Español |
Agentes del Gob. USA allanan
Laboratorio para Apoderarse de Avanzado Tratamiento
contra el Cáncer...
Español |
Al Cáncer de Páncreas le Toma 20
Años Crecer Hasta Llegar a Ser Tumor(es) Detectable(s)
Español |
Algunos Hechos Problemáticos sobre
el Cáncer que Todo el Mundo Debe Saber
Español |
A los Oncólogos No les Gusta el
Tratamiento con Bicarbonato de Sodio para el Cáncer
porque es...
Another Government Lie? - The
Overwhelming Evidence that Tobacco does NOT Cause Cancer
Antineoplastons - A Cure for
Cancer Ignored for 45 Years
Amish Girl being Forced into
Experimental Chemotherapy Taken Out of U.S. and Recovers
with Natural...
Antioxidant and Antiproliferative
Activities of Extracts from a Variety of Edible Seaweeds
A Secret Cause of Cancer
Aspirin's forgotten Anticancer Function
Australian Scientists Create Virus
that Kills Cancer
Español |
Autovacuna Para Curar El Cáncer - La Vacuna
Contra El Cáncer de Seno, Colon y Estómago
Baking Soda Molasses Protocol May
Cure Many Cancers
Deutsch |
Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs benötigt
20 Jahre, um erkennbar zu sein
- Wie er heute gestoppt werden kann
Canadian Study gives More Evidence
Cancer is a Lifestyle Disease largely Caused by Food
Can an Alkaline Diet Successfully
Treat Cancer? - Signs your Body is Too Acidic and What
to Do About It
Cancer and Fungus
Cancer and Sugar
and Why the Profiteers Don't Want a Cure
- The
Biggest Moneymaker of All Time
- Busting the Myths
Cancer, Children and Cannabis
Cancer Cured For Good
Cancer Incidence Attributable to Lifestyle
and Environmental Factors in Alberta in 2012
Cancer Intelligence
Cancer is a Fungus... and It Is
Curable - Tullio Simoncini
Cancer is an Infection Caused by
Tuberculosis-Type Bacteria
Cancer Patients report 'Miraculous
Recoveries' from Ivermectin Treatment
Cancer Research - A Super Fraud?
- Unresolved Health Issues in the Biological Effects of EM Fields
Can Conventional Cancer Treatments
Heal Cancer?
Chaparral Is Natural Medicine For
Treating Cancer
Chemists Find Help from Nature in
Fighting Cancer - Research Update
Chinese Plant Compound Wipes Out
Cancer in 40 Days - Says New Research
Español |
Científicos Encuentran que el
Cuerpo Humano Espontáneamente Mata el Cáncer Diariamente
Español |
Cientificos Koreanos Exitosamente
Matan el Cáncer con Imanes - ¿Irán Pronto a Ser Censurados?
Español |
Chlorine Dioxide and Cancer
Cocktails for Cancer with
a Measure of Immunotherapy
Español |
Cómo provocan Cáncer las Vacunas
Conventional Cancer Treatments versus Alternative Cancer
and Government Cover-Up of Low-Cost Pancreatic Cancer
Cure - Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez Blows...
Cost of Cancer Treatments - Natural Allopathic Vs.
Cure for Cancer - The Rick Simpson
Death by Doctoring - Cancer
Español |
De Cómo el Cáncer se Alimenta de
Azúcar - Y Otras
Grandes Razones para Evitar los Dulces Refinados
Español |
Desarrollan un Fármaco que podría
activar el "Mecanismo Suicida" de las Células Cancerosas
Español |
Descubrimientos del Dr.
Hamer -
Germánica Nueva Medicina
- Main File
Español |
Día Mundial del Cáncer 2015 -
Millones de Pacientes Muriendo por la Verdad
Did You Know that Natural Cancer Treatments are Hidden
from You - But Why?
Doctors are One of the Main Causes
of Cancer
Edible Mushrooms - Nature's Most
Researched Anti-Cancer Agent
Effects of Honey and Its
Mechanisms of Action on the Development and Progression
of Cancer
Español |
El Cambiante Paisaje del Cáncer
Español |
El Cáncer, Los Niños y El Cannabis
Español |
El Cáncer No Es una Enfermedad
sino... ¡Es un Gran Negocio! - Secreto 'Descubierto'
Español |
El Cáncer y El Azúcar
Español |
El Cáncer y La Nueva Medicina
Español |
El Cáncer y Porqué Los
Especuladores no Quieren Una Cura
- Los Mayores Hacedores de Dinero de Todos...
Español |
El Extracto de Semilla de Uva
Supera a La Quimio Matando Células Cancerosas Avanzadas
Español |
El Fraude del Cáncer
Español |
El Gran
"Adelanto" de La Vitamina C en La Guerra Contra El Cáncer
Español |
Encubrimiento del Gobierno y
Empresas de Una Cura Para el Cáncer Pancreático de Bajo
Español |
El Yodo - Una Medicina Universal
Español |
- ¿Es
la Ivermectina una Solución al Cáncer?
Español |
Estudio Canadiense ofrece más
Pruebas que el Cáncer es una Enfermedad del Estilo de
Vida Causada...
Español |
- ¿Existe
Una 'Cura' Natural Para El Cáncer?
Exposed Deadly Cancer Drugs that
Make Cancer Worse and Kill Patients More Quickly
Español |
Expuestas Las Mortales Drogas
Contra El Cáncer Que Empeoran La Enfermedad y Matan Más...
