by Ted Twietmeyer
August 2004
Most people are unaware of the
Radio Frequency (RF) radiation they are
exposed to.
Radiation is usually associated with radium, weapons, medical
treatments, nuclear power plants and smoke detectors. Before we discuss covert cell towers and other numerous radiating antennas being installed
with impunity, we should review the RF spectrum. This will be helpful in
understanding how the radio spectrum affects us. We will not discuss
which is in itself a unique area of the radio spectrum in the shortwave band.
There are essentially TWO types of harmful radiation (not including light
such as ultraviolet):
A. GOVT. CONTROLLED RADIOACTIVE SOURCES: Power plants, smoke detectors,
medical treatment sources, etc...
B. UNCONTROLLED RF EXPOSURE: Radio Frequency devices of many types. The RD
spectrum is regulated by the FCC in America, and other similar regulatory
agencies that exist in other countries around the world through
international radio agreements. Yet most of them appear to be very
unconcerned about health effects.
We will concentrate on the latter in this
RF signals are without a doubt an invisible form of pollution. Most people
see a smokestack smoking and scream "OH ! Look at that pollution !" But as
we will see, this is not really the most immediate, serious health hazard.
What IS known about RF, is that unhealthy effects from it are related to an
almost infinte combination of each of the five following factors:
1. FREQUENCY - Certain frequencies are absorbed in the body more than
others. For example, the new riot control weapons the Pentagon have operates
in the Super-High Frequency (SHF) region. This frequency is about 15 times
higher than a conventional microwave oven. Although SHF is not absorbed into
the skin, it boils perspiration on the skin causing pain.
2. DURATION - How long you are exposed to the radiation, or how long the
transmitter is "on."
3. DISTANCE - How close you are to the antenna.
Energy levels decrease with
the square of the distance.
4. POWER LEVEL - What the strength of the signal is. This is measured in
microwatts, milliwatts and watts. One microwatt is a millionth of a watt,
One milliwatt is one-thousandth of a watt. For example, 1,000 milliwatts is
one watt.
Cell phone power levels are often in the 100 milliwatt to 4 watt class. In
the past, older bag type cell phones people carried around, were up near 4
watts of power. Getting a strong signal was no problem. Today's pocket cell
phones are in the 100 milliwatt area. Reducing the power goes with size
reduction and a smaller battery. This also reduces cell size, which actually
is beneficial as I'll explain latter.
5. SUSCEPTIBILITY - Like tobacco smoke, you cannot tell if you will or will
not become ill from RF exposure. But RF heating of body tissues and
DNA alteration (mutation) happens to 100% of the people exposed to RF. The
amount of heating is determined by a combination of the four factors above.
The immune system is responsible for cleaning up mutant DNA. But can the
immune system clean it out all the defective DNA and dead cells, and do this
indefinitely? Modern medical science knows there are limits to how much of
an assault on the body the immune system can deal with.
For those familiar with radiation exposure hazards, the striking parallels
to radioactivity are obvious here.
RF Frequency is similar to the radiation
type, like Alpha, Beta or Gamma. In fact, each of these particles move as a
frequency above that of ultraviolet light, and are actually composed of high
speed particles. Each of the particle types affects the human body and
systems in different ways. RF power level is like the number of particles
per second of a radioactive source. Both duration and distance also
translate into the realm of radiation exposure.
We know that certain radioactive particles from Alpha particle emitters
cause the most damage to lung cells when inhaled. Alpha particle ionizing
radiation alters DNA in cells, and can create pre-cursor changes leading to
Tissues and structures in the body that appear on scans and x-rays
are sometimes diagnosed as a "pre-cancerous condition" by doctors.
camping mantle lanterns were very radioactive, because they were made from
the element thorium. (The author of this paper found such a radioactive
mantle in an older propane lantern. It is believed that most of these are
now off the market.)
The reason for discussing the above subject, is to show that anything which
alters cellular DNA can be extremely unhealthy. And this is both nuclear
radiation and RF.
There are also chemical and effects from ultraviolet as
For our European friends, please note that all the frequencies referenced
below are for the American and Canadian radio spectrum.
The lowest
frequencies are radio waves, that are actually the same as frequencies as
the audio sound which comes out of your speakers. This called VLF, or
Low Frequency. These waves have wavelengths measured in thousands of miles.
They pass through the body without damage.
