El brote de gripe porcina de 2009,

es causado por una variante del "Influenzavirus A"

(H1N1, que contiene una cepa aviaria, dos cepas porcinas y una humana)

The 2009 swine flu outbreak,

caused by a variant of "Influenza A Virus" (H1N1),

containing four component strains,

as one endemic in humans, one endemic in birds, and two endemic in pigs (swine)






 - 'Accidental' Contamination of Vaccine With Live Avian Flu Virus Virtually Impossible


 -  Acusan a La OMS y a Obama de Bioterrorismo Por La Gripe Porcina


 -  Amenaza de Una Epidemia de Efectos Secundarios Por La Vacuna de La Gripe Porcina en Todo El Mundo


 -  A New Giant Vaccine Scandal Exposes Government Lies and Psyops


 -  Armas Silenciosas - La Epidemia de Gripe Porcina - ¿Realidad o Delirio?


 -  Big Pharma Company "Accidentally" Contaminates Vaccines With Live AVIAN FLU Virus in 18 Countries


 -  Big Pharma Concocts First Swine Flu Vaccine



 -  Bill Deagle About Influenza H1N1



 -  CDC's Revised Swine Flu Death Estimates A Fairy Tale Scare Story


 -  Científicos de La OMS Investigarán Si El Virus AH1N1 Salió de Un Laboratorio


 -  Conejillos de Indias Humanos - España



 -  Dangers In The Shots - Components of H1N1 Vaccines - They Are Considered a Biodefense Agents


 -  David and Goliath - Influenza, H1N1 and Jane Bürgermeister


 -  Disappearance of 'Annual Flu' replaced with COVID-19 shows 'Corruption at its Highest Level' at the CDC


 -  El Fin de La Pandemia de Gripe A


 -  El Mayor Peligro No Es La Gripe... Es La Vacuna



 -  Epidemia de Influenza en México - Bioterrorismo



 -  Evidence of The Actual Origins of The 2009 "Pandemic Influenza" - With a Glimpse Into Its Esoteric...

 -  Evidence of The Use of Pandemic Flu to Depopulate U.S.A. - Bioterrorism


 -  Flu is Not The Biggest Danger... It's The Vaccine!


 -  Flu Warning - Beware the Drug Companies



 -  Fraude de La gripe Porcina + Vacuna = Asesinato



 -  Full List of Swine Flu Cases, Country by Country



 -  H1N1 Swine Flu "National Emergency" Warning!



 -  H1N1 - Swine Flu - Flying Pigs, Tamiflu and Factory Farms


 -  Influenza - Comercialización de La Vacuna por Mercadotecnia de La Enfermedad


 -  Influenza - Marketing Vaccine by Marketing Disease - British Medical Journal


 -  Is It The "Mexican Flu", The "Swine Flu" or The "Human Flu"? - What Are The Origins of The Pandemic?


 -  Jane Burgermeister - El Interrogatorio KAFKIANO en La Corte de Viena - ¿Está Baxter Detrás de Esto?


 -  Journalist Files Charges Against WHO and U.N. for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder


 -  Journalistin erstattet Anzeige gegen WHO und UN wegen Bioterrorismus und der Absicht des...


 -  La Gripe H1N1 - Una Fabulosa Estafa Planetaria


 -  La Influenza H1N1 - La Gripe Que Traen los "Cerdos" - Esto es Lo Único Que Está Claro


 -  Leaked United Nations Report Claims Swine Flu Could "Kill Millions" and Cause "Anarchy" in Poor Nations


 -¿Manipulación? Muchas Cosas Sospechosas En Esta Crisis Sanitaria - Expertos Alertan Sobre Guerra...


 -  OMS - Acusan de Corrupción al "Papa de La Gripe A"


 -  Pandemia de Gripe A - Incoherencias y Falta de Transparencia


 -  Pandemic Flu Alert - Media Reports Virus Vaccine Contamination


 -  Political Lies and Media Disinformation Regarding the Swine Flu Pandemic


 -  Quien Tiene La Influenza Porcina???