Español |
- "Fascinante"
Posible Tratamiento del Cáncer
- "Fascinating"
Possible Cancer Treatment
Fighting Radiation Damage The
Natural Way
Five Facts on Cancer that
Conventional Medicine is Now Aggressively Claiming are
Flax and Breast Cancer - A
Systematic Review
Flaxseed Can Prevent and Kill
Breast Cancer - Meta-Analysis Reveals
Flaxseeds Can Reduce Primary
Breast Cancer Risk by 18% - Study
Frondoside A Suppressive Effects
on Lung Cancer Survival, Tumor Growth, Angiogenesis,
Invasion, and...
Fungi Helps Fight Cancer Cells
Garlic Kills Brain Cancer Cells
Without Side Effects
GcMAF for the Treatment of Cancer,
Autism, Inflammation, Viral and Bacterial Disease
Ginger - 10,000x Stronger than
Chemo (Taxol) in Cancer Research Model
Government Suppression of A Cancer
Cure - Burzynski
Glycosylated Oleic Acid/Vitamin
D-binding Protein Suppresses Her2 Oncogene Expression in
Grape Seed Extract Outperforms
Chemo in Killing Advanced Cancer Cells
Harry Hoxsey - The AMA's
Successful Attempt to Suppress My Cure for Cancer
Healing Cancer with Organic Food
Herbs and Spices in Cancer
Prevention and Treatment
Español |
Héroe Médico
- Investigador de la Cura del Cáncer Dr. Tullio
Honey - A Powerful Anti-Cancer
Español |
Hongos que Ayudan a Combatir las
Células Cancerosas
How Cancer Feeds on Sugar
- And Other Big Reasons to Avoid Refined Sweets
Español |
Hoy En Día No Es Necesario Morir
de Cáncer
Iatrogenic Cancer
If You Don't Mind Cancer Causing
Radiation Passing Through Your Food, Keep Using a
Italiano |
Il Cancro e Lo Zucchero
Italiano |
Il Cancro e Perché Gli Speculatori
Non Vogliono Una Cura - I Più
Grandi Affaristi di Tutti i Tempi
Italiano |
Il Veleno Dello Scorpione Per
Combattere il Cancro
Induced Remission
Therapy - Our Best Hope Against Cancer?
Induction of Apoptosis by the
Medium-Chain Length Fatty Acid Lauric Acid in Colon
Cancer Cells due to...
Español |
Investigación del Cáncer… ¿Un
Super Fraude?
Español |
Investigador Revela que Monsanto
ha Sabido desde 1981 que el Glifosato Promueve el Cáncer
Is Ivermectin a Cancer Solution?
Is the Cause of Cancer a Common
Fungus? - Dr. Tullio
Is There a Natural "Cure" for
Is this Why Only Organic Fruit and
Vegetables Stops Cancer?
It Turns Out that 5G might cause
Cancer After All
Ivermectin - A potential
Anticancer Drug derived from an Antiparasitic Drug
Español |
Jengibre - 10.000 Veces Más Fuerte
que la Quimioterapia (Taxol) en Modelo de Investigación
del Cáncer
Español |
Kalanchoe - Planta Antitumoral
Korean Scientists Successfully
Kill Cancer With Magnets
- Soon Censored?
Deutsch |
Krebsforschung - ein Riesenbetrug
Español |
La Alimentación Bio Disminuye el
Riesgo de Cáncer
Español |
La Cura del Cancer - Adenopatia
Español |
Dra. Johanna Budwig y su Protocolo contra el Cáncer
Español |
- ¡La
Germánica Nueva Medicina® No Sólo Para Los Hebreos!
Español |
La Linaza - Semilla de Lino
- Fármaco Natural
Español |
La Radiación de los
Teléfonos Celulares Causa Cáncer Cerebral
- Concluye un Masivo Estudio
del Gobierno
Español |
Las Maravillas de La Cúrcuma
- Grandes Beneficios para La Salud
Español |
La Sorprendente Causa del
Melanoma - Y no, No Es por 'Demasiado Sol'
Español |
La Vacuna Cubana contra el Cáncer
Pulmonar que Cuesta $1
Español |
La Vitamina D Es Mejor Que Los
Fármacos Para Tratar El Cáncer
Look what Coconut Oil Did
to Colon Cancer Cells in Just Two Days
Español |
Los Muchos olvidados Beneficios de la Aspirina para la Salud
Massive Government Study Concludes
Cell Phone Radiation Causes Brain Cancer
Español |
- 'Matando
de Hambre' al Cáncer Quitando un solo alimento - El
Azúcar Refinada
Medical Hero - Cure Cancer Investigator Dr. Tullio Simoncini
Melanoma Epidemic - A Midsummer
Night's Dream
Metabolic Theory of Cancer - Top
Tips to Optimize your Mitochondrial Health
Español |
Método de Diagnostico del Cáncer -
Genio de 16 Años Exige "Acabar con La Aristocracia
Millions of Patients Dying for the
Truth - World Cancer Day 2015
Miracle Mineral Supplement - Milagroso Suplemento
Mineral - Main File
Español |
Mira lo que Hizo el
Aceite de Coco a las Células de Cáncer de Colon en Sólo
Dos Días
Moderna confirms Link between
COVID mRNA Vaccines and Cancer
Monsanto Herbicide in GMO Crops is
- WHO Full Report
Citrifolia Edible Leaf Extract Enhanced Immune Response Against Lung
Nobel Prize 2018 awarded to Cancer
Immunotherapy Pioneers
Español |
Nutrición, Enfermedades Malignas y
El Cáncer
Nutrition, Malignant Disease and
Español |
Oncología - Calidad de
Vida con Tratamientos de Fosfolipasas y Oligoelementos
don't Like Baking Soda Cancer Treatment Because it's Too
Effective and Too Cheap
Orthodox Cancer Treatments Don't
Treat Cancer -
5 Prescription Drugs Doctors Had No Idea Could Hurt
Español |
Pacientes de Cáncer de Tiroides
Convertidos en Sucias Bombas Caminantes Luego de Beber
Paleo Diet for
Cancer-Free Living? - Research Says Yes
Pancreatic Cancer Takes 20 Years
to Grow Into Detectable Tumors
- Here's How to Halt It Today
Peruvian Tree Compound Graviola
"10,000 More Effective" than Chemotherapy Drug
Pink Army Cooperative
- A Cancer Treatment Made Just for You
- External Link
Plants Cure Cancer, Not Chemicals
Español |
- ¿Porqué
Hay Tantos Tipos de Cáncer Ahora?
