by Mark Sircus
December 14, 2016
DrSircus Website

If lack of oxygen is a
key driver of cancer growth
so is low CO2, pH and
depressed cell voltage.
Cancer cells possess different electrical and chemical properties
than normal cells.
In cancerous tissue the electrical potential of
cell membranes is maintained at a lower level than that of healthy
cells. Dr. Jerry Tennant says that at +30 millivolts we get cancer,
a level of voltage where the polarity has shifted from negative to
Dr. Merrill Garnett reports that all cancer cells have abnormal
electron transfer systems and that normal cell development involves
normal energy flows.
Dr. Steve Haltiwanger says,
"What is known is
that in cancer changes in cell membrane structure, changes in
membrane function, changes in cell concentrations of minerals,
changes in cell membrane potential, changes in the electrical
connections within the cells and between cells, and changes in
cellular energy production all occur."
Heavy metals and chemical toxins are capable of causing cancerous
transformations because they affect the structure and function of
the cell membrane and the
mitochondria - disrupting the electrical
potential of cell membranes and the structure of mitochondrial
membranes, which ends up deactivating the electron transport chain
and disturbing oxygen-dependent energy production.
Cells will then
revert to fermentation, which is a less efficient primeval form of
energy production.
The German cancer researcher Dr. Paul Gerhard Seeger found that
cancer cells utilize only between 5 and 50% of the oxygen of normal
cells. The virulence of cancer cells is directly proportional to
their loss of oxygen utilization, and with this to the degree of
blockage of the respiratory chain.
In 1957 Seeger successfully
transformed normal cells into cancer cells within a few days by
introducing chemicals that blocked the respiratory chain.
Seeger demonstrated in 1938 that in most
cases cancer starts in the
cytoplasm, the jelly-like outer part of
the cell, and especially in the energy-producing mitochondria. Here
food fragments are normally oxidized in a series of enzymatic steps
called the 'respiratory chain'.
Seeger showed that in cancer cells
this respiratory chain was more or less blocked, especially at the
site of the important enzyme cytochrome oxidase. Without it the cell
produce energy only anaerobically like a fungal cell.
This is
very inefficient and the resulting overproduction of lactic acid
makes the cell and the whole body overly acidic.
Cancer tumors not only have a low
voltage but they go beyond that into a range that it is so low that
they are stealing
electrons from the surrounding tissues thus lowering their voltage-pulling
them down into cancer as well.
A plus sign in front of the voltage
number means that they have crossed a threshold, they have reversed
polarity and have thus become the enemies of the healthy cells of
the body. When our voltage goes down too far (even when still on the
healthy negative side) we start to experience pain and sickness.
reading of -15, -10, or even -5 can be experienced (as increasing
pain) but it is not until they go down below zero and beyond to a
+30, that cancer occurs.
A plus sign means they are
stealing, hungry for electrons whereas a negative sign (normal)
means cells have energy and electrons to give. The negative sign of
the membrane potential indicates that the inside surface of the cell
membrane is relatively more negative than the than the immediate
exterior surface of the cell membrane. (1)
According to Seeger cancer cells become
more electronegative as their membrane degenerate.
In the initial
phase of
carcinogenesis, the external cell membrane weakens and then
the inner mitochondrial membrane, which alters the energy producing
capacity forcing the cell into fermentation as an alternative source
of energy.
The degenerative changes in the inner membrane of the
mitochondria causes loss of anchorage of critical mitochondrial
enzymes. The mitochondria in cancer cells degenerate and die off in
large numbers.
When we add voltage to cells we improve
cell membrane potentials and increase mitochondrial production of
ATP, cell membrane permeability, production of proteins and as well
as increase absorption of nutrients and elimination of cellular
pH, Voltage and Oxygen
Voltage circuits run through the nervous
system and heart.
Body fluids, vessels, fascia and other connective
tissues conduct electrical energy. When we have enough voltage,
enough energy our body transports oxygen efficiently. All cells need
a steady supply of oxygen to power their mitochondria, where more
electrons are generated.
We can raise voltage in the body by
directly imputing electrons to facilitate oxygen delivery, which of
course raises energy levels and the health of all cells.
