by William Newton
July 17,
Coto2 Website
“… the evidence
of sleazy and scandalous behavior of the Murdoch papers has
expanded geometrically.”
Rupert Murdoch’s
news empire faces intense media and legal scrutiny.
Current revelations
focus on,
Murdoch’s News of the World hacking into the Dowler
family’s voice messages during the kidnapping of their 12 year old
daughter Milly
Murdoch’s London Times for allegedly having
illegally obtained the financial, property and medical information
of former UK Labour Party Leader Gordon Brown during the time he was
A 2010 exposure of Murdoch’s Times of London
revealed that,
it had published
forged documents purporting to show
that Iran planned to do nuclear experiments for
an atomic weapon
as Collins
points out, it was Murdoch’s “drumbeat of misinformation”
that helped mislead people into believing that Saddam
Hussein was involved in
the 9/11 attack, supporting
Bush’s invasion of Iraq, though
intelligence was “unsubstantiated, contradicted, or even
according to the Senate Intelligence
Committee Unveils Final Phase II Reports on Prewar Iraq
Intelligence from June 5, 2008
But what has not yet
been covered is the media circus Murdoch’s London Times created
internationally as it fabricated lies against a respected British
doctor, with consequences that could impact the lives of billions of
children in the world.
The London Times headlines read:
Andrew Wakefield was a respected British
gastroenterologist who began research into digestive problems in
autistic children in collaboration with other doctors in the UK,
after being called by parents seeking help.
His work indicated
severe digestive issues and he asked for more investigation of
the MMR vaccine.
Brian Deer is the reporter who savaged Dr Wakefield from the
pages of the Sunday Times, a paper managed by Rupert Murdoch’s son
James Murdoch who is on the board of GlaxoSmithKline which
makes the MMR.
Deer researched his case
with the help of Medico-Legal Investigations, a private enquiry
company whose only source of funding is the Association of the
British Pharmaceutical Industry. Deer was both the journalist
writing on Wakefield and the person who brought a case of fitness to
practice medicine to the General Medical Council, and then wrote
about the proceedings as well.
Parents whose children were treated by Wakefield were denied the
right to be heard before a real court on claims against the vaccine
The High Court judge who
denied them was Sir Nigel Davis, whose brother is an
executive board member of Elsevier, publishers of the Lancet which
removed Wakefield’s 1998 paper on the subject, and is on the Board
of GlaxoSmithKline.
With the London Times giving Brian Deer free reign to attack
Wakefield, media closed in like shark. Coincidentally, the head of
Reuters serves on the Board of Merck, and Miriam Stoppard who writes
at the Daily Mirror newspaper is married to Sir Christopher Hogg,
who was Chairman of GlaxoSmith Kline in 2004.
Dr Kumar, the
Chairman of the GMC Fitness to Practice Panel who ruled against Dr
Andrew Wakefield, would not answer questions about his shareholdings
in GlaxoSmithKline, and said there was no such thing as vaccine
damage and that any parents who claimed that their children had
suffered such would be treated with scorn and contempt.
Wakefield lost his license to practice and left the UK. What had he
done that Murdoch’s machine went into action, creating fictions
about him, getting his work pulled from the Lancet, getting him
brought before the GMC to ultimately lose his license?
Wakefield suggested that until further studies, the measles vaccine
should be given as a separate vaccine rather than in combination as
the MMR (measles, Mumps, Rubella). He did not suggest that children
not take a measles vaccine, only that there be caution until the MMR
was investigated further. This reasonable suggestion was met
immediately by the single measles vaccines being taken off the
Wakefield’s work with Professor Walker-Smith and Professor
Simon Murch had touched a nerve.
pharmaceutical industry, an
industry that makes six times more than any industry on Wall Street
is heavily invested in
vaccines (in the US, the companies
do not
have to prove efficacy to get FDA approval) and is moving on every
front to have their product mandated.
To suggest that one of the main vaccines for children might be
destroying them mentally and physiologically was a problem, yet the
study showed severe digestive system damage and mitochondrial
dysfunction, as well. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been confirmed
by other studies, but taking down Wakefield in a big way became a
means of discrediting anyone questioning vaccines. Wakefield was
cast as a fraud and so all those voicing concerns were dismissed by
reference to him.
This Alan Golding documentary gives background which can allow
people to judge the credibility of Murdoch’s reporter for
To understand how serious all this is, and thus how much is at stake
for millions if not billions of children, one needs to appreciate
how profound it is for mitochondria not to function normally.
