Español |
- de 'Encuentro en Las Pleyades'
Español |
Abducción Extraterrestre, Posesión
Demoníaca, y La Leyenda del Vampiro
Abduction and The Reptilians
Abductions - Life in The Vivarium
Alien Abductions - from 'Blue Planet Project
- Alien Technical Research 25'
An Alien Abduction Account
Alien Harvest - Evidence of Grey Origins and Reasons for
Human Abduction
CoEVOLUTION - An Interplanetary Adventure
Español |
Como Opera el Control Mental en la
Abducción y en tu Vida
Cosmic Watergate Collapsing
- The Elephant is Stampeding in the Living Room
Deep Space Memories
- An Interview With Barbara Bartholic
Demonization of Extraterrestrials
Karla Turner and The Masquerade of "Angels"
Español |
El Control de los Cuerpos Sutiles
y la Intervención Etérica - Abducciones e Implantes
Español |
Enoch - El 'Primer'
humano en ser Abducido por Alienígenas
Ethical Implications of The UFO
Abduction Phenomenon
ET Slave Trade - An Alien-Abductee
Slave Trade?
Francis Lorgen
Exploring the Shamanism - Alien Abduction
Español |
Extraterrestres y Almas Humanas -
¿Cuál es la Conexión?
Genetic Agenda - A Double-Cross?
Harvard Psychiatrist on Alien
Abductions/Contact - "Yes, It's Both Literally and
Physically Happening"
Implants, Abductions and Other Stuff
Is Jimmy Carter a UFO/ET Abductee?
- On The Road To Roswell & Burlington 2008: A Discussion
John E. Mack
- Alien Abductions Research - Main
Kidnapped by UFOs?
- Interview With John Mack
Kundalini Tales - An Interview
With Richard Sauder
Español |
Mímica de Contacto
Extraterrestre por Entidades Ocultas
Mimicry of Alien Contact
by Occult Entities
On a UFO, Grey ETs Merged my Son’s
Soul Into His Body in My Womb
- New Zeland UFO Expert
Janku Gaenir
Pamela Hamilton
Español |
Posesión y Depredación - Alienígenas, Predadores, Clones
y Reptiles
- El Enigma de Los Parásitos...
Possession and Predation - Aliens,
Flyers, Clones, and Reptilians - The Enigma of
Extraterrestrial Parasites
Español |
Resistencia a las Abducciones Alienígenas
- "Strange
- International UFO Reporter (IUR) 1999
Español |
Testigo relata Incidente de
Abducción - "Habían Extraños seres Flotando en Tanques
de Líquido"
The Abduction and Manipulation of
Humans Using Advanced Technology
The Abduction Phenomenon and Its
Implications for Disclosure
- A British Perspective
Andreasson Affair
The Controllers -
A New Hypothesis of
Alien Abductions
The Conversion of Whitley
The Fifth Briefing - What They
Want -
from Book Two of "The Allies of Humanity"
The High Strangeness of
Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien
The Late Karla Turner Speaks of
Reptilian Atrocities
The Meaning Behind Alien
The Other Side of Truth - Abductions and
The Outer Limits of The Soul
- UFO Abductees
The Threat - The Secret Agenda - What the Aliens Really
Want... And How They Plan to Get It
The UFO Abduction Phenomenon
- What Does it Mean for The Transformation of Human
The Zeta Reticuli Incident - Betty and Barney Hill
Up to 1 Billion Humans Are
Abducted by Hyperdimensional ETs, and Humans Are in
Cognitive Dissonance
to the Future
Why The Abduction Phenomenon
Cannot Be Explained Psychiatrically
Winifred Barton And The Holy Cosmic Cube From Outer
Zeta Reticuli Interaction With Earth - Main
Additional Information |
A Close Encounter With Critics
Alien Abduction
- An UFO Experience
Aliens Among Us
Influences on Humanity
Aliens, Egos and Souls - Who Are
We in The Big Picture?
Alien Thinking
Ancient Hawaiian Healing and UFO
Alien Abductions
An Interview With John E. Mack
Are Aliens Already Here?
- Harvard's Controversial John Mack Thinks He May Have
The Answer
Are Extraterrestrial Biological Entities Among Us?
Are We Grays?
Awareness Grows About Extraterrestrials, Consciousness,
Emerging Mysteries
Biomechanical Messiahs
- The Nigel Kerner Interview
Brain Zapping
Dan Sherman - Way Above Black
- A Video Interview With Dan Sherman
Discerning Alien Disinformation
Español |
Discriminando Desinformación
Español |
El Arte de La Guerra
Español |
Fin de La Industria de La Carne?
- ¿La Mutilación de Animales Explicada?
Español |
Mordisco de Amor
- Dramas de Relaciones Humanas Orquestadas por
Encounters with Unseen - A Personal Journey of
Extraterrestrial False Flag
Operation - Main
Extraterrestrials in The News, and Maybe in America
Fairies and
Fake "Alien Abductions" Conducted
by Shadow Government Para-Military Operatives
Global Wave of Animal Mutilations
Defies Explanation - Who is Doing This
Español |
y OVNIs?