Research scientists
from the Cancer Research UK-MRC Gray Institute for Radiation Oncology &
Biology at the University of Oxford have discovered that
oxygen makes cancer cells weak and less resistant to treatment.
Previously scientists have tried to cut off the blood (thus oxygen)
thought to be fueling tumor growth.
The idea has been to starve and
kill the tumor. When we use oxygen as a treatment it actually
improves the blood vessels within the tumors thus increasing the
concentration of oxygen present.
The external pH of solid tumors is
acidic as a consequence of increased metabolism of glucose and poor
Acid pH has been shown to stimulate tumor cell invasion and
metastasis in vitro and in cells in vivo.
That is the same as saying low voltage
stimulates tumor cell invasion and metastasis.
Sodium Bicarbonate, which increases
tumor pH, inhibits spontaneous metastases. Basic scientific research
confirms the
benefits of using sodium bicarbonate in cancer
Julian Whitaker and Mark McCarty write,
"The degree to which
pH is depressed in tumors - as mirrored by their lactate levels -
tends to correlate with prognosis, the
more acidic tumors
being associated with poorer outcome.
In part, this
phenomenon may reflect the fact that tumor acidity is serving as a
marker for
HIF-1 activation, which works in a variety of
complementary ways to boost tumor capacity for invasion, metastasis,
angiogenesis, and chemo-resistance.
However, there is increasing
evidence that extracellular acidity
per se contributes to the aggressiveness of cancer cells,
boosting extracellular proteolytic activities, expression of pro-angiogenic
factors, and metastatic capacity."
Genes directly experience external
Cancer cells have a lower voltage and a lower pH than surrounding
tissues. Our body's pH and voltage will control the activity of
every metabolic function happening in our body.
pH is behind the
body's electrical system and intracellular activity as well as the
way our bodies utilize enzymes, minerals, and vitamins.
History of Voltage in
On the
Medical Physics website, we read the history of voltage in
The link between voltage and cancer goes back to the late
1930s, when Dr. Harold Saxton Burr used a new-fangled device called
a voltmeter to show that tumor tissue has different electrical
properties from normal tissue.
In the early 1970s Dr. Clarence Cone, a
biophysicist at NASA's Langley Research Center in Virginia, traced
this difference to a disparity in cell polarization, or how much
more negatively charged the inside of a cell is compared with its
Tumor cells, Cone found, are less polarized than normal
cells, and he suggested that electric polarization might somehow be
a regulator of cancer and other cell proliferation.

Tumorous cells (highlighted in red) have
consistently lower voltages
than healthy cells.
Michael Levin at Tufts University in Medford, MA, and doctoral
Brook Chernet have in recent years found persuasive evidence
that Cone was right.
In their experiment, they injected messenger
RNA that encodes human oncogenes - genes that can transform normal
cells into tumor cells - into tadpoles. Next, they soaked the frog
larvae in fluorescent dye.
This dye was voltage-sensitive,
fluorescing more brightly when the cell polarization was greater.
Levin and Chernet did not know which
tadpoles would develop tumors. However, as soon as a tadpole
exhibited a dark patch of low fluorescence, indicating lowered cell
polarization, the researchers segregated it from the others to
monitor it.
They found that, over several days, such patches of
lowered polarization nearly always developed into tumors, confirming
the link between cell polarization and cancer.
Stop Cancer by
Increasing Polarization of the Cells

Dr. Jerry Tennant says,
"We do not treat
cancer. We do support patients with cancer to help get their
nutrition, minerals, acid-base balance, etc. in as good a condition
as possible."
He also says,
"The reversal of polarity occurs in a
battery in a circuit and the accompanying loss of oxygen with low
voltage tells local stem cells to make a placenta (cancer) to
attempt to correct the low voltage and oxygen via fermentation since
there is inadequate oxygen to keep that organ functional.
The on
switch for cancer is an accumulation of electron stealers in an
acupuncture circuit; the off switch for cancer is removing the
causes of low voltage and inserting enough electrons to reverse the
polarity back to normal."
According to researchers at Tufts
University, the two phenomena - lowered polarization and tumor
development - are connected by a straightforward chain of events.