Science Daily
“Children with
autism are far more likely to have deficits in their ability to
produce cellular energy than are typically developing children,
a new study by researchers at UC Davis has found.
The study, published
in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), found
that cumulative damage and oxidative stress in mitochondria, the
cell’s energy producer, could influence both the onset and
severity of autism, suggesting a strong link between autism and
mitochondrial defects…
Mitochondria are the
primary source of energy production in cells and carry their own
set of genetic instructions, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), to carry
out aerobic respiration. Dysfunction in mitochondria already is
associated with a number of other neurological conditions,
including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease,
One study cited in
disorders may be caused by mutations, acquired or inherited, in
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) or in nuclear genes that code for
mitochondrial components. They may also be the result of
acquired mitochondrial dysfunction due to adverse effects of
drugs, infections, or other environmental causes (see MeSH)…
Defects in
nuclear-encoded mitochondrial genes are associated with hundreds
of clinical disease phenotypes including anemi, dementia,
hypertension, lymphoma, retinopathy, seizures, and
neurodevelopmental disorders.”
In opening up the issue
mitochrondrial dysfunction and urging a shift back to a single
measles vaccine (an earlier vaccine), Wakefield may have stumbled
onto something explosive.
The MMR vaccine appears
to be the third generation of vaccines, what are called DNA
vaccines. They involve shooting genetically engineered material into
the body, often using gene guns that were used into the genetic
engineering of seeds, in order to achieve DNA “uptake.”
From Wikipedia on methods of delivery of
DNA Vaccines:
“The two most
popular approaches are injection of DNA in saline, using a
standard hypodermic needle, and gene gun delivery… Injection in
saline is normally conducted intramuscularly (IM) in skeletal
muscle, or intradermally (ID), with DNA being delivered to the
extracellular spaces.
This can be assisted
by electroporation; by temporarily damaging muscle fibres with
myotoxins such as bupivacaine; or by using hypertonic solutions
of saline or sucrose. Immune responses to this method of
delivery can be affected by many factors, including needle type,
needle alignment, speed of injection, volume of injection,
muscle type, and age, sex and physiological condition of the
animal being injected.
“Gene gun delivery, the other commonly used method of delivery,
ballistically accelerates plasmid DNA (pDNA) that has been
adsorbed onto gold or tungsten microparticles into the target
cells, using compressed helium as an accelerant.
“Alternative delivery methods have included aerosol instillation
of naked DNA on mucosal surfaces, such as the nasal and lung
mucosa, and topical administration of pDNA to the eye and
vaginal mucosa.
Mucosal surface
delivery has also been achieved using cationic liposome-DNA
preparations, biodegradable microspheres, attenuated Shigella or
Listeria vectors for oral administration to the intestinal
mucosa, and recombinant [genetically engineered] adenovirus
The DNA vaccines depend
on DNA uptake.
”[t]his phenomenon
has not been the subject of much research, so the actual
mechanism of DNA uptake is not known.”
And what is meant by DNA
uptake? Does it mean as it sounds, that genetically engineered
material is taken up by the DNA of those being injected with it? And
if so, does that mean that these vaccines are genetically altering
(or “engineering”) those receiving the vaccines?
Is it possible that the mitochondrial dysfunction seen in autistic
children is a result of their DNA having been compromised? The new
DNA vaccines derive from failed gene therapy. Are the new DNA
vaccines a continuation of experiments in genetic engineering, being
conducted on millions of children?
Cloned animals also suffer from mitochondrial dysfunction.
Professor Joe Cummins
“In the cloned
animals, mitochondria are transferred to the eggs along with the
nucleus from somatic cells, leading to a mixture of
mitochondrial genes from egg and the somatic cell from which the
nucleus was obtained.
This mixture of
mitochondria (called heteroplasmy) introduces incompatibility
between mitochondrial and nuclear genetic material that
contribute to the high rates of abnormalities and deaths among
clones and leads to cell and tissue disruption as the cloned
animal develops.
The impact of
mitochondrial dysfunction is great because the mitochondria
provide energy for the cells.”
It seems that
have already been genetically engineered.
“Dr. Joseph Cummins,
professor emeritus of biology at the University of Western
Ontario, says, ‘It seems likely that the transplants are going
on, but very, very quietly in a regulatory vacuum, perhaps.’”