Commercial AM radio signals, use waves that are also quite long and pass
through the body with relative ease. These are also waves, whose wavelengths
are measured in hundreds of feet. Shortwave signals are also very long, and
this part of the spectrum reaches up to a part of the military band, located
below TV channel 2.
Decades ago, people could go to a doctor for aches and pains and be treated
with a Diathermy machine. This machine was essentially a shortwave radio
transmitter, and operated with a curved antenna that fits the human body.
When placed against the skin, the antenna radiated energy that was absorbed
deep in the body's tissues.
A sufficient power level of RF energy will cause
currents of electricity to flow in these tissues, thereby creating warmth.
These machines are probably outlawed by now and died a quiet death in
America. RF energy causes molecules to collide with one another creating
heat. This occurs in tissues like muscles, as well as blood.
FM stations (located in the radio band near TV channel 6) and over the air
television channels 2 through 13 are all in the VHF band. These signals can
also pass through the human body without harm. These waves are measured in
several feet.
When you look at any TV antenna, multiply the width of the antenna by four,
and that will be the wavelength of the wave from the TV transmitter. Hence
the term 1/4 wavelength, which is a design rule for most antennas.
Television channels 14 through 83 are in the UHF region. Channel 83 is
actually just below analog cell phone frequencies.
Programmable police
scanners scan police channels that are very close to cell phone frequencies.
(Privacy laws force scanners to block the cell phone band.)
We are now entering the realm where RF begins to affect the human body at a
It is generally considered that any frequency above TV channel 83
is microwave. There is a "fuzzy" line between microwave and non-microwave
radio signals. In fact, the upper channels of the UHF band in America are
considered the near microwave band. Radio signals operating with short
wavelengths measured in centimeters, can increase the temperature of water
and tissues at a distance. Although most people equate this only with
microwave ovens, this effects happens at lower frequencies. Complex proteins
present in blood also break down into toxic materials.
These invisible,
toxic compounds can cause increasing muscle, joint and nerve pain in people
over time as toxins build up in the body. Alteration of proteins and toxin
generation not only happens to the body when exposed to RF, but also
to food
in microwave ovens. Many people have put their microwave ovens on the curb,
when they discovered their pain was linked to microwaved food.
The effects
of microwaved food on the immune system are largely unexplored by mainstream
but are well known by those that suffer from them.
In reality, Diathermy treatments work on the same principle that microwave
ovens operate on, except that microwave ovens use higher power levels and
higher frequencies. In later years after Diathermy became popular, it was
found that higher RF frequencies allowed heating at a distance, without
direct electrode contact.
The story about the microwave oven invention is
that it was discovered by accident, by an engineer working in an electronics
lab. He found the radiation from the equipment melted a candy bar in his
pocket. Amana is credited with building and selling the first commonly
available oven - the infamous RadarRange. The discovery reminds one of the
sticky-note origin story. Another accidental discovery - found while 3M was
trying to create a better adhesive...
For many years, everyone treated microwaves as nothing to be concerned
about. No one learned from the lessons of Madam and Pierre Curie who
tinkered with radium a century ago, and died from radiation poisoning.
Remember the comparison of RF with radioactivity above?
Several decades
ago, a man walked past the front of a telephone relay dish on the roof of a
building. He suffered no immediate ill effects, but died some days later in
the hospital as his organs began to fail. His organs had absorbed the
microwave radiation, and were permanently and fatally damaged. He was
essentially cooked and didn't know it.
If he has walked past a sufficient
amount of Plutonium, the same thing would happen but in a different way. He
would have still died.
Today, ALL microwave transmitting dishes and antennas must have radiation
stickers on them, if people can become near them. Located on the front
nose-cone of aircraft are small warning stickers if they have radar. The
radar MUST be turned off when the aircraft is on the ground, as it is
hazardous to ground personnel. Warning stickers use the universal radiation
warning symbol, of three triangles inside a circle. This the identical
symbol used for radioactive materials. Many in the armed forces know the
stories and often unpleasant fate of those that unknowingly walked in front
of operating aircraft radar.
C band microwave remote uplink trucks used at sports events use power levels
typically on the order of 120 watts. Fortunately all the RF energy is
pointed upwards towards a satellite more than 22,000 miles away.
Now with all that said, how are WE being irradiated? The effects of low
level radiation are only now beginning to be understood -
from the efforts of lab research around the world.
