4G/LTE Mobile Network Poses
Greater Chronic Health Risks than Previous Incarnations
Español |
5G - El Gran Riesgo de Conexión y
- Main File
5G - The Great Connection Risk and
- Main File
Español |
Así Nos Veremos en el Futuro por
Usar en Exceso los Celulares
A Wake-Up Call - Why we
can No Longer Assume Wireless Technology is Safe
California Government Buried the
Truth about Cell Phone Radiation causing Brain Cancer
Cell Phone Convenience, or 21st
Century Plague?
Cell Phone-Induced Bodily Harm -
How The Bees Can Help
Cell Phone Radiation Could Be
Killing Bees
Cell Phones and Remote Viewers
- Remote Viewing Technologies International Endorses The
Use Of...
Cell Phones are about to Become
More Powerful than you Could Imagine
Cell Phones Radiation Levels
Cell Phones Strongly Linked to
Cancer - New Study Reproduces Government Findings
Cellular Phones Influence The
Human BEM - Current Results of
Experiments With GDV Images
Chemtrails, Wireless and
City Warns of Cell Phone Link to Cancer
Confidential Report on TETRA
- Secret Report on Cell Phone Dangers and Tetra
Español |
Contaminación Electromagnética
- Informe Desde Chile
- "Disconnect"
- Exposing The Cell Phone Radiation Cover Up
Do You Really Understand
the Health Risks from Microwave Technology?
Dozens of Government Agencies and
Organizations Warned against Wireless Technology - Info
Evil and The Phone Company
Exposure Limits - The
Underestimation of Absorbed Cell-Phone Radiation,
Especially in Children
FCC to Consider Changing Cellphone
Radiation Standards
First Study
on 4G/LTE Cell-Phone Radiation Shows it Affects Brain
Generation X-Ray - Child Victims
of Technological Abuse
Headaches from Cellular Telephones
- Are They Real and What Are the Implications?
How Cellphone Radiation Affects
Your Cells
Español |
La OMS Reconoce Oficialmente el
Peligro de Los Teléfonos Móviles
LTE Cell Phone Radiation Affects
Brain Activity in Cell Phone Users
Living in A Wireless World
Español |
Los Efectos Oxidativos de la
Radiación Inalámbrica
Español |
Los Smartphones y sus 3 Lógicas de
Rivalidad y Programación MK-Ultra
Español |
Los Teléfonos Android envían Datos
de dispositivos e 'Identificadores' de usuarios a
fabricantes y firmas de Big...
Mobile Phones and Brain Tumors
- A Public Health Concern
Mobile Phones 'More Dangerous Than
- Brain Expert Warns of Huge Rise in Tumors and Calls...
Español |
Neurocientífico expone Peligros de los Campos
Neuroscientist Exposes Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields
New Studies Reveal Stunning
Evidence that Cell Phone Radiation Damages DNA, Brain
and Sperm
Español |
Nuevo 'Teléfono Móvil Inteligente'
Silenciosamente estudia tu Comportamiento y Reacciona en
Tiempo Real
People's Brains and Bodies are Not
Protected against Attacks by Electromagnetic Waves and
Español |
- ¿'Quien'
o 'Que Cosa' Está Matando a Las Abejas?
- Main File
Radiation Hazard of Cell Phones
- Faraday Cage Shorts Out Radiation
Español |
Redes Móviles - Impacto en el Ser
Humano y Propósito de su Desarrollo
Reducing Your Exposure to
Electromagnetic Frequency May Improve Your Health
Shungite - The Electropollution
Solution Special Report
Smart Phones - Stupid People
Some Cell Phone Radiation Levels
Some Ways to Reduce Radiation from
Cell-Phone Use
Study of The Health of People
Living in The Vicinity of Mobile Phone Base Stations
Study on Cell Phone Dangers
Prompts Major Call for School Bans
Study Says 290% Increased Risk of
Brain Tumor After 10 Years of Cellphone Use
The Biological Effects of Weak
Electromagnetic Fields
- Mobile Telecommunication Devices
The Cell-Phone Poisoning of
The Cellular Phone - The Next
Hidden Epidemic
The Hidden Dangers of Cell Phone
The Oxidative Effects of Wireless
Top-Tips to Reduce your EMF Exposure
Español |
Torres Telefónicas y
Celulares/Móviles como Armas - Asesino Silencioso e
Invisible por Excelencia del Siglo 21
Urban Wireless to Serve
Intelligence and PSYOP Forces
Español |
Viviendo En Un Mundo Inalámbrico
What the Cellphone Industry
Doesn't Want You to Know About Radiation Concerns
Where are We Going? - Dystopian
Futures and the Work of Philip K. Dick
Where have All the Insects Gone? -
Satellites are taking them, every One...
or 'What' is Killing The Bees? - Colony Collapse
Disorder, or CCD
- Main File
WHO's looking after Your Health? -
Pushing the Boundaries
Why Did The Russians Ban an
Appliance Found in 90% of American Homes?
