by David Noakes
July 2015
GreenPasture Website
Human GcMAF, otherwise known as
Vitamin D binding protein
macrophage activating factor, holds great promise in the treatment
of various illnesses including cancer, autism, chronic fatigue and
possibly Parkinson's.
Since 1990, 59 research papers have been
published on GcMAF, 20 of these pertaining to the treatment of
cancer. 46 of these papers can be accessed through the
GcMAF web
GcMAF is a vital part of our immune system which does not work
without it; and is part of our blood.
GcMAF stimulates the
macrophage element of the immune system to destroy cancer cells. It
also blocks the supply of nutrients to cancer cells by stopping
blood vessel development to the site (anti-angiogenesis).
Cancer cells are weakened and starved,
making them more vulnerable to attack by the GcMAF stimulated
macrophage system.
Research has shown macrophage activation
and stopping diseased blood vessel development can also help in
various neurological diseases such as,
rheumatoid arthritis
inflammatory conditions
diabetic retinopathy
In the case of autism, Dr. James
Bradstreet has so far treated 1,100 patients with GcMAF with an
85% response rate. His results show a bell curve response with 15%
of the patients showing total eradication of symptoms and 15%
showing no response.
In addition, experimental and clinical evidence confirms that GcMAF
shows multiple powerful anti-cancer effects that have significant
therapeutical impact on most tumors including breast, prostate, and
GcMAF is created in the body by the
release of two sugar molecules from a GcProtein molecule.
However, tumors release an enzyme known as
Nagalase. Nagalase degrades
GcProtein to the point it is unable to become GcMAF. Since GcMAF
only lives for about a week in the body, without continuous
conversion of GcProtein the stores of GcMAF are depleted rapidly in
the presence of Nagalase.
However, Nagalase can only destroy
GcProtein and not GcMAF. Thus the introduction of external GcMAF
through injection into the body has been shown to be effective.
GcMAF has no side effects of its own, but in under 10% of cases the
immune system, which will be rebuilt in just three weeks, can
produce considerable side effects in autistic children. The
treatment consists of an injection with a tiny diabetic sized
syringe once a week. The duration depends on the severity of the
Research also reveals that in cancer
cases that are stage I and II, the success rate approaches 90%
inside 6 months. Nagalase and immune system levels can be measured
in the blood and thus offer a marker for cancer and other diseases.
In conclusion, GcMAF restores the energetic balance in the cell.
Cancer cells driven by sugar metabolism become healthy oxygen driven
cells, so tumor cells no longer behave as parasitic organisms.
GcMAF stimulates macrophages to consume
the cancer cells and cells invaded by viruses.
This stimulation of the immune system
and the anti-angiogenetic effect surrounding the tumor is beneficial
in cancer and several neurological disorders like,
...and it is available to the
general public.
The following testimonials are from the
gcmaf.eu website:
Hello Dr. Bradstreet,
After 13 weeks of the GCMAF, we are
happy to report that she continues to have tremendous gains in
all areas.
Increased socialization and speech,
better performance in the school as well as community settings,
decreased tantrums and less vocal protests, she is able to
change activities and transition to non preferred tasks.
It has been absolutely amazing, all
her therapists, teachers, other parents have remarked about her
good behavior in public places (for example, grocery stores,
department stores such as Nordstrom's, Macy's, The Zoo, Bowling,
the library, parks and playgrounds.
In the past, we never went to these
places in fear of her stemming, or her behavior (45 minute
Now, she surprises us as well as
others with her appropriate comments and follows direction very
well. Before she would only eat one thing (french fries) and now
she eats everything including vegetables!!!!! I've sent some
pictures to show her progress.
We are so excited to see what more
phenomenal things are in the future to come!
Ovarian and lung cancer
I first contracted cancer in the form of a granulosa cell tumor
in 2005.
After 2 operations and 3 months of
chemo by January 2010 it had reached stage 4 and had spread from
my ovaries to my lungs. After that scan in January I was told
the chemo had failed, my 5 tumors were still growing, given
Tamoxifen hormone, told I had between 3 months and 2 years left
to live, and sent on my way.
I started taking GcMAF at the age of 56 on 16th May 2010; the
only feeling or side effect I have from GcMAF is I felt almost
from the beginning that I had my old energy back and was feeling
much better and fitter in myself. After 8 weeks of taking only
GcMAF and Tamoxifen I went for a scan.
This showed all tumors had shrunk,
the four in my lungs were now hardly noticeable and that the
aggressive tumor in my pelvis had shrunk from 7.4cm to 4.1 cm.
This is a significant decrease in size.
The stand-in consultant was very excited, and said these were
excellent results. As I did not know her, and she did not ask, I
did not tell her why.
On the 21st Oct I had another scan; the improvements continued;
the secondary appeared to be merely scar tissue, and the pelvic
tumor had shrunk to 3.5 cm
In the winter my improvements seemed much slower; we now know
because GcMAF needs normal vitamin D levels. But I've just got
back from a wild month in Australia and Thailand, the sunshine
should have done wonders for my vitamin D levels, and for my
next scan.
I will keep you updated. But I am
over the moon and feel better than ever. And yes, you can phone
me if you like.
Gail in London.
Breast cancer
"I have the opportunity to treat
patients from all over the World and the addition of GcMAF for
my cancer patients is truly adding a new dimension not
previously available to us.
Recently I have been following a 42
year old women who had already undergone surgery, radiation and
chemotherapy for stage IIIB breast cancer. I obtained a nagalase
test through ELN (Holland) and it returned in the very elevated
range of 4.20nmol/min/mg (normal reported by this lab does not
exceed 0.95).
Her other tumor markers were not
elevated, but her PET scan demonstrated a likely metastatic site
in the hip bone.
After discussing her options the patient wanted to try GcMAF
therapy prior to considering more radiation or chemotherapy.
After 6 weeks of GcMAF 100ng/week subcutaneous injections (much
like a shot of insulin) her repeat nagalase test returned at
2.10 (a 50% reduction).
All of her other tumor markers
remain negative and she is taking the dose of Vitamin D3
required to optimize her blood levels (9000 iu/day). It is too
soon for her PET to be repeated but we will follow this soon to
determine the course of the bone metastasis.
The nagalase test may be a more
sensitive marker for tumor burden than other more accepted blood
tests. GcMAF given via simple patient administered once weekly
injections is clearly able to reduce the nagalase level
dramatically over a short period of time. In previous published
studies, nagalase response to GcMAF was correlated with
reduction and eventual elimination of cancer.
This is an encouragement to us all
and I will keep you posted on the patient's progress."
For more information please visit
Immune GcMAF or contact David Noakes at:
First Immune GcMAF
Clos de Balade 21
1140 Evere
Brussels, Belgium
Phone +44-7781-411-737
Glycosylated Oleic Acid/Vitamin D-binding
Protein Suppresses Her2 Oncogene Expression in Human Breast