Joseph G. Hattersley
Extracted from
Nexus Magazine, Volume 8, Number 4
Good health can be maintained and many disease conditions alleviated
with adequate exposure to full-spectrum light.
[Editor’s Note: This article refers to several research studies
involving animals. We wish to advise that
NEXUS does not condone
animal experimentation or vivisection.] |
Part 2

America has a phobia, an irrational fear, about ultraviolet (UV)
light. In a new science fad, unwise practices are being urged on us.
The resulting sickness and misbehavior will mystify yet enrich
physicians, psychiatrists, dentists and criminal specialists as well
as pharmaceutical drug companies.
In too many scientific and medical fields, for a lot of researchers
the truth is defined only in relationship to the next grant, peer
pressure and the fight to further an entrenched view. This
essentially political process goes on despite any--in this case very
strong--evidence to the contrary.1
Much "science" research is known to be fraudulent.2,
Such a flow of funded research almost
exclusively in one direction is characteristic of potentially
dangerous science fads. Almost all "scientists" are out to prove
something so as to continue their careers; to them, finding the
truth is only secondary.
UV intensity is now forecast in population centers daily. The US
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) suggests that when outdoors we
should "protect ourselves against ultraviolet light whenever we can
see our shadow". And many physicians give their patients the same
warning. This is terrible advice. If man were a machine, a doctor
could repair or replace one part without worrying about the rest of
the contraption. Man is no machine, but more like a web or hologram.
Every organ and every part affects all the other parts; in fact,
cells in every part communicate with all the other parts.4
As a result of the EPA’s kind of advice, which is based on junk
science, the use of sunglasses is epidemic; we hide behind stylish
darkened car windows, we slather our skin with sunscreen for even
brief sun exposure. People who engage in these practices are ruining
their disposition
and health.
The phobia arose after investigators anaesthetized animals, propped
their eyes open and shined intense UV light into them; this damaged
their retinas. Excessive exposure to one kind of ultraviolet
(shorter-wave, germicidal UVC) can damage tissue.
But the
EPA makes
the ridiculous leap from that truth to the conclusion that we should
avoid all UV. UVC is not present increasingly in sunlight; a
purported thinning of the protective ozone layer has been debunked
(see below). UVC is found in tanning salons and halogen lamps.6
fact, the trace amounts of UV radiation in natural daylight are
required for physical and mental health, civilized behavior, muscle
strength, energy and learning.7
Sunlight, in moderation, improves
immunity and stimulates our metabolism while decreasing food
craving, and increases our intelligence.
Ozone Hole Danger Disproved The following passages and references are from
Richard Hobday’s book, The Healing Sun: Sunlight and
Health in the 21st Century.8
"There have been
no increases in skin cancer, eye diseases, immune system
disorders or environmental damage which can be attributed to
an increase in ultraviolet radiation. The largest South American city close to the Antarctic
ozone hole is Punta Arenas in southern Chile.
Despite reports to the contrary, there have been no
ozone-related health problems at Punta Arenas,
and measurements of ultraviolet radiation show that any
increases are too small to have any appreciable effect.[9]
"A paper published in 1998 by the European Science
and Environmental Forum challenges the consensus
view on ozone depletion, and argues that predictions made by
the scientific establishment and the media have been
If this is the case, and the hole in the ozone layer is,
after all, a temporary thinning of the upper atmosphere in
the early spring, then there is no reason to fear that
people will develop skin cancer because ultraviolet
radiation has become more dangerous.
"There is
certainly no evidence to support the widely held view that
the increase in malignant melanoma in recent years is in
some way linked to ozone depletion. The trend predates the
issue of ozone loss, which may have been going on for some
time before it was noticed. A paper published in the
British Journal of Cancer shows that from 1957 to
1984 the incidence of malignant melanoma in Norway increased
by 350 per cent for men and 440 per cent for women. During
the same period there was no change in ozone levels over
Norway, nor any significant change in annual exposure to
ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.[11]
Scare stories, such as the one about sheep in Chile
developing cataracts because of increased ultraviolet
radiation, are not supported in the scientific literature.
