by Richard Gale
July 1, 2010
SmirkingChimp Website
Richard Gale
& Gary Null
Progressive Radio Network, June 30, 2010
Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the
Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research
Analyst in the biotechnology and genomic industries.
Gary Null is the host of the nation’s longest running
public radio program on nutrition and natural health and
a multi-award-winning director of progressive
documentary films, including Vaccine Nation and Autism:
Made in the USA. |
A central principle of
democracy is freedom of choice.
We can choose our
political party, our religion, and the food we eat, but this does
not seem to be the case when it comes to our medical choices and our
freedoms to make them.
The recent unanimous 11-0 vote by the members of the Centers for
Disease Control’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
favoring every American over the age of six months receive the flu
influenza vaccine is one more attempt by our federal health
officials to open up our bodies to the free market capitalism of
pharmaceutical coffers. It is another step to mandate a vaccine
across the nation, a policy that has many supporters in the
pro-vaccine science community.
The vote raises an alarm about our federal government’s scientific
integrity, and calls into question its true allegiance and purpose:
to protect the health of American citizens or increase
Big Pharma profits. If the
recommendation were ever enforced, the US would be the only nation
in the world with mandatory flu vaccination.
However, what our
investigations show and what differentiates the US health agencies
from the health ministries in other nations, is that in the US
federal health system Big Pharma money, lobbying and corporate
favors are what shape drug and vaccine policies and this is rampant
throughout the system.
Mandatory influenza vaccination has been tried before across a
During the 1980s, Japan
had mandatory flu vaccination for school children. Two large scale
studies that enrolled children from four cities with vaccination
rates between 1 and 90 percent discovered no difference in the
incidences of flu infection. As a result, in 1987, Japanese health
authorities ruled that flu vaccination was ineffective and was no
more than a serious financial and legal liability if it was to
The mandatory policy
was quickly overturned. By 1989, the number of Japanese taking the
flu vaccine dropped to 20 percent. A follow up study at that time
found that there was statistically insignificant change in influenza
infection rates compared to when the vaccine was mandatory.[1]
Now we are hearing that for the forthcoming 2010-2011 flu season,
the H1N1 flu strain will be included in the seasonal flu vaccine.
This will be a quadravalent vaccine comprised of four strains
including the H1N1.
As of this month, the
World Health Organization (WHO)
continues to evaluate the H1NI virus at a 5 level pandemic and
issues warnings to deaf ears now that people realize the WHO’s word
is disreputable. Nevertheless, we should still brace ourselves for
another year of old yarn, fear-mongering, media spin and more voodoo
A brief overview of the past H1N1 pandemic boondoggle will help us
to understand the addiction of denial permeating the ranks of the
CDC’s advisory committee. It presents a picture of a delusional
bubble, unrelated to medical facts, that the CDC has found comfort
to float within. The simple fact remains that the CDC is
disconnected from anything resembling legitimate science thereby
making their recent decision ludicrous and criminally irresponsible.
The CDC’s predictions of particular strains during past flu seasons
has never been especially accurate. In fact, often it has been
extraordinarily dismal.
The previous swine flu
prediction in 1976 resulted in only one swine flu death but hundreds
of people suffering permanent disabilities, including death, from
the vaccine. For the 1992-1993 flu season, the prediction made for
the virus used in the vaccine was off by 84 percent. For the
1994-1995 season, it was off by 43 percent for the primary strain
targeted and off 87 percent and 76 percent for the other two
The Laboratory Center
for Disease Control’s study comparing vaccine strains with the
strains appearing during the 1997-1998 season found the match off by
84 percent. One would achieve a greater accuracy rate by simply
flipping a coin.
An article published in the prestigious British Medical Journal in
2005, “Are
US Flu Death Figures More PR Than Science” is apropos for
addressing the wildly inflated figures by the WHO and CDC to present
their case for mass vaccination measures.
The article begins,
“US data on
influenza deaths are a mess.”
The study reviews the
CDC’s own statistical data and finds numerous inconsistencies and
incompatibilities between,
“official estimates
and national vital statistics data.”
Although the
government’s predictions never came close to the “dire outcomes”
stated by our health officials, the CDC’s own communication strategy
was marked by high levels of fear.[2]
The US government’s assessment of the past H1N1 scare is another
example of flawed science and incompetence. In last August’s issue
of USA Today, the White House’s Council of Advisors on
Science and Technology, which receives its recommendations from the
CDC, warned us that the H1N1 would kill between 30-90,000 American
At the same time,
the CDC was predicting 2 million
people would be infected and as high as 40 percent of the entire
The WHO, which sleeps
in the same bed with the CDC in their shared complexes in
Atlanta, was screaming figures of 7.5 million deaths worldwide.
