“Ether Physics” and Flying Saucer Propulsion
Since so many of the Trilateral/IllumiNazi/Coercivists’ ill-gotten
gains are in the motor fuel and transportation fields (ships, autos,
trucks, trains and planes), I believe the truth concerning flying
saucer technology, and use of it by the public, is their “Achille’s
Heel”. Why else would they have labored so diligently for over fifty
years keeping such technology secret, ostensibly under the guise of
“national security”, except to perpetuate their coercive
socio-economic, technological and political monopoly?
This conspiracy is illicitly, thoroughly, and often brilliantly
enforced and propagated by the Office of Scientific Intelligence (“OSI”,
CIA), coordinated secret political police, the military, the local
police, and the judiciary. The OSI takes a more “active” covert role
than other government counterparts, in the dissemination of false
propaganda, the creation and orchestration of “UFOlogy” and other
front groups, and control of ‘key’ individuals through subterfuge.
The most obvious, stupid flaw in the propaganda, disseminated under
cover of such T.V. series as The X-Files and Sightings, is the fact
that, if all the paranormal stuff pushed by such programs were
really so damned secret, why would prime-time T.V. programs try so
hard to convince you it is true, or even tell you about it? Since
when does government disclose, or allow the disclosure of, its
biggest secrets, on prime-time, big-network T.V., which is all owned
and controlled by the Illuminati, and policed by the OSI/CIA? In
respect to “military secrets”, what you see and think, is what they
want you to see and think, they think.
Unfortunately, everything on
national media is under FCC control and subject to “national
security” screening, to insure that “classified” information is not
disclosed Each transmitter has a specially trained N.S.A. employee,
in a remote room which contains a listening post and a switch to the
transmitter. The job is called “transmitter watch”. The employee’s
job is to listen, with orders to turn the transmitter off whenever
anything ‘prohibited’ by N.S.A. guidelines is being attempted to be
transmitted. I had a friend years ago who prepared for the job,
after a stint in U.S. Army Intelligence communications, in Southeast
Asia He really wanted the job so that he could get paid tor sitting
around playing his guitar, while supposedly listening to broadcasts
and checking for classified leaks or other ‘no-nos’.
The OSI objective is to exclude what I call the Most Rational
Alternative (“MRA”)—the conspicuously missing third alternative
which I have interposed between the Two Big Lies (“TBLs”), in the
very narrow space in which the truth has been crushed almost to
death. They carry this out by promoting the TBLs and excluding the
MRA. I am expanding this third alternative, creating a Wedge of
Reason, to be driven between the TBLs, to expose how the MRA has
been buried, confused, ignored, excluded and obliterated by the TBLs,
which are:
1. That flying saucers do not exist; and,
2. That if flying saucers do exist, they are extraterrestrial.
These two (false) options—propagated by two supposedly opposing
unmistakably like an answer to a legal complaint in a lawsuit, in
which the defendant first denies
all allegations (a demurrer), thereby challenging those who allege
the existence of flying saucers, to
prove their existence. Having anticipated the plaintiff’s (our)
traversal of this denial, the defendant
(the OSI) enters the second false option, through “UFOlogy” groups,
which is equivalent to the form of pleading known as a “confession
and avoidance” (or “traversal”), which conditionally confesses to
that part of the allegations alleging the existence of flying
saucers, admitting that (if) they are true and exist, then the
diversionary defense (the “avoidance”), traverses and moves
sideways, completely off track from the original issues, by
introducing the false and contemptuously frivolous idea of “aliens
If one examines the complete past liturgy on this
matter, they will see that it was the government which first
introduced the “alien plea” at 1947 Roswell, as a fraudulent
“dilatory pleading” intended to expand the issues into irrelevant
areas, to create delay, confusion, and wasted effort, and especially
to evoke a response from us. This gets us involved in a dialogue
over issues which are entirely impertinent, to exhaust our energy,
and in summary, to completely avoid the merits of the issues,
getting us absolutely nowhere for years insofar as the real truth is
concerned, just as they planned.
The fact that these two options
clearly show the “badges of fraud” typical of a quasi-legalistic
deceit, should have long since alerted rational thinkers to their
design by a single control group, the CIA, on behalf of the IllumiNazis. The reason the options bear unmistakabte similarity to
legal pleadings, is because the CIA likes to hire lawyers, because
the CIA thinks—as one official put it-that “ school teaches a
future employee how to think”1. The frivolous, impertinent, long
drawn out and dilatory pleadings of the last 52 years, shows the
indelible marks of “lawyers at work”. And if sabotage of rational
thought is your desire, by all means hire a lawyer!
The frivolous “prosecution”, made on our pseudo-behalf without our
consent, is joined by the ridiculous counter-allegations of the
(Secret Government) “UFOlogists”—such as those regarding “advanced
alien technology” and “abductions”-and the phony debate is
protracted ad infinitum. Under the circumstances, these “pleadings”,
and all their spurious combinations and variants, are knowingly
false and fraudulent, since their proponents have access to the
truth, and fail to plead to the merits of the issues which they
clearly seek to avoid, as a fraud upon us and the ‘court of public
They also fly in the face reality, since they are
inherently contradictory. There are no contradictions in reality,
only confused facts and false premises. While the rules of civil
procedure allow a defendant to make contradictory defenses, a
knowingly false defense, entered for purposes of a sham, can be
stricken by the court (of public opinion), and the defendant held in
One popular false (combination and variant of Options 1 and 2)
option, posits ‘terrestrial’ saucers, based on “alien technology”
which is so expensive and far beyond our comprehension that we
should forget about it, or, since it is being shared with our
government—so the story goes—we must wait until the government
decides to ‘share’ it with us, their damned bosses. All these
allegations are not only outrageous, but completely false, and
people should wake up and realize that they have been hypnotized.
Options 1 and 2 are both repugnant, since any reasonable,
knowledgeable person realizes that
the distances to earth from the nearest habitable planets (perhaps
millions of light years) is so
great, that the ‘alien’ possibility is ruled out for frivolity, but
(in the complete absence of the
MRA), Option 1 is often accepted. This conclusion is fraudulently
induced by the Secret Government’s heinous mind-control lies.
1From the text of a speech of M.B.Wood, 9th Reg. Dir. CIA, to my law
class, U.T. School of Law, 1966.
Water skiing on the dark
side of the moon? Really! More Big Lies, ad infinitum. Should I
laugh or puke?
The way the UFOlogy field is controlled is obvious, and my knowledge
of this is buttressed by actual personal experiences. If you are “on
the right track”, the O.S.I. gang pretends to befriend you You
naturally want to promote your material and your career, so you go
along with it so long as the effects are positive. They invite you
to participate in one of their “expos” as a speaker, to promote and
sell your books or other materials, and to give a ‘workshop’. If
your stuff is still out of sync with their plan, they go to work on
your mind.
But if you don’t abandon your stuff, or adapt it to their
‘party line’ and help them spread their phony shit, they blacklist
you from speaking, and try to obliterate your message. They ‘pick
you up’ and ‘drop you’, to coerce your adoption of their party line,
so you will be asked to speak again.
This only works on unethical
people who have nothing valuable to say, or who are so weak and
stupid that the party line looks feasible.
I: The Most Rational ALTERNATIVE
The third alternative—the “MRA”—is as follows:
3. That all saucers are real, man-made flying machines, invented and
flown by human beings for over fifty years, there being no alien
contacts whatsoever on earth. This option comports with what
philosophers call “Ockham’s Razor” (a test which cuts between
bullshit and reason). Furthermore, I reiterate that saucers are
based on relatively simple, long-known electrical technology,
consummated in the late 1930s, when technology was comparatively
primitive. This alternative challenges the OSI/CIA to prove—through
their agents and dupes—what it falsely asserts. They have failed to
do so after over 52 years, and can be presumed to be liars and
huxters (since “dupes” is reserved for civilians).
Since the OSI doesn’t even want my MRA to exist, it will never be
seriously or consistently argued by (their) proponents of the TBLs,
who will not plagiarize me, or even risk addressing the issues. They
have attempted to conglomerate some of my ideas with some of theirs,
or to “steal my thunder”, but the truth is not compliant to such a
corruption of ideas. My alternative is immiscible with their lies,
and even mentioning it would only create more self-contradietory
(“repugnant”) ‘pleadings’. Like quicksand, the more they wallow, the
lower they sink.
In my first version of SPACE ALIENS, I called the proponents of
Option 1 the “Philip Klass Psychophants”. I hereby dub the
proponents of Option 2, the “Adamski Psyehophants”. The OSI “Alien
Abductions Hoax” of Whitley Strieber, Budd Hopkins, and Dr.
Mack of “Haaavad”, is not a separate saucer option, but rather a
part of Option 2, which is inseparable from its counterpart, Option
1, all of which are mutually repugnant OSI BIG LIES.
Proponents of
Options 1 and/or 2 are either.
1. witting Secret Government agents and liars; or,
2. dupes.
Some truly innocent dupes are not stupid, just naive. Considering
this, I point out the incredibly devious route the Secret Government
takes to “manufacture witnesses”. A case in point is a woman I later
mention, Vicki Landrum, who may still believe that a NASA employee
named John Schussler is her “friend”. Schussler has been
transferred’ to the OSI, and now propagates the abductions-by-aliens
Landrum thought he had been “fired” by NASA for backing
her up, but this was part of a “good cop/bad cop” routine, intended
to create his ‘cover' as a ‘sympathizer’, in his new job with the OSI. Landrum is smart enough to figure it out. At the time Schussler
sidled up to her, Landrum was in dire need of help. While pretending
to help Vicki Landrum, Schussler was spying on and misleading her
for NASA and the OSI, his new boss.