The sheep in question were later found to have had an
infectious disease, and sunlight was not implicated.[12,
"What is clear, however, is that there is a great deal of
ill-informed comment on the subject of ozone depletion and, for that
matter, sunbathing. Should depletion of the ozone layer ever become
a cause for real concern, then some people might develop cancer who
might not have, had there been no depletion, but until this happens
there is much more to be gained from investigating the real causes
of skin cancer and encouraging safe sunbathing than in being
preoccupied with the state of the Earth’s upper atmosphere and
blaming everything on the Sun. Diet and lifestyle play a far more
significant part in the genesis of cancer than is currently
recognized. The same can also be said about another condition that
is supposed to be on the increase because of ozone depletion--that
of senile cataract."
Note that even low exposure to
UVB significantly increases the risk
of cataracts,14 but only with the consumption of a Western junk food
diet rich in unsaturated fats and their oxidized products.15,
Those (including myself) who consume a more sensible diet, and
supplement it with vitamins C and E, do not get
cataracts even from lengthy sun exposure.17,
Starting from a high-school hobby of time-lapse photography, the
late John N. Ott, DScHon,19
founded the new science of photobiology.
He was active into his tenth decade.
Dr Ott’s last book, one of many publications, is Light,
Radiation and You: How to Stay Healthy (1990).20
In it he wrote:
adapted to the full range of the solar spectrum, and artificial
distortions of that spectrum--malillumination, a condition analogous
to malnutrition--may have biologic effects."
In an interview
published in 1991, he noted:
"There are neurochemical
channels from the retina to the pineal and pituitary glands, the
master glands of the whole endocrine system that controls the
production and release of hormones. This regulates your body
chemistry and its growth, all organs of your body, including
your brain, and how they function."21
The critical reader will ask: where are the controlled, scientific
tests supporting Dr Ott’s statements? The answer to that question
is: who can make money promoting sunlight? Think about it.
Two hours of bright light in the evening can sometimes cure symptoms
such as weight gain, depression, carbohydrate craving,
withdrawal, fatigue and irritability.
I. Ultraviolet Deprivation Health Effects First, let’s consider the health effects of ultraviolet deprivation.
Indoor Lighting and Melanoma
Malignant melanoma is often alarmingly but wrongly blamed on
sun exposure. The dangerous kind, called skin cancer, is
ultimately fatal if not corrected. A study by the US Navy
found the most melanoma in people who worked indoors all the
time. Those who worked both outdoors and indoors some of the
time had the lowest incidence. Also, most melanomas appeared
on parts of the body that are seldom exposed to sunlight.23
The inference is that both very high and very low exposures
to UV light can be harmful--and moderate exposure is
Sunscreens and Melanoma Sunscreens block out only
UVA and UVB, which we all need in trace
amounts, but not the potentially dangerous, germicidal UVC.
No commercial sunscreens have been proved safe.25
Their chemicals penetrate the skin into the circulation and
add to the burden of toxins to be detoxified.26
Commercial sunscreens increase the risk of melanoma
by causing mutations when the cells’ chromosomes interact
with the chemicals and the light.27 Natural sunscreens, as
well as commercial ones, curtail needed uptake of vitamin D3 from
UVB, increasing the risk of the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis.
Moreover, Lita Lee, PhD, notes:
"Mounting evidence indicates that
many of them [sunscreens] contain carcinogens and that the rise of
skin cancers parallels the increase in sunscreen usage. The only
sunscreen I recommend is coconut oil, although, believe me, you
cannot slather this oil on your skin and bake in the sun all day.
Adding a little iodine to the coconut oil for the first week of
summer gives added protection; however, do not use the iodine for
more than a week, as continued use will inhibit your thyroid
function. In my opinion, the only other safe (non-carcinogenic)
sunscreen would be one containing titanium dioxide."28
Fluorescent Lighting and Melanoma
A study published in the prestigious medical journal
Lancet and a Russian study found that fluorescent light
rather than sunlight promotes melanoma, proportionately to
the time of exposure.29,
In the Lancet study, among a sample of nearly
900 women, those who worked indoors under fluorescent
lighting had 2.l times higher melanoma risk (95% confidence
interval, CI, 1.32 to 3.32) than others. Among women exposed
for 20 years or more, the relative risk (RR) was 2.6 (95%
CI, 1.2 to 5.9). Relative risks were lower in women who had
been most heavily exposed to sunlight, both playing outdoors
as children and sunbathing as adults. In a smaller sample of
men, the RR for fluorescent lights with 10 or more years’
exposure was 4.4; and for those who had spent the least time
in the sun while children, the RR was 7.3.
