by Amitakh Stanford
November 20,
A long, long time ago, the Earth was used as a dumping ground by
many different alien races. Spacecraft-loads of toxic waste were
strewn about the planet. Aluminium was one of the main waste
products that was dumped on the Earth.
While it was detrimental to the Earth to be loaded with aluminium,
hazards increased dramatically when humans began refining the metal.
Fluoride is an extremely toxic by-product of aluminium refining.
Since industrialists were unable to safely dispose of fluoride, they
called upon the ruling elite's assistance to set their propaganda
machine into motion.
Before long, university
professors, dentists, health officers and many others were espousing
the "marvel" of fluoride in reducing dental caries (tooth decay).
The propaganda is so
effectively spread that it is difficult to find a non-fluoridated
tube of toothpaste in most supermarkets. Due to the mass propaganda
campaign in support of fluoride, a huge number of communities have
fluoridated their water supplies and a vast amount of drinking water
now contains the toxin.
Fluoride is no ordinary toxin - it is a highly protected medication
(poison). Many who know the truth realize that it would be unlikely
for a coroner to report a suspicious death from fluoride poisoning
because the ruling elite would not want to alert the public to the
fact that fluoride is highly toxic. In fact, fluoride is a very
effective rat poison. Hence, it can also kill people.
However, non-lethal
doses, such as those found in ordinary toothpaste tubes, are often
responsible for dental fluorosis or bone fluorosis.
The dental professionals have been targeted for maximum programming
to advance the "beneficial" properties of fluoride. They have the
propaganda forced upon them during their university training, and
they parrot back the "benefits" of fluoride to their patients, who
blindly accept that their family dentists would certainly have
researched the issue thoroughly before recommending fluoride to
Those who have seriously
examined the "benefits" of fluoride realize that the studies
supporting the use of the toxin are at best inconclusive regarding
prevention of tooth decay. When pressured, some dentists will admit
that fluoride is toxic, but follow this up with a parroted
response that while it is poisonous, there is an optimum amount of
the poison that is "beneficial" as long as one does not overdose on
One concern that dentists do voice is that because children often
swallow toothpaste, they should be given small doses for brushing
their teeth. Dentists know that if a child swallows too much
toothpaste, it can be very dangerous, or even fatal. Surprisingly,
this knowledge and these warnings are insufficient to break through
the Reptilian propaganda supporting
rat poison (sodium fluoride) in water and toothpaste.
One ought to remember that dentists also recommend the use of
amalgam fillings to seal dental cavities.
Amalgam fillings
contain mercury, which is also a deadly poison. Consumers
have enough knowledge to realize they should not eat fish that
contains mercury, but again, they blindly accept their neighborhood
dentists' recommendations to put the poison into their mouths.
Dentists have become so indoctrinated by the ruling elite's
propaganda that they ardently believe and support the "benefits" of
fluoride for healthy teeth. The main reason that the malicious
propaganda on fluoride is so widely accepted and promoted is the
subtle programming behind it. This is not so much a physical
programming as it is subliminal. The culprits behind the fluoride
conspiracy are the Anunnaki Reptilians.
The Reptilians are a horrible race of aliens that sit atop the Dark
hierarchy in the Virtual Reality. One should realize that
among Reptilians there is also a hierarchy - they have rulers and
subjects amongst them.
It is primarily the
Anunnaki Elites' agenda to bring in the
New World Order and to take total
control of the Earth.
The Reptilian programming runs through the occult and other fields
to brainwash people in many ways. So, too, it is with the fluoride
issue. The ruling elite want people to believe that sodium fluoride
is beneficial. This lie is intended to be 100 percent effective.
That means that the programming is directed at everyone to accept
the benefits of fluoride.
Once a person accepts any form of programming, he or she is
subjected to the programming. Since the Reptilians are striving for
100 percent acceptance of fluoride, there is little conflict over
the issue. While a small group of people resist the programming,
they are not allowed to present their cases to the public.