 -  Russian Scientists Warn of Genetically Modified Fast Food Link to Pandemic Flu


 -  Squalene - The Swine Flu Vaccine's Dirty Little Secret Exposed


 -  Startling New Evidence That The 'Swine Flu' Pandemic Is Man-Made - Novartis Patent Detailed and Mass...


 -  Stay Away from Doctors and Their Flu Vaccines - Avoiding Serious Complications from Viral Infections


 -  Swine Flu - Bad Science and Massive Cover-Up


 -  Swine Flu Is Deadly Mix of Never-Before-Seen Viruses


 -  Swine Flu Madness


 -  Swine Flu Pandemic Was a Hoax - Investigation Chief Says


 -  Swine Flu Peaks Out Before Vaccines Even Make It Into Widespread Distribution


 -  Ten Swine Flu Lies Told by The Mainstream Media



 -  The CDC Votes in Favor of A Flu Vaccination Assault on Americans' Health


 -  The Flu and You - H1N1 And What To Do! - Dr. John Waterman


 -  The Flu Vaccine Returns... And It Should Get The Same 'Treatment'


 -  The Killer H1N1 Vaccine - Canada


 -  The Pandemic Virus is Not Only Lab-Created... it Is PATENTED! - VERITY And ORACLE - The PROMIS...


 -  The Strange Case of Joseph Moshe - The Swine Flu Global Eugenics Program


 -  The Truth Behind The Great H1N1 Scandal - And Why The Majority of Health Care Professionals Didn't...


 -  The WHO Plays with Pandemic Fire - The Continuing Saga of the Flying Pigs Pandemic Flu


 -  Thousands of Americans Died From H1N1 Even After Receiving Vaccine Shots


 -  Truckers Unwittingly Used to Transport Dangerous Avian Flu Materials?


 - ¿Una Emergencia de Salud Pública? - La Pandemia Mundial de Influenza H1N1 de La Especie Porcina


 -  Un Nuevo y Gigantesco Escándalo de Vacunas Expone las Mentiras y las Operaciones Psicológicas del...


 -  U.S.A. en Panico Luego de Que Aviones 'Chemtrails' Fueron Obligados a Descender en La India y Nigeria


 -  U.S. Reported In "Panic" After Chemtrail Planes Forced Down In India, Nigeria


 -  U.S. Swine Flu Spray Plane Shot Down In China


 -  Virus Mix-Up by Lab Could Have Resulted in Pandemic


 -  Why Millions of Americans Don't Need a Swine Flu Vaccine


 -  WHO and The Pandemic Flu "Conspiracies" - The BMJ and The Bureau of Investigative Journalism Report...


Additional Information


 -  Adverse Effects of Adjuvants in Vaccines


 -  Advertencia a Los Barones de Los Medios de Comunicación Sobre el H1N1 y Otras Armas Biológicas


 -  A Glimpse Into The Scary World of Vaccine Adjuvants


 -  A Warning to The Media Barons About H1N1 and Other Bio-Weapons


 -  Baxter Files Swine Flu Vaccine Patent 'AHEAD of Outbreak'

 -  Baxter Vaccine Patent Application US 2009/0060950 A1


 -  Big Brother's Coming! - Revealed Secret Plan to Tag Every Man, Woman and Child


 -  Big Pharma Prepares to Exploit New Swine Flu Scare



 -  Bird Flu - Another attempt to 'Control the Food System' and Make a Profit


 -  Bird Flu - Another Phony "pandemic"... this time for Chickens


 -  Bird Flu Research Rattles Bioterrorism Field


 -  Changing TH1/TH2 Balance in Split Influenza Vaccines With Adjuvants - Novartis US Patent 20090047353A1


 -  Chemtrail Flu - Have You Got It Yet?


 -  'Contagion' or How Disaster Movies "Educate" The Masses


 -  ‏Controversial U.S. Scientist Creates Deadly New Flu Strain for Pandemic Research


 -  ‏Could A Superbug Be The New H1N1?


