Chapter B.
Jan Pajak)
In 1985 I developed a new scientific theory which I named the
“Concept of Dipolar Gravity”. This theory is already well described
in a number of monographs, including these written in the Polish
language which in chapter G are marked as [1], [1/2], [1/3], [3],
[3/2], and [8], as well as these written in the English language
which are marked over there as [1E] and [2E]. There is even a
relatively extensive presentation of this theory available in the
Italian language see chapter D in monograph [1I], pages 61 to 89.
(The most recent and also the most comprehensive presentation of
this theory is contained in monograph [1/3] which is available in
the Polish language only.)
In order to summarize this theory
briefly: It describes the nature of a gravitational field in an
opposite (alternative) manner from the old manner that gravity was
described by science to-date. The old interpretation of gravity,
which is still stubbornly used by science even today, is based on a
very old (and entirely wrong) founding assumption. This assumption
states that “the gravitational field is a monopolar type of field”.
Although no-one before expressed it openly in any official
scientific document, this assumption laid the foundations for every
to-date work regarding gravity, and therefore it is indirectly
embedded in all scientific ideas which are dealing with
gravitational field.
Because of this wrong assumption, the
gravitational field is still treated by almost all scientists as if
it is produced by “gravity monopoles”, and as if in every aspect it
resembles all other static monopolar fields, e.g. electrical field
or pressure field. This assumption was accepted “a priori”, i.e.
without any experimental verification. Therefore so-far no scientist
even bothered to check if gravity in fact displays all attributes of
monopolar fields. Because of this wrong founding assumption, the
to-date understanding of gravity can be called the old “concept of
monopolar gravity”.
In my research concerning the gravitational field, I noted quite
long ago that this field does not resemble static monopolar fields
at all. For example, in the static monopolar fields all like
particles always repel each other (e.g. consider electrical fields
in which positives always repel other positives). But in the
gravitational field all particles of matter are attracting each
other thus creating the well known “gravity pull” which squeezes
matter towards the centre of gravity. Thus, after completing a
thorough analysis, and after collecting numerous evidence, I have
managed to prove conclusively that the nature of a gravitational
field is totally different from that described by the old concept of
monopolar gravity. I found gravity to be a dynamic dipolar type of
field (i.e. not a static monopolar as the to-date science is
My research indicated that the gravitational field is
like a magnetic field (or like a dynamic field formed by circulating
streams of fluids), and that it has two separate poles, inlet “I”
and outlet “O”, which are gravitational equivalents to N and S from
magnetism, or to inlet and outlet in circulating steams of fluids.
(Note that in our world the inlet “I” gravitational pole prevails.)
At the inlet pole of the gravitational field, a characteristic
“dynamic pressure” is formed which in hydromechanics is described by
the well-known “Bernoulli’s equation” that applies to all dynamic
dipolar fields (a good example of Bernoulli’s “dynamic pressure” are
squeezing forces which in a fountain keep the ping-pong ball
suspended in the middle of stream of water -in the gravity field the
some type of “dynamic pressure” is responsible for forming the
gravity pull which squeezes together particles of matter).
In order
to accommodate this new re-classification of gravity into dipolar
type of fields, my new Concept of Dipolar Gravity needed to be
developed in 1985. After it was developed, it revealed various
implications which it has for science, philosophy, morality,
religion, ... and also for the alien occupation of Earth and
telepathic pyramid discussed in this treatise.
Some of these
implications will be discussed in this chapter.
Back to
The new Concept of Dipolar Gravity and the connection between
how tall we are and
where we evolved
The re-classification of gravity into the dipolar type of fields
introduces significant changes to our understanding of everything
around us. For example in my new Concept of Dipolar Gravity the
universe is more similar to that described by religions,
parapsychology, or acupuncture, than to that disseminated by present
physics or astronomy. After all, if this field has a dynamic dipolar
character, than because of the concentric nature of gravity, the
other pole of gravitational field must disappear from our world and
reappear into a different counter-world which exists parallel to our
set of dimensions.
This other world, which in the new Concept of
Dipolar Gravity exists parallel to ours, must be filled with a very
unique substance, named “counter-matter”. The primary principle
which rules counter-matter is that in every aspect, in every
property, and in every behavior, it is reversely-mirroring (or
forming an opposite to) matter from our world. Therefore every
property which only we can define in our matter, has a reversed
property in counter-matter. This reversed property of counter-matter
is an exact reversal, or an exact opposite, of the given property
from our matter. For example, counter-matter must have no mass -
because our matter displays mass, and also it must show no friction
- because our matter is characterized by the existence of friction.
Of course, most important in counter-matter are the intellectual
properties: This substance must be capable of “thinking” in its
natural constitution because our matter naturally is unable to
think, and also it must be capable of “memorising” because our
matter normally is unable to memorize. Therefore the whole
counter-world thinks and remembers like one huge computer, thus
forming an omnipresent intellect (by the new Concept of Dipolar
Gravity called the “universal intellect”) which displays attributes
that various religions assigned to the idea of God.
One useful scientific idea, which was introduced by this new Concept
of Dipolar Gravity, is the disclosure of hierarchical structure of
our universe. According to this idea, everything in our universe is
arranged into a hierarchical manner, where on the top there is some
kind of “parental” primary principle or phenomena, which in turn
defines a series of its “children” - i.e. principles or phenomena of
the secondary level, which in turn are “parents” to further
principles or phenomena of the tertiary level, etc. If one applies
this hierarchical structure to various types of fields, then there
are only two primary fields in the universe, one of which is the
gravity field.
(The other primary field, which still remains unknown
to official human science, is the moral field described also in
subsection B4. However, even though it is officially unknown, we are
able to perceive with our senses the action of this moral field.
This is because it causes that “doing everything that is morally
correct requires putting an effort into it”, i.e. exactly the same
as with the gravity field in which everything that moves upward also
requires putting in an effort. Thus, when we do moral things, we
move upwards in this moral field, while when we do immoral things,
we move downwards in this moral field.)
By being one of primary fields, the gravity field lies on the very
top of this hierarchical pyramid. Then electrical and magnetic
fields are secondary ones, which represent children resulting from
the gravitational one, then the next level are pressure and force
fields, which are children of the electrical and magnetic fields,
etc. The result is that the gravitational field, being a primary for
all physical fields of our universe, by acting through this pyramid
of subordinate fields, has an influence on everything else. Thus,
everything around us that involves some form of energy, in fact is
dependent on the gravitational field, even if so-far we have not
realized this.
According to the new Concept of Dipolar Gravity the influence of the
gravitational field on
everything around us extends even to such areas as: how long we live
(i.e. to our longevity), how
intelligent we are, how heavy we become, or how tall we can grow.
Although so-far our science
has not considered such influences of gravity, the existence of this
influence can be proven not
only mathematically and logically (and this is done so in subsection
II6 of monograph [1/3]), but
also experimentally or empirically. Although the more extensive
justification for this influence is
provided in subsections II6.1 to II6.4 of monograph [1/3], just for
a scientific exactitude let us
review here a brief illustration of the matter.
Let us consider a
hypothetical situation that two
identical human beings are standing in two identical points on the
surface of two geometrically
identical, but gravitationally different planets (e.g. one planet,
let us call it “Terra”, is made of a
heavy metal, while the other, let us call it “Earth”, is made of
light, porous lava and soil). Because
masses “m” of both beings and radiuses “r” of both planets are
identical, the potential energies of both beings could be expressed
with the same equations ET=mgTr and EE=mgEr.
However, in spite that
both beings have identical masses and both planets have identical
dimensions, the differences in gravitational fields cause that the
potential energies of these beings are not identical, and must
fulfill the equation: ET/gT = EE/gE, or the equation ET/EE = gT/gE.
Of course, the fact that two identical beings positioned in two
geometrically identical planets (i.e. planets which only differ by
the value of their gravity fields: gT, and gE), have two different
energies, must bear an important influence on these two beings.
After all, from biology we know that the density of energy in a
given organism influences all functions of this organism. This
influence is analyzed in subsection II6 of monograph [1/3].
reveal here its essence, it causes that if these two beings are
living on such gravitationally differing planets, then their
intelligence, longevity, height, mass, etc., also must differ, and
can be expressed by a set of so-called “gravity equations”. One of
these gravity equations, called the “equation of height”,
mathematically describes how tall these two beings would grow if
they evolve on such geometrically similar but gravitationally
different planets.
It takes the following form (see [1/3],
subsection II6.3):
hE/hT = ch(T/E)2 (1B1)
Equation (1B1) indicates that the heights “hE” and “hT” to which two
identical (in every other aspect) beings would grow, if their
evolutions occurred on two planets which have different strengths of
their gravitational fields “T” and “E”, where T>E, are reversely
proportional to the square of gravity strengths prevailing on their
planets (T/E)2, and depend also on the gravity-sizing coefficient
“ch” which for the height of human race assumes the value of around
ch = 0.14.
In the above equation (1B1) subsequent symbols have the
following meaning: “hE” is the height to which a being would grow
that evolved on planet with gravity “E” (e.g. on the planet
“Earth”), “hT” is the height to which a being would grow that
evolved on planet with gravity “T” (e.g. on the planet “Terra” of
much higher than Earth gravity), “E” and “T” are strengths of the
gravity fields which prevail on both planets (e.g. on “Earth” and on
“Terra”) at which these two beings evolved, while “ch” is a
non-dimensional coefficient of gravitational sizing (which assumes a
different value for each race of living creatures, as well as for
each dimension of a given race; the value of around 0.14 is valid
for the height dimension of the human race).