Consequently, the FDA fast-tracked swine flu vaccines manufactured
by 5 different drug makers, none which met reliable standards of
viable clinical testing and data to determine their efficacy and
safety. And pregnant women, young children and the elderly
were primary targets - those also most susceptible to serious
vaccine adverse reactions.
Over $1.6 billion tax
dollars went to Big Pharma on orders of 229 million doses, of which
only 90 million were actually administered and the remaining 71
million left to decompose on shelves or dump off on poorer nations
out of the graciousness of the American philanthropic spirit.
However, as we witnessed in 2009 and the early months of 2010,
people woke up to the false alarm of a swine flu pandemic.
Often intuition is
better suited to sniff out a hoax and scandal than the
pseudo-science our federal health officials give obeisance to behind
closed door conference rooms. And in the case of
the so-called H1N1 pandemic,
intuition proved correct. Our health agencies’ warnings and numbers
propagandized over mainstream media simply did not add up and have
been consistently found to be contrary to more medically reliable
and unbiased facts generated by independent sources without ties to
the private vaccine manufacturers.
Whenever the CDC, the FDA and the US Department of Health and Human
Services post figures, it is a prudent rule of thumb to be
suspicious and investigate their accuracy. The fact of the matter is
that the CDC is completely clueless about this past season’s flu
infection rate and the number of deaths due to the H1N1 strain.
Let us explain why.
Immediately following the WHO’s decision in May 2009 to cease
laboratory testing of samples to determine the actual biological
cause of infectious cases with influenza-like symptoms, the US
followed suit. Therefore, no matter what they tell you, no matter
what Dr. Gupta and other
tools of the media and
establishment have to say, no proper testing was performed.
PCR technology can determine the
actual subset of a Type A flu strain, such as H1N1.
But PCR diagnosis was
not routinely performed in order to monitor and track rates and the
spread of infection. By its own admission, a CDC report found that
rapid influenza kits used in hospitals and clinics were wrong as
much as nine out of ten times, and on average between 40-69 percent.
The CDC determined that
the instant tests are,
“not highly
worthwhile for diagnosing H1N1 infections.”
So why would any
organization responsible for the tracking of an infectious disease
believed to be a global health threat, potentially threatening the
lives of millions of people, make such a decision to not carefully
monitor flu infections is beyond comprehension, unless it knowingly
determined, with malice of forethought, that the H1N1 strain was
mild and not a national danger.
And many independent
experts in infectious diseases had been stating this throughout the
season but our health agencies preferred to ignore their warnings.
Yet it is the reported death rates due to H1N1 infection that
seriously call the CDC’s integrity into question. According to the
CDC reports, anywhere between 8,870 and 18,300 Americans died from
swine flu. For the sake of simplicity, the health feds conveniently
circulate the figure of 12,000 deaths.
Projections in the UK were equally off the mark. The British
Ministry of Health was expecting 65,000 deaths, but reported only
500 towards the season’s end. British citizens, however, were better
informed of the scandalous hoax and of the 110 million vaccine doses
purchased, under contracts amounting to over $864 million to
the drug makers (not including national preparatory measures
bringing the total to over $1 billion for a small
population), only 6 million Brits, approximately 10 percent, were
What figures does the World 'Health' Organization report for
the number of worldwide swine flu deaths? 18,036. That is correct,
not millions.
That is only 5
percent of the global figure for deaths associated with the regular
seasonal flu.
I don’t need an advanced
degree to notice a grave discrepancy here, unless we are to believe
that the H1N1 virus was on autopilot to target victims with American
birth certificates or citizenship.
But the reasons for the
CDC’s erroneous numbers are quite easy to understand.
First, as
mentioned, the CDC did not monitor the swine flu with any
precision and accuracy. Our officials don’t have, and never
had, the data to make any accurate determination.
the CDC does not distinguish between deaths caused by an
influenza virus and deaths due to pneumonia. The two are
lumped together in their mortality statistics and
pneumonia-related deaths are reported as having an initial
influenza cause.
For example, if
we take the combined figure of flu and pneumonia deaths for
the flu period of 2001, and spin the figures, we are left
believing that 62,034 people died from influenza.