And so we see that lengthy exposure to full-spectrum sunlight,
including trace UV, partially "immunized" both men and women against
later development of melanoma. These exposures had taken place in
the 1960s and 1970s, before the supposed thinning of the protective
ozone layer far above us. But as we saw earlier, UV penetration of
the atmosphere has not increased.31,
All this thoroughly explodes the claim that sun exposure causes
malignant melanoma.
In the 19 years since publication of Beral’s carefully researched
article in the Lancet, no one has refuted the finding. But many
ignore it and could make more money if the article and its
information would simply go away.
Why do fluorescent lights cause melanoma? "Emissions from such light
extend into the potentially carcinogenic range."33
Dr Ott found that, specifically, the cathodes located at the ends of
the light tubes emit X-rays and other electromagnetic pollution.
Plants living under the central portion of long fluorescent light
tubes grow normally; but when placed close to the ends of the tubes,
their growth is abnormal and stunted. Laboratory animals placed in a
cage close to the ends of these light tubes become aggressive and
Dr Ott also found that the light from
fluorescent tubes, as well as TV sets and computer terminals, causes red blood cells to clump
together after prolonged exposure. This reduces alertness,
promotes a tired feeling and increases the risk of heart
attack and stroke.34
But when the ends of the light tubes are shielded with
lead and traces of UV are added to the
light, plants and animals under them grow and function normally.35 And so
wrapping the ends of
fluorescent light tubes with lead tape, says Dr Ott, is
fully as important as full-spectrum light itself.36
Melanoma can also result from excessive exposure to
their rays and those from bright halogen lights include some of
the dangerous UVC.38
If users of sunlamps consume a junk diet, their risk of melanoma
will be increased. Halogen lamps are also a serious fire hazard
if they fall over or if inflammable material touches the
extremely hot bulb.39,
Valdemar Valerian, PhD, and his
Leading Edge Research Group,
"...noticed that
DNA molecules undergo erratic vibrational patterns
in the vicinity of cathode ray tubes (television or computer
monitors), and that a certain subsonic signal emanating from
computer monitors connected to the Internet make the DNA molecules
vibrate in unison, in a form of entrained pattern. We consulted the
eminent Russian researcher Professor D. S. Goldstein. He said:
know that. It is a phenomenon known as electronically induced sonochemistry.
That is how mutations occur, and that is why I stay away from
the Internet.’ "40
Chlorination and Melanoma
Drinking and swimming in
chlorinated water can also cause malignant
44 Sodium hypochlorite, used in chlorination of
water for swimming pools, is mutagenic
45 in the
Ames test and other mutagenicity tests.46,
Redheads and blonds are disproportionately melanoma-prone;
their skin contains a relative excess of pheomelanins
compared to darker people.49
Franz H. Rampen and his associates in The Netherlands state that the
worldwide pollution of rivers and oceans and the chlorination of
swimming pool water have promoted an increase in melanoma.50,
Another major factor in the increase in reported incidence of
melanoma has been physicians’ continually relaxing their standards
for what constitutes melanoma.
Synthetic Hormones and Melanoma
What about
oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?
Melanomas have increased sharply among women in the principal
Pill-taking countries of Australia, America and in Europe. In the
Walnut Creek (California) study, all the women who developed
melanomas under the age of 40 had used the Pill. By 1981, the
overall increased melanoma risk for Pill-users was statistically
significant at three times.53 The Pill also promotes development of
heart attacks, in part by depleting body stores of vitamin B6.54
Further, like breast cancer cells, those tumours have oestrogen
receptors. And so women on HRT are more likely to develop melanomas
than non-users. A recent study of 52,705 women on HRT found that the
risk of breast cancer increases by 2.3 per cent for each of the 11
years the average woman takes HRT. The good news is that the effect
diminishes on stopping it and disappears after about five years. The
authors comment: "These findings should be considered in the context
of the benefits and other risks associated with the use of HRT."55
Others challenge the assumption that HRT provides
II. Ultraviolet Deprivation Health Effects Certain effects of ultraviolet deprivation are equally remarkable
and tie together with health benefits.