Cells become polarized when there is an imbalance of the positive
and negative ions that flow in and out of cells through channels in
cell membranes.
Polarization itself regulates the
operation of so-called transporter proteins, which pump signaling
molecules through the channels.
Through their experiments, Levin and Chernet have found that a lowered polarization inhibits the function
of a transporter protein that draws in the signaling molecule
butyrate, which, through various enzymes, controls the expression of
growth genes.
With less butyrate in the cell, these genes are free
to instigate abnormally high, cancerous growth.
Levin is encouraging scientists to
consider the possibility that tumor cells are not irrevocably
damaged, at least not all of them, and other researchers have
suggested the same.
Johanna Budwig's emphasis on ingesting quality lipids gives cell
membranes the potential to heal and increase their voltage.
Surviving cancer is never going to be
completely easy but is possible as long as one does all the right
The right things brought together into a
meaningful protocol will
yield the results we might expect from anything that declares itself
to be a cure. It is foolish to declare any one substance or approach
a cure when we can combine many powerful things starting with
treating cancer with electrons - with pure energy.
The obvious way to stop
cancer growth is to increase the polarization of the cells by adding
voltage, alkalinity and oxygen.
point is that we are talking in the most basic language of
biological existence - of an axis of agents:
cell voltage (electrons
as medicine)
pH (any agent that is alkalizing as medicine)
oxygen as medicine (which is
needed for efficient metabolism)
carbon dioxide as medicine,
...because it is an important key to
raising pH, cell voltage and oxygen levels.
Wherever the body suffers from low
oxygen conditions, we have disease and eventually cancer.
the body becomes acidic, voltage drops as does tissue oxygen levels.
What is pH after all? It is ultimately a measure of
redox potential.
Redox potential is a measure of whether electrons are available in
surplus (and thus are "electron donors") or whether electrons are
deficient (and thus are "electron stealers").
Electrons are
necessary for life and are needed for health and in high quantities
for healing and the growth of new cells.
Cancer can be kept under control and
even reversed by adding voltage, alkalinity and oxygen to healthy
cells around tumors, which will help prevent healthy cells from
deteriorating into cancer.
The immune system would benefit directly
from voltage administration and this is bad news for cancer...
Treating Cancer with...
Voltage, Alkalinity and Oxygen
by Mark Sircus
December 16, 2016
DrSircus Website

Treating cancer with the triad of voltage, alkalinity and oxygen
is an interesting new approach because it treats the fundamental
reasons cancer cells form and get aggressive.
What is most
interesting is that voltage, alkalinity and oxygen levels track
each other. They all increase or decrease together yet we can
use treatment approaches that focus on each of the triads arms.
Electrons can be used to increase
voltage directly. Sodium
and potassium bicarbonates can increase alkalinity
chemically. And oxygen can be provided in several
ways and importantly with
slow breathing.
The most important
factor in creating proper pH is increasing oxygen
because no wastes or toxins can leave the body
without first combining with oxygen.
more alkaline you are, the more oxygen your fluids
can hold and keep.
Oxygen also
buffers/oxidizes metabolic waste acids helping to
keep you more alkaline.
The quickest way to increase
oxygen and pH is through the administration of
sodium bicarbonate and that is why bicarbonate has
always been a mainstay
emergency room and intensive care medicine.
course, when we increase oxygen and pH levels we are
simultaneously increasing cellular voltage.
"The Secret of Life
is both to feed and nourish the cells and let
them flush their waste and toxins", according to
Dr. Alexis Carrell, Nobel Prize recipient in
Dr. Otto Warburg, also a Nobel Prize
recipient, in 1931 and 1944, said,
"If our
internal environment was changed from an acidic
oxygen deprived environment to an alkaline
environment full of oxygen, viruses, bacteria
and fungus cannot live."
Disassociation Curve
The position of the
oxygen disassociation curve (ODC) is influenced
directly by pH, core body temperature and carbon
dioxide pressure.
According to Warburg, it
is the increased amounts of carcinogens, toxicity
and pollution that cause cells to be unable to
uptake oxygen efficiently. This is connected with
over-acidity, which itself is created principally
under low oxygen conditions.