The media has sealed the
issue "drum tight" and anti-fluoridationists are not given an
opportunity to present their cases. There is no open debate on the
issue because to do so would expose the ruling elite's long-standing
poisoning plan.
The propaganda is so
powerful that anti-fluoridationists are scorned, ridiculed,
rejected and abused for taking a stance against fluoride.
In contrast to sodium-fluoride programming, consider how the theory
of evolution has been presented and widely accepted by academics,
who in turn indoctrinate their students in universities throughout
the world. Acceptance of the theory of evolution was never intended
to be 100 percent effective. The ruling elite has other simultaneous
programming that is in total conflict with the acceptance of the
theory of evolution.
One such programming is
the fundamentalist doctrine of creation as it is presented in
the Bible.
The programmed
fundamentalists and the programmed evolutionists were programmed to
have conflict and strife, which suits the ruling elite's plans quite
nicely. The ruling elite also programs denominations of
religions to be in conflict with
one another, and for independent religions to be in conflict with
one another. This also allows the ruling elite to manipulate and
control by imposing strife upon the people of the Earth.
As many of you might have suspected, the ruling elite have
infiltrated and/or taken over the esoteric and occult, including
Likewise, the ruling
elite have sponsored the New Age movement.
These seemingly divided
groups are headed by those with a single purpose - to control all
the inhabitants of the Earth. Sadly, many sincere people in the
movements have no idea that they are supporting the ruling elite's
plan for a One World Order!
So critical is the acceptance of the brainwashing of fluoride that
it is aimed at 100 percent of the population.
This unusual type of
programming should sound many alarms.
Firstly, it
shows how effective Reptilian programming is.
Secondly, it
demonstrates that there can be no free speech on issues that
the ruling elite want to seal off.
Thirdly, it
shows how evil the ruling elite are.
Finally, it
demonstrates how few people on the planet can think for
themselves and resist Reptilian programming.
The recent calls from
various governments to impose draconian laws, supposedly to fight
terrorism, means that in future anyone who dares speak the truth on
important issues such as fluoridation will simply disappear without
a trace. This is frightening!
When people are totally
under the control of draconian regimes, they will be even more
robotic than they are now in this robot farm of Virtual Reality.
The Reptilians have only relatively recently (a few hundred years
ago) decided to eliminate the human race. To bring this about, they
called upon the co-operation of
the Greys, who were promised by
the Reptilians that their race
would be used as the main hominid race on the planet.
However, this promise to
the Greys was never a genuine one.
Believing that they would become a major force on the Earth, the
Greys began performing
DNA and genetic manipulation,
trying to form hybrids using human and Grey DNA. The Greys are
busily perfecting these hybrids, which explains many of the human
abductions for experimental purposes.
Greys are doing this
brutal, surreptitious, unethical work without the consent of their
victims. The result is even cruel to the hybrids, who do not really
fit in to either the alien or the human societies.
However, some hybrids,
when they encounter their human or their alien parents, will
sometimes be drawn to them, and vice versa. In performing these
horrific genetic manipulations, Greys are relying on the false
promise from the Reptilians, but the Reptilians will never allow the
hybrids to dominate the planet.
Many skeptics mockingly ask,
"Where are the
Little do they know that
many aliens are now in human, animal and hybrid bodies.
Now, the Greys on Earth are in great numbers and they are scattered
all over the world. Unlike most Reptilians, who live in spacecrafts
or on high ground where they employ invisibility techniques, the
Greys who are still in alien bodies live under ground.
Owing to living underground over a long period of time, the Greys
have developed a peculiar deficiency that mainly affects their
sight. Even the hybrids that use Grey DNA are afflicted with this
visual malady. Thus, the Greys needed to develop a medication
that was readily available throughout the world.
The optimum medication
they found is sodium fluoride, which is most effective when
diluted in minute quantities in drinking water.