There are a number of RF frequencies the FCC has set aside, that have
unlimited civilian use. Although related unlicensed transmitter operation is
usually limited to short range digital devices like garage door openers and
cordless phones, low level RF may have a cumulative effect that is not yet
understood. For a more in-depth look at complex microwave frequency
allocation assignment by the FCC see [6].
Here is a quick list of common sources of radiation:
1. CELL PHONES - Here the antenna is very close to the brain, and many
studies have been done on this. Recent studies done in Europe show that
tumors can be induced in rats, which are exposed to the same power levels
and distances that normal cell phone users are from the phone's antenna.
2. CORDLESS PHONES - In reality, these are as detrimental as cell phones
because they operate near the microwave frequencies of cell phones
(microwave.) In some ways, they could be worse than cell phones because many
people spend more time on these.
3. GARAGE DOOR OPENERS - A source of radiation when the button is pressed.
4. WIRELESS PDAs and NOTEBOOK COMPUTERS - These work very much like cell
phones, with the same potential effects.
This is one area NO ONE talks about.
These are common in homes and businesses. Although the power level is in the
microwatt realm, one may sit exposed to it all day, every day, sometimes
just a few feet away. Again, think about it in terms of exposure time vs.
energy levels.
6. BLUE TOOTH WIRELESS DEVICES - Operate in the lower microwave region.
7. WIRELESS VIDEO CAMERAS - Operate in the microwave region above analog
cell phones.
8. TV EXTENDERS - Used to transmit video and sound without wires from one
room to another in a home. These also operate in the microwave region above analog cell phones.
9. SATELLITES - Walk outside, anywhere, and you will be bombarded with
from satellites, both civilian and military. If you could visibly "see"
these sources, you would see points of "light" from the 22,500 mile high
Clarke belt of stationary satellites. This belt of satellites rise from the
western horizon and arcs across the sky to the east. There will also be
hundreds of moving lights in the sky from lower geosynchronous orbits. Some
of these are also satellites the military uses that send signals to earth,
Many military satellites have high-powered optical sensors, with huge
telephoto lenses that watch everything from orbit. These satellites orbit
about 200 miles up and contrary to public belief, can actually read a
newspaper headline from orbit. The portrayal of distant fuzzy images as seen
in "Patriot Games" is far from the truth. And these satellites bombard the
earth with more RF radiation as they send their data to earth.
10. POLICE RADIOS - Police officers now have antennas on their microphones,
also have a similar risk to that of cell phone users since the antenna is
located near the head. There is also radiation from the antennas on their
vehicles, too.
11. WALKIE-TALKIE TYPE RADIOS - In decades past, business radios operated in
the lower VHF band. These were known as business band radios, and are still in use today. No
known ill effects are known to have originated from these radios. Today's
family channel radios operate in the 400Mhz UHF band, near TV channel 14.
12. DOOR OPENERS - Often used in grocery and discount stores, these open the
door when you pass under a microwave motion detector. You pass directly
under the unit when you enter or exit the store, receiving more microwave
13. SECURITY FOR STORES - Used in WalMart, video rental and other stores,
these exit portals generate an RF field you are forced to walk through upon
entering and exiting the store. The square "Be Kind Please Rewind" tag is
often a tuned printed circuit behind the label, that will trigger the
security system when passed through a portal at the exit. Libraries use a
very similar system with thin resonating devices slipped into the spine of
books. These systems operate in the lower microwave band, allowing the use
of small coils (or no coils at all) because of the high frequencies
14. CELL TOWERS - Last but not least, cell tower antennas which operate at
power levels of about 10 watts FOR EACH ANTENNA on the tower. Some use
higher wattage than that. These directional antennas divide a geographical
area into cells of service.
There are many more toys, products and devices too numerous to mention here.
We are immersed in a virtual SEA of RF energy, with cell towers as one of
the strongest continuous sources of RF energy.
When you turn your cell phone on, the cell phone company carrier you have
uses a computer network connected to all the cell towers, to invisibly
command your phone to change to an available frequency.
