by Christina Luisa
August 24,
NaturalNews Website
yet another example of the utter insanity of the medical
establishment, pregnant women are now being treated with
chemotherapy drugs.
And the ignorant (criminal?) oncologists insist there's
no harm to the baby!
You'd have to be utterly ignorant of basic human
physiology to believe that, huh?
can doctors say that smoking is bad for your baby, and
alcohol is bad for your baby, but chemo is perfectly
(For the record, chemotherapy is orders of magnitude
more toxic than smoking...)
Here's the full story on this outrageous practice now
being pursued under the name of oncology. This should be
In the world of medicine, the toxicity of
chemotherapy drugs is
widely known.
They make your hair fall
out, after all, and that's on top of the muscle wasting, vomiting
and overall health deterioration that chemo drugs admittedly
produce. But now the insanity has reached a new low with doctors
routinely prescribing chemotherapy drugs to pregnant women!
When a woman becomes pregnant, she is told to avoid alcohol,
caffeine, cigarettes, sushi and other conceivable risks to the
fetus. Almost every single medication and supplement has warnings
that pregnant women should consult a doctor before use.
The utmost of concern is taken to ensure the protection of the
unborn child. So does it seem reasonable that researchers claim that
exposing pregnant women to chemotherapy (a deadly treatment that
kills living cells) does not APPEAR to affect the fetus?
Though still fairly rare (the rate of pregnancy associated cancer is
about 1 in 1,000 pregnancies), the incidence of pregnancy associated
breast cancer is quickly on the rise.
It is becoming more common that pregnant women with breast cancer or
other forms of cancer are being treated with chemotherapy despite
the potential danger this is to the life growing inside of them.
Doctors have even told pregnant patients they will die within a
short period of time if they don't get chemotherapy, without
informing them of more natural and safe options for treating their
New data from researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson
Cancer Center says that pregnant women treated for breast cancer
supposedly do at least as well as non-pregnant women.
These results contradict earlier studies showing that outcomes were
worse for pregnant women treated for breast cancer. Many doctors in
the past have also recommended abortion, advising that chemotherapy
could cause birth defects.
In a German study examining outcomes among 122 pregnant breast
cancer patients, researchers concluded that pregnant patients can
often be treated as aggressively as non-pregnant patients, with
little evidence of ill effects to their babies.
These findings are said to prove that pregnant women who have breast
cancer can be treated successfully without harming their babies.
Abortion, the only other option that seems to be prevalently
considered in cases of cancer during pregnancy is unnecessary.
Experts admit to being unsure about what is behind the new
statistics but are apparently assuming the only important fact from
the new research findings is the revelation that women treated while
pregnant "do well."
One more
reason not to trust oncologists
Even if cancer is detected in early pregnancy, women are being
advised that chemo is completely okay if it is put off until the
second trimester, in order to minimize the risk of birth defects.
Studies have shown that the birth defect rate is as high as 20% when
chemotherapy is given in the first trimester, but that this rate
drops to around 1.3% when chemotherapy is given later in the
pregnancy. This percentage is said to be on par with the national
Chemotherapy given after the first trimester,
"does not usually
harm the fetus but may cause early labor and low birth weight."
Putting off chemo until
the later trimesters is supposedly good reasoning because the first
trimester is the most vulnerable period of a pregnancy, when vital
organs are still forming.
However, what makes doctors and researchers think that this fact
means the rest of the pregnancy does not also require extreme
caution, especially when it comes to lethal drugs in large doses?
Pregnant patients are also recommended to receive the same drugs as
non-pregnant patients in the same proportional doses according to
weight. Chemotherapy treated patients usually get a combination of
three drugs:
However, it is clearly stated on
Drugs.com that
Doxorubicin can
cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman.
This type of barbaric cancer treatment and the potent drug regimen
during pregnancy carries the possibility of having disastrous
effects in many cases.
How could this amount
and form of toxicity possibly not have some sort of significant harm
on the vulnerable cells developing into a tiny human within a
mother's womb?