FS Light & Childhood Health
In 1973, radiation-shielded full-spectrum (FS)
lights were installed in five classrooms in Sarasota,
Florida. And what happened? Several extremely hyperactive,
learning-disabled children calmed down completely and
learned to read. Absenteeism dropped. The children in four
standard-lit rooms continued to misbehave (as tracked by
concealed motion-detecting cameras); their learning
disabilities and absenteeism were unabated.59
And after a year, students in the full-spectrum
classrooms had one-third less tooth decay than those taught
under standard lighting. Laboratory mice, which had been
exposed all their waking hours to FS light,
had zero tooth decay.60
Similar findings were reported from California, Washington
state and Alberta, Canada.61
A classroom comparison in Vermont found that full-spectrum
lighting strengthened immunity.62,
Why was there so much less tooth decay after exposure to
full-spectrum light, including trace UV?
And why did immunity
improve under FS lights? According to Dr Ott:
"Every nutritional
substance and medicine has a specific wavelength absorption. If
those wavelengths are missing in the artificial light source a
person is exposed to, then the nutritional or other hoped-for
benefits of the substance will not be utilized."
functions as
a nutrient and as a co-factor (a substance required for a bodily
process to occur) in the utilization of other nutrients.
So the full-spectrum lights corrected the children’s deficiency of
vitamin D3 (not the same as the toxic form of vitamin D added to
milk), now considered a pro-hormone. This enabled more complete
calcium absorption--and lowers the risk of osteoporosis and hip
fractures in later life. Recent research has found that nearly half
the people of all age groups taking RDA-strength supplements have
too little vitamin D. When the body doesn’t have enough of it to
absorb adequate calcium from food, it extracts calcium from bone.64
FS light also strengthens immunity in other ways. It helps protect
against multiple sclerosis, heart attacks and conversion of HIV to
AIDS, among other things. These are elaborated and fully referenced
in the remainder of the paper [see
NEXUS website]. "Protect
ourselves from ultraviolet whenever we can see our shadow," as the
EPA frighteningly warns?
Won’t doing that then constitute a
full-employment plan for dentists, orthopaedic surgeons and
oncologists as well as pharmaceutical drug companies?
FS Light vs Cancers Cancers hate full-spectrum light. A tumour-susceptible strain of
mice lived more than twice as long under full-spectrum as under
standard lighting, and rats exposed to full-spectrum light had
significantly lessened tumour development.65 The tunnel-visioned
National Cancer Institute and American Cancer Society ignore these
findings, which six major medical centers have confirmed.66
Terminal cancer patients, who Dr Ott knew of personally, got well in
a rocking chair in the sunshine. Dr Jane Wright, directing cancer
research at Bellevue Memorial Medical Center in New York City in
1959, was fascinated by Ott’s ideas. So she instructed progressive-tumour
patients to avoid artificial lights and stay outdoors as much as
possible that summer. They were not to wear sunglasses or
prescription lenses, which block UV light.
By that fall, the tumours
in 14 of 15 had not grown, and some patients had got better; the one
whose condition deteriorated sat outdoors but wore prescription
lenses. Ott has been criticized for making no scientifically
controlled human studies. Well, funding for continuation of
that study was withdrawn--that was his experience over and
One woman with cancer ventured out with Norwegian
fishermen, ate a lot of their catch and recovered; friends
ate fish but stayed inside--and their cancers killed them.68
Had she "protected" herself from UV when she
could see her shadow, as the EPA advises,
would her cancer have ended? And if sun-loving Arizonans
threw away their sunscreens and sunglasses and limited their
sun exposure to about 30 minutes a day,69,
70 wouldn’t their cancers largely disappear?
A Chicago-area elementary school suddenly reported five times the
national average incidence of leukaemia, a kind of cancer of the
blood. All of the afflicted children but one were being taught in
rooms where teachers kept the blinds drawn, and the children were
exposed all day only to melanoma-promoting fluorescent light. When
even the amount of UV that can get through window glass was let in,
the leukaemia cluster disappeared.71
(Raymond Peat, PhD, thinks FS sunlight
is best received through glass.72)
FS Light vs Arthritis and Blindness Early in his research career,
Dr Ott fell and broke his glasses;
soon, his arthritis disappeared. And in 1996, Marion Patricia
Connolly, executive director of Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation
(PPNF), had much the same experience. Full-spectrum eyeglasses,
i.e., lenses that transmit all ultraviolet light, are difficult to
find. I take off my glasses outdoors whenever I can.