Potential Therapeutic Efficacy of
Curcumin in Liver Cancer
Presidential Cancer Advisors Find
Courage to Warn About Environmental Risks of Cancer
Español |
Propiedades Medicinales del Ajo
que combaten diferentes Tipos de Cáncer
Español |
Propuesta de Modelo para la Cura
del Cáncer y el SIDA
Español |
- ¿Pueden
los Tratamientos Oncologicos Convencionales, Sanar el
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy for Cancer and Pain
Español |
Químicos Encuentran Ayuda de la
Naturaleza en La Lucha Contra el Cáncer
- Investigación Actualizada
Español |
Rabino Admite Que Han Ocultado La
Curación del Cáncer a Los No Judíos
- Pruebas en Argentina
Radiation Exposure Chart Admits
Cancer Radiotherapy Delivers Fatal Dose to Patients
Researcher Reveals Monsanto has
Known since 1981 that Glyphosate Promotes Cancer
Revici Selenium Cancer Treatment
Español |
- ¿Sabias
Que en El Año 1931 un Científico Recibió el Premio Nobel
por Descubrir La Causa Primaria del...
Español |
- ¿Sabía que Los Tratamientos Naturales para El Cáncer Son
Ocultados de Usted?
- ¿Pero Porqué?
Italiano |
Sapevate che Le Medicine Naturali
per il Cancro Vi sono Tenute Nascoste? - Ma Perché?
Scientists Find that The Human
Body Kills Spontaneous Cancers Daily
Sea Cucumber Found to Kill 95% of Cancer Cells and
Shrink Tumors
Seaweed Extract Outperforms Chemo
Drug in Shrinking Breast Tumors
- But Without The Toxic Side Effects
Español |
Si No le Importa que La Radiación
Causante del Cáncer Pase a Través de Sus Alimentos, Siga
Bicarbonate Treatments - Main File
Some Troublesome Facts about
Cancer that Everybody Should Know
Special Virus Cancer Program -
Travails of a Biological Moonshot
Spontaneous Remission of Breast Cancer Found to be
Shocking Study
Starving Cancer to Death by
Removing one Food - Refined Sugar
Stem Cell Divisions, Somatic
Mutations, Cancer Etiology, and Cancer Prevention
Stop Cancer Before It Starts
Stop Fighting Cancer
Stop Nuking The Cancers
Study Shows How Radiation Causes
Breast Cancer
Español |
Teoría Metabólica del Cáncer -
Consejo para Optimizar tu Salud Mitocondrial
The Breast Cancer Hoax Revealed
The Cancer Cash Cycle - The Causes of Cancer and Ill
The Cancer Fraud
The Changing Landscape of Cancer
The Consumption of Seaweed as a
Protective Factor in the Etiology of Breast Cancer
The Cuban Lung Cancer Vaccine that
Cost $1
The "Deadly Breast Cancer Gene" is
a Myth - Lancet Study Confirms
The many Forgotten Health Benefits
of Aspirin
The Number One Cause of Health and
The Number One Cause of Disease
The Stop Cancer Before It Starts
The WHO's trumpeting of 'Cancer
Vaccines' is a Smokescreen...!
The Wonders of Curcumin - Health' Super Benefits
Thirty Years of Breast Screening - 1.3 Million Wrongly
Thyroid Cancer Patients Turned
Into Walking Dirty Bombs After Drinking Radioactive
Poison As Cancer...
Today Is Not Necessary to Die From
Top 10 Cancer Causing Foods -
Understanding what Causes Cancer
Español |
Tratamientos Convencionales versus
Tratamientos Alternativos del Cáncer
Treating Cancer with
Treating Cancer with Voltage,
Alkalinity and Oxygen
Treatment-Induced Damage to The
Tumor Microenvironment Promotes Prostate Cancer Therapy...
Triterpenoids of Marine Origin as
Anti-Cancer Agents
Turkey Tail Mushroom finally Being
Studied in U.S. after 30 Years of Use in Cancer
Treatment in Japan
U.S. Govt. Agents Raided Research
Facility to Seize a Breakthrough Cancer Treatment called
Español |
Veneno de Escorpión
Contra el Cáncer
Vitamin C 'Breakthrough' In War on Cancer
Vitamin D Better Than
Pharmaceuticals at Treating Cancer
Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation
and Cancer, Cardiovascular, and All-Cause Mortality
What Went Wrong - The Truth Behind
the Clinical Trial of the Enzyme Treatment of Cancer
Why Are There So Many
Cancers Now?
