by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
September 13, 2010
NaturalNews Website
If there's one thing to
be learned from the recent "Stand Up To Cancer" telethon that
gathered top Hollywood celebrities to raise money for the cancer
industry, it's that you probably shouldn't get your health advice
from actors.
The cancer industry is losing its propaganda battle as more and more
people discover the truth about the toxic side effects of
chemotherapy as well as the cancer preventive powers of nutrients
like vitamin D and selenium.
With the science now clearly showing
that chemotherapy fails most patients and that conventional
approaches to cancer cause more harm than good, the cancer industry
has resorted to celebrity-influenced emotional theater to try to
lure more people into keeping its "someday we'll find a chemical
cure" scam going.
And starring in that theater are many top names in Hollywood, from,
Denzel Washington
George Clooney
Cindy Crawford
Katie Couric
Not present at the event, of course, were all the
celebrities who have been killed by the cancer industry, including
Patrick Swayze and Farrah Fawcett.
By this time next year,
that list will undoubtedly be even larger.
Give more
money, but don't inform yourself
The gushy, emotionally-charged cancer fundraiser theatrical
production was focused on raising more money for the failed cancer
industry, yet it utterly failed to empower viewers with real
information that could start saving lives right now:
about how anti-cancer nutrients like vitamin D and selenium can
slash cancer rates by 70 to 80 percent, saving hundreds of thousands
of lives around the world.
No celebrity told the viewing audience to "take more vitamin D
supplements to prevent cancer."
No celebrity urged people to "get
more sunshine and save your own life." The entire event was staged
to raise more money for the very same toxic cancer industry that's
right now killing celebrities and fans alike.
The whole charade was put on with a gushy, almost nauseating
emotional appeal that had nothing whatsoever to do with the actual
science on reversing cancer.
The Washington Post called the whole
thing "contrived" and described it as an event where,
actors, pop stars, news anchors and others donned especially shiny
halos and implored the world to give more to the cause. As always, the cancer
movement's message is that we are so close to a breakthrough."
The cancer
industry scam continues
But of course this has been the cancer industry's scam for more than
40 years:
Claim to be just a few more dollars away from "the cure"
while avoiding talking about the real, practical ways that people
can prevent cancer right now.
If all these Hollywood celebrities really wanted to help people stop
cancer, they would encourage viewers to stop drinking BPA chemicals
from plastic bottles, stop eating processed meat products, stop
using toxic chemicals found in personal care products and stop using
pesticides on their lawns.
That message, however, isn't as sexy and emotional as sharing
tear-jerker stories of how so many of the people we all love have
been killed by cancer. Where facts fail, emotion can always persuade
people to part with their money... especially if a famous person is
telling you to pledge more.
Of course I feel sad for all the people killed by cancer, but I feel
even more remorse for the ones killed by cancer treatments like
chemotherapy and radiation.
Nothing in this article should be
construed as making light of the very real pain and suffering
endured by those who are diagnosed with cancer or who undergo
chemotherapy and radiation - I have great compassion for them all.
In fact, I lost several close relatives to the deathly side effects
of chemotherapy, and I never want to see another person suffer from
cancer nor the devastating toxic side effects of chemotherapy.
But unlike these cancer industry celebrity shills, I'm working to
empower people with the information they need to halt cancer right
now. And I'm happy to be working in harmony with some other truly
courageous celebrities who are actually making a difference.
Suzanne Somers wasn't at the event.
That's because she's been
working hard sharing her book,
Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who
Are Curing Cancer - And How to Prevent Getting It in the First
Place. This is a book that actually teaches people how to prevent
and even cure cancer right now, using readily-available anti-cancer
remedies and treatments that don't make you vomit and die like chemo
often does.
Not surprisingly, nobody mentioned this book at the "Stand Up To
Cancer" telethon event.
After all, if people
knew cancer cures already existed, why would they bother giving more
money to the cancer industry?
The cancer
industry only wants to keep itself alive
And there's the punch line to this entire theatrical production,
Raising money to
fund the cancer industry depends on not talking about cancer
There are a lot of jobs
and egos to support in the cancer industry, and if word got out
about the prevention and cure strategies that really work right now,
all sorts of cancer industry beneficiaries would find themselves out
of work.
To keep the cancer industry going, celebrities get on stage and make
fools of themselves:
Diane Sawyer
Brian Williams
Katie Couric,
...bet their credibility on the event, not knowing that the whole thing
was staged to distract people from the real cancer solutions that
exist right now.