In order to understand all this, many need to do some
self-assessment and careful examination
of the facts, during the time they became unknowing tools. There are
a few people who have just
jumped on the ‘UFOlogy’ bandwagon, saying whatever it takes to sell
books or establish
themselves as “witnesses” or “abductees”. Then there are those who
were unwittingly used by the
OSI, through the use of such drugs as scopolamine, chloral hydrate,
sodium amytal, or even more
exotic techniques and drugs, combined with hypnosis.
The dupes are
usually chosen by personality
profile, epistemology (must be Platonist), religiousity (also
Platonist), as well as possibly
neurological abnormalities such as certain sleep disorders, any or
all of which may render them
especially vulnerable to the ‘manufacturing’ process. There is no
guilt for having been conned
Dr. John Mack1 sociopathically concentrates on narcoleptic patients.
The “abductions” scenario came into general use around 1975 (just
prior to the Travis Walton incident in Arizona), when the CIA
realized their Old Big Lie program had become stagnant and needed a
new, more bizarre twist. The scam incorporated new special effects,
fancier props, better acting, better drugs, and more professional
A documentation of some of the inner workings of some of these
scams was sent to me2 in early 1994. In my first edition, I
mentioned that a book had been stolen from me before I had an
opportunity to read it, having forgotten its title and author, but
in a phone call from author Walter Bowart, I was able to determine
that it was a first edition of his Operation Mind Control, because
it had a red and black cover, and was published in England The
female OSI book thief had lived with Dr.
Jacques Vallee for two
years, and was the same woman who stole two photographs (one showing
three rhesus monkies in G-suits, and the other showing a rather
corny and poorly fabricated fake “flying saucer”, in a hanger) which
had been sent out to area newspapers by the Army Air Force
Intelligence P.I.O., Walter Haut, in the initial Roswell Hoax.
photos, and my Peiltochterkompass, were sufficient physical
evidence—originating with the government itself—to prove beyond a
shadow of a doubt that the U. S. government had Nazi flying saucers,
and had executed the Roswell Hoax to conceal their terrestrial
origin, followed by the Pentagon’s “Weather Balloon Hoax”, designed
to conceal the first (bungled) hoax.
Because of the connection between Vallee and the OSI she-thief, I
had realized that the theft
was engineered by the Secret Government, and now realize that the
thief worked under Vallee,
whose main job has always been to straddle the fence, continually
vacillating between the
questions, “are UFOs real?”, “are UFOs illusion?”, “are aliens
here?”, or “are UFOs secret government aircraft?”
1John E. Mack, Abduction - Human Encounters with Aliens
2Letter from Walter Bowart to Wm. Lyne, 1994.
This is so they can maintain a balance between
both sides of the phony debate, which does not even consider the
fact that the UFOlogists and people like Vallee work for the CIA.
Since my evidence could have tipped the scales completely off the
balance, they had to steal it. They refer to such thefts as
For an intelligent person who has never seen a saucer, there is
always the lingering possibility in the back of the rational mind,
that they simply don’t exist, like ghosts. Once a person has made a
broad daylight, close range sighting, there is no longer any doubts
as to their existence, and the person should be able to confidently
proceed to solve the remaining questions, if not suckered into
falling into one or the other side of the phony debate.
By the time I was eight years old (1946), I had already interviewed
many reliable witnesses who had observed “flying discs” in the
vicinity of Roswell (130 mi. N.W.) and Alamogordo (180 mi. W.N.W.),
so I knew they existed, and had probably been brought under
Operation Paperclip to Ft Bliss with Wernher von Braun and his 116
top scientists, in September, 1945, when von Braun was appointed
Chief of Research, U.S. Army Ordnance 1.
In the spring of 1947, 1 had
caddied for my father’s first 36 holes at the Roswell Country Club,
and caddied another 18 holes there a few weeks later, in a
professional tournament in which he was “first runner-up”, winning a
new Remington electric razor, and a set of Samsonite luggage. While
observing the sky while waiting between shots and putts, I saw a few
dime-shaped disks glinting in the sun, but wasn’t sure they were
flying saucers until my 1953 close-up sighting, in which the saucer
departed in a trajectory directly toward Ft. Bliss, at c. 9,000 mph.
If there was ever alien contact, I would probably have known it, and
if anyone has proof, here I am baby! Just hit me with the evidence
(and I don’t mean a bunch of government documents, or
pseudo-interpretations of ancient Sumerian clay tablets)! I have
been waiting a long time, and I’m still waiting, but I don’t expect
proof this late in the game, especially since I know any “proof
would be a fabrication of the OSI “MYTH FACTORY”.
If this statement
seems blunt, I have no apology, and my feelings won’t be hurt if you
continue to insist on the Ridiculous Big Lies—that there are aliens
from outer space, manipulating the human race—since I know these
“aliens” are really Pentagon-created delusions, and that those of
you who really think you believe the alien stuff have been made
jackasses of by the OSI. Feel your ears growing longer? It is
impossible to “believe” a lie. Why? Because, in order to “believe”
something, one must have some “means by which they know it to be
true”. Since a lie is untrue, the means is non-existent, and what is
purported to be the means, is first a lie to oneself, an agreement
with the self to believe a lie.
To the witting agents out there: How does it feel to be a traitor to
your people, who conceals technology which would improve the quality
of your life and that of your children, and ultimately extend human
life on this earth? How does it feel to be the pawn of a
warmongering gang of mass murderers?
1Current Biography. 1952: New York Herald Tribune, p 14 D 4 ‘46.
II: The O.S.I. Myth Factory
Many have never heard of the OSI, or are confused by the fact that
there are at least three
OSIs. The first one was the Office of Special Investigations,
supposedly set up to investigate Nazi
war crimes and criminals after WWII, and was appended to the
Tribunal at Nuremberg and the
U.S. Department of Justice 1. This O.S.I, was compromised by helping
to protect or conceal many war criminals through its complicity with
Operation Paper Clip. The second OSI is the Office of Special
Investigations, USAF, which was set up to pretend to investigate
“UFO” sightings, having as its real purpose the plugging of leaks
about flying saucers connected to the Air Force.
The third and most
important OSI is the Office of Scientific Intelligence, a branch of
the CIA’s Science Directorate 2, Clandestine Services, set up to
gather ‘strategic’ scientific information, to disseminate classified
‘strategic’ mis-and-dis-information, and to run programs designed
for such purposes, which includes fomenting domestic “UFOlogy”
groups and related hoaxes. Its most important function is plugging
any and all leaks regarding flying saucers, by whatever means
necessary, on behalf of its IllumiNazi bosses, and to prohibit the
development of such resources by private individuals. This
particular OSI was and is the most secret of the three, and use of
the same “OSI” tag was probably intended to maintain this secrecy by
It has worked pretty well until now. Imagine a group set
up to protect Nazi criminals, named the same as one set up to
prosecute them. The OSS and Reinhard Gehlen’s Amt VI, SS RSHA had a
baby, called the CM. I have always believed that the purpose of all
three OSIs involves the Nazis and flying saucers. The first OSI not
only investigated war crimes, but also insured that independent
post-war investigators looking into the Nazis, did not probe into
flying saucer technology, or the secret technological and political
deal entered into at the war’s end, between the Third Reich, the
U.S. government and certain CFR/Trilateral/IllumiNazi-owned
corporations, all neatly concealed under Operation Paper Clip
The OSI maintains numerous teams of Ph.Ds. The procedures followed
by these teams in the production of appropriate propaganda, are
identical to those used in movie production or political campaigns.
The scenarios for their scripts are based on the old pre-generated
scenarios, as they apply to ‘intelligence’, gathered from the
public, such as what writers like myself are saying, and the
public’s reactions. After evaluation of current intelligence, false
propaganda counter-strategies to be used in the dissemination stage,
are designed by OSI clandestine operations personnel.
OSI think
tanks’ brainstorm on plans and proposals, to generate ‘new’
possibilities on the old themes which are used as ‘guidelines’, and
some of these possibilities are incorporated in proposals. The
writer teams then prepare numerous scripts, based on current
strategies recommended by evaluators. Final proposals, including
scripts, budget breakdowns, potential producers, production
schedules, etc., are then reviewed, with approved projects advancing
to the production stage. “Script writers” are chosen to ‘front’ the
scripts, and money is provided to producers.
1Victor Marchetti and John Marks, The CIA and the Cult of
Intelligence (Dell, 1980-84).
2John Marks, The Search for the “Manchurian Candidate”. WW. Norton &
Co., New York/London.
31 (supra) compared to related information in Charles Higham’s
Trading with the Enemy (Dell, 1983).
Over the years, the OSI has created avenues into the Hollywood world
and all other potential propaganda media. A review of previous
Hollywood, or CBS/NBC/etc, productions, reveals that the OSI tends
to use the same producers, ‘writers’, actors, and staff, to limit
the possibility of leaks concerning their covert backing. A review
of flying saucer propaganda history will show the method in their
Old scenarios are discarded, and new ones adopted. It is
often in their interest to collect old propaganda, and to destroy
it, so hang on to all the stuff you have, since old names, places,
dates, and scenarios have a way of throwing a light on the present,
to reveal the truth behind another Big lie. Besides, the future
value of your old propaganda pieces as “collectibles” will only
increase, as laughable examples in the future, of Big Brother’s
foiled attempts at mind-control of the public, through mass
promotion of “parapsychology”, the Platonist epistemology, and false
“alien” and mystical science propaganda.
III: Gravity and Tesla’s Work
Some of the most basic scientific facts and principles are being
concealed and misrepresented, beginning in kindergarten, so we must
each re-examine nature, and question all theories, in order to
identify and reject scientific lies and omissions, and to rediscover
and propagate “true science”. About 1937, “science” and space
propulsion became really schizophrenic.
While Wernher von Braun
ostensibly developed rockets, he covertly developed secret
Illuminati flying saucers; while Albert Einstein’s relativism and
Werner Heisenberg’s “uncertainty principle” were being publicized,
the ‘ether physics’ of Nikola Tesla and others was being ridiculed,
yet was secretly being used for saucer propulsion and wonder weapons
so highly classified that they were never even intended to be used
in WW II.
H. A. Lorentz had said that, by simply increasing the negative
“moving” charges (orbital electrons), attached to the “stationary”
nuclear charges (protons and neutrons) of atoms, that the
gravitational attractive force acting on the positive charges of the
nuclear mass would be completely neutralized.
Add to this the
constant conversion formula—which says that the electrical
attractive force is 1039 x 2.2 times stronger than the gravitational
attractive force G1 -—by which Lorentz had suggested a scientific
hypothesis for an electrical flying machine, such as that already
under development by Tesla and supported by his ether propulsion
Tesla at first conducted tests 2 (the high voltage experiments
relating to the high frequency
reactance between two parallel metal plates), to verify his
hypothesis. His tests confirmed that at
sufficiently high voltage and frequency, the “space” (containing the
ether) between the plates,
became what Tesla termed “solid state”, verifying the existence of
what I call the “Omni Matter”
(A.K.A., “the ether”) which behaves under sufficiently high
voltage/frequency “Tesla currents”, as
if it is a ‘continuous, electrically conductive fluid’, possessing
mass, inertia and momentum, which
can be ‘pumped’, to suspend or propel the plates in space).
then carried the hypothesis a step
further, and concluded that an electric flying machine could be
propelled by electric current and the
reactance of high frequency, high voltage electromagnetic waves.
This electricity would use the
inertia of the ‘continuous, electrically conductive fluid mass’ of
the Omni Matter, to be pulled and pushed against, using the Hall
effect magneto hydrodynamic (“MHD”) principle.
1R.L. Armstrong and J.D. King, The Electromagnetic Interaction
(Prentiss-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffy N.J.
2T.C. Martin, The Inventions. Researches and Writings of Nikola
Tesla, The Electrical Engineer, N.Y. (1894).
The ether physics of Tesla was quite different from the theories of
others, and was based on astute observations and sound experimental
science. In 1876, H. A. Rowland had published the results of his
experiment in which a gold foil covered ebonite disk was rotated in
a magnetic field, showing feat electric charges on the disk were
carried around with it as it was rotated.1 This gave rise to the
catchy phrase, “An electrostatic charge carried around is a
Rowland’s student in Baltimore, Edwin H. Hall, based on
his teacher’s work, had done an experiment in which he had placed a
gold leaf strip in which a current was flowing into a magnetic gap,
producing an electromotive force at right angles to the magnetic
field and the current, proportional to the product of the two.2 This
is called the “Hall Effect”, and we know that it was influential on
Tesla, because he mentioned it many times, because it is the basis
for MHD (Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic) generators and pumping, and was used
by Tesla in his electro-propulsion.
In his 1891 lecture, Tesla stated that the “enormous electrostatic
forces” emanating from the earth, “rigidifies” the ether within
earth’s electric field, as it moves through space “like a charged
metal ball” (due, as he would later say, to earth’s movement through
space at over 70,000 mph.). To Tesla, the ether was composed of
“independent carriers”, “immersed in an insulating fluid”; while
this ether behaves as a solid to “heat” and “light”, it behaves like
a “fluid” to solid bodies, which are allowed to pass through it.3
Furthermore, according to Tesla’s analysis, a D.C. brush current
could be used on the forward end of a ship, to create a
“rarefaction” of, and “rapid exchange” of the carriers, which would
stretch the medium and create an inducement of movement in that
direction, while a high frequency alternating current would be used
on the opposite, trailing end, to cause a “compression” of the
carriers, which would block their passage.
According to the later researches and publishings of J. J.
Thomson 4,
he had mathematically
developed the theory of moving tubes of force. Two years later5,
Thomson declared that “...the aether is a storehouse of mechanical momentum”. Tesla, in his prior
lecture6, had mentioned the
tubes of force and disclosed some of his discoveries concerning the
ether and momentum
Tesla had stated that all his inventions were created in furtherance
of his “electric flying
machine”7, which he had partially designed before coming to America,
carefully carrying the plans
under his arm when he arrived on the ship in 1883.
1H. A. Rowland, Ann. d. Phys., clviii [1876], p. 487.
2Edwin H. Hall, Amer. Jour. Math, ii [1879], p. 287.
3T.C. Martin, Supra (Chap. XXV, The Scope of the Tesla Lectures, p.
4J. J. Thomson, Phil Mag. xxxi [1891], p. 149.
5J. J. Thomson, Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism
[1893], p, 13.
6Nikola Tesla, Lecture Before theAIEE., Columbia College [1891],
7Frank Parker Stockbridge, The Tesla Turbine, The World’s Work
[Mar., 1912, pp. 543-48].
The rest of his things were stolen on his
departure for America. Though literally penniless at the time, his
step off the boat was to be worth
untold $ billions to America, and he knew it
J. J. Thomson had stated in 1893 that if moving tubes of force
entering a conductor are dissolved in it, mechanical momentum is
given to the conductor, at right angles to the tubes and to the
magnetic induction, and is proportional to the vector product of
electric and magnetic forces.1
Tesla’s statement in 1891 that the
use of high frequency alternating current would compress and block
the passage of the tubes was apparently intended to force the tubes
being drawn into the conductors of a ship by the D.C. brush at the
opposite end, to dissolve in the conductors, and impart momentum to
the ship to which the conductors were attached, in the direction of
the brush.
Tesla said he had developed his
Dynamic Theory of Gravity
in 1893 and 1894. He never published it, since to do so would have
disclosed the secret to his electro-propulsive discoveries, which he
did not want the war mongers to get. In 1942 and 1943, the FBI
stole, concealed, or retrieved every known complete copy of the
original theory. The theory can be pieced together only from bits
and pieces, such as collateral references, in still-available
sources. I will give the basic tenets of the theory in this book.
In 1915, in an unpublished statement2, Tesla related his discovery,
while in technical school in Graz, Austria, of,
“...a flying machine
quite unlike the present ones...”,
“...devoid of sustaining planes,
ailerons, propellers and other external attachments, which will be
capable of immense speeds...”,
“...sustained and propelled entirely
by reaction...”,
“...which will be controlled mechanically or by
wireless energy”.
Tesla was never involved in rocketry, so these
statements clearly referred to a different sort of electric flying
machine, propelled by the reactance of high frequency
electromagnetic waves and electric current In 19003, Tesla described
how movement of the control apparati could be effected,
they are carried by a vessel floating in the air...”, by
“...connection of one terminal of the receiving apparatus” to the
ground, “...inductively”.
This pertained to how a flying saucer may
be inductively (“virtually”) grounded by the neutral or positive
terminal of “p2”. (NOTE: “p2” will be explained later in this book.)
In 19404, Tesla announced his Teleforce, consisting of four already
tested inventions, as follows:
(1) a means of producing rays in
the free air without a vacuum (2) a method of producing a
very great electrical force (3) a method of amplifying
this electrical force (4) a new method for producing a tremendous electrical propelling
1J. S. Thomson, Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism,
[1893], p. 13.
2John J. O’Neill, Prodigal Genius (supra), p. 172.
3Patent No. 649,621, Apparatus for Transmission of Electrical
Energy, lines 65-70.
4William L. Laurence, New York Times [Sept. 22,1940].
(NOTICE: Number (4) above stated “propelling” force, rather than
“repelling” force such as some UFQlogy/CIA misinformants would have
you believe, and also note that all four of these inventions were
already tested at the time, rather than just the first two, as the
CIA would also like for you to believe. In a Dec. 8, 1915 article in
the New York Times, Tesla had brought up the same electrical
propulsion system—except with a generator on the ground supplying
electrical energy to an airborne ship via beam—which he said would
travel over a million miles per hour (perhaps its potential velocity
in outer space, as this seems exaggerated.)
To show you how insidious the misinformers are, and how easy it is
for them to dupe sensation-addicts’, there have been several recent
instances where the misinfoirnation regarding the four above listed
inventions, from the original 1940 New York Times article, has been
misstated in a sly and oblique way that few would suspect, right
under the noses of the “Tesla experts”. The four inventions were
already tested at the time, and (4) was indisputably a propelling
Anyone who ran down the original article to examine it as I did,
would know that
Among the several places I have discovered this misrepresentation,
was a so-called “patent” on
HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral
Research Program). The only purpose for such a fraudulent
misrepresentation would be for the explicit purpose of
misrepresenting the original Tesla material, to those studying
Tesla’s work, because it represented one of the few ‘unretrieved’
leaks of Tesla’s discovery of the flying saucer propulsion system.
The patent1 is now held by Arco Power Technologies, Inc., under
which they purportedly perform “top secret” tests for the
government, from the North Slope of Alaska The patent is allegedly
one of three patents previously locked up under a Navy security
order. To begin with, patents are not issued on inventions primary
to secret projects.
Whatever the real purpose of the HAARP project,
you can bet your booties it isn’t what they say it is. Secondly, the
real purpose of planting the false particulars in a ‘patent’ which
should never have been issued, is so that the misinformation would
end up in publications read by ‘alternative researchers’, to obscure
and misrepresent Tesla’s discovery of the ether propulsion system
used on flying saucers.
And who is ARCO? ARCO (Atlantic Richfield
Oil Company) was created by
Trilateral Commission/Council on Foreign
Relations member Robert O. Anderson, of Roswell, New Mexico, the
creator of Diamond A Cattle Company, the largest holding company in
North America, which owns all known oil shale deposits in North
America, and almost all mineral rights in the North Slope of Alaska.
Anderson was also, at the time the second edition of this book was
published, the President of
the Bilderbergers, about which I will
have more to say later.
Early on, during the ‘fuel crisis’ of 1974, Arco moved to garner a
monopoly on solar and
alternate energy resources, apparently based on a fear that the
reactionary alternate energy
movement could cut seriously into future fossil fuel profits. The
misinformation placed in the
‘patent’, was repeated 2 just precisely where it shouldn’t have been,
but just precisely where the
Secret Government wanted it Once something like this gets started,
where does it stop? Those who should have known better, did nothing
to stop it.
1No. 4,686,605, issued to Barnard J. Eastlund, Spring, TeKas, 1983.
1995 (official magazine of International Tesla Society, article by
Dr. Nick Begich, New Uses of Tesla Technologies for global Control).
Where the ball
goes, nobody knows. We cannot allow this Trilateralist
misrepresentation of Tesla’s work to go unchallenged. If we search
the early inventions of Tesla (the later ones are concealed by the
government) it appears that along with the Tesla coil, there were
several related inventions such as generators and a marvelous
turbine, intended to provide a compact and portable means for the
generation of power needed on the flying machine---a “prime mover of
sufficient activity”—invented to supply electrical current for the
coil, as the fundamental device to increase the moving negative
This also explains Tesla’s fascination for such a low
weight-to-power in his turbine, using the motto, “20 Horsepower Per
Pound”, on the masthead for the “Tesla Propulsion Company”. By
“propulsion”, Tesla included ether propulsion.
IV: Dealing with “Equal and Opposite” Forces
If the Tesla transmitter produced negative pulses which
“preponderated” over the opposite pole of “p2”, the question as to
whether the “equal and opposite” forces would propel the saucer,
depended on several things. Since the electrical attractive force is
so much stronger than the G force, it would be conservative to
conclude that a small amount of electrical power would be sufficient
to propel a relatively large mass through space at an astounding
speed, relying on the fact that all mass has excessive positive
charge, and that the ether has sufficient positive charges and
rigidity to provide something for an electric flying machine to
“pull against”, as it accelerated in a particular direction.
electrical attractive force is thousands of zillions of times
stronger than the gravity force which pulls it toward the ground!
Great care would be required in designing the shape of the flying
machine’s surface, since it might cause the acceleration of objects
toward itself, as well as itself toward them. By use of a concave
parabolic shape, for example, the electric force would be focused at
the center of its radius, at a particular distance from the inwardly
curved surface. On a machine of large mass, this shape could cause a
smaller object to be jerked toward it with fantastic force.
It could
literally jerk a person’s head off, were it located at the focal
point of the parabola If, on the other hand, one wanted only to
“beam up Scotty”, a carefully controlled, weaker force could be
exerted with a small, parabolic dish of slight curve, pointed
downward, in or on the bottom of the machine as it hovered, to pull
an object (or person, or young bull), up into the machine.
An appropriately designed flying machine should have a reminded,
gradually curved surface, to prevent the leakage of charges into the
atmosphere as much as practicable, as well as to insure that the
electric force would be dispersed and radiated outward over a broad
area, so as to avoid focusing the force, and to diffuse it over a
greater volume of space, containing greater mass (of atmospheric
gasses, distant bodies, and the polarized, ‘solid state’, Omni
Matter), so the smaller mass of the machine is, attracted forward or
upward, with as little disturbance of atmospheric mass as possible.
This was the reason for the many Tesla experiments with rounded
conductor surfaces, his concern with atmospheric science, and his
care to see that the elevated dome-shaped conductor for his
Wardenclyffe Tower project was always positively charged (since a
shot of negative pulses might have jerked it off its supporting
There are so many rounded surfaces in Tesla’s designs, that it gave
me cause to wonder why Margaret Cheney, in her Tesla biography,
Tesla: Man Out of Time 1, using a passe’, post-mortem Freudian
psychoanalytic technique, alleged that Tesla had a near psychotic
phobia of “rounded surfaces”, evidenced by his revulsion and fear of
pearls, based on an underlying “fear of the female breast”. This
hypothesis seemed belabored and misplaced, since Tesla’s dislike for
pearls appeared to be the result of his well-known phobia of germs,
since pearls are essentially the result of a type of ‘infection’ in
Could this sloppily surmised “phobia of rounded surfaces”
be an O.S.I-designed ruse to lead us away from one of the
fundamental ideas of Tesla’s flying saucer? Did Tesla realty have
an irrational fear of “the female breast” and “all breast-like
shapes” (“flying saucers”), as Margaret Cheney said?
Quite to the contrary, many of Tesla’s inventions are a glory to the
breast, and a display of his apparati looked like a veritable garden
of breasts, to be sure. Howard Hughes certainly had nothing on Tesla
in this respect. The final design for his (originally “titty-like”)
Wardenclyffe Tower electrode, multiplied the titty motif literally
hundreds of times, in different sizes! It looked sort of like a
giant donut covered with bras.
There is an unmistakable similarity
between the Wardenclyffe Tower electrode, and early German saucers,
presumably reflecting Tesla’s original designs, which could just as
well have been called “Flying Titties”. “UFOlogists might have been
called “Boobologists”. Is the female breast shape the most perfect
flying saucer shape? I have to conclude that I think Tesla loved the
female breast, and other such shapes. I won’t dwell further on this
lovely issue; I should have made my point, so now I’ll cut to the
When Tesla died in 1943, few noted that a great scientist and
inventor had died It was as if he had scarcely lived, and that his
only contributions were A.C. current generators, distribution
systems, and motors. Before what I call my ‘Tesla Revival”,
beginning around 1976, there was an obvious attempt to conceal
Tesla’s place in history, which I believe was because he invented
the flying saucer.
The national security establishment wanted to
dispel private Tesla research or experimentation, since the most
fundamental discovery associated with him-the Tesla coil—was also
the fundamental discovery used to power the flying saucer. It is
still against federal law to operate an unshielded spark gap and
Tesla coil, or a Ford Model T coil with a spark-gap. These laws,
dating from the early ‘40s, are still on the books, and though
ostensibly enforced by the F.C.C., I think they were really intended
to prohibit civilian rediscovery of Tesla’s’ flying saucer.
was irritated by Albert Einstein and his theories, and considered
himself greater than Einstein. Why? The following comparison may
answer this question:
V: A Comparison of Gravitational and Electrical Force,
As Applied to Flying Saucer Propulsion
The electrical attractive force is 1039 x 2,2 times stronger than
the gravitational attractive force G. This equation is a constant,
for converting from the gravitation to the electrical attractive
1Margaret Cheney, Tesla: Man Out of Time [1981], Prentiss-Hall.
Example: 1,000 ft. -lbs. of mechanical energy are required to lift a
1,000 lb. flying saucer to a height of 1 ft. above the ground. This
is 1,356 joules (1 joules). Divide this by the above
constant, to show that only a tiny electrical force will do more
work than a ‘conventional’ mechanical force, such as that produced
by rockets or propellers.
This is true for work is done by a constant vertical force F, and
motion in a straight vertical line in the direction of the force.
The work done on a body is defined as the magnitude of the force,
times the distance d through which the body moves. Inversely, the
power produced by the constant gravitational force G, acting to move
a 1,000 lb. flying saucer from a point 1 ft. above ground, to the
ground, would be 1,000 ft.-lbs. (= 1,356 joules, the same equivalent
work required to pick the saucer up, against the constant vertical G
force, to the 1 ft. height).
Since the magnitude of electrical
attractive force is the G force times the conversion constant, and
the work performed on a body equals the force times distance, then:
or Work = (1039x 2.2x 1,356 joules) x 1 ft.
or W= 40,492,781,690,140,845,070,422,535,211,091,549,295.77 miles.
The above calculation would be true if the G force remained constant
for that distance above earth, so it would be much greater, since
there would be no gravity to overcome once the saucer was outside
the earth’s gravitational field. The work done by conventional
energy, when converted in this manner, should theoretically do 1039
x 22 times more work, though in practice, there are inevitable
losses, such as corona leakage and electrical resistance reflected
as dissipated heat, etc, in the application of power (which, to be
conservative, might amount to as much as 30%).
In view of the vast
increase in work, such losses are insignificant. This phenomenon is
one of the fantastic tricks of nature which can be utilized through
science, and its discovery by Tesla in the flying saucer, is
definitely the greatest invention I know of. No wonder Tesla
considered himself greater than Einstein! After all, the saucer is
certainly more important than the atom bomb, though Einstein didn’t
invent the bomb, or anything else, for that matter, to my knowledge,
other than Big Lie Illuminist Physics.
On a positive note, what
Einstein did invent, however, were many very sweet and ‘profound’
platitudes and anecdotes involving the archetypical “eccentric,
genius, absent-minded professor.
VI: Momentum and Applied Force
Simply put, momentum is equal to the overall force required to
produce a particular increase or decrease in the velocity of a
particular body. The rate of change of momentum is also equal to the
applied force. Since an applied electromagnetic force is so much
stronger than an ‘apllied’ gravitational force, the rate of change
of momentum is also that much greater.
The force applied from a saucer, toward the ether in space, is
emanated outward from a
curved, convex surface of certain area, and directed toward a much
greater area of space,
containing an ether which is rigidified by the enormous, rapidly
varying electrostatic forces
from the earth, which as Tesla said caused the ether to assert its
“inertia-resistance”. In addition,
there are atoms and molecules of matter such as gasses and water
droplets which presents more of
a problem than a solution. The total reaction between the saucer and
the combined rigidified etheric fluid and carriers (Omni Matter) is apparently more
considerable than one would think.
This is partly brought about by the saucer’s shape, which determines
how the force is distributed.
Though the saucer is a compact, more solid mass than the atmospheric
gases and ether, the saucer is pulled at a high rate of
acceleration. The real work done on the Omni Matter is apparently
the result of the propulsive force created by the D.C. brush, as it
eats up the tubes of force, which are forced to dissolve in the
conductors by the high frequency blocking current at the ship’s
opposite end. The convex surface directs the force outward along
lines which are perpendicular to the curved saucer surface. As the
lines of force extend outward, they grow further and further apart,
to affect a greater total volume of space and Omni Matter.
Considering the density of vacuum space and the magnitude of the
force, the interactance by astounding propulsion of a ship by the
much stronger electromagnetic force, is the “equal and opposite
The etheric fluid and carriers in front of the saucer are
‘stretched’, creating a low pressure (ratified ether) ‘cone’, as the
charges also cause the atmospheric gases to become mutually
repellant According to Tesla,
“...on the assumption that the
independent carriers are of any configuration such that the fluid
resistance to motion in one direction is greater than in another, a
stress of that nature would cause the carriers to arrange themselves
in groups, since they would turn to each other their sides of the
greatest electrical density, in which position the fluid resistance
to approach would be smaller than to receding.”
Tesla has described
how the elastic force of the stretched ether has made movement in
that direction easier. As the saucer accelerates to perhaps 9,000
mph., the shock wave is dampened by the low pressure cone, thus
eliminating a potential sonic boom, as the gasses gradually return
to plenum as the corona trail dissipates. The saucer’s negative ion
path and ejectment of mutually repulsive Omni Matter to its aft,
causes the low pressure gasses also to be mutually repulsive,
preventing them from ‘clapping’ back together so quickly, such as
with the booms and cracks caused by lightning bolts and thunder.
The saucer I witnessed in 1953 went from almost overhead, to
infinity, in three seconds. It was between 35 and 50 feet in
diameter. A rough calculation would be 9,000 mph., with no sonic
boom or other sound, based on my being able to see it at 7.5 miles
VII: Energy and Time
Neither energy nor time exist, since these are only fictions or
concepts we have created, to measure, calculate or predict certain
functions and reactions in and between space, matter, light,
“zero-point radiation”, “zero-point ultra fine matter”, and cruder
“atomic matter” (which may be only a concentrated assemblage of the
latter). In 1963, I dubbed the ultra fine zero-point matter, “Omni
Matter”, saying it is the source of all atomic matter. This comports
with Tesla’s ether.
“Electrical content” and electromagnetic force, in their most finite
forms (ultra fine Omni Matter
and zero-point radiation in space) are very closely related to light
(both visible and invisible). It has
been said that this made Einstein and other Illuminists very happy,
since it appeared to bring
physics and cosmology into consistency with their Kabbalistic,
existentialist, Illuminist, Hermetic
philosophy and religion. Time is a concept describing the rate at
which events in the universe occur.
1T.C. Martin, Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nicola Tesla,
1894, Chapter XXV - Introduction - The Scope, of the Tesla Lectures.
Since one cannot “travel” in a “concept” (which describes a
“rate”), it should have been obvious that “time travel” is a
physical impossibility, if not an epistemological and metaphysical
blunder. The shadows on a cave’s walls can deceive those who are
content to sit and watch shadows, rather roan to venture beyond the
cave, to discover the true nature of reality outside that little
womb of false security.
‘Objective reality’, in the purely physical sense, may consist
primarily of electric magnetic force and ultra fine neutral
particles, which in turn, compose all atomic mass. Since ‘gravity’
is the result of electrostatic imbalances to the equilibrium
existing between ‘atomic’ matter and ether-filled space, rigidified
by the effect of rapidly varying electrostatic disturbances, in the
space within the proximity of a gravitational body’s electric field,
a “super-gravity” force can be synthesized by creating an electric
field stress which creates an even greater, overpowering disturbance
to the equilibrium, which can only be restored by movement of a
body so affected, until its position satisfies the ‘equal and
opposite reaction’ rule.
The movement of the saucer satisfies the
imbalance created by the gobbling up and dissolution of the
unidirectional tubes of force, which imparts momentum to the saucer,
along the axis of polarity of the tubes force, in satisfaction of
the ‘need’ created. This line of thinking seems to indicate how Tesla
considered so-called “nuclear reactions”... electromagnetic reactions
which produce powerful, very high frequency disturbances in the zero
point “natural media”, which react with atomic matter.
reactions are deemed ‘stronger’ than normal electromagnetic ones,
since their disturbances are of such high force (voltage) levels,
and of such high frequencies, as to react strongly (resonantly),
with other atomic matter, sometimes to the “critical mass” stage of
transmutation, such as that associated with thermonuclear explosions
or implosions.
Meanwhile, the “zero-point radiation” (“ZPR”) and Omni Matter
interact at much higher force levels, yet to be fully measured. The
spaces between the nuclear parts of atomic matter are comparatively
so large, and the Omni Particles so small, in relation to the
average amplitude of the ZPR, that the transference of force takes
place right through solid matter, carried by the Onmi Particles, as
if atomic mass isn’t even there.
The use of the term “zero-point” is
generally used to describe a system which is in equilibrium
According to physicist J. A. Wheeler
1, the density of “zero-point
energy” in vacuum-space is 1094 gram/cm3. (Note: This is purportedly
the density of a cubic centimeter, and if correct, translates into
humongous potential energy, right in the space at the tip of your
nose.) I view “energy” purely as a potential, rather than something
having an actual physical existence, as asserted by Einstein. I
think Wheeler did likewise, since his measurement applied to the
energy of “zero point radiation”, not to the Relativist concept,
“zero point energy”.
Since I also am an adherent to the wave theory of light (rather than
the “corpuscular” theory,
or a contradictory combination of the two), I refer to the
“omnidirectionally interpenetrating
radiation” contained in “equilibrated” space, not as “zero-point
energy” (“ZPE”), but rather
“zero-point radiation” (“ZPR”). I also believe all space is
saturated with ultra fine (normally)
neutral matter (which also permeates all atomic matter).
I refer to
this as “Omni Matter”; This
matter is activated by electromagnetic radiation which is not in
equilibrium, transmitting its forces
through Omni Matter/space until it is absorbed by some ‘atomic’
matter or body. Likewise, the
ZPR is able to interpenetrate almost all mass, because at such high
frequencies, its tiny wavelength passes between atoms without
resonating with or reacting with them. There is an exception.
1 A. Wheeler, Geometrodynamics, Academic Press [1962].
According to Tesla, so-called “radioactive” elements reacting to the ZPR (are “...targets” continuously bombarded by “infinitesimal
bullets projected from all parts of the universe”, without which
“all radioactivity would cease” 1), which is the actual source of the
radiation produced by them. There’s something to think about: What
is the nature of the structure or status of ‘radioactive’ elements,
which allows them to react energetically with the ZPR?
It is my belief that during a body’s movement through the space
surrounding our earth, the independent carriers—the Omni Matter—,
possessing independent ‘tubes of force’, are unified, creating
continuously extended tubes of electric and magnetic force, which I
call “micro-helices”, swirling in parallel, tubular pathways through
the body.
A resistance (called “inertia”) is experienced by a body,
against the force of movement, with a polarity of movement, as
acceleration progresses. There is a buildup of momentum (due to the
very same mechanism as inertia). The
inertia-resistance/momentum-perpetuation is encountered only with an
increase or decrease in velocity, forcing the stubborn micro-helices
into a different pitch (angle of turns) and frequency (turns per
distance) of swirling electromagnetism, for each different velocity.
There is no friction at a constant velocity, at which the ether
“gives back” what it “takes”.