This is why numerous
people can talk in a given cell phone area and not hear one another. When a
cell phone is on, it transmits frequently to notify the phone company it is
actually on. As you walk or drive, the cell system determines signal
strength and switches you connection to another tower near you. Even when
you are not talking, the phone can still radiate energy. If you have it in
your shirt or pants pocket or on your belt, body tissues around the antenna
on the phone are being irradiated with RF energy. This is an inescapable
Since this is a multi-billion dollar industry, it's very unlikely the public
will be told about the health hazards of cell phones. This is about as
likely as the public being properly informed about microwave oven risks.
you read on, you'll see the similarities between the two microwave based
The closer to a radiating antenna you are, the higher the health risk there
In an effort to increase channel availability for the increasing number
of cell phone users, cells have to be made smaller. These are often known as
microcells. In the past, cell towers typically covered a 10 mile cell.
Microcells today are often less than one mile, depending on local population
size. More towers are required to be assured a cell phone will get a channel
when talk is pressed, or when someone answers a cell phone.
In 2002, industry officials stated that there were more than 128,000 cell
towers across America. About 25% of these were hidden towers, and the
remaining number of them were traditional types. [1] Keep in mind that cell
tower density is directly connected to population density. There are still
parts of North America where no cell towers exist, because population
density makes them economically unfeasible.
There is a map showing cell tower proliferation. Although the paper is four
years old, it details graphically the density and distribution of cell
towers across America at that time, which has greatly increased. [2]
Antennas come in many forms, including trees, cactus, gas station signs and
even replacement church steeples.
Below are nine photos of hidden cell towers
manufactured by the
Larson Company:


(And you thought fake Christmas Trees were bad !) |



Located in Southern CA


A money-making lease for a church at Redwood City, CA. |

(Hooterville, USA ?)
. |

(click image)

We can't ignore Local Area Network (LAN) antennas.
These are also a source of radiation, very similar to that of cell towers.
Below is a picture from
Mobile Mark's website of their office
LAN antenna
product. This is a local area network antenna that is ceiling mounted in an
office area.
What's a few more milliwatts among friends ? How would you like
your desk right underneath this omni-directional antenna ?
Would you
volunteer to sit under it all day, every day ?

Antenna is inside the vertical sign with the Shell logo
(Beautifying your healthful RF exposure)
In England, angry mobs of people have torn down these gas station signs
(like the one shown above) they learned to have cell antennas inside.
they asked workmen installing an antenna, "what are you doing ?" the answer
was "you don't want to know." There are news stories in the past, of people
that loosen bolts at night and bring down such towers. In America, antenna
arrays are very often hidden in plain, white tapered church steeples in
suburban areas. A custom built, modernized fiberglass copy of the original
wooden church steeple is lowered into place with a crane, complete with
antennas already inside. Cell equipment is also hidden from public view. But
the radiation is still there.
Micro-cell antennas are designed to serve a small cell area.
These antennas
are not 100 feet or more high like common cell towers in America, but often
just 10 to 20 feet above the ground. However, these antennas also radiate microwave RF energy closer to people, too. Someone could stand or work
beside such an antenna and not realize the effect it may have on them. Many
are hidden in church steeple replacements, including Big-Ben-like
structures, complete with working clocks on each of the four faces.
Workmen installing a near ground level antenna inside a sign (like the Shell
station sign shown above) have people ask "what are you doing ?" The answer
they heard was "you don't want to know." There are numerous UK news stories
of people that loosen bolts and bring down such towers. In America, antenna
arrays are very often hidden plain, white tapered church steeples in suburban
Just out of reach for the public. [3]
In general, all of us MUST keep in mind that the human body is an electrical
system. It will be, and is affected by, outside RF energy fields that can
promote unwanted nerve stimulation, cancer, heating effects, and many other
unwanted effects.
A comparison table for telephone effective radiation head exposure has been
developed to provide reference values. [4] This value varies considerably
for dozens of different cell phone models tested.
DNA breakdown is among the
most disturbing findings of studies done, which can lead to illness and
tumors. There are now new links to brain cancer being uncovered as you read
this. There is new concern over those that wear cell phones on their belts,
because of the close proximity of the antenna to kidneys. The liver which
can rebuild itself to some degree after being damaged, but your kidneys
One notices that RF exposure studies in the media from Europe are much more
common and considerably more vocal than those done in America. Publishing
negative study results in North America will have a negative effect on the
billion dollar market, and subsequently affect stock in cell phone
Cell companies have managed to keep the lid nailed shut on the
box, in so far as mainstream media are concerned, but this can only last for
so long. I personally was not convinced of the damage potential of low level RF radiation for more than 20 years. That is, until reading a number of test
results, all saying very much the same thing
about observed detrimental effects on living organisms.