Wikipedia we read,
"The strength with
which oxygen binds to hemoglobin is affected by
several factors. These factors shift or reshape
the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve.
rightward shift indicates that the hemoglobin
under study has a decreased affinity for oxygen.
This makes it more
difficult for hemoglobin to bind to oxygen
(requiring a higher partial pressure of oxygen
to achieve the same oxygen saturation), but it
makes it easier for the hemoglobin to release
oxygen bound to it.
The effect of this
rightward shift of the curve increases the
partial pressure of oxygen in the tissues when
it is most needed, such as during exercise, or
hemorrhagic shock.
In contrast, the curve is
shifted to the left by the opposite of these
This leftward shift indicates that
the hemoglobin under study has an increased
affinity for oxygen so that hemoglobin binds
oxygen more easily, but unloads it more
Left shift of the
curve is a sign of hemoglobin's increased
affinity for oxygen (e.g. at the lungs).
Similarly, right shift shows decreased affinity,
as would appear with an increase in either body
temperature, hydrogen ions,
2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (formerly named
diphosphoglycerate, which is now considered
incorrect) or carbon dioxide concentration."
According to Annelie Pompe, a
prominent mountaineer and world-champion free diver,
alkaline tissues can hold up to 20 times more oxygen than acidic
When our body cells and tissues are acidic (below
pH of 6.5-7.0), they lose their ability to exchange oxygen.
Increases of carbon dioxide, bicarbonates and electrons lead to
increased oxygen.
Tumor cell differentiation, tumor
hypoxia and low
cellular pH and voltage affects gene expression, genetic
stability, genetic repair, protein structures,
protein activity, intracellular mineral concentrations, and
types of metabolic pathways used for energy production.
There is no shortage of research
showing the link between pH and cancer, which translates clearly
into there is plenty of research showing a link between cancer
and low voltage since voltage and pH are measurements of the
same thing.
Cancer thrives in an
acidic low voltage
oxygen environment, and doesn't survive in a normal, more
alkaline (high voltage) environment.
Cancer cells make your body
more acidic as they produce lactic acid.
Tumor Hypoxia
The severity of hypoxia and
acidosis in tumors can affect tumor cell invasiveness,
metastasis as well as the risk of recurrence.
UT Southwestern scientists led
by Dr.
Ralph Mason reported in the online
issue of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine that countering hypoxic
and aggressive tumors with an "oxygen challenge" - inhaling
oxygen while monitoring tumor response - coincides with a
greater delay in tumor growth in an irradiated
animal model.
Scientists at the University
of Colorado Cancer Center said,
"It seems as if a tumor deprived
of oxygen would shrink.
However, numerous studies have shown
that tumor hypoxia, in which portions of the tumor have
significantly low oxygen concentrations, is in fact linked with
more aggressive tumor behavior and poorer prognosis.
It's as if
rather than succumbing to gently hypoxic conditions, the
lack of oxygen commonly created as a tumor outgrows its blood
supply signals a tumor to grow and metastasize in search of new
oxygen sources - for example, hypoxic bladder cancers are
likely to metastasize to the lungs, which is frequently deadly."
A team of researchers lead by Dr.
Bradly Wouters, at the University of Toronto, Canada assert that
tumors with large areas with low levels of oxygen (areas known
as hypoxic regions) are associated with
poor prognosis and treatment response.
Not all the regions of a tumor are equal in terms of their
oxygen levels. One clinically important implication of this is
that tumors with large areas with low levels of oxygen
(areas known as hypoxic regions) are associated with poor
prognosis and treatment response.
Dr. Paolo Michieli and
colleagues, at the University of Turin Medical School, Italy
found that
tumors rely on hypoxia to promote their own expansion.
Hypoxia is a key factor driving tumor progression.
This is a
hallmark of malignant tumors and has been suggested to promote
tumor progression.
Combination Treatment Approach to
Treating Cancer
Combined with other treatment approaches
regulating cell voltage is another way of treating cancer.
Researchers in the US have already found out that simply
regulating the voltage of tumorous cells could be enough to stop
them spreading out of control but when combined with,
...we have a cancer approach that is worth
Using voltage testing and voltage
for treatment is a relatively new way of dealing with cancer.