Also see these citations
from that article:
Genetically-Engineered Humans. Barritt, Jason A., et al.
“Mitochondria in Human Offspring Derived From Ooplasmic
Transplantation.” Human Reproduction, 16.3 (2001), pp 513-6.
“First Cases of
Human Germline Genetic Modification Announced.” British
Medical Journal 322 (12 May 2001), p 1144.
Modified Human Babies?” Australian Broadcasting Corporation,
8 May 2001.
Hawes, S.M., C.
Sapienza, and K. E. Latham. “Ooplasmic Donation in Humans:
The Potential for Epigenic Modifications.” Human
Reproduction 17.4 (2002), 850-2. • Hill, Amelia.
“Horror at
‘Three Parent Foetus’ Gene Disorders.” Observer (London), 20
May 2001.
The 23 new DNA vaccines
have been
linked to autism.
Are the new DNA vaccines altering and/or
damaging children’s DNA, the code of life?
An overview of Murdoch’s connections to the pharmaceutical industry
and international bankers cannot answer that question but at a
minimum suggest serious problems with vaccines with the greatest
wealth power in the world promoting them, nonetheless.
MedicalVeritas.org is
credited with this piece:
“Lloyd Blankfein is
co-chairman with media mogul Rupert Murdoch in the
Rockefeller-founded Partnership for New York City (PFNYC),
chartered by the Royal Family of England.
This group is
currently advancing a world leading biotechnology trust, heavily
invested in “genetopharmaceuticals” and flu vaccine genetic
“Members of this group, along with George Soros-directed assets,
virtually monopolized the genetics industry during the 1990s,
culminating in the corporate privatization of the Human Genome
“Involvement of these economic leaders in the vaccine industry
is most revealing and even shocking as the following facts
“The Baxter Corporation, indicted for spreading HIV contaminated
blood products during the late 1970s through the 1980s; a cheap
lethal heparin substitute in 2008; and H5N1 contaminated
seasonal flu vaccines in early 2009, was directed by Mr. Tony
White, Soros’s appointee to lead the privately owned Applera
Company following their obvious heist of the Human Genome
Project during the late 1990s.
The sudden
privatization of what had previously been public, non-profit,
patentable property, also implicated co-sponsors–the U.S.
Department of Energy and The Wellcome Trust of London.
“Today, the American Baxter Company is a major H1N1 vaccine
maker for European nations, and at the center of controversy
concerning the expanding outbreak of recombinant
H1N1-hemorrhagic pneumonia. Many experts conclude the 2009 H1N1
triple reassortant sourced from a lab, similar to its 1977
“Rupert Murdoch’s mother, Elizabeth, Dame Commander of the Most
Excellent Order of the British Empire, and daughter-in-law,
Sarah Murdoch, steward the Royal Women’s Hospital and Murdoch
Children’s Research Institute, respectively, in Australia. They
oversaw their staff conduct H1N1 vaccine trials on infants,
children, and pregnant women in 2009, collaborating with Merck’s
subsidiary, CSL.
“Furthermore, Rupert Murdoch’s son James oversees
GlaxoSmithKline, another major H1N1 vaccine maker. Regarding
efficacy, and more importantly safety, the CSL/Merck H1N1
vaccine tested in Murdoch-family directed facilities was simply
assumed to be both safe and effective according to its package
The new and old
vaccine had ‘no controlled clinical studies demonstrating a
decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with’ the
company’s seasonal flu vaccine, ‘AFLURIA.’
“Likewise, vaccine safety was speciously assumed following
assessment days comparing those who received AFLURIA (with or
without mercury preservative, confounding everyone’s analysis)
with those who received some undisclosed “European-licensed
trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine as an active control.”
This “active control” was preserved with mercury.
“In plainer language, an unidentified arguably neurotoxic
vaccine served as a ‘placebo control.’ Since no inactive placebo
control such as saline was used, the study design was obviously
flawed, confounding, biased, and arguably fraudulent. It may
have precluded observing statistically significant differences
between experimental and control groups falsely evidencing
safety from lacking adverse event differentials.
This intentional
obfuscation exclusively benefited those with conflicting
interests, and/or those inclined to rely on safety assurances to
the detriment of public health and medical science. Yet,
Murdoch-directed News Corp. assets heavily promoted these risky
H1N1 vaccines as urgently required, safe and effective.