Exposed to full-spectrum light, a father rat is docile and even
helpful after his babies are born. But when the same rat pair is
moved under standard light, before the birth of the next litter the
male must be removed to prevent aggressiveness and cannibalism.
Moved back to natural light for still another litter, he is gentle
again.73 Although human fathers aren’t likely to eat their babies,
do we really want more domestic aggressiveness?
Alternating full-spectrum light and total dark cured children born
blind as a result of brain injury. The technique was advocated by W.
H. Bates about 1904 and endorsed by Aldous Huxley in
1930. Efficacy was confirmed in the recent Annual Report
from the British Institute for Brain Injured Children.74
How can all this be explained? Full-spectrum light,
entering the eyes during waking hours, promotes night-time
pineal gland secretion of melatonin. This
sleep-promoting antioxidant destroys carcinogenic hydroxyl
radicals--and also slows ageing.75,
Melatonin can suppress growth of human breast
cancer cells in vitro (in a test tube), and can cross all
barriers to enter every cell.77,
So enough sleep--best achieved in total darkness
79 --becomes
anti-ageing, antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-heart attack therapy!
Except in short-term emergencies, people younger than
about 50 should use supplements of melatonin
cautiously, if at all.80
For people over 40 to 45, one to three milligrams before
bedtime safely promotes both prompt falling asleep and a
good night’s rest, in addition to its other benefits.81
In a laboratory, viruses are weakened by exposure to
full-spectrum light that includes traces of UV.
Infectious organisms such as E. coli K12 AB2480, which can
cause food poisoning, dislike ultraviolet too.82
The Morris Center in Winnipeg, Canada, promotes
"amazing" healing by shining full-spectrum light onto
FS Light vs Seasonal Affective Disorder The power of
full-spectrum light against SAD (seasonal
depression) --again, by entering the eyes-- has been amply
demonstrated. FS light benefits nonseasonal depression, too,84 but
not as much.85 Such light
energizes and regulates the body’s entire
chemistry. Won’t "protecting" millions of people from
UV, as the EPA
advocates, then worsen the growing epidemic of depression?
Dietary sufficiency of vitamin D also needs consideration here.
"Seasonal affective disorder has been treated successfully with
vitamin D. In a recent study covering 30 days of treatment comparing
vitamin D supplementation with two-hour daily use of light boxes,
depression completely resolved in the D group but not in the
light-box group."87
The cells in the retinas of your eyes will not divide and regenerate
without a small amount of ultraviolet light. And so full-spectrum
light reduces the risk of retinal degeneration, the leading cause of
blindness among the elderly.88 Retinal haemorrhage,
the most severe phase of the condition, can also result from
long-term use of aspirin.89
(A prominent
ophthalmologist declared the outcome "unlikely";
however, an exhaustive computer literature search by
Kirk Hamilton, PA-C, publisher of Clinical Pearls
News, found no refutation of the finding.)
White willow
bark provides the same benefits as aspirin without stomach
irritation or blindness, as do three glasses daily of purple
grape juice. And unlike aspirin,90 the flavonoids
in purple grape juice remain effective when adrenaline
levels rise.91
Two 400-milligram capsules of white willow bark are
equivalent to one baby aspirin.92
Eating a lot of dark-green leafy vegetables such as spinach,93
kale and Brussels sprouts also helps avoid this condition.94,
Many dermatologists advise older patients to stay out of the sun to
avoid skin cancer. The thousands of elderly patients rotting in
nursing homes come to mind. That advice may unintentionally help to
make patients sicker and older beyond their years. Staying indoors
will cause problems a lot worse than skin cancer.