"One person's tonic
is another's poison."
So it is with sodium
fluoride. It is extremely harmful to humans, but necessary for the
The effects of long-term
consumption of fluoridated water by rats has resulted in structural
changes in the neurons of their brains and in their blood vessels.
Fluoride has been shown to effectively reduce IQ and is also tied to
certain memory disorders. If users of fluoride are malnourished,
they age prematurely. Fluoride is also detrimental to spiritual
Interestingly, high
concentrations of Greys are found in or near many places where
fluoride "naturally" occurs in water.
One dramatic piece of government propaganda states:
Since 1950,
opponents of water fluoridation have claimed it increased the
risk for cancer, Down syndrome, heart disease, osteoporosis and
bone fracture, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, low
intelligence, Alzheimer disease, allergic reactions, and other
health conditions.
The safety and
effectiveness of water fluoridation have been re-evaluated
frequently, and no credible evidence supports an association
between fluoridation and any of these conditions.
(Div of Oral
Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and
Health Promotion, CDC; 22 Oct. 99).
The above proclamations
are typical of fluoridation proponents.
Why do the ruling elite
scoff, threaten and ridicule anti-fluoridationists who present real
evidence concerning the dangers of fluoride? The medication (sodium
fluoride) is forced upon an unsuspecting public under the guise that
it reduces tooth decay. Are they really concerned about public
health or do they have another agenda?
Perhaps the worst aspect of the fluoride conspiracy is that it is
practically permanent pollution. Once clean water is contaminated
with sodium fluoride, almost nothing short of distillation will
remove it. Distillation is time-consuming, expensive and it leaves
water tasteless and lacking in nutrition. So, it is a losing
proposition to fight off fluoridation by distilling water.
Even when people avoid the fluoride invasion in their water at home,
they face the poison everywhere they turn. It is in cosmetics, soft
drinks, prepared foods and just about any food product imaginable.
The Reptilians have an elaborate scheme to convince the Greys by
maintaining the illusion of their promise to them through actively
programming the world to accept sodium fluoride in drinking water.
In reality, the Reptilians are more interested in re-establishing a
super race of Reptilians than allowing another alien race like the
Greys to have any kind of foothold anywhere.
Since the Reptilians are worried about the mess on Earth and about
the proliferation of the Greys, they have come to the conclusion
that the Earth must be destroyed to eliminate the huge base
of Greys on the planet and hopefully to resolve the many serious
problems concerning the Earth.
For a long time, the
Greys have been subjected to the rule of the Reptilians. But this
will not continue much longer.
Already, friction has
occurred between them because many Greys are suspecting that the
Reptilian promise is an empty one. It will not be long before many,
if not all, Greys will change sides and support
the Vulturites. This will manifest
as a shift in politics amongst nations of the world.
As I have discussed in some of my other postings, the Reptilians
currently possess
the Atu-waa (the device for
re-starting time), but the Atu-waa is inoperable and irreparable.
For many reasons, the
Atu-waa cannot be removed from the Earth at this time. Even though
the Earth is an ideal planet for the location of the Atu-waa, the
Reptilians are worried about the growing numbers of Greys through
the hybrids. No wonder the Reptilians now plan to destroy the Earth
and re-locate the Atu-waa if they can re-start time.
The Reptilians have new plans for a new world that can safely house
the Atu-waa without the threats from other alien races. These plans
will not succeed because the Reptilians will not be able to re-start
To break away from any of the enslaving programming in this
Virtual Reality, one has to
consciously reject the programming.
This can be difficult if
one is not remotely suspicious of such programming. One has to
employ the will of one's True Self to reject the programming. This
will enable a person to automatically break any pre-set pattern or
programming. To do this, a person needs to keep his or her emotions
at a reasonable level so that one can bypass them.
One's will to resist Darkness and Its Dark programming is
one's strongest tool to remain in the True Light.