“Curiously, in 2008, The Wellcome Trust of London’s Biocentre,
the UK’s largest non-governmental source of funds for biomedical
research, created a special grant program to heavily fund
research into alleged mysterious neurodegenerative diseases
linked by censored science to thimerosal mercury.
“The Wellcome Trust’s alleged divestment of conflicting
pharmaceutical interests following Burroughs Wellcome’s sale of
stock to Glaxo PLC, created GlaxoWellcome, currently
GlaxoSmithKlein. This allegation of ‘divestment’ is discredited
by more than the fund’s involvement in the Human Genome
Project’s pirating, implicating George Soros and David
Rockefeller-linked investors.
GlaxoSmithKlein makes the H1N1 vaccine, and Rupert Murdoch’s
heir apparent, James Murdoch, oversees their Board of Directors.
“And that’s not all... Rupert Murdoch’s Co-Chairman of the PFNYC,
Lloyd Blankfein is a major shareholder in the
Goldman-Sachs/AstraZeneca partnership. He directed AstraZeneca’s
$15 billion acquisition of MedImmune, the H1N1 FLUMIST maker.
“Besides James and Rupert’s News Corp directing film makers
Twentieth Century Fox and Warner Brothers, the Western World’s
mass-mediated mind-set is reinforced by PFNYC “partner” and
Reuters News Service CEO, Thomas H. Glocer.
Glocer sits on the
Board of Directors of Merck & Company, whose (CSL) H1N1 vaccine,
and (Merck’s) Pneumovax vaccine, is broadening markets as the
main ingredient–laboratory engineered H1N1 virus–mutates, as in
the Ukraine, becoming more deadly.
“Additionally, those poorly-paid inadequately-trained
pharmacists administering vaccines in supermarkets, draining
doctors’ revenue streams, reflect the ‘hostile takeover’ of
clinical medicine by Goldman-Sachs’s limited partner, PFNYC
‘Corporate Partner,’ and world-leading ‘buyout firm,’ Kolberg,
Kravitz, Roberts & Company (KKR).
This ‘immunization’
industry-altering practice is promoted as a “cost-saving”
invention according to KKR’s director of Safeway supermarkets,
Steven Burd, founder of the Coalition to Advance Healthcare
Reform (CAHR), popularly called ‘Obamacare.’”
Whatever the answer to
questions about the new DNA vaccines, it is obvious that Rupert
Murdoch’s connections to the pharmaceutical industry and vaccines
are very deep.
No investigation of
Murdoch’s crimes should omit his efforts to use his media empire to
prevent exposure of potential dangers from the MMR vaccines and
possibly all the new DNA vaccines.
Murdoch Tabloids Strike Dr. Wakefield to...
Market Deadly Vaccinations
by Dr. Leonard Horowitz
31, 2010
Rense Website
The PharmaMedia, led by
Rupert Murdoch's tabloids, are making Dr.
Andrew Wakefield a
BigPharma patsy in their desperate effort to bandage the public's
hemorrhaging confidence in vaccinations.

Rupert Murdoch's family and business partners are heavily invested
BigPharma, and are losing billions
of dollars annually due to growing distrust of media propaganda and
widespread aversion to vaccinations.
Murdoch's media, the most powerful in the world, claimed in their
TimesOnline, that the public's rejection of MMR vaccinations was
caused by Dr. Wakefield's publication in The Lancet in which he and
his co-authors evidenced links to autistic children from the
mercury-laden shots.
Quite to the contrary, like the deadly H1N1 vaccine marketed for the
2009 "manufactured pandemic," there were hundreds of medical doctors
and scientists who sparked worldwide concern over the MMR vaccine
and others containing neurotoxic mercury.
According to BigPharma investigators, all vaccines function as
though they were biochemical weapons of mass destruction; ideal for
profitable depopulation. Allegedly, Dr. Wakefield's ordeal with a
kangaroo medical court is a blow to the heart of the
anti-vaccination movement.
In fact, it is just
adding heat to the firestorm of condemnation focused on the
revolving doors between BigPharma and the agents and agencies
advancing propaganda and vaccination policies.