Why Your Cell Phone Can Hurt Your
Wireless Internet Makes Trees Sick
Additional Information |
Adverse Influence of Radio
Frequency Background on Trembling Aspen Seedlings
- Preliminary...
Android Mobile OS Snooping by
Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei and Realme Handsets
Anti-NSA "Blackphone" - Encrypted Smartphone
Designed to Liberate Users from Total Surveillance
Apple Has Installed Security
Backdoors on 600 Million iPhones and iPads - Claims Security
Bees, Birds and Mankind -
Destroying Nature by ‘Electrosmog'
Biological Effects of
Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) -
Eurasian Communist...
Black on White - Voices and
Witnesses About Electro-Hypersensitivity
- The Swedish Experience
Español |
- ¿Cuál
es el Nuevo Opio del Pueblo?
DARPA - Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency
- Main File
Digital TV - Mind Control by The
Sound of Silence
Do Electromagnetic Fields Affect
The Pineal Gland, Limiting Human Consciousness?
Edward Snowden wants to
Build an iPhone Case that will Tell You if the NSA is
Effects of Cell Phone
Radiofrequency Signal Exposure on Brain Glucose
Español |
El Arco Iris Invisible - Una
Historia de la Electricidad y la Vida - Un Resumen
Español |
Coronavirus y la Electrificación de la Tierra - Dr. Thomas
Electromagnetic Biology and
- Dirty Electricity Elevates
Blood Sugar Among Electrically Sensitive...
Electromagnetic Radiation in Our
Society is Killing Plants and Trees
Español |
El Vertiginoso Crecimiento de la Tecnología LTE en América
Español |
Esos Ataques Sónicos se están Esparciendo - Pero la
Verdadera Pregunta es…
Etheric Energy
- It's in The Ether
Evidence for an Effect of ELF
Electromagnetic Fields on Human Pineal Gland Function
FaceBook is Working on a
Smartphone that Can Read Thoughts
Genetic Effects of Radiofrequency
Español |
Guerra a la Humanidad a través del Campo Energético
How Google is Secretly Recording
You through your Mobile - Monitoring Millions of
Conversations Every Day
Human Auditory System Response to
Modulated Electromagnetic Energy
Español |
- ¿La
Era de los 'Smartphones' Llega a su Fin?
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Español |
Las Armas de La Guerra Silenciosa
De Ayer y De Hoy
- Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS)
Español |
Las Razones de porqué No Podemos
Dejar de Lado nuestros Teléfonos Inteligentes
Español |
Los Teléfonos Inteligentes están
Pre-Cargados con Interruptor de Desactivación a Control
Microsoft Collects Phone Location
Data Without Permission - Says Researcher
Mind Control With Silent Sounds
And Super Computers
Mobile Phones Soon Required to
Receive, Display White House Propaganda Messages
On the Association between Glioma,
Wireless Phones, Heredity and Ionising Radiation
Remote Mind Control
- Reach Out and Touch Someone
Report of the International
Bioethics Committee of UNESCO (IBC) on the ethical
issues of neurotechnology
Smartphones are Now Pre-Loaded
with Remote Controlled Kill Switch
Español |
Sobre el Embrutecimiento Colectivo
de Nuestra Sociedad en la Era Digital
Swedish Review - Radiation from
Cellular and Cordless Phones is A Probable Human
The Alteration of Spontaneous Low
Frequency Oscillations Caused by Acute Electromagnetic
The Body Electric
- by
Robert O. Becker
The Effect of a High Frequency
Electromagnetic Field in the Microwave Range on Red
Blood Cells
The Electromagnetic War on
Energy Field War on Humanity
The Invisible Rainbow - A History
of Electricity and Life - A Summary
The Invisible Rainbow - A History
of Electricity and Life - by Arthur
The Largest Biological Experiment
The Prove-it Initiative -
Immediate Moratorium on All New Public Wireless
The Real Consequences of
Corporatism, "Smart" Grid and Corrupt Government
The Reasons Why We Can't Put Down
Our Smartphones |
Those Sonic Attacks are Spreading
- But the Real Question Is…
Three Disruptive Technologies that
will Transform the World into Technocracy within 10
Years |
Three Ways to Use your Cell Phone
without Zapping your Health
TV Digital - El Control de La
Mente Por El Sonido del Silencio
University of Texas Researchers
Design Chip Allowing Mobile Devices to See Through Walls
What Location Tracking Looks Like
Humans Could Form Backbone of New Mobile Networks
Wireless Technology - The Worst Threat to our Health, Personal
Privacy, Democracy and...