The actual
figures are 61,777 died from pneumonia and only 257 from
flu. Even more amazing, in those 257 cases, only 18 were
scientifically identified as positive for the flu virus.
These are the
CDC’s own figures.
But does
the New York Times, Boston Globe, Washington Post
and all the others report this? No.
Do any
of the puppets that mumble on television, with
access to official sources and data, actually do
their homework? No.
A separate study
conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics for
the flu periods between 1979 and 2002 reveals that the
actual range of annual flu deaths were between 257 and 3006,
for an average of 1,348 per year.[3]
This is a far
cry from the 36,000 annual flu deaths still found on the
CDC’s website and vomited by the major media.
And here is the catch. If we apply the same criteria to
determine the actual number of swine flu related deaths in
2009-2010, serious vaccine adverse effects, besides the
hundreds of reported miscarriages, would far outweigh deaths
and injury due to the virus.
there are over 150 different viruses during any given flu
season that can cause flu-like symptoms, such as adenovirus,
parainfluenza, bocavirus, etc. Very few of these are ever
For example, in
Canada where actual infection rates are more carefully
monitored, during the 2004-2005 flu season, the Canada
Communicable Disease Report showed that of the 68,849
laboratory tests performed for influenza, only 14.9% tested
positive for a flu virus. The remaining 85.1% specimens were
a result of other pathogens impervious to flu vaccines.[4]
For the
following 2005-2006 season, Health Canada received 68,439
tests for influenza like infections. Of these, only 6,580,
or 10.4% confirmed positive for influenza. The rest, 89.6%,
were other pathogens.[5]
So no vaccine
would have benefited or protected those almost 90 percent in
In the US, however, the CDC relies upon an esoteric witch’s
brew of figures based upon various mathematical algorithms
and speculative projections with no sound basis in reality.
On one CDC site we find evidence of their flawed
modeling was used to estimate how many flu-related
deaths occurred among people whose underlying cause of
death on their death certificate was listed as a
respiratory and circulatory disease.”[6]
This is clearly
an indication of policy turned dogmatic with utterly
disregard for sound scientific evidence. It is all business
as usual, negligent disregard for scientific reason, and
full speed ahead.
And while the brilliant minds in the CDC decide to expose
all Americans to the adverse risks of influenza vaccination:
We should not
lose sight of what is unfolding across the great pond in the
European Union’s investigations into the CDC’s favorite bed
partner - the WHO, an utterly corrupt organization at every
Two reports recently
published have indicted the WHO for serious malfeasance and conflict
in interests behind the fabrication and propagation of the 2009-2010
H1N1 swine flu pandemic and has been called a “momentous error” in
global health oversight.
The people at the WHO
had as much accuracy in their predictions as the Bush administration
did with WMDs in Iraq.
The British Medical Journal printed a research paper by its Features
Editor, Deborah Cohen, and Philip Carter from the
Bureau of Investigative Journalism in London, charging the largest
global health organization with exaggerating the HI1N1 flu and being
steered in their decisions and fraudulent fear campaign by the
pharmaceutical industrial complex.
According to the
“credibility of the
WHO and the trust in the global public health system” has been
A second devastating
preliminary report released by the Health Committee of the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (CE) found gross
negligence and lack of transparency in
the WHO’s handling of the swine flu scare.
Throughout the WHO’s key
advisory committees, particularly a secretive group known as the
“emergency committee”, which steered the WHO’s assessment and
predictions of the spread of H1N1 flu virus and advised them to
announce a level 6 pandemic, were
scientists entrenched in the morass of private vaccine and drug
interests, particularly,
Even worse, the WHO
never publicly disclosed widespread conflict of interests.
Paul Flynn, the
rapporteur for the CE’s report stated,
“the tentacles of
drug company influence are in all levels of the decision-making
process,” and “they vastly over-rated the danger on bad
Following a lengthy
investigation, a preliminary report, which still awaits a final
version next month, states the result of the WHO’s negligence in
proper oversight resulted in the,
“waste of large sums
of public money and unjustified scares and fears about the
health risks faced by the European public”
The WHO continues to
withhold the names of the 16 members sitting on its secret
“emergency committee.”
However, this week, two
of the members resigned, notably Dr. John MacKenzie from
Curtin University in Australia, who was the WHO advisor who first
urged the organization to call a pandemic and is well known to be
entangled in financial interests and investments with the
pharmaceutical cartel.
