by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
December 02, 2010
NaturalNews Website
Earlier this week, the
Institute of Medicine finally got around to reluctantly admitting
that people need more vitamin D.
Raising the daily intake
recommendation from 200 IUs to 600 IUs still leaves most people
pitifully vitamin D deficient, and a flood of scientific research
that has emerged over the last four years reveals that vitamin D
deficiency causes cancer, osteoporosis, depression, diabetes, heart
disease, kidney disorders and depression.
In other words, vitamin D deficiency is the cornerstone of the
pharmaceutical industry's profit machine. Most of the really big
money now being shoveled into the cancer industry and the drug
companies comes from patients who are woefully deficient in vitamin
The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), the dietary
supplement industry's trade association, called the
new vitamin D recommendations,
"a modest step in
the right direction that fell short of truly capturing the
extensive and positive research that has consistently supported
the need for people to significantly raise their vitamin D
According to scientific
studies, right now 70 percent of whites are deficient in vitamin D,
97 percent of African Americans are
deficient, resulting in outrageously higher rates of cancer among
blacks compared to whites.
The Institute of
Medicine curiously claims such deficiencies do not exist, however.
Nutritionally-aware health professionals had hoped the Institute of
Medicine might suggest raising the daily intake of vitamin D to a
level that would actually help prevent cancer: 2000 IUs a day, or
even as much as 4000 IUs a day.
Most informed nutritionists right
now recommend anywhere from 2000 IUs to 4000 IUs per day for adults,
and the research on the connection between cancer and vitamin D is
Vitamin D prevents 77 percent of all cancers.
But this is precisely why the Institute of Medicine absolutely
cannot allow more vitamin D to be taken by the American people - it
would destroy the pharmaceutical industry's primary business model
by making people well!
warns people not to take too much Vitamin D (seriously...)
And so today, even as it reluctantly adjusted the daily recommended
intake to the 600 IU level (800 for the elderly), the Institute of
Medicine issued a ridiculous warning against "megadosing" on vitamin
D. (It considers a "mega dose" anything over 4000 IUs.)
mainstream media even jumped on the bandwagon, reporting that
anything over 10,000 IU can "cause kidney damage."
And yet, doctors
who know about vitamin D deficiency routinely prescribe 50,000 IUs a
day for their patients to help them recover and restore their
vitamin D back to healthy levels.
(That amount is only safe for
people who are severely deficient, by the way. NaturalNews agrees
this is not a safe dose for a person who already has sufficient
levels of vitamin D in their body.)
Dr Michael Holick, the vitamin D expert who has been routinely
attacked by conventional medicine for educating people about vitamin
D, takes 3,000 IUs a day himself.
He's featured in a NaturalNews
special report called
The Healing Power of Sunlight and Vitamin D.
The 600 IU level is a pitiful amount of vitamin D that's guaranteed
to continue the epidemic of vitamin D deficiency in America.
is a stunning disappointment," said Dr. Cedric Garland, one of the
top researchers who has studied the ability of vitamin D to prevent
A massive
vitamin D deficiency conspiracy,
among Big Pharma, Big Government and the mainstream
The real story in all this, by the way, is that there is a massive
conspiracy to keep the American people vitamin D deficient for as
long as possible.
This conspiracy is
achieved through the use of outright lies such as this whopper
published by CBS News a few days ago:
"While some people
truly are deficient in vitamin D, the average person already has
enough circulating in his or her blood. That's because we also
make vitamin D from sun exposure, and because many people
already take multivitamins or other D-containing dietary
This is, of course, a
blatant lie.
Most people don't take
vitamin D supplements, and few people get any sunshine at all. The
worst deficiency is, of course, among those with darker skin such as
African Americans and, to some extent, Latinos and Asians, all of
which are now suffering skyrocketing rates of cancer, diabetes and
other diseases.
That the mainstream media (and the entire medical community) would
lie to black people about vitamin D deficiency is no surprise: It
was traditionally blacks who were chosen for
Big Pharma's medical
experiments throughout
its nefarious history.
And now, the American people are the experiment!
The Institute of
Medicine, Big Pharma and
the FDA are all running a grand experiment
"What happens if we keep all Americans - but especially
the blacks - deficient in vitamin D?"
If you doubt the accuracy of that statement, consider the historical
fact that the U.S. government conspired with the National Institute
of Health to use Guatemalans as human guinea pigs in secret medical
experiments for which President
Obama was recently
forced to apologize!
Just as an explanation here, those with dark skin are far more
likely to be vitamin D deficiency because dark skin pigmentation
blocks the ultraviolet light that generates vitamin D in your skin.
Watch my video here for
a full explanation:
This text will be replaced by the player
The Institute of Medicine brazenly lied about vitamin D's effects on
preventing cancer, stating on its website,
"The IOM finds that the
evidence supports a role for vitamin D and calcium in bone health
but not in other health conditions. Further, emerging evidence
indicates that too much of these nutrients may be harmful,
challenging the concept that 'more is better.'"
In other words, the IOM wants you to believe that "more is NOT
better" when it comes to vitamin D, even though most people are
woefully deficient.
This is a subtle way of telling people to avoid
taking more vitamin D and thereby remain vitamin D deficient, which
would of course keep people trapped in sickness and disease which
generates huge profits for the pharmaceutical industry.
The vitamin D conspiracy is real.
Government, Big Pharma and even
some elements of the media are all scheming together to trap the
American population in a state of lifelong vitamin D deficiency. But
this conspiracy will ultimately fail because the nutritional science
about vitamin D cannot be suppressed for much longer. Especially not
if people inform themselves with nutritional knowledge by reading
websites like this one.
Vitamin D is the nutrient that could collapse the cancer industry
and destroy Big Pharma. That's why you need to keep learning about
it and keep taking it to make sure your levels of vitamin D are high
enough to prevent degenerative disease.
For the record, I do not sell vitamin D supplements of any kind, nor
do I earn any kickbacks or commissions of any kind from vitamin D
supplement companies.