Equation (1B1) mathematically expresses the mutual ratio of heights
for two humanoids which evolved on two different planets. For
example let us consider a humanoid which evolved on a hypothetical
planet named “Terra” that has a gravity field over 4 times stronger
than the field of our Earth (i.e. for which the ratio (T/E)=4.47).
Let us also assume that this humanoid from Terra grows to my height,
namely to hT=1.76 meters. These assumptions allow us to determine
the height of an identical humanoid which would evolve on our Earth.
According to the equation (1B1), such an identical humanoid which
evolved on Earth (instead of Terra), would need to reach the height
of a giant being almost hE=5 meters tall.
The most important practical consequence of equation (1B1) is its
significance for the
situation when a given race of living organisms evolved on one
planet, but later emigrated onto
another planet (or were exiled onto another planet). For example,
let us hypothetically assume
that the human race evolved not on Earth, but on that hypothetical
planet “Terra” which has the
gravity field over four times stronger than the field of Earth (i.e.
for which T/E=4.47). After the
emigration to Earth, someone like myself, which on Terra would be hT=1.76
meters tall, on Earth
would try to grow to the height which is appropriate to the
gravitational field of Earth, namely to
the height of almost hE=5 meters.
However, such a person would have
a genetic binding written
into the genes which would not allow him to grow taller than his
evolutionary height, i.e. not taller
than 1.76 meters. But the Earth’s gravitational field would
challenge this genetic binding, trying to
overcome it and to stretch the height of this person to almost 5
meters. This would cause the
height to which this person grows, to be in a very instable state.
If anything happened on Earth
that would accidentally destroy this genetic binding which keeps the
height of this person at the
1.76 meters level, then his/her height would blow to the gigantic
size of 5 meters tall.
As the new
Concept of Dipolar Gravity explains, there is a lot of phenomena
that can destroy the genetic
binding which keeps the unstable height of people at the original
level. For example this binding
can be rapidly destroyed by a long-term exposure to a special type
of counter-matter vibrations
(which usually is known under the name of “pyramid energy”), it can
be destroyed by powerful flashes of the telekinetic field, it can be
destroyed by a powerful nuclear explosion, it can gradually erode in
the effect of long-term exposure to electric or to magnetic fields,
One of these destructive factors, namely a powerful flash of
telekinetic field, was released in New Zealand fairly recently, i.e.
during the Tapanui explosion of 1178. Thus, if in New Zealand there
were at that time some organisms or beings which originally evolved
on a planet other than Earth, the genetic binding of these beings
would be destroyed, and thus their height would explode to gigantic
sizes (i.e. to sizes which could be from around 4 to 20 times larger
than the normal sizes of the same organisms).
The above explanations provide the theoretical foundations which
indicate: firstly what would be the most simple proof that humanity
is farmed on Earth by our cosmic parasite, and secondly where we
should seek this proof. According to this indication, if some life
forms which are currently populating our Earth, including humans,
originally evolved on a hypothetical planet Terra which has the
gravitational field over 4 times stronger than the field of Earth,
then these life forms would have the tendency to grow on Earth to
gigantic sizes. Fortunately for them, their genetic structure
includes a kind of binding which in normal circumstances does not
allow them to grow any bigger than they grow on the planet Terra.
However, if any explosion occurs on Earth, which accidentally
destroys these genetic bindings, then the affected individuals
amongst these life forms would blow to gigantic sizes. Because in
our past several such explosions in fact did take place, therefore
after each of these explosions mutations appeared on Earth, the
height of which reached gigantic sizes. One of these explosions took
place near Tapanui in New Zealand in 1178 AD - see [5]. Its
consequence was that, amongst others, it created gigantic life forms
which roamed this land until around the 1800s before they become
Therefore in order to prove that the theories explained in
this treatise are correct, and that in fact the human race together
with other life forms was planted on Earth, it is sufficient to
prove that after 1178 an array of gigantic life forms mutated in New
B1.1. Gigantic creatures of New Zealand and their evidential value
My research completed to-date on New Zealand fauna revealed that
these special circumstances of 1178 AD in fact did cause numerous
mutations of gigantic organisms. Actually, almost every creature
which lived then on the New Zealand territory produced a
gravity-sized mutation which was from around 4 to 20 times bigger
than the creature’s normal-sized relatives.
Because in 1178 New Zealand was inhabited mainly with birds, after
the Tapanui explosion
almost every native bird of that country appeared in at least two
versions, i.e.: normal-sized, and
In order to provide here the most widely known examples of
these two versions of New
Zealand birds, we can list:
presently extinct small Kiwi bird - and
the giant Kiwi which is still
leaving at the moment in New Zealand
presently extinct little Bush
Moa (size of a small turkey)
the extinct by now Giant Moa, the size of a giraffe (actually the
little Bush Moa mutated into
several different sizes, thus creating a whole family of 11 gigantic Moas, out of which the Giant
Moa was the largest one)
a small still living owl called Morepork -
and identical to it huge extinct
Laughing Owl
still living “Weka” bird which is the size of chicken
- and identical to it
the gigantic
“Adzebill” which is extinct by now
the normal size Harrier Eagle
the gigantic eagle called
“Harpagornis Morei” which is already extinct
one typical Seagull,
the size of a pigeon
famous in New Zealand gigantic Royal Albatross which looks identical
to a Seagull but reaches
the size of goose and is considered to be one of the world’s largest
sea birds
Of course, after
1178 explosion there used to be much more such birds with at least
two sizes. They include even
birds which present science is not acknowledging as having a
gigantic mutation. An example of
such a bird is takahe still living in New Zealand until today, which
in normal size is like a hen
having the footprint much smaller then 2 inches in length. But in
The Oamaru Mail
newspaper, Friday, 11 January 1889, page 3, in the article called
“Inter-Provincial News”, the last
part of “Invercargill, January 10” news, the following statement was
published, quote:
“During the
tour of Hall’s party on the West Coast, they found tracks recently
made which are believed to be
these of the takahe (notornis mantelli). The footprints of the bird
measured eight inches from tip to tip.”
The tracks of a takahe
measuring 8 inches certify that there was also a giant version of
this bird, still unacknowledged by our science, which was at least 4
times bigger then normal, and which lived in New Zealand up to at
least 1889.
Similarly to birds New Zealand have two versions of shell-fish,
normal-size and gigantic. To indicate here the commonly known
examples of such shell-fish, they include: a “Common Toheroa” -which
reaches only around 11 cm, and the giant Toheroa from Oreti Beach
near Invercargill - which reaches up to 40 cm, a Small Paua, and the
Giant Paua which is around 4 times larger.
Similarly, in the ocean
that surrounds New Zealand there live normal-size squids of maximum
up to 40 cm long, and the giant-squids (Maori name “wheke” or “arkatipua”)
which can reach 27 foot long (i.e. around 8 meters) and weigh around
120 kilograms. There are also normal size insects, and gigantic
insects (e.g. New Zealand fly appears in two such sizes).
In New
Zealand also there lives normal size mushrooms and gigantic, at
least 16-times larger-than-normal mushrooms reported in the article
[2B1.1] “Sprouting puff-balls”, the description and photograph of
which appeared on page 11 of the Otago Daily Times, Thursday, 26
March 1998 issue. Of course, there are numerous further such

I should add here that according to my theory, these special
circumstances have not ceased to exist in New Zealand even now,
although they gradually weaken with time according to a “half-life”
curve (that is known from radioactivity). For example it is widely
known that trees in New Zealand still grow around 5 times faster
than the same trees in Europe.
Therefore the invisible force which
is still active in that country causes that inch by inch the entire
population of New Zealand is getting bigger and bigger. This is one
of many reasons why the research on giants and alien occupation of
Earth should be taken quite seriously, as apart from revealing the
truth on our past, it may also provide some insight and some
solutions which relate to our future. After all, the old Polish
saying goes, “if you wish to see the future, look carefully into the
One group of victims of this gravity-sized mutation were also people
who lived in New Zealand at that time (i.e. in 1178), who by some
are referred to as Moa Hunters, by others as Morioris, and sometimes
as Waitaha people. My theory states that apart from the normal-sized
such Moa Hunters (or Morioris, or Waitaha people, or whatever
someone wishes to call them as some people in New Zealand are very
sensitive regarding these names) these special conditions of 1178
also produced gravity-sized “mutation tribes” or “mutation races”
which were of gigantic sizes. And actually there is a wealth of
evidence which certifies that such gigantic people in fact did live
in New Zealand until quite recently. But giant human mutations
became extinct shortly before European settlers arrived in New
Zealand (i.e. shortly before 1840s - thus the last giants roamed New
Zealand when Europe was roamed by Napoleon Bonaparte).
The best source of evidence that there were also human giants still
living in New Zealand just prior to European emigration, is New
Zealand mythology. Actually Maori legends are overflowing with
descriptions of various human giants. A comprehensive list of giants
from the Maori folklore can be prepared on basis of the book [3B1.1]
by Margaret Orbell, “A concise encyclopedia of Maori myths and
legends”, Canterbury University Press, 1998, ISBN 0-90881256-6, 219
pages, pb.
Apart of written legends, numerous Maoris still live in
New Zealand who know about giants from descriptions of their parents
or grandparents. For example Mr John Terangihita in his interview on
“Mana News” at NZ National Radio, 810 kHz, on Wednesday, 23 August
2000, at 6:35 am, described gigantic human bones owned, or examined,
probably by his own father. These bones had so huge scull that a
normal human head could fit completely into the scull’s mouth (thus
this giant must be at least 5 meters tall). I am shocked that no
scientist in New Zealand actually follows up with archaeological
diggings such highly evidential stories.
