felt that the group was right in one
aspect. It was encoded. But not by the logical method, the
mathematical method of encoding they were looking for. It was
visually encoded. At least as far as I have gone with it.
For instance, that word AIN. I thought about the fact that if AIN
was Hebrew for the eye, then to visually encode it the author could
also write AIIN and AIIIN. Even though on the surface it would
logically appear that these variations represented different words,
they were all actually the same word, the Hebrew AIN, the eye. When
the letter D was added, as DAIN, it represented the construction D'A,
the Hebrew word "knowledge", spelled daleth ain. You really have a
two letter word, not a four letter word. When he changed 'A (the
letter ain) for the Latin letter O, OIIN, it would show the writer
was possibly accessing another definition of AIN, such as "to look
at." The Latin letter O is derived from the Hebrew letter 'Ain.
To make a long story short, after having applied what I believed to
be a method of visual decoding, the words in the manuscript began to
open up. The first word on the first page, FACHYS, was really 3
Hebrew words in one.

This had a possible rendering of; "Therefore / brother / there is."
The letter F, or the Hebrew Vav, has meaning. ACH also was a word.
YS or ISH was also a word. (The Latin letter Y is derived from the
Hebrew letter Yod. Shin and Sin, using this method, is an
exchangeable nightmare. In Hebrew, there is a mark on Shin when it
uses the S sound or SH sound so you can tell the difference. Doing
what he is doing here, there is no way to tell if he means: sin
(vocal S), shin (vocal S), or shin (vocal SH). Each possible version
must be examined.
As I progressed into page one, each visually encrypted word had a
definition. A context was forming but there was no sentence
structure. I thought about this... a great deal. It finally dawned on
me that anyone, speaking any language, could get the same list of
definitions in their language and use paraphrase to construct
sentences the way they spoke. Language barriers would not exist.
There would be no fumbling with Hebrew grammar, and it also made for
a great third wall of encryption. Now, I must also say, that having
translated page one and a line of page two (and the first line on a
page that which we will talk about below), there is no guarantee
that this method of translation will continue to work. Especially
since the Group has mentioned that there may have been more than one
writer behind this work. Time will tell.
As I continued at this, a picture was forming. It isn't a pretty
picture. It deals with what we know today as the End Times. Now,
religiously, the time of the end is a period where the evil are
destroyed and the good survive. Depending on whose ancient version
you read, you will get variations of that theme. Our problem is that
scientifically, this supposed "God-sent destruction" has been
scientifically proven to be a cyclical destruction that comes from
an explosion at the center of our galaxy. It comes every 13-26,000 years, and has been
called by Dr. Paul LaViolette "a
Galactic Superwave." The last large
explosion brought our last Ice Age to a rapid end, flooding much of
the planet.
One of the most interesting stories about these floods I had ever
heard was on one of those Public TV stations like Discovery or
The story had to do with an area in Washington State called the
scablands. They talked about the rapidly receding glaciers and the
building melt water behind the front wall of ice. One day in our
ancient past it just let loose at a rate 10 times the combined flow
of all the rivers in the world. What will happen the next time this
cosmic disaster, this Superwave, hits us? We may live to see it.
According to ancient texts, we are due. It has been expected to hit
and was recorded in the Christian Gospels as the Day of the Lord
(and no man knows the time). It is fire this time that will consume
all. According to Dr. Laviolette, the man who has been working on
this cosmic event, we just don't know when it will happen. It could
be tomorrow, it could be four hundred years from now. But it will
come. It always comes. And when this Galactic Core explosion
happens, it eventually, over time, appears as an EYE in the sky,
emanating from the center of our galaxy. To quote Dr LaViolette from
his book, Earth Under Fire:
"According to a legend told by
the Hopi Indians, the present world
civilization is not the first to populate the earth. Before this
one, there were three other "worlds", each terminated by a global
catastrophe. They call the present world cycle the "Fourth World",
and claim that it too like the others before it, will one day come
to an end. They say that this ending will be heralded by the
appearance of Saquasohuh, the Blue Star spirit.
Since the cores of distant exploding galaxies are observed to have a
bright blue star-like appearance, it is reasonable to expect that
the core of our own Galaxy would have a similar appearance during
its explosive phase. So the legendary appearance of the Blue Star
could be referring to an explosion of our Galaxy's core.... Several
hundred years after the first appearance of the Blue Star, earth
observers would have become aware of lighting effects resulting from
the Superwave's passage through the galaxy's central bulge.

Sychrotron radiation emitted by the
Superwave's cosmic rays, would
have illuminated the dense gas clouds in the Galaxy's nucleus to
create an oval luminous form around the Blue Star... Dense clouds of
dust obscure visible light coming from this region. However, during
its bright active phase, some light would have penetrated.
frightening spectacle may have appeared to ancient inhabitants as a
gigantic punishing "Eye" in the sky, the entire form occupying about
a 16 degree field of view, or about 32 solar diameters. The "iris",
would have a diameter of about, 4 degrees with a brilliant light
emanating from its central pupil -- the Blue Star."
Now, if we take that scenario above, and consider the fact that this
event put a lasting mark on our ancestors, it is not unreasonable to
assume mankind's desire to pass this info on through history to
those who would live to see the day of its return. It is also not
unreasonable to assume that extraterrestrial involvement with
mankind through the ages made sure we didn't forget.
What I want to share first is the first line from the Voynich text
that has the picture we are going to discuss.
The inner part divides, rips asunder. It surrounds the living.
Knowledge is also coming apart. The deniers took the high place. The
wheat is the height. Deniers look. Trouble comes from the eye, oh
sin of God. It is time to cry out for help. You will be lopped off.
Amputated by what is coming.
I have jumped to this line from the first page of the Voynich
Manuscript where I was working. The context continues in the same
vein as you will see when I post the first page translation later.
The interesting idea found here is that of the inner part dividing.
By this time, I was convinced that the author was speaking about the
same Eye that Dr LaViolette was talking about. The destruction he
says is coming is the same destruction that the Dr. talks about in
his book Earth Under Fire. Now if this information was data that was
simply passed down through the ages, how would the Voynich author
know about the inner part--the center of the galaxy--ripping apart?
It also seems that he knew what the Milky Way galaxy looks like.
This is a depiction of our spiral galaxy. The Milky Way.

And this is what is depicted in the Voynich.

(Note: I have been told, that, the ancients were aware of the
galaxy, and, that the Voynich picture is NOT all that odd. Their
proof is in the depiction of the symbol we call "swastica." Same
"arms" and "circular movement."

I do not agree with this interpretation for one reason. If the
ancients transmitted ANY information, it was based on the
archetypal, and, subsequent destruction events. These ideas were
transmitted as bad / evil / "the god in the sky." All ancient ideas
attached to the swastica are in the vein of "good." If this symbol
was attached to the destruction, it would NOT have GOOD attached to
it. The ancients DID know where the galactic center was. This has
been brought out by Dr. LaViolette. And how they knew that is NOT a
deep mystery. But, they did NOT know the depth of it. They knew it
as the point in the sky from which the "star" / "eye" appeared that
signaled the beginning of the destruction.
The swastica is a sun
symbol that shows the cyclical SEASONS. The combination of "cycle
and 4." It was the reappearing of the seasons, after the superwave
destruction, that allowed humanity to again live a normal life. This
symbol did not appear until much later in history ... AFTER
agriculture had begun. The symbol that identified the galactic core
was the cross / cross in a circle. Those symbols appeared right
after the big superwave destruction.
Once this is understood, Celtic symbols like the Serpent Stone make
much more sense.

'The Serpent's Stone'
From Celtic Mandalas
The Serpent's Stone - symbol of an ancient wisdom and fidelity;
touchstone of universal truths.
The complexity of earthly life
sometimes obscures a simple truth.
The four serpent heads emerge
from the labyrinth of Creation to point the way through
The brilliant colours convey a sense of drama and
As a meditative glyph, it endorses the need for
Thus when truth becomes entangled in a moral
dilemma, evoke the secret wisdom of the Serpent's Stone.
We need to stop reading spectacular definitions into ancient
symbols. For instance, the question is constantly asked: Why did the
Egyptians (or whoever) build "in the shape of a triangle?" "IF" the
pyramid was a life after death symbol, what ancient symbol would
represent the continuation of life after dying? The even more
ancient goddess symbol of birth.
The pubic triangle. The pyramid
represents the upsidedown goddess symbol, and means, in this case,
as it is pointing towards the sky, "to be born into the above." It
is a symbol of regeneration.