 -  Could Swine Flu Vaccine Cause Narcolepsy? - Scientists Probe Link Between Drug and Increase in Cases


 -  Criminal Charges to Be Filed Against Dr M. Chan and WHO for Mass Murder


 - ¿Cuál Es La Diferencia Entre 'Un Resfriado' y 'La Gripe'?‏


 -  DARPA's Blue Angel - Pentagon Prepares Millions of Vaccines Against Future Global Flu‏


 -  Deadly Flu Spreads Across Ukraine


 -  Denuncia Penal Contra 'Ayudantes' de La OMS - Vacunación Forzada


 -  Depopulation of A Planet - Thinning Out The Useless Eaters - An Unspoken NWO Agenda


 -  Did The Alternative Media Force U.S. Government to Block Deadly Bird Flu Study?


 -  Different Late Influenza Virus


 -  Doctors Express Serious Reservations About Vaccine Safety - HI Legislators Question H1N1 Vaccines


 -  Does Virus Vaccine Increase The Risk of Cancer? - German Health Expert's Swine Flu Warning


 -  Drug-Resistant Superbug Found in U.S. and Canada



 -  El Documento 'Airforce 2025' de 1996 Mencionaba una Pandemia de Gripe que Mataría a 30 Millones de...


 -  Epidemic Influenza And Vitamin D


 -  Everything Is A Lie - The Deliberate Intent To Deceive People Is At An All Time High


 -  Fear Mongering on Bird Flu - Deaths Overstated More Than 238,866 Times The Reality


 -  First Genetically Engineered Flu Vaccine Now on The Market


 -  Flu 'Epidemic' Numbers Don't Add Up - Vaccine Scare Tactics Strike Again


 -  Flu Vaccination Ban Goes National After Fever, Convulsions in Children


 -  Flu Vaccines Revealed as The Greatest Quackery Ever Pushed in The History of Medicine


 -  H1N1 Swine Fu Hoax Falls Apart at The Seams


 -  H1N1 Vaccine Linked to 700 Percent Increase in Miscarriages


 -  H1N1 Vaccine Liquidation Sale Now On - Hurry While Supplies Last!


 -  Has Baxter International Released a Biological Weapon?


 -  Historical Facts Exposing The Dangers and Ineffectiveness of Vaccines


 -  How to Orchestrate an Effective Pandemic Campaign for The Flu


 -  'Immuno-Sterilization' In Humans - A 2009 Vaccination Odyssey

 -  Influenza Vaccine Demand - The Chicken and The Egg


 -  Inmunidad Legal Para Los Fabricantes de La Vacuna de La Gripe A


 -  Key Feature of Immune System Survived In Humans and Other Primates For 60 Million Years


 -  La Despoblación de Un Planeta - Reduciendo la Cantidad de Comelones Inútiles - Una Agenda No...


 -  La Epidemia de La Gripe "Española" la Causaron Las Vacunas


 -  La Plaga Neumónica Que Asola Ucrania


 -  Legal Action You Can Take Against Forced Vaccinations - Opinion


 -  Lo Que La Mayoría de Los Médicos no Le Cuentan Sobre Los Resfriados y Las Gripes


 -  Manipulating Data to Enrich Drug Companies - The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic


 -  Martial Law and The Militarization of Public Health - The Worldwide H1N1 Flu Vaccination Program


 -  Mercury Contamination and The Flu



 -  Microbiologists Continue to Disappear  - Flu Bug?



 -  Military Poised to Help FEMA Battle Swine Flu Outbreak


 -  Next Generation Bioweapons - Genetic Engineering and Biological Warfare


 -  No Value in Any Influenza Vaccine - Cochrane Collaboration Study


 -  Now Legal Immunity for Swine Flu Vaccine Makers


 -  Obama Administration Launches Deceptive Swine Flu Propaganda Blitz - To Counter Growing Criticism...