"There's been a little bit of disbelief, because it's a whole
different ball game," says Dr.
Mustafa Djamgoz, a cancer biologist at Imperial College in
"It has opened up a whole new set of opportunities."
Oncologists know that having a
strong immune system is important in fighting cancer.
immune system needs voltage, iodine and ozone to kill bugs.
Tumors cannot grow if the oxygen levels are normal, and oxygen
levels are controlled by voltage," says Dr.
Jerry Tennant.
He could have said oxygen levels are
controlled by pH or oxygen levels control voltage because if
there is too little oxygen then the mitochondria cannot create
enough ATP to keep cellular energy high.
Do Not Forget the Body Temperature
It is important to notice in the
above chart about the oxygen disassociation curve that
temperature is important.
Adding heat into the body of anyone via the
heavy use of infrared sleeping mats
will also help to increase immune system strength, while giving
the patient a great measure
of comfort for pain.
Electromagnetic Fields, Voltage,
Cellular Communication, Oxygen Deprivation
Dr. Aleksandr Samuilovich Presman in
his 1970 book
Electromagnetic Fields and Life identified several
significant effects of the interaction of electromagnetic fields
with living organisms.
Electromagnetic fields:
information and communication roles in that they are employed by
living organisms as information conveyors from the environment
to the organism, within the organism and among organisms
are involved in life's vital processes in that they facilitate
pattern formation, organization and growth control within the
Dr. Haltiwanger says,
"Normal cells
possess the ability to communicate information inside themselves
and between other cells.
The coordination of information by the
cells of the body is involved in the regulation and integration
of cellular functions and cell growth. It takes energy to
communicate it takes voltage. When cancer arises cancer cells
are no longer regulated by the normal control mechanisms.
Communication breaks down because there is not enough voltage
for anything but destruction."
All biological process and in
particular the metabolism of every single cell are based on
their voltage and electromagnetic frequency.
Only an organism
which is sufficiently supplied with energy is able to control
the self-regulating mechanisms and has the powers of
regeneration and healing.
"The ideal task of cancer therapy is
to restore the function of the oxidizing systems," wrote Dr. Max
Gerson in his book,
A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and
the Cure of Advanced Cancer.
"Deprive a cell of 35% of its
oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous," said Dr. Otto
Deprived of air we die, but our cells have a bastardly
trick up their sleeves where they can survive low-oxygen
We call this condition cancer, the slow starvation
of healthy cells while cancer cells thrive.
Cancer Environment
Cancer involves an
interaction between rogue cells and surrounding tissue.
This is the clear message of
Mina Bissell.
Cancer cells routinely form in most
people's bodies in areas of low voltage, low oxygen and acidic
pH. What this means is that the health or sickness of
surrounding cells and the surrounding extracellular matrix
interact to shape cancer cell behaviors such as polarity,
migration and proliferation.
In the New York Times, we see
Dr. Susan Love, a breast cancer surgeon saying,
"What it means,
if all this environmental stuff is right, is that
we should be able to reverse cancer
without having to kill cells. This could open up a whole new way
of thinking about cancer that would be much less assaultive."
Cancer geneticist Dr.
Bert Vogelstein, director of the Ludwig Center for Cancer
Genetics and Therapeutics at John Hopkins said,
"One cannot
fully understand that disease unless one understands the tumor's
Though not the only way, micro-current is the
easiest and most direct way of altering local environments that
surround cancer tumors.
Electrocution of Cancer Cells
Some medical scientists discovered
that zapping cells with extremely brief, high-voltage electric
pulses that they could trigger the self-destruct mechanism in
the cells' biochemical machinery.
In the 1950's, a Swedish
radiologist and surgeon, Dr. Björn Nordenström demonstrated that when micro-current
was passed through
needles implanted into cancerous tumors it blocked cancer
pain and in many cases caused the tumors to regress or
He theorized that this treatment set up a form of
electro-osmosis that dehydrated the tumor and blocked production
of pain-producing substances such as histamine.
Dr Haltiwanger said that
Nordenström's technique was to place the positive electrode into
the tumor and the negative electrode outside of the tumor.
resulted in an increased flow of electrons into the tumor, a
change in the electrical field around a tumor and activation of
membrane receptors and ion channels.