Of course, human giants not only were described in Maori stories,
but from time to time
their bones were also unearthed by European settlers who started to
populate New Zealand after
the 1840s. Unfortunately, these settlers did not know about the
existence and activities of
invaders from space who keep destroying every evidence of alien
activities on Earth, and thus
allowed that all the gigantic human bones always were secretly
annihilated. In 1999 I was
researching a history of one such gigantic skeleton being discovered
in 1875 in Timaru, i.e. in a
New Zealand town in which I lived at that time.
As local verbal rumors claim, this Timaru
skeleton belonged to a giant which supposedly was around 8 meters
tall (its actual size was not recorded in writing, thus it may
happen that it grew with the elapse of time like a fish grows in
subsequent stories of a fisherman, originally being “only” e.g. 5
meters tall). Unfortunately, as all others, this skeleton was also
destroyed (probably with a small assistance from our cosmic
parasites), and by now there is no slightest trace of it.
Here is
what about this discovery writes the local newspaper, Timaru Herald,
24th February 1875 edition, page 3:
“Discovery of Human Remains.
A very large skeleton was found
yesterday, about 7 feet below the surface of the sand on the
Saltwater Creek spit. Mr Bullock, the carter, in removing some sand
for building purposes, dropped across this relic of a past age and
brought the fragments to town. We have had an opportunity of
inspecting them, and were struck by their symmetry no less than
their great size. They appear to have belonged to a man of gigantic
statue; but are so far incomplete as to render it difficult to
ascertain the dimensions of his frame. The bones are much decayed, a
fact which taken in connection with the dryness of the situation
where they were found, probably indicates for them a great
antiquity. We shell have some more to say about this interesting
discovery in our next issue.”
(I reviewed this next issue, and many further issues of the
Herald, but they say practically nothing more, although they return
twice to the discovery of this giant skeleton - on 26 February 1875,
and on 12 March 1875, and although they stress and emphasize the
gigantic size of the skeleton.)
Apart from that historically recorded Timaru giant skeleton of 1875,
an information about thigh-bones of another human giant, which was
also discovered around that time but in a different part of New
Zealand - i.e. in the area called Marlborough, is contained on page
52 of a book [4B1.1] by Frederick George Hall-Jones, “Early Timaru”,
published in 1956 by the Southland Historical Committee (C/o Box 48,
In addition to these two historically documented
sources, I have heard verbally of a whole multitude of stories
referring to the discovery of human giant remains in New Zealand,
which usually took a tragically similar course, namely:
discovered bones of human giants in some part of New Zealand
authorities were notified about the finding, and took care of the
bones never were seen again and mysteriously disappeared
without a trace
In order to give some examples of such cases,
around 1965 in the area of Timaru called “Maori Park”, 3 complete
skeletons of human giants were unearthed during the excavating of
soil for a public swimming pool.
They disappeared without a trace
soon afterwards. Also in 1960s several giant skeletons were
discovered in various caves near Waitomo and Hamilton. There was
even a newspaper article [5B1.1] entitled “Caves could reveal secret
of tall Maoris”, and published in N.Z. Truth, issue on Wednesday, 29
September 1965, page 13.
The article describes burial caves
discovered near the Port Waikato, 70 miles South of Auckland, which
originally contained giant human skeletons. By now these skeletons
also disappeared without a trace. There is one further information
which I feel obliged to add to the above details: the majority of
gigantic skeletons which were discovered in New Zealand in fact did
have human sculls. Thus they dismiss the debunking strategy so
popular recently amongst local scientists that they were bones of
other gigantic creatures.
Actually one of many authentic stories
which I have heard on this topic, goes that around 1972 to 1974 at
the Canterbury University in Christchurch there was a student of
Anthropology by friends called “Bill”. Unusual thing about Bill was
that he owned a gigantic jawbone from a human skeleton. From a
report of an eye witness who examined this jawbone several times and
told me how it compared to his own face and head, it appears to me
that the giant from whom it originated was around 5 meters tall.
Unfortunately, when I tried trace down that particular Bill, it
turned out that he left New Zealand soon after he finished his
studies, emigrating overseas. New Zealand is a strange country. It
is full of mysteries which have a direct link with the alien
occupation of Earth, but it is also full of people who are allowing
these aliens to manipulate themselves into attacking and destroying
everyone who is trying to investigate these mysteries.
One of numerous stories on New Zealand giants that I encountered,
concerned an area
looking like a “cemetery” with large number of gigantic human
remains. This “cemetery” was in
sands below the sea surface, in the north part of the North Island
of New Zealand, in the area
called Mangawhai Harbour -geographical coordinates: 36°08’S,
174°34’E. This harbor is
slightly south of the town of Whangarei and south of the Bream Tail
(Bream Tail is a small stony peninsular located on this part of the
eastern sea shore).
A person who lived in the tiny settlement of Mangawhai, told me the following story regarding this “cemetery” of
giants, which I am repeating here.
“One year during spring time
there was a very low tide. The tide uncovered sea bed in the area of Mangawhai Harbour. To the shock of locals, from this sea bed
numerous fragments of huge human skeletons were sticking out. These
skeletons had human skulls of enormous sizes. The individual bones
were disconnected and mixed with the sand, so that the size of these
humans could not be measured. But from fragments that were visible
they were estimated to be at least 3 meters tall.
There was a large
number of them - literally hundreds. When the news spread out, local
Maoris hired a bulldozer and covered the skeletons with a layer of
sand. But before they were buried again, someone managed to take a
sample of these bones to subject them to research - supposedly the
results indicated that bones do not belong to neither Maoris, nor to
any other race of people known to populate New Zealand.”
The interesting aspect of the evidence on giants and on other
gigantic creatures is that it does not seem to be limited to New
Zealand only. For example the book [6B1.1] by Anthony Roberts,
“Sowers of Thunder” a large number
of material, historical, and mythological evidence on human giants
is examined and documented. According to this book, such evidence is
continually being discovered throughout the world. The amazing fate
of all these countless examples of evidence is that it always is
officially ignored, and always is subsequently destroyed.
At the end of this brief subsection which reveals that there is a
wealth of material and genetic evidence directly certifying for our
origin from other star system, I would like to comment on the
mysterious disappearance of this important evidence. In my opinion
it is not an accident that all skeletons of human giants which were
discovered in New Zealand soon mysteriously disappeared. It is also
not a coincident that for almost every species of birds or animals
which used to live in New Zealand in two sizes, by the time when
white settlers arrived to this country around 1840s, at least one of
these two sizes become extinct.
In my opinion, the reason why all
this happened is the systematic destruction of evidence carried out
by our cosmic invader. We already know that such a destruction of
evidence is a standard behavior of our cosmic parasites in all UFO
cases (to verify if it is true consider any UFO case which left on
Earth some material remains or imprints that were brought to the
attention of general public).
After all, this invader knows jolly
well that such animal giants, and human giants, represent powerful
material and genetic evidence for our origin from stars, and thus
also for the alien occupation of Earth.
B2. An alternative history of the human race
If one believes in the scholarly textbooks, the human race evolved
on Earth, gradually transforming all its aspects from the level of
monkeys into the level of civilized men. If one believes in church
teachings, the human race was created on Earth by God, from very
beginning receiving the present capacity of brain, present morals,
and present religious knowledge, while with the progress of time
developing only its technical advancement. In most cases these two
alternatives exhaust all options considered by people.
However, from
the most recent research into UFO phenomena, a third possibility
started to emerge, which was not considered as yet, but which is
supported by the ever increasing wealth of material evidence. This
subsection is to present this third alternative together with the
most important evidence which supports it, as well as to examine the
validity of this evidence. (The analysis of the entire evidence
gathered so-far in support of this hypothesis is provided in
monograph [1/3] and in treatise [3B].) One of the most important
reasons for presenting here this third possibility, is that it
confirms the occupation of Earth by a cosmic parasite.
According to the recent UFO research, the human race, as well as
many other organisms
which currently populate Earth, evolved not on Earth itself, but on
a different planet which was
originally called “Terra”. Only after these organisms achieved their
present form, they were
gradually replanted to Earth which at that time was barren and
lifeless. Terra was located thousands of light years from Earth.
circulated around a small star which is not visible from Earth by a
naked eye, but which supposedly can be seen by powerful telescopes,
as it is located somewhere within the Vega system in “Lute” (Polish
“Lutnia”) star constellation. The planet Terra had gravity over 4
times bigger than planet Earth (i.e. the exact ratio of Terra/Earth
gravity fields was T/E=4.47).
The ancestors of human race developed
on Terra an advanced civilization, which mastered telekinetic
(instant) space travel, and which organized human colonies on a
number of planets in free space. Unfortunately they adopted a very
destructive philosophy, in subsection B5 described under the name
“parasitism”, which causes that in their society all stronger
citizens unscrupulously exploited all weaker citizens, and also they
constantly fought amongst themselves. Before the final destructive
war broke out on Terra, our ancestors were preparing planet Earth to
held a next human colony, gradually replenishing life on it, but
Earth was not populated yet.
However, one of such human colonies was
already established in Earth’s neighborhood on the planet named
“Zem” which encircled a non-existing today star called Sirius D.
Finally, several million years ago, a destructive war erupted on
Terra. In the killing frenzy, our ancestors so thoroughly tried to
destroy each other that they blow up the whole planet Terra.
