by Mark Sircus
14 November 2012
IMVA Website
Spanish version

Ask a car mechanic which is more important to an engine working -
the oil, gas, water or the air?
Mechanics know more than doctors what’s
wrong and how to fix it because they can grasp the basics. There are
only four of them!
Were it so in medicine we would be in a dawn of
medical enlightenment instead of at the tail end of the age of
pharmaceutical terrorism. In medicine we need vastly large brains to
comprehend not four but the eight basic factors at the core of cell
Car mechanics understand the simplicity of the formula that makes or
breaks a car engine’s performance. Even the lowly gas station
attendant knows that it’s the oil, water, gas and air that are all
necessary to run a motor.
They know to check three out of the four
as a matter of routine but doctors really don’t know what to check.
How many doctors check your
water levels when you pull into their clinic?
How many doctors test a
patient’s overall body pH?
How many check a patient’s
breathing rate to determine what the oxygen and carbon
dioxide levels are?
And how many check for
nutritional deficiencies in magnesium, bicarbonate and
They don’t probe into any of this very
often so you have to do it yourself.
Actually it is easy to do. You can
monitor your hydration by observing the color of your urine, you can
use inexpensive pH paper for assessing your acidity/alkalinity
balance, and you can certainly count how many times a minute you’re
If your urine is too yellow and your pH
is running too acidic, you know your cellular engine is running hot.
In dehydration we take a quick dive into acidic conditions that can
quickly get out of hand.
The first medicine Dr. David Brownstein offers his patients
is water with some real salt - which is salt that still has the
minerals in it.
That’s the most intelligent thing I have
heard from a medical doctor in a long time. In contrast the only
thing on an oncologist’s mind is to carpet bomb the cancer cells
with the most concentrated toxic drug they can find.
The models of modern oncologists aren’t working and in truth they
have not the slightest idea why.
Sometimes the best way to
understand a complex subject is to draw an analogy. So with an
apology to all the true mathematicians among my readers we will look
at what we should be called the medical singularity.
Singularity was originally a mathematical term for
a point at which
an equation has no solution. In physics, it was proven that a large
enough collapsing star would eventually become a black hole so dense
that its own gravity would cause a singularity in the fabric of
space time, a point where many standard physics equations suddenly
have no solution.
Beyond the “event horizon” of the black hole we have the known
universe but inside of it one cannot discern the difference between
one thing and another.
There is that point where everything
does come together and of course that point where everything breaks
apart into the normal separation between things in the created
What is that level of life where we cannot break things apart
without betraying their true nature? Is it that level where CO2
levels bind tightly with O2 levels? Is it the same place
where pH and cell voltage track each other?
For sure it is a singular point where
the hordes of infectious agents like to go and it is that place that
envelopes all of the above into a solid matrix of physiological
factors that are one with and thus equal to each other.
Left out of this equation are the heavy
metals and chemical carcinogens that often lie at the center of all
this gumming up the works.
The grand unification theory of medicine describes a certain point
in physiology where certain things are happening simultaneously with
others. There is a point where one cannot separate out oxygen from
CO2 levels because they are locked into a tight
mathematical relationship with each other. Same is true about pH and
cell voltage.
As CO2 levels go south with O2
levels, pH dives as does cell voltage.
Do you see how we have four parameters in the basement of cell
physiology that need to be mixed in sufficient water? I bet few if
any people have gotten to the level of understanding that
inflammation is inseparable from lower pH, oxygen, CO2
and cell energy levels. With inflammation we also have viral,
bacterial and fungal sharks ready to start biting on tissues until
the entire process leads to degenerative diseases and cancer.
Most infections do not take hold on strong healthy tissues.
So the only thing missing from this
picture is toxicity and strong nutritional deficiencies, which gets
the whole ball rolling in the first place. It is too early in the
game to start talking about emotions and sexual stress and
dissatisfaction and everything else that brings our personal lives
into the cancer condition.
I will talk about soft side of medicine
in my Breast and Prostate Cancer book due out in 2013.
Medical Journey
Imagine going into a cell and surrounding tissues in your mind and
listen to the beautiful singing of healthy and happy cells, all of
which are singing in healthy resonating frequencies and amplitudes
of energy.
But move past an area of inflammation
and the sights and songs change.
If we move past sick cells we can draw an image that will capture
everything I just said in one form. We can see the low oxygen and
the low CO2 and we can smell the toxic wastes and acids
building up and see them come up ugly in our view screens.
Don’t forget to look at the holes in the
cell walls and the damaged receptor sites hurt by the minerals that
are missing and hurt double again by the heavy metals and other
chemical poisons that take up the places where the minerals belong.
One Response to “Car Mechanics,
Oncologists and Physics”
Tim says:
November 15, 2012 at 5:01 am
Dr Sircus mentions the increased acidity which is inseparable
from illness, and indeed cancer, which thrives in acidic
conditions. pH is defined as the H+ ion concentration; therefore
by neutralizing these ions, health is restored. (This is why he
advocates the usage of bicarbonate).
The quickest way to change pH is to
supply - electrons; these are present in abundance beneath your
feet, in the earth itself. The entire theory of supplying
antioxidants to your body via vitamin C and fruit and veg relies
on the idea that the oxidation reactions which are inseparable
from metabolism need to be neutralized.
Oxidation is defined as loss of
electrons, so antioxidants supply these electrons. Or for
immediate and free access to them, take your shoes off and walk
on the earth.
If it’s too cold to do that, connect a wire to
yourself from the earth pin of your household supply. DO NOT
connect up either of the other two wires, ( brown/blue, or
red/black ) which are part of the live circuit. Just the green
wire, or the yellow/green in more modern circuits.
I truly believe that this simple act
will effectively supply something close to immortality to you.
It is the greatest of all forgotten secrets. God has given us
health with every footfall. There are sites online where you can
view the miraculous difference between cut blooms which are
placed in earthed water, and those which are not.
Second point, it is time to drop this idea of
Black Holes. They do not exist. Neither does
Dark Matter, or
Dark Energy. They
were hypothesized by Hawking et al. to try and patch up the
bankrupt idea, dating from Newton’s time, that gravity holds the
universe together.
Gravity is a very weak force; it
diminishes at the inverse square rate, i.e. double the distance
between two objects and the gravitational attraction between
them is down to 1/4. A thousand times the distance, attraction
is 1 millionth, etc. This inconvenient fact was unable to
explain how galaxies stayed in coherent forms, e.g. spirals, if
gravity is so weak.
Enter the BH, which is an invisible
chimera that exists only in the tortured minds of some
astrophysicists. It is massive, and conveniently sits at the
centre of every galaxy, although it is invisible and
undetectable (The King’s New Clothes, anyone?) therefore it has
a lot of gravitational force associated with it; problem solved.
Except that it isn’t. BH’s are allegedly neutron stars, only
problem being that neutrons cannot coalesce. They do not exist,
although the media has convinced you that they do, without
providing any scientific evidence whatsoever.
It is simply left to your natural
credulity and love of programs such as Star Trek to fill in the
It’s just a matter of repeating the idea so frequently that
eventually you stop questioning it.
The universe is held together by electromagnetism, which force
declines as the inverse of distance, i.e. at a thousand times the
separation, the force is still 1/1000, not 1 millionth.
Problem genuinely solved.
See “The
Electric Universe” for all the details.