As proof of this concept, the process can be reversed. By placing
some paraffin in a “triax box”, with a magnetic field of 10,000
gauss, the atoms of the medium are magnetically aligned, or
‘polarized’. A high frequency electromagnetic field at 90 degrees,
tuned to the nuclear magnetic resonance (“NMR”) frequency of
hydrogen... 42.6 MHz..., excites the medium. This permits the
hydrogen to react with the ZPR, to produce a (radioactive) beam of
gamma radiation, which is far above the frequency one should expect
from hydrogen.
One can produce an output of electromagnetic
radiation, magnetism, electric current, or “electromagnetic
momentum”, depending on the particular arrangement used and output
preferred. With a hovering saucer, the electric field is
externalized, with a current passing radially from the top center,
across the predominantly horizontal area, and down the sides of the
ship. A magnetic field automatically appears at 90 degrees to the
electric field, and mass propulsion occurs on the third (vertical)
axis, as utilized in Hall effect pumps. The downwardly directed
beams of radiation seen on flying saucers may be due to the
production of temporary radioactive isotopes of extremely short half
lives, which emit photons as they return to their ground states.
Since a permanent magnet is composed of a medium (iron, usually)
which has been magnetically aligned or polarized, some of the
interpenetrating ZPR is arrested and separated into electric and
magnetic components, and converted into magnetic flux, which is
really a kind of “radioactivity”. The ZPR is the driving force
behind this flux, which is strongest when aligned with the earth’s
magnetic field, which in turn has polarized and converted some of
the ZPR near or in the earth.
The force of the flux will in turn
separate moving positive and negative electric charges, more or less
as the reciprocal of the mechanism by which the force of the ZPR has
been diverted to create the magnetic flux. A permanent magnet can
also be thought of as a “magnetic flux superconductor”, which like
an ultra high frequency antenna, receives the ZPR and produces a
magnetic flux.
1Nikola Tesla, Letter, New York Times [Feb. 6, 1932], p. 16, col. 8.
Use of permanent magnets by Tesla, across a spark gap discharge, was
intended to use the Hall Effect to break the discharge, by
separating the positive and negative charges, in order to produce a
more perfect sine wave. Inadvertently, Tesla discovered that
electric spark discharges in air, ignite and combust atmospheric
oxygen and nitrogen, producing 12-million-volt waves.
The oxygen and
nitrogen, both, below atomic number 19, are thereby transmuted into
alpha and beta charges (stripped helium nuclei with +2 charge ea.,
and electrons with -1 charges ea) by the powerful radiation
produced, having a voltage potential of 12 Mev. Since this is almost
three times the Mev level of gamma radiation emitted by radium, it
is certainly sufficient to explain the claims of Tesla, as
traditional contemporary physics cannot explain such high voltages
or radiation.
In an ancient application of this same principle, there were
ceremonies carried out in the underground kivas of American Indian
tribes in the southwest. Small, white, hand-held, rounded quartz
boulders (around 2 lbs. ea.), were held in pairs, by each of a
circle of men, and struck together in the dark, to produce powerful
electric spark discharges. Such rocks were called “thunder stones”
by the Southwestern Indians. You may notice some similarity to the
Norse myth of Thor (“Hare”, meaning Osiris), with his hammer.
similarity was not coincidental, since the Indians called the Great
White Hare Waban, an incarnation of the eastern dawn that brings
light 1 (which comports with the
Norse Odin and Saxon Wotam,
literally meaning “east dawn “). The spark discharges produce bright
light, and when many are simultaneously struck together, it is
enough to light up the kiva, just as the Zuni (“Sun-of-Nu”) Ahayuda’
(“East-Hare (of) Light[ning]”) was thought to do. The Zuni war god
can only be carved from the trunk of a cottonwood tree which has
been struck by lightning, and a lightning bolt is displayed on the
The same thing holds true for the Assyrian
(“East-Hare-People” or “Aryan”) Ahuramazda
(“East-Hare-of-Good-Light”), the carvings of which also display
lightning bolts. During these southwestern Indian ceremonies, the
unmistakable smell of ozone fills the air, and perhaps the “laughing
gas” produced by the sparks, which ignite oxygen and nitrogen and
form nitrogen oxide, makes one giddy, euphoric, and intoxicated..
VIII: Thor’s Model T Coil
In my 1979 search for scientific salvage, I found a
Peiltochterkompass (German, for
“Polar-Slave-Compass”), in a pile of salvage from Sandia Base, in
Albuquerque, which turned out
to be classified salvage sold to a private dealer, who had bought
the stuff without knowledge that
the government employee had stolen it from a classified salvage heap
at Sandia Base, then sold it
for his own profit. The device was part of the celestial or inertial
guidance system developed by the
Germans in 1943, for navigational use on the Kreisel Teller (German
for “Gyrating-Plate”), more
popularly known as the “flying saucer”.
Also in that pile of
classified salvage, was an old Ford
Model T ignition coil (an invention of Tesla), along with a couple
of the kind of ignition coils used
in chemistry labs. In retrospect, I have decided that the
Peiltochterkompass and other items may
have been clues placed there intentionally, and that perhaps someone
expected me to interpret
their use. I have a hunch as to who that “someone” may have
been—perhaps an old friend from
long ago—but I won’t dare to mention the name here.
1Iron Thunderhorse, The Mysterious Dawnlanders, ANCIENT AMERICAN
[July/Aug,, Sept/Oct, 1997], Issue #19/20
The ignition coils suggested ignition of the
two or more chemical components—such as oxygen and nitrogen—to
create a nuclear/electromagnetic reaction from elements commonly
existing in the atmosphere. The Model T coil is an interesting
gadget, since it contains a Tesla coil, combined with capacitor and
a ‘Faraday buzzer’, which converts D.C, current from the battery
into high voltage negative pulses.
The Faraday buzzer was a
substitute for a spark gap. All feat is needed for operation is a
battery. Tesla may have powered his prototype flying saucer with a
battery powered Model T coil, and may in fact have originally
developed the Model T coil for that specific purpose. Tesla would
often invent a particular gadget for his saucer, then ‘turn it
around’ and market it for ready cash when needed, in uses more
adaptable to fee relatively archaic technology of the contemporary
market place of his day.
In 1948, when I was ten years old, I belonged to a ‘ham’ radio club.
I built a ham transceiver and had my Morse code up to speed for the
qualification test, but was disappointed to learn that, at that
time, under federal law, I could not take the test or operate my
transceiver until I was 16. Consequently, a more startling fact I
discovered, was the federal law prohibiting use of a Model T coil
with a spark gap. The law appeared to come into existence
contemporaneously to flying saucer technology, and the coil produces
a series of negative pulses.
The conversion formula indicates that
it might be adequate to propel a small, man-carrying saucer, such as
the early electrical prototypes in which Tesla ventured out of his
New York City hotel window at night, making nocturnal excursions
over the city in a machine he called his “flivver” machine, which
was described as being about the size of a “gas stove”
1. This
astonishing scenario must have been what scared the hell out of the
oil companies. Most researchers have erroneously associated Tesla’s
“flivver” machine to the VTOL-type airplane which he patented in
When we observe a hovering saucer on a windless day or night, a
large electrical flame is often apparent, spreading around the
saucer, and growing in size the longer fee saucer remains in one
spot. This is because the initial high voltage ‘leaders’—like
electrical spider webs—begin to break away from the saucer’s
surface, ionizing and igniting oxygen-nitrogen combustion in the
atmospheric gasses.
Many observers mistakenly believe that the these
‘lights’ must represent electrical losses from the saucer power
system, but this is inaccurate, since the saucers’ electric
discharges are only the “matches’, which ignite the gasses, which in
turn burn so brightly. On windy nights, saucers hovering high in the
sky flicker like candles in the wind, from the action of the wind
periodically blowing the corona flames around on the hull.
In a
quiet and windless sky, the saucers may hover with a steadier,
brighter glow, which is similar in appearance to, but
distinguishable from a star, by a skilled observer. All the visible
phenomena of saucers are consistent wife this analysis.
IX: Work and Energy
The saucer propulsion system appears to operate “over unity”, as a
“free energy” device. The “Law of Conservation of Energy” is said to
be “violated” by a device which operates “over unity”, but this
interpretation is false when properly analyzed, especially when
considered in the light of devices which utilize fuels or forces
already existing in ambient reality, to perform work.
1Microfilm letter, Nikola Tesla to Westinghouse Co., July 7, 1912,
Library of Congress.
In fact, all
energy processes are ultimately derived from “ZPR”, but the great
majority of ordinary processes used in the ‘archaic technology’
forced on us by the coercive monopolists, waste so much energy that
they operate well below unity. The false interpretation of the law
of conservation of energy becomes obvious, when going from weak
gravitational to stronger electric and electromagnetic, or even
nuclear reactions.
The question seems to hinge on a definition of
“fuel”, its origin, and in what form does the fuel for a particular
reaction enter into an event. There are several forms of ‘fuel’
which appear to have been intentionally obscured. Just exactly how
does a permanent magnet remain “energized”, without any obvious fuel
or “input energy”? Formal physics plays with words, accepting
certain definitions of “energy”, then canceling those definitions
selectively in the case of such things as magnets.
Energy is defined as “...the ability to do work”, and the accepted
formula is that “work equals force times distance”. We know that a
stronger force will do a greater amount of work on a body over a
given period of time, than a weaker force will. The “law” is not
violated, where one converts a weaker force into a stronger one, and
does a great deal more work, even though there are usually losses in
conversions, and even though no more ‘conventional’ energy is added
to the process. A powerful rare earth magnet will do more work than
a conventional iron one, especially since the electric field
required to cancel such a strong field is much greater, and this
will be a measure of the output.