Therefore this planet, and almost 20 billion of its inhabitants,
vanished totally. Our original civilization from Terra totally
disappeared together with its planet. The only survivors of the war
were those who populated Terra’s colonies located on other planets,
including the colony from planet “Zem” in Sirius D. After the
destruction of Terra, colonists from Zem in Sirius D continued the
preparation of Earth for colonization.
They especially intensified
this preparation since their star, Sirius D, together with their
planet Zem, was gradually being sucked into a black hole, to
disappear totally around 10 000 years ago. After a success with
small pilot colonies in several areas of Earth, around 34 000 years
ago they sent the bulk settlement of 6,000 colonists to populate
Earth, which landed around the present Gulf of Mexico, and started
to develop an advanced civilization. At that time Earth still had
two moons (out of the original three). Around a thousand years later
these colonists so multiplied that they spread around whole our
planet and established on Earth a very advanced megalithic
Characteristic attribute of this
civilization was that
it used stones as the natural building material. Therefore their
cities and administrative centers had walls, buildings, temples,
pyramids, and sculptures, which all were cut out of huge stones as
if these were pieces of butter, and then fit together with enormous
precision. Amongst many areas on Earth, several such megalithic
centers were also build within the boundaries of present New
Zealand. At that time New Zealand had a very mild climate and was
part of the western coast of a huge continent called “Lemuria”.
present South America was a part of the some continent (but the
present Australia was not part of it). Unfortunately the life in
these megalithic civilization centers was very miserable, as their
inhabitants were ruthlessly exploited, enslaved, and oppressed in
any imaginable manner. Therefore many people run out of these
centers and roam the wilderness as wondering groups of hunters and
gatherers which lived primitive but free of oppression and happy
Around 30 000 years ago the members of that advanced megalithic
civilization decided to use one of the two remaining moons that
encircled Earth, to increase the Earth’s gravity and to fine tune
the Earth’s orbiting parameters. They purposely hit the surface of
Earth with this moon, for the time of disturbances and flooding
temporally evacuating the entire population in space. The impact
area was in the ocean, west of Australia and New Zealand.
The effect
was as desired. Of course, it also caused various geological and
climatic changes on the surface of our planet, but this advanced
civilization was prepared for them and simply relocated its centers
to different areas. For example the south pole of Earth shifted to
the middle of Lemuria continent, thus settling to east from present
New Zealand, roughly a half-way between present New Zealand and
present Patagonia. In the effect the whole former Lemuria, including
New Zealand and Patagonia, become covered with thick glacier plate,
and it looked like presently looks Antarctic.
The gradual building up the weight of that glacier pressed down the
central part of Lemuria, so
that only present New Zealand and Patagonia, which were located at
the edges of this glacier,
remained above the level of ocean, although even they were covered
with a very thick layer of
ice. This glacier, slowly creeping outwards along the surface of New
Zealand, caused all rocky
mountains to be carved into rounded aerodynamic shapes, as well as
destroyed almost completely all traces of megalithic civilization
centers that previously existed here. Also the climate of the rest
of our planet rapidly changed. The members of advanced megalithic
civilization were prepared for these changes, so after the
relocation of their cities, continued their life on Earth.
In meantime, the major population of Zem emigrated to a planet named
“Whistheen” which is encircling around the star Beta in the
constellation of Boötes (Polish “Wolarz”). Unfortunately around 13.5
thousands years ago, another destructive war erupted between the
block of people who populated Earth, Sirius, and the planet
Whistheen, and another block which consisted of several other human
colonies, as well as groups of different races of intelligent
This another block populated a differed part of the
universe, included planets located in the direction of Andromeda,
Dogs, and several other constellations, and was more advanced
technologically - as it mastered time travel. People on planet Earth
took an active part in this war, standing on the side of their
relatives from Whistheen. In the result of this war, the planet
Whistheen was destroyed and nuclearly polluted so badly that the
life was possible over there only in the underground shelters.
Therefore, the majority of survivors, around 13.5 thousands years
ago abandoned Whistheen and emigrated to another planet called “Nea”
which is located in the star “Epsilon” from the constellation Boötes
(Polish “Wolarz”) located not far from the northern pole of the
night sky. The distance of Nea from Earth is estimated at around 114
light years. They live on Nea until today, sometimes trying to get
in touch with us. One of contacts with Nea representatives, during
which a significant part of history described in this subsection was
conveyed to us, is reported in treatise [3B].
Simultaneously with the destruction of Whistheen, all centers of
civilization on Earth were also thoroughly destroyed in that war
(including the “capitol” of Earth, an advanced civilization centre
Atlantis). The only survivors on Earth were a few groups of
hunters and escapees from civilization centers. In the result, there
was a total break down in human civilization, and Earthlings
literally “returned to trees” starting everything from the very
beginning. It later took humanity 13.5 thousand of years to reach
our present level of development, which still is much lower than the
level we had before that destructive war.
The bombardment and
explosions, which in that war torn apart all civilization centers on
Earth, were so powerful that they caused the polar shift (this shift
rotated the Earth’s crust over the Earth’s core, without the change
in Earth’s orbit). Both poles of Earth shifted quite significantly,
taking the positions which differed only around 7 degrees from
places they occupy today (to their present positions the poles of
Earth were shifted only after the year 1178, in the effect of UFO
explosion near Tapanui in New Zealand).
This in turn caused enormous
climatic changes and relocation of continents. The huge glacier
which occupied the centre of Lemuria rapidly melted down, although
most of the submerged land remained under the ocean. But New Zealand
emerged from under the ice, this time in form of two separate
islands. Life started again on them. Because of polar, icy
conditions that prevailed so long in New Zealand, almost the only
forms of fauna that inhabited the newly emerging country were birds
and insects.
Although the above history portraits on the fate of whole human
race, not just on New
Zealand, the descriptions above reveal that the history of New
Zealand is very representative to
the history of whole mankind. In the last 40 000 years New Zealand
experienced as many as four
major changes of shape, climate, continental belonging, and the
geographic coordinates within
our planet. Initially, until up to around 30 000 years ago, New
Zealand was a part of a large
continent Lemuria and had a mild, Mediterranean type of climate. It
was populated by megalithic civilization which at the area of present New Zealand had at least
several large centers (I have
heard of remains of at least three of such centers located in the
North Island, and possibly
remains of further two in the South Island) and the total population
by some estimated at not less
then 50 000 people.
Then, since around 30 000 years ago, until
around 13 500 years ago, New
Zealand become a part of the large, Antarctic-type icy continent,
totally covered with a very thick,
moving glacier. Almost all life in New Zealand ceased, and only some
primitive birds, insects,
and wondering groups of Moa Hunters kept living on surface of the
New Zealand glaciers during
that icy age. Then around 13 500 years ago New Zealand emerged from
the ice and turn into hot,
sub-tropical islands. Life started to bloom again, although only
birds, insects, wild giants, Moa Hunters, and later Waitaha people
roamed this land. Finally, after the year 1178, New Zealand shifted
in its present position to assume its present form and much cooler
climate (it was around that time Maori people arrived to this land).
In the course of these major changes, New Zealand experienced also
three powerful flashes of what is known as “telekinetic field”. Each
of these flashes was powerful enough to cause the destruction of
genetic binding. For this reason each one of them was producing
gigantic mutations of living organisms, including human giants.
Therefore, if ever a thorough and truth-seeking scientific research
of New Zealand past is carried out, as many as three different races
of giants should be found, each one originating from a different
flash of the telekinetic field.
These three races of giants can
already be detected in New Zealand mythology. For example on the
list which I intend to publish in subsection B1.1 of another
treatise [5B], Te Kahui Tipua ancient tribe of New Zealand giants
most probably mutated during the telekinetic flash that occurred
around 30 000 years ago, Maui and Hine-nui-o-Te-Po represent the
race of giants which mutated in the flash from 13 500 years ago,
while the giant named Hotumauea mutated after 1178 flash.
Simultaneously with New Zealand, also all other areas of Earth three
times experienced powerful cataclysms in the last 40 000 years. The
human-planned and well executed cataclysm from around 30 000 years
ago, was the one which in Bible was described as the Great Deluge,
with allegoric Noe and his family (submissive humans that populated
megalithic civilization centers) being ordered to build the ark and
to evacuate in that ark not only well behaving people but also all
important animals which could be exposed to extinction. The
cataclysm from 13 500 years ago was the one which destroyed
Atlantis, turned Sahara from a blooming garden into sandy desert,
and turned Siberia from a sub-tropical forest into permanent ice
(permice). In turn the polar shift after 1178 caused the so-called
Little Ice Age in Europe, melted the icy bridge that spanned the
Bering Straits, and turned paddocks of Greenland into glaciers -
thus killing the Viking colony that at that time occupied Greenland.
Of course, everyone who reads the above history of the human race,
immediately starts to have various doubts. After all, our school
textbooks say nothing about Terra or the emigration of human race
from other star systems, while the majority of typical scientists
are a short step from swearing publicly that apart for us, there are
no other intelligent beings in the entire universe. Well,
shockingly, there is an abundance of evidence available, which
confirms that this history is true. A majority of this evidence is
detailed in monograph [1/3]. Therefore I summarize here the major
categories only.
Here they are:
Although 13.5 thousands years ago our civilization
practically was destroyed, various myths still survived which
describe previous times. These myths tell us about wars which were
carried out in heavens, about other planets populated by people,
about life on planets from the Sirius system, about the emigration
to Earth, and also about an advanced civilization which Earth had
then, and which was capable of building flying machines controlled
with human thoughts, which could travel to stars, which could cut
huge stones like we cut butter and made them fly into the required
positions, etc.