Instead of referring pregnant women to natural cancer treatments
that are entirely safe for their unborn children, oncologists are
pushing them toward the "cure-all" of the corrupt cancer industry
This means more money
for them, but what about the children that will likely suffer due to
the powerfully toxic treatments they were exposed to while in their
mothers womb?
(uncertain) claims
It is being claimed by researchers, scientists, and doctors that
chemotherapy has supposedly no detrimental effect on the fetus and
that there is no increased risk of congenital defects in children
who are exposed to chemotherapy during pregnancy.
The reasoning used for this is that the placenta acts "as a filter"
for most of the products researched and,
"protects the fetus
against the damaging effects of chemotherapy."
New research is stating
that some medications barely penetrate the placenta, while in cases
of other drugs the same concentration is found in both the mother
and fetus.
Does this sound like
convincing enough evidence that the fetus is protected from the
harmful effects of chemo?
An article in the Journal of Clinical Oncology also claims
chemotherapy administered to pregnant women during second or third
trimesters for the treatment of breast cancer APPEARS safe for both
the fetus and mother.
In fact, many of the articles published on similar research studies
on chemotherapy during pregnancy claim that the dangerous treatment
APPEARS safe for unborn children. This wording certainly sounds
confident and sound.
Although it has been clinically proven chemotherapy and radiation
therapy can cause changes in germ cell DNA, most such changes are
claimed to,
"not be viable,
yielding only a slightly increased risk of birth defects."
Only a slightly
increased risk? Really?
Even a New York Times
article clearly stated that,
abound about just how chemotherapy affects babies in utero."
The same article
mentions how the FDA has established 5 categories for the use of
drugs during pregnancy, with category A the only unequivocally safe
Most chemotherapeutic
agents fall into category D, meaning there is clear evidence of risk
to the fetus.
The study that
started it all
In 1973, a senior researcher at the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro
Social in Mexico City named Dr. Agustin Aviles saw his first
pregnant patient with leukemia.
This woman became the
catalyst for his revolutionary study on the effects of chemo while
pregnant and the first of 84 patients who received chemotherapy
during pregnancy between 1973 and 2003 (58 of them during the first
All 84 had acute leukemia, advanced Hodgkin's or malignant lymphoma
and were told by doctors that putting off chemotherapy for even a
few days could kill both them and the unborn children in their
Among all 84 cases in his study, every fetus survived and 5.8% of
them had birth defects - most of which were reported to be
supposedly minor. In a follow-up study, Aviles examined 43 children
born to mothers who received chemo from 1970 to 1986.
The children's ages ranged from 3 to 19 at the time of his
assessment and all were recorded to have normal physical,
neurological and psychological development. Because of this study
and other more recent ones, doctors have been telling patients they
don't have to make a choice between their lives and the life of
their baby.
Although Aviles found that only 5.8 % of the babies of mothers who
had undergone chemo in the first trimester were born with defects,
other studies have found defects in the 14 to 19 % range when chemo
is given in the first trimester. Even during the second and third
trimesters, chemo is not risk free.
Some studies clearly
indicate that chemotherapy increases the risk of stillbirth, low
birth weight and retardation.
Pregnant chemo
patients are taking a potentially dangerous gamble
Most of the problems described in the babies exposed to chemotherapy
in this minor study were said by a doctor to not be related to the
treatment, but were "most probably due to other circumstances."
These circumstances were
not specified, however.
Some of the problems recorded in the study included:
trisomia 18 (a chromosomal disorder which caused a baby to die one
week after birth)
necrotic enterocolitis
(a severe bacterial infection of the intestine which caused
a baby to die three weeks after birth)
sepsis (blood
neutropenia (low
white blood cell count)
Few studies have followed the long-term
development of children born to women who received chemotherapy
during pregnancy.
Although growing numbers of doctors are recommending chemo as an
option for pregnant women, many of these women are still refusing
treatment unless they abort their fetus first. However, some women
have stated that being pregnant increases their will to survive
after being diagnosed.
This is a decision that clearly carries a lot of weight in many
different ways, and the only person who should be responsible for
deciding what is best for the baby is the mother carrying its life
in her body.
Article that talks about risks of chemo during pregnancy: