A 1958 Speech Exposing "A Small
Clique of Power Lusting Conspirators" and their Plan for
North America
A Message from the Galactic
Federation of Worlds on the Israel-Iran Conflict
Anatomy of The Deep State - Gazing
Inside the Deep State that Controls the American Empire
An In-Depth Look at the Deep State
and Shadow Government
Archbishop warns of 'Collusion
between Deep State and Deep Church' to overthrow Trump
and bring in NWO
Ponerological Profile - Henry Kissinger
- Main File
Banana Follies - The Mother of All
Color Revolutions
Brotherhood of The Bell
CFR - The Council on Foreign Relations
- Main File
CIA - The Central Intelligence Agency
- Main File
Italiano |
Come Trump si è ribellato ai
Español |
Cómo 'El Estado Profundo'
Norteamericano ha Forjado Accidentalmente un Orden
Mundial Multipolar
Español |
Cómo Palantir Conquistó el Mundo -
El Estado Profundo
Español |
Trump se rebeló contra los Generales
Conclusion - Private Entities are
Taking Over the World
Dark Suits Rule the U.S. and its
Puppet Presidents - Reveals Putin, stating the Obvious
Español |
Declaración de Mons. Carlo Maria
Viganò sobre la 'Crisis Rusia-Ucrania'
State' Neuroscientists Believe they can Turn Off Free
Donald J. Trump and the Deep State
Español |
El Centro del Mal en el Mundo - El
Estado en la Sombra Británico
Español |
El Denunciante que Expuso la Profunda Conspiración de Google
para Derrocar al Gobierno de EE.UU.
Español |
El 'Estado Profundo' absolutamente
quiere Matarte
Español |
El 'Estado Profundo' y su Propietario
- Wall Street
Español |
Gobierno Secreto
- de "...Y La Verdad Os Hará Libres"
Español |
El Gobierno Secreto - Fuente, Naturaleza y
Fines del MJ-12
Español |
El Gobierno Secreto Que Dirige Los
Estados Unidos - Detrás de La Democracia Estadounidense, El...
Español |
El Golpe de Estado ha Comenzado -
El Imperio Contraataca en Todas Partes
Español |
El "Gran Reinicio" - Un Colapso Deliberado diseñado por las
Élites a través del Estado Profundo y los Bancos...
Español |
El Mago de Oz - La Oscura Realidad
que el 'Estado Profundo' Oculta al Mundo |
Español |
El Procesamiento Alquímico de la
Humanidad mediante el Psicodrama Público - Entrevista
con M.A. Hoffman
Español |
El Reseteo Global - El Gran Reinicio
- Main File |
Español |
- ¿Es
posible un 'Golpe de Estado' en Estados Unidos contra
Donald Trump?
Español |
Esta Agencia del Gobierno en la
Sombra es más Atemorizante que la NSA
Español |
Unidos al Borde de la Guerra Civil
Español |
- ¿Está
Siendo Saboteada la Confirmación de Kavanaugh para
retrasar los Juicios Militares del Estado Profundo?
Español |
Expediente Trump - ¿Salvador o
parte del 'Estado Profundo'...?
Fake "Alien Abductions" Conducted by
Shadow Government Para-Military Operatives
FED Plan to Bring Private Armies
Into U.S. Will Be Stopped
Español |
Fuerzas Ocultas Detrás del
Global Elite taken to Guantanamo
GITMO by U.S. Special Forces - Full Disclosure
Global Reset -
Great Reset
- Main File |
Government in The Shadows
- The Bush Administration, Executive Privilege, Secrecy,
and The...
Español |
Grupo Bilderberg - El Gobierno Secreto -
Conferencia Anual 2023
History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
Español |
Historia Oculta de la
Increíblemente malvada Mafia Jázara
How to Destroy Russia - The Rand
How Trump Rebelled Against the
Español |
Importantes Golpes contra el
'Gobierno en la Sombra' están Produciéndose en la
Is Kavanaugh Confirmation being
Sabotaged to delay Military Trials of Deep State?
Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting "A
False Flag"?
Is Trump Disrupting the Cabal's
Plan for a New World Order?
- Trump says "We're Not Going Into Syria"
Español |
La Alianza de La Tierra -
Divulgación Total y la Inminente Revolución Mundial
Español |
La Cibercracia, el 'Deep State' y
el Pentágono sujetan a Trump
Español |
La Cumbre Trump-Putin da a conocer
las Amenazas del 'Gobierno en La Sombra' del Estado
Español |
La Élite Global está siendo
llevada al Centro de Detención de Guantánamo por Fuerzas
Especiales USA
Italiano |
La Guerra Gaza-Israele è "Una
Falsa Bandiera?"