"The Lancet said it
should not have published the study," the Associated Press
reported, and that Wakefield's links to litigation against the
manufacturers of the MMR vaccine were a "fatal conflict of
"The most 'fatal conflict of interest' is Murdoch's private
equity investments in the drug companies and vaccine makers that
make people sick from side effects caused by their unsafe and
largely ineffective products," reports Dr. Leonard Horowitz,
Editor-in-Chief of Medical Veritas (Medical Truth) journal on
whose advisory board Dr. Wakefield has honorably served for
Few people know that
Rupert Murdoch serves as a director of the Associated Press, News
Corporation, FOX News, Time Warner, and many more mainstream media
companies (See:
List of assets owned by News Corporation) including the TimesOnline that broke this story.

Propaganda is used to control people's minds, and vaccinations are
used to contaminate people's bodies with agents that produce deadly
debilitating diseases that are said to require medical management.
Controlling diseases and people this way, including the vast
majority of autoimmune diseases and cancer patients, is obviously
most profitable for the world's leading drug makers; especially
Merck & Co., and GlaxoSmithKlein (GSK). James Murdoch, heir apparent
to Rupert's fortune, oversees GSK's board of directors, according to
the company's website.
Rupert's partners in pushing propaganda and public intoxications
through vaccinations for global depopulation, include Thomas H.
Glocer, director of Reuter's News Service and Merck & Co.
Murdoch and Glocer are
also partners in the
David Rockefeller founded,
Royal Family of England chartered,
Partnership For New York City (PFNYC) - the world's most
powerful drug ring and biotechnology consortium.
"Dr. Wakefield's
crucifixion is a desperate well-orchestrated effort to restore
faith in risky vaccinations that the majority of people
worldwide no longer trust," said Dr. Horowitz.
"In its ruling, the disciplinary panel concluded that Wakefield
acted dishonestly and was misleading in the way he described his
study," the Murdoch-directed AP reported.
Wakefield's medical
jurists said he should have disclosed his expert witness fees
paid by lawyers acting for parents whose children had been
killed or damaged from vaccines.

"How's that for the pot calling the kettle black?" Dr. Horowitz
asked Steve Gilmour on the BBC Affiliated Talk Radio Europe,
referencing Murdoch's dishonesty and failure to disclose the
financial reasons his newspapers persecute Dr. Wakefield.
"Such yellow press
exclusively benefits the Rockefeller-directed PharmaMedia."
(Click below media
controls to
listen to this interview.)
In "Pharmaganda
- A Study
of Conflicting Interests," Dr. Horowitz, and Murdoch News
Corporation defector and investigative journalist Sherri Kane,
co-authored an expose on the PharmaMedia and their monopolization of
medical education and public persuasion.

Horowitz and Kane investigated David Rockefeller's leadership and
partners in the PFNYC in which Rupert Murdoch serves as Co-Chair.
These authors concluded that the PharmaMedia's persecution of Dr.
Wakefield further evidences a "hostile takeover" of science,
medicine, and common sense.
This "conspiracy reality" is adequately detailed in the current
issue of Medical Veritas (freely available online until February 15,
The other PFNYC Co-chair is Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman-Sachs
who also directs ABC-Disney and AstroZeneca - a company that joined
Merck & Co., and GlaxoSmithKlein, in producing
H1N1 vaccines for
world consumption.

"After the H1N1
vaccine fraud was exposed, more than half of the medical doctors
worldwide, and more than sixty-percent of nurses in the UK and
America, refused to take or give these deadly shots," Dr.
Horowitz explained.
"The billions of
dollars of unsafe and generally-ineffective vaccines stockpiled
by governments are now a major liability, not only financially,
but in terms of reliability of the vaccine industry and
information sourcing from David Rockefeller's malfeasant
officials in the World Health Organization (WHO).
After their
'shortage marketing' efforts failed, they began using every
possible ploy to use up these deadly vaccines."
The PharmaMedia has
published nothing about the EU Parliament Council's investigation of
the WHO conspiring with the vaccine industry following the
scientific fraud and public fright orchestrated by these suspects,
Dr. Horowitz notes.
He charges those aiding
and abetting
BigPharma, secreting this urgent
information, with administering "iatrogenocide" - medical mass
"Wakefield probably
gave youngsters five pounds each at his son's birthday party as
a gift for helping to advance legitimate vaccine science with
parental permissions," Dr. Horowitz concluded. "It is pathetic
this kindness is being used against him as an alleged ethics
"Dr. Wakefield is only guilty of joining hundreds of other
scientists proving what common sense tells any reasonable
person-injecting people with toxic chemicals and heavy metals,
including mercury, in these biochemical weapons, called
'vaccinations,' is risky and often deadly."