For example Jewish mythology very exactly describes
the Garden of Eden. It tells that this garden was concentrically
structured, had 7 main compartments, and 7 gates. When the
appearance, designation, and content of these 7 subsequent
compartments are analyzed, it turns out that the Garden of Eden in
fact is identically constructed as UFO vehicles type K7, which are
being described by present UFO abductees (the systematic comparison
of the Garden of Eden and K7 type of UFO is contained in monograph
[1/3]). Thus it appears that Jewish mythology describes the arrival
of Adam and Eve to Earth in a UFO vehicle.
Prehistoric human footprints and artifacts.
There is an
increasingly large bulk of
evidence available, which documents that humans were already on
Earth simultaneously with the
first life forms. For example, there are human footprints found
embedded in rocks millions of
years ago (numerous such footprints are described in chapter O of
monograph [1/3]) - see
Figure B1. Also there are various technical devices being discovered
in old rocks and coal
deposits. This could be only possible if, in fact, Earth was being
prepared for future colonization,
and human race from a distant planet Terra was, in fact, planting
various organisms on Earth, leaving some evidence of these early
Palaeotological evidence.
Even official scientific research into
history of our planet provides ever increasing evidence that human
race was settled on Earth only around 40,000 years ago.
Unfortunately scientists interpret this fact in a different (biased)
manner. In order to give here some example of this evidence, the
most commonly know of it includes so-called “missing link”. This
missing link is simply a lack of scientific evidence that human race
evolved on Earth (scientists biasely explain this lack by claiming
that such evidence does exist, but was not found yet, while the
history from this subsection states that it never is going to be
found simply because human race did not evolve on Earth).
example of such evidence includes the rapid mass extinction of the
so-called “Neanderthal Man”. It took place around 30 000 years ago,
i.e. shortly after the human race was settled on Earth. This man had
a genetic structure very similar to human beings (after all, it was
the product of previous unsuccessful attempt of aliens to populate
Earth), thus it could cross-breed with humans while its inferior
genetic material, especially its very low intellectual capabilities,
could spoil the usefulness of human race as slaves for cosmic
parasites. Therefore it needed to be eliminated from Earth (although
this elimination was not total, and some individuals, which probably
were already born in the effect of mix-breeding, survived the cull).
Another example of such evidence includes the rapid extinction of
large predatory animals, which represented a significant threat to
newly introduced humans. At the time when human race was settled on
Earth, all huge predators that were dangerous to humans, such as
Cave Tiger, Cave Bear, and a huge predatory bird of America, rapidly
become extinct.
Human body.
Human body must obey “gravity equations” explained
before. For example the “equation of height” presented as (1B1) in
subsection B1, states that the height of our body is defined by the
laws of gravity. These laws cause that if we originate from Terra,
the gravity of which was 4.47 times larger than that of Earth, and
if somehow is destroyed our genetic binding of size, then our height
must explode to the size of around 5 meters.
Therefore, all these
skeletons of human giants that were discovered in New Zealand (as
described in subsection B1.1), and mysteriously destroyed soon
afterwards, constitute a very convincing “touchable” material
evidence that we in fact do originate from the planet Terra. If any
of such skeletons is again found, and then secured to everyone’s
inspection, we would not need any more convincing proof that we
originate from Terra (this is why our cosmic parasite so thoroughly
destroys every giant skeleton, and every other evidence on giants,
that was found so far).
Of course, the “equation of height”
discussed before as (1B1), is only one of several different “gravity
equations” which convey the message that our body in fact does not
originate from the planet Earth.
Other gravity equations, which in a
very powerful manner tell us exactly the same message, are the
“equation of longevity”, and the “equation of intelligence”. Let us
start from looking at the equation of longevity.
It takes the form:
lT/lE = cl(T/E)2 (1B2)
It states, amongst others, that if the human race would arrive from
another planet - in this case
from the planet Zem to Earth, the lifespan of this race must drop
down by around (T/E)2 times. Let
us express with “lT” (in Earthly years) the average length of human
lifespan/longevity on Zem. We
also know that the average human lifespan on Earth is equal to
around “lE=80 years”.
we do not know for sure what the ratio of gravity strength (T) of
Zem, in comparison to gravity
strength (Z) of Earth was, we know that it was not much lower than
that of Terra, so for simplicity
we can assume that it was around “T/E = 3.4”. This allows us to
calculate the lifespan of
someone like our pre-ancestors Adam and Eve, who were born on Zem,
and thus whose bodies
were saturated with the life energy according to the Zem’s gravity
field. If Adam and Eve were
born on Zem which would have the gravity field around T/E=3.4 times
higher than the gravity of
Earth, then after being transported to Earth they should still live
the lifespan which is
characteristic for Zem. Equation (1B2) allows us to determine what
should be their longevity.
we assume that their average lifespan after being born in the
Earth’s gravity field would be
around lE=80 years, then equation (1B2) states that after being born
in T/E=3.4 stronger field,
they should live around “lT=930 years”. And in fact this was the
case. Our Bible states that Adam
lived exactly 930 years (see Bible, Genesis 5:5). We do not know for
sure how long Eve lived, however we know that she had the first baby
when she was 200 years old.
This again confirms the correctness of
deductions above, because born on the planet Zem with T/E=3.4, and
having 200 years, according to the same equation (1B2) she was
physically developed only to the level of today’s 18-years-old
female teenagers - so she was just achieving the right age when she
could have her first baby. Thus the longevity of Adam and Eve
discussed above, is another example of the numerous evidence coded
into our body which confirms that in fact we did emigrate to Earth
from another planet.
Let us now repeat the similar analysis, but this time let us base
these deductions on the “equation of intelligence”, which takes the
IT/IE = cI(T/E)2 (2B2)
This equation states, amongst others, that if the human race would
originally evolve on Terra, and only later gradually emigrate from
Terra to its present destination Earth, the intelligence of this
race would drop down. If by factor “IT” we mark the average
intelligence of this race on Terra, while by factor “IE” we mark the
average intelligence of this race on Earth, equation (2B2) tells us
that the total drop of intelligence resulting from this emigration
would be equal to around (T/E)2 = (4.47)2 = 20 times.
This means
that our intelligence would drop to a level of only around 5% of the
original intelligence that our race evolved on Terra. To put it in
another words, the price for shifting from the initial planet Terra,
to the final planet Earth (i.e. to decrease the gravity by factor
T/E=4.47 times), was to turn around “IT/IE = 20 times” more stupid.
And in fact it is a widely known secret that the human race on our
planet uses only around 5% of its brain capacity. Thus, our use of
only around 5% of the brain capacity, is another example of the
numerous evidence coded into our body, which confirms that in fact
we did arrive to Earth from Terra.
The above descriptions only list major categories of evidence which
certify for our origin from the planet Terra. The more detailed
description of this evidence is contained in monograph [1/3]. If one
accepts this evidence, it is impossible to dismiss further the
shocking truth:
“we are not originating from Earth, but we arrived
here from other planets and then lost an important war which totally
destroyed our advanced civilization”.
The above disclosure still does not exhaust all shocking facts which
we do not know about
ourselves. The next shocking information which we are to learn, is
that not knowing about this,
until today we still are paying the price for loosing that war 13.5
thousands years ago. This is
because until today we are practically enslaved and imprisoned on
Earth by a technically very
advanced confederation of our distant relatives who wan that war.
These our distant relatives
practically occupy our planet ever since, in a very similar manner
as Nazi Germans occupied
Poland, and exploit humanity in a very similar manner as in the
times of slavery masters exploited
their slaves.
Of course, they keep us under their occupation for a
clear purpose. Because they
adhere to the “parasitic” philosophy described in subsection B5,
they unscrupulously rob us from
many biological resources which we are generating. To give some
examples as to what they rob
from us, they extract from us the life energy, they also extract
from us the moral energy which in
subsection B4 is called “zwow”, we provide them with ovules and
sperm which they utilize to
clone their “bio-robots”, etc.
Life energy which they rob from us, is
an unique kind of energy which
cannot be generated technically and cannot be passed to humans from
anyone else than other
humans, thus which can be used to extend their lives only if our
lives are simultaneously
shortened. If we are not robbed from this energy, we should live on
Earth in average around 120
years, while we live in average only 80 years. Thus around 40 years
of life is robbed from each
person on Earth by these our cosmic parasites.
The procedure and
devices which they utilize to
extract this life energy from us, and then to use it for their
revitalization, are described in treatise
[3B]. In turn “biorobots” are names which our cosmic parasites
assigned to human children which
are being cloned on their planets on massive scale from eggs/ovule
and sperm taken from
people. They call them “biorobots” to create a psychological excuse
to exploit these human
offsprings in a manner we exploit our dogs or horses.
“biorobots” work on their planets in
the most difficult and dirty occupations, for example in running
their mines and building their
constructions, also cooking, cleaning, serving as their sex slaves,
etc. But in spite of being called
“bio-robots”, they are humans as we do, they also feel pain and
suffer exactly as we do. Of
course, described above are only some of the countless atrocities
which these our cosmic invaders and parasites are committing on us.
Many more of these are described in monograph [1/3].
The objection which the reader probably developed by now, is a doubt
which could be expressed with wording along the lines:
“if we are
still occupied and exploited by this our cosmic parasite, how it is
possible that we do not know anything about this occupation and
exploitation nor about the parasite itself”.
