Coconut Oil
Coconut oil, like mother’s milk, is rich in lauric acid, which the
body converts to the antiviral fatty acid monolaurin. Dr Robert
Atkins writes:
"This may help in disarming a number of infectious
viruses, including those that cause measles, herpes,
Cytomegalovirus, vesicular stomatitis, and possibly AIDS."
Dr Atkins’s endorsement doesn’t extend to coconut milk, which
contains too much sugar.159
(Excessive sugar intake is now
recognized as the number one risk
factor for heart attacks in women, and number two for men; excessive
animal fat intake is number two for women, and number one for
men.160 A major part of the explanation is this: just one teaspoon
of sugar impairs the immune system by about 40 per cent for several
hours, as Emanuel Cheraskin and associates found.161 Many Americans
consume an average of two or more teaspoons of sugars of all kinds,
every hour and all day, and thus keep their immunity constantly low.
A very large number of heart attacks appear to be the result of
infection, e.g., by H. pylori and Chlamydia pneumoniae.)
Mark Konlee, in his newsletter,
Positive Health News, wrote about
how coconuts saved an AIDS sufferer’s life:
"Chris, an
AIDS sufferer, found his viral load had reached almost
700,000. He went for a relaxing vacation, packed all his drugs and
headed for an Indian village in Surinam; there he dined on fresh
coconut meat every day. Within two days his peripheral neuropathy
was gone, and within two weeks he was ’running through the jungle’.
"Back home, continuing to consume at least half of a coconut per
day, his lab tests showed the viral load had dropped to just over
300,000. Within another month the viral load had dropped to
non-detectable. ’My doctor is completely baffled,’ said Chris.
"PPNF members may not be so puzzled. They read about the amazing
health benefits of coconut, especially its antiviral
characteristics, in Dr Mary Enig’s article in vol. 20 #1 of
PPNF Health Journal in 1995."162
Author’s Note
This paper enlarges and updates my article on full-spectrum light,
first published in Price-Pottenger Health Journal, Winter 1995, with
added details, Spring 1995. Recent research, not yet incorporated
into this paper, fully supports the statements made and conclusions
here reached.
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5. An example: a somewhat qualified researcher, who shields himself
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