Really Can Protect Yourself Against Electromagnetic
Radiation - It's True and Here's
Cellphones and Cancer |
Phones and Health
CNN - Cancer Center Warns on Cell
Phone Use
Español |
El Uso de Móviles Puede Ser
- Según La OMS
Italian Court Rules Cell Phones
Can Cause Brain Tumors
Español |
La Radiación de los
Teléfonos Celulares Causa Cáncer Cerebral - Concluye un Masivo Estudio...
Long-Term Use of Mobile Phones May
Be Linked to Some Cancers
- A Landmark International Study...
Massive Government Study Concludes
Cell Phone Radiation Causes Brain Cancer
Report of Partial Findings
from the National Toxicology Program Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell
Vatican Radio Waves Blamed For
High Cancer Risk
WHO Admits That Cell Phones Cause
Cancer - Authoritative Verdict
Tower and Space Towers -
Antenas de
Telefonía Móvil |
Cell Tower Problems to Know About
Danger of Cell Phone Towers
Dangerous Radiation From Hidden Cell Phone Towers
From the Christian Cross to Mobile Phone Towers - A Brief
History of Mind Control
Español |
La India Prohíbe las Antenas de
Telefonía en Colegios y Hospitales
Lynk announces Deployment of
World's First Commercial-ready Cell-Tower-in-Space
Our Changing Earth
Español |
- ¿Porqué
me Vigilan, si no soy Nadie?
Sea Birds' last Refuges - 4G and
5G Radiation Sickness from the Cell Towers
Studies Show 'Cell Phone Towers'
inflict significant Damage to Trees and Human Health
The Cell-Phone "Tower of Doom"
The Cell-Tower EMF Problem
- Mobile Phones/Mobile Networks/Safety
Worldwide Electronic Mind Control
via 'Cell Phone' Towers
Young Suicides Linked To Cell
Phone Towers
- There Are Thousands of Masts in Britain
External Link: |
- Search for Cell Towers, Cell Reception, Hidden
Antennas and more
EMF - Electromagnetic Fields |
Are EMFs
Hazardous to Our Health?
A Review on Electromagnetic Fields
(EMFs) and the Reproductive System'
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) -
Killing Fields
Electromagnetic Waves
Electrosmog and Autoimmune Disease
EMF Radiation Causes Strange and
Unknown Health Problems
Groundbreaking Study shows
Shielding EMF improves Autoimmune Disease
Health Effects from EMFs
Shungite - The Electropollution
Solution Special Report
Stronger Evidence for an
Alzheimer's-EMF Connection
Ten Plants that can Absorb
Electromagnetic Radiation
The Cell-Tower EMF Problem
- Mobile Phones/Mobile Networks/Safety
The Damaging Effects of
- Regulators Ignore Health Impact as EMF Radiation
External Links: |
BENER Digest Update/EMF Database/EMF
Health Report
- Critical Cell Phone Papers
The Risk Evaluation
- An Evaluation of the Possible Risks from EMFs etc.
Dr. George Carlo EMF Cell Phone
Dangers Interview
- Ovens and Others |
Danger of Microwave-Based
Communications Systems
- Barrie Trower's Presentation to the Irish Doctors...
Español |
Efectos Sobre La Salud por
Radiación de Microondas - Hornos de Microondas
Español |
El Agua Calentada en el Microondas
Mata las Plantas
- Un Experimento
Electromagnetic Fields and
- Telecom Invading Canadian Schools - Government and
Español |
El Futuro es Ahora - El Plan que
publicó la NASA en el 2001 para Atacar a toda la
Población en el 2025
Español |
- ¿Está
Siendo tu Corazón Electromagnéticamente Distorsionado
por Radiación de Microondas?
Effects of Microwave Radiation
- Microwave Ovens
If You Don't Mind Cancer Causing
Radiation Passing Through Your Food, Keep Using a
Your Heart Being Electromagnetically Distorted by Microwave
Español |
La Elite son Mutantes
Español |
Los Peligros Ocultos de Cocinar
con Microondas
Microwave Cooking - Cancer for
Dangers - Why You Should Not Use a Microwave
Microwave Detection
- Remote Mind Control
Microwaved Water Kills Plants
- Experiment
Microwave Harassment And
Mind-Control Experimentation
Microwave Mind Control
UK Intelligence Forces
and Microwave Mind Control
Microwaving Iraq
- 'Pacifying' Rays Pose New Hazards In Iraq
Microwaving Our Planet
Nerve Cell Damage in Mammalian
Brain after Exposure to Microwaves from GSM Mobile
Español |
Peligros del Microondas - Del
Porqué Usted No Debe Utilizar un Microondas
Español |
- ¿Porqué
los Rusos Prohibieron la Venta de Hornos Microondas que
se Encuentran en 90% de Hogares...