At least one such study [5] on health effects was done in Australia. Note
the usual scientific cautiousness expressed here, even though other studies
have linked RF exposure to tumor growth.
Its interesting to note the
scientist's other comments, that thermal temperature can increase the
negative effects of RF exposure:
"Researchers in Australia have reported one of the first scientific
hypotheses that normal mobile phone use can lead to cancer. The research
group, lead by radiation expert Dr Peter French, principal scientific
officer at the Centre for Immunology Research at St Vincent's Hospital in
Sydney, said that mobile phone frequencies well below current safety levels
could stress cells in a way that has been shown to increased susceptibility
to cancer.
The paper, published in the June issue of the science journal
Differentiation, says that repeated exposure to mobile phone radiation acts
as a repetitive stress, leading to continuous manufacture of heat shock
proteins within cells.
Heat shock proteins are always present in cells at a low level, but are
manufactured in larger amounts when the cell is stressed by heat or other
environmental factors. They repair other proteins that are adversely
affected by the conditions, and are part of the cell's normal reaction to
stress. However, if they are produced too often or for too long, they are
known to initiate cancer and increase resistance to anti-cancer drugs.
No link shown - Dr. French emphasized that no link has yet seen shown
between the specific biological effects of mobile phone radiation and
cancer, but that there was now a theoretical framework for such an effect
that could be investigated. His previous work has included showing that the
production of histamine, a chemical involved in asthma,
can be nearly
doubled after exposure to cellular frequencies.
To date, most safety levels have been set on the assumption that
damage is
caused by heating effects of radio waves in human tissue, much higher than
the levels at which Dr French claims heat shock proteins are triggered.
His co-authors include Professor Ron Penny, the director of the Centre and
one of Australia's leading experts in the cellular effects of HIV, and
Professor David McKenzie, head of applied physics at Sydney University."
And even though numerous studies exist that prove the negative effects of
low level RF fields on the human body, still there also those that claim no
negative effects exist.
So which is true? The more realistic studies are
those that actually simulate human conditions, where rats in a cage were
exposed to the same frequencies, power level and distance from the antenna
as people are. Changes to their brain structure were observed after
necropsies (animal autopsies) were performed.
This is the type of science that ALL researchers should concentrate on -
duplicating human cell phone conditions. People often mistakenly still think
that since they are not talking on the phone, it isn't transmitting. To
prove this, all one needs to do is to call a phone from another phone, and
then call it when its off. Cell systems ping the phone whenever someone
calls it even if they don't answer, as well as periodically pinging it
(covert tracking) even when no one is using it.
Pinging commands the phone's
transmitter circuits power up and respond, which subsequently generates
microwave radiation. The user has no control over these operations if the
phone is in standby. Many newer phones today cannot be turned off, unless
the battery pack is removed.
This does not disable the satellite tracking
chip however.
We are being relentlessly bombarded both indoors and outdoors by many
different forms of radiation.
As more and more cell phones proliferate like
reproducing rabbits out of control, radio bandwidth and channel limitations
force companies to add more microcells. Many towers in cities will become
obsolete, as these will serve too large of an area. The towers will be most
likely converted to other mind control and tracking tasks we won't discuss
Microcells are worse for humans as these directly result in more RF
radiation, as a result of being located closer to people at ground level.
There are no other options to keep the cell network operating, because of
the limited nature of cell phone technology. Unfortunately the average
person won't care, as long as their phone works when they pick it up.
Increased RF exposure will inevitably lead to more illness from compromised
immune systems, nervous system, brain disorders, organ problems, tumors and
This problem is very much like cancer. An interesting fact about cancer is
that everyone has a different susceptibility to it. Some people can smoke
their entire lives and not become ill, yet live to be 99 years old. Others
cannot. Some can drink hard alcohol their entire lives and never have health
problems, while others cannot.
Cell phone radiation susceptibility will
likely inevitably prove to be this way. The studies show that RF radiation
exposure can be just as harmful as smoking. People using cell phones and
wearing them daily like jewelry should keep that in mind. Pagers are
harmless, because they do not emit radiation (unless it is a two-way pager.)
The problem is you don't know how susceptible your body is until its too
late. Do you want to wait to find out the hard way ? Is your life and health
insurance current ?