World Cancer Day 2015 - Millions
of Patients Dying for the Truth
Additional Information |
6-Shogaol Inhibits Breast Cancer Cells and Stem Cell-Like Spheroids
by Modulation of Notch Signaling...
Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in
the Prevention and Reversal of any Cancerous Condition
A New Cancer Treatment has Given
Terminal Patients a Second Chance at Life
Antioxidant Vitamins May Cut
Mortality Risk - EPIC Data
effects of Ivermectin at Clinically Feasible Concentrations support
its Clinical Development as a...
Apigenin Prevents Development of Medroxyprogesterone
in Mammary Tumors in Sprague-Dawley Rats
Are Chemicals in Drinking Water
Giving People Cancer?
Artificial Fruit Drink Creates its
Own Cancer Causing By-Product
Association of Frequency of
Organic Food Consumption with Cancer Risk
A Zombie Gene protects Elephants
from Cancer
Barbarism - Doctors Now
Encouraging Patients to Remove Body Parts to "Prevent
Big Cancer Foundation Continues to
Crumble - Mainstream Media Admits Most Cancer Studies Cannot Be...
Big Pharma's Profits Over People
and How to Hit Back
Español |
Billones de Partículas de Plástico Cancerígenas llegan a
nuestros Alimentos - ¿Una forma de Control de...
Medicine - The Book
Español |
BIRM - Una Promesa de Vida con
Plantas Amazónicas
Black Listed Cancer Treatment
Could Save Your Life
California Government Buried the
Truth about Cell Phone Radiation causing Brain Cancer
Cancer Causing Chemicals Found in Cola
Coloring Ingredient
Cancer Drug Only 'for Western
Patients Who Can Afford It' - Says Bayer
Pharmaceutical CEO
Cancer 'Is Purely Man-Made' Say
Scientists After Finding Almost No Trace of Disease in
Egyptian Mummies
Cancer Nanotechnology
- Smoldering Nanoparticles
Cancer Officially Number One Cause
of Childhood Death in U.S.
Cancer Risk Rising Around The
World - Western Medicine Failing Globally
- World Health Organization said
Cancer Still a Mystery to Medical
Cancer Surges in Body Scanner
Launches Cover-Up
Can Hazardous Waste Be Safely Removed For Our Bodies?
Carcinogenicity of
Tetrachlorvinphos, Parathion, Malathion, Diazinon, and
Car Mechanics, Oncologists and
Phones and Health
Español |
Células Atascadas exponen la
Física del Cáncer
Chronic Stress Accelerates
Pancreatic Cancer Growth and Invasion
- A
Critical Role for Beta-adrenergic...
City Warns of Cell Phone Link to Cancer
Español |
Consentido Hasta la Podredumbre -
Información y Detalles Sobre la Desintoxicación
Decloaking Pathogens With Low-Frequency Sound
Does Everything Cause Cancer
Eating Raw Garlic Can Cut Lung
Cancer Risk in Half
Español |
EE.UU. Amenaza a Colombia
por Querer Rebajar el Precio de un Medicamento Contra el
Español |
El Ajo y la Cebolla vinculados a
Disminución de Riesgo de Cáncer de Intestino
Español |
- "El
Cáncer es nuestro Nuevo Covid" - CEO de Pfizer, Albert
Electromagnetic Field Intolerance - An Epidemic in The Making
Español |
El Poder Curativo de Los
Pensamientos -
Entrevista a Bruce Lipton
Endogenous Viruses
Energy Saving Bulbs 'Release
Cancer Causing Chemicals'
Energy Saving Light Bulbs 'Contain
Cancer Causing Chemicals'
Español |
Enfréntese a La Industria del
Cáncer y A Su Mercachiflismo de Celebridad y Poder
Enough Personalized Cancer
Medicine to Make You Sick
Español |
- ¿Es
el Cáncer un Antiguo Programa de Supervivencia
Essentials of Natural Chelation
Releases All Data on GM Corn Linked to Cancer
FDA Attacks Alternative Clinics - Cancer Patients' Lives Threatened
FDA Dupes Interpol to Achieve
Illegal Kidnapping and Deportation of Herbal Formulator
Greg Caton
Fighting Cancer with
Phytochemicals from Allium Vegetables
Garlic and Onion linked to
Decreased Bowel Cancer Risk
Garlic Compounds Generate Reactive
Oxygen Species Leading to Activation of Stress Kinases
Global Cancer Statistics 2011
- "Good"
Medicine - Do as Much Nothing as Possible...
Español |
- ¿Ha
Estado Expuesto A Radiación?
- El
Aparato Médico Que Produce 30 Mil Casos de Cáncer Cada
Have You Been Exposed?
- The
Medical Device That Causes 30,000 Cancer Cases Each Year
Health Effects of The ORMUS Elements
How Elephants Beat Cancer
Is Cancer an Ancient Survival
Program Unmasked?
Italian Court Rules Cell Phones
Can Cause Brain Tumors
It Is Overtreatment, Not
Ivermectin may Defeat Cancer and
other 'Common Chronic Diseases of Aging'
Jammed Cells Expose the Physics of
Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo Has
Cancer-Causing Chemicals
- Group Says
Jungle Fungus Eats Plastic and
Beats Cancer
Kids Get 7 Trillion Calories of
Sugar from Cancer-Causing Beverages Each Year
Español |
La FDA Finalmente Admite que en EE.UU. la Carne de Pollo
Contiene Arsénico que Causa Cáncer
Español |
La Inteligencia De Las Células
Leaked Memos Show U.S.