 -  Obama's H1N1 National Emergency Declaration Could Invoke FEMA Response to Pandemic (Opinion)


 -  Officials Warn of Weaponized H5N1 Bird Flu Pandemic Amid Debate


 -  Pandemic Charges Filed With FBI in NYC - Len Horowitz


 -  Pandemic Vaccination - Why You Should Be Concerned



 -  Patients Suffer Complications After Swine Flu Misdiagnosed


 -  Patopráctica de Confrontación Contra La Vacunación Forzosa de La 'Doctadura'


 -  Previous Swine Flu Outbreak Originated At Fort Dix



 -  Prince Philip's Flu Is On The March



 -  Professor Reveals Shocking Report on Flu Vaccinations


 -  Profit Driven Swine Flu Propaganda - Pump Up The Volume


 -  Scientists Brace for Media Storm Around Controversial Flu Studies


 -  Scientists Engineer Bioterror Fears



 -  Scientists Hyping 'Universal' Flu Shot to Perpetuate Vaccine Scam


 -  Scientists Weaponize Deadly Bird Flu, Consider Releasing Results Necessary to Create Bioweapon


 -  Seasonal Flu Vaccines Increase Risk of Pandemic H1N1 Flu - Stunned Scientists Discover


 -  Shameless Flu Shot Pushers Use Strip Clubs to Entice People Into Medically Useless Vaccinations


 -  Silver Hydrosol "Nanotechnology" Attacked - NanoScam Earns Mega-Profits - Environmental Groups...


 -  Si Tu Doctor Recomienda Que Vacunes a Tus Hijos, Ofrécele Este Documento Para Su Firma


 -  Squalene - The Swine Flu Vaccine's Dirty Little Secret Exposed


 -  Swine Flu Latest - The Legal Moves - A Summary


 -  Swine Flu Treatments - Emergency Natural Allopathic Medicine


 -  Swine Flu Vaccine Causes Chronic Nervous System Disorders - Conclusive Link Now Admitted


 -  Swine Flu Vaccine Linked to 900 Percent Increased Risk of Developing Narcolepsy


 -  Swine Flu Vaccine 'Linked to' Sleeping Disorder



 -  Swine Flu Vaccine of 2009 - Unlicensed and Untested


 -  The Avian Flu Fright - Politically Timed for Global "Iatrogenocide"


 -  The 'Bird Flu Hoax' is being Recycled again to create 'Fear and More Profits' for Big Pharma


 -  The CDC Votes in Favor of A Flu Vaccination Assault on Americans' Health


 -  The Illuminati Agenda for The Coming New Order - The PROMIS of DAYLIGHT And The ORACLE 8i


 -  The Martial Flu - U.S. Pandemic Laws Align with International Health Regulations


 -  The Most Mysterious Diseases Known To Man Are Not So Mysterious At All


 -  The Truth About Tamiflu - Has The U.S. Wasted $1.5 billion on An Ineffective Drug?


 -  The WHO Is Pursuing Aggressive Vaccine Production


 -  Todo Es Una Mentira - El Intento Deliberado Para Engañar a Las Personas Está en Su Punto Más Alto


 -  UK Health Officials Probe Possible Flu Jab Link to Narcolepsy in Children


 -  Ukraine Health Minister Says New Strain of H1N1 Swine Flu - Possible Mutation


 -  Ultimos Tipos de Virus de La Influenza


 -  Una Reflexión y Una Propuesta en Relación a La Gripe H1N1


 -  Un Posible Invierno de Caos - El Ébola y la Gripe


 -  Urgent Lawsuit Filed Against FDA to Halt Swine Flu Vaccines - FDA Violated Federal Law


 -  U.S. Government Urges Scientists to Censor Findings on New Strain of Bird Flu

 -  Vaccine Adverse Reactions Incidence - EMEA Document Reveals That Were Very Common in Glaxo...


 -  Vaccine Revolt! - Swine Flu Vaccine Support Crumbles as Flimsy Rationale for H1N1 Shots Becomes...


 -  Vaccines as Biological Weapons?