Español |
Rusia Prohibió el Uso de los
Hornos de Microondas - 1976-1992
Banned the Use of Microwave Ovens
- 1976-1992
Español |
Si No le Importa que La Radiación
Causante del Cáncer Pase a Través de Sus Alimentos, Siga
The Dangerous Truth Behind
Microwaves - Updated
The Effects of 'Pulsed Microwaves'
and 'Extra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves' on Human
The Elite are Mutants
Hidden Hazards of Microwave Cooking
The Microwave Drug - The
Biological and Spiritual Effects of Electromagnetic
Why Did Russians Ban Microwave
Appliances Found in 90% of American Homes
Why You Shouldn't Be a Part of The
90% of Americans Who Still Use Microwaves
Wi-Fi |
Americans Suffering From 'Possibly-Imaginary Sensitivity
to Wi-Fi' Run for Radio-Free Zone in The Hills of...
Are You Electrosensitive? Is Wi-Fi
Dangerous To Your Health?
Español |
Crean un Dispositivo para
Transformar la señal Wi-Fi en Electricidad
Do Wi-Fi Signals Kill Trees?
of Wi-Fi (2.45 GHz) Exposure on Apoptosis, Sperm Parameters and
Testicular Histomorphometry
Español |
Wi-Fi Bloquea El Crecimiento de Las Plantas-
La Amenaza Oculta del Internet Inalámbrico
Español |
Generación Zapped
- Documental Transformador que Destaca los Riesgos de
Salud Asociados con la...
Generation Zapped - Transformational Documentary
Highlights Health Risks Associated with Wireless...
Google Street View Secretly Took
Your Wi-Fi Details ...And Will Use The Data
to Target Ads at Mobile...
to Protect Yourself from The Largest Pandemic of All
Time - 4G/LTE Mobile Internet and Wi-Fi
If Wi-Fi and Cell Phone Radiation
are Safe, Why has Belgium's Telecomm Boss Banned Them
from His...
Italiano |
Il Wi-Fi Blocca la Crescita delle
Piante - La Minaccia Occulta di
Internet Senza Fili
Is Wi-Fi Killing American Trees?
Español |
Más Personas Reportan que la
Conexión Wi-Fi los Enferma
Curbs Wi-Fi Location Database
More People Reporting Wi-Fi is
Making them Sick
Pollution Caused by Wireless Wi-Fi
Radiation is Topic of "Wireless Silent Spring"
Papers Showing Adverse Biological Effects and Damage to
Health from Wi-Fi
The Wi-Fi Alliance coming Soon to
Your Neighborhood - 5G Wireless
What is Wi-Fi 7? - Everything You
Need to Know
Wi-Fi Block Plant's Growing
- European Acclaim for Grade 9 Experiment
Wi-Fi is an important Threat to
Human Health
Refugees' Shelter in West Virginia Mountains
Wi-Fi - The Invisible Killing
Silent Spring
Dangers of The Wireless Cell
Phone, Wi-Fi and EMF Age
Electromagnetic Harvester - Device Charging Batteries
with Radio and Wi-Fi Waves
Scientists Make International
Appeal on Dangers of Wi-Fi
Multimedia |
Cell Phone Dangers - Are They Real?
Cell Phone Dangers on Larry King - 29 July 2008
Conexión Real
Contaminación Electromagnética
- Antoon Moonen
Contaminación Electromagnética
- Rodeados de Ondas
Disconnect - A Lecture by Author
Devra Davis
Free Cell Phone Radiation
Shielding Device
Full Signal - Mobile Phone Radiation
Exposure Breaks In Your DNA
How to Neutralize Radiation and
Chemtrails from The Sky, Your Garden, and Your Body
- Ken Rohla
Kill Grid - The Vax, 5G and
Smartphones are Inextricably Linked
Once your Phone is Hacked... -
Edward Snowden
- Beings of Frequency
Skynet 2.0 - Unstoppable Secret
Network Bypasses Internet
Stare Into the Lights My Pretties
Star Wars In Iraq
The Cell Phone War
- "Viruses
Don't Exist" Dr. Robert Young explained - Nanotech
inside People is a Weapon
Wireless Health Hazards
- Multimedia Presentation
External Links |
Bürgerwelle e.V. - one of the biggest
information sources concerning mobile phones and
Cell Phones, Mobile and Base
Station Antenna Radiation, and Human Health
Microwave News
- A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Mobile Telephone Health Concerns Registry
Physicians and Scientists for
Responsible Application of Science and Technology
- Independent Organization - Electromagnetic Field and
Microwave Radiation Health Debate
Safe Wireless Initiative
The EMR Network
- Citizens and Professionals for the Responsible Use of
Electromagnetic Radiation
Related Reports |
- ¿El
Fin de La Internet? - The End of The Internet?
- Main File
Non-Lethal Weapons
- "Psychotronics" and "Silent Sound"
- Main File
The Defeat of Cancer
- Main File