Threaten Continued Violence if Colombia Challenges Big
Pharma Monopoly
Lingzhi Mushrooms -
Enough Science to Drown Doctors
Long-Term Use of Mobile Phones May
Be Linked to Some Cancers
- A Landmark International Study Will...
Español |
Potentes Nutrientes Antivirales Son Críticos Para La
Prevención de La Enfermedad y La Longevidad
- 'Magic
Mushroom' Drug Shows Promise in Treating Addictions and
Cancer Anxiety
Español |
Mecánica de Autos, Oncólogos y La
Medicinal Mushrooms Ease Anxiety
and Mood
Español |
Medicina Mitocondrial
Microwave Cooking - Cancer for
Miniature Medical Robots step out
from Sci-Fi...
Mitochondrial Medicine
Machines Open Cell Membranes
Monsanto's Widely used 'Roundup'
Herbicide Linked to Cancer
Monsanto Technocrats Bullied
Scientists to Hide Glyphosate Cancer Risks
Most Cancer Research is Largely a
Fraud - Says One of the Most Important Scientists in the
Nano-Fibres are Behaving as Nano-Blenders
within Plant and Animal Structures Due to
National Cancer Institute and
American Cancer Society Skewered in New Book by Leading
Cancer Expert
New Vitamin D Recommendations
Promote Nutritional Deficiency to Protect Cancer
Neuropeptide Y Stimulates Proliferation and
Migration in the 4T1 Breast Cancer Cell Line
Nobody Wants to Talk About
Radioactivity at Fukushima Japan
Español |
Nuestro Caliente Mundo
Radiactivo se Está Poniendo Más Caliente - Fukushima
Ocean Medicine - The Miracle of
Brown Seaweed Extract
Oncologists Are The Worst People
to Treat Cancer
On the Association between Glioma,
Wireless Phones, Heredity and Ionising Radiation
Our Hot Radioactive World
is Getting Hotter - Fukushima
False Claim - Frankenscientists Say Purple Medicinal 'GMO'
Tomatoes Can Beat Cancer
Italiano |
Perché la Medicina Occidentale Non
Curerà Mai il Cancro
Study of Psilocybin Treatment for Anxiety in Patients with
Advanced-Stage Cancer
Español |
Pitahaya - Fruta Rara que Quita la
Anemia, Destruye el Cáncer y Regula la Diabetes
Antiviral Nutrients Are Critical to Disease Prevention
and Longevity
Price of Drugs for Chronic Myeloid
Leukemia (CML), Reflection of The Unsustainable Cancer
Drug Prices
Probiotics Once Again
Shown to Reduce Cancer Risk
Putting Tumors in Context
Radiation Scientists Agree TSA
Naked Body Scanners Could Cause Breast Cancer and Sperm
Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk
- What We Can Do Now
Report of Partial Findings
from the National Toxicology Program Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell
Research Shows that 40% of Cancers
are Entirely Preventable
Fuel Medicine
Rodent Feeding Study With
Glyphosate Formulations and GM Maize NK603
- Séralini et al.
(2012) Publication
Scientists Create Molecular
Nanodrills that Destroy Cancer Cells
Scientists discover a New Human
Organ hiding in Plain Sight
Scientists discover Virus That
Kills All Grades of Breast Cancer 'Within Seven Days'
Should You Trust Your Oncologist?
Since 1950, Reliable Research Has
Been Suppressed to Keep Americans in The Dark About
Some Products Linked to Cancer
that are Hiding in Almost Every Home
Español |
Esclavos de Nuestro ADN o Tenemos La Posibilidad de Ser
lo Que Nuestra Mente Nos Permita...?
Español |
de Baja Frecuencia Para Desvelar Patógenos
Rotten - Information and Details on Detoxing
Stand Up to The Cancer Industry
and Its Celebrity-Powered Hucksterism
Stop Making Cancer... from The
Inside Out
Stress, Cancer and Sexuality
Structure-activity Relationships of Diverse Annonaceous
Acetogenins against Multidrug Resistant Human...
Study Says 290% Increased Risk of
Brain Tumor After 10 Years of Cellphone Use
Swedish Review - Radiation from
Cellular and Cordless Phones is A Probable Human
Synthesis and Anticancer Activity
of Epipolythiodiketopiperazine Alkaloids
Tattoos Associated with increased
Lymphoma Risk and Size doesn't Matter - Study
Español |
Teoría Inflamatoria del Cáncer
Tens of Thousands of U.S. Kids Subjected to Needless
Cancer-Causing CT Scans
The AMA's Charge on The Light
Brigade - from "Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries"
The Aspartame Trap
- You May Be Unknowingly Ingesting This Toxic Sweetener
The Compound in The Mediterranean
Diet that Makes Cancer Cells 'Mortal'
The Dangerous Truth Behind
- Updated
The Extraordinary Story of Healer
Alfons Ven - Interview with Alfons Ven
- from "Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries"
The Mass Poisoning of Humanity - An Exploration of
Human Stupidity
The Nanobacteria Link to Heart Disease and Cancer
The Natural History of Invasive
Breast Cancers Detected by Screening Mammography
The Obsessed Culture of Lowering Cholesterol May
Actually Be Causing Cancer
The Persecution and Trial of
Gaston Naessens
The Profits of Cancer
- American Society for The Control of Cancer
The Real Cancer Killer - Big
Pharma Giants
Is No Such Thing As Bad Cholesterol
The Secret to Healing Virtually
All Diseases - OneMinute Cure
The World According to Hydrogen
The World's Most Credible Medical
Journal Outlines Bad News for Monsanto
Español |
Tratamiento Prohibido Contra el
Cáncer Que Podría Salvar Su Vida
Theory of Medicine
United Nations Claims that
Monsanto Pesticides Cause Cancer
United Nations Review
Claims Monsanto's Glyphosate 'Not' Carcinogenic...