Fools will immediately blabber that “...this is impossible, because
it violates the law of conservation of energy”, and that there is a
‘difference’ between “force” and “energy”. Really? Then why do they
fail to delineate just exactly what that alleged ‘difference’ is,
and how the ‘force’ of a magnet is any different than any other
force which does work? They are fundamentally wrong in this case.
1963, a physics professor told me that a magnet “did no work” when
it pulled a steel ball across a table top. The force moved a body
(the ball) over a distance. The work performed, measurable in
standard units of “energy”, conformed to an accepted definition of
“energy”, the same one used by the physics professor in class. I
rejected the tortured route of false reasoning intended to
counteract my statement of the above, and the physics professor was
A weaker force—the alleged ‘gravity’ force between the iron in the
magnet, and the steel ball—would not have pulled the ball across the
table top. The weaker G force was dominated by the stronger magnetic
force. Gravity also does work (remember Niagra Falls?). There are
large discrepancies in supposed applications of the “laws of
physics”, yet it is generally agreed that “energy can be neither
created nor destroyed, but only changed in its form”. This statement
is completely consistent to the “free energy hypothesis”.
We know
that ZPR exists in a volume of vacuumized space, also filled with
ether, otherwise a vacuum tube would not allow discharges. This
applies to the space all around us here on earth, together with
around 26 atmospheric gasses. We have the gasses and atomic matter,
in addition to naturally existing ZPR and Omni matter, to work with,
requiring only that we use appropriate means to simply convert the
weaker forces to the stronger ones, rendering them “usable”.
reiteration, we only need to polarize the radiant effects and
separate and extract heat, other radiation, pressure changes,
electric content, or magnetism, to do work. As a “magnetic flux
superconductor”, a common magnet most likely collects the ZPR in
something like a ‘reversed’ K-capture phenomenon, and converts it to
magnetic flux.
The use of permanent magnets to produce electricity in ‘over unity’
devices, has not yet realty come into its own. The (Hans) Coler
“Stromerzeuger” 1 (a “magnetic flux device”, developed 1926-45) was a
step in the right direction, and might have produced enough
electricity to power a saucer, since the conversion constant shows a
small current should suffice. It was not taken under development by O.K.M. until Jan. 4, 1943, too late for the Kreiselleller-p2
Projekt, which appeared to use a helium reactor, and the German
saucers had been flying since as early as 1936.
Atoms of iron are a ‘medium’ which have a peculiar capacity to
capture and convert ZPR into magnetic flux, which is always a
secondary product of current. This means a magnet polarizes and
unifies the tubes of force associated with the independent ether
carriers. In the manufacture or formation of magnets—either in
industry or in nature—the atoms (or molecules) of very hot or molten
iron, which are in a state of flux, are aligned by an external
magnetic field or electric current, whereupon the atoms are cooled
and ‘frozen’ in aligned state, in a semi-permanent population
Since the magnetic field remains when the external
electric or magnetic field is removed, a magnet exists in an
unbalanced relationship, ‘needing’ an electric field or current to
accompany it. This imbalance continues because the magnet apprehends
the magnetic portion of the ZPR, exposing its electrical portion,
disturbing its equilibrium, wherever magnetic flux permeates. By
alternating a magnetic field perpendicular to a pole-piece, or
alternating an electrical current at right angles to a pole piece,
an iron core will oscillate magnetically, producing rising,
saturating, falling, and reversing magnetic flux which may then be
used to create alternating current in inductance windings.
potential for these processes to operate ova unity is not generally
understood or accepted, though there are numerous ways to operate
electric and magnetic devices in ways violative of the law of
conservation of energy, according to the version misinterpreted by
the power cartels and their dupes in the field of science.
It stands to reason that if energy is the “ability to do work”, and
work equals “force over
distance”, that energy equals “force over time”. These distinctions
have been obliterated and
concealed by the Illuminati, which has taught us to view energy as
something which comes out of
a gas tank and is “used up”
X: Forces and Fields
All forces create fields, and vice-versa. Some fields in nature may
be unknown in specific detail. For example, we know that certain
crystals can alter the frequency of radiation (the “Raman effect”),
but some aspects of the process remain unexplained. Electric and
magnetic fields, in relation to aligned crystalline molecular
structure, are the known fields involved. Since I have not fully
developed my opinions regarding crystals and sub-atomic physics, I
say no more in this respect, except that crystals generally appear
to be transducers of electromagnetic radiation.
Crystals are indeed fascinating and of scientific importance and
interest, but have nothing to
do with saucer propulsion. Beware of being side-tracked by huxters
spewing slyly false OSI
propaganda, designed to divert you into pseudo-scientific theories
of crystals, so you will neglect
your pursuit of saucer propulsion secrets.
1See Dr. Franklin Kilpatrick’s Free Energy Secrets! (regarding a
1946 declassified report of Brit Intel.
Objectives Sub-Committee).
While it is conceivable that crystals could be used in
some peripheral way to produce or control electrical energy to power
a saucer, such as a frequency detector, they are not directly
involved in producing so-called “anti-gravity propulsion”, which is
really an electromagnetic magnification and redirection of the
so-called “gravity force”. I call this “Electropulsion” or “Super
Gravity” (also called “electromagnetic momentum” by J. J. Thomson).
Private citizens can do experiments with a minimum of equipment,
with exciting prospects. It is often assumed that
government/corporate scientists have already explored all
possibilities, and that we would know of any important discoveries.
But just think about it Patent protection lasts only 17 years. Is
some corporation which has existed for over 100 years, going to
disclose a discovery which will put itself out of business, liberate
people from its power, and render its mineral assets practically
worthless, in only 17 years, when they have already projected their
future earnings from fossil fuels for at least the next 100 years?
How else to guarantee perpetual oligarchic, socio-economic monopoly,
acquire and hold ready-made mineral fuels and derived chemicals,
while shutting off all avenues of alternative energy, chemicals, and
raw materials?
The cartels will riot sit idly by while some “two-bit inventor”
produces and markets a device which will demolish their business in
5 years, but will move by hook or crook to nip it in the bud. They
will continue to get away with it, as they always have, unless we
prevent it and break the cycle of abuse. The only way we can beat
them is to make free energy inventions publicly available, and
pass our technology all around, so that everyone can use it.
Otherwise, they will hunt down the information and destroy it, along
with its authors. It is indeed ironic, that the inventor’s desire to
protect his discovery through secrecy, and the patent office’s
required secrecy, enables a corporate “stainless steal”. There is no
protection in the law for an inventor of such a device, so it just
as well be given to everyone. As stated in Chapter I, the inventor
should make a discovery public domain, to nullify any future
corporate theft, and to manufacture and sell the invention, rather
than go through an exhaustive patent application providing the
cartels with advance notice enabling them to steal the discovery
through the patent office.
Was it not the failure to reproduce and spread valuable knowledge
everywhere, which was the greatest mistake of the ancient library at
Alexandria? Where the greatest knowledge of the ancient world was
collected and virtually concealed in one place, practically all of
it was destroyed there, by religious fanatics. This destruction set
human technology back about 1500 years, and paved the way for the
Dark Ages, during which the only people allowed to possess, develop,
or experiment with advanced scientific knowledge were the
alchemists, who were exclusively employed by the ruling elite and
bound by secrecy.
Those who violated these boundaries were burned at
the stake or impaled as witches or sorcerers. Today they are
prosecuted into insanity or oblivion by the FCC. Has anything really
changed? Let’s change it. Spread all your secrets.
Small and non-energy-related inventions can be successfully patented
and marketed without Illuminati interference, so long as they represent only a tiny
fraction of the marketplace. Anything
dealing with energy or transportation however, will be met with
severe suppression and theft by
the cartels. The typical delusion of the neophyte independent
inventor, of receiving a vast fortune
from such inventions, will only lead to incredible pain, after he
has exhausted all his resources seeking “patent protection”.
1William R. Lyne, OCCULT ETHER PHYSICS: Tesla’s Hidden Space
Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to
Conceal It [1997,1998],
It is time for us to spread all the
suppressed technology we know of among the people, and to
concentrate on manufacturing durable goods of high quality, just the
sort of things the cartels hate. Inventors should devote their time
spreading, trading and acquiring advanced, free energy technology,
developing and initiating production techniques and creating
facilities, as quickly as possible. We should also avoid La La
Land-type pseudo-science of the type “encouraged” by the Illuminati.
Some will jeer that, if we have such technology, why aren’t we using
it? I’ve got news for these naive people. We are using it, and they
are using it, but the public doesn't know it. In addition, we are
paying for it, while the public service cartels pretend to be
generating power with conventional technology, and are being
unjustly enriched. A secret free energy system was built into our
public electric utility system, by Nikola Tesla.
We pay the cartels
for electricity picked up ‘along the way’ to our houses, from the
earth-ionospheric source, by the poles, and from the ZPR and Omni
matter source, by the electromagnetic fields around the transmission
lines. Even more current is generated by the meter on the sides of
our houses (a Tesla invention which will function as a meter, a
generator, or a meter and generator), depending on the particular
equipment and hookups used. This secret is so well guarded that even
few high ranking public service employees are aware of it.