You can find some of those cancer remedies, by the way, through the
Cancer Control Society, Dr. Samuel
Epstein's "prevent
cancer" website or any of the websites devoted to
Gerson therapy.
You can even watch free videos explaining Gerson Therapy and other
natural cancer cures on NaturalNews.TV.
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The truth is, cancer can already be prevented and cured.
A few really well
informed celebrities like Suzanne Somers already know about this,
but most of the rest have bought into the cancer industry's
propaganda and misuse their celebrity power to extract yet more
money from the very people who are being victimized by the cancer
industry right now.
Charlatans of
the cancer industry
Make no mistake:
If curing cancer
were only a matter of money, it would have already been cured.
Billions of dollars have
been poured into finding a pharmaceutical cure, and even though no
such cure has ever been found (nor will it be from a chemical
perspective), the industry keeps promising they're oh so very close
to a cure if you would just reach deep into your pockets and see
what cash you can hand over today.
The whole thing smacks of the televangelism scandals of the 1980's,
where teary-eyed preachers were promising that your donations could
"buy you a place in heaven" even while they were banging prostitutes
in their luxury limos. The cancer industry is using your money to
fund luxurious lifestyles, too - the
American Cancer Society is the
wealthiest 'non-profit' in the world, supporting lavish salaries,
luxury vehicles and even widespread real estate holdings.
As Dr Sam Epstein
reports on his website:
"In 1992, The
Chronicle of Philanthropy reported that the ACS was "more
interested in accumulating wealth than in saving lives."
Fund-raising appeals routinely stated that the ACS needed more
funds to support its cancer programs, all the while holding more
than $750 million in cash and real estate assets.
A 1992 article in
the Wall Street Journal, by Thomas DiLorenzo, professor of
economics at Loyola College and veteran investigator of
nonprofit organizations, revealed that the Texas affiliate of
the ACS owned more than $11 million worth of assets in land and
real estate, as well as more than 56 vehicles, including 11 Ford
Crown Victorias for senior executives and 45 other cars assigned
to staff members.
Arizona's ACS
chapter spent less than 10 percent of its funds on direct
community cancer services. In California, the figure was 11
percent, and under 9 percent in Missouri."
This is the kind of thing celebrities are stumping for when they ask
the public to donate money to the cancer industry.
Adam Sandler doesn't seem too funny all of a sudden when you think
about the industry he's fronting on television. To give money to the
cancer industry is to put your hard-earned dollars directly into the
pockets of the very people who are purposely not talking about the
cancer cures that exist right this very minute - cures that could
save lives and ease suffering starting today.
And that's why "Stand Up To Cancer" should have aired on
The Comedy
Channel - it was all a sick joke.
It was an orgy of
celebrity-inspired propaganda and
Big Pharma disinformation, all
seductively packaged with heart-tugging stories of people who died
from toxic cancer treatments offered by very industry that now
claims to be trying to save your life.
Well, sure, we don't want people to die of cancer. That's a
no-brainer. But the sad, sick truth of the matter is that the very
industry financially benefiting from the event is the same one that
actually depends on a continuation of cancer to keep itself in
To appear on stage stumping for this industry is to announce to the
world, "I'm a cancer industry shill."
These celebrities only embarrass themselves with their ignorance.
Stand up to
the cancer industry
We don't need to "stand up to cancer..."
What we really need is to stand up to the cancer industry!
Stop giving your hard-earned money to cancer industry charlatans.
Instead, learn the truth about cancer cures like Gerson Therapy.
Read about
anti-cancer nutrients on NaturalNews
and pursue a sensible, healthful lifestyle that's rich with
sunlight, nutrition and natural foods.
Get the toxic chemicals out of your home, out of your bathroom and
out of your kitchen. Stop buying synthetic chemicals in your foods,
drugs and home care products.
But most of all, stop listening to health advice from ignorant
celebrities. That unfortunate habit will only get you killed. Just
because someone plays a famous character on television (or sings in
a rock band) doesn't mean they know anything whatsoever about
health, or cancer, or nutrition.
And if you're a celebrity thinking about stumping for the next
cancer industry fundraising telethon, please just take yourself off
stage and stop abusing your influence to take money from the poor
and give it to the (disease industry) rich.
Your actions are a
disgrace to your fans and they only cement your own membership in
the "celebrity ignorance Hall of Fame."