Vibrational Medicine
- Scientists Kill Viruses by Blasting Them With Resonant
Watercress - A Garnishing Green That Provides Bountiful
Health Benefits
Why Western Medicine will Never
Cure Cancer
Why You
Should Avoid Taking Vaccines
Widely Popular Nanoparticles Could Be Giving You Cancer
and Nutritional Deficiencies
World Health Organization Sees
Cancer Risk Rising Around the World
Antoine Priore |
A Non-Technical Description of The
Priore Process
Antoine Priore - The Bordeaux Magnetic Machine
Español |
Energética - Medicina de Energía
Energetics - Energy Medicine
Healing Powers of Longitudinal
Waves - from Scalar Wars
The Kaznacheyev Experiments
The Priore Machine and Phase
B17 or Laetrile |
Apricot Seeds Kill Cancer Cells
Without Side Effects
Is Cancer Merely A Vitamin
Deficiency Disease?
- Vitamin B17 Laetrile Cancer Treatment Now Available...
Español |
Vitamina B17 - El Gran
Encubrimiento en la Historia del Cáncer
Vitamin B17 - The Greatest
Cover-Up in the History of Cancer
World Without Cancer - Author G. Edward Griffin Exposes How Corrupt Politics
Prevent Real Cancer Cures...
World Without Cancer - The Story of Vitamin B17
Multimedia: |
Alternative Cancer Therapy
- G. E. Griffin Talking About Metabolic Cancer Therapy
and Vitamin B17
A World Without Cancer - The Story
of Vitamin B17
Links: |
Amygdalin Information - Vitamin B17 Laetrile
Laetrile and Information on
Vitamin B17
Why are Laetrile and Many Other
Substances Used in Alternative-Cancer Therapy not
Readily Available in...?
Cannabinoids |
Big Pharma Attempting to Corner
The Market on Medical Marijuana
Cannabinoids - Potential
Anticancer Agents
Cannabis Oil a Saving
Grace for Lake Country Woman after End of Life Diagnosis
Español |
Cannabis Oral y Transdérmico
Cannabis Prohibition Continues
Because of Suppression of Cancer Killing Cannabinoids
Cannabis Treats Cancer and
Can Pot Treat Cancer Without the
Devastating Effects of Chemotherapy?
Español |
De Cómo el Aceite de Cáñamo Cura
el Cáncer y Porqué Nadie lo Sabe
Español |
El Aceite de Marihuana de Rick
Federal Fanaticism Against
Marijuana -
Government's War on Its Own People
Federal Government Unwittingly
Admits Cannabis Kills Cancer
Español |
Gobierno Federal Admite
Involuntariamente que el Cannabis Mata el Cáncer
How Hemp Oil Cures Cancer and Why
No One Knows
How Weed Can Protect Us From
Cancer and Alzheimer's
If Cannabis Can Kill "Incurable"
Brain Cancer, Why is it Criminalized?
Español |
La Marihuana Mata las Células
Cancerosas - Lo Admite el
Instituto Nacional del Cáncer de Estados Unidos
Español |
La Marihuana Reduce Los Tumores y
Detiene su Crecimiento - No Es de Extrañar Que Sea Criminalizada
Español |
La Prohibición del Cannabis
Continua a Causa de La Supresión de Los Cannabinoides
Que Matan El...
Español |
Las Divinas Matemáticas del Cáncer
Español |
Marihuana Médica en La Medicina
Compounds That Could Help Combat Cancer, Alzheimers,
- If Only They Were Legal
Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells -
Admits the U.S. National Cancer Institute
Marijuana Makes Tumors Shrink and
Halts Their Growth
- No Wonder It's Criminalized
Medical Marijuana in Pediatric
Español |
Medios Ignoran Impactantes
Resultados de Expertos, que La Marihuana Ayuda a
Prevenir el Cáncer de...
Phoenix Tears - The Rick Simpson
Politics vs. Science - Understanding Cannabis Therapeutics Before it is
Español |
Es Ilegal La Marihuana? - Examinando los Aspectos
Saludables del Cannabis
Pot Compound Seen as Tool Against
Español |
La Marihuana Tratar el Cáncer Sin Los Devastadores
Efectos de La Quimioterapia?
Research Says Marijuana Fights Cancer - Does Marijuana Cause Cancer?
Español |
Si el Cannabis puede matar el
'Incurable' Cáncer de Cerebro... ¿Porqué está
Small Community Cancer Cure
Crushed by Big Pharma
Transdermal and Oral Cannabis
Deutsch |
Transdermales und Orales Cannabis
Español |
Una Investigación Dice Que la
Marihuana Lucha Contra el Cáncer
Why Is Marijuana Illegal?