All the time we see cell phone foolishness. People often chuckle, sneer and
shake their heads at those hooked on cigarettes standing outside stores,
puffing away and working hard to accomplish heart attacks, strokes and
cancer. These same laughing people then go into a store and place a call on
their cell phone, to irradiate themselves.
You hear can easily overhear highly intellectual conversations like this one
in a store, while watching people PAYING to irradiate themselves. (Doesn't
this remind you of smoking ? Paying to become deathly ill ?)
Here's one conversation I heard:
"I'm entering the store now......
I'm going down the aisle to where they keep 'em..... Yup, I can see it now.....
Yes, they have one.... Going to the checkout now to stand in line.....
.......... see you later. Bye."
Its hard to imagine anything more
Somewhere a computer generates
the "ching-ching" sound of a cash register, as this highly intellectual
discussion just billed their account another dollar or more. They would
actually get a better return on their money, if while driving down the road
they rolled down the window and tossed the money out. Why a better return ?
Because it won't destroy their health !
Personally, I don't own a cell
phone, have no interest in owning one, and take comfort to know that when I
pick up a PAYPHONE
the radiation level is ZERO.
And to add insult to injury - people are PAYING BY THE MINUTE TO GET SICK !
Imagine it ! Yet the average person doesn't seem to want to connect A to B.
It's always the same old tired reply from people - "it can't happen to me,
it will happen to someone else, the other guy." People need to use mirrors
more often because staring back at them is "the other guy !"
Children today can't seem to live without cell phones and pagers. This is so
pathetic. Many spend a large part of their part-time job income to pay their
monthly cell phone bills. Or they con their parents into paying for these
toys they don't need. What madness is this ? With cell phone expenses
running for some people a couple thousand dollars a year, wouldn't this
money be better spent on college tuition ? Or buying gold and silver for
when the economy tanks ?
When I grew up, none of us had these toys. In
theaters today, children and adults alike ignore the pre-movie requests to
turn them off. So thoughtful they are of others, especially when they ring
during a movie. It wouldn't do any good to tell them "what they can do with
it" because you would only get a blank stare back. Ringing cell phones in
restaurants and theaters are the real true form of hate speech.
If my generation has done anything to brainwash children into thinking they
MUST have these toys, I apologize for that. Perhaps the Madison Ave and 5th
Ave. yuppies did this to our children ? Or did they manage to just follow
temptation ? We may never know. When my children were growing up, the
phone/pager craze was just beginning when they were teenagers. When our son
hinted at wanting a pager, I replied "FOR WHAT ?"
No real answer was
forthcoming. He just wanted one because others had one. We are talking about
the future health of our children. It is they who must start becoming
concerned about the ill effects caused by imitating others. And the effects
of endless strings of cell towers that stretch to the horizon. Today's
children must start taking responsibility for the future of THEIR America in
every respect.
When we got into trouble as children and then claimed a friend lead us to do
something wrong, many of us remember our parents asking us "if they jumped
off a bridge, would you jump, too ?"
So it is with cell phone use, and it
began by thinking no one can live without one. Do we have wait for a major
lawsuit award, where the plaintiff is sitting in a wheel chair slumped over
from brain cancer proven to be caused by his cell phone to wake up ?
By then
it may be too late, because once you damage enough DNA it's only a matter of
time. So just like cigarettes and excess alcohol consumption- perhaps the
time to stop the increase in RF radiation is NOW. Right now, not tomorrow or
the day after. NOW.
What will be next cell antennas - office chairs with LAN antennas inside
them ? A new form of the proverbial "hot seat ?"
A different form of RF radiation is now causing some unusual effects on
Very high frequency audible tones being heard by people all over the
globe. What puts these sounds into the RF realm, is that they can be heard
anywhere and are not directional. Our website is studying a number of odd
scientific phenomena that few scientists (or no scientists at all) are
studying. Some of these areas are not in mainstream science yet, but are
real physical manifestations. Our non-profit website is unique, because we
encourage public participation.
For more information, please visit
http://www.stealthsite.com/whats_new/press/GeoRev921_03-Wik_045-062.pdf (page 11) [3]
From Ted Twietmeyer 8-10-4
I deeply appreciate the positive reviews of readers, and especially those
who had to search for my email address. Rense readers consistently show they
are quite up to date on the assault of our lives, both from misuse of
technology and the increasing grip of the police state. My email address
(tedtw@frontiernet.net) was missing from the
above article for unknown reasons. Many have sent me supportive comments and
details about their trials and tribulations regarding cell phone and tower
RF exposure. Some are horror stories indeed.