So far the CDC has weathered the WHO controversy in Europe
A fundamental oversight
in the CE’s investigation and hearings has been solely targeting the
WHO. It ignores the role of government health agencies’ complicity
in promulgating the H1N1 hoax and the flushing away of billions of
dollars into the drug industry, especially during an economic
downturn and recession.
As we witness the
WHO’s indifference and denial of wrongdoing crumble, the
question remains over whether or not the CDC was complicit in the
propagandizing of the astronomically expensive H1N1 hoax.
Of course,
the vaccine industry doesn’t give a
damn about the investigations. Their vaccines, anti-viral drugs, and
oligarchic rule over the medical caste system make them immune to
independent international scrutiny. And we can be assured none of
the lap dogs at the New York Times, MSNBC and other major media
would expose their crimes. In the shadow of this medical charade,
the drug makers are laughing their way to the banks.
No Big Pharma executive
is sitting before investigative committees to give an accounting of
corporations’ role in the pandemic debacle. Instead, after scoring
over $6 billion (Associated Press, May 19, 2010 ) it is again
business as usual and another flu season ahead to further increase
Similar to the WHO, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Vaccination
and Practice, which voted in favor of a flu vaccine-for-all
policy, is equally stacked with individuals entrenched in financial
ties with the vaccine and drug makers.
The Committee’s Chair,
Dr. Carol Baker from Baylor University, has consistently
received research and educational grants and private donations from
Big Pharma. She is also on the
Board of Directors of the National Foundation of Infectious
Diseases, a consulting body of scientists frequently wined and dined
and provided perks by the pharmaceutical industrial complex.
Another Baylor
University committee member, Dr. Wendy Keitel, received
clinical trial support from Novartis, the maker of the H1N1 vaccine
most widely distributed in the US.
Dr. Janet Englund
at the Children’s University Medical Group in Seattle received
financial support for clinical trials favoring vaccines made by,
Dr. Cody Meissner
received Big Pharma support through Tufts University for his
supporting clinical trials for Medimmune’s RSV vaccine and for
participation in Wyeth’s streptococcus vaccine for children, Prevnar.
To put this into greater perspective, since the FDA relies on
industry-funded clinical trials and subsequent data to approve
vaccines and drugs, there also appeared in the news this month a
critical finding from the German Institute for Quality and
Efficacy in Health Care, published in the peer-reviewed journal
Trials. The study investigated 90 approved drugs in the US (and let
us make no mistake, vaccines are drugs!
In fact, the flu vaccine
is listed as a Category C drug; which means there are no
adequate safety studies to determine whether flu vaccination
adversely affects pregnant mothers and their fetuses.) and
discovered that 60 percent of the 900 papers were unpublished and
some were concealed from the federal regulatory agencies. Forty to
sixty percent omitted clinical details or changed their final
Among the pharmaceutical
industry studies alone, 94 percent were unpublished, and 86 percent
of the university studies sponsored by drug makers remained
What does this tell us?
If they were positive
results, the drug companies would without hesitation publish their
findings; but if the clinical studies’ results contradict their
expectations negatively, thereby delaying and preventing regulatory
approval and licensure of a product, then there is no incentive for
their release. And they are under no regulatory obligation to
publish or produce them.
Hence the American
public is denied approximately 90 percent of the actual clinical
data performed on any given drug or vaccine. The German study
concludes that drug makers intentionally,
“conceal unfavorable
results or results that do not fulfill one’s expectations.”
Therefore, the vaccine
and drug makers are permitted to conduct their nefarious, quack
science behind closed doors with full participation and cooperation
from the
Of course, the CDC and
FDA condone this behavior because they are completely subservient to
the power and wealth of the pharmaceutical industry.
The recent CDC vote continues a tradition of denial over independent
studies and reports warning of the over-exaggerated alarm and the
dangers of pushing forward with an H1N1 vaccine that was not given
sufficient time to prove its safety and efficacy. They even deny
their own voices.
Dr. Anthony Morris is a distinguished virologist and a former
Chief Vaccine Office at the FDA. His view about influenza vaccines
summarizes their efficacy well.
In Morris’s opinion,
"there is no
evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is
effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza,"
Dr. Morris states, as a matter of record.
“The producers of
these vaccines know they are worthless, but they go on selling
them anyway.”
Canada’s Vaccination
Risk Awareness Network (VRAN)
website is a community of physicians, researchers and vaccine
researchers and journalists reporting on vaccines’ flawed promises
and pseudo-science.