- Examining The Health Aspects of Cannabis
Multimedia: |
Biólogo Molecular Explica cómo el
THC Mata Completamente las Células del Cáncer
Cannabinoid Receptors - A Cure for
Cancer - Videos
Huya de la Cura - La Historia de
Rick Simpson
Molecular Biologist Explains how
THC Completely Kills Cancer Cells
Run From The Cure - The Rick Simpson Story
The Power of Raw Cannabis
Prostate |
Español |
Actualización de Cinco años de La
Persona que Curó su Cáncer de Próstata Grado IV con
Amazing Cancer Therapy Wipes Out
Prostate and Bone Cancer
Breast and Prostate Cancer
Screenings Actually Cause Cancer, Don't Save Lives
Deutsch |
Brust- und Prostatakrebs
Vorsorgeuntersuchungen verursachen Krebs anstatt Leben
zu retten
Fenbendazole Success Story -
Prostate Cancer Remission
Five Year Update on The Guy Who
Cured his Stage IV Prostate Cancer with Baking Soda
Prostate Cancer Screening Has Zero
Concludes 20-Year Study
Prostate Cancer Surgery 'Has No
Significant Survival Benefit' - Study
Royal Raymond Rife |
A History of Rife's Instruments
and Frequencies
- Updated June 04, 2008
Dr. Rife and The Death of The
Cancer Industry
Royal Raymond Rife and The Cancer
Cure That Worked
The End of All Disease - Can Disease Be Cured Electronically?
The Medical Genius of Royal
Raymond Rife
The Rife Microscope Cancer Cure
Multimedia: |
The Rise and Fall of A Scientific
Genius - The Forgotten Story of Royal Rife - Documentary
The Gerson Therapy |
Charlotte Gerson Speaks Out About
The Cancer Industry and Natural Cancer Remedies
Dr. Max Gerson's Nutritional
Therapy for Cancer and Other Diseases
- from "Suppressed Inventions and Other..."
Gerson Therapy
- Film Details Natural Cancer Cures
Multimedia: |
Dying to Have Known
La Hermosa Verdad
- La Cura del Cancer del Dr. Gerson
The Beautiful Truth - Dr. Gerson Cancer Cure
The Gerson Miracle
Toxic Oncology - Radiation Therapy
- Chemotherapy / Oncología Tóxica - Radioterapia - Quimioterapia |
30-Day Mortality after Systemic
Anticancer Treatment for Breast and Lung Cancer in
Italiano |
Addio Chemioterapia! -
Gli Spagnoli Sviluppano un Generatore che distrugge i
Español |
- ¡Adiós
Quimioterapia! - Españoles Desarrollan Generador que
Destruye Tumores
exposed to Atomic Bomb
Levels of Radiation through Medical Imaging, CT Scans, Mammograms
Avoid Mammograms like the Plague
Scan Study Finds Evidence of "Chemo Brain"
Cancer Industry Desperately Needs
Mammogram Screenings to Recruit Patients and Generate
Cancer - Mammograms, Chemotherapy
vs. Alternative Cures
- S.Somers Speaks Out Against Conventional...
Cancer Radiation Treatments -
Standing in Front of a Nuclear Firing Squad...
Can Pot Treat Cancer Without The
Devastating Effects of Chemotherapy?
Chemo and Radiation Actually Make
Cancer More Malignant
Chemo Facts - Facts on Drugs Used
in Chemotherapy
- External Link
Chemo Making Cancer Worse - Says
yet another Peer Reviewed Medical Journal
Chemotherapy and Radiation
Chemotherapy can actually Trigger
the Spread of Cancer in Adjacent Areas - How ironic, but
Chemotherapy Does Not Work 97
Percent of the Time and Continues to Be Used Only for
One Reason
Chemotherapy Elicits
Pro-metastatic Extracellular Vesicles in Breast Cancer
Chemotherapy - Fraudulent and
Chemotherapy promotes Inflammation
and causes Cancer to Spread - Yet Another Study
Chemotherapy Stimulates Cancer
Español |
Científicos Advierten que la
Quimioterapia puede Promover Tumores Agresivos y
Propagar el Cáncer
Doctors, Scientists and Survivors
Break their "Code of Silence" and Expose the Truth about
Español |
El Jengibre - Propiedades
Anticancerígenas y Quimioprotectoras de esta popular
Español |
Enzima de La Piña Es Superior a La
Quimioterapia Para Tratamiento Contra El Cáncer
Español |
Este 'Dúo' mata más Células
Cancerosas que los Medicamentos de Quimioterapia
Eugenics Alert - Oncologists Now Pushing Toxic Chemotherapy for
Pregnant Women
Español |
Evite los Mamogramas como si
fuesen Una Plaga
Five Facts on Cancer that
Conventional Medicine is Now Aggressively Claiming are
Deutsch |
Frucht der Stachelannone 100mal
stärker für die Krebsbekämpfung als Chemotherapie
Ginseng may Work Better than Chemo
and Radiation - Here is How
Regional, and National Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life
Growing Incidence of
Cardiotoxicity and Heart Damage After Chemotherapy
Español |
La Quimioterapia promueve la
Inflamación y causa que el Cáncer se Propague
Español |
Lo que La Industria del Cáncer No
Quiere que Usted Sepa Acerca de La Quimioterapia y La
Man Blogs About His Own Death From
Mandatory Chemotherapy for
Children With Cancer?