Well the answer to this
doubt is that our cosmic parasite is around 20 times more
intelligent than us, therefore it does not act according to our
crude ways. Although the seriousness of our situation demands that I
explain thoroughly how actually it operates, simply speaking the
major principle of its behavior is to operate in such a manner that
normally humans do not notice its existence, neither humans notice
the fact that it exploits them. It accomplishes this by continually
hiding from us.
In order to understand better the behavior of this our cosmic
parasite, let us firstly analyze the ways that humans from Earth
(i.e. these which use only 5% of their brains) enslave and exploit
other humans. Well, humans use for this a brute force. They use
guns, torture chambers, prisons, and whips, to keep their slaves and
colonies under control. However, because they are clearly visible,
their slaves very soon start to hate them, rebel, and after a more
or less lengthy struggle, liberate themselves. Therefore, humans
from Earth are not able to keep any other humans enslaved for longer
than around 5 generations. But our cosmic parasite is more clever
than us. After all it uses 100% of the brain.
Also it has technology
which is much more advanced than ours thus which allows it to
effectively hide from us. For example it has technical devices which
allow it to totally disappear from our view (this effect of
disappearing is obtained through the so-called “state of telekinetic
flickering” which depends on a very fast blinking between the
material and non-material constitution), or to turn into a kind of
misty figure. It also has the devices which allows it to fly through
solid objects such as jet engines, glass windows, iron walls, trees,
or mountains, without damaging itself nor these solid objects.
Furthermore, at any wish it can instantly hypnotize us, and also put
telepathically any command or idea directly into our brain
(principle and devices which allow to accomplish this are described
in subsections D3.3 and D5.2). The powers of these beings are so
enormous that we cannot even imagine them at our level of
Of course, apart from technology, our technically very advanced, but
morally decayed, cosmic parasite also developed a set of very
effective methods of operation, and principles of conduct, which
allows it to enslave humans from Earth and exploit them for tens of
thousands of years without even being noticed.
The complete list of
these is provided in monograph [1/3]. Below are summarized only the
most representative examples of methods and principles which our
cosmic parasites obey very strictly in their occupation of Earth:
Keep hiding.
Whenever our cosmic parasites are present on Earth,
they strictly obey the principle that they cannot be seen by humans.
Therefore they operate mainly after midnight when the most of people
sleep. If they fly or operate during the daylight, their vehicles
and themselves switch on their invisibility shield. When they do
something to humans firstly they hypnotize them and later they
thoroughly erase their memories. If they need to appear to someone,
always they make sure that no other witness is present around, so
that other people never believe in words of those who actually seen
the parasite.
Disseminate a false and confusing picture of aliens.
One of the
basic principles of hiding from people which is implemented by our
invader, depends on disseminating amongst people completely false
picture of our parasites. According to this picture, aliens must
differ from people in every aspect, and have no right to be
identical to humans (in reality the race of aliens which most
benefit from our occupation, is actually identical to us).
aliens supposedly differ from us in appearance, in being
non-material, in laws of nature that apply to them, in the worlds
from which they come to us, in set of dimensions in which they
operate, etc. There is several elements of this picture, which are
disseminated on Earth since thousands of years.
The most important
of these include:
Manipulate people into a belief that aliens are non-material
beings, e.g. which belong to the spiritual world. (According to this
view, aliens supposedly are not physical beings
as people do, i.e. aliens supposedly do not have physical bodies
which, due to their technological advancement, are capable of put
into the state of telekinetic flickering thus making an impression
that they are non-material.)
The dissemination of this false view is
very beneficial for the occupational interests of our cosmic
parasite, therefore its reinforcing amongst people has the highest
priority. After all, such a view paralyses all our attempts to
defend ourselves from the beings that occupy us, and also it
discourages any attempts to understand the nature of these beings.
This is because how one could possibly understand the nature of
someone who e.g. originates from the same realm as God. In turn, how
then we could defend ourselves from someone whose nature we are not
able to understand scientifically, and whom we would not be able to
fight simply by advancing our science and technology. In order to
disseminate this false view, UFOnauts continually used, and still
use now, various collaborators who in many ways persuade people the
non-materiality of our cosmic invaders. For example in the medieval
times these collaborators were telling people about the
“non-materiality” of devils and angels.
At a later date they kept
Hitler in believe that misty figures which used to give him
instructions, and which he supposedly was very scared, are etheric
and non-material. Currently such collaborators propagate various
theories which claim that UFOnauts originate from a different set of
dimensions, that they do not have bodies, that they exist only in
our imagination, etc. In present days people who disseminate this
false picture of UFOnauts, most frequently originate from circles of
prominent UFO investigators - e.g. one of them was Allen Hynek.
However, it should again be highlighted that such views are
manipulated into us by the parasites in order to paralyze our
defense, and as such we should vigorously eliminate them.
Dissemination of the view that aliens must differ in appearance
from people. For example they must have a different structure of
bodies, carry antennas or horns, etc. Therefore, according to this
view, an aliens should not be able to mix with the crowd without
immediately being recognized. In order to disseminate this view,
from time to time our parasites are organizing a spectacle, in which
people are allowed to see various strange creatures.
Always use undetectable methods.
Whenever our cosmic invaders
intend to accomplish any effect which differs from human intentions,
they are only permitted to use such methods of acting which must be
completely undetectable for humans. Therefore each single method or
principle of conduct which is explained in this list (especially in
next items that follow), in normal circumstances is not detectable
for us. Of course, this list does not exhaust all invisible methods
that our cosmic parasite uses on us.
There are numerous further
which I already identified but the detailed explanation of which
would take too much space. Perhaps I only give here two examples of
most frequently used ones, namely: “delay until time runs out”, and
“combat through promoting contradictive”. The method “delay until
time runs out” depends on creating various obstacles which delay the
fulfillment of someone’s intentions, until time runs out for this
fulfillment. For example if someone has a deadline for a job
application, and our cosmic parasite does not want this person to
get this job, it will initially spoil the computer so that
application cannot be written, then makes him/her preoccupied with
some other important matter, while in the last days makes this
person fall sick.
The result is that the deadline passes and the
application is not submitted. In turn method “combat through
promoting contradictive” works on principle that whenever something
is established that runs against interests of our parasite, this
parasite inspires his collaborators to create another similar thing
but with totally contradictive attributes, and then instigates this
new creation to fight out the original establishment. For example,
to extinguish the idea of
crop circles being made by landed UFOs,
our parasite introduced the idea of pranksters making these circles
as a joke.
To suppress research on technical telepathy, it promoted
radio communication. To preempt the impact of name “Totalism” for
the positive philosophy adhered by adversaries of our parasites,
which subsequently was to be disseminated on Earth, it introduced
the term “totalitarianism” which carries the completely opposite
meaning. Etc, etc.
Remove the evidence.
Whenever by accident they leave on Earth any
sign or trace of their activity, they have the strict rule that they
need to neutralize in the eyes of people the meaning of this sign or
trace. Therefore if they leave a material evidence of their action,
they either must come back and somehow destroy this evidence, or
they must hypnotically
preprogram some submissive collaborators on Earth who either
vandalize this evidence for them, or claim that they manufactured
this evidence for a joke, or scientifically explain this evidence as
of a “natural origin”, etc.
Thus, in the result of hiding and such
continuous destruction of the evidence, humans always are left in
uncertainty as to whether our cosmic parasite does exist at all. In
order to give some examples of evidence which in New Zealand is
continually being destroyed in this manner, it includes: (a) UFO
landing sites which either are declared by “Holmes” TV program as
being manufactured by pranksters from Ashburton, or are declared by
scientists as “mushroom rings”, or simply are being ignored by the
affected UFO abductees in spite that they keep appearing behind
windows of their bedrooms; (b) skeletons of giants which each time
after being discovered are destroyed in some mysterious manner - as
it is described in subsection B1.1.
Operate via collaborators.
If they need to do something on Earth
that leaves visible products, they never do it themselves, as sooner
or later people would deduct from these products the fact of their
existence. Therefore whatever they do on Earth and the effects of
this are to be seen, they always do it with hands of especially
preprogrammed human collaborators. To accomplish the cooperation of
these collaborators, our cosmic parasites abduct them on their
spaceship, give them post-hypnotic suggestions, and upon return to
Earth these collaborators complete exactly what they were
preprogrammed to do for aliens (e.g. propose new theories which
explain “crop circles”, or invent
Occam’s Razor, or disseminate the
Theory of Relativity, or destroy skeletons of giants, etc.).
Destroy with forces of nature.
If they decide to destroy
something on Earth, and they cannot use for this purpose
collaborators preprogrammed hypnotically, then they use artificially
released forces of nature. Thus they create with their advanced
technology either floods, or mud-slides, or volcano eruptions, or
earthquakes, or hurricanes, or tornados, or lightnings, or dense
fogs, or just ordinary fires, and by appropriately directing these
forces they destroy whatever they wish to.
Block progress and periodically shift humanity back in the
The technical and technological advantage that our
cosmic parasite has over us, is only valid if our own civilization
does not progress above certain level. Therefore one of the main
principles of our cosmic parasite, is to continually block our
progress, and also to periodically cause various disasters on Earth
which keep shifting our civilization backwards when it progresses
too much. In order to fulfill this principle, our alien invader uses
tens of different methods and approaches (see also the descriptions
in subsection A1).