If the kilowatt hours used in a region serviced by certain
generators were accurately calculated, the total usage would
probably far exceed the power produced by the generator stations. We
are told by the ‘experts’ that energy is lost, but Tesla said
otherwise. Each power pole is an antenna, having a copper grounding
plate underneath it, and adds electric power from the
earth-ionospheric source, to the power grid. At your house, the
electric meter generates even more power, as it also reads your
“consumption”. With certain alterations, a Tesla electric meter can
generate as much power as you consume and it can measure, perhaps
even more.
Differently oriented, the electric meter was originally
one of Tesla’s secret inventions, used as an extremely over-unity
fee energy generator, rather than a meter. I have tested this, and I
know it weeks. Tesla’s statement as to its potential output was so
large that I won’t mention it, for fear you would call him a “nut”.
These inventions are based on standard free energy or ether theory.
Radiation and matter exist in a state of self-restoring equilibrium
in which all reactions tend to equal zero, with equilibrium being
self-restored when disturbed This tendency to become restored is
related to the energy potential existing in fee space, being a
property of all matter and radiation. Since free universe is a
perpetual motion system, energy, per se, does not exist, and all
“work” is done by perpetual universal forces which exist in the
Radiation does not move through space, but is the result of
electrical and magnetic disturbances from stored sources emanating
into the zero-point system at various points, which activate and
polarize the normally neutral Omni Matter, causing transmission in
chain reactions, carrying the electromagnetic oscillations from a
multitude of points A, to a multitude of points B.
The Omni Matter is so fine that it is capable of super-transmitting
electromagnetic disturbances,
from particle to particle, at all frequencies, simultaneously, in
all directions, while self-restoring is
own equilibrium. If we conceive of Omni Matter as tiny, identical
globes composed of
intertwined positive and negative bundles of electromagnetic force
in equilibrium, densely packing
all space like grains of sand, while ZPR simultaneously vibrates
through it in all directions, it is
possible to understand how equilibrium is maintained by the
omnidirectipnal ZPR, and how
equilibrium can be upset. The equilibrium is upset by polarization
of this omnidirectional vibratory mode, and ‘energy’ (the exertion
of force through distance) may be extracted from or injected into
the Omni Matter and the ZPR, via a proper medium of exchange.
What one may perceive as “light, moving through space”, is an
electromagnetic fluorescent reactance of matter, as the forces
excite it at particular visible frequencies related to the
fluorescence-frequencies of the surface atoms of illuminated visible
The trick is to disturb the equilibrium with a minimum of input,
then to appropriate the ‘restoring’ energy, on a continuous basis.
Low frequency electromagnetic forces which are transmitted into the
system, are transmitted through it very efficiently. Whenever the
frequency is increased until it creates disturbances in atomic
matter-tending to re-establish its equilibrium—“atomic energy” may
be produced.
The potential for matter to be “worked upon” by
electric, magnetic or nuclear force, is called “energy”. Whenever a
physical body is forced against another body, electromagnetic
reactions, binding, attracting and repelling forces between the
atoms and molecules of the bodies are stressed The object with the
greater momentum usually forces the other body to move or to come
apart. On the microscopic level, force is imparted
electromagnetically. “Energy” is always an abstract future
contingency, which has no present existence in physical form. It is
not a substance, and cannot be equated with a substance, but is a
property of atomic, electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic radiation
and reactions, which occur under certain conditions.
In order for the equilibrated forces of ZPR and matter to be
synthetically apprehended for the performance of useful work, a
quantity of specially chosen matter (or ‘medium’) may be placed in a
“triaxial box”, and subjected to electric, magnetic, or
electromagnetic forces (emphasizing that so-called thermal or
nuclear forces are really material reactions to electromagnetic
A confusion between “energy” and “force”, in conjunction with a
false interpretation of the law of conservation of energy by their
scientific dupes, allows the Trilateralists/CFR/Illuminati to
conceal free energy and Super Gravity technology secrets from us. We
no longer need for them to tell us the ‘secrets’, because the
secrets are out. We must apprehend and use this technology to throw
off the parasitic CFR.
Nikola Tesla’s discovery of high frequency radiation and its use in
the flying saucer, was his greatest contribution to the world. An
oscillating electromagnetic wave has a frequency, which is the
number of “beats” per second, with which the electromagnetic force
is delivered. Within a system, an increase in frequency also
increases the voltage or force of each beat, yet this requires no
greater power to do so. Visualize a person beating a rug with a
certain force, at the rate of one stroke per second. Now visualize
that person bearing the rug 10 times per second, at twice the force.
Naturally, the results for a given time will be greater, yet with
electromagnetic radiation, no greater power is required to deliver
20 megahertz, than 20 kilohertz, yet the force (voltage) of the
former, is greater per beat, as well as the number of blows per
second. It is this phenomenon which causes the power radiated by an
oscillating electromagnetic dipole, to increase at the fourth power
of its increase in frequency.
This is called the “reactance”, and it
is exactly what Tesla had in mind when he announced the completion
of some tests of his electromagnetic (saucer) propulsion system, in
1940, though he tested it as early as “many years” before 1912, to
be specific, in 1894. I call this system “Super Gravity”. It is
“public domain”, because of its unpatented secret use by the
government for over one year.
Tesla distinguished between six kinds of electromagnetic waves,
forces, and particles in space, which are:
“The Ether”, composed of independent carriers immersed in an insulative fluid, permeating all space and matter, and from or to
which all matter is ultimately composed or decomposed
“Primary Solar Rays” (“starlight”), electromagnetic waves which
travel at C, generated by our sun and other stars—having frequencies
far above X-ray, gamma and U.V. rays—which comport with the ZPR
“Cosmic Rays”, particles in space, propelled by the
Primary Solar
Rays (ZPR), and which, depending on the voltage of the propelling
ZPR, can greatly exceed C
X, Gamma and U.V. electromagnetic
waves, which travel at C
Ordinary visible and I.R.
electromagnetic waves, which travel at C
Rapidly varying electrostatic force of enormous potentials,
emanating from the earth and other gravitational bodies in space
It should be noted that the ether is not “radiation” or an “energy
source”, but rather particles (“matter”) which carry momentum,
magnetism, electricity, or electromagnetic force, and which can be
manipulated artificially or by nature to materialize or transmute
any form of matter. Tesla did not believe in the interconversion of
“matter and force” (“matter and energy”), saying “...without matter
there is no force and without force there is no matter.”
For a more extensive exploration of this subject, consult my book,
OCCULT ETHER PHYSICS: Tesla’s Hidden Space Propulsion System, and
the Conspiracy to Conceal it, 1997, Wm. R. Lyne.
Under Operation Paperclip—with full authority from Admiral Doenitz,
the German high command, Reinhard Gellen’s Amt VI SS RSHA (including
General Otto Skorzeny, whose documents bought his freedom and much
more) and every German high-level technical and political authority,
including Hitler—all flying saucer “documents” of Germany went into
CIA (OSS) hands in 1945. All documents relating to flying saucers
and some other things, including the real terms of the “surrender”,
since declassified, are either fake or altered, to confuse and
obscure Tesla’s discoveries, which I call “occult ether physics”,
since “occult” means “hidden”.
Ether effects may be metaphorically conceived as "interdimensional",
since invisible ether is incorrectly thought to be imperceptible,
but inertia and momentum are perceptible in ‘our’ dimension, which
they are part of. I use the ‘other dimension’ reference only because
fifty years of brainwashing has obliterated human consciousness of
it and many other things in reality. I present it that way to soften
the initial effects of facing reality. We perceive the ether effects
both physically, feeling inertia and momentum in our bodies as we
move, and visually, seeing the effects on objects and life forms as
they resist movement, accelerate, fall, tumble, bounce, and come to
Ether physics is the most carefully concealed ultra secret
technology of the Illuminati, and is
the ‘real’ physics. The academically accepted stuff, where
conflicting with true ether physics, is a
cover-up for the ‘real’ thing. Again, the answer is right under our
noses, masquerading as
‘insignificant effects’ or ‘anomalies’, such as the Hall effect, as
illustrated by a magneto-hydrodynamic pump. An electric current
creates a magnetic field at right angles to itself, with polarity
ascertained according to the “right hand rule”. Fields each have two
components. The electric (+ and -) and magnetic (N and S) fields
occupy two axes.
The third axis, for lack of better terminology, I
call the “reactance field” (the two components of which I call
“ether-in”, and “ether-out”):

(NOTE: The theory I propose as
Nikola Tesla’s, is different from
others known to me or patented by others, such as the “M.H.D.
Propulsion Apparatus” of J.F. King, Jr. (Patent No,
3,322,374, of
5/30/67), or patents No.
3,120,363 issued to Hagen, and Nos.
3,018,393, and
3,022,430 issued to Thomas Townsend Brown.
These were all atmospheric “ion thrusters” or “reaction-thrusters”
according to Newton’s third law of motion, were feeble, and not for
outer space. The King patent used AC rather than D.C. fields.
devices relied upon feeble “equal and opposite reaction forces” of
the propelled masses of electrons and atmospheric ions, much like an
airplane relies on pumped air. An accelerated electron will travel
only about 4 cm. in the atmosphere. The ions are limited to those
near the surface of me ship. No patented invention powers the
“flying saucer”. This (my) design pumps the ether, reaches into
space and ‘climbs’ through it like a stationary ladder, and is
unpatented because it is classified)
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