The commentary from Gary Chance above states that I did not address
radioactive sources in the article. This was intentional as I pointed out
early in the piece. Radioactivity is not the subject (or co-subject) of the
article. Maintaining focus is important, as jumping subjects in mid-stream
results in confusion. The only reason radioactivity was included, was to
both make the distinction between two forms of radiation and also to show
the similarities.
The issue of mind control is a very large subject indeed. I've addressed
this in more than one previous essay here on Rense.com. The
www.data4science.net website has an entire section dedicated to the high
frequency tone everyone is hearing across the globe. This can originate from
satellite, or more likely, ground wave transmissions. What IS important, is
that the RF is present. One needs to ask - why must we be exposed to it?
This is the question everyone should be asking.
High frequency sound (about 14-18khz) can result in sleeplessness,
irritability, concentration problems and other brain related matters. Not
only does the nervous system function on microvolt and millivolt signals- so
does the brain. Interference with these processes can do great damage to
one's lifestyle and work.
Emails are being intercepted, and in some cases they are never delivered.
Sometimes a simple email will not reach its intended destination at all.
Interception is also related to content. There is considerable interference
with the data4science.net website group e-letter updates.
We ask the people at NSA to cease and desist from interference in purely
science-related matters. As I've said in previous articles - not only did
they form the internet, but they STILL OWN AND OPERATE the actual internet
routing computers located at secret sites around the USA.
From Patricia Stewart 8-8-4
Hi Jeff,
Just as Alzheimers has now acknowledged it has to retreat when nicotine is
in the air, we have the not-too-recent news that Nicotine is the only known
substance that will pinch-hit for the loss of the brain's Acetylcholine
(secretion) that allows the brain-spark - the immediate loss noted on
encephalograms when a cell-phone is brought close to the head.
Although I would use more the term "Perfect Feeling- Machines", without that
brain-spark we are Wet Computers, - a fact now acknowledged and partly
patented by Microsoft, for using the body as the Hardware, needing only a
Monitor to show the knowledge in our own cells. (The Tunnel of Time we move
through after Death? Perhaps.)
Without the brain-spark, we never lifted our heads to wonder why there was a
full moon for 3 days last autumn; we don't mind that the sun was seen
setting in different positions only a day apart; we shrug when the sun seems
to rise, then disappears but starts rising again ... all is perfect.
Without the brain-spark there can be no "self"-reflection, and only the
Drawer we call Logic which has been changed to a Drawer for rationality - 2
Densities below it.
Why the terrific campaigns against smoking?
Perhaps the reason is the same one that sends all able-bodied American men
to a region where they can only return dying from effects of Depleted
Uranium - to clean out all opposition possible by males, leaving the few
pieces of society that will remain to be picked up by females, as always,
after War.
Please have a medical person you trust investigate this action during an
encephalogram, for we need information from those we trust. Let it be a
consulting adult (without earrings) that shows the effect, an adult that
smokes, so that the encephalogram can show this restoration of the spark.
Since such phones will be used regardless, please investigate if golden
earrings disperse this deadly effect. We need help. We are looking for help.
Thank you for your help.
From Gary D Chance 8-9-4
Dear Jeff
This was an interesting overview, but it does not address the most important
threat. In the conclusion he writes about the towers which become obsolete:
"The towers will be most likely converted to other
mind control and tracking
tasks we won't discuss here."
In the beginning he notes two kinds of radiation. This is the one he does
not deal with:
"A. GOVT. CONTROLLED RADIOACTIVE SOURCES: Power plants, smoke detectors,
medical treatment sources, etc..."
What he's doing is ignoring the far more serious threat from the abuse of
electromagnetic radiation surveillance monitoring brain waves with a
feedback activity. This is accomplished by satellite without any implants in
the target. The unique brain wave halo pattern identifies each person.
The feedback process induces electromagnet radiation into the human being,
e.g., hearing.
This is where the real threat exists because it is controlled and
deliberately used maliciously. The ability to track and monitor totally
anyone at anytime anywhere is now being used.
While addressing the proliferation of electromagnetic radiation consumer
devices is important, the problem of brain wave monitoring and feedback
surveillance is far more serious. It will be used to stop people like Ted Twietmeyer and yourself so that control of anything else will be moot.
Truth will become a thing of the past.