Now, as far as the Voynich "galaxy pic" goes, the first thing people
might say (I know because I said it, too), nah...couldn't be. I set
it as wallpaper on my computer desktop and spent time just looking
at it. Then, I decided to ask someone who knows. This was the reply
I received:
Jim, Thanks for directing me to the picture at your web site. I see that
it does show what look like stars toward the center of the spiral
disc. Maybe you're right. The spirals are going the wrong way, but
the central circle is about the right relative diameter for the
galactic bulge (the eye) if the outer circle is taken as the
circumference line that passes through our solar system.
This circle
subtends about 13 degrees of arc, whereas the bulge subtends about
14 degrees of arc. The circle further out defined by the convoluted
in-and-out folds is about the right proportional size for the
molecular gas ring which is positioned around 14,000 ly from the
center, as compared with our 23,000 ly distance. This gives an
angular size of 31 degrees of arc measured from the gas ring to the
Galactic center, about the same as in the drawing.
Now this seems too close to be a coincidence. Even the outer circle
is the circumference line that passes through our solar system???
How would the writer know that?
As far as the spirals going the wrong way, I brought up that, and
the Dr. thought this, too, that we tend to view our Galaxy from what
is called "the top." All pics I have seen show the view from "the
top" of the Galaxy. But what if the Voynich author was shown this
scenario (and he would have HAD to have been shown, but by whom??)
FROM THE BOTTOM, the OTHER side of the Galaxy?