 -  Vacunas de La Gripe Estacional Incrementan el Riesgo de La Gripe Pandémica H1N1


 -  What Most Doctors Won't Tell You About Colds and Flues



 -  WHO List Reveals Flu Advisors With Financial Ties to Pharma, Vaccine Manufacturers


Natural Treatments for Cold and Flu


 - ¿Ayuda la Cebolla a Combatir la Gripe o Influenza?


 -  Gripe Epidémica y Vitamina D


 -  Iodine a Natural Medicine - Nascent Iodine vs. Iodoral, Lugols, Detoxified Iodine, and Heritage


 -  Las Cebollas y La Gripe



 -  Scientists Discover Natural Flu-Fighting Proteins



 -  Se Ha Probado Que La Vitamina D es Mucho Mejor Para La Prevención de Infecciones de Gripe


 -  Sodium Bicarbonate - For Cold And Flu


 -  The Five Best Anti-Viral Products to Beat Influenza, Swine Flu, Bird Flu and SARS


 -  The Healing Power of Sunlight and Vitamin D - An Exclusive Interview With Dr. Michael Holick


 -  The Potent Healing Power of Baking Soda



 -  Treatment of Influenza and Other Diseases - Iodine Dosages


 -  UK Non-Profits End Era of Sunlight Ignorance and Vitamin D Denial


 -  Using Bicarbonate Against The Swine Flu



 -  Vitamin D Proven Far Better Than Vaccines at Preventing Influenza Infections


 -  Yodo, una Medicina Natural



 -  Zinc Helps Prevent Pneumonia in The Elderly





 - "The Common Cold" - Etiology, Prevention and Treatment - by Volney S. Cheney




 -  1976 Swine Flu Propaganda


 -  Alan Watt on The Swine Flu - The Alex Jones Show - May 01, 2009

 -  Alex Jones Expone El Fraude Del Virus H1N1


 -  Avian Swine Flu Created by The CIA


 -  Baxter Corporation's "Accident"


 -  Campanas por La Gripe A


 -  David and Goliath - Influenza, H1N1 and Jane Bürgermeister

 -  Doctor Leonard Horowitz Explica Quién Creó Esta Pandemia

 -  Emergency - Avian Flu


 -  Entrevista a Alexander Backman - Sobre el Bioterrorismo y la Influenza en México

 -  Flu Vaccine Use to Modify Human Behavior - Leaked Pentagon Video

 -  Forced Vaccinations - A Whistleblower's Clear Warning


 -  Gripe A - La Visión de La Medicina Natural - Dr. Miguel Pros

 -  H1N1 Swine Flu "National Emergency" Warning!


 -  Jane Burgermeister Sobre La Gripe A o H1N1 - Vacuna Mortal y Gripe Artificial


 -  Last News From Bill Deagle - Phone Interview


 -  La Vacuna - Crimen Sin Resolver


 -  Obama's H1N1 National Emergency Declaration


 -  Operación Pandemia


 -  RFID Bracelet Once You Have Had The US-666 & EU-666 Vaccination

 -  Say No to The Vaccine


 -  State of The Planet Conference Presents George Green Via Skype in Amsterdam

 - "Swine Flu Was Cultured In A Laboratory" - Dr. John Carlo, Dallas Co. Medical Director says...

 -  Truth About Swine Flu 1976


 -  Vaccine Creators Refuse To Take H1N1 Vaccine


 -  Vaccines - This Video Could Save Your Life


 -  WARNING ALERT - New NWO Mass Depopulation Agenda - Google Georgia Guidestones Eugenics...

 -  W.H.O Declares Official Swine Flu Pandemic


 -  WHO's 2009 Swine Flu Threat Now Exposed as A Hoax! - Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg on Alex Jones Tv


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 -  Killer Vaccines - Vacunas Que Matan - Main File


 -  Martial Law in USA? - The Death of Democracy - Main File


 -  The Coronavirus and the 'Fear Factor'...  - Main File


 -  The Investigations of Leonard G. Horowitz - Main File


 -  The Killing of Science - Spread Elimination of Scientists Worldwide - Main File