Older people’s
bones will crumble and break (osteoporosis); these elderly patients
will hate living (depression). Articles in the journals Cancer,
Cancer Research and Preventive Medicine suggest that avoiding
sunlight could promote the development of cancers other than those
of the skin.96,
FS Light vs Neurological Diseases Research by
Reuven Sandyk, MD, who practices medicine in
Connecticut, shows that long-term deprivation from sunlight exposure
increases the risk of multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease
through depressed secretion of the hormone melatonin by the brain’s
pineal gland. This appears to explain the south-north gradient in
the incidence of MS: the farther from the equator, the more common
it is.99 All the
MS patients he tested had extremely low melatonin
levels and their pineal glands were calcified, or hardened.
Reduction in melatonin secretion, he found, may be associated with
zinc deficiency in ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity
melatonin stimulates serotonin synthesis,[101]
and serotonin deficiency has been linked to aggressive behavior,[102]
it is possible that a high prevalence of conduct disorder and
aggressive behavior in ADHD patients could be related to reduced
melatonin and serotonin associated with (but not caused by) zinc
Dr Sandyk applies extremely weak alternating-current fields to the
brain; this stimulates melatonin secretion, bringing about
remarkable subjective and objective improvement of MS and
Parkinson’s patients within one to two minutes. The magnetic field
he uses is at 2 to 7 hertz (vibrations per second), a physiological
frequency, i.e., near the rate used by brain neurotransmitters.
Melatonin destroys carcinogenic hydroxyl radicals by
their precursor molecules, and so it should help against Parkinson’s
and Alzheimer’s diseases.104 Melatonin interferes with oestrogen
receptor sites on cells; excessive oestrogen from the Pill and from
HRT causes breast cells to hyperproliferate (become cancerous), and
melatonin blocks this action.105
It also slows senescence.106
The decline in its levels in everyone’s bodies owing to
longer daily exposure to light has been suggested as one
possible factor explaining the continual spread of cancer in
the 20th century.107,
108 Some of
Dr Sandyk’s patients with Alzheimer’s disease, migraine
and pain syndromes also benefit from exposure to such magnetic
fields --suggesting that sunlight deprivation may contribute to the aetiology of those distressing illnesses.109
FS Light vs CHD and Infections Staying completely out of the sun may also increase the risk of
heart attacks and much more by another route. David Grimes, MD, at
Blackburn Royal Infirmary in Blackburn, UK, notes that heart attacks
are commonest in the parts of the world --such as northwest United
Kingdom-- that have the least sunshine. And Asian populations in the
British Isles have a particularly high risk of death from heart
attack that cannot be explained on dietary grounds. Having come from
countries in which the sun is so strong that exposure must be
minimized, they have a cultural tendency to avoid the sun.
Dr Grimes traces causation of many cases of
CHD (coronary heart
disease) to the microbe Chlamydia pneumoniae and low
immunocompetence from too low a level of vitamin D among those
avoiding sunshine. Sunlight could determine whether squalene, the
precursor to both vitamin D and cholesterol, converts into
vitamin D (in the presence of enough sunshine) or into
excessive cholesterol (if sunlight is deficient.)110
A deficiency of vitamin B6 promotes infection, e.g. by H.
pylori and Chlamydia, as one of its mechanisms of increasing
risk of heart attack.111,
Dr Grimes links respiratory infections and chronic bronchitis,
called "the English Disease", to poor immunocompetence due to
sunlight deficiency, worsened by cigarette smoking. (In southern
Europe, smoking rates are much higher, but recurrent respiratory
tract infections are scarce.) Glasgow, Scotland, has high rates of
osteomalacia and rickets, which he says are definitely the result of
sunlight deficiency. Dr F. A. Spencer has noted a higher incidence
of heart attacks in winter; he has related this to low levels of
vitamin D and to depression from the winter months.113
Also, Crohn’s disease (regional enteritis or intestinal irritation)
is much more common in cloudy northwest England than in sunny
southern Europe--that is, if we accept that Crohn’s is a microbial
disease, as current research confirms, probably due to Mycobacterium
paratuberculosis. Once again, sunlight in the Mediterranean area
could be protective through immuno-enhancement.114
There are other risks. An Alabama researcher found that
lack of
enough sunshine exposure may increase the risk of hypertension in
blacks and other dark-skinned people. Those with greater amounts of