The most important of these include:
generation of numerous obstacles on path of those who try to
introduce anything new
politically, socially, or economically
oppressing the best brains amongst Earth people
reorienting of
human interests towards inferior technologies and theories (e.g.
towards radio communication technology instead of telepathic
communication, towards rocket propulsion instead of magnetic
propulsion, towards combustible energy resources instead of free
energy devices, towards the old concept of monopolar gravity instead
of the new Concept of Dipolar Gravity, and many more)
instigation of destructive wars which always destroy most
developed countries
systematic exploding of time vehicles on
Earth; etc...
Kill all those people who positively contribute to humanity.
this was indicated in subsection A4, the aliens who occupy our
planet are very deadly. If there is any person who is to positively
contribute to the development of humanity, by either reinforcing on
Earth the totalistic philosophy, or by contributing vital knowledge
or invention, aliens ruthlessly assassinate this person. This is
because of these countless assassinations that almost every
outstanding and positive man on Earth, who carries the potential to
contribute something important to our future, never lives to the end
of his/her productive life.
Due to them, whenever we read about
someone who did something rather positive and important, and who
displayed even greater potentials for the future, soon we learn that
this person died prematurely and tragically. For example note the
fate of David W. Davenport whose research are discussed in
subsections C4 and C7, or Werner Kropp referred to in subsection
D1.2. Also consider other well-known deaths in human history. For
example consider what would happen if Jesus was not put on the cross
(and when still turned out to be alive - taken to heaven), so that
everyone was allowed to freely follow his teachings.
(Note that some old church paintings show cross with
surrounded with UFO vehicles that hanged in skies - for example see
Figure B2.)
Where our development would go if Abraham Lincoln is not
shot dead and was allowed to implement his totalistic ideas of
equality and harmony. How our civilization would look now if Lenin is
not assassinated and replaced with Stalin. What influence on our
politics and social progress would have the successful
implementation of the Mahatma’s Gandhi “doctrine of nonviolence” if
he would not be shot dead by a Hindu fanatic on 30 January 1948,
i.e. only a year after he negotiated an autonomous Indian state;
also what would happen if his descendants who were devoted to
implement his nonviolence doctrine would not be subsequently
How much less tensed racial coexistence would be on
Earth if Martin Luther King is not shot dead. Where our civilization
would be if J.F. Kennedy is not shot while all other members of his
family capable of assuming the political power and continuing his
totalistic traditions are not systematically killed. What would
John Lennon from Beatles do for UFO research, if he would not have
been shot dead in 1980, after he saw a UFO over New York and
indicated his devotion for finding truth about these strange
vehicles. Etc., etc. - there is no end to this stream of deaths.
It is also my hypothesis, although at that stage I am not able to
provide any evidence to support it, that the well-known phenomenon
that if these is someone extremely bright, moral, and promising,
such a person dies tragically and prematurely as a teenager in the
effect of alien assassination. In Poland there is even a saying
based on this phenomenon, which in reference of such prematurely
dead people states something along the lines “he was too good to
live long” (I believe that also in English there is a similar saying
stating “the good die young”).
My explanation for this phenomenon is
that our cosmic parasite analyses the future in order to learn who
contributed the most towards the progress of our civilization. Then
they neutralize this contribution by assassinating these outstanding
people when they are still very young. Because most significantly to
our civilization contribute people who are extremely capable, or who
are growing in climate of progressive tradition (like teenagers from
the Kennedy’s family, or descendants of Mahatma Gandhi), this
explains why so many extraordinary capable teenagers are dying
tragically in mysterious circumstances.
(The event which directly
prompted me to write the above controversial hypothesis was a news
item in TVNZ 1 broadcasted in the evening news around 22/3/00, in
which such an exceptionally promising New Zealand teenager was
buried with full fire-brigade honors and with extreme sorrow of
those who had the honor to know him. Of course, also before this
broadcast took place I encountered numerous other cases when
intellectually very bright and morally exceptional young people died
tragically and prematurely this broadcast prompted me only to gain
the courage of expressing such disturbing hypothesis.)
If our cosmic invaders choose to kill someone, they have a choice of
numerous assassination methods which so far were (and still are)
undetectable for humans.
The most popular of these methods include:
making the victim to have a cancer, or die from any other
“natural” illness (as it is described in subsection D5.2, such
illnesses can easily be induced by a technical device called a
“telepathic projector”),
program a religious or a political
fanatic to kill this victim,
manipulate a powerful (usually
foreign) institution or agency into believe that a given person is a
threat, so it assassinates him (e.g. in New Zealand I heard rumors
that Norman Kirk - a fighter for interests of common people, was
assassinated by such an institution), or
use one of numerous
undetectable assassination scenarios, e.g. cause that this victim is
on the spot where a destructive disaster strikes (e.g. he/she goes
for a sea cruise on “Titanic”, or visits a friend in “Ara Moana”).
The scary thing about these alien assassinations is that they are
repeated, and never cease. Since once they start against someone,
they systematically continue until the victim is dead. Most probably
aliens keep special “death squad” on Earth which does nothing else
but invisibly assassinates all selected people.
Fact, that UFOnauts on purpose infect people with various illnesses,
is not just the most
recent discovery. In Buchara (Uzbekistan), exists something called
“riszta” which is around 120 centimeters long threaded worm which lives under the human skin
eating people alive. The Latin
name of this riszta is Dracunculus (=Filaria) medinensis.
to Uzbekian legends, in
every pitch dark, moonless night a huge dragon was arriving, and sow
these threaded worms
over people. Because “dragon” is one of numerous different names
that in old times were
attributed to what today is known as UFOs (probably because of the
crusted “onion charcoal” which covers the hulk of these vehicles and
which after starting to glow looks like a fiery snake’s skin), the
above legend most probably was simply an eye-witness report which
noted these worms being spread by UFOs and which notified people
about this fact.
The above legend is described in a Polish book
[1B2] by Barbara Klimuszko, “Biologia 5/6”, Warszawa 1998, ISBN
83-85722-77-7, while the biological data regarding riszta are
described in the book by Czeslaw Jura, “Bezkregowce”, Warszawa 1983,
ISBN 83-01-04489-6.
Apart from assassinations, our cosmic parasites sometimes use also
other ways of terminal neutralizing inconvenient people. In some
cases the way of complete demobilizing them depends on the
destruction of eyesight, e.g. by causing a cataract. In other cases,
such inconvenient people are neutralized forever by being taken away
into a different planet (“ascension”). At present stage one only can
speculate why selected people are being taken away, instead of
For example, one reason could be that all
assassination attempts have failed (e.g. the karma of these people
does not allow them to die in a manner prepared by the parasites),
so the only way of stopping actions of these people on Earth is to
take them away. The other reason for taking them away could be the
type of activities which these people carry out, and which can bear
results that depend on the current situation (as for example it is
the case with some politicians); the parasites may try to keep open
the possibility that they could return back these people -should the
development of situation require this.
Therefore, there were numerous cases when some people (including
many politicians) simply
disappeared without a slightest trace, with no-one knowing what
actually happened to them. A
book [2B2] by Rodney Davies “Supernatural Disappearances” is filled
with descriptions of such
cases that took place in human history. The more recent famous case
of this type was when the
Australian Prime Minister, Harold Holt, disappeared without a trace
on 17 December 1967, while
in the sight of two women he decided to enter sea in Melbourne.
New Zealand there was also
a famous disappearance in 1970s, when a person named Robin Fisk from Oropi on the outskirts
of Tauranga, disappeared from his car parked in the Mamakus forest
near Rotorua at the
roadside of the State Highway 5. Afterwards a half-eaten sandwich
and a cup of tea was found in
his car, certifying that aliens abducted him when he was having his
meal. No trace of him or his
belongings was ever found. Of course, apart from him, statistically
around 2000 people
disappears in New Zealand every year (while the total population of
New Zealand is only around
3.5 million).
Probably the most spectacular was the disappearance of
the Sandringham Company at Gallipoli (Turkey) in 1915, when the
company of around 200 soldiers walked into a yellow mist to never be
seen again. The Sandringham Company was the élite force, formed from
workers and servants of the English King’s private country
residence, i.e. by people who after the war could have a significant
influence on politics of the British empire.
The story of this
company was recreated in the British TV drama “All the King’s Men”
(broadcasted by TVNZ 1, on 23/4/00, at 8:15-10:05 pm).
Terrorize any thought of resistance.
In order to squash from very
beginning every
attempt of humans to work towards their independence, our cosmic
parasite developed a
diabolic system which is based on “paralysing with fear”. This
system scares people by
executing examples of severe punishment which is served to everyone
who tries to do anything
that runs against the interest of our cosmic parasite.
In turn to
execute this punishment, our
cosmic parasite continually organizes on Earth various institutions
which do nothing else but
punish, and also it continually creates on Earth a type of
disapproving atmosphere which selects
victims for this punishment and induces a social hysteria against
all those humans who threaten
interests of aliens. In order to give here some examples of such
punishing institutions and
disapproving atmospheres created by our cosmic parasites, in past
they included the religious
Inquisition and the social atmosphere which allowed to accuse of
witchcraft everyone who was
having any progressive ideas.
In turn currently in New Zealand such
institution and atmosphere
instigated by our cosmic invaders is the Skeptic Society and the
atmosphere of punishing
everyone who does any research concerning aliens or UFOs (one of
numerous victims of this
institution and atmosphere was myself, when I was “persuaded” to
leave the Otago University as
described in subsection A4). This is because of this spread of
terror that present days almost
no-one dares to openly talk or publish anything constructive
concerning UFOs.