How to Contend With Aliens During
Direct Interactions
- from 'Alien Mind-A Primer - The Verdants'
Human-Looking ETs Secretly in U.S.?
In 2 Worlds - Waking Up to Another
Layer of Reality
Español |
Extraterrestres Sobre La Humanidad
Italy’s Disclosure of Human Looking Aliens
Español |
Secuelas del Mordisco del Amor Alienígena, Tipos de Alma
y Depredadores
Español |
Los Tuatha de Danann ...¿Antiguos
Español |
Manipulación Astral de Los Sueños
- Los Reptilianos
Methods of Deception
- A List of Common Pitfalls Encountered by Truthseekers
Español |
Métodos de Engaño
- Una Lista de Trampas Comunes Encontradas por Los
Buscadores de la Verdad
Mysterious "Alaska Triangle"
linked to 20,000 Disappearances and UFO Sightings
"Alien Writing"
- An Interview with Mario Pazzaglini
Overlooked Aspects of The Alien Presence
Passport to The Cosmos
- An Interview With John Mack
Psychophysiological Responding
During Script-Driven Imagery in People Reporting
Abduction by Space Aliens
Scientists Assess DNA Hair Sample
From Human Being Apparently Not From Earth
Español |
- ¿Somos
The Abduction Narrative of Charles
Robert Jenkins
Aftermath of the Alien Love Bite, Soul Types and Predators
The Art of Hyper
Dimensional War
The Contact Has Begun
- Phillip Krapf and The Verdants
The Divine and The Manipulative
- Effects on Humanity's Religions, Beliefs and... -
Main File
The Greys, Rigel and Procyon
- A Tentative Taxonomy of Extra-Terrestrial Humanoids
The High Strangeness of
Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien
- Book Review
Love Bite - Alien Orchestrated Human Bonding Dramas
The Mars Records -
Main File
The Most
Commonly Reported Extraterrestrials by Contactees, Abductees and
The World's First DNA PCR
Investigation of Biological Evidence From an Alien
Transcending The Hall of Mirrors
- The Simultaneity of Discourse, the Third Space and
Tuatha De Danann - Ancient Aliens?
UFOs, Aliens, and The Question of Contact - A Report
UFOs - The Psychic Dimension
Pregnancies and Alien DNA Problems
Wisdom of The Higher
Corrado Malanga |
Italiano |
Alien Cicatrix I - da Corrado Malanga
Italiano |
Alien Cicatrix II - da Corrado Malanga
Español |
Alien Cicatrix I - por Corrado Malanga
Español |
Alien Cicatrix II - por Corrado Malanga
Español |
Alien Cicatrix III - por Corrado Malanga
A "Virtual Reality" - The Holographic Universe
Español |
Génesis - Tetralogía - por Corrado Malanga
Global Alien Interference
- Dr. Corrado Malanga’s
Español |
Los Ovnis en La Mente -
Interferencias Alienígenas
- por Corrado Malanga
Italiano |
Lux - L'Essere di Luce
The Mark of Abduction
The Transcript of Dr Malanga’s
Lecture - Updates on Alien Interferences
Multimedia: |
Alien Abduction
- Corrado Malanga
Interferencias Alienigenas
- Corrado Malanga
Prenderne Coscienza - Rapimenti
- Corrado Malanga
Books and Treatises |
2012 - The Return of Quetzalcoatl
- by Daniel Pinchbeck
Barbara - The Story of a UFO
by Barbara Bartholic
CE-VI - Close Encounters of The Possession Kind
- Interference From The ETs... -
by William J. Baldwin
Español |
CE-VI - Encuentros Cercanos del
Tipo Posesión - por
William J.
Divine Encounters - A Guide to
Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries - by Zecharia Sitchin
I Forgot What I Wasn't Supposed to
- An Expanded View of the Alien... -
by Katharina Wilson
Incident at Devil’s Den - by
Terry Lovelace
Into The Fringe
- A True Story of Alien Abduction- by Karla Turner
Español |
La Amenaza - Revelando La Agenda
Secreta de Los Alienígenas
- por David Jacobs
Masquerade of Angels
- by Karla Turner
Story of A UFO Investigator - by Barbara Bartholic
Taken - Inside the Alien-Human
Agenda - by Karla Turner
The Key - A True Encounter
- by Whitley Strieber
The Mission of The One Star
- Transforming Planet Earth to Planet Star -
by Alloya. N. Huckfield
The Otherness - A Personal
- by Tim Watts
The Threat - Revealing The Secret Alien Agenda
- by David M. Jacobs
From Within -
Extraterrestrial Encounters and Species Evolution - by
Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest
Multimedia |
Alien Abductions and Hybrids
- Dr. David M. Jacobs
- John E. Mack
Military E/T Abductions
- with Barbara Lamb
OVNIs, Extraterrestres, y La Posibilidad de Contacto
Prenderne Coscienza - Rapimenti
Alieni - Corrado Malanga
Transcending The Dualistic Mind
- Transpersonal Psychology - John E. Mack
UFOs, Aliens, and The Question of Contact
Related Reports |
Consciousness and The Conscious
Universe -
Main File
Contact and Contactees -
Main File