pigment in the skin require six times the amount of ultraviolet B (UVB)
light to produce the same amount of vitamin D3 found in
lighter-skinned people.115
And Dr Esther John of Northern California Cancer Center
reported that daily exposure to sunshine, without sunscreen,
appears to lessen the risk of breast cancer.116
Addendum I
Skin Cancers
What about skin cancers? One was taken off my nose in 1989, and
another in 1997; such skin cancers are totally harmless if removed
promptly. Recent research has found at least two ways to minimize
even that occasional inconvenience, and these offer other major
(a) Drink lots of green tea. In one study, cancer-sensitive mice
were pre-treated with a strong carcinogen; their only source of
liquid, green tea, lowered keratoacanthomas and carcinomas by 65 to
90 per cent. Decaffeinated tea has been found to be nearly as
effective as plain.117 Applying green tea to the skin was equally
effective against tumour formation from a carcinogen or intense UV
light.118 And in an animal tumour model, green tea ingredients
induced apoptosis (programmed cell death "for the good of the
organism") among cancer cells.119
Recent research has found that tea can be high in fluoride. The tea
plants grow best on fluoride-rich soil and can suck up the chemical
from dumped fluoride as well. This fluoride is toxic and can weaken
thyroid function.119a
The bioflavonoids--flavone compounds that accompany vitamin C in
plant structures 120 --in green tea help prevent cancers,
cardiovascular and liver diseases as well as keratoses.121 And they
explain why green tea is nearly 20 times stronger an antioxidant
than vitamin E in the alpha-tocopherol form.122
(b) Eat a diet low in trans-fats, supplemented by fresh, organic,
refrigerated flaxseed and cod liver oils for omega-3 essential fatty
acids (EFAs).
One hears warnings of glaucoma (excessive pressure in and hardening
of eyeballs) from sun exposure. That is a risk if you eat a
processed-food diet. The EFAs are largely lacking in low-fat Western
diets, including the US Department of Agriculture’s "food pyramid".
Among many other health benefits, omega-3 EFAs regulate eye
Glaucoma can also
result from the use of inhaled steroids for treating asthma. For
many older patients, inhaled steroids intended to block or
reduce inflammation, and formerly claimed not to circulate
throughout the system, promote glaucoma--the leading cause of
blindness--and cataracts. In a comparative study, the glaucoma
risk appeared to be elevated by 44 per cent compared to matched
patients not using inhaled steroids.
Lea Davies of
Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, DC, adds
that inhaled steroids may cause about one-third of the 3,000
glaucoma cases developing each year among Americans over the age
of sixty-five.123
Also, a published clinical test showed that melatonin offers
still another benefit: it lowers eyeball pressure in glaucoma
patients--and the insomnia age group, for whom its use is safe
and appropriate, is the same as the glaucoma age group.124 Flaxseed oil
is best taken with 400 international units (IUs) of antioxidant
vitamin E,125,
126 which should include the other members of the
natural-source tocopherol complex as well as the d-alpha part.127
Germany’s late Johanna Budwig, PhD, developer of this therapy,128
was nominated seven times for a Nobel Prize and continued activity
into her tenth decade of life. How much flax oil? Healthy people
should have one to three teaspoonfuls a day, either out of a spoon
or in food, e.g., on salads (the oil must have a pleasant, nutty flavour). And sick people?
In her books, Dr Budwig told of hundreds
who recovered from cancer, diabetes, lupus, bronchial spasms,
Hodgkin’s disease, atherosclerosis, stomach ulcers, prostate
disease, arthritis, eczema and immune deficiency syndromes including
multiple sclerosis. They accomplished these healing miracles by
taking three tablespoonfuls of flax oil a day with unpasteurised
cottage cheese to improve absorption. The benefits of this diet can
be strengthened by resveratrol, another bioflavonoid found in grapes
and other natural foods.129
No one is interested in paying for a controlled trial of flaxseed
oil therapy. Its successful proof and wide use would destroy much of
medical practice and the pharmaceutical drug industry as well as the
careers of the researchers involved and the editor of any journal
that published the findings. And since medical journals rely on
hundreds of millions of dollars yearly in revenues for advertising
from pharmaceutical drug companies, the journal itself would be out
of business in 10 minutes.
Raymond Peat, PhD (chemistry), a world authority, has shown that
coconut oil, consumed in the diet at an ounce [29.6 cc] or more per
day, enables the body to generate ample essential fatty acids (also
see below).