Control human minds and feelings.
They continually beam towards
Earth a telepathic message which states something along the lines,
“UFOs or other cosmic intelligences do not exist, therefore scoff,
ridicule, and attack everyone who claims otherwise, and also feel
personally offended and get very angry if everyone mentions UFOs in
your presence”.
This message uses unknown to human science means of
propagation, namely the telepathic signals (the pyramid described in
this treatise would be the first communication device on Earth which
would utilize this previously unknown means of propagation),
therefore it is intercepted directly by everyone’s brain, and also
it is undetectable for our primitive radio technology. But it
strongly affects people of low intellect, who do exactly what it is
saying, and who aggressively attack all those researchers that could
detect the existence of our cosmic parasites.
Devices which are
capable of carrying out such beaming of messages directly into our
minds are described in subsection D5.2.
Divide, and instigate fighting.
Another diabolic method of our
cosmic parasite, is to continually divide humans into various races,
religions, countries, ideologies, fractions, sides, adherers,
believers, etc., and then instigate each of them to fight with
others. In this way it manages to topple down almost every
progressive idea and almost every progressive group of people. This
particular method of keeping us suppressed was introduced from the
very beginning, because instead of settling on Earth a single race
of humans, our cosmic parasite introduced several races
Also instead of introducing a single religion, this
parasite created several different religions and cults, then turned
them against each other. On a smaller scale our parasite suppresses
with this method also all progressive ideas. For example whenever a
new idea is born, immediately this parasite hypnotically programs
some collaborators to come out with a contradictive backward idea,
and then instigates these collaborators to fight against the
progressive idea.
Keep checking the future for blocking the presence.
Parasitic civilizations that currently occupy and exploit our planet already
mastered the time travel. Therefore they utilize this travel for
keeping us under better control. For this purpose they constantly
travel back and forth in time. When they arrive to future, they
always check which past events on Earth have the undesired influence
on their interests, then after returning to these events they try to
block them from taking place. In this way they very effectively slow
down our progress and keep us under control.
Manipulate the whole civilization through controlling individual
Because the insight into future gives our invader the exact
indication who, and how, is going to affect its parasitic interests
on Earth, the basic method of keeping us all under control, is to
manipulate leading individuals. Therefore, on the basis of future,
our cosmic invader selects most important people who are shaping our
civilization, and then concentrates on suppressing, eliminating, or
manipulating these people.
In these way all leading politicians,
religion and cult leaders, outstanding scientists, journalists and
film makers, book writers, commercial advertisers, company managers,
and all other individuals who have significant influence on our
civilization, are in a discrete and invisible manner being
manipulated and misguided so that unknowingly they serve the
interests of our parasite.
By using such advanced, highly intelligent, and satanically
mischievous methods, our cosmic parasite managed to keep us under
control for tens of thousands of years. It is only recently that
some of us started to wake up from our lethargy, and started to see
what is going on. However, it probably takes many further years
before we liberate ourselves from this parasite, because it still
has a powerful grip over a majority of people, and it is still very
capable of squashing every sign of resistance. However the process
of our eye opening already began.
I do hope that this treatise adds
its own contribution to the honorable fight for truth by speaking
to all those, the minds of whose are sufficiently open to enable
them to listen and to apply their logic.
When one realizes that such cunning methods are constantly used on
us, one starts to
wonder, how to determine where is the truth. After all, so-far we
used to determine truth only by
tracing facts. But all the above methods are so cunningly designed
that they twist facts and make
them totally misleading.
Here are two methods which so far I managed
to identify, which are useful for tracing the truth in spite that UFOnauts continually twist facts:
The tracing of coincidences method (i.e. where we trace
coincidences instead of tracing facts).
This approach I use myself
quite frequently. It appears to be rather effective in working out
what parasites are up to.
It states that,
To explain this on an example, in order
to see an intention of aliens, we should not look only at individual
facts taking place whenever we try to complete a specific task, such
as someone getting sick, a computer breaking down, or some distant
family raiding our house for the weekend which we planned to spend
on this task, but also take the notice of coincidences which link
all these facts, such as timing or common effect (in our case these
coincidences would indicate someone trying to hold back the
completion of the task).
The matching of scenarios method (i.e.
when scenarios of tragic events which affected different people
match each other).
It is effective in establishing who and for what
was assassinated by UFOs. It states that “if decisive fragments of
fate of different people are fulfilling the same general scenario,
and allow us to determine a cause-effect mechanism in which causes
are activities of these people which run against interests of our
cosmic parasites, while effects are events which terminate these
activities, then the fate represents an assassination which was
purposely arranged by our cosmic invader”.
This method is an outcome
of the fact that our cosmic invader is realizing its intentions with
the use of a limited number of well tested methods, the
effectiveness of which was proven in action on numerous occasions.
Therefore, whatever this parasite is doing, always its activities
are unfolding according to a strictly defined scenario which
represents one of these methods. So if we learn and describe these
“scenarios” then we are able to recognize situations when one of
them is used on someone.
An example of such matching of scenarios,
is the discovery that my own brother was a victim of UFO
assassination similar to John Britten - as it is described in
subsection A4, and also that the family of Kennedys and family of
Gandhis both fell down victims of our invader from space.
If one analyses thoroughly the list of methods used by our cosmic
parasites which is described here, then soon must notice that they
sound very familiar. This familiarity results from our religious
teachings. If one looks beyond the old terminology which previous
generations of people used in order to describe the ways that
religious devils operate, then it turns out that these old religious
devils used exactly the same methods of acting as our present cosmic
parasite does. In New Zealand newspaper “The Timaru Herald”, issue
dated 12 August 2000, page 8, published is a small essay which tries
to illustrate the present methods of Satan. If one analyses this
essay, it strikes that in a religious manner it tries to describe
exactly the same trends which in subsection A1 of this treatise are
described in a scientific manner.
Although the above description should convince our logic, we usually
would also like to see a proof that all this is true. Of course, as
a scientist I would not state the above shocking facts if I would
not have evidence in support that they are true. The bulk of this
evidence I presented in monograph [1/3]. But in order to indicate
also here an example of such evidence, the most commonly available
mark is described in this treatise. It takes the shape of a small
scar, usually only around 2 millimeters in diameter, which is
visible on a leg of every third person. This mark carries a special
significance, and it needs to be explained here. Some people are
selected by our cosmic parasite for a special type of exploitation
which requires very frequent processing.
From the to-date research it appears that they are donors of ovule
and sperm. They are being
taken on decks of flying reproductive factories with a Swiss-watch
precision systematically every
three months, and their reproductive resources are being milked out.
Therefore in order to find
these people whenever their time for a next turn of exploitation,
they have small telepathic
implants inserted into their bones in legs.
These implants are
similar to a miniature radio
transmitters which our scientists are placing in collars of wild
animals when they wish to trace
them. Of course, when these implants are being inserted into bones
in legs, small scars remain,
even if the memory of the implanted person is thoroughly being
erased. Sizes and visibility of
these scars depend on individual susceptibility for healing, but for
the majority of UFO
abductees they can be noticed quite easily. This
small scar is the evidence which can be first-handily seen by
everyone, thus which is able to prove to everyone that what is being
said here is the truth (according to the saying “seeing is
It can be find on a leg of every third person on Earth.
It is located around 27.5 cm from the floor (±3 cm), in men on the
right side of their right leg, while in women on the left side of
their left leg. The best method of finding it is to mark the
distance of 27.5 cm from the floor and then to look for a small scar
within 3 cm from the level of this marking. However, for some people
the healing capabilities can be so powerful that this scar can be
noticed only during the examination of leg under the angle of light
reflection. In case of such people, I would recommend sensing this
scar firstly with the touch before we seek it with our eyes.
This is
because right under this scar, there is usually present also a
significant cavity in the muscle tissue, so that an experienced
researcher can detect them even with closed eyes simply by rubbing a
finger along the side of the leg under examination (in comparison,
this cavity cannot be detected in the same area of the other leg).
This cavity can be felt as a kind of hole or groove in the leg
muscle. In case when someone is seeking this scar for the first
time, in order to realize how it feels when touched, I would suggest
to try firstly the same place on the leg of someone who has a
clearly visible scar of the type discussed here.
The above indicates that if someone does not believe what was stated
in this treatise, the proof can be obtained easily. After all if
he/she does not have this scar on his/her own leg, always amongst
his/her loved ones there will be someone who carries this mark and
thus who is systematically being abducted by aliens (these
abductions can also be detected with appropriate devices - see
subsection B6).
Of course there is much more evidence like this, for
example there is a test named “magnetic implant response” which with
the use of 2000 gauss permanent magnet detects a similar implant
inserted in heads of selected abductees. This test was developed by
Nicholas A. Reiter (541 West Stone Street, Gibsonburg, Ohio 43431,
USA). However, to save on the volume of this treatise, it is not
possible to describe it here. Thus those wishing to learn more about
it, should either read monograph [1/3], or contact directly Mr
Of course, there is much more to this alternative history of mankind
then it can be disclosed in such a short subsection. Unfortunately,
to reveal more facts it would require to write a whole voluminous
treatise devoted solely to this topic, not just to insert a small
subsection into a treatise devoted to another topic. Also note that
the alternative history of mankind described here is not closed yet.
Even if we are not aware of it, around us an invisible battle is
continually being fought, the result of which is to decide about our
future. In order to allow us to choose the correct side in this
battle, subsections that are to follow are explaining what this
battle is about, what sides are taking part in it, and what could be
our contribution to the fight for free mankind.