Among all vaccines, the
flu vaccine is presented with “The Most Useless Vaccine Of-All-Time
Some of the most damning evidence about the efficacy of flu vaccines
was reported in two studies performed by Dr. Tom Jefferson,
head of the Vaccine Field Group at the prestigious
Cochrane Database Group, published
in The Lancet and the prestigious Cochrane Database Systems Review.
The first study was a systematic review of the effects of influenza
vaccines in healthy children.[8]
The other was a review
of all the available published and unpublished safety evidence
available regarding flu vaccines.[9] The authors of the
study had also contacted the lead scientists or research groups for
all the efficacy and safety trial studies under their review in
order to gain access to additional unpublished trial studies the
corporations may possess.
The conclusions are
shocking. The only safety study performed with an inactivated flu
vaccine was conducted in 1976. Thirty-four years ago!
And that single study enrolled only 35 children aged 12-28 months.
Every other subsequent inactivated flu vaccine study enrolled
children 3 years or older.
Dr. Jefferson told Reuters,
“Immunization of
very young children is not lent support by our findings. We
recorded no convincing evidence that vaccines can reduce
mortality, [hospital] admissions, serious complications and
community transmission of influenza. In young children below the
age of 2, we could find no evidence that the vaccine was
different from a placebo.”[10]
With respect to adults,
in 64 studies involving 66,000 adults, Jefferson noted,
“Vaccination of
healthy adults only reduced risk of influenza by 6 percent and
reduced the number of missed work days by less than one day.
There was no change in the number of hospitalizations compared
to the non-vaccinated.”
And in another interview
for the German magazine Der Spiegel on July 21, 2009, Jefferson
seems to conclude his analysis of the H1N1 scare,
“Sometimes you get
the feeling that there is a whole industry almost waiting for a
pandemic to occur. The WHO and public health officials,
virologists and the pharmaceutical companies. They’ve built this
machine around the impending pandemic. And there’s a lot of
money involved, and influence, and careers, and entire
institutions! And all it took was one of these viruses to mutate
to start the machine grinding.”
Clearly there is no
rationale for submitting the American population to a vaccine with
higher risks of adverse effects than its record of efficacy in
preventing flu infection.
If the CDC’s vote
withstands and were to ever become the law in the land, we will
witness one of the largest crimes ever inflicted upon the American
public, solely for corporate gain. Aside from rampant adverse
effects in children, many that will not appear until their later
years due to the number of toxins contained in flu vaccines, there
will also be thousands of women having miscarriages.
We will have entered a
new medical twilight zone, where true science, responsible medical
practice, and reliable public health become virtually nonexistent.
[1] http://www.whale.to/vaccines/flu7.html
[2] Doshi, Peter. “Are US flu death figures more PR than
science?” BMJ 2005; 331:1412 (10 December).
[3] Doshi, Peter. “Are US flu death figures more PR than
science?” BMJ 2005; 331:1412 (10 December)
[4] Statement on Influenza Vaccination for the 2004-2005 Season”
Canada Communicable Disease Report. Volume 31, ACS-6, 15 June
[5] Hall, Celia (Medical Editor). “Flu Vaccines ‘Not Worth the
Bother’” The Telegraph, UK, October 27, 2006.
[6] Centers for Disease Control. “Influenza death statistics”.
Accessed September 24, 2009.
[7] See the following sources: Ehrengut W, Allerdist H. Uber
neurologische Komplikationen nach der Influenzaschutzimpfung.
Munch. Med Wschr. 1977; 119/705-710. Miller H, Cendrowski W,
Schapira K. Multiple sclerosis and vaccinations. BMJ. 1967.
April 22: 210-3. Hennessen W, Jacob H, Quast U. Neurologische
Affektionen nach Influenza Impfung. Der Nervenarzt. 1978.
49/90-96. Wells CEC. British Medical Journal. 1971. 2: 755.
[8] Jefferson T, Smith S, Demicheli V, Harnden A, Rivetti A.
Assessment of the efficacy and effectiveness of influenza in
healthy children: systemic review. The Lancet 2005; 365:
[9] Smith S, Demicheli V, Jefferson T, Harnden T. Matheson N, Di
Pietrontonj C. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy
children. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2004. 3:CD004879.
[10] Reaney, Patricia. “No Evidence Flu Shots Work for Under-2s:
Study. Reuters, September 22, 2005; Jefferson, Tom. “Safety of
influenza vaccines in children.” The Lancet, 2005. 366:803-804.