If tumor cells are in fact
electron deficient this increased flow of electrons, membrane
receptor effects and movement of ions through ion channels will
have definite effects on cellular metabolic processes."
Karl H. Schoenbach and Stephen Beebe
reported inducing apoptosis in cancer cells with electric pulses
in 2001.
Using needle electrodes, they zapped tumors with a
series of electric pulses 300 nanoseconds long and 60 kilovolts
per centimeter in magnitude. They found that treated tumors grew
only 50 to 60 percent as big as the untreated tumor, with many
cells dying by apoptosis.
Delivering such high voltage in just a
few billionths of a second is akin to accelerating a car from 0
to 100 kilometers per hour and then decelerating it back to 0,
all within 1 second.
This is not what we are recommending.
PEMF Therapy
Low-level electromagnetic fields are known and
used to halt cancer cell growth.
Voltage is synonymous with electromagnetic fields.
Pulsed electromagnetic field
therapy (PEMFT) is FDA approved to promote
the healing of non-healing bone unions and has been used in
Europe for over 20 years with individuals with,
sports related injuries
wound healing,
...and other pain syndromes.
In layman's terms:
pulses create a brief, intense voltage around each cell. The
mitochondria within the cell grab some of this energy. This, in
turn, makes the cell more efficient at producing ATP and
delivering oxygen throughout the body.
Using micro-current is a
more direct way of bathing cells with voltage boosting ATP
production even higher than PEMFT techniques though the two can
and should be used together.

The spread or metastases of cancer
is inversely proportional to the amount of oxygen and the
acidity around the cancer cells.
The more oxygen, the slower the
cancer spreads. The less oxygen and the higher the acidity the
faster the cancer spreads. If cancer cells get enough oxygen,
they will die (cancer cells are anaerobic).
If you deprive a
group of cells of vital oxygen (their primary source of energy),
some will die, but others will manage to alter their genetic
software program and mutate and be able to live without oxygen.
When the oxygen level drops below
60%, the respiration process of making energy changes into
fermentation in a cancer cell. Normal cells turn cancerous.
Normal body cells need oxygen and are aerobic whereas cancer
cells do not need oxygen and are anaerobic.
Healthy cells
metabolize, burn oxygen and glucose to produce ATP.
Bottom line,
orthodox cancer treatments DO NOT treat cancer for they not
only do not address oxygen, pH and voltage levels, they make the
situation worse by lowering oxygen levels further, turn the body
more acid and thus health and voltage levels suffer.
What else
should one expect from toxic chemicals found in chemotherapy and
highly toxic nuclear radiation that is also used in orthodox
cancer treatments and tests.
Sometimes these dangerous
treatments do kill cancer before it kills the host.
No matter what anyone says cancer
survival statistics still imply that present orthodox cancer
treatments are not doing the job they should be doing, which is
to from the first moment of diagnosis, to raise body oxygen
levels along with pH levels as well as increase overall body
voltage through a host of means.
It is important to note that
magnesium also increases oxygen delivery to the cells because
magnesium is crucial for red blood cells to retain shape
- thus
their ability to carry oxygen.
Magnesium is one of the
most overlooked anticancer agents.
Kasper M.a.
Rouschop, Twan Van Den Beucken, Ludwig Dubois, Hanneke
Niessen, Johan Bussink, Kim Savelkouls, Tom Keulers, Hilda
Mujcic, Willy Landuyt, Jan Willem Voncken, Philippe Lambin,
Albert J. Van Der Kogel, Marianne Koritzinsky, and Bradly G.
Wouters - The unfolded protein response protects
human tumor cells during hypoxia through regulation of the
autophagy genes MAP1LC3B and ATG5 - Journal of
Clinical Investigation, 2009; DOI:
Maria Galluzzo,
Selma Pennacchietti, Stefania Rosano, Paolo M. Comoglio and
Paolo Michieli - Prevention of hypoxia by myoglobin
expression in human tumor cells promotes differentiation and
inhibits metastasis - Journal of Clinical
Investigation, 2009; DOI:
Comp Med. Aug
2011; 61(4): 339–345 - Effect of Magnetic Fields on Tumor
Growth and Viability