Español |
La Guerra Temporal de "El Estado
Profundo" de QAnon y sus Implicaciones Galácticas
Español |
La Patocracia del Estado Profundo
- Tiranía en las manos de un Gobierno Psicópata
Español |
Las Dos Superpotencias - ¿Quién
Controla Realmente los Dos Países?
Italiano |
La Storia Segreta
dell'Incredibilmente Infernale Mafia di Khazarian
Italiano |
Le Due Superpotenze - Chi
controlla veramente i due Paesi?
Major Strikes Against the Shadow
Government Happening Now
Many Insiders believe Military
Tribunals for 'Deep State' will Happen any time Now
Masters of Deceit - The
Government's Propaganda of Fear, Mind Control and Brain
Meet your New Biotech Overlords -
How Covid has ushered in the Next Generation of Digital
Italiano |
Molti Insider Ritengono che
potrebbero Costituirsi dei Tribunali Militari contro il
Deep State in Qualsiasi Momento
Montauk And The Secret Government
Mysteries of the Deep State -
Examining the Hidden Hands that Guide World Events
Español |
Neurocientíficos del 'Estado
Profundo' creen que Pueden Desactivar el Libre Albedrío
NGOs are the 'Deep State's Trojan
Español |
No hay Diferencia entre Psicópatas
y Políticos - La Patocracia del 'Estado Profundo'
Español |
Noticias Falsas dirigidas por el
Estado Profundo - Los Asesores del Gobierno controlan el
Ciclo Informativo
Obama's Birth Certificate - Not
The Issue
Español |
Orden Ejecutiva de Trump tiene como
Objetivo al 'Estado Profundo' y Abre la Puerta a completa
Organization Chart of The Shadow Government
Italiano |
Perché non sapremo mai Cosa
Realmente è Successo a Butler, PA - 2024 Attentato a
Español |
Plataforma Secreta de Inteligencia
Artificial del HHS puede 'Predecir' Brotes de Covid-19
dentro de EE.UU...
President Kennedy's UFO Quest led to
his Assassination and a Deep State Coup
Psychological Manipulation -
Controlling the Minds of the Population to Change their
QAnon on How Ending Iran Peace
Deal thwarts Deep State Plans for Nuclear False Flag
Attack |
Español |
QAnon sobre cómo Finalizando el
Acuerdo de Paz con Irán se frustran los Planes del
Estado Profundo de... |
Q: What's the Difference between a
Politician and a Psychopath? - A: None
Reagan Aides And The 'Secret'
Secret Government
- from '...And The Truth Shall Set You Free' - the Book
Secret Space War
Shadowgate Banned Film - How We're
Being Controlled
Forces Behind Government
Techno-Authoritarianism - China
and Deep State have Joined Forces
The Bilderberg
- Main File
City of London - The British Elite and their Agenda for
World Domination
The Conflict between Israel and
Palestine is a Staged Operation by the Deep State
The Conflict within the Deep State
just Broke into Open Warfare
The Conspiracy against Trump - The
Deep State plot to Undermine the President
The Coup has Begun - The Empire
Strikes Back Everywhere
The "Deep State" and the Unspoken
Crimes of the U.S. Empire - Operation Gladio
The Deep State Defined...
The "Deep State" Goes Shallow - "Reality-TV
Coup d'état in Prime Time"
The Deep State is Fast-Forwarding
towards its Own Destruction
The "Deep State"
Oligarchs/Plutocrats want to Keep America Drugged
The Deep State's Stealthy,
Subversive, Silent Coup to ensure 'Nothing Changes'
The "Deep State" Then and Now
The Earth Alliance - Full
Disclosure and the Coming Global Revolution
The Empire of Lies Breaks Down -
Ugly Truths the Deep State wants to Keep Hidden
End of Excesses - The Collapse of Everything
The Global Elite - The
Transnational Capitalist Class
- Main File
The Horror of the Deep State's
Plan Exposed - "Thinking is Hard"
The New World Order
- Main File
- The Super Secret National Security Agency
- Main File
The Pathocracy of the Deep State -
Tyranny at the Hands of a Psychopathic Government
The Path to Total
Dictatorship - America's Shadow Government and its
Silent Coup
The 'QAnon' Deep State Temporal
War and its Galactic Implications
are No Solutions - Impossible to Change the System from
There is No Difference Between
Psychopaths and Politicians - The Pathocracy of the Deep
State |
The Secret Government
- Origin, Identity and Purpose of MJ-12
- by William Cooper
The Secret Government Rulebook for
Labeling You a Terrorist
The Secret Privilege by Which the
Military Intelligence Complex Retains Control
The Secret Shadow Government - A Structural Analysis
- by Richard J. Boylan
The Secret Shadow Government - Its Identification and Analysis
- by Richard J. Boylan
The Shadow Government
The Shadow
Government of The United States - by Richard D. Eastman
The State, the Deep State and the
Wall Street Overworld
The 'Top Secret America' Created
After September 11
The Two Superpowers - Who Really
Controls the Two Countries?
