by Dr. Keith Nemec
October 27, 2012
NaturalNews Website
Keith Nemec is a holistic chiropractic physician who has
been treating patients for the last 28 years.
Nemec is the director of the Total Health Institute, an
alternative and integrative medical facility which
offers both inpatient
outpatient services.
Total Health Institute is a treatment and teaching
facility that has both natural physicians and
alternative minded medical doctors working together as a
team in Wheaton, Illinois.
Thousands of people have restored their health at the
over the last 28 years.
Conventional cancer
treatment has limited long term success with the cancers that
claim the most lives.
Curing cancer is quite
different than healing cancer. To heal cancer, the physical as well
as mental, emotional and spiritual aspects must be addressed. Taking
into account these components of health and healing may actually be
more important for long term healing than the physical.
Standard cancer
treatment looks at cancer as a foreign invader instead of realizing
that it is that person's own cells that might be trying to adapt to
a toxic environment. To heal cancer, a more natural and holistic
alternative cancer treatment approach has to become the obvious
Most health conscious people know that conventional medical
treatment for cancer is not the best choice if one is diagnosed.
Studies have shown
chemotherapy's five-year survival in adults was
2.1 percent in the U.S.
To understand healing cancer, you must get to the root of what
health and healing truly are.
The World Health
Organization defines health as,
"a state of complete
physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity."
It can be seen from this
definition that health is more than physical, but mental, emotional
and even spiritual should also be included.
So to heal cancer a
person is going to have to address all parts of their being.
body's systems are going to have to be balanced without toxins.
These include the nervous system, immune system, hormonal
system, digestive system, elimination/detoxification system and
the biochemical state.
Mental and
and emotional factors may be the causative factor in cancer up
to 90 percent of the time. What one does to their mind is
reflected in their body.
If a
person is living fully in the moment, if they are the calm in
the midst of the storm, if they are walking with an inner peace,
if they feel unconditional love and their joy is not dependent
upon their circumstances, this is the foundation of all health
and healing.
Cured vs.
What is curing?
It is something done
outside a person to affect a change? Take a woman who has breast
cancer and had her breast removed; had 30 treatments of
chemotherapy and has lived two years since that procedure and is
pronounced cured. This is the place of temporary cures.
What is healed?
Take another woman
who looks at the breast tumor and asks her body and her heart,
what they are trying to tell her. This woman stills her mind and
learns to listen to the voice of truth spoken into her heart
which reveals the path to her healing not only body, but mind,
emotions, and spirit as well, seeing them all as one.
The reason standard
medical treatment of cancer has limited success is because it looks
and cancer like a physical entity.
Cancer becomes some
foreign invader that needs to be killed. Strong chemicals and
poisons are used to kill the cancer cells. Cancer cells are not
foreign cells but are that person's own cells trying to adapt to
either a toxic physical or mental and emotional environment that has
been created.
The standard medical approach to cancer is lacking because it's not
properly addressing the physical aspect of cancer and also
neglecting the mental, emotional component and spiritual aspects of
healing. That means the cancer will return.
A more natural, holistic
approach must become the path to healing where someone sees the
cancer as the body talking to let the person know that all is not
well with the spirit, mind and body.
Clinical Oncology 2004
Dec;16(8):549-60. The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in
adult malignancies. Morgan G, Ward R, Barton M.
World Health Organization Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization as
adopted by the International Health Conference, New York, 19-22
June, 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61
States (Official Records of the World Health Organization, no. 2, p.
100) and entered into force on 7 April 1948.The Definition has not
been amended since 1948.
American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Integrative Cancer Fellowship 2010 May Antihomotoxic Bioregulation - O'Byrne, MD