Now they are going the same way.
Also note: 8 spiral arms. 8 = death and rebirth.
The Phoenix Cycle
We need to pass this information on as the ancients have. The idea
of the coming destruction, as explained by the Voynich author, at
least in the area's I have looked at, does not paint a pretty
picture at all.
All of the information concerning this is headed for a publisher to
be included in a manuscript I wrote on the End Times. The Group
commented that there was no guarantee their EVA script was accurate.
I have given them a chance to try it. It works. They also talked
about changes that could be made in the text because of multiple
definitions of Hebrew words. Actually this isn't true.
I have gone
over this with a fine tooth comb. I have found mistakes I had made
due to being tired or just plain blind at times. I have corrected
these errors and the theme continues. Changes to sentences, yes. But
for the better. All of my translation notes are incorporated in the
book manuscript. Any possibility of double translation directions
have been noted. I, as usual, stand by my work.
Line by line updated paraphrase translation of
1 of
the Voynich Manuscript:
Seeing, my friend, as there is power that will prevail [the power
would have to refer to the power of the devastation of the eye], be
wakeful. It is the appointed time of the Eye. Know also that
opponents, deniers, have been allowed by men. They are now the head
evil faction. All that are precious to them will be killed.
The stench of sin is in the air. The eye of the moon grows white.
Horus returns. That small eye is precious to us. Its removal was a
horrible thing. Evil will be separated and burned for it. They will
be surrounded by the glider.
What once was will be again. You will be made to drink from this
enemy. Truly the eye will destroy everything. It will pound and beat
everything like a group of lions. The eye moves in a cycle. The
cycle comes again.
The eye. Look carefully into what it means. Take advice. Pray! Take
advice, shake with fear. You will be surrounded. Use wisdom and
knowledge. Trouble comes from the eye. This enemy will roll up
A demon was the young shoot [by inference...the only shoot that was
of any historical significance in this context, was that of David.
The text word, sair, refers to the old Hebrew He-goat worship...see
Gesenius] came as a party that knew about the eye. He came to make
atonement and said there is burning destruction coming from the eye.
Knowledge is the most important thing.
--the lamb has failed. Deniers will be skimmed as the foam. Laid as
a heap of ruins by that which is cyclical. The swift scorching eye
destroys violently as the lion.
The story of the world messiah coming from men (root of
Jesse) (sent
from God) is diabolical. It oppresses the living. It is the
time of
the Phoenix. It is the way of things. The living get weaker. Get
knowledge. That which grows white [full moon symbolism] returns with
Knowledge and wisdom are the gateway. The burning from above will be
a Godly kind of overpowering.
Use knowledge (think). Make haste. Document information twice.
* / !!!!!!!! ???? you of much knowledge who the Eye will bend
together. Rejoice about the existence of the Eye. Your blindness is
a gift. Rejoice. You will be oppressed. Cry out for help. You have
hardened yourselves against the time of the lion. These are the
times. You have stirred up trouble. Devastation, violence, coming
from the eye. Look, see, get knowledge.
What is it worth to wait tensely? Bow before the eye, humble
yourself. Or you will be skimmed as the foam. Be strong together.
You will be snatched up. You will then bow down. Knowledge is the
Get knowledge. Look carefully at the Phoenix bird. The eye returns
again. The eye propounds a riddle to all. The eye will trod upon
while the glider will gather. It is a hidden mystery.
Knowledge can be calming. The promise of
Horus' return and the moon
growing full are the same. Understand the Phoenix. The Phoenix
returns. Understand.
Cry for help. Understand the judgment that awaits, you hardened
generation. The eye propounds a riddle... what would rather cry for
help than stand up and live?
Separated in the tomb of the eye. Cry for help. Leave it behind you
my beloved friend. Or be raked up with exactness.
Magician! Denier of the Eye. Bow down.
Bow down to the Lamb and
twice to me. [That last line is pure sarcasm.] Knowledge of the
cyclical eye was dimming. Bravo! [Sarcastic cheers]
You will be pierced, laid to waste by the eye. It will oppress your
cities. Living profitably, when suddenly from above, a rejoicing
faction in a burning Temple room.
Desire the living knowledge of the
return of Horus. Or burn.
The time is upon us all. Get knowledge.
You will be vanquished. Cry out for help. Desire life.
The Phoenix
flies; it returns again. It is the cycle of God. It is fitting. The
disaster of the living God. Calamity is at the door.
Carefully look at all of this knowledge you have in your hand, oh
faction of God. The cycle of the moon and the prince of the cycle,
Horus, are the same. We wait.
Oh noble ones, trouble comes from the eye. Cry out for help. The eye
will foreclose on your knowledge. You are arrogant and wrapped up in
your knowledge. You will be wrapped up in that which moves
[More sarcasm] Live Long, you who piece together trouble as
knowledge. It oppresses the living. It undermines everything about
the eye. Bow your head to live. Be humble.
Oh God, live forever. Because they have hardened themselves, they
will be snatched up and trodden upon. They imitate life while the
humble endeavor.
You are a leech of God's goodness.
The eye will wash everything clean.
It is my belief that the author of this work was dead serious. I
also believe he was a Semite, more than likely Hebrew. I believe
this because:
1) what I believe was the translation of the
Voynich word SAIR
(Hebrew would be, shin ain yod resh... SAIR). According to Gesenius,
it follows the Hebrew tradition of he-goat worship.
2) what I believe should be translated as a prayer to
God, when I
translated the line that began, "Oh God live forever" , from
Voynich dc*eo, which I believe should be written as
dcheo. Which seems to be
a first letter moved to the end of the word encryption, making it
cheod ChI ‘OD (cheth yod 'ain daleth) living forever. And
shody ShDI,
3) based on what I have seen, he is very comfortable with Hebrew
grammar, as far as letter exchanges according to Hebrew grammatical
This person was also familiar with Latin equivalents for Hebrew
characters. He knows which Latin letters are derived from what
Hebrew letters. And he uses these exchanges as a form of encryption.
But why encryption? The literal meaning of encrypt should conjure up
all ideas of something put in a tomb, hence forgotten, buried. In
(the) crypt. The base commonized Latin meaning is that of something
hidden. Someone who does not want the information found out. At
least not while he lives. This idea in itself dictates that the
information contained "in the crypt" is important enough to have
been put there, either for the information's sake alone, or the fact
that the author may lose his life because of the contents. Or both.
Now, if this writing is as old as is thought, one can easily see how
information deemed possibly heretical would be a danger to the
writer's life, as well as the life of the information. From what
little I have seen so far, this writer is anti Christianity and pro
Mysteries. Making him a candidate for execution.
What we need to do is crack the encryption. I believe that this was
done when Latin letter values (EVA) were given to Voynich letters.
It has been said that these assignments were random. Are they? Let's