The Whistleblower who Exposed
Google's Deep Conspiracy to Overthrow the U.S.
The Wizard of Oz - The Dark
Reality that the Deep State Hides from the World
This is being Allowed to Happen! -
Attacks on Israel...
This Shadow Government Agency is
Scarier than the NSA
Trump and 'Q' on the Invisible
Enemy - The Extraterrestrial Factor
Trump Executive Order targets Deep
State and Opens Door to Full Disclosure
Trump-Putin Summit brings out Deep
State "Shadow Government" Threats
Español |
y 'Q' sobre el Enemigo Invisible - El Factor Extraterrestre |
Tyranny without a Tyrant - The
Deep State's 'Divide-and-Conquer Strategy' is Working
Español |
Una Historia de Humillación...
Español |
Una Increíble Rebelión en
el "Estado Profundo" de EE.UU. a Punto de Acabar con
Hillary Clinton
Italiano |
Un Arcivescovo avvisa di una
Collusione tra 'Lo Stato Oscuro e la Chiesa Oscura' per
rovesciare Trump e...
Understanding the Origins of
Internet Censorship
US Government Spy Program
- Main Core, PROMIS and The Shadow Government
Verified Warnings from Former U.S.
Presidents About the "Invisible Government" Running the U.S.
with "No...
on Terror'
- Main File
Earth's 'Secret Occult Ruler' eliminated in U.S. led
takedown of Global Deep State?
'Starlink Satellites' destroyed to prevent Emergence of
Quantum Communications?
Were 'Starlink Satellites' shot
down by the Deep State?
What Is the Deep State?
Why the 'Deep State' is
Dumping Hillary
Why we Have a Surveillance State -
It is the Inevitable Consequence of our Prevailing
Governing Philosophy
Why we'll Never Know what Really
Happened in Butler, Pennsylvania - 2024 Trump Assassination
Will Deep State launch 'False Flag
Alien Invasion' after exhausting Global Control Cards?
World Health Organization - The
WHO has been set up to Operate as a One World Government
You Are Surrounded by Propaganda -
"The Invisible Government"
Additional Information |
33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned
Out to Be True
- What Every Person Should Know...
America's "Medical Deep State" - The Role
of the CDC
Anonymous' Controversial Message
about Donald Trump - The Truth about War and Conflict
Budgets and Black Projects
- Main File
Circles of Power - Behind UFO Secrecy
Could the 'Deep State' Be
Sabotaging Hillary?
Español |
Del Porqué El Gobierno Mundial En
La Sombra Destruye Su Propio Planeta de Origen
Español |
Diez Principales Teorías de
Conspiración que se Convirtieron en HECHOS en el Año
2017 |
Español |
El "Estado Médico Profundo"
Estadounidense - El Papel del 'Centro de Control de
Enfermedades' CDC
Español |
El Phoenix Ruso,
Esperanza o Ilusión - Una Perspectiva Exopolítica
Italiano |
La Chiave Omerica e il Grande
Segreto de il Potere nell'Ombra
Español |
La Clave Homérica y el Gran
Secreto del Poder en la Sombra
Español |
La Desestabilización Sistémica
- La Estrategia de La Tensión a Través del 11 Septiembre,
el Asesinato...
- Main File
2013 Watchlisting Guidance - by National Counterterrorism
Military Intelligence has
Weaponized Democracy Worldwide
Español |
Ordenes Ancestrales y Organizaciones
para El "Nuevo Orden Mundial"
Overextending and Unbalancing
Russia - Assessing the Impact of Cost-Imposing Options
Español |
Putin y Medvedev de Rusia mencionan a
'Los Hombres de Negro' - ¿Quiénes son estas 'Personas'?