He also warns that supplemented EFAs can weaken immunity
and actually poison the body; they are deliberately used in organ
transplantation to minimize risk of rejection by the recipient’s
immune system.130
Addendum II
Selenium supplements
selenium (Se) at 50 to 250 micrograms daily protects
the skin against damage from excess sun exposure.131 (Intakes above
250 mcg, which could be toxic, should be used only for short periods
under the guidance of a knowledgeable practitioner.) Two grams a day
of vitamin C, taken together with 1,000 IU of vitamin E, also
protects against sunburn.132
Hardly anyone will experience skin damage from our suggested 20 to
30 minutes’ daily sun exposure.
But the selenium supplement is worth
taking on its other merits, which are extremely important:
(a) A massive scientific/medical literature supports selenium’s
efficacy against cancer and cardiovascular disease (CVD). A map of
the United States showing areas of low soil selenium almost
perfectly matches maps showing the areas of highest incidence of
both cancer and CVD. The same is true in New Zealand and
Australia.133 Crib death (cot death, or SIDS, sudden infant death
syndrome) is also more common in areas of low soil selenium, such as
in America’s Pacific Northwest and parts of New Zealand.134 (See
also Dr Lendon Smith’s and my work on SIDS.135,
(b) More than 10 papers published in the past two years relate
declining selenium levels to the progression of HIV (human
immunodeficiency virus) disease. An article in the Journal of AIDS
(September 30, 1997) found that patients deficient in Se are almost
20 times more likely to die of causes related to HIV than are people
with enough Se.
Recent research has discovered that
selenium at 200-250 mcg a day
can likely prevent mutation of latent, dormant retroviruses,
including HIV, into virulent forms.137,
145 This should lower and perhaps eliminate the risk of
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) among HIV-positive
Dr Harold Foster argues:146
"The association of depressed CD4 T-cell
counts and depleted plasma selenium stores is not coincidental.
Rather, it provides evidence of the operation of a positive feedback
system in which a fall in serum selenium triggers a reduction in the
number of CD4 T-cells, which in its turn causes a further decline in
serum selenium. This downward spiral undermines the immune
system"--in what he dubs the "selenium-CD4 T-cell tailspin".
Accordingly, incidence of
HIV/AIDS is high in areas of Africa where
selenium in the soils is low, irrespective of people’s sexual
Intramuscular injections of vitamin B12,149 supplements of vitamin E
complex and N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC)150 also strengthen this
AIDS defense. NAC seems to help replenish stores of reduced glutathione,
lower inflammatory oxidative stress reactions and help protect
against mitochondrial DNA damage, in turn decreasing replication of
the virus.151,
152 Glutathione is humans’ chief internally generated
antioxidant. The DNA in the mitochondria, the "power houses" of all
our cells, has been described as 2,000 times more susceptible to
oxidative damage than nuclear DNA.153 Adequate
NAC serves further to
facilitate detoxification in persons who have poor phase-II
Will Taylor, PhD, proposed a mechanism for selenium’s action. He is
at the Computational Center for Molecular Structure and Design,
Department of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Georgia.
Dr Taylor
sequenced the genetics of innocent, harmless retroviruses that
normally lie dormant and cause no symptoms--retroviruses such as herpesvirus Simplex A, Coxsackievirus and HIV.
(The usually benign
character of HIV has been massively documented by Peter Duesberg,
PhD, a leading retrovirologist at the University of California,
Berkeley. To label HIV "the AIDS virus" or say that it "[always]
causes AIDS" is wrong. Half of American
AIDS patients are
HIV-negative; and, as Dr Duesberg wrote in 1996, probably 90 per
cent of the approx. 21 million HIV-positive people worldwide are
Dr Taylor concluded that Coxsackievirus,
HIV and certain other
retroviruses are coded for the production of a selenoprotein; and he
predicted that the selenoproteins produced by those viruses act as
brakes on the viruses’ reproduction. In effect, with enough
Se present, the HIV retrovirus makes
its own "birth-control pill". And so selenium has become very
popular in HIV virus clubs.157
When there isn’t enough Se (the low level may not
reflect inadequate dietary Se intake, Dr Taylor
said), the virus goes wild.
Supplemented selenium, even if the
HIV can’t be eradicated, can effectively put it to
sleep, preventing its conversion into AIDS.158