What I have found thus far with the Voynich Groups random Letter
A - This value has worked.
B - This may be correct and may not. According to the Voynich
dictionary, which is not exhaustive, there is one word with B. Cheeb.
There is a Hebrew word (chib) derived from (ChvB) and it means to be
guilty, to be legally bound. It fits what I know of the context so
far, but I don't know the sentence context. It could be right; it
could be wrong. C - This value has worked. D - This value has worked.
E - This value has worked. F - This value has worked and exchanges with Hebrew Peh, which
Voynich character looks very much like it. G - Close to script G? I have not run across this letter yet.
According to the Voynich interlinear, there are a few words with G.
One is gaiin but might be daiin. Cpheeg which might be cpheey. The
latter of both I have translated. One case of dchog which might be
dchom which I believe I have translated in one of its versions. This
letter remains to be tested. H - Looks very much like Arabic H. It has proven to work.
I - Hebrew yod, Arabic kasra, and Greek iota, as well as Latin I,
are short lines. The words aiiin and AIIIN show the same basic
"line" when written. This letter has proven out. J - I have not run into this yet. This letter, according to the
interlinear, does not exist in a word except for "it might be J."
K - This value has worked. L - This value has worked.
M - This value has worked. N - This value has worked.
O - This value has worked. P - This value has worked. See F above.
Q - This value has worked. R - This value has worked.
S - This value has worked. T - This value has worked.
U - Looks close but haven't run into it yet. Seems to be confused
with N and doesn't exist in any words. V - Looks close but have not run into it. If it works, it is more
than likely vav. X - Have not seen yet..if this value is correct, after having looked
at its usages, I would first treat it with a negation value. In
other words, ignore it. Y - This value has worked.
Z - Does not exist in the text.
Now, what does all this mean? To me, it points only in one
direction, based on everything I have seen and heard in the past two
months. There came a time in the history of the Voynich group, when
members got sick of looking at the bizarre characters used in making
transcripts of the Voynich. Necessity being the mother of invention,
a method was needed to make transcript reading and usage easier on
the eyes and heads of those who worked within it. So EVA was born.
Now, the way it appears to me, it was decided that they would assign
random values in the form of Latin letters to the Voynich
characters. And they did just that. How did they go about doing
Simple. First, they took all the Voynich characters that bore
a resemblance to Latin letters, and they assigned those values at
random to the Voynich characters. This is why Voynich "a" looks like
a, and Voynich "o" looks like o and so on for as many as they could.
It got harder matching characters with letters as they progressed,
but they did the best they could.
What they failed to realize was that, even though z is not in the
text used in a word, or so it seems based on what I saw (which means
z does have a randomly assigned as of yet unproven value), "a" was
in the text and could be proven. They had inadvertently assigned the
correct value to a Voynich character. And A wasn't the only one they
got right.
When I came along, no one had ever explained this random assignment
to me. I looked around and thought, well... it should be read this
way in this language, and it worked. Of course, everyone was still
thinking along the lines of "random assignment" and had quite a bit
to say against what I was doing. But I understand it, now that I
have been forced to think about this. Random assignments were given
to the Voynich characters, first based on similarity of shape. In
doing this, they inadvertently assigned the correct value to many
letters. Enough letters to get me through page one.
But the mystery does not stop here. The author of the Voynich knew
that this could happen. He also knew that if someone got this far,
there had to be other walls of encryption in place to discourage
prying eyes from discovering a known language which was (so far)
Hebrew. So he scrambled it. By adding a couple of extra letters that
may or may not follow Hebrew vowel points here and there, more
confusion is generated. But the skeletal consonantal structure is
The first key to opening this up is realizing certain randomly
assigned Latin letter values to the Voynich characters accidentally
Once this is realized, we may get our first glimpse of a message
that was given in some way to at least one person, hundreds of years
ago, by extraterrestrials concerning our future doom.