Español |
QAnon es la Inteligencia Militar
de EE.UU. que reclutó a Trump para Presidente y Evitar
un Golpe de Estado
QAnon is U.S. Military
Intelligence that recruited Trump for President to
prevent a Coup D'etat |
Español |
- ¿Revelará
el Estado Profundo la civilización Antártica enterrada
para 'distraer' de las Detenciones de Masa...
Rockefeller Internationalism
- Main File
Russia's Putin and Medvedev both
mention "The Men in Black" - Who are these "People"?
Secret Government Promises Big Changes
Secret Underground War reaches its
'Final Countdown'
The Armageddon Plan
- Cheney-Rumsfeld Lead Shadow Government
The Committee of 300
- Conspirators' Hierarchy
- Main File
Majestic Project - MJ-12
- Main File
The Nuclear Missile Attack on
Hawaii - A Secret Space Program?
The Pentagon Papers Case
The Rothschilds
- Main File
The Russian Phoenix - Hope or
The Russian Phoenix - Hope or Illusion - An Exopolitical
These Blast Points on
Hillary's Campaign... Only the Deep State is So Precise
The Secret Team
- The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and
the World - by L. Fletcher Prouty
Trilateral Commission
- Main File
The Unacknowledged Thread Secret and
Covert Operations by The USA
They're finally Revealing the Deep
State - Here's Why...!
Top Contractors Dominate The market
With Billions in Government Business
Top Ten Conspiracy Theories that
Turned FACT in 2017
U.S. Marine's Testimony explains
what the 'Shadow Government' may be doing to Downed
Extraterrestrial Craft
Why Does The World Shadow
Government Destroy Its Own Home-Planet?
Will Deep State disclose Buried
Antarctic Civilization to 'distract' from Looming Mass
Acoustic Signal and Physiological
Effects on U.S. Diplomats in Cuba - The Jason
After Pentagon ends Contract
Top-Secret Scientists 'Jason Group' vows to Carry On
Government Report Confirms that a
Major Solar Event Will Be a Kill Shot for the U.S.
Human Genome Project
- The MITRE Corporation - JASON Program Office
of Severe Space Weather on The Electrical Grid
JASON Defense Advisory Panel Reports
- External
Español |
JASÓN - Los Científicos y El Pentágono
- Los Robots Asesinos Del Futuro Que Remplazarán La
JASON Society
- from "Blue Planet Project"
Generation Bioweapons
- Genetic Engineering and Biological Warfare
Science Against The People - The Story of JASON
- Elite Group Of Academic Scientists
Secret Societies / New World Order
Silent Weapons for the Secret War
on You
The 1950s Secret Discovery of the Code
of the Brain
- U.S. and Soviet Scientists Have Developed the Key...
The JASON Group
The JASON Group is A Secret Scientific
Group -
from "The Secrets of Mojave"
The JASON Group
The JASON Study Group - Science
Against the People
- The Story of JASON, The Elite Group of Academic...
Books-Treatises |
America - The War on the American People
- by John H. Whitehead
Behold a Pale Horse
- by Milton William Cooper
Deep State - Inside the Government Secrecy Industry
- by Marc Ambinder and D.B. Grady
Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement in
America - A Critical Appraisal
- by Paul E. Gottfried
The David Icke Guide to The Global
- And How to End It |
Deep State - The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a
Shadow Government
- by Mike Lofgren |
The Invisible Government
- by David Wise and Thomas B. Ross
The Last Circle - by Carol Marshall
Multimedia |
Español |
Advertencia a Toda la Gente a
Nivel Mundial sobre la Vacuna para el Coronavirus
Deep State 'False Flag ET Invasion'
ET Fleet arrives to watch
Humanity's Liberation - Interview with James Gilliland
Global Reset and Reptilian Overlords -
Rise of the Resistance and Full Disclosure
Español |
Israel - Desvelando un Misterio -
Documental de David Sorensen
JFK II - The Bush Connection
Monopoly Men
The Secret
- The Constitution in Crisis
The Secret Government, Majestic 12, UFOs, Drugs and the
Illuminati - by
William Cooper
Top Secret America
The 'Shadow Government' that
Controls Our Society - A Modern Odyseey
What Is the Deep State?
Whitehouse Coup
Related Reports |
Biden - A 2021 U.S. President
- Main File