Metastasized Lung Cancer Suppression by Morinda citrifolia (Noni)
Leaf compared to Erlotinib via
Thistle Protects Against Chemotherapy Toxicity, Prevents
More Doctors Confessing to
Intentionally Diagnosing Healthy People with Cancer to
Make Money
Most Cancer Patients Die of
Chemotherapy Induces Breast Cancer Metastasis through a
TMEM-mediated Mechanism
New Study confirms Chemotherapy
Encourages Spread of Cancer
New Study Reveals many Cancer
Patients are Killed by Chemotherapy and Not the Cancer
Noni Leaf Extract
Superior to Chemotherapy for Lung Cancer
- Preclinical Study
Pineapple Enzyme Superior to
Chemotherapy in Treating Cancer
- Research
Español |
- ¿Porqué
las Cifras de Muertes por Cáncer No Paran de Aumentar si
Tenemos Radioterapia y Quimio?
Pregnant Women Now Being Dosed
With Toxic Chemotherapy Drugs
Español |
Quimioterapia y Radiación
Treatments Generate Cancer Stem Cells from Less
Aggressive Breast Cancer Cells
Scientists Warn Chemotherapy
Treatment may Encourage Aggressive Tumors and Spread
Soursop Fruit 100 Fold Stronger at
Killing Cancer Than Chemotherapy
Accidentally Exposes Chemotherapy as Fraud
- Tumors
Grow Faster After Chemo!
Study Shows Chemotherapy
Killing Many Cancer Patients within 30 Days of Starting
The Big Business of Cancer - 100
BILLION Dollars was Spent on Cancer Drugs Last Year
The Contribution of Cytotoxic
Chemotherapy to 5-Year Survival in Adult Malignancies
The Failure of
Chemotherapy - As More Patients Abstain from the
Treatment More Survive
Top Chemotherapy Drug Dropped Due
to 'Lack of Profits'
Traditional Food puts
Chemotherapy to Shame
- New Study Reveals
Damage to the Tumor Microenvironment Promotes Prostate Cancer
Vitamin C and Aspirin's forgotten
Anticancer Function
What The Cancer Industry Does Not
Want You to Know About Chemotherapy and Radiation
Multimedia: |
Cut-Poison-Burn - Toxic Oncology - Radiation Therapy
La Semilla que Cura el Cáncer
mejor que la Quimio
Nicholas Gonzalez, MD Reveals the
Truth About Chemotherapy
The True History of Chemo and the
Pharmaceutical Monopoly
- The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest
Books-Treatises |
22 Ways to Cancer-Proof Your Life
Español |
Cáncer - ¿Que Es y Que lo Causa?
Cure Your Cancer
- by Bill Henderson
Death by Medicine
by Gary Null, Carolyn Dean, Martin Feldman, Debora Rasio,
Dorothy Smith
Electromagnetic Fields and Life -
by Aleksandr Samuilovich Presman
Español |
El Emperador está Desnudo -
por Jack Herer
Murder by Injection - The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America -
by Eustace Mullins
Natural Cures They Don't Want You
to Know About - by Kevin Trudeau
The Emperor Wears No Clothes -
by Jack Herer
The War Between Orthodox Medicine
and Alternative Medicine
- by R. Webster Kehr
Unconventional Cancer Treatments - by U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment
World Without Cancer - The Story of Vitamin B17 - by G. Edward Griffin
Multimedia |
AIDS As Biological Warfare
- A Possible Electromagnetic Solution
Burzynski - Cancer is Serious
- The FDA Tyranny
Cáncer de Mamas - La Prevención
Precoz Como Riesgo
Cancer - The Forbidden Cures
Cancer - The Quest for The Cures
Cut - Poison - Burn
Dr. Burzynski Movie
- Burzynski - Government Suppression of A Cancer Cure
Dr. Tullio Simoncini and The Cure
of Cancer - The Shen Clinic - 2009
El Origen del Mal
- Entrevista al Dr. Ryke Hamer
Ganarle la Partida al Cáncer
- Entrevista al Dr.Hamer
Español |
Ivermectina - ¿Un 'Potente
Medicamento' para combatir el Cáncer? - Un Vistazo a las
Kanzius Machine - Cancer Cure With Radio Waves
Español |
La Ivermectina contra el Cáncer y
gana batalla contra la FDA
Luz Tóxica - El Lado Oscuro de Las
Bombillas de Bajo Consumo
Medical Cannabis and Its Impact on
Human Health
- A
Cannabis Documentary
MMS, Jim Humble and The Miracle
Monsanto and Cancer Milk
One of the Most Corrupt Industries
on Earth - The Cancer Industry - David
Rays of Rash - Toxic Light Bulb
Reversing The Irreversible
Six Ways Mushrooms Can Save The
World - Paul
Surviving Primary Liver Cancer
The Beautiful Truth - Creating A
Better World - Suppressed Cures For Cancer
The Idiot Cycle
- Cancer and Chemical Companies
The Quest for The Cures… Continues
The Rick Simpson Story - Healing
Cancer with Cannabis
The Truth About Cancer - Cannabis,
Nature's Epigenetic Switches, Peptides and Healing with
- ¿Todos
Contra Hamer?
- Preguntas y Respuestas (1995)
Treating HIV and Cancer
- MMS in Africa - Jim Humble
Uncensored About Cancer
- Suzanne Somers and Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on Robert
Scott Bell Show
What if Cannabis Cured Cancer?
Links |
Alternative Cancer Treatments Comparison
- Medical Association For Research and Information About
cancers and Degenerative Diseases
Reports |
Cannabinoids - The Secret Cure to
Help Heal Many Chronic Diseases - Main File
Cell Phones - Microwave Radiation - Main File
Depopulation of Planet Earth - Main File
Industry "Weapons" for Earth's
Depopulation - Main File
White Gold - Oro Monoatomico - Main File